Project Communication Plan
Project Communication Plan
Project Communication Plan
Project Name:
Governing Body:
Executive Sponsor:
Project Manager:
Strategic Lever(s):
The purpose of a Communication Plan is to define who needs to be aware of and informed about the
project, how and how often information will be distributed, and who will be responsible for the distribution.
It is a part of the overall Project Management Plan.
Just as a Project Schedule sets the framework for project tasks, the Communication Plan sets the
framework for project communication so the tasks can be easily managed. While the initial document may
evolve through the project, it serves as a guide for communication. As the project team develops
communication pieces, it should be mindful of organizational style standards as well as policies and
procedures that govern communication.
1. Identify the Project Target Audiences
(A Project RACI Matrix forms the foundation for identifying the audiences requiring project communication.
Some of the routine project audiences are the project team, Executive Sponsor, Governing Body,
customer, etc. There may be audiences who need to be informed about the project that will not be working
as a part of the project team. Project managers consider these people to be stakeholders. They will rarely
– if ever – attend a project team meeting, but may need to understand the status of the project. By having
a communication strategy and offering these audiences specific times to expect updates, you are able to
keep a tight, working, team to move the project forward while keeping important groups involved in
appropriate ways. Complete your Project RACI Matrix and attach to this plan. The Project Manager also
should develop a Project Team Directory including phone and email contacts.)
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