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Ayurvedic Management of Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) - A Case Study

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International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research ISSN: 2347- 6362


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Patra Snigdha Rani, Injamuri Radhika, M. Suryanarayana
Final year PG Scholar, Dept of Panchakarma
2, 3
Assistant Professor, Dept of Kaumarabhritya,SJGAMC and Hospital Koppal, Karnataka.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a condition that makes it difficult for a
person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviours. The person with ADHD may also
be restless or constantly active. It is not a mental disorder, in fact it is a behavioural disorder
that includes symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD is
seen both in children and adults. Its symptoms get noticed at an early age and may become
more noticeable when a child’s circumstances change, such as when they start school.
According to Indian Journal of Psychiatry, prevalence of ADHD in school going children is
more and while comparing between gender, male are more prone than female. Here a male
child aged 11 years, reported to the OPD of KB Dept, SJGAMC and Hospital Koppal, with
the complaints of _ not sitting in a place for more than 5mins, not going to school unattended,
sudden hyperactivity like throwing objects, hitting himself since 7 years. For the same
complaints the child’s parents consulted to a private hospital and there, he was diagnosed
with ADHD. ADHD cannot be compared directly to any disease in Ayurveda, but it can be
treated as Vataja Unmaad, as the symptoms appeared similar. After seeing the condition of
the child Takra Dhara, Matra Basti and Shamana oushadhis were advised. After completion
of the treatment, remarkable changes have been observed.
Keywords: ADHD, Vataja Unmaad, Takra Dhara, Matra Basti
INTRODUCTION: ADHD is a  Exposure to environmental toxins,
behavioural disorder which makes it such as high levels of lead, at a young
difficult for a person to pay attention and age
control impulsive behaviours. Although  Low birth weight
the symptoms of ADHD begin in  Brain injury1
childhood, it can continue through Symptoms in children
adolescence and adulthood. Even though Symptoms in children and adults are
hyperactivity tends to improve as a child different, but here we will only discuss
becomes teen, problems with inattention, about child ADHD. As per DSM
disorganization and poor impulse control (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
often continue through the teen years and Mental Disorders) ‘V’ criteria, the
into adulthood . They may also have symptoms in children are grouped into
problems with relationships, self-esteem three categories2:
and addiction. A number of factors may  Inattention
contribute to ADHD such as: 1  Hyperactivity
 Genes  Impulsivity
 Cigarette smoking, use of alcohol or In Ayurveda, there is no direct correlation
drug by mother during pregnancy for ADHD. But according to its symptoms,
to some extent it can be compared with
[Patra Snigdha Rani et al : Ayurvedic Management of Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)- A Case Study]

Vataja Unmaad and Anavasthita chittatwa natural for a kid of that age. Then the kid
(Vata vyadhi). According to Acharya joined school, in school the kid was not
Charak, intake of viriddha, dushta, asuchi able to sit for a long time, and he used to
ahara (intake of incompatible, polluted go to school only when both of his parents
food), devata, guru, brahmana apamana go and sit with him. So, he is not regular to
(insult to God and teacher), affliction of school and his performance at school also
mind due to excessive fear and excitement, less than average. Later the parents
and other undesired activities leads to noticed that, sometimes while playing with
Unmaad. Due to intake of vata friends or at home also, suddenly the kid
vruddhikara ahara vihara, the aggravated became hyperactive and started throwing
Vata adversely affect the heart afflicted objects and hitting himself. So, the parents
with mental agony (including worry, stopped sending him out to play with
passion and anger) and instantaneously friends. But according to the parents his
perverts the intellect and memory. As a behaviour towards his younger brother is
result of this, the following sign and good and enjoy playing with him. For
symptoms are manifested:3 above reasons they consulted to a doctor in
 Laughing, smiling, dancing, singing, Hubli in the year 2015, and there
speaking, moving limbs of the body and diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit
weeping in inappropriate place Hyperactivity Disorder) and he was
(inopportune moment) under medication. After medication the
 Along with this general Unmaad parents notice some changes in the
symptoms like intellectual confusion, behaviour of the kid. But they were not
fickleness of mind, unsteadiness of vision, satisfied with the results so they consulted
impatience may also be seen4. to our hospital KB Dept. for further
While explaining the treatment management.
Charakacharya has told that, in Vataja Past history: Patient born to a non-
Unmaad first Sharpipana should be given. consanguineous parent. During the time of
In Panchakarma snehana, swedana, birth, he aspirated amniotic fluid, so not
vamana, virechana and samsarjana krama cried till one hour. Born with clubbed foot
should be followed according to the (left), and got operated for the same at the
patient5. age of 1year in Bangalore.
Case Report: The parents of a 11-years- Treatment received previously
old male child came to the OPD of Syp Zyzor- 2tsf BD BF, Tab Moracetam
Kaumara Bhrotya Dept, SJGAMC forte-V BD, Syp Movacobal 5ml BD, Tab
Koppal, with the complaint of _ not sitting Qutipin 25mg ½ tab at bed time, Ree D3
in a place for more than 5 mins, not going satchet once in a week.
to the school unattended, sudden Examination on the day of Report
hyperactivity like throwing objects, hitting General Examination: The general
himself since 7 years. condition of the patient was good,
As reported by the parents the child was moderate built and nourished, afebrile, Pt.
apparently normal till 3yrs of age. was not stable in one place. Asked several
Gradually they noticed some shorts of questions but didn’t respond to any of the
behavioural disturbances in the kid. The questions, except telling his name.
parents were not worried for that as it was
[Patra Snigdha Rani et al : Ayurvedic Management of Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)- A Case Study]

