Personal Development Week 2
Personal Development Week 2
Personal Development Week 2
As adolescent, you need to have a clear view of who you are and who you are
not. Knowing yourself reveals essential marks that may lead you to who you really
want to be in your childhood. The better you understand yourself, the more you know
your capabilities and limitations, and the easier you can achieve your goals in life. Your
future is determined by who you are now and how your pattern thoughts and behaviour
affect your decision-making process. By understanding your thoughts and actions in
the past and observing your behaviour in the present, you are creating your self-
awareness. You gain your intimate and strong connection with the core of yourself.
You build the bridge towards the direction to reaching your dreams.
Definition of self-awareness:
Psychologists often break self-awareness down into two different types, either public
or private.
1. Public Self-Awareness: This type emerges when people are aware of how they
appear to others. Public self-awareness often emerges in situations when people are
at the centre of attention, such as when giving a presentation or talking to a group of
friends. This type of self-awareness often compels people to adhere to social norms.
When we are aware that we are being watched and evaluated, we often try to behave
in ways that are socially acceptable and desirable. In short we display our best
behaviour, which may not be reflective of our true personality. Public self-awareness
can also lead to ‘evaluation anxiety’ in which people become distressed, anxious, or
worried about how they are perceived by others.
2. Private Self-Awareness: This type happens when people become aware of some
aspects of themselves, but only in a private way. For example, seeing your face in the
mirror is a type of private self-awareness. Feeling your stomach lurch when you realize
you forgot to study for an important test or feeling your heart flutter when you see
someone you are attracted to are also good examples of private self-awareness. Close
family members and friends are privy to some aspects of our private self as we let our
guard down in front of them. Hence, they become invaluable aides in helping us
assess ourselves.
Let’s start!
Hello learner. Please sign the learning agreement before answering the
different activities. ENJOY!
AGREEMENT: I hereby accept the responsibility to finish the activity package and
submit it to my teacher (____________________) on (____________________).
_______________________________ _________________
Name of Student over Printed Name Date
Rating Scale
4- Strongly Agreeable 3- Moderately Agreeable 2- Fairly Agreeable 1- Disagreeable
Personality Traits 4 3 2 1
1. I carry an ideal physical figure which anyone wishes to possess.
2. I feel attractive with my physical appearance.
3. I believe my looks appeal to both male and female.
4. I stand out from a crowd because of my physical attributes.
5. I am confident and satisfied with my physical appeal.
Mean Average
6. I have a sharp mind which makes me smart and intelligent.
7. I learn faster, be in school setting or in other life situations.
8. I enjoy analyzing problems and critical issues around us.
9. I can easily getting meaning from reading and listening tasks.
10. I maintain good academic standing in school.
Mean Average
11. I am friendly, sociable, and loveable.
Self-Inventory Results
Directions: The items are arranged into 5 categories as shown below. Compute the mean
average for each category of your personality traits. Show the mean average for each
category by shading the chart accordingly.
Category/Items Description
A 1-5 How I perceive my physical appearance.
B 6-10 How I perceive my mental capacities.
C 11-15 How I perceive my relationship with others.
D 16-20 How I perceive my emotional attitude.
E 21-25 How I perceive my values.
Exploration: My Insights
Guide Questions:
1. What do you like most in yourself? Why?
2. What do you desire to improve more in yourself? Why?
5 4 3
This paper is clear This paper is mostly The writer is Topic is not well-
and focused. It focused, and has beginning to defined and/or there
holds the reader's some good details define the topic, are too many topics.
Ideas attention. Relevant and quotes. even though
details and quotes development is
enrich the central still basic or
theme. general.
The organization Paper (and The Sentences within
enhances and paragraphs) are organizational paragraphs make
showcases the mostly organized, in structure is strong sense, but the order
central idea or order, and makes enough to move of paragraphs does
theme. The order, sense to the reader. the reader not.
structure of through the text
information is without too much
compelling and confusion.
moves the reader
through the text.
The writing has an The writing mostly The text hums The text seems
easy flow, rhythm, flows, and usually along with a choppy and is not
and cadence. invites oral reading. steady beat, but easy to read orally.
Sentences are well tends to be more
built, with strong business like than
and varied structure musical, more
that invites mechanical than
expressive oral fluid.
Directions: Based on the results of your personality traits inventory, portray your self-
awareness image on the selfie mirror by identifying your qualities, strengths and limitations
that describe you most. First, write your first name vertically on the selfie mirror. Second,
using the letters pf your name, think of describing words that can approximate your
personality traits. The letters of your first name can be used as initial, medial, or final letter
in your describing words. Write the describing words on the selfie mirror. Third, discuss your
selfie mirror with a friend whom you feel comfortable sharing with. Together, assess your
strenghts and limitations you can see from the selfie mirror.
Directions: Imagine that the personality traits you discovered in Exercises 1 & 2 are your
treasures. Classify them according to positive and negative personality traits. Which one
among the three images in the box will best apply if you have to put them on a weighing
scale? Encircle that picture.
Exploration: My Insights
Guide Questions:
1. Develop a descriptive paragraph entitled “I Am Who I Am” based on this
2. Discuss the importance of knowing who you are in your growing up as
5 4 3
This paper is clear This paper is mostly The writer is Topic is not well-
and focused. It focused, and has beginning to defined and/or there
holds the reader's some good details define the topic, are too many topics.
Ideas attention. Relevant and quotes. even though
details and quotes development is
enrich the central still basic or
theme. general.
The organization Paper (and The Sentences within
enhances and paragraphs) are organizational paragraphs make
showcases the mostly organized, in structure is strong sense, but the order
central idea or order, and makes enough to move of paragraphs does
theme. The order, sense to the reader. the reader not.
structure of through the text
information is without too much
compelling and confusion.
moves the reader
through the text.
The writing has an The writing mostly The text hums The text seems
easy flow, rhythm, flows, and usually along with a choppy and is not
and cadence. invites oral reading. steady beat, but easy to read orally.
Sentences are well tends to be more
built, with strong businesslike than
and varied structure musical, more
that invites mechanical than
expressive oral fluid.
Caubic, Rosalina Ed.D and Esmero, Teresita G, MAT, Senior High School Personal
Development, Gintong Aral Publications, Inc. pp. 7-12
Answer Key
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