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Eng GR Worksheet

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The subject is usually a person, place or thing.

The predicate usually begins with the verb.

1. Ram is playing with his ball.

2. Rani loves to eat ice-cream.

3. The cat chased the mouse.

4. I watched a film yesterday.

5. The teacher told a story.

6. He asked her to help him.

7. The cow is eating grass.

8. The boys and girls are playing in the garden.

9. Susie wrote a letter yesterday.

10. Alice can ride a bicycle.

11. India is the seventh largest country in the world.

12. My father works in Dubai.

13. Peter and Alan play for the national baseball team.

14. The sun is shining brightly.

15. She is my best friend.

1. Ram (subject) is playing with his ball (predicate).

2. Rani (subject) loves to eat ice-cream (predicate).

3. The cat (subject) chased the mouse (predicate).

4. I (subject) watched a film yesterday (predicate).

5. The teacher (subject) told a story (predicate).

6. He (subject) asked her to help him (predicate).

7. The cow (subject) is eating grass (predicate).

8. The boys and girls (subject) are playing in the garden (predicate).

9. Susie (subject) wrote a letter yesterday (predicate).

10. Alice (subject) can ride a bicycle (predicate).


11. India (subject) is the seventh largest country in the world (predicate).

12. My father (subject) works in Dubai (predicate).

13. Peter and Alan (subject) play for the national baseball team (predicate).

14. The sun (subject) is shining brightly (predicate).

1. My favorite hobby is drawing.

2. Drawing is making a picture with a pen, pencil on paper.

3. The habit of drawing makes us creative people.

4. I enjoy drawing very much.

5. Everyone should do the drawing.

1. I fulfill my hobbies in my free time.

2. I have a few hobbies like drawing, reading books, painting, playing cricket,
playing football etc.
3. My favorite hobby is drawing.
4. Drawing is making a picture with a pen, pencil on paper.
5. I am well aware that drawing is a very good habit.
6. The habit of drawing makes us creative people.
7. I draw at least an hour a day every day.
8. I like to draw different kinds of pictures such as.
 Mountains
 Jungles
 Sun, Moon
 Buildings, Roads, Temples
 Buses, Bikes, Trucks, Trains, Airplanes etc.
Both my brain and heart start working great when I start drawing.
I have wonderful fun when I make a picture.
Sometimes I even draw humans.
I like drawing my brother, my mother, my father, my sister, my friends etc.
And sometimes I even draw animals and birds such as lion, tiger, elephant,
cow, dog, horse, parrot, peacock, hen, duck etc.

B. Arrange
1. me money he gave some

2. I a pencil eraser an and bought

3. after Monday comes Sunday

4. temple to everyday goes she the

5. bell rings the peon the

6. in are the tomatoes basket the

Rewrite Capital Letters and Question mark

1. where does richa live

2. do you exercise daily

3. what is the cost of this book

4. how old are you

5. can you drive a car

6. when do you celebrate your birthday

3. The Earth

4 His friend

5. My Father

6. They
7. Her sister
Look at pic and complete

1- The Taj mahal

2. The Leopard

3. __________________ are good for health

4. ______ twinkle at night

Subject is the part of a sentence we speak about

Predicate is the part of a asentence which tells us something about

the subject .

Kavita is an honest girl

The Tea is hot

Her dress is beautiful

Complete the following

1- She lost her purse yesterday

2- Meenakshi takes tea in the morning.

3- Dogs bark at strangers.

4. The SUn rises in the East

5. You run very fast

6. Stars twinkle at noght


1. We goes to the office daily

2. Our School came to see my brother yesterday
3. My uncle starts at 8 O clock
4. My Father is going to the temple.

Chapter 3

Q 3 Write 5 examples of Collective Noun and Material Noun

chapter 1

Arrange in correct order

1- morning in the takes mudita tea

2. niece is she my

3. cures sick a the doctor

Q 2 Write 5 examples of Proper Noun and Common Niun

Q 1 Underline Noun

1. Sarita bought a doll

2. Raj is a good boy.

3. Fruits are good for health.

4. She has a ring of Gold.

A sentence is a group of words which makes complete sense

For ex

1. It rained last night


2. The sun rises in the east

3. Where do you live?

4. WHose book is this?

Underline correct word

schul school shcool

heavy heivy hevy
stori storie story
Fill urange prenge Orange in
the blanks is/am/are

1. I ___________ a good girl.

2. The parrot _________a lovely bird.

3. They __________ happy in t he garden.

Rhyming words:

dry cry fry

may say ray
Mill till bill
not pot got
Complete the words:

1. R _ ad 2. K_ing.

3. Tr_th 4. Bi_th

5. D_cemb_r

Circle the noun words.

