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Theory of
Temporal and
Spatial Design
In Architecture and the Environment
Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal
and Spatial Design
ThiS is a FM Blank Page
Yoichi Ando

Brain-Grounded Theory of
Temporal and Spatial Design
In Architecture and the Environment
Yoichi Ando
Kobe University
Kobe, Japan

ISBN 978-4-431-55889-7 ISBN 978-4-431-55891-0 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015961026

Springer Tokyo Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

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When different individual personalities blossom, the wonderful results they produce continue to
contribute to the quality of human life in unfathomable ways for a long time even after the end of
the individual life. Each individual is born with such special potential and talent for a unique third
stage of life.
The drawing (1986) was rendered by Massimo Cocchi, a man who loved music and enjoyed
words at a certain level of loudness, and who realized clarity of the sound field without the use of
ceiling reflections or multiple sidewall reflections.

In my opinion, even if he was already involved in many research fields, all

converging towards the best knowledge of the nervous system as a means of
communication between man and nature, when in 1995 Prof. Ando invited many
researchers in the field from all over the world to visit his new realization, the
theatre in Kirishima, he already had in mind the future development of his scientific
interest in a more complete approach of architecture to the environment. The
opportunity for realizing this meeting was the organization of a new international
conference, called at that time Music and Concert Hall Acoustics.
As a matter of fact, to that conference were invited not only acousticians but also
an architect from the United States who spoke of light and time as elements to be
taken into consideration during the architectural drawing course. Another element
that promoted the idea of a wider interest was the location of that theatre and its
external shape, conceived like a leaf fallen in a glade among the trees.
Finally, I realized that this was Yoichi Ando’s target only in 2001 when he
decided to publish a new scientific journal devoted to temporal design (Journal of
Temporal Design; JTD). Quite soon after (2002), I received the honour of a
personal meeting with Prof. Ando in Rimini (Italy) during which he revealed to
me his idea with so many details that it was quite impossible not to take a deep
interest in his scientific project.
In 2003 he called the world of scientific research to Kobe to achieve the first
meeting of the International Symposium on Temporal Design (1st ISTD). Now it is
common to hear of the ISTD every 2 years in some place in the world, as a
confirmation of the quality of the scientific work done by Yoichi Ando in the
field of interactions between man and the environment.
Statements that it is possible to find in this book are all supported by scientific
work done in cooperation with physiology and neuroscience experts or personal
studies carried out in different opportunities of his life: for instance, the writer of
this short foreword was involved as a subject of measurements of the human
reaction in the face of acoustical and visual stimuli.

viii Foreword

Readers looking for a light lecture about some “Oriental” discipline of easy
learning will not be at their ease from the beginning of this book. If, however, they
are guided by the mental approach of those who deeply desire to understand
something new about links between human life and the environment in which we
are involved, surely they will find in it many responses to their scientific curiosity.
As an engineer, I always search for new ideas that will improve human buildings
in the direction of realizing an indoor artificial living environment, in enjoyable
conditions, comfortable in the way that a natural environment is, with full respect to
a natural environment and natural resources. In this context I have particularly
appreciated the sentence “A general strategy for design is to characterize what
humans experience and what they prefer to experience (preferences), and to opti-
mize their environments so as to realize their preferences” in Yoichi Ando’s
presentation of temporal design at the Science Academy of Bologna (July 2015).
There are many natural situations that induce nervous stimuli easily reproducible
only on a perceptive basis while designing artificial environments, but there are also
others that require deep knowledge of physical, not arbitrary, rules. In my opinion,
temporal design theory can also develop in this direction in the near future,
searching for the best equilibrium between stimuli and their physical origin.
For instance, a typical example can be found in Paragraph 9.3, where we read:
“The most effective spatial factor to consider with temperature is vertical distri-
bution along the body, particularly below the knee”. This is a very important sentence,
calling for deep research into the best distribution of surface temperature in the walls
surrounding a person and its links with energy consumption—a fundamental physical
problem to be seriously considered and resolved for the future of our planet. In that
respect, this book is not only a milestone but also an opening for future research.

Bologna, Italy Alessandro Cocchi

August 2015

From a brain-grounded theory of design based on subjective preference of the

sound field in concert halls (Ando 1985, 1998, 2007, 2009a, b) to a brain-grounded
theory of temporal and spatial design in architecture and the environment, our
research affirms that by encouraging personal traits and satisfying individual
needs, subjective preference works as an approach to enhancing individual health
and creativity. Most generally, subjective preference is regarded as the primitive
response of a living creature that entails judgments that steer an organism in the
direction of maintaining life, so as to enhance its prospects for survival. Therefore,
subjective preference may be deeply associated with the base of aesthetics.
The auditory preference model consists of two kinds of internal representations
of sound that are based on the autocorrelation- and crosscorrelation-like structures
of sound as it presents itself to the two ears. The autocorrelation function (ACF)
describes the monaural and temporal signal at each of the two ears, while the
interaural crosscorrelation function (IACF) describes the binaural and spatial sig-
nals arriving at the entrances of the two ears. Remarkably, temporal sensations,
such as loudness, pitch, duration, and timbre, are well described by the temporal
factors extracted from the ACF of the sound signal; and spatial sensations, such as
localization, apparent source width (ASW), and subjective diffuseness, are
described by the spatial factors extracted from the IACF (Ando 2009a, 2015).
The information corresponding to subjective preference of sound fields was
found in the effective duration of the ACF of the alpha waves, registered by both
the electroencephalogram (EEG) as well as the magnetoencephalogram (MEG).
The repetitive feature of the alpha wave, as measured in its ACF, was observed at
the preferred condition. This evidence suggests that the basic theory of subjective
preference may be applied to individual preference as well. By analyzing the MEG,
we reconfirmed that the left cerebral hemisphere is associated with the temporal
factors of the sound field, and the effective duration of the ACF alpha wave directly
corresponds to the scale value of individual subjective preference. The right
cerebral hemisphere is activated by the typical spatial factors, i.e., the magnitude
of interaural crosscorrelation (IACC) and the listening level.

x Preface

Fig. P.1 Interaction

between environment
consisting of temporal and
spatial factors and the left
and right human cerebral
hemispheres, respectively,
associated with the
temporal and spatial factors.
This is the ground of theory
for designing the
architecture and the
environment as well as
artistic works. Such a well
designed environment
realized by the subjective
preference theory induces
further creations developing
individual personality
(Ando 2009a)

The theory of subjective preference has been developed with auditory perception
in mind; it can plausibly be extended to predict subjective preferences in analogous
dimensions of visual perception. Thus, parallels can be drawn to temporal and
spatial sensations in vision as well as to subjective preferences for visual environ-
ments. For example, the most preferred condition of a flickering light is expressed
by the temporal factors extracted from the temporal autocorrelation function (ACF)
of the modulated light stimulus. It is shown how the temporal and spatial factors of
auditory and visual percepts are associated with the left and right human cerebral
hemisphere, respectively.
A brain-grounded theory of temporal and spatial design has been proposed as
indicated in Fig. P.1 (Ando 2009b).

Three Stages of Human Life (Time): A Definition

For temporal design of the human environment, three stages of life which are
granted to each individual person at birth are considered in this volume. The first
of these is the physical life for which the main nutritive element is food, the second
is mental life for which nutritive elements are culture and art including, for
Preface xi

Fig. P.2 Three stages of human life defined in this volume that are taken into consideration in
planning the temporal and spatial environment (Ando 2006).
Human life consists of: (1) life of body, (2) life of mind, and (3) life of creation, which is based on
the unique personality of the individual that persists long after the individual has passed on. Thus,
the third stage of life includes creations based on personality together with awaking higher
perception, which continues to the fourth stage of life after passing the life (Fig. P.3). The third
life is a source of joy that broadens a life from a philosophical standpoint, making it unique to
humans compared to the life of animals who only enjoy first and second lives. Nourishing the first
and second stages only inevitably induces “ill treatment” and further “wars” similar to animal life

example, music, painting, literature, and fashion. These two stages are what humans
share with animals; the only difference lies in respective proportions. The third
stage is distinctive of humans as shown in Fig. P.2 see also Fig. P.3; “the third life”
is also considered the noblest of the three. According to individual DNA and the
varying environmental conditions in which we grow up, each of us may have a
unique purpose to find and work on throughout our lifetime (Fig. P.4). The elements
that either nourish or prevent the growth and development of this stage are the
limitations of art and science at the present stage, worship and philosophy,
and degree of conscious design in the environment where individuals develop to
find - or miss - their “mission”. It is possible to achieve health-promoting conditions
on all three levels of an individual’s life by the temporal design of the environment.
It can be argued that science, technology, and art are forever immature (Fig. P.5)
since they are always under development. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries
are commonly viewed as the era in which technology made rapid progress. How-
ever, such progress came at the high price of environmental destruction and war. In
hindsight we can say that it was overconfidence in our knowledge of science and
technology that brought about such disastrous results; science and technology
should be regarded as mere means for mankind, not as ends in themselves. In
order to make a coming age of fulfilling human life a reality, we must understand
mankind itself better; this can be achieved by incorporating the concept of the third
stage of life into our thinking process. On this account, we should prepare an
environment where every individual’s unique sensitivity is regarded and valued
as the groundwork for a meeting place between science and art.
xii Preface

Fig. P.3 “Full of affection

of universe” painted by
Keiko Ando (2015)

The question of how many years mankind will be able to survive is currently the
primary international and social concern. There have been major wars under the
plea of racial liberation, religious liberation, or the liberation of a state, and the
Preface xiii

Fig. P.4 Development of the third stage of human life originating from a genetic “seed” that is
nurtured in an appropriate temporal and spatial environment. In a preferred environment, the
personality for a unique creation develops and effloresces like the flower of a healthy plant

Fig. P.5 Sets of the known A and the unknown AC. Creations start with a hypothesis from a
unique personality. After verification of the hypothesis, the result may be published. This is a
process of the third stage of life. Integration of these kinds of creations is called “culture”

likelihood of such events reoccurring cannot be denied at present. Therefore, we

hope to make the liberation of unique personalities (the third life) the ultimate
objective of this volume. The liberation of individuality here means to accept and
value the diversity of individual traits in every person, and to cultivate creativity,
which can be achieved only by supporting each individual potential.
xiv Preface

A well-designed environment could be a meeting place for art and science and
may help to discover individual personality as the minimum unit of society.
Temporal and spatial factors associated with the left and right cerebral hemi-
spheres, respectively, may be well-used in design that blends a built environment
together with Nature. In turn, such environments may support the development of
the human cerebral hemispheres, especially during the period from the very begin-
ning of life to about 3 years of age.

Role of Individuals in Society

Space (land) was once thought to be a personal possession, and time was thought to
be the same for everyone in the past. But in fact space (including the environment)
is something common to all mankind from generation to generation, and funda-
mentally, time is that which belongs to the individual because of the nature of life. It
is ideal to build an environment as well as a society where people can enjoy healthy
physical, spiritual and individual time for creation.
Above all, we would like to establish that the possibility to nurture creativity
(to make a contribution generation after generation) as it presents itself in individ-
ual time is unique to mankind, as is the possible liberation of individuality. In other
words, there are mysteries solvable only by each person’s individuality due to
differences in the DNA and the emergent viewpoints, which will never be generated
again (Fig. P.6). Such unique solutions may gain their eternal value only when
unveiled, and it is no exaggeration to say that those mysteries unsolved are much
like solutions that remain unfound as a result of uniform education.

Fig. P.6 Individual potential steered by the personality (DNA “seed”) in a particular direction to
discover something original that has not been previously known. For example, typical directions
are music, arts, athletics, mathematics, science, engineering, literature, medicine, history, geo-
physics, agriculture, economics, business, and other fields to be developed by individual personal-
ities. The dotted circle in the figure depicts an individual conforming too much to the accepted
norm, thus not discovering anything new and original. For example, competitions are not a good
environment for the development of the third stage of life (e.g., “honor students”) because they
place too many restrictions on what is acceptable
Preface xv

Mysteries of this sort exist at different points of every human activity. To

provide a place for all individuals to nurture a task that has been given to them
until a solution sprouts out of their heart-mind should be the starting point of
education. We believe that this kind of education will be ultimately established,
so that the human and global environment (time and space) may contribute to a
healthy development of culture and science. For these reasons, it is ideal to liberate
the original individuality from all idol worships of mere economic efficiency,
status, reputation, and so forth. Such individual liberation will not only mark a
process towards peace as it entails mutual respect between individuals and diversity
groups, but also holds hidden potential for becoming the path to protect all lives
from environmental destruction. In order to develop individual personality and
creation, we are attempting to provide a means for the temporal design of our
environment for the third stage of life in addition to the first and second lives, as a
hope for the sustenance and perseverance of life. This may be a base for the
flourishing of each individual and development of a healthy society and
It is worth noting that the dimension of the head of newborn babies is relatively
large because this part is first developed in the body. If we consider an extended
analogy, it is highly recommended that the facilities most closely related to the
human brain be first designed in house and urban planning, such as museums,
concert halls, libraries, churches, and any institutions that may be important for the
development of the third life. The arms and legs, corresponding to highways and
communication systems, may be developed later on. Because of the continuing
global climate change, a dynamic method for the temporal design of the environ-
ment that blends human life with the natural environment should be considered.

Previous Major Publications Related to This Topic

Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg

Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields,
and listeners. AIP Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2007) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory.
In: Rossing T (ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009a) Auditory and visual sensations, Peter Cariani (ed). Springer,
New York
Ando Y (2009b) Theory of temporal and spatial environmental design.
In: McGraw Hill 2009 yearbook of science & technology, pp 384–389
Ando Y (2015) Opera house acoustics based on subjective preference theory.
Springer, Tokyo
Soeta Y, Ando Y (2015) Neurally based measurement and evaluation of environ-
mental noise. Springer, Tokyo

Kobe, Japan Yoichi Ando

ThiS is a FM Blank Page

The epitome of this volume was presented at a Commemorative Lecture Meeting

held at the Academy of Sciences in Bologna on July 16, 2015, in memory of
appointment of the author as a member of the academy. The meeting was organized
by Professor Alessandro Cocchi, University of Bologna, in the field of Architecture.
After the lecture meeting, Marianne Jogi and the author discussed her PhD project
in the study of Alessandro for about one hour and afterwards, we all visited
“Santuario di San Luca” on top of a hill near Bologna as shown in Photos P.7 and
In the comprehensive yet accurate English expressions found in this volume,
Marianne Jogi, an artist and a Ph.D. candidate from Tallinn University of Tech-
nology, Estonia, has conveyed individual and cosmic rhythms while also exempli-
fying in Fig. 9.6 how it is possible to incorporate temporal aspects in environmental
and architectural design to support “the third life”.

Fig. P.7 After the lecture meeting on July 16, 2015, the author (left), Marianne Jogi (center) and
Alessandro Cocchi (right) visited the church of “Santuario di San Luca”, a landmark of Bologna,
situated on top of a hill near the city
xviii Acknowledgments

Fig. P.8 “Santuario di San Luca”, a drawing (1986) rendered by Massimo Cocchi, a man who
enjoyed Bologna during his life

This volume serves as a record of the research performed at the Ando Labo-
ratory, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University. For warm
cooperation in research work since 1970 at Drittes Physikalisches Institut, Univer-
sity of Goettingen, the author thanks Professor Manfred Schroeder, Dr. Peter
Damaske, and Dr. Dieter Gottlob. In 1975 the author received an Alexander von
Humboldt Fellowship for his research work on concert hall acoustics.
Acknowledgments xix

Shin-ichi Sato, Hiroyuki Sakai, Yoshiharu Soeta and Kenji Fujii who received
their Ph.D. degrees at the graduate school of Kobe University, performed a number
of excellent research works, and their publications are cited here.
The author would like to express his appreciation to the Committee members of
Hillside Residence Planning including Thomas Bosworth as a member of the small
group in the Architectural Institute of Japan. As a result of prolific discussions, we
published a book entitled Hillside Residence Planning Blending with Natural
Environment, Incorporating Temporal and Spatial Factors (Gihoudou, Tokyo,
Japan; 1995).
Drs. Akira Fujimori, Shioko Okada, and Shoko Ikeda, Konan Hospital, Kobe,
oversaw continuous medical treatments to maintain the health of the author.
ThiS is a FM Blank Page

ASW Apparent source width, one of the spatial sensations, which is described
by the spatial factors extracted from the IACF of the sound field, Sect.
ACF Autocorrelation function. Temporal sensations may be described by the
temporal factors extracted from the ACF of the sound signal
NACF Normalized ACF, Sect. 4.2.1
DS Duration sensation, which is introduced here as one of four temporal
sensations, Sect. 4.2.1
EEG Electroencephalogram, Sect. 2.2
FF Fundamental frequency [Hz], F0, which is the measure of pitch, (see also
τ1) Sect. 4.2.1
IACC Interaural crosscorrelation coefficient, magnitude of the IACF, the most
significant consensus factor among the four orthogonal factors of the
sound field, Sect. 4.2.1
IACF Interaural crosscorrelation function. The spatial sensations of the sound
field may be described by the spatial factors extracted from IACF by
analyzing the sound signals arriving at the two ear entrances, Sect. 4.1.2
LL Binaural listening level, [dBA], or binaural sound pressure level measured
by the geometric mean of Φll(0) and Φrr(0), Sect. 4.2.2
MEG Magnetoencephalogram, Sect. 2.2
PCT Paired-comparison test (Thurstone 1927; Gullikson 1956; Torgerson
1958): Most of the subjective preference judgments and other subjective
responses in this volume were conducted by the PCT. Usually, trials
started with a first stimulus, followed by a short blank duration and then a
second stimulus. During the subsequent blank duration, the subject judged
which stimulus was the subjectively preferred stimulus. The scale value is
related to the probability of whether stimulus A is preferred to B. For
example, if P(A > B) ¼ 0.84, then the value is 1.0. The value, therefore,
may be reconfirmed by the goodness of fit (Mosteller 1951). All of the
data in this volume was reconfirmed by the test. This shows that the model

xxii Abbreviations

of obtaining the scale value was approved. The scale values of the
subjective judgments of each individual subject can also be calculated
(Ando and Singh 1996; Ando 1998). If the experimental procedure is
identical, then the probability data may be integrated over time and space,
because such a comparative method is simple and easy to use on anyone,
even children, to obtain good reliability and thus good reproducibility.
Thus, recording of the SVR, EEG and MEG were performed in a manner
similar to the paired-comparison method to find the relationship between
the factor extracted from the correlation analysis of the recorded signal
and the scale value of subjective preference judgments.
PLG Plethysmogram; photo-electrically observed at the fingertip as a pulse
wave. The peripheral blood vessel reacts as a reflection of the autonomic
nervous system (the sympathetic system) and this may be observed in the
PLG. Section 14.3
SV Scale value obtained from the PCT. The value given by S may be
described by the temporal and spatial factors
SVR Slow vertex response as an auditory evoked potential, reflected activities
on the left and right hemispheres (latency is less than 500 ms), Sect. 2.1

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Dimension of the Environment: Outer Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Dimension of Subjective Preference: Inner Universe . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Three Stages of Human Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Twilight of the Third Stage of Life of the Author:
An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Model of Auditory Brain System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1 Slow-Vertex Responses (SVR) Corresponding to Subjective
Preference of the Sound Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Electroencephalographic (EEG) and Magnetoencephalographic
(MEG) Correlates of Subjective Preference of the
Sound Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 EEG in Response to Change of Δt1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.2 MEG in Response to Change of Δt1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.3 EEG in Response to Change of Tsub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.4 EEG in Response to Change of the IACC . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3 Specialization of Cerebral Hemispheres for the Sound Field . . . 20
2.4 Model of Auditory Brain System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences . . . . . 29
3.1 EEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for Oscillatory
Horizontal Movements of a Single Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for
Flickering Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2.1 MEG Correlates of Sinusoidal Flickering Light . . . . . . 36
3.2.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for
Fluctuating Flickering Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

xxiv Contents

3.3 Hemispheric Specialization in Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.1 Definitions of Temporal and Spatial Objective Factors . . . . . . . 45
4.1.1 Temporal Factors for Sound and Vision . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.1.2 Spatial Factors Extracted from the Interaural
Crosscorrelation Function (IACF) of the
Sound Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1.3 Spatial Factors Extracted from the Spatial
Autocorrelation Function (ACF) of the Visual Field . . . 48
4.1.4 Temporal Windows of Signals for Autocorrelation
Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2.1 Temporal Sensations of Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.2.2 Spatial Percepts of the Sound Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3 Temporal and Spatial Percepts in Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.1 Temporal Percepts of the Missing Fundamental
Phenomenon in Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.3.2 Spatial Percepts in Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5 Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound and Visual Fields . . . . 69
5.1 Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound Fields . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2 Theory of Subjective Preference for Visual Fields . . . . . . . . . . 72
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6 Preferred Conditions of Temporal and Spatial Factors
of Sound Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.1 Preferred Conditions of Temporal Factors of the
Sound Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.1.1 Optimal First Reflection Time After the
Direct Sound (Δt1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.1.2 Optimal Subsequent Reverberation Time After the
Early Reflection (Tsub) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2 Preferred Conditions of Spatial Factors of Sound Fields . . . . . . 78
6.2.1 Listening Level (LL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.2.2 Optimal Magnitude of Interaural Crosscorrelation
Function (IACC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7 Subjective Preferences in Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.1 Subjective Preferences for the Temporal Factor
of Flickering Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.2 Subjective Preferences for the Temporal Factor of Oscillatory
Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7.3 Subjective Preferences for Spatial Factors of Textures . . . . . . . 84
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Contents xxv

8 General Theory for Designing Physical Environments

Incorporating Spatial and Temporal Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8.1 Biological Rhythms and Discrete Periods in the Physical
Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8.2 Theory of Designing Physical Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.3 Interaction Between Human Development
and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.4 House Environment as a Nonverbal Teacher for Newborns . . . . 94
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
9 Design Procedures for Matrix Elements Consisting
of Discrete Periods and Spatial Ranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
9.1 Acoustic Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
9.2 Visual Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
9.3 Thermal Environment and Energy Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
9.4 Environmental Design for the Third Stage of Life . . . . . . . . . . 101
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
10.1 ACF Analysis of Camphor Leaves Moving in Natural Wind . . . 107
10.2 Subjective Preferences for Camphor Leaves Moving
in Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
10.3 Matching Acoustic Tempo with Camphor Leaves
Moving in Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
10.4 Studies on Temporal Design for Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
10.5 Drawing with Spatial “Vibrato” as an Artistic Expression . . . . . 119
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
11.1 House with Creative Work Space (CWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
12 Development of the Third-Stage (Creative) Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
12.1 Annual Drama-Performance in a Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
12.2 Weekly Meeting of Children in a Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
12.3 An Example of Prompt Creative Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
12.4 Play Area for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture . . . . . . . . 143
13.1 Individual Creations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
13.1.1 Creative Work Space (CWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
13.1.2 Integrating Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
13.2 Concert Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
13.3 Design Study of an Opera House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
13.3.1 Temporal Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
13.3.2 Crystal Opera House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
13.4 Open Space for Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
xxvi Contents

14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism . . . . 155

14.1 Theory of Environmental Design Incorporating Temporal
and Spatial Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
14.2 Indication of Quick Escape from Dangerous Occurrences . . . . . 156
14.3 Escape from Effects of Aircraft Noise on
Developing Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
14.4 Sleep Disturbance by Upstairs-Toilet Noise with Changing
Spatial Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
14.5 Escaping Ill Social Groups and Preserving the Third
Stage of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
15 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
15.1 Remarks on Personality-Oriented Preference and Creations . . . . 171
15.1.1 Remarks on Subjective Preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
15.1.2 Remarks on the Theory of Subjective Preference
(Chap. 5) for Designing the Environment . . . . . . . . . . 172
15.2 From an Ill Concept “Time Is Money” to Attaining a
Healthy Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

A.1 A Model of Duration Experience in Listening to Noise and Music . . . 175
A.1.1 Model of Duration Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
A.1.2 Unconscious Duration Experience in Listening
to Aircraft Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
A.1.3 Duration Experience in Listening to Slow Music
and Fast Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
A.2 Duration Experience for Each Three-Year School Term . . . . . . . . . . 179
A.3 Longest Period: Cyclic Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

[1] Prof. Dr. Nag Woon-Hae : Japanese, Korean missionary dispatched by the
United Church of Christ in Japan, Co-Pastor of Saemoonan Presbyterian Church
in Seoul, Assistant professor at the Presbyterian University and Theological Sem-
inary in Korea, Visiting professor at the Seigakuin University General Research
We should guide our attention to the individuality of the “third stage of life” that
is advocated in this volume. Professor Ando’s scientific individual-based approach
offers a completely new insight.
Professor Ando’s original and creative ideas engage in a holistic manner with the
deeply wounded, groaning and ailing world – a vision that encompasses not just
mankind, but everything that is “related to life”, such as animals and plants, the
earth, air, sound, and even history which is the axis of time, thereby allowing us to
sense the creative evolvement of a new form of knowledge.
Moreover, Professor Ando’s language choice includes terms that have for a long
time been issues of theological debate: “life”, “time”, “love”, “freedom”, “individ-
ual”, “creation”, “the last day”, etc. Many of the terms he has selected have great
theological significance. I hope to be able to learn from Professor Ando’s scientific
We theologians in Korea are preparing for a new theological movement, namely
the ‘Ohn Theology – Holistic Theology’. It is a movement emphasizing the
importance of theology as a holistic discipline. Interdisciplinary discussions carry
great significance in this movement. The reason behind this is the belief that
theological development can occur only when we venture beyond the boundaries
of Christian theology to engage in discussions with other religions and other
academic fields, including science.
[2] Chief Priest of Saikoji Temple, Kohji Danjo.
There are many kinds of conflicts and clashes in the world now. Many of them
come from strife among religions, races, nationality, economy and so on. And many
people have been injured, killed, suffered loss, and roamed in strange countries.

xxviii Comments

Religions originally make people happy. But the differences between religions
cause serious problems that many people suffer from. However, it is impossible to
integrate many religions.
We must pay attention to a greater world, if we can regard “Something Great” as
the “Will of Cosmos”, a sphere of humanity beyond all differences.
On the other hand, generally speaking, many people are apt to attach importance
to money, economy, and the material, the so-called visible world. But, it is desirable
that a greater number of people be interested in the invisible world as “life” or
“mind”, I think.
In the scientific field, the connection between material and mind has been
discussed and newly reported in quantum mechanics and near-death experience.
Quantum mechanics considers both “the coincidence of mind and body” and
”the coincidence of consciousness and material” to be important. Our conscious-
ness is thought to be connected with a sub-consciousness and universal Will.
Should we consider how our individual consciousness connects with cosmic
consciousness? Many scientists in the world have been studying and reporting on
near-death experiences, and there is a common element to be recognized. These
studies seem to suggest a present world and another world. Gratitude is important
for all people in the world now. Could our world be improved by deepening our
connection between the first (body) and second (spirit) stage and the third and
fourth stage of human life?
Chapter 1

1.1 Dimension of the Environment: Outer Universe

It is well known that the physical universe (environment) consists of

one-dimensional time and three-dimensional space. Mathematically, Hermann
Minkowski (1864–1909) defined the physical distances as

s2 ¼ x1 2 þ x2 2 þ x3 2 þ x4 2 ð1:1Þ

where x1 ¼ x, x2 ¼ y, x3 ¼ z, and x4 ¼ ict, i being (1)1/2. This signifies the four-

dimensional continuity.
Let us focus our attention on enabling each individual granted access to the third
stage of life by considering a human brain grounded theory of temporal and spatial
design in architecture and the environment as shown in Fig. P.1.

1.2 Dimension of Subjective Preference: Inner Universe

The typical overall response of the inner universe is the cooperation between the
two cerebral hemispheres. The result of this unified level of functioning manifests
itself as the most primitive response of the subjective attributes of an individual,
which is known as subjective preference. Preferences guide the organism in the
direction of maintaining life; thus we may observe brain activities related to
preference. Preference is also deeply related to an individual’s aesthetic sense.
The point of contact between art and science may, therefore, help to discover
individual preference or personality as the minimum unit of society or the public.
If individuals are satisfied by the environment, then the public is satisfied, but the
converse is not true. This volume emphasizes individual life. Maximum individual

© Springer Japan 2016 1

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_1
2 1 Introduction

satisfaction for the approximate number of 7.26  108 people in our world should
be rather easy to accomplish with the help of computers.
The paired-comparison method has been used to obtain the scale values of
subjective preferences and the actual related brain activities have been found.
Acoustic design of a concert hall and an opera house maximizing the preference
scale values at each seat has been explicitly described. After construction of a
concert hall, the seat selection system, which was first introduced at the Kirishima
International Music Hall in 1994, may help to enhance individual satisfaction. On
that note, an opera house and a theater may be argued to represent a miniature
version of the environment of our everyday lives, because “All the world’s a stage”
(William Shakespeare, 1564–1616).
The theory of subjective preference for the sound field has been described by use
of the temporal and spatial factors extracted from the respective correlation func-
tion mechanisms existing in the neural system (Ando 1985, 1998, 2007, 2009a).
The left and right cerebral hemisphere specialization associated with temporal and
spatial factors, respectively, may play an active role in determining the relationship
between independent effects and preferences. The scale value of subjective prefer-
ence of the visual field has been described by both temporal and spatial factors
(orthogonal). Consequently, a brain-centered theory for planning the environment,
which incorporates both temporal and spatial factors, is proposed (Ando 2009b).
For example, the scale value of subjective preference S as a distance of the sound
field is expressed by

S ¼ S1 þ S 2 þ S 3 þ S 4 ð1:2Þ

where S1, S2, S3, and S4 each represent the scale value of subjective preference for
each of the four orthogonal factors of the sound field (Eq. 1.2). This is the four-
dimensional continuity similar to Eq. (1.1). The theory of subjective preference of
the sound field has been extended to encompass visual fields (Ando 2009a, 2015),
whereas other modalities (thermal, vibration, and smell) are yet to be investigated
with regard to the specialization of the human cerebral hemispheres.

1.3 Three Stages of Human Life

For the design of architecture and the environment, we shall discuss a neurally
grounded theory that is based on subjective preference. The design of the sound
field in a concert hall (Ando 1985, 1998) and opera house (Ando 2015) will be
applied for this purpose. We are proposing an approach called “temporal design” in
addition to spatial design in the field of architecture and the human environment
(; Ando et al. 1996; Ando 2004, 2009b, 2013).
With regard to this approach, what can be seen as the three stages of human life
have been identified (Fig. P.2). We propose that all useful creations that continue to
contribute to human life even long after the first and second lives have passed are
1.4 Twilight of the Third Stage of Life of the Author: An Example 3

based on the unique and healthy personality of the individual. Therefore, we

recommend that the human environment be designed with respect to all three stages
of life, as environment is plausibly a most important factor in the development of an
individual’s personality. In turn, a well-designed environment may contribute to the
development of the brain. Temporal and spatial factors associated with the left and
right cerebral hemispheres, respectively, as shown in Fig. P.1, can be incorporated
into design that blends built environment and nature. Such environments close to
newborn babies may support the development of the human cerebral hemispheres,
especially during the period before attending kindergarten and/or elementary
school, by which time almost the entire brain will have formed.

