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French Fashion Designers. Factsheets

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Penguin Readers Factsheets


T e a c h e r’s n o t e s 1

French Fashion Designers 5


by Brigit Viney

rench Fashion Designers gives a lot of
F information about the most famous French


designers, their even more famous fashion French fashion designers, famous all over the world
houses, their ideas about fashion, and other for their very expensive clothes, perfumes, scarves,
products sold by them. Although the French fashion bags, and sunglasses—for women and men—have
world has traditionally been dominated by men, with dominated the world of fashion throughout the
the exception of Coco Chanel, the book has a twentieth century and into the twenty-first. They
separate section on women designers. There is a have all gotten started by having an interest in
quiz at the beginning of the book that tests the fashion and an original idea. Coco Chanel started
readers’ knowledge, as well as a very helpful page out in 1910 selling hats in Paris. By 1936 she was
with words in fashion clearly illustrated to help selling nearly 28,000 designs each year with nearly
students learn the vocabulary before reading. 4,000 people working for her fashion house, Chanel.
Students will enjoy the later quizzes in the book Christian Dior started working in fashion in 1935 with
“Can you be a fashion designer?” and “Who are three workrooms and 85 workers. His clothes used a
you?” lot of material and were very expensive. By the
There are fascinating statistics about French 1950s, he had 28 workrooms and more than 1,000
fashion houses and what they mean to the economy workers in Paris. Haute couture was big business.
of France in “The business of fashion” section at the Yves Saint Laurent started out working for Dior in
back of the book. For example, while Germany and 1955, and in 1961 he started a new couture house.
Italy sell more fashion than France, France sells His pant suit was a famous design in 1969 because
more of the very expensive fashion products, it offered men’s clothes for women.
especially perfume and make-up. All of these designers started out with an idea, an
Students who are interested in fashion, and those interest in fashion, and most were backed by people
who are not, will be interested in the workings of the who shared their interest, and who also had a lot of
fashion world, the financial implications, and the money. Their designs were recognized by other
lives of those designers whose names we all know. designers, who gave them jobs in their fashion
houses. Designers like Jean-Paul Gaultier started at
a young age, had no formal training in fashion, but
ABOUT THE AUTHOR had original ideas. Gaultier used things from the
kitchen for jewelry, used jeans as stockings, and
Brigit Viney has written and edited many EFL books corsets as evening clothes.
and courses. She has also taught in Cairo and
The world of fashion is competitive, exciting, and
Damascus and enjoys drawing, visiting art galleries
glamorous—and anyone with new ideas can enter
and traveling, mainly in Europe, the Middle East and
this world.
North America.

© Pearson Education 2001

Penguin Readers Factsheets 2
T e a c h e r’s n o t e s
Communicative activities
The following teacher-led activities cover the same sections of Pages 14–26
text as the exercises at the back of the Reader, and supplement 1 Ask students to work in groups of three and to write a
those exercises. For supplementary exercises covering shorter conversation between Emanuel Ungaro, Christian
sections of the book, see the photocopiable Student’s Activities Lacroix, and Thierry Mugler. They can discuss what
pages of the factsheet. These are primarily for use with class they like, don’t like, what they think about fashion, and
readers but, with the exception of discussion and pair/group work what they will design for next year. Then, the groups
questions, can also be used by students working alone in a self- can role-play their conversations for the rest of the
access center. class.
ACTIVITIES BEFORE READING THE BOOK 2 After students have done the quiz on page 19, put
them into small groups to discuss their answers. Then
1 Make a photocopy of page 2 and blacken the words, tell the groups they have 15 minutes to design a bag,
then make enough photocopies so that each pair of or a piece of jewelry, or sunglasses. One person in the
students can be given one. Ask the students to look at group is the designer—the one who scored highest on
“Words in fashion” on page 2 in their books and help the quiz—the others are design assistants, and others
them with pronunciation of these words. Put students are pattern cutters. The group work together and
into pairs and give them 5–10 minutes to learn the

produce a design, price it, then the class can show off
vocabulary. Then tell them to close their books, and their designs in a “fashion show.”
hand out the photocopies. Ask students to write as
many words as they can remember. Alternatively, write
the vocabulary on the board and ask them to put the
words on the page. Glossary
2 Make sure students understand design, designers,
fashion show, fashion house. Then ask them to read Pages 1–13
the Introduction and ask them what famous names artificial (adj.) not natural but made by people
they expect to read about in this book. Have a class business (n) the work you do as a job to earn money
discussion about the value of fashion in society. Is it collection (n) a group of things that has been gathered together
important? Why (not)? design (n) to make a drawing or plan so someone can make
3 Photocopy (in color, if possible) pages 3, 13, 14, 15, fashion (n) a way of dressing or behaving that is usual or
16, 17 as many times as needed. Cut out the pictures popular at a certain time
and the captions. Put the students in small groups and haute couture (n) the houses or designers that create exclusive
give each group a set of pictures and a set of captions. and often trend-setting fashions for women
Give them 5-10 minutes to match them. jersey (n) a fine, soft woollen cloth used for women’s dresses
line (v) to put some kind of material closely around the inside of
look (v) to have a particular appearance
Pages 1–13 material (n) cloth
1 After students do the quiz on page 1 individually, ask ready-to-wear (adj.) able to be used at once
them to talk about the quiz with another student. Who show (n) to collection for people to look at
had the most correct answers? Did they enjoy doing simple (adj.) plain, and not decorated or fancy
unusual (adj.) different and interesting
the quiz? Why (not)?
war (n) fighting
2 Put students into four groups and give each group the
name of one of the four designers in this section of the Pages 14–26
book. Ask them to make a list of ten questions they assistant (n) a person who helps someone in a job, and is
would like to ask this designer. Then, tell the groups to under that person’s direction
give their questions to another group who will read drawing (n) a picture made with a pencil or a pen
about that designer and write the designer’s answers leather (n) treated animal skin used for making things like shoes
to the questions. They should work together and and bags
discuss what the designer would probably have pattern (n) a shape used as a guide for making something,
answered. When they finish, they give their written especially a piece of paper used to show the shape of the parts
of a piece of clothing
answers back to the group who wrote the questions.
product (n) something that is produced or made somewhere
The two groups can then discuss what they’ve