1- Kavita is a good student.


2. Vinit likes to play

3. The book is kept on the table

4. She goes to temple daily.

23.08.2022 L4


1- This bag is ___________

2. Can __________ give _______ a pencil?

3. __________ are my notes.

4. __________ is the matter

5. ______ are going to the market.

6. They should do _____________ duties.

7. ______ is your house?

Matchin g

Personal Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun

She, him, het , it Interrogative pronoun

Third Person Third Person

Who, what, which stand for a pronoun

This, those, these The person spoken for


Do as directed.

1- That book is ___________. (me, yours)

2. Where is your pencil? Underline the Interrogative.

3. The Ganga is a holy River. (Circle the adjective)

4.We should spend _________ money wisely. (write Possessive adjective)

5. That flower is a lily. (Underline the demonstrative adjective)


6. There _____________ pencils in the box. (is/am/are)

Q 2 Matching

a. Clever, fat verb

b.They, it has, have

c.verb adjective
d. expression who, what
e.Interrogative pronoun words

Q 3 Write 3 examples of personal pronoun>


Q4 Interrogative Pronoun

Q 5 Adjective of Quality

6. Verb,

Lesson 6

Do as directed.

1. I ______________ hockey. (Add verb)

2. We ______ a difficult problem . (Underline verb)

3. The room _____ dirty. ( Is, am, are)

4. Sujata ____________ a lovely dog. (has, have)

5. A policeman _______________ the traffic. (direct, directs)

6. We _________ singers. (is, are)

7. I _has many things to do today. (underline word correct /


8. Birds _____________ nest in the trees. (build/builds)

Fill ( has, am, are, run s, have)

1. The dog ______________ a tail.


2. The oranges _________ sweet.

3. These boys __________ books in bags.

4. I _______ happy.

5. The hare _____________fast.

Do as directed.

1. It was dark cloudy day. (cirrcle the adjective)

2. The oranges are _____________. (Fill adjective)

3. My, her, which, your (Circle the odd one)

4. ___________ flower is a Jasmine. (FIll demonstrative adjective)

5. I have three pens in my box. (underline the adjective)


Adjective of Quantity - your, her it,

Demonstrative adjective which, what
adjective of quantity this, that, those
Interrogative adjective Foolish, nice
Possessive adjective None, some, any

A. Circle verbs

a. It rains in the month of July.

2. We wear woollen clothes in winter.

3. A cobbler mends shoes.

4. The stars twinkle at night.

5. The peon rings the bell.

6. The beggar was blind.

7. He is an old man.

8. An artist draws pictures.


9. They have many toys.

10. You are my best friend.

B- Fill

1. I ________________ happy when I won the race. (was/were)

2. They _______ in the classroom (is/am/are)

3. Bhagat SIngh ___________a great freedom fighter. (were/was)

4.Sonali __________ angry yesterday. (was/were)

5. The rose________ a flower. (is/am/are)

6. The cow __________ a long tail. (have/has)

7. Meeta and Reena ________ apples for breakfast (have/has)

8. We ______ not at home yesterday. (was/were)

9. The chair__________ four legs. (has/have)

10. There _____________ biscuits in the box. (is/am/are)


Listens reads sings speaks teaches writes

1. He ___________ the newspaper in the morning.

2. Amit ___________ a letter.

3. She ___________a sweet song.

4. He _________________ history in the evening.

5. Ravi____________ to the radio in the evening

6. Sapna ____________ speaks fluent English.

Adjectives. Pick

Adjectives. Noun

1. Jyoti is a brave girl.

2. Monu is a fat boy.
3. The Ganga is a holy river.
4. The naughty children were making noise.
5. The dog is a faithful animal.

