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A Note On Possible Healing Effects of Conch Shell Frequencies

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A Note on Possible Healing Effects of Conch Shell Frequencies

Article  in  NeuroQuantology · September 2017

DOI: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.3.1033


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2 authors, including:

J. Shashi Kiran Reddy

National Institute of Advanced Studies


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NeuroQuantology | September 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 3 | Page 193-196 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.3.1033
Shashi Kiran Reddy J., A Note On Possible Healing Effects Of Conch Shell Frequencies...

A Note on Possible Healing Effects of Conch

Shell Frequencies

Y. V. Suseela1 and J. Shashi Kiran Reddy2*

The conch shell as a music tool with its innumerable uses has occupied a singular place in almost all ancient
traditions and cultures across the globe. It could be considered as the sole musical instrument designed by Nature
herself into a fascinating piece of art. However, studies aimed at understanding the acoustical attributes of a conch
shell received very less attention in modern times. None of the previous studies on conch shell aimed at looking
into a few aspects for which it is usually adored and considered sacred. In general, the sound radiated from a conch
shell is believed to hold a healing aspect, and that is the underlying reason why different cultures used it during
ritual practices, special ceremonies and at acoustically designed sacred sites. The present concept seminates from
the observation that we have an additional ultrasonic component in the sound spectrum of a conch shell along
with other harmonic frequencies. Since the low-range ultrasonic frequencies are known for their beneficial and
healing effects, it’s obvious to relate them to such component existing in the conch shell spectrum. In this respect,
the present note serves as a starting step in analyzing the fundamental grounds for its healing aspect.
Key Words: Conch Shell, Ultrasonic, Spectral Analysis, Sound Healing, Frequency
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.3.1033 NeuroQuantology 2017; 15, 3: 193-196

Introduction Pouraghdam and Bhat, 2015). Even though the

The shell by definition implies a hard external mystery behind Nature’s blueprint still remains
covering; such an outer layer with a unique unclear to the present day science, it is
spiraling structure developed by a long sea snail mesmerizing to see such a piece of art. Since
(mollusk) for its protective purpose is Conch shell. naturally available conch shell in its original form
It has a cavity growing spiral in both axial and can’t be played because of its closed pointed tip or
transverse directions about a central pillar known apex, one has to cut it off to create a mouthpiece
as columella. Due to its unique structure for blowing. When the natural frequency of shell
geometry, conch shell supports a resonating cavity matches the frequency of vibrating lips it
sound field, making it a musical instrument of its produces a resonating and unique sound. Aside
kind. (Bhat, 1992; Prasad et al., 1994; Rath and from adoring it as a melodic tool, many ancient
Naik, 2005; Prasad and Rajavel, 2010). It is civilizations used it in countless ways; to
delightful to see that Nature again designed the communicate (as a tool for conveying information
amazing curves and spiraling structures of various about natural disasters/hazards), to warn or
conch shells based on the Fibonacci pattern alarm (as an indication of war or celebration of
following the golden/sacred ratio (approx. victory), and in religious rituals and ceremonies
1.61803)(Rath and Naik, 2005; Livio, 2006; etc.

Corresponding author: J. Shashi Kiran Reddy

Address: 1Ph.D. Scholar, Bangalore, India; 2*Research Scholar, Bangalore, India
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 22 February 2017; Accepted: 11 June 2017

