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System Theory, The Key To Holism and Reductionism

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Systems Theory, The Key to Holism

and Reductionism
G. Becht

The position of biology among the THE INTERWEAVING OF THEORY render it untrue, for which, in principle,
other natural sciences and the inter- AND PRACTICE AND merely one test may suffice. This asym-
action of science and society present ITS DIFFICULTIES metry of many theories with respect to
questions which are engaging our minds falsification and verification can be

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more than ever before. The changing of Biology is an empirical science, based cancelled largely by statistical methods.
the place of science in the community as it is on experience and experiment. Whichever method is adopted, untrue
may be considered a cultural evolution. According to de Groot (1969, p. vi), hypotheses are eliminated and true
Without dwelling on the controversies "science is conceived not so much as a theories remain to contribute to the
(cf. Waddington 1960, for example), it system of concepts, nor as a system of growth of communicable (scientific)
may safely be assumed that there is a statements, but rather as a process, or a knowledge. What is "true" or "false" is
certain analogy between biological and system of activities." in the first place that which corresponds
cultural evolution, to cite the significant The scientific worker tries to com- to or differs from the individual ob-
summary of Osche (1972). The scien- press factual experiences into orderly servation; in the final analysis, to quote
tific information collected in the course arrangements, laws, and theories-in Polanyi (1962), "The validity of scien-
of history and preserved in the culture is other words, an understanding of tific knowledge is established and main-
passed from one generation to the other nature-to provide a basis for man to tained through critical judgement in the
by means of family and education in the behave rationally and purposively in his republic of science," known also as the
schools. This continuous flow of cul- "forum."
tural information is constantly subject The fundamental standard of experi- The logical aspects of empirical
to change and renewal. Certain attri- ence is called the empirical cycle (Fig. knowledge cannot actually be divorced
butes become disused because they are 1). The empirical cycle can be con- from the methodological aspect. Logic
replaced by new discoveries and inven- sidered as an information processing and language tie us to the model con-
tions, the selective value of which has system of the following activi ties: structed by science with respect to
been tested in the human day-to-day observing, guessing, predicting, and reality (Nauta 1970, p. 267), and this in
experience, or quite often at present, in checking. turn is based on observation with our
specialized scientific and technological Even conscious reflective thought, senses.
research. In this complicated process, analyzed by verbatim records of the All processes of learning are based on
the interweaving of "theory and prac- thinking aloud of chess masters, can be a physiological anatomical correlation,
tice" plays a central role (van Melsen traced back to the diagram of the series on the relations between receptor and
1961, 1970). Dijksterhuis (1950) has of empirical cycles (de Groot 1969, p. effector or between stimulation and
called the course of development of 7, 29, et seq.). behavioral response (Fig. 1). In terms
natural science, from ancient con- The purpose of the following line of of systems theory, the empirical cycle
ceptions to the analytical abstraction argument is to demonstrate, by means has all the characteristics of a circuit
and mathematization of present-day of the structure of the empirical cycles, controlled by feedback. The control
physics and chemistry, the mechaniza- not only the formation of logical proper is based on decisions concerning
tion of the world picture. theories but also how the practice of adaptive criteria (Fig. 1, B), so that
The mechanization of the biological actual experimental methods impress imperfect hypotheses can evolve into
picture of the world is also in full swing. their stamps on biological knowledge. more accurate, more elegant, or more
This is accompanied by a blurring, and According to Popper (1959, 1962), successful theories (Buckley 1972).
even vanishing, of the boundaries be- the result ,of thinking, i.e., the logical In terms of the psychological tradi-
tween the inorganic and the biological statement of an empirical science, must tion, the empirical cycle can be seen
sciences. This change in the identity of be observable. A verifiable hypothesis also as the complex of relations with
biology is not only of theoretical signifi- can then be developed from the series: which the subjective world of personal
cance, it is of much greater practical guessing-predicting-checking (de consciousness-the consciously thinking
importance, because the mechanized Groot 1969, Ch. 3 and 4). The truth I-is related to the objective outer
picture of "life" impinges on society content thereof must be put to a prac- world, the material reality of nature, the
where it is a noticeable force in science tical test and corroborated (Popper) or Other. This point of view is illustrated
policy. confirmed (de Groot). In principle this in Figure I by the zones 1 and 2.
The author is with the Department of Zool- might require an infinite number of The central area (3), the boundary
ogy, Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegen, The tests. A simpler method is to falsify the between the subjective inner world and
Netherlands. hypothesis by an experiment, i.e., to the objective outer world, is of special