6. This book is interesting

7. He is an inteligent student.
8. Kolkata is a large city
9. Priya has a curly hair.
10. This is a heavy suitcase.

B. Fill with Possesive Adjective

1. They are playing with ___________ toys.

2. You should obey _________ parents.

3. Suman helps__________ mother in cooking.

4. This is a good book. ___________ contents are as per syllabus.

5. We should respect ____________ elders.

6. Tom went to the market with __________ grandfather.

7. I am playing with ____________ brother.

8. The boy fell and broke __________ leg.

9. We should spend ______________ money wisely.

10. They do _____________ work sincerely.

E. Fill

1. This is an_______________ (slim/interesting) story.

2. Birbal was a _______________ (wise/female) minister.

3. She is a ___________ (round/tall) girl.

4. Chocolate is ___________ (bitter/sweet) in taste.


5. This question is ____________ (difficult/sweet) to answer.

6. I cannot lift this bag. It is too __________ (clever/heavy)

7. The computer is a _________ (useful/boring) invention.

8. The earth is almost ____________ (square/round) in shape.

9.Kavita stands first in class. She is an ___________ (intelligent/dull) girl.

10. Ashoka won many wars. he was a ___________ (timid/brave) king.

11. This pencil is ______________ bit that one is ____________

12. This man is __________ but that one is ____________

13. RIta is _______________ but Meenu is ____________

14. He is __________________ but she is ____________

Demosntrative Adjective and Pronoun

Demo Adj Demo Pro

1. That flower is a rose.
2. This flower is red in color
3. These bananas are ripe
4. This is not what I meant
5. Those are their toys

Interro Adj Interro Pro

1. Which road leads to the library?
2. Who teaches you English
3. Whose bicycle are yoy talking about?

4. What is the matter between you and me

5. What do you wish to see?


SUbject Object Possessive







Fil Personal pronoun

1-. Sumit did not go to school because _________ is ill.

2. You should obey ____ parents.

3. ______ is a lion.

4. Can _________________ give ____________ a storybook to read?

5. Thsi fan is out of order. __________ needs repair.

6. Tom kicked the ball. His brother ran after ______.

7. That book is ________. This book is __________.

8. The teacher saw the girls. ___________ were dancing in the music room.

9. Sunita is watching the TV. tell _____________ to switch ________ off.

10. They are doing __________ homework.. Have you done __________

B. Use correct Interrogative.

1. __________ do you wish to see?

2. __________ is your pencil?

3. ___________ are you doing?

4. _______________ is knocking at the door?

5. ___________ is this mobile?

C. Frame quesions

1. My father is a doctor.

2. I wish to see Ravi.

3. I am writing an essay.

4. Mrs Sunita teaches us mathematics.

5. I want a pen

6. My friend Amit made me a phone call.

7. This book is mine.

8.I prefer tea to coffee.

Fill he, she , it, they

1. This knife is of no use, _________ is blunt.

2. Poor Reena. _________ has high fever.

3. The girl fell down. _______ began to cry.

4. Look at the picture. Isn't ______ lovely?

5. I met John. __________ was at the mall.

6. Where are Neha and Sumit. Are ________ coming home?

7. Mother and I went shopping. _______ bought fruits.

8. Aunty has gone to Shimla. ________ says _______is a beautiful place.

The Verb

Suman __________ (play ) with a doll


She is reading a book

Birds fly in the sky

They sent her flowers on her birthday

A verb is a word used to express an action.

I am a good student

The parrot is a lovely bird.

You are a good cricket player.

He was angry.

They were happy in the garden.

I have a doll Suman has a mobile

The dog has a tail Birds have wings

Choose Verb

1- It rains in the month of july

2. We wear woollen clothes in winter.

3. A cobbler mends shoes.

4. The stars twinkle at night.

5. The peon rings the bell.

6. The beggar was blind.

7. He is an old man.

8. An artist draws pictures.

9. They have many toys.

10. You are my best friend.

B- Fill

1. I ________________ happy when I won the race. (was/were)


2. They _______ in the classroom (is/am/are)

3. Bhagat SIngh ___________a great freedom fighter. (were/was)

4.Sonali __________ angry yesterday. (was/were)

5. The rose________ a flower. (is/am/are)

6. The cow __________ a long tail. (have/has)

7. Meeta and Reena ________ apples for breakfast (have/has)

8. We ______ not at home yesterday. (was/were)

9. The chair__________ four legs. (has/have)

10. There _____________ biscuits in the box. (is/am/are)


Listens reads sings speaks teaches writes

1. He ___________ the newspaper in the morning.

2. Amit ___________ a letter.

3. She ___________a sweet song.

4. He _________________ history in the evening.

5. Ravi____________ to the radio in the evening

6. Sapna ____________ speaks fluent English.

The verb forms

He writes a letter (present tense)

