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Ulangan Kelas B.inggris X PAS

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PART 1 : Complete the dialog for

number 1 - 4 !

1. A : ......... supermarket. Do you need

B : a kilo of sugar, please !
A. I am going to
B. I will go
C. I am go to
D. I am going
E. I went to A. The woman is standing
B. The woman is dancing
C. The woman is introducing
2. A : This copy machine is very easy D. The woman is sitting
to use, is it right ? E. The woman is listening
B : ....................................
A. No, I’ll just sit right here. 6. What is the man saying to the
B. Yes, I need a pencil. woman ?
C. No, I don’t like coffee
D. Yes, it’s uncomplicated.
E. Yes, it’s easy to make coffee.

3. A : Will the office close tomorrow?

B : .......................................
A. Yes, no one will be here.
B. Yes, I am ready to leave.
C. No, the meeting is for managers only.
D. No, it is close to the swimming
E. Yes, that’s a good idea.

4. A : Who takes the packages to the A. The man is telephoning the

post office? woman.
B : ......................................... B. The woman is saying hello
A. Turn left at the corner C. The woman is carrying a pen
B. Martin usually does it D. The man is congratulating the woman
C. No, I didn’t E. The man is wearing a T-shirt
D. Mr. Joko is a post officer
E. Yes, that would be nice
7. What is the boy doing ?

Part 2 : Now let’s begin with picture

no 5 – 7 !.

5. What is the short blond hair woman

doing in the picture ?
Woman : I have small one bedroom
unit you may like it better and it’s
even cheaper
Man : Let’s take a look that one.
What room might that man like?
A. The large one.
B. The small one.
C. The medium one.
D. The beautiful one.
E. The expensive one.

A. It is an e-mail 11. Man : Have you finished writing

B. It is a file the novel we discussed two months
C. It is a letter ago?
D. There are some books Woman : Yes. Come to my room.
E. It is an announcement Look at this novel. What do you
PART 3 : Short Conversation for Man : This novel is excellent. I
number 8 – 11 ! like the cover. Let me see the
How long the man finish to write the
8. Man : Congratulation! I heard that book ?
you've got a scholarship A. About 40 days
Woman : Thank you very much. B. About 50 days
Man : I know that you can make it. C. About 60 days
What does the man comment on? D. About 70 days
A. Getting a job. E. About 80 days
B. Studying abroad.
C. Someone's achievement.
D. Inviting someone. PART 4 : Short Monologues for no.12
E. An improvement in studying. – 15 !

9. Woman : Are you going to the gym 12. ANNOUNCEMENT

now ? Ayah Bunda Hospital will be holding a
Man : No, I’ve got a soccer game family gathering for all employees on
tonight. We play every week and have 10th February 2019 in the jungle of
a lot of fun. Punti Kayu, Palembang. Please try to
Woman : I usually play tennis once participate and bring your families
or twice a week. along. For more information, contact
What kind of sport does the man like Tanawiro, HRD office.
to play? HRD Manager
A. Gym D. Tennis. Who should we call to get detail
B. Fitness. E. Soccer. information?
C. Badminton. A. A family.
B. Tanawiro.
C. The writer.
10. Man : I live alone. I don’t need this D. HRD Office.
large room. E. HRD Manager.
13. ANNOUNCEMENT Dharmawan arrange his activities.
Ayah Bunda Hospital will be holding a Mr. Dharmawan is very busy. He
family gathering for all employees on meets all of the important guests. He
10th February 2019 in the jungle of often holds meetings with all
Punti Kayu, Palembang. Please try to managers in the company.
participate and bring your families The following statement is correct
along. For more information, contact based on the text . . .
Tanawiro, HRD office. A. Miss Via meets all the important
HRD Manager guests.
Can the employees take their families B. Andi exports paper to other
to join the occasion? countries.
A. Yes, they do. D. Yes, C. None of the workers word hard.
they are. D. Mr. Dharmawan is Andi’s boss.
B. Yes, they can. E. No, they E. Miss Via works for Andi.
C. No, they don’t. Text for questions number 16 to 20

I inhabit a small area in south-western

14. Andi is my name. I work in a big Western Australia. My species was quite
company. I’m graduated of Business widespread in Australia before European
and economic high school. Hundreds settlement but now we are endangered. I
of people work in this company. We prefer areas of open woodland. I forage for
work hard. We export paper to other my food in the mornings and afternoons. At
countries. We also export paper night I sleep in hollow logs or under fallen
serviettes for table napkin. Mr.
Dharmawan is my boss. He works
very hard, too. He has a private room. My body is about 25 centimeters long. My
He also has a smart secretary. Miss bushy tail is nearly as long as my body. I am
Via is his secretary. She helps Mr. covered in a reddish-brown coat with
Dharmawan arrange his activities.
whitestripes. My front legs are shorter then
Mr. Dharmawan is very busy. He
my back legs and I have small claws. My
meets all of the important guests. He
often holds meetings with all
ears are short but my snout is long. I have a
managers in the company. very long, sticky tongue for eating termites I
Who help the boss to arrange his can eat over 10000 termites in one day. I am a
activities? marsupial mammal. What animal am I?
A. Andi. D. His wife.
16. What is possibly described in the text
B. Miss Via. E. Mr. Dharmawan.
C. Hundreds of people. above?

A. Crocodile D. Shark
B. Whale E. Komodo
15. Andi is my name. I work in a big
C. Kangaroo
company. I’m graduated of Business
and economic high school. Hundreds
of people work in this company. We 17. ” I forage for my food in the mornings and
work hard. We export paper to other
afternoons.” The underlined word means …… .
countries. We also export paper
serviettes for table napkin. Mr. A. escape D. keep
Dharmawan is my boss. He works B. roar E. go around
very hard, too. He has a private room. C. hunt
He also has a smart secretary. Miss
18. Where does the animal sleep at night?
Via is his secretary. She helps Mr.
A. In the bush D. In the river
B. On the tree E. On open land
C. Under the fallen trees
19. The purpose of the text is to …… .
A. describe a particular animal
B. ask the readers to guest an animal
C. inform the characteristics of a certain place
D. tell the dangerous mammals in the past
E. explain how to preserve the extinct animal
20. The following characteristics are TRUE
about the mammals, except …… .
A. It had been extinct
B. It has wide spread species in Australia
C. Its tail is about 25 centimeters long
D. Its front legs are shorter then its hind legs
E. It has short ears and long snout

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