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European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Why Architects See Things Differently

An Architectural Approach On Teaching Space

Dana Julean
Senior lecturer PhD architect
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Space is all around us, we experience it as shaped into buildings,
rooms, tiny enclosures, as well as shaped into public spaces, squares, streets,
and as natural landscapes. However, when we look at it, interact with it, walk
through it, we all experience it differently. Psychology teaches us that the
perceptual process is a very complex mechanism, which is essentially made
up of two aspects: “one of which is essentially figurative, related to the
percepts or images of successive states or momentary configurations of the
world by direct and immediate contact, and a second which is essentially
operative, related to the operations which intervene between successive
states and by which the subject transforms parts of the world into
reconstructable patterns or schemas.” (Hart & Moore, 1973, p. 249). Thus,
when looking at space, although we all “see” the same thing, we operate and
understand things differently mainly because of our different social, cultural,
religious, and geographical backgrounds (Downs & Stea, 1973). Therefore,
the present study would like to focus precisely on this aspect, namely why do
architects perceive space differently than the ordinary passerby?

Keywords: Architecture, space perception, architectural higher education

The Perfect Building

Architects and builders have been obsessing for centuries over the
perfect proportions of their buildings. Going back as far as the ancient
Greeks, the composition of the facades, the language of styles, and the rules
of architectural orders, defined through the architects’ approaches, have
always looked for and argued over the “correct” way of conceiving
architecture. For example, the golden ratio is probably the best-known
example of the mathematical search for right proportions in architecture.
Nowadays, there are specialized publications, on-line platforms, courses,
conferences, discussions and prizes which all debate, on a highly

European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

professional level, the aesthetics of the most recently built architecture.

However, all of this is done within the profession - namely architects judge
other architects’ buildings, accomplishments, spatial experiments and so on.
Whenever the architects take part in discussions, which involve people
outside their circle, there always appears this one question: why do not
ordinary people appreciate “Architecture” with capital A? Moreover, why do
architectural professionals seem to have such radically different opinions on
what makes “good architecture”? (Vais, 2015, p. 97)

Architectural Space Perception: A Distorted Point of View

This is a very common subject among architectural psychology
studies. For example, David Halpern (as cited in Vais, 2015, p. 98) recounts
that he himself contemplated the idea of becoming an architect, until, as a
senior student in Cambridge, he took part in an experiment which
investigated this aspect. The experiment used groups of students majoring in
different fields (arts, architecture, and natural sciences). They were asked to
view a set of pictures, which illustrated faces of people or buildings. The aim
of the experimenters was to establish how different educational backgrounds
alter the way “beauty” is being perceived. Results showed that all the
participants, regardless of their background, had a very similar view on
which features make an attractive face. However, in the case of buildings, as
expected, there was a very clear distinction between the answers given by the
architecture students and the rest; furthermore, the distinction grew, within
the group of older architecture students, thus proving the fact that
architectural education distorts the perception of beauty of the build
environment. So then, why do we do it? Why do we train architects to “see”
buildings differently?
Architects, when compared to others, have a particular point of view,
namely they do not only interact with buildings on a daily basis, but they
also have to build them. Designing a building implies a comprehensive
knowledge of the particular building type one is developing; it also implies
knowing how to ask the right questions regarding the different scenarios in
which the building can be used, and also answering them! Thus, when
looking at a space - be it a building, a public space or even a city - an
architect will not see it just for what it is, but they will also try to figure out
how it was build and how it works (Arnheim, 1977). Hence, even on a
leisurely walk through a park, an architect could deconstruct the space
around them and “perceive” physical or virtual features, which define a
certain place, within its broader space (Norberg-Schulz, 1980). For example,
a simple bench placed under the branches of a tree, emanates a different
character than the space in its immediate vicinity. Being able to observe such
subtle differences of physical or virtual boundaries, helps architects when

European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

they design themselves space. Therefore, from an educational point of view

it becomes clear that architects need to be trained differently when
perceiving space.