He wrote a letter (past tense)

He will write a letter (future tense)


Present Tense Past Tense Future tense
bark Present past
call called
call ate
carry make















Rewrite using past

1. Amit sits on a chair

2. She goes to school

3. He walks in the park.

4. My sister teaches me English.

5. My mother cooks delicious food.

6. Birds fly in the sky

7. My uncle buys an umbrella

Rewrite using Future

1. Neha watches Television

2. My uncle gives me a cricket bat.

3. He drinks tea.

4. They watch television.

5. I study hard for exams.

6. I go to the market.

7. My father teaches me Mathematics.


The tortoise moves slowly

You can play anywhere

Kirti goes to school daily.

He answered the question quickly.

Mohan came yesterday.

Kinds of Adverb

Adverb of manner

Adverb of place.

Adverb of time


Point adverbs

1. Come inside the room.

2. the meeting will start late.

3. They have to run fast.

4. His grandfather walks slowly

5. You cannot go there.

6. Her sister sings sweetly.

7. My mother shouted at me angrily.

8. Vivek drives carefully.

9. The peacock dances beautifully.

10. we get up early in the morning.

Choose correct adverb

1. Out team won the match ________ kindly/easily

2. Read the question paper _______ carefully/careless

3. we go to th epark.___________ everyday/never

4 He ran __________ fastly/fast

5. Students need to write ____________ neatly/angrily

6. The sun shines _____________ brightly/loudly

7. the theif entered the house ________ loudly/quietly


8. we should get up ___________ in the morning. early/late

9. Students danced at the christmas party _______ kindly/merrily

10. You are _____________ late outside/always

Change the given adjectives into adverbs and m,ake sentence

Loud- loudly

The person spoke loudly

1. soft ________

2. Quiet _______

3, Beautiful

4. Strong

5. Quick

Change the past form of verb

begin win

swim get

leave stand


1. In the phrase ' Intelligent girl', intelligent is a noun word.

2. I ,me, my, mine are pronouns.

3. A verb is a describing word.

4. The words like yesterday, today fall in the category of adverbs of place

5. Demonstrative adjective shows the quantity of a anoun.

What am I?

1. I add something to a averb

2. I am used to express an action.

3. I am a describing word for a Noun.

4. I am used in place of a a noun.


I have a pet dog. Its name is ___________. It is ___________ in color. It likes

to eat ____________. It barks at _________________. Its sense of recognition
is very sharp. It guards________________. It love my pet because



The Kangaroo is found in Australia. It is nearly as tall as a man. Its front legs
are very short. It does not use them for walking. It use them to hold things, It
also uses them to carry food to its mouth. Tha Kangaroo has a pocket on its
belly,it carries its babies. Kangaroos likes to eat grass, leaves and do not eat

1. Adverb is early

2. Adverb of time more about

3. Adverb of place fast, brave

4. Adverb of manner upstair, out

Circle the adverb and write its kind.

1. My father spoke lovingly.


2. Go outside and play hockey.

3. The class will start soon.


change the sentence

1. My uncle likes Chinese food. (past)

2. Alladin finds a magic lamp. (past)

3. My cousin lives in a bungalow. (Future)

4. Horses and humans become friend (Future)

DO as directed:

1. Edison was a clever boy.. Underline verb

2. The bird _______ drowning (was/were)

3. A ________ is used to expess an action .

4. He __________ English very good. (write verb)

5. Write past tense of try -

give - fly walk

L 17 Comprehension

1. Why was Riya happy?

2. WHo arranged the party for her birthday?

3. WHo ordered the cake for her birthday?

4. What did Sumit gift Riya?


5. What did Riya's parents give her as a abirthday presents?


1. Riya invited her friend Rekha to her birthday party.

2. The venue oof the party was a hotel.

3. Riya gave lunch boxes to all her friends as return gift.

Complete the sentence

1. Preeti gifted a _________________ to Riya

2. Riya and her brother ____________ the room

passage 2

1. How many sons did the farmer have?

2. Why was the old farmer worried.

3. What did the old man explain to hi sons?


1. The four sons were able to break the bundle of sticks.

2. The old man was worried about his sons quarelling behaviour.


1. Each son tried________________ to break the bundle.

2. United we _________________

1. What is the greatest blessing?


2. What can a sick person not do?

3. WHich type of games should we prefer?

B. write three things necessary for good health:

C. True/False

1. A sick person can lead a happy life.

2. we should wash our hands before eating.