Published and distributed by Pearson Education

Factsheet written by Coleen Degnan-Veness
Factsheet series developed by Louise James
© Pearson Education 2001
Penguin Readers Factsheets level

Student’s activities 1

French Fashion Designers 2

Photocopiable 4
Students can do these exercises alone or with one or
more other students. 5
3 Write the words below on the lines.
Activities before reading the book 6
fashion designer’s collections jersey
1 Read the Introduction. Then answer these questions. (a) Ready-to-wear clothes have the _______________
(a) What country is the center of fashion? name on them. ELEMENTARY
(b) What change happened in the 1900s? (b) Chanel made a lot of clothes with _______________.
(c) Does the writer of this book think the world of fashion (c) Christian Dior’s _______________ work began when he
is interesting? Why? was thirty.
(d) Yves Saint Laurent’s best _______________ were from
2 Work with another student. Talk about the French 1980 and 1988.


fashion designers you know about. Do you like their
clothes? Are they interesting people? Do they design 4 Put A with B and make good sentences.
other things? A
(a) Ready-to-wear shows are the most important because
Activities while reading the book (b) Women could easily move in jersey clothes because
(c) The French did not like the jersey suits and dresses
Pages 1–13 because
1 Circle the right word(s). (d) A lot of women wanted the “New Look” because
(a) Designers show their haute couture clothes in January (e) Some people did not like Christian Dior’s clothes
and July/ March and August. because
(b) Haute couture /Ready-to-wear clothes are made by (f) From the beginning, Americans were very important
hand for rich customers. customers for Dior because
(c) After Christian Dior died, Jean Paul Gaultier/Yves Saint (g) The pant suit of 1969 was a famous design because
Laurent was head designer.
(h) Jean Paul Gaultier was the “bad boy” of fashion
(d) In the Second World War, women in the U.S./Canada because
wore shorter skirts.
(e) These days, Yves Saint Laurent only goes to his haute
couture collections/shows. (i) it was pretty and different from wartime fashion.
(j) they did not have to wear corsets with them.
2 Are these sentences right or wrong? (k) they had more money than the Europeans.
(a) Haute couture clothes are unusual. (l) people from the streets sometimes wore his clothes in
(b) Ready-to-wear shows are more important than other the fashion shows.
shows. (m) they used a lot of material.
(c) Gabrielle Chanel got her name “Coco” when she (n) they are in newspapers around the world.
opened her French fashion house.
(o) it gave men’s clothes to women.
(d) French newspapers called Christian Dior’s clothes
“New Look.” (p) they were not fashionable.
(e) Jean Paul Gaultier designed clothes for Madonna.
(f) Yves Saint Laurent’s patterns are leather.

© Pearson Education 2001

Penguin Readers Factsheets 2
Student’s activities

Pages 14–26
1 Which designer
Activities after reading the book
1 Which designer today do you think is the most
Ungaro, Montana, Mugler, Lacroix, Agnes B, Sitbon, interesting? Write a letter to him or her and write what
McCartney, Lempicka, Rykiel, Macdonald you think of his/her designs and ideas. Ask questions
about designs for next year, about their fashion house,
(a) designed clothes for “the future”? __________________ and the next fashion show.
(b) likes designing for the theater? __________________ 2 The writer of this book wants to know about your
(c) works well in leather. __________________ clothes and fashions. What do you like to wear? What
(d) is famous for his sweaters? __________________ colors and materials? What jewelry and perfume?
Write a letter and tell her.
(e) had a first collection called Café de Paris?
3 Make an English word list for “Words in Fashion” and
__________________ put words from this book under Clothes, Colors,
(f) designed clothes not only for rich women? Materials, Products, Jobs, Fashion Show. Write the
__________________ same list of words in your language on another paper.
Use the lists to learn and remember these words.
(g) wears only black? __________________

Write sentences using the most difficult words for you,

(h) was the ready-to-wear designer for Chloé from 1987 and ask your teacher to look at them.
to 1991? __________________
4 Design a hat. Draw and describe it.
(i) went to Chloé as head designer in 1997?
5 Pick a model and design some clothes for them.
Choose the colours, material, the length, whether it
(j) changed their name to the same as their fashion has sleeves and so on. Add a hat, handbag, scarf or
company? __________________ other items to go with it.
2 Is it a bag, sunglasses, or a perfume?
(a) Hermès used Grace Kelly’s name for it ____________
(b) It is made from unusual and expensive leather.
(c) Some fashion house make 80% of their money from it.
(d) Arpège. __________________
(e) Dior sells them for $220. __________________

3 Work with another student. Find these sentences on

page 23. What do the words in italics mean?
(a) In Italy it was 6%.
(b) This is about 0.9% of the French workers in France.
(c) …and it is important in the perfume and make-up
4 Work with a partner. Choose a photo but don’t let your
partner see which it is. Make up a sentence that
describe the clothes in the picture. If they get the
answer wrong, make up another sentence, and
continue in this way until they find the right photo.

Published and distributed by Pearson Education

Factsheet written by Coleen Degnan-Veness
Factsheet series developed by Louise James

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