October 1974 569

importance. This is the region in which There are two quite distinct kinds of tion of the object depicted with or in
human culture, including science, mani- tools in a more restricted sense. One something other than the original mate-
fests itself. kind (E) serves in handicrafts in the rial, according to the definition of
"Anthropogenesis, the emergence of forming of or action on objects. The Biihler (1937).
man, is characterized by abstract think- frrst tools were presumably things such "Die Eigenthiimlichkeit und ganz
ing by means of concepts, by speech, as the knife, hammer, etc.-also drawing ungeheure Wichtigkeit des Werkzeugs
and by the use of self-made tools. The and writing tools. liegt darin, dass es zugleich Theil des
tool in the human hand performs the The other (G) comprises extension Subjects und dennoch Objekt ist" (the
same function as the bodily organ of the pieces and auxiliaries for sensory per- peculiarity and tremendous importance
animal. The hand was a necessary con- ception, for testing by means of things of the tool is due to the fact that it is
dition for directing tools" (Pannekoek such as a stick for feeling, the magnify- both part of the subject, and yet, at the
1945). The complicated human larynx ing glass, the clock, etc. same time, it is the object) in the words
and buccal cavity were equally neces- But the third and most important of Noire (1880, quoted by Pannekoek
sary conditions for the development anel invention in the history of mankind is a 1945).
use of articulated speech and, therefore, tool in a broader sense, namely the This characteristic feature of the tool
language (C, F). symbol (F). The symbol is a representa- applies in even greater degree to the

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1 3 2


HUMAN LIFE inventions, creations, books etc.
preserved in individual memories preserved in human culture

© ®
for grading, boosting or
attenuating of the action
(pen, pin, knife, hammer, fire etc.)


r+predicting. DYNAMIC MODELS
.~ MENTAL .5 replacing the ideas, concepts etc. NONLIVING
~ EMPIRICAL is and the natural objects including empirical AND
S, CYCLE (I) 1 illustration, language, mathema- LIVING THINGS
LobservingJ tics, analog or digital machines,
automata etc.

i @ cy'cle (m)
for improving, grading or ampli-
fying the observation (meters,
lenses, oscilloscopes etc.)

Figo 1. The routes of practical and theoretical experience. Empirical knowledge begins as the result of the laborious direct
practical or experimental feedback interaction between man (1) and his natural environment (2). This interaction is here shown
as the big practical empirical cycle III (A,B,C,D). Hypothetical imagination (guessing), an important source of renewal,
adaptation, etc., is confined only to the small mental empirical cycle I, which operates in the conscious thought of single
individuals. During the evolution of mankind, the natural environment is being replaced more and more by a manmade (pseudo)
reality of symbols and models (F) and all manner of technical aids (E and G). They are the essential elements of the collective
world of culture which forms the indispensable substitute of and connection (E,F,G) between object (D) and subject (A,B,C).
The cultured condition allows for the rapid and unimpeded functioning of the theoretical empirical cycle II (A,B,C,E,F,G)
which is the prerequisite of all science.
This indirect stepwise (cycle I, II, and III) method of gaining experience by feedback interactions between thinking and doing
or between "theory" and "practice" has given man the enormous evolutionary advantage of access to nearly unlimited sources
of experience. Human society is made up of complicated chains and networks of innumerable, interrelated theoretical and
practical empirical and working cycles. Excessive (scientific) division of labor and traditional monodisciplinary specialization
may lead to reduced symbols and models, with consequences unfavorable to the control of life and society.

570 BioScience Vol. 24 No. 10

symbol which, on the one hand, is used possibilities of the functioning of the science can be logically deduced from
as a reference to abstract ideas, con- theoretical empirical cycle (type II, A, another (Shapere and most philoso-
cepts, or feelings in the subjective world B, C, E, F, G), not just as often and phers)?" According to Goodfield,
of consciousness. On the other hand, quickly as desired (creating statistical " ... one point wltich repeatedly comes
the symbol may be the alternative repre- possibilities), but also, above all, with- up whenever the word reduction is
sentation of real things in the objective out the dangers and drawbacks of the mentioned ... is usually expressed by
external world. material and experimental experience, the aphorism that 'the whole is more
Primitive symbols and models otherwise so difficult to obtain, of cycle than the sum of its parts.' "
evolved towards language, writing, III. Without the help of the cycle ot The above reveals reductionism as an
mathematics, and finally to all the type II, the cycle of type I could never area of Complicated problems in which
modern contraptions which still give rise have developed to the abstract, logical logical and methodological components
to ever more complex, but yet symbolic reasoning apparatus of modern cultured often receive separate treatment. Above
and model, representations. man. all, the logical aspects of the reduction
Symbols and models have two cul- For quite some time, the life scien- of theories have. been discussed in much
tural functions: First, they serve for the tists have been dazzled by the ad- detail in the literature. Let us, therefore,
collection and storage of personal vantages of the successes, obtained in consider special cases of reduction as
knowledge as an aid to the limited this way, of modern engineering and the inevitable consequence of the