1.4 Twilight of the Third Stage of Life of the Author:

An Example

One day when the author was around 10 years old, the teachers of the elementary
school decided to take the class to the movies. The theater was located in a town
about 5 km from the school. The entire class was extremely excited to be sitting in a
theater that could house an audience of about 200 people. The ceiling was wavy in
the longitudinal section, and someone said that it must be the result of calculations
to obtain effective scattered reflections. However, he began to wonder how exactly
it was calculated and evaluated the elegance of the complicated surface structure.
He forgot about the title and the story of the movie entirely and pondered the puzzle
for years to come.
About 24 years later, in 1963 after joining the Architectural Acoustics Labora-
tory at Kobe University, he began investigating an interference pattern method of
measuring the complex reflection coefficient for an oblique sound incident for a flat
wall surface in an anechoic chamber. A circular horn pipe about 20 mm in diameter
attached in front of a loudspeaker radiated the pure tone between 2 and 15 kHz. A
probe microphone consisting of a circular pipe 2 mm in diameter attached to a static
(condenser) microphone was moved to obtain the interference pattern (Ando
1968a). In order to obtain accurate values of complex reflection coefficients of
materials, the acoustic centers (location of point source or receiving point) and
directivities of both the circular horn loudspeaker and the probe microphone with a
circular pipe were measured and reconfirmed by calculations (Ando 1968b, 1969/
An opportunity arose to attend the international congress on acoustics held in
Budapest in 1971, and the author visited the Third Institute of Physics, University of
Goettingen, where he worked for about 1 month in the summer. There, with Peter
Damaske, the author investigated a method of calculating the interaural crosscor-
relation function, which is related to subjective diffuseness (Damaske and Ando
4 1 Introduction

At Kobe University, the author recalls experiencing a wonderful sound field,

which speech signals came from reading a poem when the direction of the single
reflection was adjusted to about 30 in the horizontal direction and the delay time
was 20 ms (Ando and Kageyama 1977).
The doctorate degree was not easily obtained, because at that time the author was
performing research work with Professor Hiroshi Hattori, School of Medicine,
Kobe University, on the long-term effects of noise on unborn babies around the
Osaka International Airport (Sect. 14.3: Ando and Hattori 1977a, b). The dispute
was based on evidence at the Osaka Local Court of Justice where the Japanese
government and the people living close to the airport were arguing with a group of
about 20 lawyers. The author (Yoichi Ando), a doctoral candidate at that time,
received a telephone call from an acoustician working at the Research Laboratory
of Science and Technology of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp.), who was backed
by a professor at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, University of
Tokyo (founded by the Japanese Prime Minister in 1877), and officers from the
Ministry of Transport, Japan. During the phone call, he was asked to cancel his
upcoming talk at the Court of Justice where he was scheduled to introduce the
evidence he had gathered in his own work. The author, however, gave evidences on
effects of aircraft noise on unborn babies. As a result of the incidence, the author
could not obtain the degree from a national university, where he had applied by
submitting his doctoral thesis. After about 5 years, fortunately, he received the
degree in 1975 by invitation from Professor Takeshi Itoho, Waseda University
(private university founded in 1882 by Shigenobu Okuma).
Soon after, he was invited by Manfred Schroeder, the director of the Third
Institute of Physics in Goettingen, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow to
investigate room acoustics. Just before the invitation, he had performed the ground-
work with K. Kageyama at Kobe University; subjective preference judgments were
conducted using the simplest sound field with a single reflection by changing its
directions and delay time. The consideration was that with such a simple sound
field, which is representative of infinite sets of reflections, it might be possible to
solve the long-time puzzle of what is, in fact, the most preferred sound field for
humans (Ando and Kageyama 1977). Here, subjective preference was selected as
an evaluation of the sound field, because it is the most primitive response in
subjective attributes and the evaluative judgments. Preferences guide the organism
in the direction of maintaining life. In humans, therefore, these preferences are
deeply related to aesthetic issues. Typical results are shown in Fig. 1.1a as a
function of the delay time of the single reflection. At Goettingen, the author
discovered that the most preferred delay times correspond well to the effective
duration (τe) of the autocorrelation functions of two different music motifs. For
music motif A (slow tempo: Royal Pavane composed by Orland Gibbons,
τe ~ 127 ms), the most preferred delay time was 128 ms. And for music motif B
(fast tempo, Sinfonietta, Opus 48; movement IV, τe ~ 35 ms), the most preferred
1.4 Twilight of the Third Stage of Life of the Author: An Example 5

Fig. 1.1 Preference score as a function of the delay time of the single reflection
(a) Music Motif A (Royal Pavane by Gibbons, τe ~ 127 ms) and Music Motif B (Sinfonietta, Opus
48, III movement, by Arnold, τe ~ 35 ms)
(b) Speech, a female reading a poem, τe ~ 12 ms, scores are plotted as a parameter of the amplitude
of reflection
It is remarkable that the most preferred delay times of the reflection correspond well to the value of
τe (the effective duration of the ACF of source signals), when the amplitude of reflection is the
same as that of the direct sound.
The concept of “temporal design” sprung from the results, because the sound field of rooms may be
designed according to the purpose of the room, i.e., for speech or for slow/fast music

delay was 32 ms (Fig. 1.1b). Note that for speech signals with τe ~ 10 ms, the
longest delay time was about 10 ms. For quite different types of music, the preferred
horizontal directions were similar, 32 –64 , and the corresponding amplitudes of
the interaural crosscorrelation, the IACC, were at minimum in the range of 50 –60
as shown in Fig. 1.2 (Ando 1977). Thereafter, preference tests were continued on
the sound field with multiple reflections and reverberation time (Ando and Gottlob
1979; Ando 1983).
Later, the author found that subjective preference as an overall response is a
cooperation between four orthogonal factors – two temporal and two spatial factors
associated with the left and right hemispheres, respectively (Ando 1985, 1998) –
and went on to establish the theory of subjective preference with temporal factors
associated with the left hemisphere and spatial factors associated with the right
hemisphere including the visual fields (Chap. 5, Ando 2007, 2009b).
6 1 Introduction

Fig. 1.2 Preference scores

and magnitude of the
interaural crosscorrelation
(IACC) of the sound fields,
as a function of the
horizontal angle of the
single reflection (A1 ¼ 1)
The IACC indicates
minimum when horizontal
angles of the reflection are
around 55 at which
preference values are
relatively large. This is the
basic concept of spatial
design of a room, which is
almost independent of
sound signals


Ando Y (1968a) The “interference-pattern method” of measuring the complex reflection coeffi-
cient of acoustic materials at oblique incidence. Electron Commun Jpn 51-A:10–18
Ando Y (1968b) Experimental study of the pressure directivity and the acoustic center of the
circular pipe horn loudspeaker. Acustica 20:366–369
Ando, Y. (1969/1970). On the sound radiation from semi-infinite circular pipe of certain wall
thickness. Acustica 22:219–225
Ando Y (1977) Subjective preference in relation to objective parameters of music sound fields
with a single echo. J Acoust Soc Am 62:1436–1441
Ando Y (1983) Calculation of subjective preference at each seat in a concert hall. J Acoust Soc Am
Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2004) On the temporal design of environments. J Temporal Des Architect Environ
Ando Y (2006) Reviews on the temporal design for three stages of human life. Most Unlikely
“time is money, “but” time is life”. J Temporal Des Architect Environ 6:2–17. http://www.
Ando Y (2007, 2014). Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In: Rossing
TD (ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009a) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009b) Theory of temporal and spatial environmental design. In: McGraw-Hill yearbook
of science & technology 2009. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 384–389
Ando Y (2013) Environmental design for the third stage of human life (persistence of individual
creations). J Temporal Des Architect Environ 12:1–12.
Ando Y (2015) Opera house acoustics based on subjective preference theory. Springer, Tokyo
References 7

Ando D, Gottlob D (1979) Effects of early multiple reflection on subjective preference judgments
on music sound fields. J Acoust Soc Am 65:524–527
Ando Y, Hattori H (1977a) Effects of noise on sleep of babies. J Acoust Soc Am 62:199–204
Ando Y, Hattori H (1977b) Effects of noise on human placental lactogen (HPL) levels in maternal
plasma. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 84:115–118
Ando Y, Kageyama K (1977) Subjective preference of sound with a single early reflection.
Acustica 37:111–117
Ando Y, Johnson B, Bosworth T (1996) Theory of planning environments incorporating spatial
and temporal values. Memoirs of Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe Univer-
sity, 14-A, pp 67–92.
Damaske P, Ando Y (1972) Interaural cross-correlation for multichannel loudspeaker reproduc-
tion. Acustica 27:232–238
Chapter 2
Model of Auditory Brain System

2.1 Slow-Vertex Responses (SVR) Corresponding

to Subjective Preference of the Sound Field

Neural response correlates of subjective preference were found in the latency of

SVR peaks. Figure 2.1 summarizes the relationship between subjective preference
scale values and three acoustic parameters (SL, Δt1, and IACC). Applying the
paired method of stimuli, both the SVRs and the subjective preferences for sound
fields were investigated as functions of these parameters (Ando 1998). The source
signal was 0.4–0.9 s of segment. The lower part of the figure indicates the appear-
ance of latency components.
1. As shown in the left and center columns in the figure, the neural information
related to subjective preference appeared typically in an N2-latency of
250–300 ms, when SL and Δt1 were changed. In general, subjective preference
may be regarded as a predisposition towards maintaining life, making the
appearance of such primitive survival-oriented responses in neuronal observ-
ables all the more expected.
2. Further details of the latencies for both the test sound field and the reference
sound field, when Δt1 was changed, are shown in Fig. 2.2. The parallel latencies
at P2, N2 and P3, were clearly observed as functions of the delay time Δt1.
However, latencies for the reference sound field (Δt1 ¼ 0) in the paired stimuli
were found to be relatively shorter, while the latencies for the test sound field
with Δt1 ¼ 25 ms, the most preferred delay, became longest. This pattern may
indicate a kind of relative behavior of the brain, which leads to underestimating
the reference sound field when the test sound field in the pair is the most
preferred condition.
3. Relatively long-latency responses are always observed in the subjectively pre-
ferred range of each factor.

© Springer Japan 2016 9

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_2
10 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Fig. 2.1 Relationships between averaged latencies of the SVR and scale values of subjective
preference for three factors of the sound field
(____): left hemisphere; (------): right hemisphere
(a) As a function of the sensation level (SL)
(b) As a function of the delay time of reflection, Δt1
(c) As a function of the IACC

4. Thus, the difference of N2-latencies over both hemispheres in response to a pair

of sound fields contains almost the same information as that obtained from PCTs
for subjective preference.
The right column of Fig. 2.1 shows the effects of varying the IACC using the
1/3-octave-band noise (500 Hz) (Ando 1987b, 1992). At the upper part, the scale
value of the subjective diffuseness is indicated as a function of the IACC. The
scale value of subjective preference also has a similar behavior plotted against
the IACC.
5. The information related to subjective diffuseness or subjective preference,
therefore, appears in the N2-latency, ranging between 260 and 310 ms, in
which a tendency for an increasing latency while decreasing the IACC was
observed for eight subjects (except for the left hemisphere of one subject). The
relationship between the IACC and the N2-latency was found to be linear, and
the correlation coefficient between them was 0.99 ( p < 0.01).
6. Furthermore, let us look at the behavior of early latencies at P1 and N1, which
remained almost constant when the delay time and the IACC were changed.
However, the information related to the SL may be found typically at the N1-
latency. This tendency agrees well with the results of Botte et al. (1975).
2.1 Slow-Vertex Responses (SVR) Corresponding to Subjective Preference of the. . . 11

Fig. 2.2 Averaged latencies for both the test sound field and the reference sound field for paired
stimuli, as a function of the delay time of the reflection, Δt1. (____): left hemisphere; (------): light
Maximum latencies of P2, N2, and P3 are found at Δt1 ¼ 25 ms for the test sound field, whereas
relatively short latencies of P0 2, N0 2, and P0 3 are observed for the reference sound field. This is
typical brain activity showing “relativity”

7. Consequently from 40 to 170 ms of the SVR, the hemispheric dominance may be

found for the amplitude component, which may be related to respective func-
tional specializations of the hemispheres. Early latency differences
corresponding to the SL may be found in the range between 120 and 170 ms.
8. Finally, we found that the N2-latency components in the delay range between
200 ms and 310 ms may correspond well with subjective preference relative to
the listening level, to the time delay of the reflection, and, indirectly, to
the IACC.
9. Since the longest latency was always observed for the most preferred condition,
one might speculate that the brain is most relaxed at the preferred condition and
that this causes the observed latency behavior to occur. Therefore, a correlation
12 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

may exist between the duration of latency periods and the duration of alpha wave
periods in electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG)
during the human waking stage as discussed in the following chapters.

2.2 Electroencephalographic (EEG)

and Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) Correlates
of Subjective Preference of the Sound Field

In order to attain further knowledge of brain activities, we conducted a series of

experiments to find EEG correlates of subjective preference. Since the effects of
changes in reverberation time (Tsub) could not be seen from auditory-evoked
potentials by applying short signals less than 0.9 s in duration, we had to use
longer time frames to enable continuous sounds to find some distinctive feature in
EEG signals that would follow changes in the Tsub. First, we changed the delay time
of the single reflection (Δt1), which reconfirmed the SVR results. Analysis of the
data led us to discover an EEG correlate of subjective preference in the effective
duration of the autocorrelation function of the alpha wave range (Ando 2009), i.e.,
in the duration that alpha rhythms persist in the brain (Fig. 2.3). To discriminate

Fig. 2.3 Determining the effective duration (τe) of the alpha rhythm by estimating the slope of the
envelope of the autocorrelation function and determining the delay at which it reaches 10 % of its
maximal at zero-lag value of 0 dB. Effective duration measures duration of temporal coherence,
i.e., the duration over which a repetitive structure persists in a signal. Such activity in the alpha
rhythm is an indication of subjective preference that may be measured even in newborn babies
2.2 Electroencephalographic (EEG) and Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) Correlates. . . 13

more clearly between individual perceptions, we investigated further by using MEG

to chart individual responses following changes to Δt1. Ultimately, effects of the
typical temporal factor (Tsub) and spatial factor (IACC) were searched in EEG

2.2.1 EEG in Response to Change of Δt1

In this experiment, music motif B (Arnold’s Sinfonietta, Opus 48, a 5-s segment of
the 3rd movement) was selected as the sound source (Burd 1969; Ando 1985). The
delay time of the first, single reflection Δt1 was alternatively adjusted to 35 ms
(a preferred condition) and 245 ms (a condition of clear echo percept). The EEG of
ten pairs from positions T3 and T4 was recorded for about 140 s in response to ten
delay-change pairs, and experiments were repeated over a total of 3 days. Eleven
22–26-year-old subjects participated in the experiment. Each subject was asked to
close their eyes while listening to the music during the recording of the EEG. Two
loudspeakers were arranged in front of the subject. Thus, the IACC was kept at a
constant value near unity. The sound-pressure level was fixed at a 70 dBA peak, in
which the amplitude of the single reflection was the same as that of the direct sound,
A0 ¼ A1 ¼ 1. The leading edge of each sound signal was recorded as a time stamp so
that the recorded EEG responses could be precisely synchronized to and correlated
with the presented sound. EEG signals amplified, passed through a filter with a
5–40 Hz bandwidth and a slope of 140 dB/octave, and were then digitally sampled
at 100 Hz or more.
In order to find brain activity patterns corresponding to subjective preference, we
analyzed the effective duration τe of the ACFs in the α-wave range (8–13 Hz) of the
EEG. First, considering that the subjective preference judgment needs at least 2 s to
develop a psychological present, the running integration interval (2T) was exam-
ined for periods between 1.0 s and 4.0 s. Remarkable findings are:
1. A satisfactory duration 2T ¼ 2–3 s in the ACF analysis was found only from the
left hemisphere (Ando and Chen 1996). Values of τe at Δt1 ¼ 35 ms are signif-
icantly longer than at Δt1 ¼ 245 ms ( p < 0.01) only in the left hemisphere, but
not in the right (Fig. 2.4).
2. Ratios of τe values in the α-wave range at Δt1 ¼ 35 ms and 245 ms, for each
subject, are shown in Fig. 2.5. Remarkably, all individual data indicate that the
ratios in the left hemisphere at the preferred condition of 35 ms are much longer
than in the right hemisphere.
3. The results reconfirm that when Δt1 is changed, the left hemisphere is highly
activated, and the values of τe of α-rhythms in this hemisphere correlate well
with subjective preference. The α-rhythm has the longest period in the EEG in
the waking state of the adult human and may indicate feelings of “pleasantness”
and “comfort” – a preferred condition, which is widely accepted. A long
14 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Fig. 2.4 Averaged ACF τe

values of the EEG alpha
wave upon change of Δt1
between 35 ms and 245 ms
(11 Subjects). Left: left
hemisphere. Right: right
Significant difference in
ACF τe values may be
found in the left hemisphere
associated with the
temporal factors, but not in
the right hemisphere
(associated with spatial

effective duration τe of α-rhythms may relate to the long N2-latency of the SVR
in the preferred condition that was shown in Fig. 2.1.

2.2.2 MEG in Response to Change of Δt1

In MEG studies, the weak magnetic fields produced by electric currents flowing in
neurons are measured with a multiple channel SQUID (superconducting quantum
interference device for magnetism detection) gradiometers, which enables the study
of many interesting properties of the working human brain. MEG accurately detects
superficial tangential currents, whereas EEG is sensitive to both radial and tan-
gential current sources and reflects activity in the deepest parts of the brain. Only
currents that have a component tangential to the surface of a spherically symmetric
conductor produce a sufficiently strong magnetic field outside of the brain; radial
sources are thus externally silent. Therefore, MEG mainly measures neuronal
activity from the fissures of the cortex, which often simplifies interpretation of the
data. Fortunately, all the primary sensory areas of the brain – auditory, somato-
sensory, and visual – are located within fissures. The advantages of MEG over EEG
result mainly from the fact that the skull and other extracerebral tissues are
practically transparent to magnetic fields but do substantially alter electrical
2.2 Electroencephalographic (EEG) and Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) Correlates. . . 15

Fig. 2.5 Ratios of ACF τe values of the EEG alpha wave upon change of Δt1 between 35 ms and
245 ms for each individual subject, A–K: [τe value at 35 ms]/[τe value at 245 ms]
Above: left hemisphere. Below: right hemisphere
Ratios of ACF τe values of the EEG alpha wave are always greater on the left hemisphere than on
the right

current flows. Thus, magnetic patterns outside the head are less distorted than the
electrical potentials on the scalp. Further, magnetic recording is reference-free,
whereas electric brain maps depend on the location of the reference electrode.
Measurements of MEG responses were performed in a magnetically shielded
room using a 122-channel whole-head neuromagnetometer as shown in Photo 2.1
(Neuromag-122TM, Neuromag Ltd., Finland) (Soeta et al. 2002
The source signal was the word “piano,” which had a 0.35-s duration. The
minimum value of the moving effective duration τe, i.e., (τe)min, was about
20 ms. It is worth noting that this value is close to the most preferred delay time
of the first reflection of sound fields with continuous speech (Ando and Kageyama
1977). In the present experiment, the delay time of the single reflection (Δt1) was
set at five levels (0, 5, 20, 60, and 100 ms). The direct sound and a single reflection
were mixed, and the amplitude of the reflection was the same as that of the direct
sound (A0 ¼ A1 ¼ 1). The auditory stimuli were binaurally delivered through metal-
free plastic tubes and earpieces into the ear canals. The sound-pressure level, which
was measured at the end of the tubes, was fixed at 70 dBA.
16 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Photo 2.1 Magnetometer used in recording the magnetoencephalogram (MEG)

Seven 23–25-year-old subjects with normal hearing participated in the experi-

ment. In accordance with the PCT methodology, each subject compared ten possi-
ble stimulus pairs per session, and a total of ten sessions were conducted for each
subject. Measurements of magnetic responses were performed in a magnetically
shielded room. Similar to the EEG measurements described in the previous section,
the paired-auditory stimuli were presented in the same way as in the subjective
preference test. During measurements, the subjects sat in a chair with their eyes
closed. To compare the results of the MEG measurements with the scale values of
the subjective preference, combinations of a reference stimulus (Δt1 ¼ 0 ms) and
test stimuli (Δt1 ¼ 0, 5, 20, 60, and 100 ms) were presented alternately 50 times, and
the MEG signals were analyzed. The magnetic data were recorded continuously
2.2 Electroencephalographic (EEG) and Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) Correlates. . . 17

with a filter of 0.1–30.0 Hz and digitized with a sampling rate of 100 Hz. Eight
channels that had larger amplitudes of N1m response in each hemisphere were
selected for the ACF analysis. We analyzed the MEG alpha band signal for each of
the paired stimuli for each subject, computed their normalized autocorrelation
functions, and plotted them using logarithmic units of magnitude. The envelope
of the ACF is fitted with a straight line and its intercepts with the –5 and –10 dB
magnitude values are determined. The –10 dB (10 % of maximum value) intercept
is defined as the effective duration (Fig. 4.27 in Ando 2009). Naturally, for the
preferred condition at Δt1 ¼ 5 ms where the first reflection time is short, the
computed effective duration value of the MEG alpha band response is long
(τe  0.5 s), compared to the effective duration of τe  0.3 s that is seen for the
unfavorable condition of echo disturbance (Δt1 ¼ 100 ms).
The results from the eight subjects confirmed a linear relationship between the
averaged τe values in the MEG alpha band and the averaged scale values of
subjective preference. The left hemisphere dominates the temporal factor Δt1,
which reconfirms the aforementioned SVR and EEG studies. Therefore, we ana-
lyzed individual results from the left hemispheres of the subjects. We concluded
1. An almost direct relationship between individual scale values of subjective
preference and the τe values over the left hemisphere was found in each of the
eight subjects. Results for each of the eight subjects are shown in Fig. 2.10.
2. Remarkably, the correlation coefficient, r, was above 0.94 for all subjects.
3. It is worth noting that there was only weak correlation between the scale values
of subjective preference and the amplitude of the α-wave, Φ(0), for either
hemisphere (r < 0.37).
4. The value of τe in the alpha wave band is the persistence of alpha rhythms in
time, so that under the preferred conditions, the brain repeats a similar rhythm of
alpha activity for a longer period of time. This tendency for a longer effective
duration τe of the alpha rhythm under the preferred condition is much more
significant than the aforementioned results that were obtained through similar
analyses of EEG signals.

2.2.3 EEG in Response to Change of Tsub

Now, let us examine how effective durations τe of α-rhythms change in response to

subsequent reverberation times (Tsub) and their subjective preference values. Ten
student subjects participated in the experiment (Chen and Ando 1996). The sound
source used was music motif B, herein described as having a minimum effective
duration of (τe)min ~ 40 ms, so that the most preferred reverberation time can be
calculated as (Tsub)p ~ 23 (τe)min ¼ 0.92 s (Eq. 6.5). Ten 25–33-year-old subjects
participated in the experiment. EEG signals from the left and right hemispheres
were recorded. Values of τe in EEG signals in the α-band were also analyzed for the
duration of 2T ¼ 2.5 s.
18 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Fig. 2.6 Averaged value of ACF τe of the EEG alpha wave upon change of Tsub: 0.2 s and 1.2 s;
1.2 s and 6.4 s for 10 subjects. The left column in each figure depicts results from the left
hemisphere, and the right column depicts results from the right hemisphere

First, let us consider the averaged values of the effective duration τe of

α-activity, shown in Fig. 2.6.
1. Clearly, for the left hemisphere the values of τe are much longer close to the
preferred condition 0.92 s, i.e., at Tsub ¼ 1.2 s, than at either of the non-preferred
conditions Tsub ¼ 0.2 s and 6.4 s.
2. Thus, alpha rhythms persist longer in the left hemisphere for preferred reverber-
ation time values. However, the contrary is true for the right hemisphere, where
the non-preferred reverberation times produced longer effective durations of
alpha activity.
The results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) reveal that although there are
vast individual differences, a significant difference is achieved for Tsub in the pair of
0.2 s and 1.2 s ( p < 0.05), and interference effects are observed for factors Subject
and LR ( p < 0.01), and LR and Tsub ( p < 0.01). No such significant differences are
achieved for the pair at 1.2 s and 6.4 s, but there are interference effects between
subject and LR, and subject and Tsub. Different individual scale values of prefer-
ence, however, are well correlated to ratios of values of τe for the α-wave band in
the left hemisphere (Chen and Ando 1996; Ando 1998, 2009).

2.2.4 EEG in Response to Change of the IACC

The EEG response to changes in the IACC was also investigated. Eight student
subjects participated in the paired-comparison experiment (Sato et al. 2003). Music
2.2 Electroencephalographic (EEG) and Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) Correlates. . . 19

Fig. 2.7 Averaged values of ACF τe of the EEG alpha wave upon change of the IACC for the pair
of IACC ¼ 0.30 and 0.95. The left column in the figure is from the left hemisphere, and the right
column is from the right hemisphere

motif B was again used as the stimulus. Changes in the IACC reflected clearly in
right hemisphere dominance. The effective duration τe of α-band activity was found
to be substantially longer in the preferred condition (IACC ¼ 0.30). A significant
difference was achieved in the right hemisphere for the pair of sound fields with
IACC ¼ 0.95 and 0.30 ( p < 0.01) as shown in Fig. 2.7.
1. In seven of eight subjects, the ratios of effective durations τe for α-band
responses to IACC change, [τe (IACC ¼ 0.3)/τe (IACC ¼ 0.95)], in the right
hemisphere were greater than in the left hemisphere except for subject B
(Fig. 2.8). Thus, as far as the IACC is concerned, the more preferred condition
with a smaller IACC is related to longer α-rhythm effective durations in the right
hemisphere in most of subjects tested.
2. As shown the most clearly in Fig. 2.9, a wave of alpha rhythm activity in the
right hemisphere (T4) at IACC ¼ 0.3, later propagates toward the left hemi-
sphere (T3).
3. Additionally, experiments using MEG measurements tested a speech signal that
was altered by changes made to the IACC (0.27, 0.61 and 0.90). The results
reconfirmed that effective duration τe and the maximum amplitude of the CCF
increased when the IACC decreased in the right hemisphere (Soeta et al. 2005).
Table 2.1 summarizes hemispheric dominance results obtained by analysis of the
effective durations τe of α-rhythms, with respect to changes in listening level LL,
first reflection time Δt1, reverberation time Tsub, and the interaural crosscorrelation
coefficient IACC. This finding suggests that the value of τe in the α-band is an
objective index for designing excellent human acoustic environments.
20 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Fig. 2.8 Ratio of ACF τe values of the EEG alpha wave from the left hemisphere (T3) and the right
hemisphere (T4) for each of 8 subjects, A–H: [τe value at IACC ¼ 0.30]/[τe value at IACC ¼ 0.95].
Ratio of ACF τe values is greater on the right hemisphere than on the left except for subject B

2.3 Specialization of Cerebral Hemispheres for the Sound


Four significant, orthogonal physical factors for describing sound fields have been
found. Two of them are temporal aspects, i.e., the initial time delay gap between the
direct sound and the first reflection, Δt1, and the subsequent reverberation time,
Tsub, while the other two are spatial aspects, i.e., the magnitude of the interaural
crosscorrelation function, the IACC, and the volume of the binaural listening level,
LL. Specialization of the cerebral hemispheres according to the temporal and
spatial factors when each of these four factors is changed during the experiments
has been identified.
2.3 Specialization of Cerebral Hemispheres for the Sound Field 21

Fig. 2.9 Propagation of the

alpha wave flow from the
right hemisphere to the left
in response to a change of
IACC. Real numbers reflect
the median values of alpha
rhythm correlation
magnitudes (maximum
absolute values) between
alpha band EEG signals
from electrode T4 and the
indicated electrodes

Table 2.1 Hemispheric specializations determined by AEP, EEG, and MEG of the left and right
hemispheres for temporal and spatial factors of the sound field, respectively
AEP (SVR) EEG, ratio of ACF τe (MEG) MEG, ACF τe
Factors changed A(P1 – N1) values of α-wave N1m value of α-wave
Δt1 L>R L > R (music) L > R (speech)
Tsub – L > R (music) –
LL R>L – –
IACC R > L (vowel/ R > L (music)2 R>L
a/) (band
R > L (band
Head-related R>L
transfer functions (vowels)4
Sound source used in experiments is indicated in the bracket
The flow of EEG α-wave from the right hemisphere to the left hemisphere in response to music
stimulus in change of the IACC was determined by the CCF |ϕ(τ)|max between α-waves recorded at
different electrodes
Soeta and Nakagawa (2006)
Palomaki et al. (2002)
22 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Recordings of brain activity over the left and right hemispheres, including the slow-
vertex response (SVR), electroencephalogram (EEG), and magnetoencephalogram
(MEG), have revealed evidences as listed in Table 2.1. Formulation of such a neurally
grounded strategy for acoustic design has been initiated through a study of auditory-
evoked electrical potentials, i.e., the slow-vertex responses (SVR), which are gener-
ated by the left and right human cerebral hemispheres. The goal of these experiments
was to identify potential neuronal response correlates of subjective preference for the
orthogonal acoustic parameters related to sound fields. Using the paired-comparison
method, it had been established that particular ranges of the four orthogonal factors
were preferred by most listeners. These factors and auditory-evoked potentials (AEPs)
are integrated by the triggering technique, so that reliable predictions of subjective
preference could be made. Similarly, in the study the SVR for paired stimuli was
integrated, and scale values of subjective preference based on the paired-comparison
method were obtained. Typically, SVRs are the strongest when stimulus patterns
change abruptly, i.e., there is a contrast between the paired stimuli in which spatial
and/or temporal factors change. The method of paired stimuli is therefore the most
effective procedure because of this relativity of the brain response.
Main results are as follows:
1. The left- and right-relative peak amplitudes of the first major SVR waves
indicate lateralization of responses associated with the temporal factor (Δt1 in
the left hemisphere) and spatial factors (LL and IACC in the right hemisphere)
(Fig. 2.1; Ando et al. 1987a, b; Ando 2003). Correlates of loudness, the sensation
level SL and the binaural listening level LL, were classified as temporal-
monaural factors from a physical viewpoint. However, results of the SVR
indicate that the neural correlates of these parameters were predominantly
observed over the right hemisphere. Thus, SL and LL should be reclassified as
spatial factors as far as specialization of the hemispheres is concerned. Classi-
fication of the LL as a spatial factor is natural because it is accurately measured
by the geometric average of sound energies arriving at the two ears.
2. Results of EEG recordings that showed hemispheric lateralization of the tem-
poral factors, i.e., Δt1 and Tsub (reverberation time), reconfirmed left hemisphere
dominance for these factors (Ando and Chen 1996; Chen and Ando 1996).
Similarly, spatial factors associated with the interaural magnitude IACC showed
right hemispheric dominance (Sato et al. 2003; Sato and Prodi 2009). It is worth
noting that the scale value of subjective preference has a tendency to increase as
IACC decreases. Thus, judging by the evidence provided by the measured
subjective neural responses to varying temporal and spatial factors, there appears
to be a high degree of independence between the left and right hemispheres.
3. Scale values of subjective preferences are well predicted from the values of the
effective durations τe (extracted from the ACF) of EEG alpha band activity
(8–13 Hz) over the left and right hemispheres. Neural correlates of preferences
related to changing temporal and spatial factors of the sound fields dominate in
the left and right hemisphere EEG signals, respectively (Figs. 2.7 and 2.8).
2.4 Model of Auditory Brain System 23

4. Recorded MEG amplitudes reconfirmed the left hemisphere specialization for

the first reflection time Δt1 (Soeta et al. 2002).
5. Scale values of individual subjective preferences relate directly to the value of
effective duration τe extracted from the ACF of the alpha band activity of the
MEG (Fig. 2.10). Note that it is the effective durations of the alpha rhythms in
EEG and MEG recordings, and not the absolute amplitudes of these waves, that
correspond to scale values of subjective preferences.
6. In addition to the temporal response patterns described above, propagation of a
wave of alpha rhythm activity in the right hemisphere from electrode T4 to the
whole brain including the left hemisphere is demonstrated in Fig. 2.9. Here,
spatial patterns of cortical neural response were analyzed by examining
crosscorrelations between alpha band activity at different scalp locations in the
two hemispheres using EEG and MEG recordings. The results indicate alpha
rhythm activity over larger areas of the cerebral cortex in response to preferred
sound fields (Soeta et al. 2003). These findings indicate that the brain repeats a
similar temporal rhythm in the alpha frequency range over a wider area of the
scalp when preferences are better satisfied. It is also noteworthy that the alpha
rhythm has the longest period of brain waves in the waking state and is deeply
related to relaxation and health. Previously, the left hemisphere has been mainly
associated with identification of time sequences and functions, and the right
hemisphere has been known to be fundamentally concerned with spatial
Left hemispheric specialization for speech signals has been reported by a
number of authors using EEG and MEG recordings. However, when the IACC
was changed for speech and music signals, right hemispheric dominance was
observed as indicated in Table 2.1. Therefore, rather than having an absolute
response bias for particular kinds of signals, hemispheric response dominance is
relative and depends on which factor is changed in the comparison pair.
These findings and the theory of subjective preference reconfirm the central
auditory signal-processing model (Ando 1985) as shown in Fig. 2.11 (Ando 1998,
2007, 2009).