We must ___________ our ________ twice a aday.


1. How many sons did the farmer have?

2. Why was the old farmer worried?

3. What did the old man explain to his sons


1. The four sons were able to break the bundle of sticks.

2.The old man was worried about his ons quarelling behaviour.


1. Each son tried, __________________ to break the bundle.

2. United we __________________________ fall


1. Preeti gifted ________________ to Riya


2. Riya and her brother ________________ the room.

Have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they. Has is used with he, she, and it.
Have and has can indicate possession. Have and has can combine with other verbs to
indicate more complex relationships with time.


I have a great English Teacher

You have work to do

We have a meeting at 12

Nurses have a difficult job


She has a great personality.

He has a new haircut

The washing machine has a leak in it.

It has a hole near the door.

1. I __________ two pencils.

2. They ___________ a test today.

3. Mum ___________ a new dress.

4. We__________ no music lesson today.

5. I don't ______________ any brothers or sisters.

6. He doesn't __________ any homework.

7. Peter __________ a big sister

8. The monkey _____________ a yellow banana.

9. We dont __________ school on friday.

10. She ___________a new baby sister.


The Preposition

A- at with for in by into of on

1. We went ____________ a house.

2. The children are playing ____________ the garden.

3. I like to travel ____________ train.

4. Why are you standing ____________ the door.

5. The teacher is writing ____________ a marker.

6. I placd my hand____________ the table.

7. Pour the tea ____________ the cups.

8. Green vegetables are necessary ____________ good health.

9. The lion was killed ____________ the hunter.

10. She lives ____________ 5, Arya Nagar.

B. Fill

1. My sister was born ____________ the year 2002.

2. Chidren have fun ____________ Sundayss.

3. Varun is good ____________ studies.

4. Can you lend me your book____________ a day.

5.My sister is afraid ____________ the dark.

6. They live in that old farmhouse ____________ the hill.

7.This toy is made ____________ plastic.

8. I am waiting ____________ my friend.

9.The bus fare was hsared ____________ all the friends.

10. We go to school ____________ bus.

11. A fair little girl sat ____________ a tree.


12. There is no love ____________ the dog and the cat.

13. Who is knocking ____________ the door?

14. The four sons quarelled ____________ themselves.

15. She prays ____________ God everyday.

Insert correct preposition

1. Shyam is ____________ his room. in,at,on

2. They met me ____________ the station. in,at, of

3. We live ____________ Goa. in, at, by

4.He is a friend ____________ mine. to, for, of

5. The table was kept ____________ two chairs. among, between, with

6. We are going ____________ the airport in, into, to

7. I am looking ____________ my book. with, for, at

8. Your dinner is ____________ the table. on, at, in

9. There is a letter ____________ you from uncle. in,of,for

10. She is fond____________ painting. to,for,of


1. with , at, upon, on , among

1. The basket is ____________ the table.

2. The toger pounced ____________ the dog.

3. The dog is ____________ the gate.

4. Cut the apple ____________ a knife.

5. They divided the fruits ____________ the children.


Underline preposition

1. They live in Mathura.

2. Dont lean against the wall.

3. She sat beside her mother.

4. He will arrive

5. He will return ____________ a week.


1. My Uncle lives in oxford. ( into, in, by)

2. They will be i n Delhi. (From, of, in)

3. The boy threw a stone. ____________ the pond. (Into, on of)

The conjunction

A. Underline.

1. He came in and sat on the sofa.

2. She is very happy today because it id her birthday.

3. They played well but could not win the game.

4. I will come over if you invite me.

5. I was absent yesterday because I missed the bus.

6. You will get good marks if you work hard.

7. You can play cricket on the computer or in the playground.

8. He is poor and honest.

9. She failed because she did not work hard.

10. We were wet and tired after a walk in the rain.

B. Fill and, but,, because, or, so ,if

1. We played well ____________ won the game.

2. I went there ____________ could not watch the game.


3.She is not a painter ____________ a writer.