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memory of the individual owner. experimental natural science; the dis- specialized methods of practical bio-
Second, symbols, in particular the advantages and shortcomings are only logical research.
spoken and written language, are the now beginning to be felt more clearly, (a) The relative imperishableness of
foremost means of communication. so that a few years ago a number of raw materials for tools, models, etc. is
Without these means, the social enter- experienced biologists, such as von indispensable to specialization but leads
prise known as science, would be Bertalanffy, Paul A. Weiss, Hyden, also to petrification of the specialist
impossible. Waddington, and others voiced their (Fig. 1, E, F, G).
During anthropogenesis, man has disquietude under the title of "Beyond (b) The specialized experimenter can
thus "enveloped" himself with and tied Reductionism" (Koestler and Smythies be characterized by the kind of objects
himself to three categories of self-made 1969). With respect to this "reduc- and instruments with which he person-
things which are functional components tionism," the fundamental question ally prefers to surround himself. He
of the empirical cycle: first, symbols raised is whether the present methods of wears, as it were, "instrumental spec-
and models; second, tools and imple- research, with their emphasis on analyt- tacles" which allow him to observe only
ments; and third, aids in observation. ical chemistry and physics, do not lead a limited part of living nature, so that he
This self-made collective cultural world to the reduction (Le., loss) of essential can, of course, construct only a reduced
includes all the information collected by biological information. picture. The disciplines of morphology,
individual experience and vital for sur- Reduction of a theory, T 1, to a anatomy, and physiology are classical
vival, which is why the identity of a theory, T2, corresponding to phe- examples of this; they reduce time (or
science should mean: first, the collec- nomena in another "level of organiza- spatialobservables 1) to zero.
tion of theoretical conceptions and tion," is briefly defined by Beckner These are two prototypes of reduc-
representations, as well as the language (1959, p. 45), following the leadership tionism in biological research which
required for their expression; second, of Tarski and Woodger, as follows: "Let have created the preconditions for more
the collection of specific practical meth- T 1 be a theory that employs some extended analysis.
ods of scientific study; and third, the theoretical terms that T 2 does not, ... (c) As a result of the rapid advances
collection of chosen objects of study. then T 1 is reducible to T2 if every of technology, there arose a firm apri-
The ability to learn is interpreted as a phenomenon truly described in T 1 is oris tic conviction concerning the power
general feature of the empirical cycle. subject to an explanation in terms of of chemistry and physics. Because of
The minimum biological condition is phenomena described by T2 ." the requirements imposed by their in-
the presence of a simple reflex circuit Reduction of theories is a normal strumental techniques of analysis, a
with a small central nervous component and important process which aims at the great part of the chemical or physical
(Horridge 1962, 1968; Hoyle 1965). simplification of statements concerning observables in biology could be isolated
This indicates possession of a primitive the environment and at widening of only after essential organizations and
empirical cycle (Fig. 1, type III, their scope of application. complicated structures of the living
A,B,C,D), i.e., without reflection and, "About the very notion of reduction organism (in D) had been broken and
of course, without tools. itself [there is] a wide divergence of modified by killing, cutting, fine grind-
In higher animals, manipulation of opinion" (Goodfield 1972). "Is reduc- ing, etc. A (possible) loss (=reduction)
objects (dolphins, dogs) or use of tools tionism essentially a problem of differ- of important information resulting from
(apes) are clearly established. Because ing world views (Popper), a research the breaking of the complexity and
often conscious foresight and under- stratagem (Medawar), a problem of jus- hierarchy of structures important for
standing seem to be present, there is a tification of the actual methods, prob- the living organism did not bother many
tendency to assume also simple mental lems, and procedures of the man in the scientific investigators.
cycles of type I (ie., reflection). lab, rather than discovery (Edelman), an To summarize, the practice of sci-
Typical of man-in contrast to ani- attitude which served to focus on cer- ence can be represented as the making,
mals-is the self-made pseudoreality of tain problems as being genuinely bio- collecting, identifying, and classifying of
symbols and models, with which the logical (Goodfield), a problem of all
original reality is imitated and simu- human existence (Skolimowski), a prob- lObseIVable: a (variable) quantity that is
lated. This has created almost boundless lem of how the true proposition of one obseIVable and measurable.

October 1974 571

representations, mappings, and descrip- the various elements of the empirical dependence on classical science and
tions of real objects (Fig. I, D) with cycle. engineering. This will be discussed fur-
which we are familiar (B), by means of Finally, the purpose of the above has ther in the next section.
symbols and models (F). The internal been to show how science, as a part of
consistency of the descriptions seems to human culture which is part of human
be warranted by the use of logic. Simi- existence, must quite inevitably give an ABOUT THE OBJECTS AND
larly, rules of correspondence incomplete and distorted picture of THE THEORY OF SYSTEMS
(Margenau 1950) seem to guarantee reality and its complications. Reduc-
unambiguous relations between repre- tional gaps have opened up between the In the world of human culture, the
sentation and reality. This now appears life sciences and the inorganic and tech- steadily-increasing collection of tools,
questionable. Rather, it seems that by nical sciences. But it is slowly being symbols, aids, etc. has grown by chance
bypassing the rules of correspondence realized that such incorrect information or design into ever more complicated
and perhaps even because of bypassing about reality may mean in the end a imitations and simulations of living ob-
logic, all kinds of reduction of knowl- danger to human existence; hence, the jects. To mention just two of the most
edge may occur in consequence of growing interest in finding ways to spectacular examples: Our knowledge of
intentional or unintentional, accidental overcome the deadlock in which we the flight of birds and insects has
or necessary, losses of information in now find ourselves as a result of our achieved rna terial form in airplanes;

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m_"'I-__ ~ process 1 - - - -_ _ out

control circuit
(muscle) Rl-4----.....J


(speed governors) SIGNAL FLOW DIAGRAM
the energy
of the spring is
released in stages
1 tick =
centrifugal force
governs supply
of steam

pendulum (T= constant)
regulates speed of escape-
structural or functional
D 0 = elements
= transport of
mass, of energy,or of

Fig. 2. The combining of biology and technology: the principles of automatic control gave rise to systems theory.