2.4 Model of Auditory Brain System

Based on the above-mentioned physical system and physiological responses, a

high-level signal-processing model of the central auditory system (Ando 1985)
has been reconfirmed as shown in Fig. 2.11. Applying this model can yield a wide
range of research works. For example, research has been initiated for enabling
automatic speech recognition over the telephone and in rooms, which would allow
identifying which one of the 7000 languages that are alive in the world today is
being spoken (Ando 2015). If the neural ACF is extended in time to cover longer
time delays than those present in neural responses, then a running neural ACF
24 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

Fig. 2.10 Good correspondence between the scale value of subjective preference and the aver-
aged ACF τe value of the MEG alpha wave over the left hemisphere (8 subjects). The averaged τe
value and the scale value are the highest correlation over the eight channels. ○: scale values of
subjective preference. ●: averaged τe values of MEG alpha wave, error bars being standard errors
2.4 Model of Auditory Brain System 25

Fig. 2.11 Central auditory signal-processing model for subjective responses (Ando 1985)
p(t): source sound signal in the time domain. hl,r(r/r0,t): head-related impulse responses from a
source position of r0 to the left and right ear entrances of a listener at r. el,r(t): impulse responses of
left and right external canals, from the left and right ear entrances to the left and right eardrums. cl,
r(t): impulse responses for vibration of left and right bone chains, from the eardrums to oval
windows, including transformation factors into vibration motion at the eardrums – Vl,r(x,ω):
travelling wave forms on the basilar membranes, where x is 0
the position along the left and right
basilar membrane measured from the oval window. Il,r(x ): sharpening in the cochlear nuclei
corresponding to roughly the power spectra of input sound, i.e., responses of a single pure tone
ω tend to a limited region of nuclei. These neural activities may be enough to be converted into
activities similar to the ACF. ΦllL (σ) and Φrr(σ): ACF mechanisms in the left and right auditory
pathways, respectively. Symbol signifies that signals are combined. Φlr(ν): IACF mechanism
(Ando 1985). r and l: specialization for temporal and spatial factors of the left and right human
cerebral hemispheres, respectively. Temporal and spatial percepts (Sect. 4.2) may be processed in
the left and right hemisphere according to the temporal factors extracted from the ACF and the
spatial factors extracted from the IACF, respectively. The overall subjective preference and
annoyance may be processed in both hemispheres in relation to the temporal and spatial factors
(Ando 2002, 2009)

could potentially come to aid in a broader spectrum of societal activities. It would

be possible to classify music based on the effective duration of the ACF (τe)minof
musical notes in order to select concert programs that blend preferred temporal
factors with ideal acoustic spaces (Ando 2009); use automatic identification of
noise source by implementing ACF factors for the purposes of reducing aircraft or
traffic noise (Soeta and Ando 2015); study the effects that environmental noise has
on the developing brain and its specialization and the accumulated effects that
noise has on the mind (Ando 2011).
The model consists of monaural autocorrelation mechanisms, the interaural
crosscorrelation mechanism between the two auditory pathways, and the speciali-
zation of the human cerebral hemispheres for temporal and spatial factors of the
sound field. In addition, according to the relationship between temporal and spatial
26 2 Model of Auditory Brain System

percepts of sound as well as subjective preference of the sound field and changes in
physiological phenomena in response to variations in the acoustic factors, a model
is reconfirmed and formed as shown in Fig. 2.11 (Ando 1998, 2009). In this figure, a
sound source p(t) is located at position r0 in a three-dimensional space, and a
listener is sitting at position r, which is defined by the location of the center of
the head. hl,r(r| r0,t) are the impulse responses of the two sound paths through the
room between r0 and the left and right ear canal entrances. The impulse responses of
the external ear canal and the bone chain are el,r(t) and cl,r(t), respectively. The
velocity of the basilar membrane is expressed by Vl,r(x, ω), x being the position
along the membrane.
In fact, the time domain analysis, rather than the frequency domain analysis, of
firing rates of cat auditory nerve fibers revealed a pattern of the ACF (Secker-
Walker and Searle 1990).
In contrast with neural representations that are based on neural firing rates,
which tend to change their form and degrade at higher sound levels, representations
based on temporal spike information remain largely invariant in form over the
whole dynamic range of hearing and thus mirror the behavior of auditory percepts.
For stimuli consisting of low-frequency components that are resolved by cochlear
filters, “pooled all-order interspike interval distributions” or simply “population-
interval distributions” resemble the autocorrelation of the stimulus itself. For sound
stimuli consisting of higher-frequency components that are not resolved by
cochlear filters, population-interval distributions resemble the autocorrelation of
their waveform envelopes (Cariani and Delgutte 1996). From a viewpoint of the
missing fundamental or pitch of complex components judged by human perception,
the running ACF must be processed in the frequency components below about
5 kHz and the fundamental frequency below 1200 Hz (Inoue et al. 2001).
As we have discussed, evidence shows that there exist correlates of the interaural
correlation magnitude IACC in neural activity at the level of the brainstem and
midbrain (Ando 1998, 2009). The interaural crosscorrelation mechanism exists at
the level of the superior olive and the inferior colliculus. It is concluded that the
output signal of the interaural crosscorrelation mechanism that computes the IACC
is predominantly connected to the right hemisphere. Representation of sound-
pressure level (SPL) may also be preferentially processed in the right hemisphere.
Sound-pressure level can be expressed in terms of a geometrical average of the
ACFs for the two ears at the origin of time (σ ¼ 0), and changes in sound-pressure
level produce changes in neuronal response latencies that appear at the level of the
inferior colliculus.
Based on the model, temporal and spatial percepts (Ando et al. 1999; Ando
2002, 2009) and subjective attributes of sound fields in terms of processes occurring
in the auditory pathways as well as the specialization of the two cerebral hemi-
spheres will be described.
References 27


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with a single echo. J Acoust Soc Am 62:1436–1441
Ando Y (1983) Calculation of subjective preference at each seat in a concert hall. J Acoust Soc Am
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Chapter 3
EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual
Subjective Preferences

3.1 EEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences

for Oscillatory Horizontal Movements of a Single

This study focused on the EEG correlates of subjective preference for oscillatory
horizontal movements of a single target when the period of the movement was
changed. The EEG was recorded during the presentation of the most preferred and
less preferred moving stimuli. The effective duration τe in the ACF of the alpha
wave was analyzed. Results show that the value of τe at the most preferred
condition was longer than for the stimulus in the less preferred conditions. In
addition, the maximum value of the CCF (|ϕ (τ)|max) between EEGs recorded at
different electrode sites was analyzed as shown in Fig. 3.1. Results indicate that the
value of |ϕ (τ)|max of the alpha wave at the most preferred condition was greater
than for the stimulus in the less preferred conditions. These results reconfirm that at
the preferred condition, the brain repeats the rhythm in the alpha wave range in the
time domain and that this activity spreads over a wider area of the human cerebral
The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between human brain
response and subjective preference of a single circular target moving sinusoidally in
the horizontal direction, varying its period (Okamoto et al. 2003). The EEG was
recorded during the presentation of stimuli having the most preferred and less
preferred periods. Then, the effective durations τe of EEG alpha rhythms and
their correlated behavior at different electrode sites |ϕ (τ)|max were analyzed to
determine the relationship with subjective preference.
Stimuli consisting of white disks with a visual angle of 1.0 in diameter against a
black background (Fig. 3.2) were presented on the display placed in front of the
subject at a viewing distance of 1.0 m in a dark chamber. The amplitude was fixed at
the visual angle of 0.5 . Whereas the most preferred period of the stimuli [T]p was

© Springer Japan 2016 29

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_3
30 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

Fig. 3.1 An example of a normalized crosscorrelation function (CCF) between two EEG alpha
band signals recorded from different electrodes, showing definition of the maximum correlation
value |ϕ(τ)|max and its delay time τm

Fig. 3.2 Stimulus target used in the experiment showing an example of oscillatory horizontal

found by the PCT at approximately 1.10 s, the subjective preference ratings

decreased for shorter and longer periods (Fig. 3.3).
In order to clarify the effect of subjective preference on EEG, stimuli with the
most preferred and less preferred periods were selected as paired stimuli. The thick
line shows the preference evaluation curve obtained from the results above. Two
pairs of stimuli were presented to determine if either the scale value of subjective
preference or the period (velocity) of movement of the stimulus had an influence on
the EEG. The pairs were selected as pair 1 [period T ¼ 1.0 and 0.4 s] and pair
3.1 EEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for Oscillatory Horizontal. . . 31

Fig. 3.3 A viewer preference for the rate of visual oscillatory motion. The arrow indicates the
most preferred period [T]p ~ 1.1 s

2 [period T ¼ 1.0 and 4.0 s]. Eight 22- to 26-year-old subjects participated in this
study. All had normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
The EEG was recorded using six silver electrodes located at T3, T4, T5, T6, O1,
and O2 according to the 10–20 International Electrode Placement System (see
Fig. 3.6). The reference electrode was placed at Fz (midline electrodes 30 % of
distance from nasion to inion). The ground electrode was placed on the forehead.
The recorded data were filtered: 4–8 Hz (theta), 8–13 Hz (alpha), and 13–30 Hz
(beta). The integration interval was set at 2.5 s in the CCF analysis as well as in the
ACF analysis. An example of a normalized CCF is demonstrated in Fig. 3.1. Results
show that the stimulus with the period of 1.0 s induced a longer value of τe than did
those with periods of 0.4 or 4.0 s.
The values of |ϕ (τ)|max extracted from the CCF were also analyzed to estimate
the degree of correlation between cortical responses at different positions. The
normalized CCF between the brain waves measured at electrode site O1 (reference
electrode) and those measured at the other electrode sites (test electrodes) was
analyzed because the difference between the values of τe for the two conditions was
“the greatest at O1 (left hemisphere)” in the ACF analysis as shown in Fig. 3.4.
Significant effects of the stimulus condition and electrode site were reconfirmed in
the alpha wave range only when both pairs were presented ( p < 0.01); namely, no
significant effects from the stimulus conditions were detected in the theta and beta
ranges. As shown in Fig. 3.5, results reconfirmed that the stimulus with the period
of 1.0 s had a greater value of |ϕ (τ)|max in the alpha range than did the stimuli with
periods of 0.4 or 4.0 s ( p < 0.01). As shown in the figure, the values of |ϕ (τ)|max are
32 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

Fig. 3.4 Averaged effective durations τe of EEG alpha rhythms range in response to a change of
period at different electrode sites. Presentation of (a) pair 1 (T ¼ 1.0 and 0.4 s) and (b) pair
2 (T ¼ 1.0 and 4.0 s). The preferred period T is 1.0 s. Error bars indicate the standard error of the

greater in the posterior temporal and the occipital areas (T5 and O2, respectively)
than at the other sites for both pairs 1 and 2.
3.1 EEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for Oscillatory Horizontal. . . 33

Fig. 3.5 Crosscorrelation analysis of EEG alpha band signals at electrode occipital site O1 and
five other sites. Averaged values of maximal crosscorrelation magnitude of |ϕ(τ)|max in response to
a change of period under presentation of (a) pair 1 (T ¼ 1.0 and 0.4 s) and (b) pair 2 (T ¼ 1.0 and
4.0 s). The preferred period T is 1.0 s. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean
34 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

The differences between the scale values of the stimuli with the period of 1.0 s
and the stimuli with periods of 0.4 or 4.0 s were not the same for all individual
subjects, because the stimuli were selected on the averaged scale value of prefer-
ence obtained from results of previous subjective preference tests. Results indicate
that the value of τe in the alpha range was affected by subjective preference, but not
by the period of the stimulus itself. The value of τe of the ACF in the alpha range,
which indicates the degree of persistence of the EEG alpha wave, is prolonged at
the preferred condition. This may be caused by the brain repeating the rhythm in the
alpha range, which reflects temporal behavior in the cortical area.
This tendency has been found also in previous studies as well as in the effects of
varying Δt1, Tsub of the sound field, and in varying the period of the flickering light.
In the previous study on the relationship between EEG alpha waves and subjective
preference with changes of the period of the flickering light, the value of τe was
longest in the occipital area. In the current study, however, the value of τe was
longest not in the occipital area but in the posterior temporal area. This may be a
result of experimental conditions: use of a fixed LED in the previous experiment
compared to use of visual motion stimuli in this experiment. A study using human
positron emission tomography (PET) found that visual system area V5 is located at
the occipital-temporal-parietal border (Zeki et al. 1991). The processing of visual
motion stimuli in the human visual cortex area V5 has been investigated by using
PET, MEG, and EEG. Probst et al. (1993) found that the locations of cortical
activation during the presentation of motion stimuli were more lateral than during
the presentation of pattern-reversal (non-motion) stimuli.
A significant effect of the stimulus condition on the values of |ϕ (τ)|max was
observed in the alpha range. The value of |ϕ (τ)|max averaged in the alpha range for
the stimuli with the period of 1.0 s was significantly greater than for stimuli with
periods of 0.4 or 4.0 s (Fig. 3.5). We reconfirmed that the values of |ϕ (τ)|max in the
alpha range are related to subjective preference, but not by the period of stimuli
itself. The fact that the alpha waves have greater |ϕ (τ)|max values shows that the
brain repeats its rhythm in the spatial domain over a wider cortical area in the
preferred condition than it does in the less preferred condition. This tendency
toward greater |ϕ (τ)|max values in the alpha range was also found in the effect of
varying the period of the flickering light as discussed above.
In the current study, because O1 (left hemisphere) was chosen as the reference
electrode, the value of |ϕ (τ)|max decreased as the distance between O1 and the other
electrodes increased. As shown in Fig. 3.6, values of |ϕ (τ)|max were greater in the
posterior temporal and occipital areas, T5 and O2, respectively, than in the other
Thus far, we have analyzed the EEG to determine the relationship between the
human brain response and subjective preference for horizontal visual motions of
movement over varying periods. Results obtained regarding the temporal and the
spatial features of brain rhythms can be summarized as:
3.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for Flickering Light 35

Fig. 3.6 Values of |ϕ (τ)|max of the alpha EEG recording site during the presentation of oscillating
moving visual targets. Correlations between signals recorded at different electrodes positions and
at O1 are shown for the stimulus pair 1 [T ¼ 1.0 and 0.4 s]. The relative thickness of the bars
indicates the range of the values |ϕ (τ)|max

1. The value of τe in the alpha wave range for the stimulus with the most preferred
period of the movement was significantly longer than for the stimulus with the
less preferred periods.
2. This tendency was the greatest at electrode site O1 over the left hemisphere.
3. The value of |ϕ (τ)|max in the alpha range for stimuli with the most preferred
period was significantly greater than for stimuli with the less preferred period.
These results reconfirm that the brain repeats the rhythm in the alpha range and
that this activity spreads wider over the human brain cortex as a result of the
presentation of stimuli with preferred motion rather than with the less preferred

3.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences

for Flickering Light

The MEG was recorded during presentations of the most preferred and less pre-
ferred flickering lights alternately during change of the temporal factor. Results
showed that (1) the effective duration of the ACF, τe, was longer during the
36 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

preferred condition than during the less preferred conditions and (2) such results
were significant in the left hemisphere when the temporal factor was varied.

3.2.1 MEG Correlates of Sinusoidal Flickering Light

To investigate human cortical responses that correspond with subjective preference

and hemispheric specialization for visual stimuli, the ACF of the MEG in relation to
the period of a flickering light was analyzed (Soeta et al. 2002c). The scale values of
individual preference obtained by the PCT together with the averaged scale values
of eight subjects are shown in Fig. 3.7. Effects of period on the scale values of
preference were examined for all eight subjects by using one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA). Results clearly indicated that the effects of period were
significant ( p < 0.01), and the most preferred period, [T]p, for each subject was
estimated by fitting a suitable polynomial curve to a graph on which the scale values
were plotted as shown in Fig. 3.8. The preferred period ranged from 0.6 to 2.0 s, and
its averaged value was roughly 1.0 s.
Figure 3.9 shows an example of a recorded MEG alpha wave. 16 channels that
were located around the occipital area were selected for the ACF analysis and each
response to the single stimulus in the pair was analyzed for each subject. The
selected 16 channels were divided into three areas as shown in this figure.

Fig. 3.7 Scale preference values of flickering period T for different subjects. Different symbols
represent preferences of different subjects. The thick black line shows averaged scale values of
preference for all subjects tested
3.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for Flickering Light 37

Fig. 3.8 An example of obtaining the most preferred period [T]p and less preferred periods of the
flickering light. [T]0.5  0.71, [T]1.0  2.22, and [T]1.5  0.48 [s] (Suffix number of [T] denotes the
differences between scale values of preference)

Significant effects of preference were found on τe and ϕ1 values under all condi-
tions tested. It is clear that the values of τe correlated with the value of ϕ1 (r ¼ 0.75,
p < 0.01). The values of τe and ϕ1 for the most preferred stimuli were larger than for
less preferred stimuli for all subjects, as shown in Figs. 3.10 and 3.11, respectively.
Such a difference of averaged values of τe and ϕ1 from the left area was signifi-
cantly larger than of those from the central and right areas ( p < 0.01). The preferred
period of the flickering light clearly induces a much longer τe in the alpha wave than
the less preferred ones. This tendency for longer τe for the preferred period of the
flickering light rather than ϕ1 in the alpha wave was also found in a previous section
on EEG (Soeta et al. 2002a). The fact that the brain repeats a similar rhythm under
preferred conditions was reconfirmed.
The ratio of high to low preference in terms of the averaged value of τe obtained
here was small in the range 1.01–1.06, but the difference is significant. This is much
smaller than the range derived from the study on EEG, which was 1.18–1.74 (Ando
2009). The EEG results from extracellular volume currents were triggered mainly
by the postsynaptic potential. MEG signals are thought to arise from the intracel-
lular currents that flow from the dendritic trees to cell bodies in large numbers
(>50,000) of neurons. The MEG and EEG field distributions are mutually orthog-
onal. Only the current that has a component tangential to the surface of a spherically
symmetric conductor produces an exterior magnetic field; the radial source is thus
externally silent. Therefore, the radial source might more directly reflect the neural
activity patterns associated with preferred visual stimuli. Different results from
EEG and MEG for the analysis of human cognition have been discussed previously
(Eulitz et al. 1997). Also, numerous studies have reported relationships between
38 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

Fig. 3.9 Examples of recorded MEG alpha rhythms. Responses duration was 2.5 s

EEG and MEG coherence and mental processes (Rappelsberger and Petsche 1988;
Hinrichs and Machleidt 1992; Petsche 1996). Those studies concentrated on the
interchannel relations, for example, synchronization of alpha frequency rhythms.
Here, the values of τe and ϕ1 from the left occipital area were found to be
significantly larger than those from the central and right occipital areas. Such a clear
tendency was not found in the previous study on EEG discussed above. The
significant values τe and ϕ1 in the left hemisphere may reflect the specialization
of the human brain, reconfirming specifically the left hemisphere dominance for the
temporal factors. It is remarkable that the ratio of high to low preference in terms of
the value of τe is greater than that of the value of ϕ1. This indicates that the effective
3.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences for Flickering Light 39

Fig. 3.10 Values of τe

analyzed from the MEG
alpha wave rhythms in
response to flickering light
recorded from different
sensors located in the
occipital sensor regions
shown in Fig. 3.9. Error
bars represent 95 %
confidence. The difference
of the scale value of
preference was: (a) 1.5. (b)
1.0. (c) 0.5. ○, higher
preference; ●, lower

duration τe of alpha waves reflects subjective preference better than alpha rhythm
regularity ϕ1.
These MEG experiments investigated human cortical responses corresponding
to subjective preferences for flickering lights. The conclusions are:
40 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

Fig. 3.11 Values of MEG

alpha rhythm regularity ϕ1
in response to flickering
light recorded at different
occipital sensor regions
shown in Fig. 3.9. Error
bars represent 95 %
confidence. The difference
of the scale value of
preference was: (a) 1.5. (b)
1.0. (c) 0.5. ○, higher
preference; ●, lower
3.3 Hemispheric Specialization in Vision 41

1. It was reconfirmed that the most preferred flicker periods [T]p for individuals
were 0.6–2 s, with an average value around 1 s.
2. Preferred flicker stimuli evoke significantly longer τe of MEG alpha waves than
flicker stimuli that are less preferred. There were no clear differences, however,
in the average amplitudes of MEG alpha band signals Φ(0).
3. Averaged values of effective duration τe and regularity ϕ1 of alpha rhythms from
the left area were significantly larger than those from the central and right areas.
4. The ratio of high to low preference in terms of effective alpha rhythm duration τe
is greater than that of the value of alpha rhythm regularity ϕ1. Thus, the effective
duration of alpha rhythms is a better predictor of preference than the regularity
of the rhythms.

3.2.2 MEG Correlates of Subjective Preferences

for Fluctuating Flickering Lights

The most preferred fluctuation of the flickering light was found in the condition of
flicker regularity as expressed by [ϕ1]p  0.46. Okamoto et al. (2007) investigated
the MEG alpha wave (8–13 Hz) as well as the theta (4–8 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz)
waves over the entire head in response to differing degrees of fluctuation ϕ1 in the
flickering light signal.
Results obtained are as follows:
1. Only in the alpha wave range of the MEG was it found that the values of τe of the
MEG signals in the alpha range for the most preferred stimuli are longer when
compared with those of the relatively less preferred stimuli.
2. This tendency is most pronounced in MEG signals from left occipital sensors
(left hemisphere neural responses) where preferred flicker fluctuations that
change the regularity of alpha rhythms also increase their effective duration.

3.3 Hemispheric Specialization in Vision

Subjective preference for sound and vision has been described by temporal and
spatial factors, which were identified by studies in psychology and neuroscience
(Ando 2009). The temporal and spatial factors that can be extracted from the
correlation functions existing in the auditory and visual perceptual mechanisms
have enabled establishing that the temporal factors of sound and vision are associ-
ated with the left cerebral hemisphere and the spatial factors are associated with the
right hemisphere. In addition, brain responses related to the scale values of subjec-
tive preferences are induced mainly in respective hemispheres. Such a unified
science of human perceptual sensations and subjective preferences can be applied
42 3 EEG and MEG Correlates of Visual Subjective Preferences

for any design practice, in which the goal is to optimize the experience of the design
Table 3.1 summarizes our experimental EEG and MEG findings related to
hemispheric lateralization of neuronal responses with respect to temporal factors
of the visual field (flickering lights and oscillatory horizontal movements). It has
been reported that the left cerebral hemisphere is greatly concerned with linear,
sequential modes of thinking, such as speech and calculation. On the other hand, it
is well known that the right hemisphere tends to perceive space in multiple-
dimensional and nontemporal terms for the visual field (Sperry 1974; Davis and
Wada 1974; Galin and Ellis 1975; Levy and Trevarthen 1976).
Relationships between alpha rhythms in EEG and MEG recordings and subjec-
tive preferences for various aspects of visual stimuli were investigated (Soeta
et al. 2002a, b, c; 2003, 2005; Okamoto et al. 2003, 2007). The effective durations
of these alpha rhythms were always longest in all subjects ( p < 0.01) when the
preferred flicker rate was presented. Remarkably, averaged values of τe and ϕ1
extracted from the ACF of the MEG alpha wave from the left area were signifi-
cantly larger than those extracted from the central and right areas.
When the single circular target was moved in the horizontal direction, effects of
the subjective preference and measurement position on values of τe, Φ(0), and ϕ1
extracted from the ACF of the MEG alpha wave (eight subjects) were examined.
Effective durations were longer, with larger τe, and the alpha rhythms more regular,
with larger ϕ1, for the preferred stimuli compared to the less preferred stimuli
( p < 0.01). Obviously, the value of τe correlated relatively highly with the value of
ϕ1 but only very weakly with the value of Φ(0). As a conclusion, the averaged
values of τe and ϕ1 from the left (O1) area were significantly longer than those from
the central and right areas (O2).
Analysis was also performed on the MEG signals from the entire head in
response to visual stimuli in which the temporal factor ϕ1, which reflects the
temporal regularity of repeating waveform patterns, was changed using different

Table 3.1 Left hemisphere specialization observed in EEG and MEG alpha waves in relation to
the temporal factors of the visual field associated with the left hemisphere
EEG, ACF τe value EEG, CCF |ϕ(τ)|max MEG, ACF τe value
Temporal factors changed of α-wave of α-wave of α-wave
Period of the flickering L > Ra (SW)b L & Rc (SW) L > R (SW)
light, T
Period of horizontal move- L > R (SW) – –
ment of target, T
It is worth noticing that the spatial factors have been reported as associated with the right
The ratio of τe values of the α-wave in the EEG, from high to low preference, increased
significantly in the left hemisphere
Sinusoidal wave used to control the period, T
The ϕ(τ)|max value of the α-wave in the EEG increased over a wide area in both hemispheres,
when the scale value of subjective preference was high. The similar repetitive feature in the
α-wave over a wide area of the brain relates to the preferred condition in vision
References 43

bandwidths of flicker noise centered on about 1 Hz (Okamoto et al. 2007). The

results showed that the τe values of the alpha rhythm observed around the left
occipital area were significantly larger for the most preferred stimuli than for the
less preferred stimuli. This tendency indicates that the stimuli in the preferred
condition, with regard to changes of the temporal factor in the visual signal,
increase the stability of the alpha rhythm around the left occipital area. The MEG
study also revealed that the values of τe and ϕ1 from the left occipital area were
significantly larger than those from the central and right occipital areas, but such
tendencies were not found in the EEG study.
The study on the relationship between the EEG response and the subjective
preference by varying the period of the horizontal movement of the single target
showed the following: The value of τe of the alpha waves for stimulus at the most
preferred condition was longer than for the stimulus at the less preferred conditions.
This tendency was at maximum at O1 in the left hemisphere. The value of |ϕ (τ)|max
of the alpha waves for the stimulus in the most preferred oscillatory movements was
greater than for the stimulus in the less preferred conditions. Considering this fact
together with the similar repetitive feature in the alpha wave increase, the brain
repeats the “alpha rhythm” in the time domain, and this activity spreads wider over
the area of the brain cortex at the preferred stimulus condition.


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Chapter 4
Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound
and Vision

4.1 Definitions of Temporal and Spatial Objective Factors

4.1.1 Temporal Factors for Sound and Vision

The mechanism that is deeply embedded in auditory and visual systems is the
autocorrelation function (ACF), which is defined by
ð þT
lim 1
Φp ðτ Þ ¼ p0 ðtÞp0 ðt þ τÞdt ð4:1Þ
T ! 1 2T T

where p0 (t) ¼ p(t)*s(t), s(t) is the sensitivity of the ear. For the auditory system, s(t)
is mainly formed by the physical system between the ear entrance and the oval
window (Ando 1985, 1998). For the sake of convenience, s(t) can be chosen as the
impulse response of an A-weighted network. And p(t) is a one-dimensional sound
and visual signal in the time domain. The normalized ACF is defined by

ϕpðτÞ ¼ ΦpðτÞ=Φp ð0Þ ð4:2Þ

There are four significant objective factors, which can be extracted from the ACF of
a signal:
1. Energy represented at the origin of the delay, Φp(0).
2. As shown in Fig. 4.1, the width of amplitude ϕ(τ), around the origin of the delay
time (τ ¼ 0) defined at a value of 0.5, is Wϕ(0). It is noteworthy that ϕ(τ) is an
even function.
3. Fine structure, including peaks and delays. For instance, τ1 and ϕ1 are the delay
time and the amplitude of the first peak of the ACF, τn and ϕn being the delay
time and the amplitude of the nth peak. Usually, there are certain correlations
between τ1 and τn +1 and between ϕ1 and ϕn+1, so that significant factors are τ1
and ϕ1.

© Springer Japan 2016 45

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_4
46 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.1 Definition of three temporal factors, Wϕ(0), τ1, and ϕ1, extracted from the running
autocorrelation function (ACF) of sound signals

Fig. 4.2 Method of obtaining the effective duration of the running ACF, τe. The ten-percentile
(10 dB) delay of its envelope

4. The effective duration of the envelope of the normalized ACF, τe, which is
defined by the ten-percentile delay and which represents a repetitive feature or
“reverberation” containing the source itself (Fig. 4.2).
4.1 Definitions of Temporal and Spatial Objective Factors 47

For example, the ACF of any sinusoid (pure tone) having any phase is a zero-
phase cosine function of the same frequency. Since its waveform and ACF envelope
are flat, with a slope of zero, its effective duration τe is infinite. The ACF of white
noise with infinite bandwidth is the Dirac delta function δ(τ), which has an infinite
slope. This means that the signal has an effective duration that approaches zero
(no temporal coherence). As the bandwidth of the noise decreases, the effective
duration (signal coherence) increases.

4.1.2 Spatial Factors Extracted from the Interaural

Crosscorrelation Function (IACF) of the Sound Field

The IACF for the sound pressures for the temporal window 2T, p(t)l,r, arriving at
each of the two ear entrances is given by
ð þT
ΦlrðτÞ ¼ f 01 ðtÞ f 0r ðt þ τÞ dt ð4:3Þ
2T T

where f0 l (t) and f0 r (t) are obtained by signals f0 l ,r(t) after passing through the
A-weighted network, which corresponds to the ear’s sensitivity s(t). The normal-
ized IACF in the possible range of maximum interaural delay times is given by

ϕlr ðτÞ ¼ Φlr ðτÞ=½Φll ð0ÞΦrr ð0Þ1=2 ,  1 ms < τ < þ 1ms ð4:4Þ

where Φll(0) and Φrr(0) are the ACFs at τ ¼ 0 or sound energies arriving at the left-
and right-ear entrances, respectively, and τ is the interaural time delay possible
within plus and minus 1 ms.
From the IACF analysis, four spatial factors are determined (Fig. 4.3):
1. The magnitude of the interaural crosscorrelation is defined by
IACC ¼ ϕlr τ max ð4:5Þ

for the possible maximum interaural time delay, i.e., 1 ms < τ < +1 ms for
2. The interaural delay time, at which the IACC is defined is τIACC.
3. The width of the IACF, defined by the interval of delay time at a value of δ ¼ 0.1
below the IACC, corresponding to the just-noticeable difference (JND) of the
IACC, is given by WIACC. Thus, the apparent source width (ASW) may be
perceived as a directional range relating to the WIACC. This value mainly
depends on the frequency component of the source signals. A well-defined
horizontal localization, or directional impression, corresponding to the interaural
time delay τIACC is perceived when listening to a sound with a sharp peak in the
48 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.3 Definition of three spatial factors, IACC, WIACC, and τIACC, extracted from the interaural
crosscorrelation function IACF of sound signals arriving at the two ears

IACF with a short value of WIACC. On the other hand, when listening to a sound
field with a low value for the IACC < 0.15, then a subjectively diffuse sound
field is perceived (Damaske and Ando 1972).
4. The denominator of Eq. (4.4), which is defined by the LL, is the geometric mean
of the sound energies arriving at the two ears.
The spatial sensations of the sound field are described by means of these factors
extracted from the IACF. These spatial sensations may be judged immediately
when we come into a sound field, because our binaural system may process the
IACF in a short temporal window as discussed below. The human process of
analyzing the spatial characteristics of a sound field is quite different from the
adaptive temporal window for the sound signals, which depend on the effective
duration of the ACF of the sound-source signal.

4.1.3 Spatial Factors Extracted from the Spatial

Autocorrelation Function (ACF) of the Visual Field

In order to describe a two-dimensional texture, the spatial factors need to be

extracted from the ACF of the gray level excluding any color information. Here,
we are not discussing binocular signals, which are related to depth perception. The
underlying problem is how the human visual system characterizes salient spatial
sensations of the texture.
4.1 Definitions of Temporal and Spatial Objective Factors 49

The ACF of a digitalized two-dimensional texture pattern is expressed by

M 1 X
N 1
ΦðΔx, ΔyÞ ¼ pðx; yÞpðx þ Δx, y þ ΔyÞ=MN ð4:6Þ
x¼0 y¼0

where p(x, y) is the digitalized input signal and p(x + Δx, y + Δy) is the spatially
shifted version of the input. Integers “M” and “N” refer to the data size in horizontal
and vertical directions. In this study, these values were selected as M ¼ N ¼ 256.
The normalized ACF is given by
M 1 X
N 1
ϕðΔx, ΔyÞ ¼ ΦðΔx, ΔyÞ= pðx; yÞ =MN ð4:7Þ
x¼0 y¼0

The denominator in Eq. (4.7) is the maximum value of the ACF representing the
power, or energy, of one of the factors of contrast in the image. Thus, the normal-
ized ACF has the maximum value of 1.0 at the origin, Δx ¼ Δy ¼ 0.
The ACF contains the same information as the power density spectrum. We use
the ACF here because it allows us to most simply and directly obtain the significant
primary factors involved in spatial texture perception in a manner similar to
auditory perception (Ando 2008, 2009). Remarkably, the spatial ACF of the pattern
has a dominant periodicity that corresponds to the reciprocal of its fundamental
frequency. Even when the fundamental frequency component is subtracted from the
stripe pattern, due to the missing fundamental, we can still see the fundamental
periodicity (Henning et al. 1975). The frequency domain analysis fails to explain
this percept, because the fundamental frequency component is absent. Instead, the
ACF of this missing fundamental pattern maintains a dominant periodicity at the
fundamental. The perceptual mechanism of the pattern is still under discussion
(Badcock and Derrington 1989; Hammett and Smith 1994); however, it indicates
that the ACF is effective for detecting the spatial periodicity of patterns.
As shown in Fig. 4.4, the ACF decays from the origin outward. To simplify the
calculation, only two one-dimensional ACFs along the x- and y-axes from the
origin were considered. This is because the most natural texture is considered to
be isotropic, in which all orientations occur with the same probability. Conse-
quently, the ACF could be assumed to be circular symmetric. Even for the aniso-
tropic texture, at least one of four directional ACFs can hold the periodic structure.
The four factors determined are
1. Φ(0,0): the autocorrelation at the origin, Δx ¼ Δy ¼ 0
2. δ1: the displacement of the first maximum peak in the ACF
3. ϕ1: the amplitude of the first maximum peak
4. δe: the effective range or effective spatial duration of the ACF (defined as the
displacement at which the envelope of the normalized ACF decayed at 0.1)
50 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.4 An example of the spatial ACF analyzed and factors extracted from the ACF. (a)
Two-dimensional ACF of texture D3 in Fig. 4.17a.. (b) One-dimensional spatial ACF for the x
direction. (c) One-dimensional spatial ACF for the y direction. Symbol ϕ(Δx,Δy) signifies the
spatial ACF for the spatial intervals Δx and Δy, ϕ1 is the amplitude of the shortest major spatial
interval, δ1 is the length of shortest major spatial interval, and δe is the effective range of
significant intervals. By comparing the amplitudes and shortest spatial intervals in both directions,
we extracted three factors from the ACF for the x direction only. Note that the x direction indicates
more complicated spatial structures throughout the texture applied here

The factor Φ(0,0) corresponding to the energy of the image was calculated from
the two-dimensional ACF, i.e., the denominator in Eq. (4.7), and it is shown in the
dB scale [10log10Φ(0)]. The algorithm calculating the other three factors is as
follows. First, the directional ACFs along the x- and y-axes are extracted from
the two-dimensional ACF. Then, the first maximum peak value in both directions is
figured out. From the selected one-dimensional ACF, the displacement and the
amplitude of the maximum peak are picked out as δ1 and ϕ1 (Fig. 4.4). The value of
effective spatial duration δe is determined from the cross point of the envelope at
0.1, that is, by the point at which the normalized spatial ACF decays to 10 % of its
zero-lag maximal value, as shown in the figure. This is done by exponential fit to
normalized ACF peaks above 0.1. When the given ACF has no peaks above 0.1,
only the initial decay rate was fitted.
4.1 Definitions of Temporal and Spatial Objective Factors 51

The displacement and the amplitude of the maximum peak (δ1 and ϕ1) are
related to the periodicity of the image. The value of δ1 is a reciprocal of the
fundamental frequency, and ϕ1 is the strength of the harmonic components. The
value 1/δ1 represents the spatial pitch, and the value of ϕ1 represents the strength of
the spatial pitch (Fig. 4.4). The image width (cm) and the distance (cm) calculate
the visual angle in degrees.

4.1.4 Temporal Windows of Signals for Autocorrelation


(a) In analyzing the running temporal ACF of a signal, we need to know the
temporal integration time, or the so-called temporal window 2T of the signal.
Successive loudness judgments in pursuit of the running listening level LL have
been conducted (Mouri et al. 2001). Results are shown in Fig. 4.5. The
recommended temporal window, or signal duration (2T)r, to be analyzed is approxi-
mately given by

ð2T Þr  30 ðτÞmin ð4:8Þ

where (τε)min is the minimum value of effective durations obtained by analyzing the
running ACF. The temporal integration window should thus be about 30 times the
minimum effective duration of the signal.

Fig. 4.5 Recommended signal duration (2T)r of signals to be analyzed by the ACF (Mouri
et al. 2001)
52 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

(b) For analyzing the running IACF, the temporal window 2T should be selected
according to the location of the sound source.
When the source of white noise is moving around a listener, then the
recommended window interval [2T]RI for analyzing the running IACF should be
short, as given by (Ando 2009):

½2T RI  30 ms ð4:9aÞ

For a signal source that is fixed in location, the window of the IACF should be

½2T RI  1:0 s ð4:9bÞ

4.2 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound

Based on the high-level signal processing model of the central auditory system
shown in Fig. 2.11, primary temporal and spatial percepts can be described by the
temporal and spatial factors, respectively. Temporal percepts of sound are pitch,
monaural loudness, timbre, and duration, which are formulated by the temporal
factors extracted from the autocorrelation function (ACF) (Table 4.1). In contrast,
spatial percepts of the sound field, that is, localization of sound, apparent source
width (ASW), and subjective diffuseness, which is deeply associated with envelop-
ment, are formulated by the spatial factors extracted from the interaural crosscor-
relation function (IACF) of sound signals arriving at the two ear entrances
(Table 4.2). Figure 4.6 summarizes the auditory temporal and spatial percepts,
which may be formulated by the temporal factors extracted from the ACF of the
sound signal and the spatial factors extracted from the IACF.