Systemic Examination: In the systemic 1. Adivala pravrutta-

examination, findings of GIT, respiratory 2. Janmavala pravrutta- brain injury due
and cardiovascular system were within to hypoxia
normal limit. CNS- Higher mental 3. Daiva
function- pt. was conscious and well 4. Sahaja-
oriented with time, place and person. As 5. Matruja bhava- (maternal behavior,
told by his father he has a very strong mental status, and food during
memory, (the examination of the pt. was pregnancy affect the fetus)
not possible to record properly as he was 6. Rasaja- (Rajasika and tamasika ahara
not stable in one place). affect manasika bhavas)
Ashtasthana Pareeksha The above discussed points are the
The patient was having Nadi- vatapitta probable nidana. So, the nidana for this
Pradhan, mutra- prakrtut, mala- prakrut, patient is
Jihwa- nirlipta(uncoated), Shabda- - Brain injury due to hypoxia after birth.
prakrut, Shaparsha- Anushnasheeta, Druk-  Purvarupa: Avyakta
prakrut, Akruti- madhyama (medium  Rupa: inattentiveness, hyperactivity
built).  Upashaya: Nothing significant
Samprapti Ghataka  Anupashaya: Nothing significant
 Dosa: vata (vyana vata), pitta Diagnosis
 Dooshya: Rasa, ashta mano bhava ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
(Cha. Ni 7/5) Disorder)
 Agni: Vishamagni Treatment followed:
 Udbhavasthana: Pakwashaya Panchakarma (8+8= 16days, 2 sittings
 Adhisthana: shira with 1-month gap)
 Vyaktastana: sarva shareera  Takra dhara for 8 days (Jatamamsi +
 Srotas: Rasavaha srotas, manovaha Musta + Amalaki + Yashtimadhu
srotas (Cha. Vi 5/3, Cha. I 5/41 churna + butter milk)
Chakrapani commentary)  Abhyanga, Swedana followed by
 Srotodusthi: sanga Matra basti with Kalyanaka ghrita6 for
 Rogamarga: abhyantara 8 days
 Roga Swabhava: chirakari Shamana Oushadhi (for 1-month in gap
 Sadhyasadyata: Krichhrasadhya period)
Nidana Panchaka  Tab Cognium 1-tab BD
 Nidana:  Kalyanaka ghrita 2-tsf BD with milk
(probable nidana)  Manasamitra vataka 1-tab BD
Table no.1 Observation and results
Signs and symptoms Before treatment After treatment
Hyperactivity- Episode reduced to 2-3/day
throwing objects Doing very often in a day only
beating himself
Inattention Not sitting in one place for 5min Sitting for 10-15min in a
Not obeying commands place Obeying his parents


[Patra Snigdha Rani et al : Ayurvedic Management of Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)- A Case Study]