572 BioScience Vol. 24 No. 10

our knowledge of mathematics, neuro- and information can occur between the and yet which cannot be answered by
physiology, and psychophysics has be- parts. science. I propose the term trans-
co me embodied in electronic It is quite generally accepted that all scientific for these questions since,
computers. systems, and in particular the palpably though they are, epistemologically
Fascinating articles by Verveen living systems, are constructed speaking, questions of fact and can be
(1968-69, 1971) have been devoted to hierarchically from subsystems (e.g., stated in the language of science, they
the still largely unwritten history of organs) and the subsystems, in tum, are unanswerable by science: they
systems theory. In engineering achieve- from sub-subsystems (e.g., cells), etc. transcend science."
ments, a certain principle has played an The above definition, however, always Even though the boundary is not
utterly unique and indispensable role, remains applicable (von Bertalanffy sharp, Van der Klaauw is clearly more
namely, automatic regulation and con- 1952, Koestler 1969 a,b, Mesarovic et interested in theoretical biological
trol (Fig. 2). Before the practice of al. 1970). generalization, while Weinberg is con-
technology was able to develop to the The word "system" is also used in cerned more with the practical applica-
present state of flowering, a general systems theory in the following mean- tion at the higher (social) levels of
understanding of the theory had to be ings (Nauta 1970): science.
attained. (a) The concrete or real system, In the above we have seen that the
Ideas about biological control mech- organization, or object, e.g., a amalgamation of these two sciences

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anisms were enunciated from the 17th crystal, organism, or factory leads to a generalization. This may be
to the 19th centuries (Verveen 1968-69, (Fig. 1, D). expressed formally as follows: The
1971). The foundations of these ideas (b) Conceptual or model systems, interface of the two collections of
gradually were sublimated to an im- e.g., a diagram, atomic model biology and technology is a collection
portant stream of thought early in the (Fig. 1, F). of generalizations. For this collection, in
20th century, namely holism, which (c) Formal systems or language view of the biological background, the
owed its name to Smuts (1926 [cf. systems, e.g., logical calculus, name "metabiology,,3 (Fig. 3) seems
Meyer 1940]). Von Bertalanffy (1940) axiomatic theory (Fig. 1, B). appropriate.
made important contributions with We can recognize that in the entire Biology is then, above all, the
numerous publications between 1930 world of symbols, techniques, products, doctrine of "real" intra-individual living
and 1970 to the preparation and dis- economies, etc., made and cultivated by systems. Transbiology, therefore, be-
semination of an independent systems human society, mechanisms are operat- comes the doctrine of extra-and inter-
theory. The need for a theory of ing such as control, exchange, evolution, individual living systems.
"holistic simplification" (Meyer 1940) etc., which occurred on a smaller scale Given the technological and formal
formed a clear guiding policy. in ordinary living nature from its very mathematical backgrounds-i.e., the
Finally, this mixture of biology and inception and which form the con- mechanization of the world picture-the
engineering cUlminated in Norbert ditions of continuing life. To use this generalizations can also be called general
Wiener's book "On Control and Com- idea I have introduced the following systems theory.
munication in the Animal and the Ma- classification of life sciences illustrated Next I should like to utilize this
chine," published in 1948. This marked in Figure 3. classification in order to compare a few
the birth of cybernetics, i.e., the doc- Van der Klaauw (1949) enumerated a systems with each other and arrive at a
trine of steering and control. Presum- number of biological generalizations, generalization. A question that seems
ably of equal importance was the such as "the organism as a whole, as a somewhat superfluous is: What is
publication by Shannon and Weaver totality," "environment and Umwelt," operated or controlled in a biological or
(1949) of "The Mathematical Theory of evolution, finalism, and purpose, etc. technological system? This question
Communication." This led to informa- The science covering this collection of should be clearly distinguished from
tion theory, the doctrine of communica- concepts, which may be applied beyond how something is controlled.
tion by means of signals, signs, and the bounds of biology in the true We have become familiar with the
symbols. From these two roots, a doc- meaning of the word-e.g., in psychol- how in the methods of control engineer-
trine-systems theory-is at present ogy, sociology, philosophy, and even in ing. For the control of complicated
developing. a religious and political sense-was technical organizations, such as tor-
Before going further, a few defini- defined by him as metabiology 2. pedoes, rockets, ocean liners, inter-
tions will be necessary: A.M. Weinberg (1972) wrote: In the continental aircraft-in short, projectiles
"A system is an arrangement of case of "interaction between science of all kinds-use is made of stabilizers,
physical components, or a set or collec- and society," there are "clearly separa- automatic pilots, homing devices, etc.
tion of things, connected or related in ble elements, one scientific, the other Names reflect what is operated, e.g.,
such a manner as to form and/or act as political. Many of the issues which arise "lunar rocket," "American Line." We
an entire unit, an entirety or whole" in the course of the interaction between indicate the purpose as an integral part
(Distefano et al. 1967). This is just one science or technology and society-e.g., of the organization, according to the
of 24 (!) definitions of the concept of the deleterious side effects of tech- principles of jinalism or teleology.
"system," compiled from the literature nology ... -hang on the answers to
by Klir (1969), which extend from questions which can be asked of science 3Whether the prefIX "meta" is suitable in this
mathematical via biological to engineer- connection is difficult to say because it has
ing. "Connected or related" means that 2V. Westhoff of Nijmegen drew my attention many different meanings, as in the words
the set of parts is kept intact by to this. The term "metabiology" was orig- metaphYsics, metalinguistics, and metamodel.
connecting forces; in a dynamic system, inally used by me in a somewhat different The proper designation and the full taxonomy
it means that transports of mass, energy, sense. of sciences is here of secondary interest.