From Architectural Practice to Architectural Theory

Architectural theory, as a discipline, deals precisely with this issue. It
analyses, deconstructs and studies the built environment and then it issues
theoretical concepts, which (try to) explain what makes buildings/spaces a
success or, on the contrary, a failure. Of course, architectural theory itself
ends sometimes misjudging the facts and draws the wrong (or at least
incomplete) conclusions, which, further on, produce bad spaces (Tuan, 1974;
Tuan, 1977). However, architectural theory remains quite an important
instrument in educating and shaping architects. In this regard, there are
several texts referencing spatial composition and perception. Probably the
most famous one is Francis D. K. Ching’s Architecture - Form, Space, and
Order (Ching, 2007), although there are a lot of fundamental texts going all
the way back to Rudolf Arnheim’s Dynamics of Architectural Form
(Arnheim, 1977) and the more famous Art and Visual Perception - a
Psychology of the Creative Eye (Arnheim, 1954). Moreover, virtually every
architectural school has its own theory department, whose research focuses,
on a smaller or larger scale, on some aspect of how space is or should be
There are some quite interesting independent studies conducted by
practitioners or theoreticians regarding this issue. For example Luigi Moretti,
an Italian architect and theoretician active during the early 1970s, did some
quite unique research in the field of space perception. His studies focused on
the moment when the individual observes and starts to perceive and
comprehend the space surrounding them. His curiosity on the matter made
him feel the need to “freeze” the space he was examining, turning it into a
solid, which could be handled and analyzed in detail. Thus, Moretti made
several models of the interior space of the buildings he was researching -
models of subjective and affective spaces. The architect used in his
description terms like plasticity, material density and even chiaroscuro, in
order to characterize the “intellectual aspects of material in its concrete
physicality” (Moretti, 1974, p. 124). The different sequences of architectural
space - solid, void, narrow, broad - are translated into an almost mechanical
manner; namely, Moretti perceives the various types of pressure space exerts
upon the visitor. In his view, space turns into matter; it has a presence of its
own, detached of the building materials which enclose it - this “rarified
substance” being able to communicate with the individual on a perceptual
level. Moretti, by modeling the immateriality of space, manages to determine
a way of identifying, preserving, and analyzing the spatial characteristics, the

European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

order and the reference system which are established between the subject and
the space surrounding them - an affective bond, labeled by Tuan as
topophilia (Tuan, 1974).

And From Architectural Theory to Architectural Education

This shift of perspective, which implies shaping and fostering an
architectural manner of perceiving space, happens gradually, over time.
From an educational point of view, it is difficult to define the perfect method
of accomplishing this. However, such a process should rather aim at
establishing a goal - a type of attitude, a procedure or a methodology - so that
students are encouraged to develop their own path, their own rhythm of
assimilating and applying a more or less empirical way of gathering the
information. Learning about space, learning how to create space is a process
which is based on the power of example: observing its physical features, the
quality of the light, the different points of view, the path, the climate and the
geography of the terrain, as well as its sensorial and cultural features -
including the manner in which different individuals manage to walk through
and interact with that particular space.
Thus, the aim of the Theory-Methodology course, taught during the
second year of studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, the
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, is to discuss, in a contextualized
manner, two main subjects: the composition and the perception of space.
First, the course is trying to identify, analyze and explain basic
compositional aspects regarding spatial morphology - namely primary
elements such as point, line, plan and volume - and spatial syntax -
compositional and organizational principles. Then, the course proposes an
integrated and transdisciplinary approach regarding the process of
perception. Thus, the analysis slides towards broader fields, such as
psychology, sociology, anthropology and geography, explaining concepts
such as personal space, wayfinding, mental maps, territoriality, non-place,
heterotopia, etc. Finally, the course intends to establish a clear connection
among the three layers of space: a space which is conceived, the physical
space of the reality and a space which is perceived. Consequently, a
fundamental infrastructure is being established, so that different examples of
architecture can be critically approached and discussed.

Projected Space, Produced Space, and Perceived Space

The novelty of the approach consists in the fact that, beside the
familiar discussions regarding the composition of the space (Ching, 2007),
the course tries to teach the students that they should also take into account
information which comes from related fields of study, such as psychology,
sociology or culture theory. Although, there are quite a few worldwide