Table 4.1 Auditory temporal sensations in relation to the temporal factor extracted from the ACF
Temporal factors Temporal sensationsa
Loudness Pitch Timbre Duration sensation
ACF Φp(0) (X) –
τ1 Xb X (F ¼ 1/τ1) X
ϕ1 Xc X (strength of pitch) – x
τe X
Wϕ(0) X
It is noteworthy that temporal sensations are associated with the left hemisphere, so that temporal
sensations may be additionally affected by two temporal factors of the sound field: Δt1 and Tsub.
For example, Sayles and Winter (2008) have shown that pitch is influenced by the reverberant
energy ratio equivalent to the value A that depends on the distance between the sound source and
the receiving position
X: Major factors describing corresponding temporal sensations
X: Attention to the fact that factors ϕ1 and τe are mutually related
4.2 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound 53

Table 4.2 Auditory spatial sensations in relation to the factor extracted from the IACF
Spatial factors Spatial sensations
ASW Subjective diffuseness Localization in the horizontal plane
IACF LLa Xb X –c
τIACC – – X
WIACC (WIACC)1/2 – –
IACC (IACC)3/2 (IACC)3/2 X
Note that factors for localization in the median plane may be extracted from the ACF (Sato
et al. 2001)
LL ¼ 10 log [Φ(0)/Φ(0)reference], where Φ(0) ¼ [Φll(0) Φrr(0)]1/2
X: Major factors describing corresponding spatial sensations. (The related section indicated in the
–: Factors to be examined for their influence/insignificance on the respective sensation

Fig. 4.6 Primary temporal and spatial sensations (percepts), respectively, associated with the left
and the right cerebral hemisphere of the sound signal and the sound field
54 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

4.2.1 Temporal Sensations of Sound

1. Pitch
The pitch (missing fundamental) of complex tones as a temporal percept asso-
ciated with the left hemisphere (L) may be expressed by

S ¼ SL ¼ f L ðτ1 Þ  1=τ1 ½Hz ð4:10aÞ

where τ1 is extracted from the ACF as defined by previous section (ϕ1 ¼ 1).
Pitch-matching tests, comparing pitches of pure and complex tones, have been
conducted; the test signals were all complex tones consisting of harmonics 3–7 of a
200 Hz fundamental (600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1600 Hz) (Sumioka and Ando 1996;
Ando 2002). Results of the pitch-matching test with five subjects in the conditions
of in-phase and random-phase components are shown in Fig. 4.7. The ACFs of both
cases are identical and the delay time at the first maximum peak of the NACF, τ1,
equals 5 ms (200 Hz), corresponding to the fundamental frequency. There are no
major differences between results of the in-phase and random-phase conditions
pertaining to Eq. (4.10a). Pitch matches for all subjects are shown in Fig. 4.8 (Inoue
et al. 2001), which illustrates the limitations of the above equation. Whenever the
missing fundamental frequency of the stimulus was 500, 1000, or 1200 Hz, more
than 90 % of the responses obtained from all subjects under both conditions
clustered around the fundamental frequency. When missing fundamentals were
1600, 2000, or 3000 Hz, however, the probability that the subjects matched the
frequency of the pure tone to the fundamental frequency was much lower. These
results imply that the ACF model is applicable when stimuli have missing funda-
mentals of 1200 Hz or less as shown in Fig. 4.8 (Inoue et al. 2001). The highest
frequency components of the sound signal should be under 5 kHz.
Pitch strength is given by (Ando 2009)

Sp ¼ kΦ1 ð4:10bÞ

where k is the coefficient. The maximum strength is observed at ϕ1 ¼ 1.0, and no

pitch is perceived when ϕ1 < ε, ε being a small positive number.
2. Loudness
If the sound-pressure level SPL [dB] is measured by a single microphone, then
the scale value of “monaural loudness” S associated with the left hemisphere is
expressed by

S ¼ SL ¼ f L ðSPL, τ1 , Φ1 , τe , DÞ ð4:11Þ

where τ1, ϕ1, and τe are factors extracted from the ACF and D is the duration of the
sound signal. In a binaural listening condition, SPL being the sound-pressure level
4.2 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound 55

Fig. 4.7 Results of pitch-matching tests for two complex tones of pure-tone components of
600, 800, 1000, 1200, and 1600 Hz in conditions of in phase and random phases

is replaced by the binaural listening level (LL) associated with the right hemisphere,
which is obtained by

LL ¼ 10log½Φll ð0ÞΦrr ð0Þ1=2 =Φref ð0Þ ð4:12Þ

where Φll(0) and Φrr(0) are the energies arriving at the left and right ear entrances,
respectively. Φref(0) is the reference level of the SPL.
Loudness judgments were conducted with five subjects applying the paired-
comparison tests (PCT) by changing the bandwidth, using a sharp filter with a
cutoff slope of 2068 dB/octave. Results for the center frequencies of 250, 500, and
1000 Hz are shown in Fig. 4.9a–c. For example, loudness of the band-pass noise
produced by such a sharp filter with identical SPL was not constant within the
critical band. This is quite a different result from the previous studies (Zwicker
et al. 1957). Also, loudness of the pure tone was significantly larger than that of
56 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.8 Probability of subjects adjusting a pure tone near the fundamental frequency of complex
tones. Empty circles are results for two harmonics, and full squares are results for three harmonics

Fig. 4.9 Scale values of loudness as a function of the bandwidth of noise. Different symbols
indicate the scale values obtained with different subjects. (a) fc ¼ 250 Hz. (b) fc ¼ 500 Hz. (c)
fc ¼ 1000 Hz
4.2 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound 57

filtered noises, and loudness increased with increasing τe within the critical band
(Sato et al. 2002); therefore,

S ¼ SL ¼ f L ð τ 1 Þ þ f L ð τ e Þ ð4:13Þ

This means that if environmental noise contains a pure-tone component or long

values of τe, such as is perceived in the noise of landing aircraft, then loudness
increases and annoyance increases accordingly (Soeta et al. 2004). This is a typical
example of why only SPL measurement by the sound level meter does not qualify
as being a well-described subjective attribute. Just adding +10 dB to such noise with
a coherent component, which is the recommended method, is far too simple and
insufficient to produce serious results, because both loudness and annoyance
increase as the value of τe increases.
3. Duration
The sensation of temporal duration for pure and complex tones has been
discussed (Saifuddin et al. 2002). Obviously, the duration percept depends most
directly on the physical signal duration, D. In terms of internal auditory represen-
tations, we show here that perceived duration also covaries with tone frequency and
with its corresponding temporal factor in the ACF, τ1, which corresponds to pitch,
so that

S ¼ SL ¼ f L ðτ1 ; DÞ ¼ f L ðτ1 Þ þ f L ðDÞ ð4:14Þ

As Fig. 4.10 shows, apparent stimulus duration (DS) depends primarily on the
duration of the signal and secondarily on signal periodicity τ1 (pure-tone frequency

Fig. 4.10 Scale values of duration sensation (DS) by the PCT.☐: Complex tone (F0 ¼ 500 Hz)
with 3000 Hz and 3500 Hz pure-tone components. ~: 500 Hz pure tone. ●: 3000 Hz pure tone
58 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.11 Results of regression analysis for SV and the mean value of Wϕ(0)

or complex-tone fundamental frequency). Effects of the τ1 extracted from the ACF

on DS are almost the same on the scale value for the pure-tone (τ1 ¼ 2 ms) and
complex-tone (τ1 ¼ 2 ms) stimuli. The apparent duration DS of the pure-tone
stimulus (τ1 ¼ 0.33 ms ¼ 1/3000 Hz) with the higher pitch is significantly shorter
than that of the pure-tone and complex-tone stimuli with the lower pitch
(τ1 ¼ 2 ms ¼ 1/500 Hz). Namely, when the sound signal is lower pitch, then the
duration sensation may be longer. Therefore, apparent duration DS can be readily
expressed as a function of D and τ1 for both pure and complex tones.
4. Timbre
Timbre is defined as an aspect of sound quality that is independent of loudness,
pitch, and duration, i.e., it is the perceived quality of sound (often described in terms
of sound texture or coloration) that distinguishes two notes of equal pitch, loudness,
and duration that are played on different musical instruments. As shown in
Fig. 4.11, the factor Wϕ(0) extracted from the ACF reflects the relative width of
the ACF peak at its zero-lag origin. Wϕ(0) is defined by the first delay time ϕ(τ) at
which the normalized ACF declines to half of its maximal value (i.e., 0.5) (Hanada
et al. 2007; Ando 2009). It is worth noting that this factor Wϕ(0) in the monaural
autocorrelation function (ACF) is analogous to factor WIACC in the interaural
correlation function (IACF). Wϕ(0) is deeply related to the characteristics of the
frequency, depending on whether the components of the source signal are high or

4.2.2 Spatial Percepts of the Sound Field

Table 4.1 summarizes the auditory spatial percepts, which may be formulated by
the spatial factors extracted from the IACF.
4.3 Temporal and Spatial Percepts in Vision 59

1. Localization in the Horizontal Plane

The perceived direction of a sound source in the horizontal plane can be
expressed in terms of the spatial factors associated with the right hemisphere,
which are extracted from the IACF, such that

LHorizontal ¼ SR ¼ f R ðΦll ð0Þ, Φrr ð0Þ, IACC, τIACC , W IACC Þ ð4:15Þ

where Φll(0) and Φrr(0) signify sound energies of the signals arriving at the left and
right ear entrances. It is well known that of the five spatial factors in Eq. (4.15), the
most significant factors for the horizontal localization of a signal source are the
interaural delay time, τIACC, and the interaural level difference, which is a function
of Φll(0) and Φrr(0) based on the difference between the sound energies at the two
2. Apparent Source Width (ASW)
ASW has been formulated by the spatial factors extracted from the IACF, so that

S ¼ SR ¼ f ðIACCÞ þ f ðWIACC Þ þ f ðLLÞ  αðIACCÞ3=2

þβðW IACC Þ1=2 þ γ ðLLÞ3=2

where α  1.64, β  2.42, γ  0.005. Therefore, ASW increases with decreasing

IACC and increasing WIACC and LL.
3. Subjective Diffuseness
The scale values of subjective diffuseness, which is deeply related to the
envelopment of sound, are inversely proportional to the IACC, so that

S ¼ SR  αðIACCÞ3=2 ð4:17Þ

where α ¼ 2.9. The results of scale values obtained through the PCT together with
values calculated using Eq. (4.17) as a function of the IACC are shown in Fig. 4.12
(Ando and Kurihara 1986).

4.3 Temporal and Spatial Percepts in Vision

The primary percepts of vision are similar to those of sound, consisting of temporal
and spatial percepts (Ando 2009). As in auditory sensations, humans perceive the
missing fundamental frequency of a visual flicker stimulus despite the absence of
any frequency component at the fundamental. A typical temporal sensation of
vision is thus the “pitch of the missing fundamental” of flickering light, which is
described by τ1 extracted from the temporal ACF. On the other hand, three salient
spatial sensations of a two-dimensional “gray-level” texture, contrast, coarseness,
60 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.12 Scale values of subjective diffuseness as a function of the IACC (calculated). Different
symbols indicate different frequencies of the 1/3 octave bandpass noise: △: 250 Hz, ○: 500 Hz, □:
l kHz, ●: 2 kHz, ■: 4 kHz. (____): Regression line by Eq. (4.17)

Table 4.3 Temporal and spatial sensations in vision in relation to factors extracted from the
temporal ACF and spatial ACF, respectively
Temporal sensations and spatial sensations
Temporal or Missing fundamental of
spatial ACF Factors flickering light Contrast Coarseness Regularity
Temporal ACF
τ1 Xa (F ¼ 1/τ1)
ϕ1 X (strength of the pitch)
τe xb
Spatial ACF
Φ(0) c1 Φ(0) c6Φ(0)
δ1 c2 δ1 c5δ1 c4δ1
ϕ1 c3ϕ1
δe –
X: Major factors to describe each sensation
x: Attention to the fact that factors ϕ1 and τe are mutually related

and regularity, are well described by the spatial factors extracted from the spatial
ACF of monochrome visual patterns. Table 4.3 and Fig. 4.13 summarize the
interconnections of the temporal and spatial sensations of the visual field, which
are described in relation to factors extracted from the temporal and spatial ACF,
4.3 Temporal and Spatial Percepts in Vision 61

Fig. 4.13 Primary temporal and spatial sensations (percepts) of vision and the visual field
associated with the left and the right cerebral hemispheres, respectively
62 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

4.3.1 Temporal Percepts of the Missing Fundamental

Phenomenon in Vision

The “pitch” perceived at the fundamental frequency of visual complex signals of

flickering light (i.e., the repetition rate of the flicker pattern) as shown in Fig. 4.14 is
associated with the left hemisphere (L) and may be expressed in a manner similar to
that of sound:

S ¼ SL ¼ f L ðτ1 Þ  1=τ1 ½Hz ð4:16Þ

where the factor τ1 is extracted from the temporal ACF. An example of the temporal
ACF of the flicker stimuli for both tested conditions, the in-phase as well as the
random-phase, is demonstrated in Fig. 4.15. The equation shown above has limi-
tations per the range of the human visual system; therefore, it can reflect pitches
under 3 Hz (Fig. 4.16) and frequency components under 40 Hz.
Remarkable results of the experiments clearly indicated that the most frequently
perceived flicker rate for the complex waveforms corresponded to the missing
fundamental component, which was not included in the power spectrum of the
stimuli. The highest probability was seen at F0 ¼ 2 and 2.5 Hz for the random-phase
and in-phase conditions, respectively. Even though the periodicity of the waveform
was unclear in the random-phase condition, the fundamental frequency was per-
ceived, nonetheless (Fujii et al. 2000).

Fig. 4.14 An example of the spectrum of the complex signal used in the experiment. Left:
Complex components are 30, 32, 34, 36, and 38 Hz, where the energy of the fundamental
frequency (F0 ¼ 2 Hz) is absent. Right: Real waveforms in conditions of in-phase with remarkable
peaks corresponding to the F0 (above) and of random-phase (below)
4.3 Temporal and Spatial Percepts in Vision 63

Fig. 4.15 An example of the temporal ACF of the stimuli of both conditions, in-phase and
random-phase. The value of τ1 corresponds to the fundamental frequency, which is not included
in the power spectrum

Fig. 4.16 The probability of response within F0(1  0.1) as a function of the fundamental
frequency. Filled circles and open circles represent in-phase and random-phase conditions,

4.3.2 Spatial Percepts in Vision

Materials applied for the texture experiments are shown in Fig. 4.17a (Brodatz
1966; Tamura et al. 1978; Fujii et al. 2003). Twelve botanical textures that were less
harmonic (or regular) in structure (Fig. 4.17b), yet with a high degree of similarity
64 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

Fig. 4.17 (a) Texture set used by Tamura et al. 1978. (b) Botanical texture set applied for the
additional experiment (Fujii et al. 2003)
4.3 Temporal and Spatial Percepts in Vision 65

Fig. 4.18 Relationships between measured SV and those calculated by Eqs. (4.17, 4.18, and 4.19).
(a) The SV of contrast (r ¼ 0.91). (b) The SV of coarseness (r ¼ 0.74). (c) The SV of regularity
(r ¼ 0.88)

between them, were used to discuss the spatial sensations in relation to multiple
spatial factors extracted from the spatial ACF. Spatial percepts have been shown to
deeply relate to and thus stimulate the right hemisphere. Spatial factors extracted
from the two-dimensional spatial ACF are shown in Fig. 4.4. Symbol ϕ(Δx,Δy)
signifies the spatial ACF for the spatial intervals Δx and Δy, ϕ1 is the amplitude of
the shortest major spatial interval (amplitude of the first maximum peak), δ1is the
length of the shortest major spatial interval (the displacement of the first maximum
peak in the ACF), and δe is the effective range of significant intervals (effective
spatial duration of the ACF, which is defined as the displacement at which the
envelope of the normalized ACF decayed at 0.1). By comparing the amplitudes and
shortest spatial intervals in both directions, three factors were extracted from the
ACF for the x direction only. Note that the x direction indicates more complicated
spatial structures throughout the texture applied here.
According to the multiple regression analysis, the scale value (SV ¼ S) of each
spatial percept obtained by the PCT was approximately described by the spatial
factors extracted from the ACF of the spatial signal of the monochrome “gray-
level” visual pattern, so that

Scontrast c1 Φð0Þ þ c2 δ1 ð4:17Þ

Scoarseness c3 Φð0Þ þ c4 δ1 ð4:18Þ
Sregularity c5 Φ1 þ c6 δ1 ð4:19Þ

where c1, c2, . . . c6 are coefficients. As a result of analyses of measured data,

coefficients were obtained: c1 ¼ 0.85, c2 ¼ 0.25, c3 ¼ 0.43, c4 ¼ 0.37, c5 ¼ 0.55, and
c6 ¼ 0.74. Figure 4.18 shows relationships between the measured SV (vertical axis)
and the scale values (horizontal axis) calculated by Eqs. (4.17, 4.18, and 4.19). The
correlation coefficients between the measured SV and calculated SV are r ¼ 0.91
(contrast), 0.88 (coarseness), and 0.74 (regularity).
Thus far, we have clearly shown that the spatial factors extracted from the ACF
analysis of monochrome (gray-level) visual patterns provide useful measures for
66 4 Temporal and Spatial Percepts of Sound and Vision

representing the textural properties of contrast, coarseness, and regularity. Per-

ceived contrast and coarseness are described by Φ(0) and δ1, and perceived
regularity is strongly related to the period δ1 at the height of the peak ϕ1.


Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg

Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners.
AIP Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2002) Correlation factors describing primary and spatial sensations of sound fields.
J Sound Vib 258:405–417
Ando Y (2008) Theory of auditory temporal and spatial primary sensations. J Temporal Des Archit
Environ 8:8–26.
Ando Y (2009) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y, Kurihara Y (1986) Nonlinear response in evaluating the subjective diffuseness of
sound field. J Acoust Soc Am 80:833–836
Badcock DR, Derrington AM (1989) Detecting the displacement of spatial beats: no role for
distortion products. Vision Res 29:731–739
Brodatz P (1966) Textures. Dover, New York
Damaske P, Ando Y (1972) Interaural cross-correlation for multichannel loudspeaker reproduction.
Acustica 27:232–238
Fujii K, Kita S, Matsushima T, Ando Y (2000) The missing fundamental phenomenon in
temporal vision. Psychol Res 64:149–154
Fujii K, Sugi S, Ando Y (2003) Textural properties corresponding to visual perception based on
the correlation mechanism in the visual system. Psychol Res 67:197–208
Hammett ST, Smith AT (1994) Temporal beats in the human visual system. Vision Res 34:
Hanada K, Kawai K, Ando Y (2007) A study of the timbre of an electric guitar sound with
distortion. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on temporal design, Guangzhou,
November 2007, p. 96–99. J S China Univ Technol (Nat Sci Ed)
Henning GB, Herz BG, Broadbent DE (1975) Some experiments bearing on the hypothesis that the
visual system analyzes spatial patterns in independent bands of spatial frequency. Vision Res
Inoue M, Ando Y, Taguti T (2001) The frequency range applicable to pitch identification based
upon the auto-correlation function model. J Sound Vib 241:105–116
Mouri K, Akiyama K, Ando Y (2001) Preliminary study on recommended time duration of source
signals to be analyzed, in relation to its effective duration of autocorrelation function. J Sound
Vib 241:87–95
Saifuddin K, Matsushima T, Ando Y (2002) Duration sensation when listening to pure tone and
complex tone. J Temporal Des Archit Environ 2:42–47.
Sato S, Ando Y, Mellert V (2001) Cues for localization in the median plane extracted from the
autocorrelation function. J Sound Vib 241:53–56
Sato S, Kitamura T, Ando Y (2002) Loudness of sharply (2068 dB/Octave) filtered noises in
relation to the factors extracted from the autocorrelation function. J Sound Vib 250:47–52
Sayles M, Winter IM (2008) Reverberation challenges the temporal representation of the pitch of
complex sounds. Neuron 58:789–801
Soeta Y, Maruo T, Ando Y (2004) Annoyance of bandpass filtered noises in relation to the factor
extracted from autocorrelation function. J Acoust Soc Am 116:3275–3278
Sumioka T, Ando Y (1996) On the pitch identification of the complex tone by the autocorrelation
function (ACF) model. J Acoust Soc Am 100(A):2720
References 67

Tamura H, Mori S, Yamawaki T (1978) Textural features corresponding to visual perception.

IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern SMC-8:460–472
Zwicker E, Flottorp G, Stevens SS (1957) Critical band width in loudness summation. J Acoust
Soc Am 29:548–557
Chapter 5
Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound
and Visual Fields

5.1 Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound Fields

Preferences as they present themselves to us – as the most primitive responses that

steer organisms toward the direction of maintaining and propagating life – are
always as relative as they are unique. In humans, preferences are deeply related to
the sense of aesthetics. Therefore, making absolute judgments is problematic –
needless to say that arriving at a result that questions its own objectivity is not what
constitutes reliable information. Instead, preferences should be judged in a relative
manner, such as is enabled by the paired-comparison test (PCT). It is the simplest
and most accurate method, permitting both experienced and inexperienced persons
starting from, for example, 2 years of age, to participate. The resulting scale values
are appropriate for a wide range of applications. From the results of subjective
preference studies with regard to the temporal and spatial factors of the sound field,
the theory of subjective preference has emerged (Ando 1983, 1985, 1998, 2007).
Since the number of orthogonal acoustic factors, which are implicit in the sound
signals arriving at both ears, is limited, the scale value of any one-dimensional
subjective response may be expressed as a function of these factors:

S ¼ gð x 1 , x 2 , . . . x I Þ ð5:1Þ

where x1, x2, . . . xI are acoustic factors of the sound field and suffix I is the integer of
the number of significant factors. As discussed in Chaps. 2 and 3, overall responses
of the brain such as subjective preferences are described by both the temporal
factors (processed in the left hemisphere) and the spatial factors (processed in the
right hemisphere). Figure 4.6 shows the interconnections between the temporal and
spatial factors and the corresponding primary auditory percepts, while Fig. 4.13
shows the same for primary visual percepts. It has been verified by a series of
experiments that four objective acoustic factors act independently of the scale
value, I ¼ 4, when two of the four factors are varied simultaneously. Results

© Springer Japan 2016 69

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_5
70 5 Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound and Visual Fields

Fig. 5.1 Scale values of subjective preference obtained for simulated sound fields in an anechoic
chamber, as a function of four normalized orthogonal factors of the sound field. Different symbols
indicate scale values obtained from different source signals (Ando 1983, 1985). Even if different
signals are used, a consistency of the scale value as a function of the normalized factor is observed
fitting a single curve
(a) As a function of listening level LL. The most preferred listening level, [LL]p ¼ 0 dB
(b) As a function of x2 ¼ Δt1/[Δt1]p
(c) As a function of x3 ¼ Tsub/[Tsub]p
(d) As a function of x4 ¼ IACC

obtained from these subjective preference tests that used different source signals
indicate that the four units of scale appear to be almost constant so that we may add
individual scale values to obtain the total scale value for a sound field (Ando 1983),

S ¼ gðx1 Þ þ gðx2 Þ þ gðx3 Þ þ gðx4 Þ

¼ ½S2 þ S3 Left Hemisphere þ ½S1 þ S4 Right Hemisphere

where Si, i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4 is the scale value obtained relative to each objective factor.
Equation (5.2) indicates a four-dimensional continuity.
From the nature of the scale value, it is convenient to set its value to zero at the most
preferred conditions without loss of any generality. Scale values of subjective prefer-
ence obtained from other experimental series that used different music programs yield
similar results when each factor is normalized by its most preferred value, as shown in
Fig. 5.1a–d. The following common and approximate formula is given:
5.1 Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound Fields 71

Table 5.1 Weighting coefficients αi in Eq. (5.3) of the four orthogonal factors of sound fields
obtained with a number of subjects
i Normalized factors xi xi > 0 xi < 0
Temporal factors associated with the left hemisphere
2 x2 ¼ log(Δt1/[Δt1]p) 1.42 1.11
3 x3 ¼ log(Τsub/[Τsub]p) 0.45 + 0.75A 2.36  0.42A
Spatial factors associated with the right hemisphere
1 x1 ¼ 20logP  20log[p]p (dB) 0.07 0.04
4 x4 ¼ IACC 1.45 –

Si  αi xi 3=2 , i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4 ð5:3Þ

where xi is the factor normalized by its most preferred value and the values of αi are
weighting coefficients as listed in Table 5.1. If αi is close to zero, then a lesser
contribution of the factor xi on subjective preference is signified.
The factor x1 is given by the sound pressure level difference, measured by the
A-weighted network, so that

x1 ¼ 20logP  20log½Pp ð5:4Þ

P and [P]p being, respectively, the sound pressure or listening level (LL) present at a
specific seat and the most preferred sound pressure that may be assumed at a
particular seat position in the room under investigation. It is noteworthy that the
binaural listening level (LL) can usually be approximated by a single microphone
measurement. And
x2 ¼ log Δt1 = ½Δt1 p ð5:5Þ
x3 ¼ log T sub = ½T sub p ð5:6Þ
x4 ¼ IACC ð5:7Þ

Thus, the scale values of preference have been formulated approximately in

terms of the 3/2 power of the normalized objective parameters, expressed in terms
of the logarithm of the normalized factors, x1, x2, and x3. The remarkable fact is that
the spatial binaural parameter x4 ¼ IACC is expressed in terms of the 3/2 powers of
its “real value,” indicating a greater contribution than those of the temporal
“logarithmic” parameters. As the nature of expression by Eq. (5.3), the scale values
are not greatly changed in the neighborhood of the most preferred conditions but
decrease rapidly outside this range. Since the experiments were conducted to find
the optimal conditions, this theory remains valid in the range of preferred condi-
tions tested for the four orthogonal factors.
72 5 Theory of Subjective Preference for Sound and Visual Fields

This theory has been established based on evidence gathered by measuring neural
activity in the central auditory signal processing system and the human cerebral
hemispheres, which are deeply related and influential to the formation of scale
values of subjective preferences for sound fields (Ando 2009). Under the preferred
listening conditions, the brain repeats a similar rhythm in the alpha range over a
longer period of time, and in addition, alpha rhythms persist and propagate over
wider cortical territories. The most preferred conditions are discussed in Chap. 6.

5.2 Theory of Subjective Preference for Visual Fields

Similarly to the abovementioned preference theory for the sound field, the scale value
of subjective preference for the visual field may be expressed in the form of Eq. (5.2)
as well. As discussed in Chap. 3, the left and right cerebral hemispheres seem to be
specialized for the temporal and spatial factors of the visual field, respectively.
Therefore, independent influence between these two major sets of factors on the
scale value of subjective preference is considered. Similarly to Eq. (5.2), the total
scale value of subjective preference for a visual field could be formulated as

S ¼ gð x 1 Þ þ g ð x 2 Þ þ g ð x 3 Þ þ   
hP i hP i
¼ Si þ Sj , i ¼ 1, 2, . . . and j ¼ 1, 2, . . .
Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere

where ΣSi represents the factors associated with the left hemisphere and ΣSj
represents the factors associated with the right hemisphere.
As listed in Table 5.2, the scale value of subjective preference might yield the
common formula of Eq. (5.3), after obtaining the most preferred value of each
temporal and spatial factor. Some examples of the most preferred temporal and
spatial factors are discussed in Chap. 6.

Table 5.2 Weighting α

coefficients αi in Eq. (5.3) of
xi x>0 x<0
vision obtained with a number
of subjects Temporal factors associated with the left hemisphere
Flickering light, x ¼ ϕ1/[ϕ1]p 10.98 10.98
Moving single target
1. Vertical movement, x ¼ T/[T]p 19.04 10.17
2. Horizontal movement, x ¼ T/[T]p 13.64 10.96
Spatial factors associated with the right hemisphere
Texture, x ¼ ϕ1/[ϕ1]p 3.9 3.9
References 73


Ando Y (1983) Calculation of subjective preference at each seat in a concert hall. J Acoust Soc Am
Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2007 and 2014) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In Rossing
TD (ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009) In: Cariani P (ed) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Chapter 6
Preferred Conditions of Temporal
and Spatial Factors of Sound Fields

6.1 Preferred Conditions of Temporal Factors of the Sound


The two temporal factors are as follows:

1. Delay time of the first reflection after the direct sound Δt1 (monaural and
temporal factor), which is given by

Δt1 ¼ ðd 1  d0 Þ=c ½s ð6:1Þ

where d0 is the distance between the source position and the listener’s position [m],
d1 is the path of the first or “the strongest reflection” arriving after the direct sound
at the listener’s position [m], and c is the speed of sound in the air [m/s].
2. Subsequent reverberation time after the first reflection Tsub (monaural and
temporal factor), which is approximately given by Sabine’s formula (Sabine
1900), such that

T sub  ð6:2Þ

where K is a constant (about 0.162), V is the volume of the room [m3], α is the
average absorption coefficient of the walls in the room, and S is the total surface of
the room [m2].
According to a systematic investigation that was built on simulating sound fields
with multiple reflections and different reverberation times with the aid of a com-
puter, and obtaining subjective preference values by the paired-comparison
method, optimum design objectives and linear scale values of subjective prefer-
ences may be derived. The optimum design objectives can be expressed in terms of
the subjectively preferred sound qualities described in more detail in this chapter,

© Springer Japan 2016 75

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_6
76 6 Preferred Conditions of Temporal and Spatial Factors of Sound Fields

which are related to the four orthogonal factors extracted from the autocorrelation
function describing the sound signals arriving at the two ears. They clearly lead to a
comprehensive set of criteria for achieving optimal design of concert halls as
summarized below (Ando 1983, 1985, 1998, 2007).

6.1.1 Optimal First Reflection Time After the Direct Sound


An approximation for the most preferred delay time has been expressed in terms of
the minimum effective duration (τe)min of the running ACF of the direct sound
(source signal) and the total amplitude of reflections A, so that

½Δt1 p ¼ τp ðl  log10 AÞ ðτe Þmin ð6:3Þ

where the total pressure amplitude of reflections A is given by

A ¼ A21 þ A22 þ A23 þ    ð6:4Þ

where An ¼ d0/dn (n ¼ 1, 2. . .) is the pressure amplitude of each reflection arriving

at the listener’s position and dn is the path of the n-th reflection. The method of
obtaining the value of τe is shown in Fig. 2.3.
The value of (τe)min in a piece of music is generally observed in its most active
part, the part with the least redundancy, the sharpest musical contrasts, and the one
usually containing the most “artistic” expressive timing information such as vibrato
or accelerando in the musical flow. For example, echo disturbances are easily
perceived in musical segments where (τe)min occurs. Even for a long music com-
position, musical flow can be divided into short segments, so that the minimal
values of (τe)min of the running ACF of the entire musical piece can be taken into
consideration. This value is useful for matching musical programs to concert halls,
for choosing which piece will sound best in a given concert hall. Methods for
controlling the minimum value (τe)min for vocal music performances have been
discussed for this purpose (Ando 1998). If vibrato is introduced during singing, for
example, it decreases (τe)min, thus blending the sound field with a short reverber-
ation time (Kato et. al. 2007).

6.1.2 Optimal Subsequent Reverberation Time After

the Early Reflection (Tsub)

It has been observed that the most preferred condition of frequency response to
reverberation time is just a flat without any frequency dependence. The preferred
6.1 Preferred Conditions of Temporal Factors of the Sound Field 77

subsequent reverberation time, which is equivalent to that defined by Sabine, is

expressed approximately by a constant multiple of the effective duration of the
program material

½T sub p  23ðτe Þmin ð6:5Þ

The total amplitude A of late reflections tested was in the range of 1.1–4.1, which
covers the usual conditions of a sound field in a room, A being normalized by the
pressure amplitude of the direct sound. Recommended reverberation times for
different sound sources are given in Fig. 6.1. Furthermore, the design of a building
must take into account its acoustical purpose:
1. A lecture and conference room should be designed for speech and an opera
house mainly for vocal music but also for orchestral music.
2. For orchestral music, there may be two or three types of concert hall designs that
best match the effective duration of the running ACF of the music programs that
will be performed there. For example, Symphony No. 41 by Mozart, “Le Sacre
du Printemps” by Stravinsky, and Arnold’s Sinfonietta have short values of
3. On the other hand, Symphony No. 4 by Brahms and symphony No. 7 by
Bruckner are more typical of “slower” orchestral music.
4. Much longer values of (τe)min are usual for pipe organ music by Bach, for

Fig. 6.1 Ranges of the most preferred reverberation time for speech and different music programs
corresponding to the minimum value of the effective duration (τe)min that was extracted from the
running ACF of source signals
78 6 Preferred Conditions of Temporal and Spatial Factors of Sound Fields

Thus, the most preferred reverberation time for each sound source given by
Eq. (6.5) can potentially play an important role in the selection of music motifs to be
performed in a given concert hall.

6.2 Preferred Conditions of Spatial Factors of Sound Fields

6.2.1 Listening Level (LL)

The binaural listening level is the average sound-pressure level at the listener’s ears.
It is the primary factor that influences listening preferences for sound fields in
concert halls. The preferred listening level depends upon the music and the partic-
ular passage being performed. The preferred levels obtained from 16 subjects were
similar for two extreme music motifs, in the peak ranges of 77–80 dBA: 77–79 dBA
for music motif A (the slow and somber Royal Pavane by Gibbons) and 79–80 dBA
for music motif B (the fast and playful Sinfonietta by Arnold). As far as these two
music motifs are concerned, about 79 dBA is a common value.

6.2.2 Optimal Magnitude of Interaural Crosscorrelation

Function (IACC)

All available data derived from listeners with normal hearing ability indicated a
negative correlation between the magnitude of the IACC and subjective preference,
which reconfirms that dissimilarity between the signals arriving at the two ears is
preferred (Ando 1998). Therefore, the preferred condition is given by

IACC < 0:4 ð6:6Þ

This relation holds only under the condition that the maximum value of the IACF
is maintained at the origin of the time delay, or near zero interaural delay, with the
sound image directly in the front and an equal balance between the sound fields for
the two ears, such that

τIACC ¼ 0 ð6:7Þ

If balance of the sound field is not maintained for the two ears, then an image shift
of the source may occur. To obtain a small magnitude of the IACC in the most
effective manner, the directions from which the early reflections arrive at the
listener should be kept within a certain range of angles from the median plane
centered on 55 . It is obvious that the sound arriving from the median plane 0
makes the IACC greater. Sound arriving from 90 in the horizontal plane is not
References 79

Table 6.1 Preferred conditions of temporal and spatial factors for the sound field
Four orthogonal Preferred condition indicating the maximum value of subjective
factors preference
Temporal factors associated with the left hemisphere
Δt1 [Δt1]p  (l  log10A) (τe)min
Tsub [Tsub]p  23(τe)min
Spatial factors associated with the right hemisphere
LL ¼ 20log[P] (dB) About 80 dBA at a peak, but it depends on music and musical

always advantageous, because the similar “detour” paths around the head to both
ears cannot decrease the IACC effectively, particularly for frequency ranges higher
than 500 Hz. For example, the most effective angles for the frequency ranges of
1 kHz and 2 kHz are roughly centered on 55 and 36 , respectively. To realize
these conditions for different frequency components of source signals simulta-
neously, adopting geometrically uneven surfaces for side walls has been proposed
(Ando and Kato 1976).
The most preferred conditions of the temporal and spatial factors of the sound
field are summarized in Table 6.1.