October 1974 573

This conclusion that purpose is a
feature of the system or organization,
although discredited in biology, I shall
now translate from technology into a
biological analogy, the control of a
single extremity. We know that the
various "building materials," such as
skeleton, tendons, muscles, sensory
organs, peripheral and central nervous theories of nonliving
systems, and the skin which covers (and mixed)
everything, perform different kinds of organisations
work. Yet the extremity in its total
organization produces only one or a few theory of TECHNOLOGIE
highly specific and complicated forms living ECOLOGY
of work which we call locomotion, the organisations ECONOMY
power to move from place to place. A SOCIOLOGY
simple zoological experiment suffices to ETC.

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demonstrate this. By the invisible or
almost invisible disruption of just one
important relation-namely, by anaes-
thesia or by killing of ganglion cells-the
production of this specific form of
work, locomotion, can be stopped
temporarily or forever. The systems Fig. 3. After fruitful combination of biology and technology, the systems theory
analyst calls this, significantly, the separates off. Venn diagram: the circles enclose sets or collections of disciplines
"cracking" of the system. Although having the general systems theory in the common set or interface. (If A and B are
with proper care it is possible to sets, the interface of A and B, AnB = {a: aeA, aeB} is a set of generalizations.)
continue studying by experiments the
various vital properties of cracked 1. To each existing system (organiza- ample, for the purpose of chemical or
"building materials," such as sensory tion), there are specific properties or physical analysis) is just the real and
organs, nerves, and muscles, for some characteristics which, on division (analy- often highly prized property belonging
time, the permanent interference with sis), are lost (reduction). to the particular hierarchical level of
the ganglion means destruction of the Inversely, the following is equally organization. This kind of flaw in our
essential c1umu:teristic and purpose of true: logic, our methods, and/or techniques
the organization of the locomotory 2. In the designing of a model system has ted to tire misconception known as
extremity, the locomotion. How easily or. in the building up (synthesis) of a "reductionism. "
and imperceptibly the reduction takes real organization, specific new proper- Conclusion: We have seen that there
place! And vice versa. A constructional ties or characteristics are created (epi- is a (seeming) discrepancy between the
kit for a small model airplane will do. genesis, emergence). thesis of holism and the antithesis of
With just a few manipulations, we have The properties indicated as being reductionism which inspired this en-
the very specific manner of locomotion specific comprise as a rule the essential deavor of synthesis known as systems
known as flying. The same organization reason for the existence or the purpose theory
can be built up from various materials, of the organization. This is the systems
such as the canvas of an old Fokker or THE STRUCTURE OF A
theoretical formulation of the old
the metal of a modern Boeing. Now adage: The whole is more than the sum WATTLED (MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
take the components apart, and the of its parts. METABIOLOGICAL SYSTEM
specific property of flying is lost. The hitherto almost insuperable ob-
The result of comparing biology with stacle to exact formulation of the above The development of science can be
technology is this: Whether the design statements was the lack of understand- considered as made up of continually
arises from technology or whether it is ing that: advancing "shifts from end to means"
brought -about in: the living organism is 1. A concept such as an atom, (Brouwer 1907; de Groot 1969 p. 6-12).
irrelevant. Biology and technology can quantum, individual, population, In the above, the historical run leading
be "mixed." The generalized property Ganzheit, whole, etc. 4 was merely a to the jump to one of the ends has been
of "flying" can be built up from fairly symbol of one or a few indivisible sketched: a theory of systems able to
arbitrary, living or nonliving material, as properties of the system; describe the fundamental structure of
a specific, indivisible property belonging 2. Their indivisibility is seemingly in living organisms and the organizations
to a certain form or organization or contradiction to the evident experi- created by them. Thereafter, some
structure of a system. This statement mental divisibility of the concrete, systems theories have already clearly
belongs to the overlapping part of material atom or individual. What in evolved into more specialized means
Figure 3, which means that it is an fact is lacking after division (for ex- with which we (can) organize, cultivate,
"element" of the interface of biology etc. the world around us. Several au-
and te.chnology. This can, therefore, be 4Atomos < Gk indivisible (particle); in- thors have presented their ideas in
formulated in the following general dividuum < L in = not; dividere = divide; "Trends in General Systems Theory,"
statements of systems theory: holos < Gk whole. witli: its excellent introduction by the