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | September 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 3 | Page 193-196 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.3.1033
Shashi Kiran Reddy J., A Note On Possible Healing Effects Of Conch Shell Frequencies...
There have been very few studies aimed at a music instrument during rituals and religious
understanding the geometrical and acoustical practices, special ceremonies, and at acoustically
details of a conch shell; which is perhaps the only designed sacred sites/chambers etc (Rick et al.,
musical instrument designed and devised by 2002; Cook et al., 2008; Gaona et al., 2010; Cook et
Nature herself. It is little surprising that we have al., 2010). In this context, the present note gives an
numerous studies and bulk literature available on idea of the possible estimates for such a healing
other music instruments (designed by humans) force and helps as a starting step to where to look
associated with dissimilar customs and traditions, for along those lines.
but not on the one that fills a singular spot in
nearly all ancient cultures of the globe. Previous Ultrasonic frequencies and Biological systems
studies on a conch shell (mainly Turbinella Pyrum Ultrasonic frequency waves (>20 kilohertz) are
or Indian Sankha) have reported the spectrum mostly known as acoustic sound waves with a
captured from the sound radiated from it when spectrum of frequencies higher than the human
blown, and tried to examine it’s amazing spiraling hearing (or audible) range (from 20Hz to 20 KHz).
geometric structure and acoustics (Bhat, 1985, In addition, behavioral and neuropsychological
1992; Prasad et al., 1994; Rath and Naik, 2009, studies on various animal species indicate that
2010; Prasad and Rajavel, 2010). It is evident from acoustic waves in this frequency range are
X-ray tomographic pictures that inner cavity produced and utilized by them for communication
grows in spiral both in longitudinal (or axial) and and gathering information from the environment.
transverse directions. The spectral analysis of a There is a considerable body of research and bulk
conch sound reveals the presence of peaks at literature available concerned with the interaction
integral multiples of the fundamental frequency. of ultrasonic waves with biological systems. The
Providing conch shell with its characteristic volume and extent of possible effects caused by
sound, five such harmonics or partials can be such frequencies on biological systems depend on
discovered that form smoothly decreasing which portion of the ultrasonic spectrum we are
spectral envelopes (Prasad et al., 1994; Prasad and looking at (for example; low-range or high-range
Rajavel, 2010). It is interesting to see they are the etc.). Even though not all frequencies in the
only possible music instrument to have an Omni- ultrasonic spectrum are beneficial (for say, 194
directional property (Pouraghdam and Bhat, frequencies starting from the mid-range are
2015) i.e., the distribution of sound radiated in supposed to be potentially harmful), only the ones
different directions or the directional pattern of that descend in the low-range category; i.e.,
radiation is uniform. This explains why various frequencies near to the lower limit of the
cultures would have used conch sound for ultrasonic spectrum, are found to have various
alarming and for communication over long healing elements. Consequently, several studies in
distances. In addition to this, other studies aimed the context of therapeutic and healing
at tracing the material and mechanical properties applications have identified and categorized these
associated with its fabric revealed conch shell to effects based on the nature of mechanisms they
be a true treasure gifted by Nature. Many trigger; thermal or non-thermal (mechanical;
traditional medical systems in the orient like O'Brien, 2007).
Indian Ayurveda, ancient Chinese and Buddhist For the present purpose, we confine our
literature propound the use of ashes (from conch attention to understanding possible effects caused
shell material) for healing various ailments, and by only low-range ultrasonic frequencies to
hence adore it for its high medicinal value. Few trigger various mental and emotional states, and
scientific studies even approve and endorse the to make changes in the physiological functioning
use of conch shell ashes for medicinal purposes in of a human system (Thompson and Andrews,
alternative and natural therapies (Kodlady and 2000; Bennet and Bennet, 2009). Recent evidence
Patgiri, 2012). Even though conch shell is really indicates that cell types other than auditory hair
well known for such objective properties, it is cells (i.e. non-auditory cells) would likewise react
usually thought to be sacred and revered by a few to certain audible sounds/frequencies (Lestard et
cultures for several other grounds. None of the al., 2013). Consequently, they seem to alter
previous studies aimed at looking into such various morpho-functional parameters such as
aspects for which it is usually adored and cell size, activity rate, granularity and also cell
considered. The sound radiated from a conch shell cycle mechanisms of these cells. Few frequencies
is in general believed to hold a healing aspect, and are also known to alter and promote the release of
that is the reason why different cultures used it as different hormones and cytokines usually

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | September 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 3 | Page 193-196 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.3.1033
Shashi Kiran Reddy J., A Note On Possible Healing Effects Of Conch Shell Frequencies...
observed with well-being in humans (Conrad et reports the presence of such component, and
al., 2007; Bernardi et al., 2009; Lin, 2011). hence should be taken into account (Rath and
In reinforcement of sound healing and Naik, 2010). Having known the effects and
music therapy, a routine of studies indicate the use benefits of spectrum of frequencies in the
of different sorts of music (that plays in low to ultrasonic range on various biological systems, it’s
moderate ultrasonic range) for improving mood, obvious to relate such component frequencies
alleviating stress and nociception in patients with existing in the conch shell spectrum with
cancer and high degree burns, as well as for those beneficial and healing elements (Cook et al., 2008;
undergoing surgeries (Rauscher et al., 1995; Hung Hill et al., 2010; Cook et al., 2010; Tufail et al.,
et al., 2010; Nguyen, 2010). They are also known 2011; Gaona et al., 2014). For an in-depth
to help in treating Alzheimer’s, TBI, and other understanding of the effects of such frequencies
disorders etc (Lemmer, 2008; Lin, 2011; Akiyama on biological systems, we need to examine how
and Sutoo, 2011). Such applications may even they trigger a change in various biophysical,
benefit autistic subjects; where these acoustic biochemical and neurophysiological properties in
frequencies trigger remapping of brain neuronal connection to neuroacoustics and
circuits. At the ground level, these frequencies are psychoacoustics.
known to alter neuronal migration and thereby
accelerate cell growth, which is in general Conclusion
mediated by microtubules that regulate neuronal In this respect, the present report is only an
axons and dendrite extensions (Ang et al., 2006; attempt to suggest that the bearing of the
Bennet and Bennet, 2009; Bernardi et al., 2009; ultrasonic component in the frequency spectrum
Tufail et al., 2011; Raman et al., 2013). It is worth of a conch shell sound could be the reason why a
noting that the response to these frequencies conch shell is considered sacred and revered in
(mainly in humans) seems to be uniform and nearly all ancient civilizations and cultures. It
independent of the subject; for example, similar would be an interesting attempt to give it a try and
cardiovascular responses are reported in different investigate the effects of such frequencies
subjects regardless of personal taste and musical (spectrum of ultrasonic components) radiated by
training (Lemmer, 2008; Bernardi et al., 2009; Nature’s healing tool on cancer/tumor cells. This, 195
Akiyama and Sutoo, 2011). Through careful in turn, adds to support sound healing and music
observation, one may see that most of the therapy. To appreciate any possible healing effects
frequencies or music reported to show healing of conch shell frequencies, an in-depth analysis of
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range ultrasonic spectrum. Here is the connection mechanisms is needed.
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eISSN 1303-5150

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