4. He cannot read ____________ write.

5. I was hungry ____________ I bought a sandwich.

6. My mother helps others ____________ she is a kind woman.

7. You can perform better ____________ you practice regularly.

8. We went to the zoo ____________ saw th animals.

9. Your team willl get a prize ____________ it wins the match.

10. We can travel by lannd ____________ water.

C. Join and/but

1. I went to Agra. I saw the Taj mahal there.

2. Priyam can dance. Priyam cannot sing.

3. He is poor. He is honest.

4. You run fast. You will win the race.

5. Kalidas was poet. kalidas was a dramtist.

6. Sarita can read English. Sarita can write English.

D. if, because, so

1. The child is crying. He is hungry.

2. He will surely come. You invite him.

3. You work hard. You will pass.

4. My knee started paining. I stopped running.

5. He was punished. He came late to school.

6. I have any doubt. I will ask.



1. We have brought apples and pears.

2. Mini is fat but Riya is slim.

3. Do you want healthy or unhealthy food.

4. Harshit was absent becaus he had a fever.


Tigers ____________ wolves are wild animals.

I have one brother ____________ no sister.

She will pass ____________ she works hard.

You are in class II ____________ III

L 16 Tenses

A. Tick

1. I (celebrate/celebrates) my birthday on 5th may

2. He (go/goes) to school everyday.

3. My grandfather (take/takes) coffee without sugar.

4. I (ring/rang) the bell but nobody came to open the door.

5. I (see/saw) her yesterday afternoon.

6. The sun (rises/rose) in the east.

7. Our classes (begins/begin) at 9 a.m.

8. It (is raining/rained) heavily yesterday.

9. We (went/shall go) for a picnic tomorrow.

10. He (left/leaves) the house anhour ago.

B. Fill in the blanks


1. My grandmother ___________ to the temple daily . (go)

2. I ___________ my friend on winning the game. (congratulate)

3. The sun always ___________ in the west. (set)

4. Savita ___________ with her doll now. (play)

5. We ___________ to Goa on a tour last year. ( go)

6. Our Teacher ___________ our notebook daily. ( check)

7. Surabhi ___________ a beautiful song last evening. ( sing)

8. I ___________ to your home tomorrow. (come)

9. My uncle ___________ home late last night. (reach)

10. Miss Sarita ___________ dance classes yesterday. (take)

Read and change to Simple Present Tense.

Rakesh woke uo at 6 O clock. He brushed his teeth. he took a bath. He ate bread. he
went to Delhi

Lesson 15 punctuate and Capital letter

A. suman rekha and puneet got top ranking in the class

2. when do you celebrate your birthday

3. what good luck it is

4. nikhil please help me in my work

5. was the prince an honmest man

6. hurrah india has won tthe series against sri lanka

7. anju sumit and i went to agra to see th etaj mahal


8. the stars the sun and the moon are heavenly bodies

9.january is the coldest month in delhi

10. i dont like to play with garima

B. write possessive forms

1.The drawing of Mohan Mohan's drawing

2. The shop of barber

3. The book of Riya

4. The daughter of farmer

5. The mother of my frend.

6. The house of my uncle

7. The purse of my mother

8. The instruction of the teacher

9. The books of children

10. The feathers of the peacock

11. The school of boys

12. The club of men

Lesson 14



essay animal
flower elephant

university h our late

honest person onion
boy star
intelligent girl useful animal

a, an , the

1. Give me ___________ one-rupee note and ___________ one-rupee coin.

2. We were ___________ hour late for the meeting.

3. Our new Teacher belongs to ___________ South

4. I dont want ___________ orange. I want ___________ mango

5. ___________ Yamuna is a___________ sacred river

6. Fairy Tales is ___________interesting story book

7. ___________ book I bought yesterday is about animals

8. ___________ dog is ___________ faithful animal

9. Priyanshi is ___________ tallest boy in the class.

10. ___________ Earth revolves around ___________ sun

C. encircle errors and rw write

1. I bought a pencil and a eraser.

2. There was a crow. A crow was thirsty

3. I am going to my aunt on the Sunday.

4. His father is a honest man .

5. This is an useful book.

6. It was an pleasant day.


7. I saw an thief entering the house.

8. I read a TImes of India daily

9. It was raining, so I took a umbrella

10. This is a best film of the year.

a, an or x

1. ___________ British drink too much tea.

2. Dancing is ___________ more interesting activity than reading.

3. ___________ football is his favourite game

4. Did youread ___________ book I gave you?

5. I was in ___________ pain after I twisted my ankle.

6. This is ___________ red pencil.

7. I eat ___________ apply everyday

8. I like to play games on ___________ computer

9. Delhi is ___________ large city.

10. Where is ___________ library?

Lesson 13

Comparison of aadjective

Positive comparative superlative


Set 2
set 3


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