Ando Y (1983) Calculation of subjective preference at each seat in a concert hall. J Acoust Soc Am
Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners.
AIP Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2007 and 2014) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In: Rossing TD
(ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y, Kato K (1976) Calculations on the sound reflection from periodically uneven surfaces of
arbitrary profile. Acustica 35:321–329
Kato K, Fujii K, Hirawa T, Kawai K, Yano T, Ando Y (2007) Investigation of the relation between
minimum effective duration of running autocorrelation function and operatic singing with
different interpretation styles. Acta Acustica United Acustica 93:421–434
Sabine WC (1900) Reverberation. The American architect and the engineering record. Sabine WC
Prefaced by Beranek LL (1992) Collected papers on acoustics, Peninsula Publishing,
Los Altos, California, Chapter 1
Chapter 7
Subjective Preferences in Vision

7.1 Subjective Preferences for the Temporal Factor

of Flickering Lights

In order to obtain basic data for the temporal design of visually perceived phenom-
ena and environments, paired-comparison tests (PCT) were conducted to investi-
gate subjective preference for a flickering light in terms of the ACF factors of the
stimulus signal in the time domain (Soeta et al. 2002). It was found that the
preferred sinusoidal period [T]p of the flickering light is roughly

½T p  1:0 s: ð7:1Þ

In order to obtain more representations of subjectively preferred conditions, a

fluctuation was introduced to the preferred sinusoidal flickering light centered on
1 Hz (period of 1.0 s as given by Eq. (7.1)). In this procedure, the amplitude of the
first maximum peak extracted from the temporal ACF of the flickering light
stimulus, factor ϕ1 shown in Fig. 7.1, was controlled, by changing the bandwidth
of the noise (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 Hz). In the natural environment, we perceive many
visual aspects in temporal fluctuation, from twinkling stars to leaves in the wind and
flow of water in a river.
As indicated in Table 7.1, the most preferred fluctuations of the flickering light
for individual subjects as well as the averaged preference are described by the factor
ϕ1. Subjective preferences of individuals ranged [ϕ1]p ¼ 0.27–0.90. The averaged
value for the participating subjects was [ϕ1]p  0.46 (Soeta et al. 2005). Remark-
ably, the resulting preferred fluctuation expressed by ϕ1 is an intermediate of the
values between those of the perfectly periodic sine wave ([ϕ1]p ¼ 1.0) and a
perfectly random wave (ϕ1 ¼ 0). The value of ϕ1 corresponds to “pitch strength”
in sound signals. In music performance, it is a kind of artistic expression in the
temporal domain. It is possible to produce a visual light and even a music signal
based on this temporal factor and also to blend visual light and sound.

© Springer Japan 2016 81

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_7
82 7 Subjective Preferences in Vision

Fig. 7.1 Factors τ1 and ϕ1 extracted from the ACF of the flickering light

Table 7.1 The most Observer [ϕ1]p

preferred periods of the
A 0.51
flickering light [ϕ1]p for each
observer and the averaged B 0.50
value C 0.47
D 0.58
E 0.45
F 0.90
G 0.27
H 0.33
I 0.33
J 0.31
Averaged 0.46

After obtaining the most preferred conditions for individual observers, the scale
value of subjective preference may be obtained as a function of the normalized
factor ϕ1/[ϕ1]p as shown in Fig. 7.2. Thus, the preference evaluation curve for both
individual observers and for an average of all of the observers can be expressed as

S  αjxj3=2 ð7:2Þ

where x ¼ logϕ1  log[ϕ1]p. The averaged weighting coefficient has been obtained
with a number of subjects, α  11.0.
7.2 Subjective Preferences for the Temporal Factor of Oscillatory Movements 83

Fig. 7.2 The scale value of subjective preference as a function of the normalized factor ϕ1/[ϕ1]p,
where [ϕ1]p is the most preferred value of each observer as listed in Table 6.1

In the thermal environment, the effects of a “breeze” could be described by

applying the factor ϕ1, which is extracted from the ACF of wind speed. Readers are
encouraged to embark on experiments in this field.

7.2 Subjective Preferences for the Temporal Factor

of Oscillatory Movements

Results of preference judgments applying the PCT for sinusoidal movements of a

single circular target without any fluctuation on a monitor screen are mentioned in
this section. The period of stimulus movements was varied separately in the vertical
or horizontal direction. Results indicate that the most preferred periods ([T]p) for
all subjects are about 1.0 s in the vertical direction and about 1.3 s in the horizontal
direction. The curve of the scale values of preference may be commonly expressed
by Eq. (7.1) with x ¼ log10 T  log10 ½T p and β ¼ 3=2:
The stimuli were displayed on a CRT monitor presenting 30 frames per second.
Figure 3.2 shows the stimulus used in the experiment – a single white circular target
moving sinusoidally (Soeta et al. 2003). The diameter of the target was subtended
1 of the visual angle (1.22 cm). The movement of the stimulus is expressed as:
84 7 Subjective Preferences in Vision

Table 7.2 The most Subject Vertical [s] Horizontal [s]

preferred periods [T]p of
A 1.15 1.28
vertical and horizontal
movements of the target for B 1.05 1.82
each subject and the averaged C 0.78 1.31
values D 1.16 1.79
E 0.85 0.91
F 0.83 1.05
G 1.08 1.31
H 0.81 1.04
I 0.93 0.98
J 1.10 1.13
Averaged 0.97 1.26

hðtÞ ¼ A cos ð2πt=T Þ ð7:3Þ

where A is the amplitude and T is the period of the stimulus. In all experiments, the
amplitude A was fixed at 0.61 cm on the monitor screen, corresponding to 0.5 of
the visual angle. The white target and black background corresponded with gray
levels 40 and 0.5 cd/m2, respectively. The monitor presenting the stimuli was
placed in a dark room 0.7 m away from the subject’s eye position to maintain
natural binocular vision.
Subjective preference for the period of movements in the horizontal and vertical
directions was examined separately. The period of stimulus movement T in
Eq. (7.3) was varied at six levels: T ¼ 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, and 2.4 s. Thirty
pairs combining six different periods constituted each series, and 10 series were
conducted for all 10 subjects in the experiments by the PCT.
The most preferred period [T]p for each subject was estimated by fitting a
suitable polynomial curve to a graph on which scale values were plotted as
shown in Fig. 3.3. The individual values of preference for movement oscillation
periods in the vertical and horizontal directions are listed in Table 7.2 and plotted in
Fig. 7.3a, b, respectively, so that preference curves may be expressed by Eq. (7.2)
The global value of the most preferred period was about 1.0 s for vertical
movement and about 1.3 s for horizontal movement as summarized in Table 7.3.
Results from all subjects indicated that preferred periods in the vertical direction
were shorter than in the horizontal direction ( p < 0.01).

7.3 Subjective Preferences for Spatial Factors of Textures

The current section discusses whether or not the results pertaining to the
abovementioned temporal fluctuation persevere in terms of the spatial fluctuations
in texture (Ando 2009). Evaluation of subjective preference for textures is shown in
7.3 Subjective Preferences for Spatial Factors of Textures 85

Fig. 7.3 (a) Normalized scale values of preference for individual subjects in the vertical direc-
tion. (b) Those in the horizontal direction. Different symbols indicate the scale values obtained by
different subjects

Table 7.3 Preferred conditions of temporal factors for vision with different movements
Temporal Factors Flickering light Moving single target
ACF τ1 [τ1]p  1.0 s [τ1]p  1.0 s (vertical)
[τ1]p  1.3 s (horizontal)
ϕ1 [ϕ1]p  0.46 –
τe –a –
–: Factors to be examined for their influence/insignificance on the respective attribute
86 7 Subjective Preferences in Vision

Fig. 7.4 Two-dimensional spatial textures used with the value of ϕ1 for the subjective preference

Fig. 7.5 (a) Scale values of preference for individual subjects. (b) Averaged preference values
and a fitting curve with the 3/2 power of ϕ1 in Eq. (6.1)

Fig. 7.4, which was conducted by the PCT by changing the value of factor ϕ1 for
perceived texture regularity. Results of subjective preference SV for all ten subjects
are shown in Fig. 7.5. The upper figure shows a great degree of individual
References 87

differences. By averaging the scale values of all subjects, the most preferred value
for texture regularity was found at [ϕ1]p  0.41. The weighting coefficient α in
Eq. (7.2) with all ten subjects tested was about 3.9. It is worth noting that the most
preferred subjective preference for the flickering light with fluctuation as described
in Sect. 7.1 was [ϕ1]p  0.46 as well. Thus, a certain degree of fluctuation in both
temporal and spatial factors is a visual property affecting subjective preference.
As discussed in Sect. 7.1, subjective preference for a flickering light was
obtained by the PCT, which was investigated in terms of the ACF factors of the
signal in the time domain. The most preferred degree of fluctuation was found at
[ϕ1]p  0.46, and the scale value of preference is formulated approximately in terms
of the 3/2 power of the normalized ϕ1 of a flickering light by the most preferred
value, [ϕ1]p similar to Eq. (5.3).
In the natural environment, there are many visual aspects that we perceive in
temporal fluctuation, such as leaves in the wind and clouds in the sky, twinkling
stars due to air currents, and flowing water in a river. Flames in a bonfire and glitters
of sunlight reflected off the surface of water provide us with a lively and splendid
environment. Such phenomena may stimulate the left hemisphere as shown in
Table 3.1.
In addition, preference judgments using the PCT for sinusoidal movements of a
single circular target without any fluctuation on a monitor screen were performed.
The period of stimulus movements was varied separately in the vertical or hori-
zontal direction. Results showed that the most preferred periods ([T]p) for all
subjects were about 1 s in the vertical direction and about 1.3 s in the horizontal
direction. As seen from Fig. 7.5b, the curves of the scale values of preference may
be commonly expressed by Eq. (5.3) with x ¼ log10T  log10[T]p and β ¼ 3/2 (Soeta
et al. 2003).
As an application of this theory, artistic expressions of color modulation and
sequential form in a drawing, which may stimulate the left hemisphere, are
discussed in Sect. 10.5.


Ando Y (2009) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York

Soeta Y, Uetani S, Ando Y (2002) Relationship between subjective preference and alpha wave
activity in relation to temporal frequency and mean luminance of a flickering light. J Opt Soc
Am A 19:289–294
Soeta Y, Ohtori K, Ando Y (2003) Subjective preference for movements of a visual circular
stimulus: a case of sinusoidal movement in vertical and horizontal directions. J Temporal Des
Architect Environ 3:70–76.
Soeta Y, Mizuma K, Okamoto Y, Ando Y (2005) Effects of the degree of fluctuation on subjective
preference for a 1 Hz flickering light. Perception 34:587–593
Chapter 8
General Theory for Designing Physical
Environments Incorporating Spatial
and Temporal Factors

8.1 Biological Rhythms and Discrete Periods

in the Physical Environment

In our life, as shown in Fig. 8.1, experiences of discrete temporal periods of the
human and physical environments can be blended. Remarkably, there are certain
significant periodic eigenvalues, in both human biological rhythms and physical
environmental activities in the time domain, to be synthesized. The shortest period
is related to the minimum firing interval of about 0.8 ms that is related to pitch
perception. The instantaneous periods of 0.5–5 s that correspond to the psycholog-
ical present are associated with brain waves, pulsation, breathing, and, therefore,
also with the perception of speech, music, and even the twinkling stars, as well as
the susurrus from the leaves and the glitter of a rippling water surface. Following
such periods, there are longer eigenvalues. About 90 min corresponds to the period
of rapid eye movement (REM), which is part of the basic rest-activity cycle that
continues throughout day and night, occurring between 10 and 20 times a day
(Othmer et al. 1969; Kripke 1972), depending on the length of the cycle
(70–150 min). The basic rest-activity cycle is deeply related to one session of a
concert, lecture, or any other type of work activity that requires concentrated
thought. There is a deep connection between the circadian rhythm and the amount
of sunlight, that is, the Earth’s rotation period and daily human activity. The week
that is formed by social custom for work and leisure is associated with, for example,
the planning period of concert and drama, or any other type of social activity. The
next temporal eigenperiod is concerned with the movement of the Moon that is
deeply related to moonlight opera and other culturally relevant festivities and
ceremonies. The revolution of the Earth around our Sun produces changes associ-
ated with the four seasons, like the changing color of the leaves, increasing and
decreasing amounts of precipitation, and so on, as well as annual festivities such as
the New Year opera. The black spots on the Sun which appear about every 11 years
may influence environmental conditions on the Earth to a greater or lesser degree

© Springer Japan 2016 89

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_8
90 8 General Theory for Designing Physical Environments Incorporating Spatial. . .

Fig. 8.1 Human rhythms and discrete periods of the natural physical environment to be consi-
dered in temporal design

(e.g., it has been assumed that there could be a link between solar activity and
earthquakes). The alternation of generations approximately every 30 years, and the
human life span of about 90 years, should be considered in the planning of houses,
as the development of individual personality is in accordance with the schedule of
life. There are many other cosmic oscillations that occur over much longer temporal
periods such as the Milankovitch cycles (21,000. . . 41,000 years) which describe
changes in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, manifesting in climatical changes due
to the changing amount of solar energy reaching the Earth. The longest period of the
universe is in the order of 1012 years, corresponding to the period from one big bang
to the other (Appendix A3).
Thus, a most crucial factor to consider in the temporal dimension of the
environment is what can be conceptualized as cycles, so that we do not need to
consider “real-time” periods with possible scalar infinities. Every aspect of the
passage of time is bound with cycles: birth and death, the changing of the seasons,
sleeping and waking, work and leisure.
The present theory suggests that these cycles be explicitly recognized during the
design process. The passage of time in the designed environment should be as
consciously considered as the three-dimensional organization of the space itself.
8.3 Interaction Between Human Development and Environment 91

8.2 Theory of Designing Physical Environments

It is assumed that Eq. (5.2) for calculating the scale value of subjective preference
for the sound field is held for all physical environments including auditory, visual,
thermal, and vibratory fields, such that

S ¼ ½gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞSound field þ ½gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞVisual field þ gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞThermal field
þ ½gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞVibratory Field

where gL(x) and gR(x) are the temporal and spatial factors for each physical field
associated with the left and right hemispheres, respectively. For the temporal and
spatial factors of thermal and vibratory environments, much is not known regarding
the specialization of the hemispheres; however, evidence indicates that these
factors are supposedly processed by different areas in the brain. Equation (8.1)
holds at least in the neighborhood of the optimal conditions for each physical factor,
avoiding extreme physical environments like, for example, listening to music in a
temperature below 0  C or in an intense vibratory and noisy environment such as in
a small motor boat. Table 8.1 lists the significant factors to consider when designing
physical environments.
As shown in Fig. 8.1, the crucial factor in the temporal dimension of the
environment is the periodic cycle. The present theory is built upon both the
temporal and spatial factors in each type of physical environment. In particular,
such discrete periods should be explicitly recognized during the design process of
any human environment. The passage of time in the designed environment should
be as consciously considered as the three-dimensional organization of the space
Human experience of temporal duration is not linear as physical time is, because
it differs according to the activity a person is engaged in as discussed in Appendices
A1 and A2. In spatial design, there are specific and characteristic dimensions of
space by which its purpose and content are outlined, such as a room, a house, a
building, a region, an urban site, and so on. Thus, the offered matrix consists of
elements characteristic to both time and space.

8.3 Interaction Between Human Development

and Environment

Let us delve deeper into the idea that each individual is born into this world with a
specific message or mission. Our individuality is expressed already at the genetic
level, and the farther a person evolves, the more crystallized and amplified this
uniqueness becomes by experience and the conditions set forth by the environment.
As the saying goes, no two snowflakes are alike, and the same applies to the infinite
92 8 General Theory for Designing Physical Environments Incorporating Spatial. . .

Table 8.1 Physical environmental factors to be designed

environment Spatial factors Temporal factors
Sound field 1. Listening level, LL 2. Initial time delay gap between the
direct sound and the first reflection, Δt1
4. Interaural crosscorrelation, 3. Subsequent reverberation time, Tsub
Visual field 1. Lighting level 2. Properties of movement function of
reflective surface, T
3. Properties of the reflecting
4. Spatial perception including
distance factor
Thermal field 1. Temperature and humidity 2. Relative humidity
(assumed) sensors distributed throughout
the body
3. Temperature
4. Air movement (e.g., breeze)
Vibration field 1. Amplitude 2. Temporal factors extracted from the
(assumed) impulse response between the source
position and observation position
3. Vibration sensors distributed
throughout the body
Note: In addition to these variables, characteristics of sources in terms of the factors extracted from
the temporal ACF, location change of sources, and observer’s activity should also be taken into

array of individuals that have passed and will pass throughout space and time. It is
true, therefore, that every person has the potential of a special and unique ability to
discover a part of the unknown as shown in Figs. P.4 and P.5. Such individual
discoveries and missions, however, sometimes remain invisible not only to the
public eye but also to the individuals themselves.
As shown in Fig. 8.2, the dimension of the head of unborn babies is relatively
large in the womb compared to the rest of the body. This fact suggests that
environment (including its temporal aspects) plays an important role in the devel-
opment of the human brain after birth as well. For instance, there are particular
temporal windows during the development of a human being where the ability to
absorb different types of knowledge is at its peak. Such specific timeframes have
been discovered for the benefit of optimizing the learning of languages, music, and
mathematics, for example. Such pivotal early environments may also express
themselves as a skyline patterned by a mountain ridge or a flowing river near
one’s native place. Before going to kindergarten and elementary school, the neural
systems in the brain are almost fully developed, with deep marks embedded from
the nearest (natural) environment.
One of the most significant and closest environments to a newborn baby is his/her
room in the house. Designers and architects should recognize that such environments
8.3 Interaction Between Human Development and Environment 93

Fig. 8.2 Sketch of unborn

baby at 52 days. The head is
relatively large compared to
other parts of the body,
which indicates early
development of the brain
part. This suggests
environmental design at the
initial stage of human life
relating to the brain is
extremely important for the
development of personality

act as nonverbal “teachers” for the newborn in the early stage of life. Therefore, it is
highly recommended that during the design phase of houses and general urban
planning, the relation between the facility and the human brain be carefully consi-
dered. In a house, for example, the existence of an area for clay work and painting is
likely to play an important role in the development of the right hemisphere. In towns,
facilities such as museums, concert halls, libraries, churches, and other institutions
are most likely to influence the development of the third stage of life. Just as the limbs
of the fetus develop later than the head, highways and communication systems in
urban planning can be developed later on as well. Otherwise, the resulting image is
that of new settlements where young parents have moved with their children – towns
that become obsolete within 30 years simply because lack of cultural facilities does
not attract new people to move there or even visit.
Cosmic weather influences our global climate and change is a natural part of life.
In view of these changes, a more dynamic approach to design, one that incorporates
temporal design of the environment, should be considered. Realization of this
concept is not easy unless new values in addition to economics are introduced.
Such values are the building blocks of human life, namely, the well-being of the
body and the mind. For this purpose, an additional value of the third stage of life has
been defined in the Preface section of this volume. Due to deep interaction between
our cerebral hemispheres and the temporal and spatial aspects of the different
physical fields that we perceive as shown in Fig. P.1, environments should be
thoroughly designed. Such environments, when realized, greatly influence the
development of both hemispheres of our brains.
94 8 General Theory for Designing Physical Environments Incorporating Spatial. . .

8.4 House Environment as a Nonverbal Teacher

for Newborns

Newborn babies and young children are very interested in the surrounding environ-
ment, always either touching and tasting everything they come into contact with, or
asking, “What is this?” and “What is that?” They learn quickly through temporal
and spatial physical environments inside the house and outside. This early time in
life plays an indubitably important role in the development of the personality,
which is deeply rooted in the left and right cerebral hemispheres.
There are many exciting environments for newborns, for example:
1. The mother’s voice when speaking and singing without watching her stimulates
the left hemisphere and thus its development.
2. Music programs that are widely selected (not just nursery songs, but classical
music and swinging jazz) trigger the developing person’s preferences related to
the personality. These can be easily tracked from the child’s behavior when
listening to music that activates mainly the left hemisphere (Sect. 2.1).
3. A pendulum clock moving at a period of about 1.0 s signifies a room that is not
inanimate but very much alive, while also activating the left hemisphere (Sect. 7.2).
4. Intermittent fresh air breezes produce gentle sounds from tree leaves and acti-
vate the left hemisphere.
5. Pieces of furniture, walls, ceilings, and floors: Well-designed furniture pieces,
ceilings and floors, as well as walls with drawings and artistic works support the
development of the personality that emerges from both cerebral hemispheres.
6. Windows looking outside, natural light, gardens with flowers, leaves on trees
moving in the wind, water surfaces of small ponds, the Sun, the Moon, twinkling
stars, clouds, rainfall, people in movement – all such phenomena constitute a
wonderful environment where both hemispheres of the brain can flourish.
7. A bathroom with warm and cool water acts as a toy, stimulating both hemi-
spheres of the brain as well as keeping the body clean.
8. Flames from a fireplace produce a wonderful sight in addition to providing
warm satisfaction in a living room.


Othmer E, Hayden MP, Segelbaum R (1969) Encephalic cycles during sleep and wakefulness in
humans: a 24-hour pattern. Science 164(3878):447–449
Kripke DF (1972) An ultradian biological rhythm associated with perceptual deprivation and
REM sleep. Psychosom Med 3:221–234
Chapter 9
Design Procedures for Matrix Elements
Consisting of Discrete Periods and Spatial

9.1 Acoustic Environment

It has become a matter of fact that among the different physical environments (e.g.,
acoustic, visual, thermal), prevalent daily noise affects the development of the
human brain and, therefore, the well-being of the body and mind. The need for
meticulous planning of the acoustical environment cannot be overemphasized and
should be a priority in the design process. Sound environments also influence our
experience of temporal duration, i.e., we feel time passing either faster or more
slowly depending on the quality of the temporal design (or lack thereof), and this
subjective experience is much more important than physical time itself (Appendix
A1; Ando 1977; Ando and Ando 2010). The selected elements numbered in the
matrix shown in Fig. 9.1 are proposed for consideration in the design process.
(1–3) The indication of 1 s in the horizontal axis of the figure signifies every
moment that is related to the range of the “psychological present” (Fraisse
1984). This may deeply relate to the sound signal duration to be analyzed
corresponding to the auditory temporal window, which is approximately given
by 30 times of (τe)min (Mouri et al. 2001). The spatial shapes of an opera house
and a concert hall may be determined by minimization of the IACC at each seat,
which is the representative spatial factor related to the space form of the entire
building (Maki 1997; Ikeda 1997). A well-designed concert hall can act as a
second musical instrument expressing both the temporal and spatial sensations
of music (Ando 2007, 2009). A sound reproduction system, for instance, is
designed by use of both temporal and spatial factors of the sound field (see
Appendix II in Ando 1998).
(4–5) Since the brain’s concentration is limited to about 90 min which is directly
related to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (Sect. 8.1), an intermission in opera
and concert programs is an effective tool to employ when designing optimal
conditions. A refreshment corner serving wine and soft drinks in a well-designed

© Springer Japan 2016 95

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_9
96 9 Design Procedures for Matrix Elements Consisting of Discrete Periods and. . .

Fig. 9.1 Selected elements in the matrix with discrete periods and distinct ranks of space to be
considered in acoustic environmental design. Numbers 1 through 9 indicate certain temporal and
spatial design projects. A tendency is observed that small spaces are designed mainly for short
terms, and large spaces are designed mainly for long terms

lobby serves as a meeting place for members of the audience as well as

performers for discussing and exchanging opinions.
(6) Planning the flow throughout the whole building including the rehearsal room
and the storage of instruments is considered based on daily schedule.
(7–9) Running concert programs based on weekly and/or monthly cycles may help
to distribute notice without additional cost for each independent opera and
concert program.
(10) Annual maintenance of the building or house is considered at the design stage
during selection of materials.
(11–12) The design process should include the changing of the four seasons as well
as spatial planning of the soundscape. This includes birdsong, susurring sounds
from the leaves, and sounds of flowing water. Annual environmental noise in
urban planning should be executed by minimizing long-term effects on unborn
babies and children as discussed in Sect. 14.3 (Ando and Hattori 1977a, b).
(12–14) Urban planning should foresee and minimize the long-term effects of
exposure to years of environmental noise from jet planes, motorcars, and trains,
all of which affects the development of unborn babies and the specialization of
their cerebral hemispheres (Ando et al. 1975; Ando 1988, 2001) as well as the
9.2 Visual Environment 97

development of height in children (Schell and Ando 1991). It has been shown
that people who live surrounded by environmental noise feel time passes faster
(Ando 1977) so that they always feel busy without performing any particular job.
These effects of exposure to daily noise accumulate over several months or
years, even in environments where the period of 24 h with a quiet night is the
accepted norm. The effects that exposure to continuous noise has on the devel-
opment of children remain present over the entire generation.

9.2 Visual Environment

Figure 9.2 indicates selected elements to be considered in the design of visual

(1–3) Movement of tree leaves, scattering of sunlight in the air after reflection from
water surfaces, streams of small rivers, twinkling stars, and many other natural
phenomena stimulate the left cerebral hemisphere (Sect. 3.3). Their effect is
related to the effective duration of the autocorrelation function (ACF) of

Fig. 9.2 Selected elements in the matrix with discrete periods and distinct ranks of space to be
considered in visual environmental design. Numbers 1 through 9 indicate certain temporal and
spatial design projects. A tendency is observed that small spaces are designed mainly for short
terms, and large spaces are designed mainly for long terms
98 9 Design Procedures for Matrix Elements Consisting of Discrete Periods and. . .

auditory and visual signals, τe, which is a unit of the temporal window as
discussed earlier in this volume. Spatial sensations such as those derived from,
for example, artistic drawings and photographs on the wall, stimulate the right
cerebral hemisphere (Sperry 1974; Levy and Trevarthen 1976).
(4) Lighting as part of the design of a home environment can be controlled in the
study, kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Lighting can be designed with regard
to periods or sessions of 30–90 min due to REM. Blue and cool lights activate
the brain in the study and the kitchen, while orange and warm lights are useful
for making humans relax in the living room and the bedroom.
(5–6) As for spatial design on walls and floors, a certain degree of fluctuation in
periodic textures will maximize subjective preference (Sects. 7.3 and 10.5).
Natural light from the Sun, Moon, and stars can be introduced into rooms in a
house through carefully planned windows (Bosworth and Ando 2006). Windows
that enable experiencing the change of natural light or colors in the garden are
considered superior for the benefit of the brain. Lateral lights are the most
effective for looking at a human face.
(7) Duration times for areas of sunshine or shadow in a region can be planned as
usual. The method for calculating sunshine and shadows from mountains and
buildings is well known as a function of daytime.
(8) The changing Moon can be observed over the course of a month at well-
designed viewing spots of houses and buildings, as in traditional Japanese
houses such as, for example, Katsura Imperial Villa and Shisendo in Kyoto.
(9–12) Gardens, public parks, and walkways as well as plantations are designed
according to the four seasons. Taking care of plantations may help the develop-
ment of the mind as well as the brain and body for incurring further creations.
(13–15) Particularly, plantations in and close to cities play an important role in
realizing good vision. They also work in favor of the third stage of life by
offering “soil” for ideas to stem from by stimulating the act of contemplation of
nature. Policies for the long-term design of the environment, which influence on
people crosses a time span of 30 or more years and affects the health of humans
either directly or indirectly, should be conscientiously planned by local govern-
ments, the government, and/or the United Nations.

9.3 Thermal Environment and Energy Conservation

Elements of the thermal environment to be designed are shown in Fig. 9.3. Some of
the elements have been previously discussed, while others are not so well known.
(1–2) Design criteria for the thermal environment of rooms including a creative
work space (CWS) and a creative kitchen space (CKS) consist of both temporal
and spatial factors. A typical expression of a temporal factor is a breeze, which is
defined by the fluctuation of wind velocity as a function of time. It can be
expressed by the temporal factor ϕ1 extracted from the ACF of wind velocity,
9.3 Thermal Environment and Energy Conservation 99

Fig. 9.3 Selected elements in the matrix with discrete periods and distinct ranks of space to be
considered in thermal environmental design. A tendency is observed that small spaces are
designed mainly for short terms, and large spaces are designed mainly for long terms

in a manner similar to the flickering light with fluctuation (Sect. 7.1: Soeta
et al. 2002a, b), where the most preferred condition [ϕ1]p is assumed to be
centered around 0.4. The most effective spatial factor to consider with temper-
ature is vertical distribution along the body, particularly below the knee. These
temporal and spatial factors are crucial for creating comfortable conditions
conducive to concentration and thus productivity at desk work.
(3–4) Preferred conditions for the thermal environment depend on the level of body
activity: for example, the bedroom is a place for relaxing and good sleep, while
a kitchen space serves more active purposes. Likewise, activities are quite
different for performers on the stage of an opera house or a concert hall and
listeners in the audience areas. The temperature should be cooler on stage for
performers and warmer in audience areas. Careful design of the thermal envi-
ronment plays an important role in the resulting level of comfort and energy
conservation, thereby contributing to the realization of pleasant experiences in
the theater and other spaces of performing art.
(5) Utilization of night electric power to a regenerator in each house is effective in
keeping temperature comfortable all day long. Use of natural solar energy and a
regenerator in the daytime is particularly useful, because it is inexpensive due to
a small number of consumers.
100 9 Design Procedures for Matrix Elements Consisting of Discrete Periods and. . .

Fig. 9.4 Proposal of

thermal design utilizing
directly natural energies of
daily and seasonal periods
with tanks underground

(6) It is possible to conserve energy by utilizing thermal energy from garbage

furnaces in regional areas. For example, the method could be used every
weekend for warming water in swimming pools.
(7–9) It is possible to apply atmospheric phenomena including seasonal fluctuation
of wind and sunshine to environmental solutions. Leaves of deciduous trees
planted in the garden of a house, for example, make for a wonderful source of
shadow in the summertime, and in the winter, the tree allows sunshine and
energy into the house. Figure 9.4 shows an example of how it is possible to use
underground tanks to store hot water collected in the summer and cold water
collected in the winter. The hot and cold water is kept for about 3 months and,
powered by an automatic temperature control system, can be used for baths, the
roof, and the kitchen.
(10) Introducing the 1 h adjustment in summer time to utilization of solar energy
and sunlight calls for adjustments in our daily life rhythm.
(11) Urban area planning is suggested to harness and control currents of air rising
above the centers of town areas and channel them to produce breezes from
nearby forests and rivers. This was noticed by the author during his experience of
flying a glider over a village and surrounding forests near Han Munden to
Kassel, Germany.
9.4 Environmental Design for the Third Stage of Life 101

(12) Global control of climate by controlling the concentration of chemical sub-

stances in the air including CO2 in order to sustain an inhabitable thermal
environment and thereby climate. At this level, international cooperation is
necessary for taking temporal design into due consideration.

9.4 Environmental Design for the Third Stage of Life

Since there are a great number of problems to be solved and most of the unknown to
be discovered, each individual is hereby urged to contribute to society by his/her
unique personality. In this volume, typical human creative activity is called the
third stage of life that incorporates two cerebral hemispheres. The time spent in
creative activity renders our mind rather insensitive to the passage of time. Such
unconscious experience of duration during creative work is caused by deep con-
centration (Appendix A1: Ando and Ando 2010) and can be referred to as being
“out of time” (Sect. 10.5). This kind of activity, in turn, serves to not only find an
individual’s personality and uniqueness but may well give a purpose for the
individual to establish a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Resulting creations
could contribute to society and the quality of human life, helping to sustain the
environment for a long time even after the passing of the individual’s first (body)
and second (mind) lives. A lasting peace on earth may be achieved by release of
individual personality given by nature (p. 220 in Ando 1998). To support the
development of the brain in babies and children, design of the environment for
their third stage should be conducted with much attention, because the brain is
almost developed by the beginning of elementary school. The closest surroundings
at home and the neighborhood influence the development of the cerebral hemi-
spheres to a great degree.
Figure 9.5 demonstrates design elements for the third stage of life.
(1–2) Unexpected associations and good ideas often occur in the middle of the night
during sleep. In order to write down these inspirations, we need a small table and
a lamp with soft light next to the bed. It is important to enable writing in a
relatively dark environment to condition an easy shift back into sleep again.
Drawings hung on walls and a flame from a well-designed fireplace in the living
room can stimulate the right and left hemisphere, respectively. Leaves of trees
outside a window moving in gentle wind also stimulate the left hemisphere.
Pleasant breezes through a well-designed window facing a green courtyard produc-
ing down currents of air may help to refresh the brain. Offering perspective
stimulates the right hemisphere, which in turn plays a most important role in aiding
long-term planning in individual life as well as the environment. A window with a
view to and/or a viewing area for contemplating moving clouds and their scattering
and vanishing in the air above the house is useful for stimulating both hemispheres:
the left hemisphere is affected by the temporal movements and the right hemisphere
by their form. These are all affections of nature.
102 9 Design Procedures for Matrix Elements Consisting of Discrete Periods and. . .

Fig. 9.5 Selected elements in the matrix with discrete periods and distinct ranks of space to be
considered in the third stage of human life. Numbers 1 through 9 indicate certain temporal and
spatial design projects. A tendency is observed that small spaces are designed mainly for short
terms, and large spaces are designed mainly for long terms

(3–4) A creative work space (CWS) as shown in Photo 11.2 and a creative kitchen
space (CKS) with designated work areas for the left and right hemispheric tasks,
respectively, may well help to produce good cooking and creation. Good ideas
often suddenly pop up from the mind, particularly when we switch from one task
to another.
(5) Arts and books corners in a house stimulate the right and/or the left hemisphere.
A garden changing with sunlight during the day and daily changes in the shape
and color of the plants, for example, help to activate both hemispheres.
(6) A well-designed walkway and a riverside in a region make for ideal conditions
for refreshing the body and mind, thus helping to obtain further ideas for
(7–8) Weekly programs for an opera house, art museum, concert hall, church, zoo,
aquarium, and botanical garden for people living in the local area. For example,
if programs could be planned such that, for example, Jazz concerts are
performed on Saturday evenings and classical music is performed on Sunday
evenings, then people could attend the events according to the weekly schedule
without extra cost for public notice of performances. In any given concert hall,
musicians may compose music blending the temporal factors of the sound field
9.4 Environmental Design for the Third Stage of Life 103

Fig. 9.6 The work “Reflection” by Marianne Jogi exemplifies temporal design merging with
everyday life. The work is a small object but creation in a larger scale enables involving different
settings and spaces. The picture is of the Sun reflecting off the surface of a water body, but due to
certain parameters, at first glance it seems to be the Moon in deep night, reflecting the light of the
Sun. Printed on glass with the light center left transparent, the object comes to life when viewed
against strong natural light in the day or the night. The artifact transforms from being an object of
interest into being a filter for viewing the world. The viewer simultaneously confronts herself due
to the reflective surface of the glass

in the hall (typically reverberation time). The sound field then acts as a base for
the musical composition. It is well known that, for example, long reverberation
time in a church blends well with pipe organ music, but not with speech signals.
(9–10) A place for viewing the Moon and moonlight inside a room could be part of
conscious design. An example is shown in Fig. 9.6, an art created by Marianne
(11–12) Seasonal color change of leaves of trees may be considered at the stage of
selecting the trees for a street or a park. Festival, concert, and art event venues
could be adapted for every season. Soundscape design of water flow and leaves
moving in the wind create sounds as a kind of music as well as “visual music.”
Agricultural fields are another expression of landscape, which change along with
the four seasons.
(13) Seasonal programs at schools, temples, churches, and opera houses may be
brought together into one weekly program.
(14–17) Accepted artistic works and scientific works might be classified as “clas-
sic” by succeeding generations. Education should pay special attention to the
development of the human brain, because there are certain time windows at
104 9 Design Procedures for Matrix Elements Consisting of Discrete Periods and. . .