574 BioScience Vol. 24 No. 10

editor, Klir (1972). The essence is procedure which describes the manner practice of biology, use might be made
formed by two "big metabiological in which the fundamental traits vary in of a conceptual model of a kind pre-
theories" which clearly bear the signa- time. This is recognized as a property viously suggested by me (Becht 1969).
ture of their purpose: the mastery of basic to all systems. It leads to a Only a few lines can be presented here.
two fundamental principles of life, viz., so-called K-system of trajectories in a This is also a kind of wattled theory,
hierarchy (Mesarovic) and evolution time-space. Among the fundamental but, as will be evident, its wattle is quite
(Klir, here described by Orchard), with problems of systems theory, Klir (1969, different from that of Wymore (1972),
the addition of a third, wattled theory. p. 74) includes the above methods of because it makes less use of mathe-
The theory of Mesarovic is strongly analysis and synthesis and the investiga- matical and more use of biological
deductive, axiomatic in design, and at- tion of the system regarded as a "black concepts, ideas, and theories.
tempts to make do with a minimum of box," but nevertheless, holistic or hier- Its center is the holistic idea that
mathematical structure, i.e., it operates archic principles play practically no role each organization, whether the living
with a greatly generalized formalism. Its in his theory. This theory seems less unicellular or multicellular organism, is,
emphasis is on the study of hierarchical, applicable to problems of decision- as it were, the "carrier" of a number (n)
multilevel, decision-making, large-scale making, oriented particularly to the of indivisible (biological) properties.
systems which include especially in- study of evolutionary processes. The These biological properties or character-
dustrial, economic, and administrative theories of Mesarovic and Klir, thus, turn istics are defined by means of measur-

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systems (Mesarovic et al. 1970). The out to be reduced theories which to some able quantities. Their measuring requires
solution· of the overall goal of a large- extent might supplement each other. defined system units, countable, non-
scale system is replaced by the solution General systems theory promotes reducible biological quanta. The most
of the family of subgoals of the sub- multidisciplinary integration. A very important natural biological unit is the
systems. The time sequence plays a role promising attempt to achieve such in- individual form of organization known
only in the form of time delays. Al- tegration is Wymore's (1972) "wattled as the Operational Biological Unit
though the authors presume the possi- theory of systems." It comprises many (OBU, Fig. 4), because it is symbolized
bility, the theory seems suitable only to intertwined branches of mathematics, by an "indivisible" unit volume or
a very moderate degree for the descrip- science, and systems engineering. "The operand in the biological phase space
tion of processes of evolution. An in- theory has been developed to subsume (OBU = system cell = "black box" or
teresting point is that it is still difficult both the theory of discrete automata "white box" [Quastler 1965] = holon
to define the interaction between hier- and the theory of continuous systems [Koestler 1969 a, b) = "bion" [Isaacs
archical levels or strata in other ways defined by differential equations." A and Lamb 1969]). The fundamental
than as relations between "supremal and system is defined as a black box pro- characteristic of a living organism is the
infimal units." cessing transitions of state. The basic conservation of the living organizational
It is supposed that principles and framework of this wattle is oriented units, ie., organelle, organ, individual,
laws on anyone stratum cannot gener- toward the development of a methodol- or population (species) (Miller 1971).
ally be derived from those used on other ogy for systems engineering. It seems to To describe the characteristics of an
strata of the hierarchical structure. This me that this theory deserves special OBU, a reference frame-a "biological
is clearly a holistic point of view in attention because it is a heterogeneous space"-has to be constructed. For that
which finally the human participant wattle, the multidisciplinary and in- purpose we can fall back on the greatest
remains as the irreducible decision- tegrated character of which has the edge unifying theory of biology, the theory
making or goal-seeking element. on homogeneous, logically or method- of evolution. To represent evolution,
Klir's theory might be called induc- ologically consistent theories. use is made of pedigrees, dendrograms
tive because he identifies system traits In almost all of Klir's "Trends," or "phylogenetic symbols" (Lam 1936).
before he defines a system as such. A there is a clear endeavor to base the Just as a river depicted on a map is an
given phenomenon (object) is specified axiomatizing and formalizing on various abstract projection of the actual stream
at a chosen space-time resolution level. methodological research thrusts, such as of water in space, so is a phylogenetic
The variation in time of all quantities is algebra, particularly set theory, topol- symbol the abstraction of the living
called the activity of the system. The ogy (Cornacchio 1972, Hammer 1972), stream of organisms in time, depicted in
time-invariant relations among the probability and information theory an evolutionary space.
quantities are defined as behavior. The (Ashby 1972), computer implementa- The principal dimensions of the bio-
organization is defined as the collection tion (G.M. Weinberg 1972), theory of logical or evolutionary space are diver-
of all properties producing the behavior automata (Lofgren 1972), etc. This sity and time. These dimensions are
of the system. The structure is that part general trend to formalize, to diminish used in Figure 4. The "qualitative"
of the organization which remains per- conceptual confusion, narrows the orig- diversity measures structures, along the
manent, fixed, or constant. The so- inal semantic meaning of the entities x-axis, in the form of information (H =~
called UC(Universe of Cou- concerned. It has the grave disadvan- Pi log Pi, where Pi is the part of the ith
plings)-structure is the set of all tages of "poverty of fully formalized species in the collection of all species of
elements and their couplings. The concepts" (Kindler, quoted by Klir structures). The "quantitative" diversity
ST(State Transition)-structure is the set 1972, p. 3). Furthermore, I consider it a (y-axis) is a measure of the spatial
of all states and all transitions between disadvantage that one of the most es- distribution or of the physical reality of
states. On the basis of a logical dis- sential holistic points of departure, space, i.e., mass and/or energy. The
junction of these five fundamental namely the individuality of organisms, is z-axis is the dimension of the time. The
traits, Orchard (1972) introduces a new given scant attention. place in the biological space defines the
definition to define a sequence of sys- To overcome these weaknesses of complexity of a biological system as the
tems. This sixth definition generates a formal systems with respect to the resultant of its history of development.

