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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) : A Case Report

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Case Medical College Journal Nepal Med Coll J 2018; 20(1-3): 106-108


Devkota N 1, Subba S 2 and Sharma N 2

Child and Adolescence Psychiatry OPD, Kanti Children’s Hospital, Maharajgunj, 2Central Department of Psychology,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neuro-developmental disorder. It is one of the most common
presentations in child guidance clinic which needs prolonged treatment and management to improve quality of
life and may become very costly. ADHD is a major public health concern as it has marked long-term impairment
on academic performance, vocational success and social-emotional development which have a profound impact
on individuals, families, schools and society. In this paper, a case of ADHD is presented.

Keywords Corresponding author

ADHD, long-termed impairment, Nepal, Ms. Narmada Devkota,
neuro-developmental disorder Child and Adolescence Psychiatry OPD,
Kanti Children’s Hospital,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Email :

106 NMCJ
Devkota et al

INTRODUCTION close relative’s house with lots of bruises on his body.

He explained that the bruises were due to hitting by
teachers. The teachers, on the contrary, denied boy’s
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is accusation and said that it could be due to fighting with
a  neuro-developmental disorder that significantly friends.
affects in executive functions.1-4 ADHD has been
reported from almost every part of world. In many During pregnancy the boy’s mother was diagnosed
cases, it can persist for whole life. The prevalence of as pregnancy induced hypertension after 15weeks of
ADHD is estimated between 5.29% to 7.1% in children gestation. Due to preeclampsia, emergency caesarean
and adolescents.5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of section was done before due date (i.e. in 36 weeks of
Mental Disorder (5th edition) 6 suggests that cultural gestation). Boy’s birth weight was very low (i.e. 1.2
attitudes towards the interpretation of behavior may Kg) and was really a difficult to handle since early
contribute to differences in prevalence estimates childhood and needed “repeat instructions over and
across studies. Assessment of ADHD typically involves over”. He was breast-fed for up to three years. His
the comprehensive evaluation of information gathered first eye contact, smile, relation sign had appeared
from a number of sources, including parents/care givers, within first two months after birth. He began to sit at
family members, teachers, partners and colleagues.7 In the age of 6 months, started crawling at the age of 7
this paper, we report a case of ADHD presented at Kanti months, stood up at the age of 11 months and walked
Children Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. at 13 months. As the boy was quite active, was sent to
school earlier than other children same age. At school,
from the very beginning, he made friendship with few
CASE REPORT children, had poor relationship with teachers, and had
average rather below average level of performance.
An 11 years old male child brought by parent in He couldn’t follow the steps to complete the tasks and
Out Patient Department (Kanti Children Hospital, performance got worse each year.
Kathmandu, Nepal) with the complaints of disobedience
with parent and school teachers, ignorant while Boy feels that he has been rejected by parents and
talking directly to him, not attentive at school work school teachers due to his weak academic performance.
(home work), talking excessively and loudly, and other He hates the school not only because of feeling bored
aggressive behavior. Parent mentioned that the child of studying but also being punished by parents and
was very active since he was very young. After starting teacher for his poor performance and arrogant
school, he became less attentive to academic activities. behavior. The family history suggested that his father
As he was unable to organize his own tasks, family also had symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity-
members arranged thing required for him. He usually impulsivity.
avoided tasks requiring prolonged mental efforts.
His performance level, with the guidance of parent,
The semi structured questionnaire - Kiddie Schedule
was average. The boy, however, had keen interest in
for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Present
watching television (particularly at cartoon and films),
and Lifetime Version (KIDDI-SADS-PL)8 was done with
playing video games and mobile games. When asked
both child and parent. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
to stop, he used to be aggressive and do verbal abuse
children (4th edition)9 was used to obtain the level
using foul language and throwing toys, goods and
of intelligence. Child and adolescence symptoms
utensils existed nearby. On the contrary, when the child
Inventory-5 (Parent version)10 was given to the mother
was asked about his behaviors, boy mentioned that this
to rule out comorbid diagnosis. Clinical history and
happened because of repeated disturbance by parents
semi structured interview findings suggested that
and family members.
the boy had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(combined type) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
For parents, the boy was precious as he was born children showed that the boy had average level (IQ=100)
after two daughters and usually ignored his arrogant intelligence. Sub-scores were weakest in the areas of
behaviors in spite of complaint from school teachers. attention and memory. Based on these findings, the
They thought that the behavior may be corrected with case was considered (diagnosed) to be of ADHD and
his growth and continued to fulfill his demands. Their was planned for behavior therapy and parent/teacher–
primary concern was only his academic performance management training. Gradually, improvement has
rather than other behaviors. However, boy became been noticing with behavior modification therapy
very demanding of luxurious things rather than where current treatment is focus on teaching new
focusing in his academic activities. He started avoiding skills to parents, teachers and children about how to
school works and became disobedient to school improve problematic behavior in daily life functioning.
teachers (being too loud while trying to control him).
As a result, his academic performance deteriorated day
by day. School advised parents either to seek help from
health professional/neurologist or to take him out of
school for the safety of other children. Parents shifted
him to another school and also put him in hostel where According to Global Burden of Disease Study, the
was punished for his poor academic performances as disease burden of conduct disorder (CD) and ADHD the
well as for disturbing other children. After six months, worldwide Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) / Disability-
he ran away from the hostel and went to one of the Adjusted Life Year (DALYs) of CD was 5.75 million

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Nepal Medical College Journal
and CD with ADHD a further 491,500, respectively. 11 The case of ADHD presented in this report was diagnosed
These altogether accounted for 0.80% of global YLDs after a full clinical and psychosocial assessment of
and 0.25% of global DALYs.11 Like other psychological the child as well as parents. A full developmental and
disorders, ADHD is also caused by a multitude of psychiatric history, observer reports and assessment
factors, including biological, psychological and social of the child’s mental state were considered. Though
factors. Many study findings show that ADHD runs in ADHD cases are rare, it is a highly problematic case
families with greater frequency than in the general involving not only patients (person) concerned but
population. ADHD is one of the more highly heritable also the family, educational institutions and society
psychiatric disorders in which heritability rates of as whole. Therefore, people with ADHD should be
around 80% have been consistently documented.12 diagnosed properly and the diagnosed person must
Structural imaging studies showed that brains of get a comprehensive, holistic shared treatment
children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder addressing psychological, behavioral and occupational
are significantly smaller than unaffected controls.13 or educational needs to improve their quality of life.
The prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum are
differentially affected and evidence indicating reduced
connectivity in white matter tracts in key brain areas is
emerging.13 The maternal environment might increase
the risk for ADHD. Previous study findings have showed
Prof. Dr. Annika Melinder, Oslo University, Norway
that smoking during pregnancy, low birth weight and
kindly support in making this case report. This case
maternal mental health, preschool children exposed to
report is the part of PhD Fellowship and the research
high levels of lead are the reasons for increasing the risk
supported by PhD Fellowship grant (No. PhD/73-74/H &
for ADHD.14 On parents’ evaluation, birth rank among
S09) of University Grants Commission of Nepal.
siblings, mother’s education, exposure of aggressive
television programs were found as the causes of
ADHD.15 Fatal exposure of teratogen substances like
nicotine or alcohol, reportedly increases the risk of
developing ADHD.16

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