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The Cay. Answer Key

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Penguin Readers Answer Key level


Chapters 5 & 6
Answers to book activities Answers to Factsheet activities
1 (i) a shark
1 a Miami ■ Communicative activities (ii) (d), (f), (g) and (h) are there.
b Panama Open answers except: (iii) two or three days
c Venezuela (iv) (a) fish and coconuts
2 A cay is a small island. Activities before reading the book (b)they are going to catch water
3 a My mother cut a large piece of cake when it rains
1 They are on the cay.
and gave it to me. (v) ships cannot come near the island
2 He’s fishing.
b When I go out to sea in a boat I 2 Open answers
3 He’s looking for ships/aeroplanes.
always wear a life jacket. 4 Because the boy is blind. Chapters 7 & 8
c I jumped over the side of the boat
and into the water. 1 (a) Timothy, (b) Timothy, (c) Phillip,
Activities after reading a section
4 For example: (d) Timothy, (e) Timothy.
Chapters 5-8 2 (a) Wrong. Timothy makes a shelter for
a The Germans attacked the ships
and there was a loud explosion. (a) He can’t read and write; he can’t climb them. (b) Right (c) Right (d) Right
b He had a pain in his head and later trees. (e) Wrong. The most important thing
he went blind. (b) He writes ‘help’in the sand; he helps that Phillip learns is that Timothy is
c They built a shelter on the island to him when he’s ill. doing things for him, Phillip. Timothy is
live in. (c) He builds fires; makes a shelter; very good to Phillip. He thinks of his
5 a Because he loves the place - the catches fish; cooks. future. He wants Phillip to learn to do
city, the boats, the market, the black Their relationship changes a lot. At the things alone. Timothy will die, perhaps.
people, and the beaches. beginning, Timothy does everything for Phillip also learns to look after Timothy
b 6 April 1942. At 3.00 in the morning. Phillip. By the end of the chapters, when he is ill, and to be his friend.
c Something hits him hard on the Phillip learns to help Timothy. He learns (f) Wrong. Timothy is never the same
head. that Timothy does a lot for him and after he is ill.
d They have some water in a water thinks of Phillip’s future. Timothy is a 3 Open answers
bottle and a tin with some bread in very kind man. Phillip and Timothy
Chapters 9 & 10
it. become good friends.
e Because he is blind. 1 (a) (vi), (b) (i), (c) (ii), (d) (viii), (e) (iii),
6 Open answers Activities after reading the book (f) (iv), (g) (v), (h) (vii).
7 Open answers 1 The Germans attacked the SS Hato on 2 (a) ships, (b) fish, (c) tree, (d) milk,
8 a The rocks in the sea were 6 April; Phillip and Timothy were in the (e) rope
dangerous for the ships. lifeboat for four days; Phillip was 3 (a) Because he wants Phillip to do these
b She sat on the beach and felt the rescued at the end of August. He was things. Timothy will die before Phillip.
sand on her feet. therefore on the cay from 10 April to the (b) afraid, friendly, good, kind, happy,
c He saw a shark and swam away end of August - about twenty weeks. clever, important, strong
fast. 4 Open answers
d They got the coconuts and drank all ■ Student’s activities
Chapter 11
the milk. Activities before reading the book
1 Open answers
e They used a rope to climb up the 1 Germany fought (a), (b), (c), (f) and (g). 2 (a) Because it was her idea to leave
mountain. Her friends were (d) and (e). Willemstad. Then their ship went
f My friends left and I was alone in the 2 (b) down.
(b) To talk to the black people. They
9 b, d, e, a, c Activities while reading the book worked on the island boats. They
10 a ‘them’are the three fish Chapters 1 & 2 knew Timothy and knew he was
b ‘they’are the people in the plane
1 Phillip is eleven years old. His family Phillip’s friend.
c ‘it’is the rain
name is Enright. ...he is living in (c) He wants to go to Timothy’s place
11 Open answers
Willemstad, on the Dutch island of under the coconut trees. He wants
12 a Off the rocks near West beach
Curaçao. Curaçao is in the Caribbean, to say, ‘So this is our beautiful cay,
b On the side of the rocks
near Venezuela. His father’s name is eh, Timothy?’
c Up a young coconut tree
d Near East beach Phillip and his mother’s name is Grace.
Activities after reading the book
e Panama The family are from America.
13-17 Open answers 2 (a) Wrong, (b) Right, (c) Wrong, Open answers, but the most important thing
(d) Wrong, (e) Wrong, (f) Right, Phillip learns on the cay is that people’s
(g) Right, (h) Right colour is not important.
3 Because he will not give him more
4 Open answers
Chapters 3 & 4
1 (a) (ii), (b) (iii), (c) (iv), (d) (i)
2 He is old and very tall, with grey hair
and thick arms. He was one of the
workers on the Hato. He calls Phillip
‘young boss’. He is from the island of
St Thomas. He knows a lot about the
sea and the cays. He is kind to Phillip.

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