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Second Term Examination (2016)

Grade: III ENGLISH TEXT Total Marks = 100

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ………………….
A.Write answers of the any five (5) of the following questions. 15 Marks
1. How long does the earth take to travel around the sun?
2. How did uncle peppercorn explain the movement of the earth?
3. What food did the boy order at the inn?
4. Where did the boy find the ram?
5. Who first said a cat had got into the storeroom?
6. What colour is the giant panda’s fur?
7. What do panda’s living in the wild eat?
B. Circle the words that mean the same as the words in capitals. 2.5 Marks

1. SHAKE SLIGHTLY: run skip wobble.

2. FEEL EVERYTHING IS SPINNING: feel dizzy rotate revolve
3. OPEN AND SHUT YOUR EYES QUICKLY: stare blink gaze
4. NOT POLITE: angry happy rude
5. WRINKLE YOUR FOREHEAD: nod frown smile
C.Unscramble the letters. Fill in the blanks. 06

1. wnofrnig ________________.3. yenrouj__________________.5. soesan _________________

2. dcklechu________________. 4. sbbwoel_________________.6. edticxe _________________

D.Replace the incorrect words and rewrite the sentences. 03 Marks

1. In Pakistan, we have summer in the months of December and January.

2. During winter, we like going to a hill station.

3. As you go up a mountain, it gets hotter.

E. Write these phrases next to the names of the animals. 05

flying high standing tall wriggling over scuttling around rollingup

1. Ostrich ______________________________________
2. Snake ______________________________________
3. Birds ______________________________________
4. Hedgehog ______________________________________
5. Spider ______________________________________

F. Write true or false for these sentences. 06

1. North wind followed the boy to his house. ________
2. North wind gave the boy a plate and a spoon. ________
3. The innkeeper had hidden the ram in the kitchen. ________
4. The tablecloth was kept hidden in the kitchen. ________
5. The innkeeper was a thief. ________
6. The boy did not get back the gifts of north wind. ________
G.Number the statement in correct order. 05 Marks

________The boy ran after north wind. ________ North wind gave a tablecloth.
________North wind gave the boy a ram. ________ The boy got a stick

________ North wind took away the boy’s bag of flour

H.Match the phrases to complete the sentences. 2.5 Marks

1. My father reads a. at 8:30 a.m.

2. My school starts b. from school at 3:00 p.m.
3. We have lunch c. in the park.
4. We return home d. the newspaper early in the morning
5. We play e. at 12 noon
I. In some words, we use “ai” or ay to write the long a as in train and day.
Fill In the blanks with “ai” of “ay”. 05
1. Jack got a p__ __ l of water.
2. We have summer holid__ __ s in the month of M__ __.
3. Can you tell me the w__ __ to the m__ __ n road, please?
4. Ships s__ __ l on the sea and tr__ __ ns on r__ __ ls.
J. Write five sentences about a cold day. 06 Marks

K.Who said these words? Write their names on the blanks. 06

1. “The storeroom? But mum always keeps the door shut.” __________________
2. “It must be the grey tomcat.” __________________
3. We’ll be in the papers!” __________________
4. “I came to tell you that a tiger has escaped from a citcus.” __________________
5. “And i was the tiger.” __________________
6. “Do you mean to say the door is open?” __________________
L. These sentences tell you what the characters were doing at a particular time.
Change them as shown. 10
1. He points to the left.

2. She stands with her hand over

3. An old woman walks in.

4. He holds up a hand.

5. The neighbour slips away.

M. Complete these words using ee or ea 04


1. sh __ __ p 3. ap __ __ k 5. p __ __ p 7. t __ __ ch
2. r __ __ ding 4. l __ __ f 6. k __ __ ping 8. b __ __ d

N.Circle the words the rhyme with the words in capital. 04 Marks


mood 3. most 7. tox 11. hoard 15. luse
4. good 8. cost 12. rocks 16. guard
1. load
5. course 9. moose 13. post 17. hoax
2. socks
6. sword 10. home 14. could 18. lost

O.Match the columns to make complete sentences. 06


1. The giants panda a. have cat-like eyes

2. Female pandas b. like goats bleating
3. The black and white fur c. kill pandas for their fur.
4. Pandas d. is the symbol of peace in china.
5. Pandas male sound e. are called sows.
6. Men f. helps a panda to hide from its enemies.

P. Fill in the blanks with words from the box 03

night tonight bright fight light
1. The ________________ from the moon is very________________.

2. We should not ________________ 3. It was the middle of the ________________

Q.Use words from the box to label the parts of the panda. 04
fur head eye ear chest leg foot

R.The words in dark letters in the sentences below are incorrect below are incorrect. Replace
them with correct words from the Box. 04
webbed trunk cold tiger
1. The giraffe is a flesh-eating animals
2. The elephant uses its teeth to eat and drink.
3. Birds which swim have broad feet
4. Polar bears live in warm places.
S. Tick ( ) the correct words. 03

1. an ostrich is
a. A bird. b. A reptile. c. An insect.
2. The reptile mentioned in the poem is
a. A crocodile. b. A snake. c. A lizard.
3. A hedgehog has
a. Soft fur. b. spines. c. Six leg

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