Fig. 9.7 Individual possible preferred directions due to special talent with different DNA for
unique creations to be determined as shown in Figure P.6

young ages (under 18 years), where the capability to accept languages, music,
and mathematics is at its peak. If applied wisely, the closest environment to the
human such as the furniture he/she uses or drawings he/she looks at are effective
tools for the development of the brain, mind, and body.
(17–20) So-called “conservation” of nature on Earth and in the universe can be
performed in terms of time.
So far, we discussed about the third stage of life in different time periods and
spatial spans. Since each individual has a special talent stemming from unique
DNA, it is highly recommended to investigate and try out every preferred direction
at the initial stage as shown in Fig. 9.7 to save and create our environment.
The ongoing big change of global climate begs for much more attention on the
dynamical and temporal design of the environment, blending human life with
natural cycles, in which the third stage of life plays an important part. It is worth
noting that the longest possible period of the universe is the time between one big
bang and another big bang, i.e., about 1012 years (Appendix A.3: Steinhardt 2009).
References 105


Ando Y (1977) Effects of noise on duration experience. J Sound Vib 55:600–603

Ando Y (1988) Effects of daily noise on fetuses and cerebral hemisphere specialization in children.
J Sound Vib 127:411–417
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
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Ando Y (2001) Differential effects of noise and music signals on the behavior of children. J Sound
Vib 241:129–140
Ando Y (2007 and 2014) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In: Rossing
TD (ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009) Concert hall acoustics and musical expressions. ARTES Publishing, Tokyo.
(in Japanese)
Ando Y, Ando T (2010) Model of “unconscious” duration experience while listening to music and
noise. J Temporal Des Architect Environ 10:1–6.
Ando Y, Hattori H (1977a) Effects of noise on sleep of babies. J Acoust Soc Am 62:199–204
Ando Y, Hattori H (1977b) Effects of noise on human placental lactogen (HPL) levels in maternal
plasma. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 84:115–118
Ando Y, Nakane Y, Egawa J (1975) Effects of aircraft noise on the mental work of pupils. J Sound
Vib 43:683–691
Bosworth T, Ando Y (2006) Design of a hillside house in Kirishima with a small office. J
Temporal Des Architect Environ 6:18–22.
Fraisse P (1984) Perception and estimation of time. Annu Rev Psychol 35:1–36
Ikeda Y (1997) Designing a contemporary classic concert hall using computer graphics. In:
Ando Y, Noson D (eds) Music and concert hall acoustics, conference proceedings of MCHA
1995. Academic, London, Chapter 2
Levy J, Trevarthen C (1976) Metacontrol of hemispheric function in human split-brain patient. J
Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 2:299–312
Maki F (1997) Sound and figure: concert hall design. In: Ando Y, Noson D (eds) Music and
concert hall acoustics – proceedings of MCHA95. Academic, London, Chapter 1
Mouri K, Akiyama K, Ando Y (2001) Preliminary study on recommended time duration of source
signals to be analyzed, in relation to its effective duration of autocorrelation function. J Sound
Vib 241:87–95
Schell LM, Ando Y (1991) Postnatal growth of children in relation to noise from Osaka Interna-
tional Airport. J Sound Vib 151:371–382
Soeta Y, Uetani S, Ando Y (2002a) Relationship between subjective preference and alpha wave
activity in relation to temporal frequency and mean luminance of a flickering light. J Opt Soc
Am A 19:289–294
Soeta Y, Uetani S, Ando Y (2002b) Propagation of repetitive alpha waves over the scalp in relation
to subjective preferences for a flickering light. Int J Psychophysiol 46:41–52
Sperry RW (1974) Lateral specialization in the surgically separated hemispheres. In: Schmitt FO,
Worden FC (eds) The Neurosciences: third study program. MIT Press, Cambridge, Chapter 1
Steinhardt PJ (2009) Cyclic universe theory. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology,
New York, pp 69–71
Chapter 10
Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

10.1 ACF Analysis of Camphor Leaves Moving

in Natural Wind

Leaves are very common in the visual environment; thus the camphor leaf
(Fig. 10.1) and a whole camphor tree (Photo 10.1) were selected for analysis.
First, the images were analyzed by using the ACF to attain the physical character-
istics of camphor leaves moving in the wind. Focus was on the dynamic changes in
the lighting levels of the leaves’ reflective surfaces and the orthogonal properties of
the physical and temporal factors extracted from the ACF at different wind speeds.
Secondly, to evaluate the preferred temporal properties, paired-comparison tests
were conducted as discussed in the following section. Time-variant images possess
a multitude of structures and regularities at many levels of complexity, including
the ramifications brought about by, for example, the different dimensions of the
branches and the trunk, their sequential movement, etc. Our ultimate goal is to
establish a method for evaluating the temporal factors in the visual environment
that affect human preferences. Such a method could be used for designing much
richer environments in which the passage of time can be enjoyed (Soeta and Ando
Temporal images of windblown camphor leaves were recorded between 12:30
and 1:00 p.m. on a sunny winter day using a video camera. The images were taken
on a hillside in an open space (25  70 m) on the Kobe University Campus. The
camera was placed in front of the reflective surfaces of leaves at a distance of 1.1 m
and a height of 1.0 m; the elevation angle was 30 . The wind speed was concur-
rently recorded. Four 10-s images with different degrees of movement caused by
the wind blowing at speeds of 0.71  (0.03), 1.15  (0.14), 2.40  (0.08), and
3.12  (0.29) m/s were analyzed. Values in parentheses signify the standard devi-
ation (SD). The images were digitized using a video capture board at a resolution of
320  240 pixels and a gray level of 8 bits/pixel (256 density levels). The frame rate
was 30 frames per second. To find the area, in which the dynamic changes in the

© Springer Japan 2016 107

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_10
108 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

Fig. 10.1 Areas integrated corresponding to visual angles of (1) 0.01, (2) 0.02, (3) 0.05, (4) 0.1,
(5) 0.2, (6) 0.4, (7) 0.8, (8) 1.2, (9) 1.6, (10) 2.4 degs. White dots show positions analyzed
corresponding to a visual angle of 0.01

lighting level could be analyzed, the gray levels in the central area of each image
were changed to (1) 1  1, (2) 2  2, (3) 4  4, (4) 8  8, (5) 16  16, (6) 32  32,
(7) 66  66, (8) 98  98, (9) 130  130, and (10) 196  196 pixels, as shown in
Fig. 10.1. They were analyzed by using the ACF. The actual visual angles of these
areas were, respectively, (1) 0.01 , (2) 0.02 , (3) 0.05 , (4) 0.1 , (5) 0.2 , (6) 0.4 ,
(7) 0.8 , (8) 1.2 , (9) 1.6 , and (10) 2.4 . Results show that the ACF factors leveled
off at visual angles below 0.05 . Consequently, one pixel, the minimum unit, was
selected for the analysis. The gray levels at 29 points in the digitized images (white
dots in Fig. 10.1) were also analyzed by using the ACF. An example of the
sequential gray-level data is shown in Fig. 10.2. Compression of the gray-level
data in the analysis was not considered explicitly, because no extreme high or low
values of luminance were observed.
The ACF is the fundamental measure of time-sequential data. The subjective
attributes may be described by one or two of four orthogonal factors that can be
extracted from it (Fig. 4.13). In the study, the running ACF was analyzed for the
gray level changing as a function of time. An example of a measured ACF is shown
10.1 ACF Analysis of Camphor Leaves Moving in Natural Wind 109

Photo 10.1 Camphor tree

Fig. 10.2 Sequential gray-level data at a wind speed of 3.1 m/s

110 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

Fig. 10.3 (a) Example of a normalized ACF of gray level analyzed for a wind speed of 3.12 m/s
and the definitions of factors φ1 and τ1. (b) An example of straight-line regression with initial part
of the normalized ACF in the logarithm scale to obtain the effective duration of ACF (τe), which is
defined as the cross point of 10 dB at given delay (the ten-percentile delay)

in Fig. 10.3a. The four factors are extracted as follows. The first is the effective
duration of the normalized ACF, τe, defined by ten-percentile delay as demonstrated
in Fig. 10.3b. The second is the energy at the origin of the delay, Φ(0). The fine
structure of a normalized ACF includes peaks and dips and its associated delay
times. The symbol τn represents the delay time, and ϕn represents the amplitude of
the nth peak (n ¼ 1, 2, . . .). Since there was a certain degree of coherence between
parameters of τn (n ¼ 1, 2, . . .), and ϕn, these parameters may be represented by the
last two factors: the amplitude of the first peak, ϕ1, and its delay time, τ1. The values
of τe, Φ(0), ϕ1, and τ1 were analyzed as a function of running time for 2T ¼ 2.5 s,
with a 100-ms interval.
The cumulative frequencies of the four factors, τe, Φ(0), ϕ1, and τ1 at 29 positions
are shown in Fig. 10.4a–d, respectively. There were no correlations between the
four parameters; thus the four temporal factors are almost orthogonal in the present
condition (Soeta and Ando 2001). The median (50 %) value of τe decreased as the
10.2 Subjective Preferences for Camphor Leaves Moving in Wind 111

Fig. 10.4 Cumulative frequencies of (a) τe, (b) Φ(0), (c) φ1, and (d) τ1 observed at 29 positions.
Wind speeds are represented by the following symbols: ■: 0.71, ●: 1.1, △: 2.4, and □: 3.12 [m/s]

wind speed increased, except at 1.15 m/s. The median value of τ1 showed the
maximum at a wind speed of 0.71 m/s and the minimum at a wind speed of 3.12 m/
s. Bifurcation is observed at wind speeds of 0.71 and 1.15 m/s; thus nonlinear
relationships between wind speeds and four factors were observed. It is supposed
that such complicated movement of leaves influences our mind and brain at a
certain level. In the next section, let us discuss subjective preferences for moving
camphor leaves.

10.2 Subjective Preferences for Camphor Leaves Moving

in Wind

To obtain the most preferred temporal properties of the sequential images, the
paired-comparison test (PCT) on the analyzed images was conducted. Results show
that the most preferred condition is described by the ACF factor representing
fluctuation: ϕ1 ~ 0.2–0.3.
112 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

Fig. 10.5 Scale value of

subjective preference in
relation to the factor ϕ1

Subjective preferences for images of camphor leaves moving in the wind have
been investigated in relation to their temporal factors (Soeta and Ando 2001). The
5-s sequential images analyzed here were displayed on a CRT display placed in a
dark room at a distance of 1.1 m from the subjects’ eyes. Considering the focal
vision, the area of the images presented was within a 1.2 visual angle. Ten subjects
(22–32 years old) with normal or corrected visual acuity participated in paired-
comparison testing. Images were presented at 1.0-s intervals, and the interval
between comparison pairs was 4.0 s to allow time for the subjects to respond.
Each subject was asked to judge which image they preferred to watch, and they
responded by pressing a button. Tests were performed for all combinations of the
pairs, i.e., 12 pairs; interchanging the order in each pair per session, a total of
6 sessions were conducted for each subject. Scale values based on the subjective
judgment of each subject were obtained.
The global-scale value of the subjective preferences showed a maximum at wind
speeds of 2.40 m/s and a minimum at wind speeds of 1.15 m/s. There was a certain
degree of agreement between all the subjects, especially at wind speeds between
1.15 and 2.40 m/s. Relatively large individual differences were found at wind
speeds of 0.71 and 3.12 m/s. However, no systematical relationship between wind
velocity and the scale value of subjective preference was found.
After that, a study was performed to determine whether or not subjective
preference is described by the temporal factors extracted from the ACF. Three
5-s images at three different wind speeds were selected, such that 0.71  (0.03),
2.40  (0.08), and 3.12  (0.29) m/s. The temporal factor τ1 here might be the most
relevant temporal factor extracted from the ACF of images. Median values of the
four factors and a global-scale value of the subjective preferences were obtained
(Soeta and Ando 2001) to determine which factors are relevant in the formation of
subjective preferences. The cumulative frequencies of the temporal factor τ1
extracted from the temporal ACF of the gray level of images at 29 positions are
shown in Fig. 10.4d. For example, the median (50 %) value of τ1 was 0.33 s at a
wind speed of 3.12 m/s, 0.53 s at a wind speed of 2.40 m/s, and 1.12 s at a wind
speed of 0.71 m/s, respectively.
The most remarkable results are shown in Fig. 10.5 where most of the observers
preferred a certain fluctuation in the movement of the leaves, i.e., in the range of
10.3 Matching Acoustic Tempo with Camphor Leaves Moving in Wind 113

ϕ1 ¼ 0.2–0.3. However, no relationship was detected between the scale value of

preference and the other factors extracted from the ACF: amplitude Φ(0) and
pitch τ1.
Our results reconfirmed that the natural time-variant scenes are not Gaussian
(Dong and Atick 1995). At present stage, knowledge regarding fluctuation and
regularities for time-varying images is very limited. The ACF provides information
about pitch, which is represented by τ1. It is interesting that the bifurcation of the τ1
value represents a hierarchy of the moving leaves, i.e., the movements of the leaves
and branches at a wind speed of 0.7 m/s as shown in Fig. 10.4d. When the wind was
fast, the movement of the leaves had a clear pitch; when it was slow, the pitch was
fuzzy. Investigation at such a level of complexity is not as simple as with laboratory
experiments. However, the effective duration of the normalized ACF, τe, represents
a kind of repetitive feature containing the signal itself. The fact that the preferred
values of τe were found between 0.3 and 0.4 s indicates that subjective preferences
can be obtained at a certain degree of repetition in the temporal image. It is notable
that in sound fields with multiple reflections, the preferred delay time of the greatest
reflection is deeply psychologically related to the τe of the source signal (Ando and
Gottlob 1979). In visual fields, it is supposed that center activities in the image may
correspond to the direct sound, and a coherent area within focal vision may
correspond to the reflections. As a result, it is meaningful to introduce values of
τe for subjective preference judgments in the visual environment as well.
Main conclusions obtained so far are:
1. Almost orthogonal properties of the physical factors from the ACF, i.e., τe, Φ(0),
ϕ1, and τ1, were extracted for the movement of camphor leaves.
2. The preferred values may be found by the value of ϕ1 between 0.2 and 0.3 s.
3. To some extent, the results obtained here may be related to the preferred
fluctuation factor ϕ1 as discussed in Chap. 7 and Sect. 7.1.
There are a number of different kinds of trees that produce different effects.
Extreme examples are coconut trees with large leaves moving in the wind with their
shadow projected on the ground or bamboo trees with fine leaves as demonstrated in
Photo 10.2, which work with the wind to produce sounds also in the ultra-frequency
ranges to make people relax.

10.3 Matching Acoustic Tempo with Camphor Leaves

Moving in Wind

An experiment was conducted to attain knowledge on blending sound and vision.

Results show that the matching period of sound pulses is deeply related to τ1, which
is extracted from the ACF of the gray level of the image of the leaves and expresses
the visual equivalent of pitch.
114 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

Photo 10.2 Bamboo trees

The visual and auditory systems provide us with the majority of the information
that we obtain from the environment. A number of studies have dealt with the
relationship between auditory and visual perception. Sugano and Iwamiya (1999)
investigated the temporal information in visual motion to determine the congruency
of music and moving images. Subjects had to adjust the speed of a ball, moving in a
circular or square pattern, to match changes in musical tempo.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the temporal
factors extracted from the temporal ACF of the image moving in natural wind and
those of the acoustic tempo. Images of camphor leaves moving in the wind were
selected as visual stimuli (Soeta et al. 2001). Pulses of sound were selected for the
sake of simplicity. One of the goals was to establish a method for selecting and/or
10.3 Matching Acoustic Tempo with Camphor Leaves Moving in Wind 115

composing music that matches a lively visual environment. Such a method could be
used to design richer auditory and visual environments in which the passage of time
can be enjoyed.
The periods of 5-s sequential pulses used for the matching tests were 0.08, 0.16,
0.32, 0.64, and 1.28 s, with pulse widths of 63 μs (0.063 ms). Seven subjects, from
21 to 24 years old and having normal hearing and binocular vision, participated in the
study. The monitor presenting the visual stimuli was placed in the front of subjects’
eye position at a distance of 1.1 m to keep foveal fixation (natural binocular). The
loudspeaker was placed on the monitor. The subjects’ head and eye positions were
unconstrained. The sound-pressure level at the center position of the subject’s head
was kept constant at a peak of 78 dBA. The subjects judged which sound pulses
more subjectively matched up with the movement of camphor leaves. Ten pairs of
combined 5-level periods constituted one series, and ten series were conducted for all
seven subjects for each image of camphor leaves moving at different wind speeds.
The scale values of the matching judgment of individual subjects were obtained
(Ando 1998). Figure 10.6 shows an example of the matching evaluation curve for
subject E at a wind speed of 2.40 m/s, to obtain the most-matched-pulse period
[T]m  0.35 s, which was obtained by fitting a suitable polynomial curve to the
graph of the scale value.
Figure 10.7a–c shows scale values of matching for three different wind speeds as
a function of normalized pulse periods for all individual subjects and the global
values. It is remarkable that, similar to Eqs. (5.3) and (7.1), a matching evaluation
curve may be commonly expressed by

Fig. 10.6 Example of obtaining most-matched-pulse period [T]m with the movement of camphor
leaves (subject E, wind speed  2.40 m/s)
116 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

Fig. 10.7 Scale values of matching as a function of the period of pulse sounds normalized by most-
matched-pulse period [T]m at (a) wind speed  0.71 m/s, (b) wind speed  2.40 m/s, and (c) wind
speed  3.12 m/s

S ¼ SL  αjxjβ ð10:1Þ

where α and β are the weighting coefficients and x ¼ log10Tlog10[T]m. After

obtaining the [T]m for each subject, we identified values of α and β. The values of
β estimated by using a quasi-Newton numerical method in global values were
1.18 at a wind speed of 3.12 m/s, 1.94 at a wind speed of 2.40 m/s, and 1.43 at a
wind speed of 0.71 m/s. The average value of β was 1.52 (~3/2) here, thus fixed at
3/2 as usual. The solid line in Fig. 10.7 indicates the matching curve represented by
Eq. (10.1) with β ¼ 3/2. Thus, the characteristics of the matching curve can be
approximately expressed by only the coefficient α, which is the sole coefficient
describing the sharpness of the matching curve, indicating the strength of matching
for the most-matched-pulse period [T]m.
Figure 10.8 shows the [T]m as a function of the median (50 %) value of the factor
τ1 extracted from the temporal ACF of the gray level of images, which was the most
relevant factor among the temporal factors. The other factors, Φ(0) and ϕ1, were not
related to the most-matched-pulse periods in this experiment. A remarkable finding
is that the matched period of sound pulses is about half of τ1 and is nearly equal to the
factor τe. It has been discovered that the delay time of the peak of the ACF, i.e., the
factor τ1, is closely related to the perceived “pitch” of the lighting light (Sect. 3.2.1).
10.4 Studies on Temporal Design for Landscape 117

Fig. 10.8 Relationship

between the most-matched-
pulse period [T]m and delay
time of first peak of ACF,
τ1. Ranges of the [T]m
graphically obtained by all
subjects at 0.1 below the
maximum matching score

The weighting coefficient β in Eq. (10.1) was nearly equal to 3/2. This is
consistent with any preference judgment for the sound field and the flickering
light. Equation (10.1) represents the matching evaluation curve in the present
study and corresponds to the preference evaluation curve of the sound field, which
could mean that the theory on the subjective preference of sound fields might also be
applicable to studies on the congruency of music and motion sequence.
So far, results show that the matching period of sound pulses is about half of the
delay time of the first peak of the ACF (τ1), which was analyzed from the gray level
of the image.

10.4 Studies on Temporal Design for Landscape

Leaves of trees moving in the wind are a typical view of a landscape. The temporal
factors that can be extracted from the ACF of an image are Φ(0), τ1, ϕ1, and τe
(Sect. 4.1.1). Leaves of trees indicate complicated movements together with the
branches and the trunk. For example, values of τ1 for the movement of the trunks of
coconut trees are several seconds long; on the contrary, values of τ1 for the
movement of their leaves are in the order of the millisecond, and values of τ1 for
the movement of the branches fall in between these two extremes. Therefore, a
118 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

Photo 10.3 Combination of leaves of coconut trees and those of other different kinds of trees

combination of three different movements may image us a kind of “visual music”

consisting of higher, middle, and low pitches just like in a melody. A combination
of leaves of coconut trees and those of other, different kinds of trees with relatively
shorter values of τ1 (high pitch due to a small size of leaves) may create something
like ensemble music (Photo 10.3). Most leaves moving in the wind have mainly
three pitches (τ1) with different fluctuations (ϕ1) due to the physical properties of
(1) the leaves, (2) the tree branches, and (3) the trunks. These characteristics may be
considered in the temporal design of a landscape, where natural wind is acting as a
“performer,” playing the “tree instruments” with different speeds of wind. Simi-
larly, we can enjoy elements like the water flow of a river with the water surface
fluctuating over the stones resting at the bottom of the riverbed, or a fire flame, or a
Breezes can be realized by a combination of a colony and surrounding forests,
where solar energy on the roofs of houses creates a current that rises higher over the
colony, making space for a cooler current, i.e., a breeze from a nearby forest.
10.5 Drawing with Spatial “Vibrato” as an Artistic Expression 119

10.5 Drawing with Spatial “Vibrato” as an Artistic


A suggestion is offered here for further works to clarify that by the artistic
expression of Paul Cézanne (1839–1906), the first remarkable attempt was made
at harmonic color distribution throughout the canvas. Color modulation as well as
sequential form in a drawing might be created by the spatial factors extracted from
the spatial ACF of an image.
Artistic expressions may be found in Photo 10.4, which was personally provided
by Werner Lauterborn in 2003 and photographed by Gisa Kirschmann Schroeder at
the Third Physics Institute, University of G€ottingen. This painting was composed
and interpreted by Lauterborn based on an inspiration from cave paintings dating
back approximately 18,500 years that were discovered in the cave “Cosquer” near
Marseille, France, which is accessible only via an underwater entrance by diving
(Clottes and Courtin 1995).
It is interesting to point out the fact that color modulation, expressed by
Lauterborn as a form of “vibrato,” is present in the background, which reminisces
a kind of cave wall. The horsehair sequence in “vibrato” in the spatial frequency
may be analyzed by the ACF of images with the gray level. There is a certain degree
of similarity as mentioned in Sects. 7.1 and 7.3, which is discussed both in the time-
domain analysis of the flickering light and in the spatial domain relating to
subjective preference, respectively. The horsehair sequence is periodic, neither

Photo 10.4 An artistic expressions of the horsehair sequence with a “vibrato” in the spatial
frequency by Werner Lauterborn (2003)
120 10 Studies on Temporal Design for Visual Fields

perfect nor just random, and there is a certain degree of fluctuation like vibrato. In
fact, the factor ϕ1 extracted from the ACF is around 0.3, which is a range of the
most preferred condition, depending on the individual. Regarding such color
modulation including the effect of gray level, further attempts could be made to
investigate the physical spatial factors with multiple-dimensional correlation
Lauterborn said that Photo 10.4 was painted in the years between 2001 and 2003.
As a matter of fact, ideas of such a color modulation and a vibrato in the periodic
structure came out without his conscious participation in the process. He could not
identify how he painted it, perhaps because often, ideas of beauty seem to come
from “out of time” or “beyond any specified time.”
Therefore, this process may relate to the “third stage of life” (Fig. P.2), which
indicates that it may survive longer in human culture, i.e., even after the life that
governed the first and second stages of life has passed. Remarkably, there is a
so-called time tunnel exit in the third stage of life.
The duration experience in the second stage of life (mind) depends on stimuli
from the outside (Appendix A1) and aging (Appendix A2). For example, Appendix

Table 10.1 Effective environments for the 1st through 3rd stages of life, governed by individual
preferences for each movement
Movement 1st stage of life 2nd stage of life 3rd stage of life
Before going to school
Nursing X X X
Sleeping X X X
Native language X X (left) X
Self made toy X X X
Clay work and painting X X (right) X
Children’s meeting X X X
TV and computer games X X X
Natural playground X X X
Music X X (left) X
Reference and reading X X (left) X
Nursery school/kindergarten X X X
Foreign languages X X (left) X
Elementary mathematics X X X
Schools and after
Primary school X X X
High school X X X
Partner X X X
Cooking X X X
Marriage X X X
Sexual reproduction X X X
Walking X X X
Note that the third stage of life based on DNA may be developed especially during the period from
the time of birth to before going to school
References 121

A1 describes a condition in a living area where noise level was about 75 dBA, 80 %
of the people felt that time was shorter by 0.4 times on average. If we expand this
model (Fig. A2.1) to cover 90 years of lifetime, then our feelings might only reflect
an experience of 36 years.
The lifetime of the first stage (body) is related to telomeres in the chromosomes
(ex. Witzany 2008) and to long-term stresses.


Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
Press/Springer, New York
Ando D, Gottlob D (1979) Effects of early multiple reflection on subjective preference judgments
on music sound fields. J Acoust Soc Am 65:524–527
Clottes J, Courtin J (1995) Grotte Cosquer bei Marseille, Eine im Meer versunkene Bilderhoehle,
translated into German by Uebersetzt von Kathrim Wuest, Jan Thorbecke Verlag
Dong DW, Atick JJ (1995) Statistics of natural time-varying images. Network 5:517–548
Soeta Y, Ando Y (2001) A pilot study of autocorrelation analysis and subjective preferences of
images of camphor leaves moving in the wind. J Temporal Des Architect Environ 1:6–11.
Soeta Y, Uchida Y, Ando Y (2001) Matching a tonal tempo with camphor leaves moving in the
wind. J Temporal Des Architect Environ 1:21–26.
Sugano Y, Iwamiya S (1999) Effects of synchronization between musical rhythm and visual
motion on the congruency of music and motion picture (in Japanese). J Music Percept Cogn
Werner Lauterborn (2003) personal communication
Witzany G (2008) The viral origin of telomeres and telomerases and their important role in
eukaryogenesis and genome maintenance. Biosemiotics 1:191–206
Chapter 11
Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual

11.1 House with Creative Work Space (CWS)

All healthy creations based on the unique personality of the individual may
contribute to human life for a long time as culture. It is highly recommended,
therefore, that the environment be designed for the following three stages of human
life explicitly:
1. The first life (body)
2. The second life (mind)
3. The third life (personality-based creation)
Designs for the body and mind are well known, and these stages are what
humans have in common with animals. However, the third stage of creation is only
characteristic to human life. A well-designed environment would be a meeting
place for art and science associated with both hemispheres, which in turn, might
help to discover that the individual personality is, in fact, a minimum unit of
human society. Any person can find some time in the day to think about what their
unique personality is like and what the most interesting thing a person can imagine
him- or herself doing in life even after retirement would be. For many people,
retirement means loss of hopes and dreams to do anything other than walking,
reading, taking journeys, and doing hobbies. However, if a person is aware of the
reality of the abovementioned third stage of life, which is very human, close to our
nature, and worth aspiring to, then it might not only keep the body and mind of the
individual healthy but also contribute to maintaining the environment and promo-
tion of peace.
For the third stage of life, particularly, an example of a creative workspace
(CWS) that activates both cerebral hemispheres by incorporating into the design
two different panels for the left and right hemispheric activities has been designed
as shown in Photo 11.1a. There is another CWS for the wife or partner as shown in
Photo 11.1b. Namely, there are “three different panels” specialized for the left and

© Springer Japan 2016 123

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_11
124 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House

Photo 11.1 (a) Study with a creative work space (CWS). The plate on the left-hand side was used
for the right hemispheric task such as drawing figures and preparing photographs, the center plate
was used for writing manuscripts, and the right-hand side was used for the internet system. (b)
Smaller type of CWS used by the housewife

right hemispheric tasks and for the integration and reception of information through
an information-communication system between individuals and facilities such as
libraries and museums. The left hemisphere is specialized for tasks as temporal
processes including writing, reading, speech hearing, calculation, and logical con-
sideration. The right hemisphere is specialized for tasks as spatial processes includ-
ing pattern recognition, space forming, drawing, painting, clay work, and making
scale models. Living in this house for about 5 years from March 2004–September
2009, the author, for example, could prepare the manuscripts of several volumes
and separate chapters (Ando 2007, 2009a, b, c, 2011).
It is promising that multidimensional ideas may be obtained by introducing such
workspaces with changing positions for different tasks. It is well known that bright
and spontaneous ideas often “pop up” between changing tasks. Changing between
working panels helps to create order and peace in the mind which is a prerequisite
for drawing up spontaneous creative ideas. This approach is quite different from the
usual one-dimensional working environment, which is likely to create only “one-
dimensional ideas.” Many of us have probably experienced such undesigned work
environments where ideas tend to be similar and there is no “feeling” of creativity
being nurtured or cultured.
It is particularly useful for the developement of a child’s brain to foster the
different kinds of work processes in a CWS. For example, right hemispheric tasks
including clay works require multidimensional thinking. Performance may not be
well accomplished on the usual single-type table or L-type table. An internet system
11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House 125

between the home and office is likely to play a role in achieving maximum effects
with minimum effort, thus saving time and energy, since there would be no need to
attend the working and/or studying place every day.

11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House

Models that involve values from seemingly different ends of the spectrum, such as
saving energy and simultaneously realizing delightful visual environments that
evoke subjective preference and the corresponding physiological changes, fully
incorporate natural light and natural energy in the design, considering the cycle of
day, month, year, and generation (about 30 years) (Bosworth and Ando 2006). It is
noteworthy that engagement in any natural activity (or cycle) may greatly help the
development of individual personality and, therefore, creation.
The plan of the house with two axes is shown in Fig. 11.1a. In order to
demonstrate temporal design that cultivates the three stages of life, a hillside
house was built in Kirishima, Kyushu, Japan, about 700 m above the sea level as
shown in Photo 11.2a, b (Bosworth and Ando 2006). Figure 11.1a, b, respectively,
show the plan and elevations/sections. For the first stage of life (body), for
instance, the bedroom is designed with a window partitioned into three smaller
ones, creating a sort of cave-like space with a diminished amount of natural light
reaching the room, helping the body to relax and to prepare for and enjoy sleep. For
the second stage of life (mind) and particularly for the periods of 1 day and four
seasons, windows in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom are carefully designed
to have enough natural light from the outside, and from the inside, they enable
viewing trees and the large-scale natural landscape including the Sakura-jima with
an active volcano and the bay (Photo 11.3). Skylights luminate the porch and the
table there. The veranda is a joyful space for tea and food in the morning and
The dominant east-west axis is the backbone of the house and is placed parallel
to the contours of the steeply sloping site. Situated along this axis are the human
activities associated with the time frames of the body and the mind. This axis
stretches from the dark quiet of sleep in the bedroom in the west end (Photo 11.4)
through the areas for washing (Photo 11.5), cooking (Photo 11.6), eating, and
socializing (Photo 11.7). Between washing and cooking, there is an aisle with
scattered skylights (Photo 11.8) which then proceeds and becomes the brightness
of the porch (Photo 11.9) with natural light from three sides and finally continues
through space, reaching into the infinity of the rising sun in the east (Photo 11.10).
The secondary north-south axis begins at the entrance porch on the north flank of
the house (Photo 11.1a), progresses through the house crossing the main axis under
126 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House

Fig. 11.1 (a) The floor plan of the hillside house including the CWS. (b) Elevations and sections
of the house (Bosworth and Ando 2006)
11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House 127

Photo 11.2 (a) Exterior view of the hillside house in Kirishima. (b) Extrerior view of the rear of
the house
128 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House

Photo 11.3 A view from the porch below one’s eyes: the Kirishima International Music Hall,
quiet Sakurajima Volcano, and Kaimon-Dake about 150 km away

the central skylight, and terminates in the study attached to the south flank of the
house (Photo 11.1b). This room is suspended in space over the sloping hillside that
drops away below it. There are windows on three sides, and it is organized into
three work areas (each with its own window and unique view) according to the
design principles developed by Tom Bosworth, which facilitate creation by a
unique personality. The body of the house is composed of traditional forms
which envelop the two organizing axes, with support on legs of varying length,
which stand firmly on the sloping site. Because of its upright rather than seated
posture relative to the ground, the house is imbued with life which reflects as well as
contains the vital human activities within. Natural light, by its daily and seasonal
fluctuation and by its sensitivity to changing weather conditions, reveals and defines
the exterior form and interior spaces of the house. The variations of the quantity and
quality of this light and the accompanying shadows are constant reminders to the
inhabitants of their own animation as participants in the flow of time. It is hoped
that the survey presented here, taking into account both temporal factors associated
with the left hemisphere and spatial factors associated with the right hemisphere in
design of architecture and the environment, can suggest a suitable line for further
works of each individual.
11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House 129

Photo 11.4 West window of the sleeping room

130 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House

Photo 11.5 (a) Small window in the bathroom and toilet

11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House 131

Photo 11.6 View of kitchen, namely, creative kitchen space (CKS)

The creative work space (CWS) is composed of side panels and fully activates
both hemispheres (Ando 2004). The porch is a space that allows the inhabitant to
look at leaves and branches of trees moving with the wind (Photo 11.9) and notice
birds (Photo 11.11), while after a short break, the gaze can switch to the large-scale
natural landscape including the Sakurajima with an active volcano and the bay
(Photos 11.3 and 11.10). An occasional gentle breeze on the veranda is pleasant for
anyone enjoying a cup of tea or a meal in the morning or afternoon; therefore, in the
summer, this natural phenomenon acts as a typical cooling system without using
any extra energy. A breeze can also be created by a fan in the living space by
applying the preferred temporal factor [ϕ1]p ¼ 0.3–0.5, which can be extracted from
the ACF of air movement with fluctuation.
In a way similar to the CWS, a creative kitchen space (CKS) can be realized.
Daily and weekly menus could be developed by the left hemisphere mainly, while
cooking is performed by the right hemisphere.
In the design of a regular house, the following thermal environment design
considerations have been realized:
1. Between the exterior wood wall and interior diatomite wall, a layer filled with
fireproofed and chipped old newspapers, covered with a special vinyl plastic
bag, was placed.
2. All windows have three-layered panes of glass for energy efficiency.
132 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House

Photo 11.7 Eating and socializing

11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House 133

Photo 11.8 Aisle with scattered skylights

3. Under the roof, a layer of glass fiber was added.

4. Under the floor, about a 30-cm-thick thermal isolation layer made of glass fiber
and Styrofoam was added, which was later increased to a 40-cm-thick layer to
improve thermal isolation.
5. Two functional hot-water systems were built: (1) a natural hot-spring supply
system to use for bath and partially under the floor for heating and (2) an
electrical hot-water supply system for bath and kitchen that utilizes night
power only. Such preferred thermal environments are enjoyable for the first
and second stages of life where groundwork is laid for the third stage of life or
creative works.
In this house, there are no rooms planned for children or guests, but it is easy to
add extra rooms at the ends of the two axes according to need.
134 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House

Photo 11.9 View of east porch

11.2 Design Study of a Hillside House 135

Photo 11.10 East porch with a table

Photo 11.11 Feeder near the bamboo fence for communication with birds. Every morning they
would be waiting for food, and sometimes they would peek inside the house, where we were
136 11 Studies on Temporal Design of an Individual House


Ando Y (2004) On the temporal design of environments. J Tempor Des Architect Environ 4:2–14.
Ando Y (2007 and 2014) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In: Rossing
TD (ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009a) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009b) Theory of temporal and spatial environmental design. In: McGraw-Hill yearbook
of science & technology. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 384–389
Ando Y (2009c) Concert hall acoustics and musical expressions. ARTES Publishing, Tokyo
(In Japanese)
Ando Y (2011) Brain oriented acoustics. Itto-Sha, Tokyo (In Japanese)
Bosworth T, Ando Y (2006) Design of a hillside house in Kirishima with a small office. J Tempor
Des Architect Environ 6:18–22.
Chapter 12
Development of the Third-Stage
(Creative) Life

12.1 Annual Drama-Performance in a Village

In a village, voluntary young men (about 16–20 years of age) started to perform
classical drama (Kabuki) during autumn harvest. It is called Noson Kabuki in the
east of Mimasaka and originates from the middle of Edo Era about 300 years ago.
Beginning the preceding winter, about 7 or 8 months prior to the planned perfor-
mance, one of the carpenters of the village, whose name was Takeo Nishikawa,
took up a hobby and began to teach the lines to the performers without taking
charge of the production of the event. For such performances to be played out, a
small stage house was built more than 100 years ago. When the author was in his
elementary school years, 2-day performances were held each year. Before the
performing days, the audience floor area on the farm ground as well as the side
and rear walls would all be temporarily covered with straw mats, and an elevated
passageway would run from the left side of the stage to the rear part, and from there
to a wood cabin located on the right side just in front of the stage that is meant for
the performance of music on a shamisen (Japanese music instrument with three
strings). Therefore, the theater is a half-open space, offering the possibility to enjoy
the Moon, stars, and sometimes even shooting stars in the night sky.
On a particular evening, the drama began in the evening with a traditional
prelude named Sanbaso. According to the skill of the performers, the audience
had the chance to contribute small amounts of money at the reception desk. A notice
was provided on the wall near the reception with names of the performers, amount
of money, and the names of the contributors specified on it. The author’s elder
brother Toshio Ando played the role of an Oyama (a female role played by a male
actor) and was selected the top actor who received many contributions. Many
people brought along picnic boxes with homemade Saba-zushi, Maki-zushi, and
Inari-zushi, but not Nigiri-zushi due to the fact that it is hard to obtain fresh fish in a
village located on a mountain side.