European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

famous examples of programs studying environmental psychology

(University of Surrey, 2016), of independent research structures analyzing
different aspects of the relationship between architectural space and its users
(Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture, 2016), or of structures which
focus on involving the community in the actions they take (The Center for
Human Environments, 2016), this course is trying to focus mainly on the
issue of space perception. Thus, taking the three layers of space as a starting
point, the course is trying to break them down into fundamental units.
The first one, the projected space, is the space that the architect
imagines and conceives. It is a virtual space, which is not built yet. However,
it is a type of space which is worth studying, analyzing and discussing. The
only way the architect can depict this type of space is through drawings,
plans, models, through 3D animations, and, lately, through virtual reality.
Perceiving such a space is difficult, especially for untrained eyes.
The second type of space, the produced space, is actually the physical
space, the built space in all its instances - micro-architecture, temporary
architecture, spatial experiments, architectural object, or urban space
configurations. Basically, it is what one calls the built environment.
The third type of space, the perceived space, is the space as it is
understood by its user; a perception which presupposes cultural,
psychological, philosophical and/or social differences. Thus, in order to
analyze the complexity of this last layer of space, the architect needs to
contextualize the impact of the built object within its historical, cultural,
social, philosophical and/or geographical environment. In order to be able to
understand what others might think of the spaces one creates, one has to
understand how the others perceive space.

The Breakdown of the Perceptual Process

Thus, in order to be able to use such complex concepts, the student
must first master the manner in which the perceptual process works.
Consequently, the course presents concrete facts about how perceptions are
formed, basing them on the extensive studies undertaken by Jean Piaget
(Piaget & Inhelder, 1956), and , more recently, Irving Biederman’s (as cited
in Miclea, 2003) studies of recognition by components, or geons
(geometrical icons), as he calls them. Then, the focus is shifted upon the
manner in which the information received at the end of the perceptual
process is structured into mental representations. Starting out with the
gestalt principles (Lang, 1974; Levi, 1974; Burnette, 1974), the students
learn how mental maps are formed (Lynch, 1960) and how people are able to
navigate through space (Stea, 1974). Wayfinding is a concept, which mainly
relies on memory and its ability to re-represent space: “Memory begins for a
person when she has an experience and perceives what happens, where it

European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

happens, who is there, what her role is in the experience, and the feelings she
has at the time. Her brain disaggregates elements of these perceptions
allocating each to a different part of the brain. The mood of the event goes
one place, the colors of clothing another, and the size of the space a third.
Faces of participants, action terms (verbs), nouns, and objects all go into
different areas of the brain, and the way she traveled to or from the place (her
cognitive map) into still another.” (Zeisel, 2006, p.146)
The students responded rather well to this approach and several of
them have been quite interactive during the discussion sessions following
each course. Some of them even reported taking into account the principles
studied during the course when designing their own projects for the Design

A rather elementary conclusion is that when one judges architecture,
one actually speaks about perceiving architecture and not about architecture
per se. After describing and analyzing the complexity of the perceptual
process, it becomes quite obvious that, before an evaluation or a discussion
of architectural aesthetic principles, the student must understand that the
success or failure in architecture is a matter of perception. Such a discussion
on perception, form an architectural point of view, is meaningful for several
One of these is simply the way in which one perceives the
architectural object in front of them. Namely, what the user perceives when
they try to identify the manner in which a space should be navigated, the
attitude they should have towards the physical environment, whether they
identify or not the meaning of the space. It is an intimate, personal and
immediate relationship with architecture - in which, of course, the aesthetic
factor plays an important part -, but which depends mostly on one’s
knowledge, system of decoding and interpreting meanings, preconceptions or
Architecture is more than just a spatial or volumetric composition,
architecture can design spatial perceptions and, at the same time, it can be
judged as being a success or failure when the object - the product of
architecture - is perceived in its context. Thus, we have reached the fragile
relationship between designing and dwelling space, between imagining and
creating space perception and practicing perception in the real, immediate
The complexity of the architectural theoretical analysis resides in this
two-way relationship: theory is, on one hand, critical - analyzing and
interrogating the physical reality, the immediate space or architectural
product - and, on the other, it tries to come up with solutions - methodologies

European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

that are fundamental to the designing process in order to make a difference in

the outcome of the final architectural product. Practically, one can trace
theoretical endeavors, which are concerned as much with the creative
process - that precedes the actual construction phase -, as they are with the
effects produced by the implementation of the architectural object - the post
occupancy phase.
However, the present study managed to answer half of the question,
namely why architects see things differently, nonetheless, the second half of
the question, why architects have a different idea of what makes a building
beautiful, remains still unanswered. Thus, the subject is open to further

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European Scientific Journal April 2016 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

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