October 1974 575


, \




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I ;/
/ /

environmental rhythms favour strong / /

/ //

interaction with biological phases;

parameters e.g. light and/or tempera -
ture in daytime or at night. concentrati-
on during ebb or flow etc

Fig. 4. The organization of the living individual is abstracted in the form of a systems theoretical symbol: the Operational
Biological Unit (OBU). This is represented in the biological space, of which the measuring directions (x, y, z) indicate three
groups of fundamental magnitudes, viz. information, mass and energy, and time.

Some parts of the aspects of the history instead of the term "biological cuit (Machin 1964, cf. also Milsum
of development are mentioned below. clocks" associated with so much use- 1972, p. 165-173).
Growth (in the y-direction) is the lessness. Seen from this point of view, Steady states, homeorhesis, homeo-
augmentation of specific magnitudes of the system can be represented as a stasis, biological rhythms, and cycles are
the living organism. This takes place on "multi oscillator" (Pittendrigh 1960) or reflections of general laws of conserva-
the basis of the open, steady state a "wave packet" with a group period tion in the subdiscipline of physiology.
energy and material metabolism lying within the specific volume of The collection of a\l y-z planes forms
(=Fliessgleichgewicht, von Bertalanffy; the OBU. The principal limiting unit a subspace in which the physiological
h 0 meorhesis, Waddington). Blackith is the lifetime. functions of the system are described.
(1965) considers the specific size as the There is a very striking but neglected Development has also structural
resultant of a large number of param- aspect of the appearance of a general aspects. The abundance of forms of
eters, such as weight, volume, length, wave property: The minimum and maxi- living nature is classified hierarchically
surface area, etc. Many different kinds mum amplitudes of OBU's are often by the biosystematist. The often tree-
of work and energy are produced and associated with a certain form of en- like system of classification symbolizes
perhaps conserved (Morowitz 1968). ergy. Reserve materials can be con- the increasing complexity of living or-
The living individual spans the time sidered as potential chemical energy ganizations (just one division of a
between birth and death (the z-direc- while their conversion in chains of branch is shown in Fig. 4). Determina-
tion). The duration of various events metabolic processes represents the tion of a taxonomic group is essentially
covers (and, therefore, is preferably kinetic energy. a determination of the place in the
expressed as "= measured by") specific In the case of many biological roster of biological characteristics. Each
periods (T) or (working) cycles (e.g., rhythms, it is not clear whether they are of the biological characteristics (phenes)
muscular contraction) and by the quan- described best on the basis of the represents an indivisibly organized prop-
tities derived therefrom, such as phases mathematical model of a harmonic or a erty. In this simple model they are
of activity and quiescence, refractory relaxation oscillator (Wever 1965). A arranged in accordance with hierarchical
periods, and other magnitudes of wave systems theoretical problem is to unify information in the x-direction.
theory. Hence, purely formally, these this form with fluctuations about the Such arranging is the task of taxon-
aspects together are designated "waves" set point of a homeostatic control cir- omy. Its cornerstone is the method of