Along with the above, the patient got and emotions. And also, Rajoguna is more
sound sleep and started going to school predominant in ADHD/Manasavikara.
after completion of the 2 months This guna usually controlled Vata dosha9.
treatment. So ultimately when Vata controlled auto
DISCUSSION: In Ayurveda, much correction of Rajo guna occurs. Hence
importance is given to Brain, it is called as Basti has been planned.
“Uttamanga”. The body is like an inverted Kalyanaka ghruta is described in
tree i.e. its root lies in Shiras. So, all the Ashtanga Hrudaya, according to
functions of the body are controlled Vagbhatacharya it is Balya, Ayushya,
through Shira only. Here the treatment mangala, cures Graha rogas, unmaada,
followed is Sthanika Takra Dhara and apashmara, boost memory and intellect.
Matra basti with Shamanoushadhis. As we all know Kalyanaka ghrita is
Takra dhara- The medicated butter indicated in Unmaad prakarana and also
milk was prepared by adding Amalaki, Uttama matra snehapana is advised in
Jatamansi, Musta and Yashtimadhu Unmaada by Charakacharya. So,
churna. Dhara done to the body acts in Kalyanaka ghrita is given 15-20ml for
two ways- 1. By procedure effect- the each time for thrice in a day. Even ghrita
Dhara falls over forehead and head in a is heavy to digest, majority circulation
continuous oscillating manner, its actives may go to stomach which leads to
the local cells, drug effect- it has sheeta decreased flow to hyperactive brain,
virya and pittahara properties. Due to resulting in calmness of mind. And also,
sheeta virya, it gives a cooling effect to the ghrita will have Omega-3 and 9- essential
head, constrict the local blood vessels, by fatty acids which are useful for cortical
which the increased blood flow to the expansion and maturation10.
brain during hyperactivity and impulsivity Shamanaushadhis- the drugs
reduces. Which in turn reduces the present in the shamanushadhis like
hyperactivity and impulsivity, induce Shankhapushpi, brahmi, vacha,
sound sleep. The drugs used here like aswagandha are medhya drugs, they
Amalaki acts as rasayana, and increase the cognitive functions, stops the
yashtimadhu and jatamamsi are medhya degeneration of the neurons, increases
drugs, which increases the cognitive memory and intellect, gives concentration
power, boost memory and helps in and sound sleep, triphala acts as tridosha
concentration. shamaka and rasayana, Bala, rasna,
Matra basti- basti is considered as nirgundi, musta etc acts as vata shamaka,
Ardhachikitsa7 by Charakacharya. Basti is and the bhasmas present in the medicines
the prime treatment for vata dosha. Along enhances the quality of the drug, Swarna
with vata, it controls pitta, kapha, rakta, bhasma also improves memory and
samsargaja and sannipataja vyadhis8. intellect. Manasamitra vataka11 adviced
Basti acts on the whole body, through the here is also one of the effective drug to
gut brain axis it acts on brain and helps treat convulsion and behavioural disorders.
reducing stress, anxiety and depression. CONCLUSION:As we have discussed
Basti dravya may activates the Neuro earlier, ADHD is not a mental disorder, it
humoral transmission by stimulating the is a behavioural disorder. So, along with
Gut brain, regulating changes in behaviour the symptomatic treatment, child
[Patra Snigdha Rani et al : Ayurvedic Management of Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)- A Case Study]

counselling and rehabilitation is needed. 6. Dr Anna Moreswar Kunte, Ashtanga

Family support, parents love and affection Hrudaya with Sarvanga Sundar and
will boost up the recovery. Child should be Ayurveda rasayana Teeka, Uttara Sthana
encouraged to do the activities which they 6/26-28, Chaukhamba Samskrit
like the most, by that the hyperactivity can Samsthana, Varanasi, Reprint Edition
be used in a good way. The person with 2012.
ADHD can lead a normal life. There are 7. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya,
many famous personalities who had Charak Samhita of Agnivesa with
childhood ADHD. So, here we conclude Ayurved-Deepika Commentary of Sri
that, ADHD cannot be cured completely Chakrapanidatta, Siddhi Sthana, 1/38-39,
but with proper medication and Chaukhamba Publication, Delhi, Reprint
counselling, the number of episodes can be Edition 2017, pg-683.
reduced, or the child may get a long relief 8. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya,
period. Here only two sittings of Sushrut Samhita of Sushrut with
panchakarma and one month of Nibandhasamgraha Commentary of Sri
shamanaushadhi was advised. We can Dalhanacharya, Chikitsa Sthana, 35/6,
adviced for few more sittings with internal Chaukhamba Samskrit Samsthana,
medication, to see the long-lasting effect Varanasi, Reprint Edition 2017, pg-525.
of the treatment. 9. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya,
REFERENCES: Sushrut Samhita of Sushrut with
1. Attention Nibandhasamgraha Commentary of Sri
Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Dt Dalhanacharya, Shareera Sthana, 1/20,
03/12/18 Chaukhamba Samskrit Samsthana,
2. Attention Varanasi, Reprint Edition 2017, pg-525.
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Dt 10.
03/12/18 About our Ghee Dt 10/12/18
3. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, 11. Dr. G Prabhakar Rao, Sahashrayogam,
Charak Samhita of Agnivesa with Sanskrit text with English translation, Gutika
Ayurved-Deepika Commentary of Sri prakarana 53, Chaukhamba Publication, Delhi,
Chakrapanidatta, Chikitsa Sthana, 9/6, Reprint Edition 2016, pg-437.
Chaukhamba Publication, Delhi, Reprint Corresponding Author:
Edition 2017, pg-468. Dr. Snigdha Rani Patra,PG Scholar,Dept
4. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, of Kaumarabhritya,SJGAMC and Hospital
Charak Samhita of Agnivesa with Koppal, Karnataka
Ayurved-Deepika Commentary of Sri,
Chakrapanidatta, Chikitsa Sthana, 9/10,
Chaukhamba Publication, Delhi, Reprint Source of support: Nil Conflict of interest:
Edition 2017, pg-468. None Declared
5. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Cite this Article as : [Patra Snigdha Rani et al :
Charak Samhita of Agnivesa with Ayurvedic Management of Adhd (Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)- A Case Study]
Ayurved-Deepika Commentary of Sri : IJAAR VOLUME III ISSUE XI
Chakrapanidatta, Chikitsa Sthana, 9/25,
NOV –DEC 2018 Page No:1632-1636
26, Chaukhamba Publication, Delhi,
Reprint Edition 2017, pg-470.

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