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Senior High School Department: Personal Development

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Personal Development

This course makes senior high school students aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them
to better understand themselves and the significant people around them as they make important career decisions as
adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in personal development. Using
the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development.
Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories, and tools in different
areas in psychology.


Hello dear Grade 12 students, I hope you will enjoy learning this subject. Please take note that you need to
answer all the modules’ exercises because you are going to compile it all in a Portfolio at the end of the semester
as part of your final requirement for this course.

Lesson 1:

Knowing Oneself/Understanding Oneself during Middle and Late Adolescence

At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his or her strengths and limitations and dealing
with others better.
2. Share his or her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.

As senior high school and in the stage of middle and late adolescents, have these questions ever crossed
your minds? “Who Am I?”, “Why am I like this?”, Why do I feel this way?”, What is happening to me?”.
At this stage in your life as adolescents, most of you experience similar things such as changes in physical,
social, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. The term “adolescence” came from the Latin tern adolescere
which means ‘grow.’ G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924), the Father of Adolescence who coined the term “adolescence,”
defined it as “the period of storm and stress of human life.” According Hall, “this period is characterized by a
teenager’s conflict with parents, mood disruptions, and engagement in risky behavior” (Hall, n.d.).
Adolescence implies a stage of extreme transformation and growth in an individual which encompass
various aspects of development such as physical, mental, social, and emotional (Adolescence, n.d.). A drastic shift
from childhood to adulthood, adolescence is a period of numerous changes in the areas of physiological, behavioral,
intellectual, social, and personal development. Puberty signals the beginning of adolescence. The whole period of
adolescence may be roughly divided into three stages, such as the early adolescence (approximately 11-14 years of
age), middle adolescence (approximately 15-17 years of age), and late adolescence (approximately 18-21 years of
age) (“Stages of adolescence development, n.d.).
This is also the stage that brings confusion about yourself. Thus, understanding yourselves as adolescents is
very important. This includes your strengths and weakness.

Self-awareness or self-knowledge is understanding your own habits, needs, desires, failings, and
everything else that matters in your personality. The more you know about yourself, the better you are at adapting to
life changes that suit your needs (De Guzman & Nicolas 2016). Self-awareness requires more than intellectual self-
examination as it requires knowing something about your feelings and passions. The more you listen to your
emotions and how these affects your behavior, the better you will understand why you do the things you do. The
more you know about your own passions, the easier it is to improve on those urges or habits.

The following are the suggested examples that will help an adolescent like you to have a better self-awareness (De
Guzman & Nicolas 2016).

1. Make an effort to look at yourself objectively. Be as impartial and unbiased as you can be in
evaluating yourself. In decision-making, study and fairly criticize the decisions you make.
2. Set your personal goals. Self-awareness is basically for self-improvement, so it is sensible that you
set your personal objectives by writing your own manifesto to push yourself into identifying what you
want to improve about yourself.
3. Keep a journal. Documenting things about yourself will help you more aware about problems
encountered and how they can be solved. This will help you better understand your decision-making
skills about life.
4. Make self-review. One way of doing this is to consider other people who are significant to you in
what they think and say about the things that you want to improve about yourself. This way, you can
see yourself from someone else’s viewpoint and achieve a little extra insight about yourself.

This sentence completion activity aims to enable you to have some awareness about yourselves, particularly
your views regarding your family and friends, and your attitude towards school and future goals.

1. I Love to _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. My friends are _______________________________________________________________________.
3. I can________________________________________________________________________________.
4. My negative traits are________________________________________________________________.
5. My positive traits are__________________________________________________________________.
6. My career goals are__________________________________________________________________.
7. I think my family as ___________________________________________________________________.
8. I expect to___________________________________________________________________________.
9. I dream to ___________________________________________________________________________.
10. My attitude towards studies is _________________________________________________________.
11. People around me are _______________________________________________________________.
12. My interests are ______________________________________________________________________.
13. Sometimes I feel that I cannot ________________________________________________________.
14. In school, I ___________________________________________________________________________.
15. My long-time wish is that______________________________________________________________.

De Guzman, J. and Nicolas, M. (2016). Personal Development. Mutya Publishing Company

Personal Development| Lesson 1: Knowing Oneself/Understanding Oneself during Middle and Late

Name: ___________________________________ Name of Teacher: ________________________________

Grade and Section: _______________________ Date: ____________________________________________

This activity is called “Self-Sharing Through Art” which will provide a way for you to share some things
you know about yourselves and your personality such as unique traits, habits, and experiences.

Instruction: Make a sketch, drawing, or a collage (using cut-outs from old magazines and newspapers) which
depicts your unique traits, habits, and experiences. Write an explanation about your work.

Criteria Points Actual score
Visual Appeal 5
Relevance to the topic 10
Organization of ideas 15
Creativity 10
Timeliness 10

Rubric References:

Please refer to the rubrics below on how you are going to be rated by your teacher in your assessments. Be reminded
that these rubrics are applicable to all your assessments for this subject.

For Essay
Rubrics for Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding Score
Essay 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10

Content & -Content is incomplete -Major points are -Content is accurate and -Content is comprehensive,
Development -Major points are not addressed but not well persuasive accurate, and persuasive
clear supported. -Major points are stated -Major points are stated
-Specific examples are -Responses are inadequate -Responses are adequate clearly and well supported
not used or do not address topic and address topic -Responses are excellent,
-Specific examples do not -Content is clear timely and address topic
support topic -Specific examples are

Organization -Organization and -Structure of the paper is -Structure is mostly clear -Structure of the paper is
& Structure structure detract from not easy to follow and easy to follow clear and easy to follow
the message -Transitions need -Transitions are present -Transitions are logical and
-Writing is disjointed improvement -Conclusion is logical maintain the flow of though
and lacks transition of -Conclusion is missing, or throughout the paper
thoughts if provided, does not flow -Conclusion is logical and
from the body of the paper flows from the body of the

Grammar, -Paper contains -Proper contains few -Rules of grammar, usage, -Rules of grammar, usage,
Punctuation & numerous grammatical, grammatical, punctuation, and punctuation are and punctuation are
Spelling punctuation, and and spelling errors followed with minor errors followed; spelling is correct.
spelling errors -Spelling is correct

Timeliness: 10 points – on time | 8 points – 1-2 days late | 6 points – 3-4 days late | 4 points – 5-6 days late |
2 points – 1 week late | 0 points – more than a week or months late

Total Score:

For Drawings/Illustrations and Slogan Making

Criteria Points Actual score

Visual Appeal 5

Relevance to the topic 10

Organization of ideas 15

Creativity 10

10 points-on time
8 points- 1-2 days late
6 points- 3-4 days late 10
4 points- 5-6 days late
2 points- 1 week late
0 points- more than a week or months

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