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Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_12
138 12 Development of the Third-Stage (Creative) Life

Pupils of elementary and junior high school watched and listened to the perfor-
mances that they themselves would be giving in the future. Often on their way to
and back from school, they enjoyed pronouncing highlighted phrases from the
drama. They recognized that “All the world’s a stage,” as Shakespeare said.
Nowadays, due to the development of TV broadcasting and the fact that young
people have left the village and moved to town areas, Kabuki in that particular
village is no longer performed. However, in four villages in the East Mimasaka
area, performances are still going on.

12.2 Weekly Meeting of Children in a Village

Once a week in the evening, in a room of an individual house, children between the
ages of 10 and 15 organized a meeting for children without parental guidance. All
presenters were elementary and junior high school children. Parents participated as
galleries who did not give any advice or suggestions but simply enjoyed the
performances of the children.
The children prepared joyful slides written on glass film in black ink, cut at a
width of about 6 cm to be displayed on their self-made slide projector with an
incandescent electric bulb (100 W) as shown in Fig. 12.1. An example of a self-
made glass slide is shown in Fig. 12.2. After presentation, figures on the glass could
be easily erased with water, and new figures could be drawn once the glass was dry.
Without any further costs, children could enjoy creations such a MANGA on the
glass. At the beginning of the meeting, figures were magnified and displayed on a
FUSUMA (an architectural room partition made of layered papers about 2 cm thick
with pictures on the surface). Sometimes, the fusuma projected notifications about

Fig. 12.1 Projector made by children in ca. 1953

12.4 Play Area for Children 139

Fig. 12.2 Art works on the glass of 1.0 mm to be displayed on walls (length of about 40 cm and
width of 6 cm)

the schedules of the next children’s meetings. About 10 children participated in the
meetings, and some parents with children under school age and neighbors took part
as watchers. Many enjoyable programs were performed by school children, such as
shadow plays with fingers utilizing the light of the projector, rendering foxes, dogs,
and mushrooms, for example. We also enjoyed pantomimes, riddles, puzzles, and
singing songs.

12.3 An Example of Prompt Creative Talk

When the children were getting tired, someone asked them to tell a prompt and
creative story. It went like this: “One day when the sky was bright and clear, we
started to walk towards the west along a narrow pathway. On the left-hand side the
small Hino-kami Shinto Shrine appeared (Drawing 12.1, “Sprite of a tree”). We
continued to walk and after a short while, a brook with a beautiful stream and water
grass in the bottom could be seen (Drawing 12.2, “Stream”). We continued wan-
dering across a small bridge and saw a water wheel (Drawing 12.3) on our left that
gave life to the village. Finally, we reached a large river, but the bridge had been
lost to water brought about by heavy rain some weeks earlier. All that was left was a
narrow panel floating above water, and when we walked on the vibrant panel
bridge, a gentle breeze passed by and we saw clear water flowing under it. . .”

12.4 Play Area for Children

Why are small streams in a garden so fascinating for children? A small stream is an
interactive “toy,” changing its course and speed as the child performs small-scale
engineering projects on it, blending children and water in the flow of time. Children
140 12 Development of the Third-Stage (Creative) Life

Drawing 12.1 “Sprite of tree” (by the author, 2012)

Drawing 12.2 Brooklet (by the author, 2012)

12.4 Play Area for Children 141

Drawing 12.3 Mill (by the author, 2012)

like to play with water, mud, and trees (Photo 12.1), partially because our life
originated in the soil, the water, and the forest. It is easy to understand why the play
space designs of recent years hold so much more interest than the “playsets.” Wood
structures, flexible bridges, and fanciful designs allow for much freer play of
imagination than the hard surfaces and discrete steel frames of playground toys.
The “toy” itself changes due to the child’s actions and indeed continues to change
even after the child stands back to admire his or her work.
Other environmental elements in addition to water include different types of
trees, soil, and fire as well as celestial bodies such as the Sun, the stars, and the
Moon. Looking at the Moon may help to deeply admire, for example, the piano
sonata “Moonlight,” no. 14 in C sharp minor op. 27, no.2. composed by Ludwig van
Beethoven (1770–1827).
For children to recognize themselves from among their friends, sound reflectors
like walls of buildings close to the play area that reflect their voice can produce
further delightful sounds, making them feel and act as if they are spending time on a
so-called stage. Children are unconsciously prone to liking sounds reflected back to
them from the surroundings to any play area because it makes them feel like they
are actually affecting their surroundings with their voice, hand claps, or other
sounds they are producing. The most usual sounds they produce are voice and
speech related during play with friends on the “stage.”
142 12 Development of the Third-Stage (Creative) Life

Photo 12.1 Children playing with a tree

We now discuss design of the environment of a play area as a “stage” for the
development of body, mind, and creativity of children. As mentioned above,
wooden structures, flexible bridges, and creative designs allow for much freer
play of imagination and creation than hard, fixed surfaces. Thus, environments
that are well designed in terms of time are most likely to play an important role in
the development of children.
It is worth noticing that there are certain “temporal windows” throughout the
development of the brain, which signify times when a child is most absorbent for
knowledge related to different languages, mathematics, as well as music perfor-
mance and its composition.
Each individual has his/her own DNA and after birth, the preferred living
environment of each individual is different. Therefore, each individual develops a
different personality and a different viewpoint for looking at the world. In other
words, every individual is born with a special appointment. Rather than seeing this
as something that needs to be levelled, let us look at it as a source for creation.
Healthy creations conceived not for the purpose of war but for lasting peace through
the contentment of each individual will remain in the human society for a long time
as the third life even after the end of the first and second lives.
Chapter 13
Creativity-Inducing Environments for
Building Culture

13.1 Individual Creations

13.1.1 Creative Work Space (CWS)

Eight systems of the creative work space (CWS) were introduced to Ando Labo-
ratory, Kobe University, in 2002. A CWS consists of three different panels spe-
cialized for the left and right hemispheric tasks (Ando 2004, 2009a, b) and for the
integration of knowledge by utilization of an information-communication system.
Left hemispheric tasks are the temporal processes including writing, reading,
speech hearing, calculation, and logical considerations (Sperry 1974). Right hemi-
spheric tasks are the spatial processes including pattern recognition, space forming,
drawings, paintings, clay work, and making of scale models (Fig. 13.1). It is
promising that multiple-dimensional ideas can be created by such multilayered
work spaces. This concept is quite different from the usual one-dimensional
working space, which yields only “one-dimensional ideas.” It is quite natural that
people subjected to similar conditions create similar ideas in such one-dimensional
spaces. As listed in Table 13.1, eight users of the CWS system were reported having
work experiences better by 2.5–15 times (mean value: 5 times) than behind
one-dimensional desks, which they have used, and work efficiency increased by
2–15 times (mean value: 3 times). In total, all users reported increased efficiency by
at least 2 times ( p < 0.01). Using the walls around the three panels to display verbal
and nonverbal materials previously created by a user may induce further creations.
Photo 13.1a is an example of the CWS activating two cerebral hemispheres in the
laboratory, and Photo 13.1b demonstrates a meeting of PhD students for exchang-
ing knowledge, discussing mutual problems, and enjoying a cup of tea after work
and concentration at individual CWSs.

© Springer Japan 2016 143

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_13
144 13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture

Fig. 13.1 CWS introduced to Ando Laboratory, Graduate School of Kobe University

Table 13.1 Overall work efficiency and evaluations for the CWS with reference to the usual
office desk judged by eight users
User Overall evaluation (time) Work efficiency (time)
RS 5.0 3.0
YS 2.5 2.5
YO 10.0 5.0
TH 5.0 3.0
KK 15.0 15.0
KF 5.0 3.0
YA 3.0 3.0
SS 10.0 2.0
Average 6.9 4.6
Mean (50 %) 5.0 3.0

13.1.2 Integrating Knowledge

A vivid example to illustrate the importance of temporal design is about a new town
(e.g., Senri-Newtown near Osaka) that was built as a satellite town mainly for
young couples and families. Within about 30 years, the town grew old as no more
young people would move there. The kindergarten was no longer needed and only
senior houses were necessary. One reason why this occurred can be explained in
13.2 Concert Hall 145

Photo 13.1 (a) CWS introduced Ando Lab., Graduate School of Science and Technology. (b)
Table for discussion placed near a set of CWS

terms of temporal design, or lack thereof: there were no facilities for integrating
knowledge, such as a museum, concert hall, or library, which constitute spaces and
venues for refreshing the brain and inducing creations. It is natural for the human
being to be driven toward living in an environment that evokes creativity and
contentment because it is the natural, life-maintaining state of the human physiol-
ogy. We have an innate preference for living in an environment that supports the
third stage of life. Therefore, before construction of a town, urban planning should
be carefully thought out in terms of temporal design for the periods of a generation
of about 30 years, and a lifetime of roughly 90–100 years. Environment is a
reflection of our psychology and physiology, and vice versa; therefore, people
have a need for finding this world worth living in. This could be the third stage of
life as defined in Preface, i.e., personality-based creations with affection toward
every creature in the world.
This process, being oriented toward maintaining life, may keep the body and
mind healthy and active until the end of life.

13.2 Concert Hall

For the purpose of enhancing individual creativity of the performers and audiences,
the sound field at each seating position in a concert hall was designed according to
preferences for both groups. The preferred conditions of temporal and spatial
factors of the sound field may be designed (Chap. 6) according to the theory of
subjective preference (Sect. 5.1, Ando 1983, 1985, 1998).
Scale values of subjective preference for all orthogonal factors are integrated by
Eq. (5.2). Scale values for each seating position are calculated based on the
architectural scheme under design, so that the total scale value is obtained, and
consequently scale values for an alternating scheme are obtained. This process is
146 13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture

repeated until satisfactory results are attained. Music performers are advised to
blend the selected program with the temporal factors of the sound field of a given
acoustic space to achieve optimal results.
To obtain an excellent sound field, the genetic algorithm (GA) operation was
conducted on a shape modified from the shoebox (Ando 2007, 2009a, b). The initial
form of the hall was a shoebox: 14 m wide, the stage was 9 m deep, the room was
27 m long, and the ceiling was 15 m above the stage floor. The sound source was
located 4.0 m from the front of the stage but was 0.5 m to one side of the centerline
and 1.5 m above the stage floor. The front and rear walls were vertically bisected to
obtain two faces, and each stretch wall along the side of the seating area was
divided into four faces. The walls were kept vertical (i.e., tilting was not allowed) to
examine only the plan of the hall in terms of maximizing S4 , the preference scale
values associated with the IACC, which may most effectively determine the shape
of a room (Ando 2007 and 2014). Each wall was moved independently of the other
walls. Forty-nine listening positions distributed throughout the seating area on a
2  4 m grid were selected. The moving range of each vertex was 2 m in the
direction of the line normal to the surface. The coordinates of the two bottom
vertices of each surface were encoded on the chromosomes for the GA. In this
calculation, the most preferred listening level was set for a point on the hall’s long
axis (central line), 10 m from the source position. The result of optimizing the shape
of the hall with S4 is shown in Fig. 13.2a. The rear wall of the stage and the rear wall
of the audience area took on convex shapes.
For performers on stage, reflections in the median plane like above and in the
rear are preferred (spatial aspect), and the delay time of reflection is greatly
dependent on the effective duration of the running ACF, (τe)min of the music source
signals (temporal aspect) (Ando 1998).
A practical application of this design theory was realized on the Kirishima
International Concert Hall (Miyama Conceru: Fig. 13.3, Photo 13.2, Ando 1998)
and Tsuyama Music Cultural Hall (Belle Foeet Tsuyama: Photo 13.3, Fujii, Kato,
Shimokura, Okamoto, Suzumura, and Ando 2004), which were characterized by a
“leaf shape.” In order to enhance individual satisfaction of each listener, a special
facility in seat selection for testing each listener’s own subjective preference was
first introduced to Miyama Conceru (Ando and Noson 1997).

13.3 Design Study of an Opera House

The opera is an epitome of human life. When we see events occurring on stage that
magically seem to be intertwined with our personal life, we feel as if we might be
recipients of a special message forwarded to us through the drama, and through
Nature as well. This message includes affections from the Sun, Moon, stars, waters,
winds, clouds, trees, and flowers. These spontaneous interactions with Nature may
act in favor of the flexibility of the opera. For example, occurring extraordinary
13.3 Design Study of an Opera House 147

Fig. 13.2 (a) Resulting shape by the genetic algorithm (GA: Holland 1975) optimized with
respect to the scale value of subjective preference due to the typical spatial factor, IACC. The
rear wall of the stage and the rear wall of the audience area are convex shape. (b) Contour lines of
equal scale value of subjective preference calculated for the geometry shown in (a)

weather changes may inspire individual creations that solve problems in art,
science, or any other field of life. Since the time of the Big Bang, the environment,
i.e., our Universe has undergone dramatic development with deep affections or
148 13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture

Fig. 13.3 Scheme of the Kirishima International Music Hall (Miyama Conceru) designed by
Maki (1997). (a) Longitudinal section and plane of balcony level. (b) Plane of audience level

intentions from Nature that result as the phenomena that we experience at present
stage. Thus, our life environment is truly surrounded by full affection from Nature,
and we are receiving it always. Considering that our cyclic existence is part of the
13.3 Design Study of an Opera House 149

Photo 13.2 Stage area of the Kirishima International Music Hall (Miyama Conceru)

longest period known, i.e., the cyclic universe (Appendix 3; Steinhardt 2009), we
may perceive that our environment is still performing many actions we are not yet
capable of fully comprehending. It is not surprising why we may perceive some of
them as magical. Stages of theaters blended with natural activities have been
known as Japanese NOH theaters and in Javanese Gamelan theaters, as well as
in ancient Greek and Roman theaters.
In this section, a sketch of a design study for a four-seasonal opera house
evoking individual creations is demonstrated. Through naturally participating in
the opera, individuals might obtain inspiration, which may help them to discover
their personalities and manifest creations accordingly.

13.3.1 Temporal Design

Firstly, at the design stage of an opera house, temporal design is carefully

conducted (Ando 2009a, b, 2013; Ando and Cariani 2014). The discrete periods
in Nature and the human body as shown in Fig. 8.1 are considered in the temporal
design. The minimum period is in the order of 1 ms that corresponds to the neural
firing rate, and the next distinct period is about 90 min, which relates to rapid eye
150 13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture

Photo 13.3 Tsuyoma Music Cultural Hall (Belle Foret Tsuyama) with 52 columns (each of the
columns was 30 cm in diameter) located in front of the walls

movement (REM) associated with the brain rhythm of the waking state and the
resting/sleeping state. This is also an indication of why we need and should have a
short rest between programs of opera and drama. The period of 1 day is the most
fundamental in life.
Possibilities of design applications are literally endless, so let us start with an
early morning opera beginning before sunrise, continue with the usual opera
beginning in the evening at 7:00 pm, and finish the day with a sunset opera. If
different programs of opera and drama performance are planned for every weekend,
then no additional costs for public notifications are required because of the period-
icity of the performance schedule. The opera may inspire other possible programs
such as the “moonlight opera,” and the “opera of the four seasons” which could be
planned for the full moon each month and each year, respectively. The concept of a
“New Year opera” at sunrise would tie human activity with cosmic events.
Although somewhat common, it is worth noting that human life is usually
considered a combination of the first stage of the body and the second stage of
the mind. However, for a more joyful and peaceful life, it is necessary to introduce
the third stage of personality-oriented creations based on the individual “seed”
(Fig. P.4). This is what the audience as well as the performers may really enjoy.
13.4 Open Space for Performances 151

Allowing more varieties of human life to be blended with opera performances and
drama means creating the temporal and the spatial environment for it that would
stimulate the left and right human cerebral hemispheres, respectively. These three
stages of human life, the temporal and spatial design may all be considered in actual
life as well as in opera performance. The temporal design of opera houses and
human life in general is important for further possible creations of opera, drama,
and other productions, so that a more fruitful cultural life may result.

13.3.2 Crystal Opera House

According to the plot of a given opera or drama being performed, the ceiling together
with the upper roof as well as the rear walls behind the audience floor could be
opened, whereas the side walls are in fact strengthened double-glazed windows. For
example, audiences may look at shooting and twinkling stars, imagining a story of the
Universe taking place at the same time. In certain situations, a breeze of fresh air from
the outside relative to an entirely closed enclosure may make us feel like we are
receiving deep affection from Nature. Another merit of this kind of opera house is that
it allows people walking outside to witness the performances taking place inside and
make them want to join the audience in the house (Ando 2015).
Due to the temporal design and the preference theory of sound fields, a possible
new type of crystal opera house may be proposed as shown in the sketches of
Fig. 13.4a, b. In order to stimulate creation in such an opera house, and to attain an
idea of the full variety of possible performances, three different stages, i.e., inner
stage, upper stage, and outer stage of the opera house together with Nature may be
fully utilized.
The rear wall of the stage is a large glass looking over the outer stage and farther
scenery, overlooking the sea as indicated in the sketches. Similar large glasses are
utilized for side walls as well, blending performances with natural activities. A pit
elevator is useful for adjusting the level of the floor for orchestra performance and
to enlarge the inner stage.
Such an opera house could encourage further possible creations of drama and

13.4 Open Space for Performances

A typical open space is a courtyard with a superior sound field as shown in

Fig. 13.5a that was first noticed by Bekesy (1934, 1967). Figure 13.5b indicates
the most recommended position in this courtyard which is marked by [S]p (Ando
152 13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture

Fig. 13.4 (a), (b) An example of cross-sectional sketches for the opera house proposed hopefully
to stimulate individual creations. Walls are glass walls that enable better blending with Nature. For
example, a possible plot for an opera could involve utilizing the three different stages for finding the
protagonist’s mission in life, particularly his or her individual potentiality for creations. The story
could also be about finding preferred environments for the third stage of human life to approach
peace, avoid bullying or discrimination, which are all things that epitomize humanity and set
humanity apart from animal life, which only involves the first and second stages of life. Acousti-
cally transparent floors help to avoid large dips in the low-frequency range between 100 and 500 Hz
due to interference between the direct sound and the reflection from the floor (Takatsu et al. 2000)

1998). These contour lines of equal scale value of subjective preference were
calculated at the source position for music (Motif B). When music or drama is
performed, people may enjoy it from the windows of their houses as well as by
sitting in the courtyard.
13.4 Open Space for Performances 153

Fig. 13.5 (a) A courtyard with a superior sound field (Bekesy 1934, 1967). (b) When the
performing position is located at the most effective source location, contour lines of equal scale
values of subjective preference for listeners are calculated by Eq. (5.2) (Ando 1998)

This kind of courtyard is also enjoyable as a play area for children who like
receiving reflections of their own voices from the surfaces. The parents may also
keep an eye on their children through the windows.
154 13 Creativity-Inducing Environments for Building Culture


Ando Y (1983) Calculation of subjective preference at each seat in a concert hall. J Acoust Soc Am
Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2004) On the temporal design of environments. J Tempor Des Architect Environ 4:2–14.
Ando Y (2007 and 2014) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In: Rossing
TD (ed) Springer handbook of acoustics. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009a) Theory of temporal and spatial environmental design. In: McGraw-Hill yearbook
of science & technology 2009. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 384–389
Ando Y (2009b) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2013) Environmental design for the third stage of human life (persistence of individual
creations). J Tempor Des Architect Environ 12:1–12.
Ando Y (2015) Opera house acoustics based on subjective preference theory. Springer, Tokyo
Ando Y, Cariani P (2014) Neurally based acoustics and visual design. In: Kiang N, Sessler GM
(eds) Acoustis, information, and communication. Springer, Cham
Ando Y, Noson D (eds) (1997) Music and concert hall acoustics, conference proceedings of
MCHA 1995. Academic, London
Bekesy G (1934) Ueber die Hoersamkeit von Konzert und Rundfunksaelen. Eleckrische
Nachrichten Technik 11:369–375
Bekesy G (1967) Sensory inhibition. Princeton University Press, Princeton
Holland JH (1975) Adaptation in natural and artificial systems. The University of Michigan Press,
Ann Arbor
Maki F (1997) Sound and figure: concert hall design. In: Ando N (ed) Music and concert hall
acoustics, Conference proceedings from MCHA 1995
Sperry RW (1974) Lateral specialization in the surgically separated hemispheres. In: Schmitt FO,
Worden FC (eds) The neurosciences: third study program. MIT Press, Cambridge. Chapter 1
Steinhardt PJ (2009) Cyclic universe theory. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology,
New York, pp 69–71
Takatsu A, Hase S, Sakai H, Sato S, Ando Y (2000) Acoustical design and measurement of a circular
hall, improving both spatial and temporal factors at each seat. J Sound Vib 232:263–273
Chapter 14
Theory of Environmental Design and Escape
from Vandalism

14.1 Theory of Environmental Design Incorporating

Temporal and Spatial Values

It is assumed that Eq. (5.2) for the sound field may be applied to all physical
environments, such that

S ¼ ½gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞSound field

þ ½gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞVisual field ð14:1Þ
þ ½gL ðxÞ þ gR ðxÞThermal field

where gL(x) and gR(x) are the scale values of the temporal and spatial factors in the
left and right hemisphere processing, respectively. In particular, this is true at least
in the neighborhood of the optimal conditions of each physical factor, avoiding
extreme physical environments such as listening to music in temperatures below
0  C. It is an expressed hope that scientific investigations for the thermal field as
well as the vibration field will be conducted with respect to the temporal and spatial
In architectural planning and design, the temporal factor associated with the left
hemisphere has been widely ignored although it is a dimension most inherent in our
own makeup, in both physical body as well as our consciousness. As shown in
Fig. 8.1, the crucial factor in the temporal dimension of the environment is the
periodic cycle. For example, the shortest period (about 0.5–5 s) is related to brain
waves, which are associated with temporal percepts of sound, visual and thermal
fields, such as music, the twinkling stars, and temperature change. The rapid eye
movement (REM) of about 70–150 min, related to the basic rest-activity cycle, is
associated with, for example, one session of a concert, lecture, and work. The
circadian rhythm deeply connected to sunlight and the Earth’s rotation period is
associated with daily human activity. The week created by social custom for work
and leisure is associated with, for example, the planning period of concert and

© Springer Japan 2016 155

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_14
156 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

drama or social activity without additional public notification costs. The next Eigen
period is concerned with the movement of the Moon. The revolution of the Earth
around the Sun is associated with the color change of leaves and annual festivals.
The black spots on the Sun that appear about every 11 years may influence
environmental conditions on Earth. The alternation of generations every 30 years
and the natural human life span of roughly 90–100 years should be considered in the
planning of houses in accordance with the individual purpose or mission of life.
There are other longer cosmic periods in addition to the ones mentioned herein.
The present theory suggests that these discrete periods be explicitly recognized
during the design process for any human activity. The passage of time in the
designed environment should be as consciously considered as the three-
dimensional organization of space itself. There are specific dimensions of space
such as a room, house, building, region, urban area, and so on. It is highly
recommended that all matrix elements representing the discrete periods and space
ranks shown in Figs. 9.1 through 9.3 and 9.5 be considered in the design process.

14.2 Indication of Quick Escape from Dangerous


Seeing the global climate change, the temporal and spatial design of environments
should be carefully considered. In this section, effective indications for quick and
safe escape from dangerous occurrences are discussed.
It is known that the right hemisphere is specialized in developing quick spatial
percepts such as pattern recognition, face identification, and percepts of textures as
discussed in Chaps. 2 and 3. Such spatial information is processed in the right
cerebral hemisphere, which is directly connected to human action or operation
without time lag, enabling escape from dangerous occurrences.
On the other hand, the left hemisphere is specialized in temporal percepts or
sequential processing of information such as speech recognition. That is to say,
understanding continuous speech takes a relatively long time, and thus indication of
speech is not effective for quick action to escape from dangers.
Any information containing nonverbal indications is displayed to the right
hemisphere, so that we can immediately escape from fire, for example. One
effective indication to an escape exit is an arrow chain with a red on-and-off light
(luminescence) in any building or vehicle. The color red is the most effective for
use in smoke, due to the fact that it has the longest visible wavelength.
A standing signboard shown in Photo 14.1 saying “There is a difference in the
level of way, please watch your step” was of no use, because such information is
processed in the left hemisphere, and people do not care for words in such
situations. Consequently, many concert goers tripped and fell on the ground and
some even got injuries instead of enjoying the passage of time.
14.2 Indication of Quick Escape from Dangerous Occurrences 157

Photo 14.1 There is an indication of notifying difference in the level of way. “Please watch your
step.” But it was of no use, because people do not care for words in such situations. Steps should be
in different colors for display to the right hemisphere

Another example with a more tragic end occurred when a student taking military
flying lessons took off an airport on a plane together with the instructor’s plane. At
an altitude of about 10 km, the jet engines of the student’s plane suddenly stopped
running. The instructor said to the student that they have plenty of time to restart the
engines and asked the student to find a red knob under the pilot seat and pull it. But
the student answered that there was no knob under the seat in his machine. Clearly,
in a dark environment, it would be hard to find one. The instructor repeated his
advice over and over again. Unfortunately, the student’s plane crashed and he did
not survive. Had the knob been programmed to automatically self-indicate with on-
and-off light, it would have been easily found without any conversation.
Another tragic example is from a store where a bargain sale was going on. A
loudspeaker system suddenly announced that the lower floor had caught fire and all
shoppers should exit the building immediately. However, nobody escaped from the
burning building, because speech is processed in the left hemisphere, and the verbal
information was not applicable to the hazardous situation. Unfortunately, many
people died in the fire.
158 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

14.3 Escape from Effects of Aircraft Noise on Developing


Integrated effects of noise on the development of children are mentioned to show

why it is recommended to escape noisy living areas.
Environmental noise is a representative measure of quality of environment in
urban life. Our brain vividly and instantaneously responds to changes in the
environment within a period of less than about 1.0 s. The auditory-temporal
window (2 T) is such a short period (Ando 1998). In other words, temporal
sensations that change very slowly over a longer period (more than several minutes)
are in fact very weak in effect on our brain. However, we should be aware of the
“long-term integrated effects” that environmental noise has on unborn babies and
children who are exposed to noise over the course of more than 1 year.
Since 1968, investigations have been conducted around the Osaka International
Airport in Japan. Results clearly indicate:
1. Effects on the body: Integrated effects of aircraft noise in a living area (Fig. 14.1)
have been described in terms of human placental lactogen (HPL) as shown in
Figs. 14.2 and 14.3 (Ando and Hattori 1977b). Moreover, the development of
unborn babies as demonstrated by the number of low-birth-weight babies in
relation to the number of jet planes is shown in Figs. 14.4 and 14.5. (Ando 1988).
After birth, an effect on the development of height has been discussed (Schell
and Ando 1991).

Fig. 14.1 Contour lines of equal WECPNL around the Osaka International Airport. WECPNL in
most of the area of Itami City was in the range of 85 < WCPNL < 70
14.3 Escape from Effects of Aircraft Noise on Developing Children 159

Fig. 14.2 HPL levels of 343 mothers living in Itami City (Ando and Hattori 1977a, b). The three
lines show the mean and 2SD values for normal HPL levels from Lindberg and Nilsson (1973)

Fig. 14.3 Percentage of subjects with HPL levels more than 1SD below the mean by stage of
pregnancy (Ando and Hattori 1977b)
160 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

Fig. 14.4 Birth rates below 3000 g as a function of year of living in Itami City, in reference to
neighboring cities without aircraft noise shown in Fig. 14.1. ●: male. ○: female. Rhomb: number
N of aircrafts flew over Itami City plotted in a scale of 10logN

Fig. 14.5 Birth rates below 3000 g as a function of noise level (ECPNL)
14.3 Escape from Effects of Aircraft Noise on Developing Children 161

Fig. 14.6 Recording system of plethysmogram (PLG) and EEG of sleeping babies in their actual

Fig. 14.7 Reactions to the noise below 80 dBA recorded by PLG for each group. When mothers
had lived in the noise area from the first half of pregnancy, about 70 % of babies born of mothers
did not react during sleep even when the jet plane noise was 80 dBA

2. Effects on the mind: Postnatal effects of aircraft noise on the sleep of newborns
are dependent on the period during which their mothers entered the noise area in
reference to the period of pregnancy as shown in Figs. 14.6 and 14.7 (Ando and
Hattori 1977a). Figure 14.8a, b display how the development of hemispheric
162 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

Fig. 14.8 (a) Explanations of interference between mental tasks and sound stimuli for children
from a quiet living area. Interference effects shown by shaded areas differ remarkably from noisy
and quiet living areas. The hemispheres marked were disordered due to a sudden drop of the
mental tasks. According to the auditory-brain system model, noise and music are, respectively,
associated with the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. And the adding task and search task,
respectively, are associated with the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. (b) Explanations of
interference between mental tasks and sound stimuli for children from a noisy living area. The
hemispheres marked were disordered due to a sudden drop of mental tasks. According to the
auditory-brain system model, for quiet areas without aircraft noise, noise and music are, respec-
tively, associated with the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. And the adding task and
search task are associated with the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere, respectively
14.4 Sleep Disturbance by Upstairs-Toilet Noise with Changing Spatial Factors 163

specialization in children over long-period noise was clearly described by results

from testing two different types of mental work associated with the left and the
right hemispheres (Ando et al. 1975; Ando 1988).
Effects on creation: It is not clear yet how environmental noise affects creativity;
however, the integrated effects that environmental noise has on the specialization of
cerebral hemispheres as listed above, in turn, may influence the development of the
personality as the source of creation. May a poem read by Otomo no Yakamochi on
3 April, 653, collected in the volume “Manyo-Shu” (famous eighth century poetry)
from the oldest Japanese anthology of poems inspire the reader: “From a patch of
bamboo trees in the garden of my house, a wind in this evening might produce a
faintly sound.” This demonstrates that a quiet environment where leaves of bamboo
trees rustle in the wind can concentrate into human creations.