576 BioScience Vol. 24 No. 10

comparison, used in all manner of sub- source of all manner of regular patterns pendent on the creation of a collective
disciplines, as a result of which relative so abundant in living organisms. transbiological cultural world composed
hierarchical values are ascribed to the The above system has been con- of technology, economics, ecology, soci-
characteristics. These values are (arbi- structed from dynamic properties of ology, etc. Because of numerous mono-
trarily) arranged to form taxonomic "biological building materials," i.e., disciplinary specializations, above all in
collections of characteristics which are morphological anatomical elements technology and economics, it was neces-
called species, for example. The collec- (points in the x-y subspace) and physio- sary to utilize excessively reduced
tions of species are used to indicate the logical elements of working cycles (in symbols, models, and theories of reality.
diversity of these species within a hier- the y-z subspace). By definition, the Because of the inadequacy, in actual
archically higher collection. The n- organization of the total biological practice, of these mono disciplinary re-
dimensional relations are caculated as system comprises relations between the ductions, individual man became alien-
"generalized distances." This method is morphological, anatomical, and physio- ated from his fellow men and all nature
known as numerical taxonomy. The logical elements. They include the "in- around him, meaning that man had
cluster of related characteristics, the tegrating" relations, highly esteemed in reduced or starved all sorts of "unim-
taxon, thus calculated has been called the hierarchy of the living individual, of portant" relations of systems. Accord-
by Sokal and Sneath (1963) an Opera- the circulatory, neural, and endocrine ingly, man lost control over the develop-
tional Taxonomic Unit (OTU). Accord- ment and (r)evolution of the great

Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 17, 2016
organs, for instance. These relations are
ing to Cornacchio (1972), the basic symbolized in this model (Fig. 4) by the transbiological systems, for the con-
structuring in such studies is accom- transverse arrows, which represent trans- servation of which he ought ethically to
plished via topological spaces. The col- ports of mass, energy, and information consider himself responsible. .
lection of all x-y planes forms a taxo- (stimuli) and which are combined into The blending of biological and tech-
nomic subspace. homeostatic control circuits. Their nological knowledge of regulation and
The indivisibility of certain biological symbolic task in this model is to main- control formed the impetus for synthe-
properties or characteristics (phenes) is tain the specific volume of the organiza- sizing the thesis of holism and the
demonstrated clearly in another way, tion within the OBU; the real purpose is antithesis of reductionism to the meta-
namely, by how they behave as genetic the conservation of the living organiza- biological systems theory. In principle,
factors. "Mendelian" genes are in es- tion, in particular of an individual or of the possibilities have thereby been
sence holistic arithmetical units. a species. created to bring many transbiological
The ontogenetic development of an systems under control again.
indivisible (genetic) property covers the CONCLUSION These principles have been sketched
stages from the state of minimum dif- in a metabiological model of evolution
ferentiation, the gene (or complex of The application of holistic quantities in which endeavors were made to de-
genes) in the zygote, to the state of to systems theory, and specially to the scribe the law of conservation of living
maximum differentiation, the phene (or (meta) biological doctrine of evolution, systems by means of holistic quantities,
complex of phenes) in the adult individ- is based on the use of biological "quanta" particularly biological "quanta" and
ual. In principle, an indivisible property and biological "waves" in a space of biological "waves" in a space having the
is symbolized by one place on the mass/energy, time, and information. coordinates mass/energy, time, and in-
x-axis. The question of the relationship formation.
Outlook. The model suggests the
between the phenetic information men-
possibility of describing the strategy of
tioned above, and the genetic informa- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
life within the restrictions of the laws of
tion will be discussed later.
conservation as a competitive process The author is grateful to V. Westhoff
The phylogenetic construction of bio-
(f(z», between available mass and ener-
logical systems in evolution is repre- of Nijmegen, P. Dullemeijer and A.A.
gy (f(y» and the available (= achievable)
sented conventionally by a direction join- Verveen, both of Leiden, for their in-
structure (information, negentropy f
ing different states of organization in the terest and critical comments, to H.G.E.
(x». In that sense, evolution might be
biological space. Orthogenesis, biological Wallace for preparing the manuscript for
considered as the development of an
"inertia" (Abel 1928, Fig. 4) or homeo- publication, and to J.J.A. Slippens for
"epigenetic landscape" (Waddington
stasis of a population (Darlington and preparing the illustrations. Last, but not
1957, 1968, 1969, 1970) which is gov-
Mather 1949), is, therefore, an invariable least, my thanks are due to the head of
erned by a "striving to chaos" (the 2nd
direction symbolizing the conservation my department, J.M. Denuce, who gave
law of thermodynamics) and a law of
of organizational states in time. me the opportunity to work on this
living systems, a "striving to order and
The processes of life are irreversible in theme.
time. If a unit volume of organization organization" (in Fig. 4, displacements
(OBU) has grown from minimum to to bottom left and top right respec-
maximum mass, energy, and informa- REFERENCES
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Waddington, C. H. 1957. The Strategy of
Genes. Allen & Unwin, London.
_ _ _ .1960. The Ethical Animal Allen &
Unwin, London.
_ _ _ .1968. Does evolution depend on
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