14.4 Sleep Disturbance by Upstairs-Toilet Noise

with Changing Spatial Factors

The purpose of this study was to identify factors of the flushing noise of an upstairs
toilet, which despite having a very low SPL (<36 dBA at the peak) caused
annoyance and sleep disturbance for an apartment resident. The temporal and
spatial factors of the flushing noise from an upstairs toilet to the head position on a
bed were analyzed because the resident suffered from sleep disturbance. Results of
IACC and τIACCas a function of time indicated that the flushing noise was rotating
around the head dynamically in addition to the large change in temporal factors
including the SPL. These facts indicate that the left and right hemispheres were
simultaneously stimulated, so that even though the sound level was very low, the
resident was annoyed and suffered from sleep disturbance.
The noise signals were picked up by 1/2-in. condenser microphones placed at
two ear entrances on a spherical dummy head placed on the bed. The measurement
time for the upstairs flushing toilet noise was 5 s (Fig. 14.9). The values of all
temporal ACF factors were obtained with the integration interval of 0.5 s and the
running interval of 100 ms. As shown in Fig. 14.10a–d, the SPL measured by
Φll(0) for the flushing toilet noise extracted from the running ACF was 29–35 dBA,
and the background noise was less than about 23 dBA (Kitamura et al. 2002). Thus,
the maximum signal-to-noise ratio was 12 dBA. If the difference between the
background noise level and the noise signal level is greater than 10 dB, the
background noise does not significantly affect the noise signal measurement
(Beranek 1971). The τe value for the flushing toilet noise exceeded 100 ms with
ϕ1 > 0.5 while τe < 0.1 ms and ϕ1 < 0.01 of the background noise throughout the
measurement time. Thus, the flushing toilet noise had much more repetitive features
than the background noise. It has been reported that loudness increases in propor-
tion to the value τe (Merthayasa and Ando 1996). The value of τe for the flushing
toilet noise was the largest near the peak of Φll(0). The value of τ1 for the flushing
164 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

Fig. 14.9 Plans of upstairs and downstairs in an apartment. The flushing noise of an upstairs toilet
was recorded on a bed in a hexagonal room downstairs

toilet noise had a discrete value at 3.6 ms, which means that the perceived pitch was
275 Hz. The background noise did not have any clear pitch and tonal components,
similar to white noise.
In addition, the measured spatial factors extracted from the running IACF are
shown in Fig. 14.11a–c. The IACC value for the flushing toilet noise was much
higher than for the background noise (below 0.05) in the measurement time. Thus,
no specific directions could be perceived for the background noise. On the contrary,
all spatial factors, the IACC, τIACC, and WIACC of the flushing noise, changed
dramatically as a function of time. These results signify that subjective diffuseness,
localization of the sound source, and the ASW of the flushing toilet noise changed
greatly as a function of time. Particularly, values of τIACC varied from –0.6 to +0.6
signifying that the noise was perceived as rotating around the head of the sleeper.
This phenomenon could be caused by the hexagonal shape of the bedroom.
14.4 Sleep Disturbance by Upstairs-Toilet Noise with Changing Spatial Factors 165

Fig. 14.10 Measured

factors extracted from the
running ACF. Solid line
indicates values for the
flushing toilet noise and
dotted line indicates the
background noise. (a)
Φll(0). (b) τe. (c) ϕ1. (d) τ1.
The values of all factors
were obtained every 100 ms
with an integration interval
of 0.5 s

Thus far, it has been shown that the temporal and spatial factors extracted from
the ACF and IACF of the flushing toilet noise had specific characteristics. These
facts imply that both temporal percepts and spatial percepts of the flushing toilet
noise changed dramatically. According to the auditory signal processing model
(Fig. 2.11: Ando 1985, 2009), temporal information is mainly processed in the left
hemisphere and spatial information is mainly processed in the right hemisphere
166 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

Fig. 14.11 Measured

factors extracted from the
running IACF. Solid line
indicates values for the
flushing toilet noise and
dotted line indicates the
background noise. (a)
IACC. (b) τIACC. (c) WIACC.
The values of all factors
were obtained every 100 ms
with an integration interval
of 0.5 s

(Ando 1998). Thus, the flushing noise from an upstairs toilet may simultaneously
stimulate both the left and right hemispheres of this resident. This may explain why
the resident felt that the flushing noise of the upstairs toilet was very annoying and
disturbed his sleep despite its very low SPL.

14.5 Escaping Ill Social Groups and Preserving the Third

Stage of Life

As mentioned earlier, daily environmental noise affects the specialization of cere-

bral hemispheres in children. Loud majority opinions, in turn, usually result in an
individual losing their sense of preference which is key to maintaining their own
14.5 Escaping Ill Social Groups and Preserving the Third Stage of Life 167

life. Consequently, individuals who, before finding their unique personalities, are
subject to blind following or belong to special groups with mass psychology or
“magic”, are at great risk of losing their mental and physical health, not to mention
the third stage of their life. There are, for example, newly-risen religions without
any affection toward living creatures, companies targeted at only making money
without any culture, violent military countries, and cults that engage in (sexual)
unions under the auspices of “the divine”. For the purpose of preserving the third
stage of life, the most unique expression of creativity of any human, individuals
should safeguard themselves from such ill social groups.
Every moment of time is precious, and no temporal unit should be slighted in the
search for individual personality that would integrate possible creations, which may
contribute to social culture and the preservation of life. From unique DNA code to
unique environments, a rare melding of personal preferences forms a personality.
Starting from the very beginning of life, parents could promote the development of
their child’s rare talent by providing a temporally and spatially preferred environ-
ment including facilities like the CWS (Chap. 11).
On an evening in March in 1952 after the death of his father, the author
entertained some apprehensions about the future. After a while, it started to get
dark and he returned home but nobody was in the house. He happened to find the
Moon throwing light on the tatami floor through a simple window as shown in
Drawing 14.1. In this moment, he perceived deep affection streaming from the
universe and woke up to a realization of the fact that the universe is always with
Another memorable occurrence took place when a forest on a hill next to a living
area had caught fire. Looking at the fire, his mother said to him that if this kind of
fire continued to other regions on Earth, then the environment would not be good
enough to sustain life. This was the first motivation to start investigating preferred
environments. She continued her hypothesis by saying that this world had died and
begun again repeatedly. This hypothesis is still not solved and remains in the
author’s mind. These defining moments were the beginning for finding the third
stage of life.
Set A shown in Fig. P.4 is limited, and set AC is reconfirmed as infinity, thus
waiting to be solved by individuals for the sake of themselves and others.The third
stage of life is an escape from unhealthy (social) conditions to a life unique driven
by a mission.
In order to assist developing personality as shown in Fig. P.4 in Preface,
Table 14.1 lists typical examples realizing temporal design based on preference
theory for all of the three stages of human life aviding serious time-integrated effets
of noise on human developments.
Concluding remarks of this volume are:
1. The ill concept of “time is money” leads to economical competition and thus ill
treatment of others at the individual level.
2. Consequently, wars and environmental disruption driven by economical reasons
168 14 Theory of Environmental Design and Escape from Vandalism

Drawing 14.1 Moonlight on a tatami floor, a typical sign of affection from the universe

3. However, if individuals know the special talent offered to them by their person-
ality that stems from their unique DNA and a preferred environment is provided
so that their personality can develop, then creations that will integrate and
become culture will live for a long time after the end of the first (body) and
second (mind) lives, constituting the third stage of life.
4. The new concept of the third stage of life is fundamental to maintaining the
environment and establishing lasting peace on Earth.
References 169

Table 14.1 Typical examples of temporal design for the three stages of human life
Three stages of
human life Environment to be avoided Environments to be designed
1 Body (1) Time-integrated effects
of noise on unborn babies
2 Mind (2) Time-integrated effects (3) Concert hall acoustics design based on
of noise on brain auditory-brain model
development (4) Seat selection enhancing individual
satisfaction, maximizing individual
3 Creation (5) Creative work space (CWS) for the left
based on and right hemispheric tasks


Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg

Ando Y (1988) Effects of daily noise on fetuses and cerebral hemisphere specialization in children.
J Sound Vib 127:411–417
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y, Hattori H (1977a) Effects of noise on sleep of babies. J Acoust Soc Am 62:199–204
Ando Y, Hattori H (1977b) Effects of noise on human placental lactogen (HPL) levels in maternal
plasma. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 84:115–118
Ando Y, Nakane Y, Egawa J (1975) Effects of aircraft noise on the mental work of pupils. J Sound
Vib 43:683–691
Beranek LL (1971) Noise and vibration control. McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York
Kitamura T, Shimokura R, Sato S, Ando Y (2002) Measurement of temporal and spatial factors of
a flushing toilet noise in a downstairs bedroom. J Tempor Des Architect Environ 2:13–19.
Lindberg BS, Nilsson BA (1973) Variations in maternal plasma level of human lactogen (HPL) in
normal. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw 80(7):619–626
Merthayasa I Gde N, Ando Y (1996) Variation in the autocorrelation function of narrow band
noises: their effect on loudness judgment. In: Japan and Sweden symposium on medical effects
of noise
Schell LM, Ando Y (1991) Postnatal growth of children in relation to noise from Osaka Interna-
tional Airport. J Sound Vib 151:371–382
Chapter 15

15.1 Remarks on Personality-Oriented Preference

and Creations

Preference is a joint response of the left and right cerebral hemispheres associated
with time and space, respectively, that are stimulated by different signals during the
three stages of life.
Animals have a body and a mind, but not the third stage of life, which is
distinctive of humans and made up of creations and integrations. Manifest creations
are based on an individual’s unique DNA “seed”. An individual’s purpose of life or
mission is given by Nature and it is to contribute to maintaining mankind together
with other living creatures, all the while minimizing personal stress for the benefit
and emergence of healthy creations. A lasting peace may be achieved by release of
each personality given by Nature. Note that personal preference is quite different
from egoism or greed.
One should not kill the human body and/or mind, nor should one plagiarize
creations or ideas produced by other individuals. These are all lives, i.e., first,
second, and third lives, respectively. In particular, the potential for the third stage of
life exists for every individual even up to the last moment of the first and second
lives, waiting to be unfolded to contribute to sustaining mankind and establishing
lasting peace.

15.1.1 Remarks on Subjective Preference

Subjective preferences, being the evaluative judgments that actually steer an

organism’s behavior so that it may survive and propagate, are therefore the most
primitive responses in organisms. Preferences guide the organism in the direction of
maintaining life, thus we may observe brain activities related to preferences, which

© Springer Japan 2016 171

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0_15
172 15 Remarks

are simultaneously deeply related to the aesthetic sense on an individual and on a

global scale. The paired-comparison method has been used to obtain scale values of
preference to be linked with corresponding brain activities. Acoustic design of a
concert hall where preference scale values are maximized is a typical non-visible
environment that forms the majority of a physical environment. It is, therefore, a
good example for demonstrating the design process. In addition, an opera house is a
kind of representation, a reduced environment of our real lives, as “All the world’s a
stage,” and we are all on it. The theory of subjective preference for the sound field is
described by the use of the temporal and spatial factors extracted from the respec-
tive correlation function mechanisms existing in the neural system (Ando 1985,
1998, 2007, 2009a). The specialization of the cerebral hemispheres may be signif-
icant in the formation of the independent effects that temporal and spatial factors
evoke in a subject. Finally, a human-centered theory for planning the environment,
so that it incorporates temporal and spatial factors for the left and right cerebral
hemispheres, respectively, is proposed (Ando 2009b).

15.1.2 Remarks on the Theory of Subjective Preference

(Chap. 5) for Designing the Environment

1. Subjective preferences are the most primitive responses.

2. Preferences are evaluative judgments.
3. Preferences guide the organism in the direction of maintaining life; thus, we may
observe brain activities related to preference (Chaps. 2 and 3).
4. Subjective preference is deeply related to an individual and global aesthetic
5. Acoustic design of a concert hall where preference scale values are maximized at
each seating position is a typical non-visible environment that forms the major-
ity of a physical environment.
6. The theory of subjective preference for the sound field is described by use of the
temporal and spatial factors extracted from the respective correlation function
mechanisms existing in the neural system.
7. The specialization of the cerebral hemispheres may be significant in the forma-
tion of the independent effects that temporal and spatial factors evoke in a
8. In this volume, a human-centered theory for planning the environment so that
it incorporates temporal and spatial factors for the left and right cerebral hemi-
spheres, respectively, is proposed.
15.1 Remarks on Personality-Oriented Preference and Creations 173

Fig. 15.1 A philosophical poem by the author. “Affection created the universe, thus universe is
full of affection. Avarice eliminates and kills affection, a well cultivated mind enjoys affection”
174 15 Remarks

15.2 From an Ill Concept “Time Is Money” to Attaining

a Healthy Currency

The concept of “time is money” leads directly to individual competition and ill
treatment of others, even wars. Economic human activities targeted at obtaining
currency have resulted in environmental disorder. For example, the increase of
CO2 may result in catastrophic climate changes. Money is just a tool for maintaining
the three stages of life, which is why there is no need for too much of it in order for a
human being to live comfortably and receive affections from the universe (nature).
Big concentrations of currency are dangerous, because they no longer represent only
currency. A healthy currency is something that is utilized for the purpose of cultivat-
ing the third stage of life of individual children before they start attending school and
of mature individuals as well as maintaining a healthy environment. If each of us
discovered our personality for creations, we would all be respectful of each other, and
we would consequently avoid “ill treatment of others” and further “wars.”
Figure 15.1 indicates a philosophical poem in Chinese read by the author in
2009, meaning: “Affection created the universe, thus universe is full of affection.
Avarice eliminates and kills affection, a well cultivated mind enjoys affection.”


Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg

Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2007, 2014) Concert hall acoustics based on subjective preference theory. In: Rossing TD
(ed) Springer handbook of acoustics, 1st, 2nd edn. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009a) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer, New York
Ando Y (2009b) Theory of temporal and spatial environmental design. In: McGraw-Hill yearbook
of science & technology 2009. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 384–389
Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic

A.1 A Model of Duration Experience in Listening to Noise

and Music

A.1.1 Model of Duration Experience

To understand duration experience, a model of duration experience is first proposed

here as shown in Fig. A1.1. Endogenous clock oscillators with characteristic
periods can be synchronized with, for example, brain waves, pulsation, and breath-
ing rate inside the body, in addition to daily, monthly, and annual cyclical changes
in the external environment (Luce 1971). That is to say, morning light may reset a
circadian oscillator, and a long-term temperature change may reset a seasonal
oscillator. It is assumed that clock signals from oscillators propagate through a
system (media) to a receptor in the brain.
Activities of the receptor in the brain depend on the person being awake or
asleep. In the waking state, there are two levels of perception, “conscious” and
“unconscious.” In the conscious stage, a person always notices time passing,
whereas in the unconscious state, they do not notice time passing. When a person
is in deep sleep, for example, their receptor gets less endogenous clock signals and
they may feel time passes faster than it does while they are awake.
We have attained knowledge of the effects of sound on subjective impressions of
passing time. A question arises whether or not music and environmental noise
influence unconscious duration experience.

© Springer Japan 2016 175

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0
176 Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe

Fig. A1.1 A model of duration experience consisting of endogenous oscillators, media, and a
receptor in the brain. According to the model of an auditory-brain system and specialization of
cerebral hemispheres (Ando 1985, 1998), it is assumed that the receptor exists in the left
hemisphere (Polzella et al. 1977). External stimuli may act as a suppressor to a number of clock
pulses from the oscillators, so the receptor may get less clock pulses and the person may feel a
short unconscious duration (Ando 1977)

A.1.2 Unconscious Duration Experience in Listening

to Aircraft Noise

In the first hour of the experiment, picture slides of a world tour were shown in a
classroom to make the subjects relax. During the following hour, cycles composed
of 60 s of jet-plane noise followed by 60 s of silence were repeated 30 times. As
listed in Table A1.1, the peak sound-pressure levels (SPL) in all the classrooms of
the junior high school in the study were 75  2 dBA (group A, 20 subjects; group B,
28 subjects) and 90  2 dBA (group C, 20 subjects; group D, 25 subjects) at peak
level. Group A and group C subjects lived in a noisy residential area, while group B
and group D subjects lived in a quiet residential area. During the hour of noise-
silence cycles, the subjects were permitted to look at picture books. For the last
hour, the slide show was presented once more to make the students relax again.
Afterward, the subjects were given a questionnaire asking for the ratio of subjective
duration between the period of noise and the period of silence. That is, they were
asked, “By how much was the noise period longer than the silence period?” The
question was carefully explained so that all subjects understood the question and
could answer it meaningfully, choosing a ratio from 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, . . . 5.0. Note that
the objective ratio of time is unity, i.e., 60/60 s.
Results including the ratios (R50) at 50 % for four groups are listed in Table A1.1.
A notable result is shown in Fig. A1.2. About 79 % of group A and group B
(75  2 dBA) rated the subjective duration of the noise period shorter than that of
the silent period ( p < 0.05; the null hypothesis: 50 %). Mean values R50 of group A
and group B, respectively, are 0.4 and 0.5. About 80 % of subjects from group C
(90  2 dBA) (from a noisy residential area) rated the subjective duration of the
noise period somewhat shorter than the silent period ( p < 0.05), i.e., R50 ¼ 0.7.
According to the model shown in Fig. A1.1, a noise environment might suppress
signals from endogenous clock oscillators such as from specific brain waves with
characteristic periods, so that perceived duration is shorter. In particular, when the
Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe 177

Table A1.1 Number of subjects in four groups (pupils of junior high school), percentage of
subjects who rated the duration of noise shorter than silence, and the value of R50
Residential SPL Number of Percent Null
Group area (dBA) subjects (%) R50 hypothesis (%) p
A Noisy area 75  2 20 80 0.4 50 (R50 ¼ 1.0) <0.05
B Quiet area 75  2 28 78 0.5 50 (R50 ¼ 1.0) <0.05
C Noisy area 90  2 20 80 0.7 50 (R50 ¼ 1.0) <0.05
D Quiet area 90  2 25 52 0.9 50 (R50 ¼ 1.0) –

Fig. A1.2 Cumulative

frequency in relation to the
time ratio. Mean value R50
of group A is 0.4; time
passes faster

sound-pressure level was about 75 dBA for subjects from a noisy residential area,
the rate for about 80 % of the subjects became (R50 ¼ 0.4). This result is considered
to be a chronic effect of daily noise.
This result may relate to people living in a noisy area near an airport, who felt
busy even though they were doing no particular job.
If we stretch the results obtained here, the duration of a life span of 100 years
could be perceived as lasting only about 40 years in a noisy living area at about
75 dBA.

A.1.3 Duration Experience in Listening to Slow Music

and Fast Music

The number of subjects that participated in this experiment was 102 (20–22 years
old), all of whom were university students attending a class on environmental
psychology and physiology (Ando and Ando 2010). To provide a condition for an
unconscious duration experience while listening to music, the subjects were not
178 Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe

acquainted with the real purpose of the study. The masker investigation was about
subjective preference for a sound field with and without an echo, which consisted of
a direct sound and a single reflection with a delay time of 128 ms (Ando 1985). The
music sources were music A (a slow tempo “quiet” music piece, Royal Pavane by
Gibbons; duration of piece, 9.26 s with a peak level of 70.5  2 dBA; the effective
duration of the autocorrelation function τe ¼ 127 ms) and music B (a fast tempo
“active” music piece, Sinfonietta, Opus 48 by Arnold; duration, 6.26 s with a peak
level of 84  4 dBA; τe ¼ 43 ms). The values of τe represent a similar repetitive
feature of music signals. The two music pieces were reproduced four times in the
room, and the perceived loudness of one was almost the same as the other, though the
peak levels were different. A questionnaire given to each subject posed two ques-
tions: the first was, “Do you prefer music A or music B?” The second question was,
“How much longer was the duration of music A (Gibbons, quiet music) compared to
music B (Arnold, active music),” choosing a “ratio of A to B” from 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, . . .
10.0 times. Note that the objective ratio of time was 1.48 ¼ 9.26/6.26 s.
The percentage cumulative frequencies of two groups, namely, subjects who
preferred music A (group A) and music B (group B), are plotted as a function of the
time ratio in Fig. A1.3 (also see Table A1.2). About 70 % of group A rated the ratio of
subjective duration as being greater than the physical ratio (1.48); that is, the subjective
duration of music A was thought to be longer than that of music B ( p < 0.01). The
difference between duration experiences of group A and group B may be found in values
expressed as R50 ¼ 2.0 and R50 ¼ 1.5 times ( p < 0.1), respectively. This difference was
found regardless of the value of Rx (x ¼ 10 to 90), so curves of the cumulative frequency
of both groups are parallel (Fig. A1.3). This result means that when the subjects
preferred music B, the duration experience for music B was relatively prolonged.
Of particular interest is the difference in subjective preference for the two music
pieces. More subjects in group A rated the ratio of subjective duration as being

Fig. A1.3 Percentage

cumulative frequencies of
two groups of subjects
classified by their
preference as a function of
the ratio of the duration
experiences for the music A
period and for the
music B period
●: Music A, 80 subjects,
who judged music A as
preferable to music B
○: Music B, 22 subjects,
who judged music B as
preferable to music A
Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe 179

Table A1.2 Percentages of subjects (university students) who rated the duration of music A
longer than the physical ratio (1.48 times) of music B
Group classified by Number (valid) of Percent Null hypothesis
preference subjects (%) R50 (%) p
Music A 80 70 2.0 50 (R50 ¼ 1.48) <0.01
Music B 22 50 1.5 50 (R50 ¼ 1.48) –

greater than the physical ratio (1.48); that is, the subjective duration of music A was
significantly longer than that of music B. It is considered that active music B may
suppress the endogenous clock signals more than the quiet music (Fig. A1.1).
Additionally, when subjects preferred music B, their duration experience of
music B increased relatively. This implies that subjects liked listening to a preferred
piece of music over a longer time period, because it induced more alpha brain
waves (which are the longest brain waves in the awake state) to enjoy it for as long
as possible. This, in turn, might prolong the period of the endogenous clock pulse.
It is noteworthy that the similar repetitive features of the alpha wave are
prolonged under the preferred condition, which has been determined by the effec-
tive duration of the autocorrelation function of the alpha wave (Ando 2003, 2009).
With regard to joyful artistic and scientific creations, a receptor is a typical
unconscious level that might originate from “out of time” or beyond any specified
time (Ando 2009). Therefore, such creation based on individual personality might
relate to an individual’s “third stage of life” that lives on even after the end of the
first (body) and second (mind) lives (Sect. 1.2; Ando 2004).

A.2 Duration Experience for Each Three-Year

School Term

A tendency was found that the subjective time duration experience of every 3-year
term during senior high school was much shorter than the perceived temporal
experience during elementary school in reference to the 3 years of junior high school.
This result agreed with the well-known perception of time passing faster as one ages.
The Japanese education system that is based on 3-year terms was investigated for
subjective impressions covering 3-year “blocks” of the 15-year-long school life (from
about 3 to 18 years of age). In order to minimize the different effects of present stage life
on each individual, university students on ocean navigation for 30 days between Kobe,
Japan, and Perth, Australia, in a summer session in 1994 were selected as subjects
(Ando et al. 1999). The total number of subjects who participated in this investigation
that was performed in a large lecture room of a chartered boat was 285 (81 % female
and 19 % male). The majority of the students were juniors and sophomores.
Questionnaires were distributed during the voyage, and the subjects were asked to
carefully respond to questions about their subjective impression of the following time
durations: in reference to the subjective time duration of the junior high school period
180 Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe

of 3 years (JHSP), (1) duration of 3 years before elementary school, (2) duration of
3 years of lower class elementary school, (3) duration of 3 years of upper class
elementary school, and (4) duration of 3 years of senior high school. The method used
was similar to the magnitude estimation, so that subjective durations were answered
choosing one of the real numbers from 0.1 through 3.0 with a step of 0.1, and in
addition, the subjects were allowed to answer with other numbers as well.
For subjective duration with (1) gender of subject, (2) experience of transfer
between elementary schools due to change of the family’s residence, and (3) period
of every 3 years, the analysis of variance was performed. Significant differences were
found in the 3-year periods as well as in the experience of transfer between elemen-
tary schools, but not for the gender of the subject. Since the subjective duration
estimate is well described by time on the logarithmic scales, meaningful mean values
may be found at the 50th percent of cumulative frequencies. Figure A2.1 indicates the
50-percentile values as a function of the period of the 3-year range, for both subjects
who moved and changed elementary schools and for subjects who did not.
For subjects who did not transfer between elementary schools, results from 3 to
5 years of age through 9–11 years of age reveal that subjective durations are longer
than unity, 1.2, and results from 15 to 17 years of age indicate that subjective
impression for 15–17-year-olds are significantly shorter than unity, 0.8, in reference
to JHSP ( p < 0.01). Thus, a tendency is observed that the duration experience
decreases with increasing age. For subjects who changed elementary schools, the
subjective durations for 3–5 and 6–8 years of age were significantly longer, about
1.3 or more, than for subjects who did not transfer between schools ( p < 0.05) due
to additional strong stress of having to adapt to a new environment.

Fig. A2.1 The

50-percentile values of
duration in reference to
duration of 3 years of junior
high as a function of the
period of the 3-year range,
for both subjects who
moved and changed
elementary schools (empty
circle) and for subjects who
did not ( full circle)
Appendices: Duration Experience and Cyclic Universe 181

A.3 Longest Period: Cyclic Universe

In 1953, Asano Ando (1906–1996; mother of the author) was witnessing a forest
fire across a river in Mimasaka, Okayama Prefecture, when she expressed her
hypothesis that the whole universe has ended and started again repeatedly. She
continued by saying that this world would not be appropriate for life if such fires
occurred time and again in the future.
There could be a certain relationship between the environment from before a big
bang and after one, i.e., indications of a former universe are assumed by the author.
Typical material is organic matter in the form of amino acids, which were first
discovered in a meteorite by Kvenvodden et al. 1970. Could we consider this as a
kind of continuation and reproduction of the environment in a cyclic universe? Who
is to say which parts or dimensions of the universe are newly produced and which
ones might survive a cataclysm such as a big crunch or a big bang?
Steinhardt (2009) has explained the theory of the cyclic universe, which was
inspired by developments in string theory. A model of cosmic evolution of the
universe is believed to undergo endless cycles of expansion and contraction, each
beginning with a big bang and ending in a big crunch. Thus, the bangs have
occurred periodically in the past and will continue periodically in the future,
recurring perhaps once every 1012 years. Such a periodical universe consists mainly
of the four dimensions of time and space, and other dimensions could be ignored.


Ando Y (1977) Effects of noise on duration experience. J Sound Vib 55:600–603

Ando Y (1985) Concert hall acoustics. Springer, Heidelberg
Ando Y (1998) Architectural acoustics, blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners. AIP
Press/Springer, New York
Ando Y (2003) Investigations on cerebral hemisphere activities related to subjective preference of
the sound field, published for 1983–2003. J Temporal Des Architect Environment 3:2–27,
Ando Y (2004) On the temporal design of environments. J Temporal Des Architect Environ
Ando Y (2009) Auditory and visual sensations. Springer-Verlag, New York
Ando Y, Ando T (2010) Model of “unconscious” duration experience while listening to music and
noise. J Temporal Des Architect Environ 10:1–6,
Ando Y, Tsuruta H, Motokawa A, Matsushita T, Saifuddin K (1999) Subjective duration of every
three-year period for 3 to 18 years of age, estimated by students. J Hum Ergol 28:33–37
Kvenvodden KA, Lawless J, Pering K, Peterson E, Flores J, Ponnamperuma C, Kaplan IR, Moore
C (1970) Evidence for extraterrestrial amino-acids and hydrocarbons in the Murchison mete-
orite. Nature 228:923–926
Luce GG (1971) Biological rhythms in human and animal physiology. Dover Publications,
New York
Polzella DJ, DaPolito F, Hinsman MC (1977) Cerebral asymmetry in time perception. Percept
Psychophys 21:187–192
Steinhardt PJ (2009) Cyclic universe theory. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology,
New York, pp 69–71

A Creation based on individual personality, 179

ACF. See Autocorrelation function (ACF) Creative work space (CWS), 98, 102, 123–126,
Aesthetics, ix,1, 4, 69, 172 131, 143–144, 167, 169
α-rhythms, 12, 13, 17–19, 23, 29, 32, 34, 35, Crystal opera house, 151, 152
38, 39, 41–43, 72 “Culture”, x, xiii, xv, 120, 123,143–153,
Annual performance, 137–138 167, 168
Apparent source width (ASW), ix, 47, 52, 53, CWS. See Creative work space (CWS)
59, 164
Artistic expression, 81, 87, 119–121
ASW. See Apparent source width (ASW) D
Autocorrelation function (ACF), ix, x, 4, Dangerous occurrences (e.g., earthquake,
12–15, 17–26, 29, 31, 34–36, 42, 45–54, tsunami, water, fire, typhoon, so on),
57–60, 65, 76, 77, 81–83, 85, 87, 92, 97, 156–157
98, 107–114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 131, Definition of three spatial factors, IACC,
146, 163, 165, 178, 179 WIACC, and τIACC, 48
Awaking higher perception, xi Delay time of reflection, Δt1, 10
Delay time of the first reflection after the direct
sound (Δt1), 75
B Design theory based on preference, 172
Binaural listening level (LL), 19, 21, 22, 48, 51, Discrete period of physical environment,
55, 59, 70, 71, 78, 79, 92 89–90
Biological rhythms, 89–90 DNA, “seed”, xiv, 171
Brain activities corresponding to subjective Duration, ix, 4, 5, 12–15, 17–19, 22, 25, 29, 32,
preference, 2, 12, 171–172 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 46–52, 54, 57, 58, 65,
“Breeze”, 83, 92, 94, 98, 100, 101, 118, 131, 76, 77, 91, 95, 97, 98, 101, 110, 113,
139, 151 120, 146, 175–181
Dynamic approach to design, 93

Central auditory signal-processing model, 23 E
Coarseness, 59, 60, 65 Effective duration of the ACF of the alpha
Concert hall, ix, xv, xviii, 2, 76–78, 93, 95, 99, waves, ix
102, 145–146, 169, 172 Effective duration (τe) of the alpha rhythm,
Contrast, 22, 26, 49, 52, 59, 60, 65, 66, 76 12, 17
Courtyard, 101, 151, 153 Effects (noise) on creation, 163

© Springer Japan 2016 183

Y. Ando, Brain-Grounded Theory of Temporal and Spatial Design,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55891-0
184 Index

Effects (noise) on the body, 158 94, 101, 102, 124, 128, 131, 155–157,
Effects (noise) on the mind, 25, 161, 163 162, 165, 166, 176
Electroencephalogram (EEG), ix, 22 Life of body, xi
Electroencephalographic (EEG), 12–20 Life of creation, xi
Environment to develop brain as a teacher, Life of mind, xi
92–93 Listening level (LL), ix, 11, 19, 22, 51, 55, 70,
Examples of temporal design for the three 71, 78, 92, 146. See also Binaural
stages of human life, 169 listening level (LL)
Localization in the Horizontal Plane, 53, 59
Loudness, ix, 22, 51, 52, 54–58, 163, 178
Flickering light, x, 34–42, 59, 60, 62, 72,
81–83, 85, 87, 99, 117, 119 M
Fluctuating flickering lights, 41 Magnetoencephalogram (MEG), ix, 16, 17, 22
Fourth stage of life, xi Magnetoencephalographic (MEG), 12–20
“Full of affection of universe”, xii Magnetometer, 16
Magnitude of interaural crosscorrelation
(IACC), ix, 78–79
H Matching tempo, 113–117
Healthy society, xv Mental life, x
Hemispheric specialization, 21, 23, 36, 41–43, Model of auditory brain system, 9–26
161, 163 Model of duration experience, 175–179
Hillside house, 125–135
“Honor students”, xiv
House design, 93 N
Human development, 91–93, 167 N2-latency, 9–11, 14
Human rhythms and discrete periods of the Noisy living areas, 158, 162, 177
natural physical environment, 90

I Opera house, 2, 95, 99, 102, 103, 146–151, 172
IACC. See Interaural crosscorrelation (IACC) Oscillatory movement, 43, 83–84
IACF. See Interaural crosscorrelation function Outer universe, 1
Ill concept of “time is money”, 167, 174
Ill social group, 166–169 P
Indication of quick escape, 156–157 Paired-comparison test (PCT), 10, 16, 30, 36,
Individual creations, 143–145, 147, 149, 152 55, 57, 59, 65, 69, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87,
Individual’s unique sensitivity, xi 107, 111
Inner universe, 1–2 PCT. See Paired-comparison test (PCT)
Integrating effects of noise, 158, 169 Personality-oriented preference and creations,
Interaural crosscorrelation (IACC), ix, 3, 5, 6, 171–173
9–11, 13, 18–23, 25, 26, 47–48, 53, 59, Physical environmental factors to be
60, 70, 71, 78–79, 92, 95, 146, 147, 163, designed, 92
164, 166 Physical life, x
Interaural crosscorrelation function (IACF), ix, Pitch (missing fundamental), 54
3, 20, 25, 47–48, 52, 53, 58, 59, 78, Play area, 139. 141–142, 153
164–166 Preferred periods, 29–33, 35–37, 82–84, 87
Propagation of the alpha wave flow, 21

Landscape, 103, 117–118, 125, 131 R
Leaves in wind, 107–117 Regularity, 39–42, 60, 65, 66, 86, 87,
Left hemisphere, 5, 10, 11, 13–15, 17–24, 31, 107, 113
35, 36, 38, 41–43, 52, 54, 62, 69, 79, 87, Relative behavior of the brain, 9
Index 185

Right hemisphere, 5, 10, 13, 14, 17–23, 25, Temporal and spatial objective factors, 45–52
26, 41, 42, 55, 59, 62, 65, 69–72, 79, 91, Temporal and spatial percepts, 25, 26, 45–66
93, 101, 124, 128, 131, 155–157, 162, Temporal and spatial percepts in vision,
163, 165 59–66
Temporal design, vii, viii, x, xi, xv, 2, 5, 81,
90, 93, 95, 101, 103, 104, 107–121,
S 123–135, 144, 145, 149–151,
Science Academy of Bologna, viii 167, 169
Sensation level (SL), 9, 10, 22 Temporal design in visual fields, 113
SL. See Sensation level (SL) Temporal factor, ix, x, 5, 13, 14, 17, 22, 25,
Slow-vertex responses (SVR), 9–12, 14, 17, 35, 38, 41–43, 45–47, 52, 57, 69, 71,
21, 22 72, 75–79, 81–84, 89–94, 98, 102,
Spatial design, ix, x, 1, 2, 6, 91, 96–98, 102, 107, 110, 112, 114, 116, 128, 131,
151, 156 146, 155, 163
Spatial factors,, viii, ix, x, xiv, xix, 2, 3, 5, 13, Temporal factor extracted from the ACF,
14, 20, 22, 25, 41, 42, 47–53, 58, 59, 60, 52, 112
65, 69, 71, 72, 75–79, 84–87, 91, 92, 95, Temporal fluctuation, 81, 84, 87
98, 99, 119, 120, 128, 145, 147, 155, Temporal windows, 47, 48, 51–52, 92, 95, 98,
163–166, 172 142, 158
Spatial “vibrato”, 119–121 Textures, 48–50, 58, 59, 63–65, 72, 84–87,
Specialization of cerebral hemispheres, 20–23, 98, 156
163, 166, 176 Theory of subjective preference, ix, x, 2, 5, 23,
Subjective diffuseness, ix, 3, 10, 52, 53, 59, 69–72, 145, 172
60, 164 Thermal environment and energy conservation,
Subjective preference, ix, x, 1–5, 9–20, 22–26, 98–101
29–43, 69–72, 75, 78, 81–87, 91, 98, Three stages of human life, x–xiv, 2–3, 123,
111–113, 117, 119, 125, 145–147, 151, 167, 169
152, 153, 171–172, 178 Timbre, ix, 52, 58
Subjective preference theory, x
Subjective preference theory of design, ix
Subsequent reverberation time after the first U
reflection Tsub, 75 Unique personality, xi, xiii, 101, 128, 167

Temporal and spatial design, ix, x, 1, 96, 97, Values of |φ (τ)|max of the alpha EEG, 35
102, 151, 156
Temporal and spatial factors, x, xiv, xix, 2, 3,
20–22, 25, 41, 52, 69, 72, 75–79, 87, 91, W
95, 98, 99, 145, 155, 163, 165, 172 Weekly meeting for children, 138–139

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