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Instructions & Precautions During Panchakarma

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General Instructions & Precautions during Panchakarma Therapy

 Always bathe with warm water

 Do not bathe immediately following a treatment or after eating a meal
 Do not sleep during the day (unless feeling weak or unable to sleep at night)
 Do not control natural urges like sneezing, coughing, urination or bowel
 Do not talk loudly
 Do not use a very high pillow for sleeping
 Curds, husked barley & black gram should not be eaten at night.
 Avoid emotional upsets like anger, frustration, irritation, etc.
 Keep calm and avoid mental stress
 Avoid physical exertion and sexual activity
 Try to meditate on Nature keeping in mind its laws: that a cause will always
have an inbuilt and automatic effect, therefore always begin an activity
keeping in mind the law of cause and effect.
 Avoid arrogance, impatience or mental agitation
 Contain anger with serenity, and fear with confidence
 Avoid over rationalizing, or overindulging in intellectual activity
 Maintain peace of mind and calmly govern the senses
 Avoid over indulgence in sleep, sleeplessness, bathing, drinking (water or
wine) or eating
1 Sarvang Snehan Swedan
(whole body massage fomentation)

Instructions and Precautions-

 If suffering from hypertension or if there is history of cardio-vascular
disease, varicose veins, fractures or any serious illness, be sure to inform
the Doctor
 Do not go for massage immediately after eating a heavy meal
 Light breakfast or food is permissible
 Inform the therapist about the tolerance level of the massage pressure
 Before going for steam drink a minimum of 200 ml of water
 The soles of the feet must be absolutely dry to avoid slipping on the oily
floor surface.
 Walk to the steam chamber with extra care
 While taking steam treatment, cover the head with a damp towel
 Inform the therapist about your tolerance level to steam
 After completion of treatment, rest for at least 30 minutes
 Take a shower only if felt necessary but not before a 30 minute rest
 Avoid soap, body gel or shampoo on the day of massage
2 Internal Snehan - A preparation for Detoxification

Observational points during Internal Snehan:-

 Appetite- normal, diminished or increased
 Stool- frequency, smell, consistency and color
 Skin- texture --- smooth or dry

Instructions and Precautions-

 Take the prescribed Snehpan (medicated ghee) at home / clinic
 Do not eat or drink in the morning before drinking ghee
 Do not take breakfast after Snehpan.
 Ginger may be chewed at the time of Snehpan to alter the unusual taste of the
ghee and to increase the bio-availability of the ghee from the gut
 Take only warm water after Snehpan for the entire day and night; a little
herbal tea is permissible
 Take lunch only if real hunger persists
 Do not indulge in any heavy physical labour
 Tiredness and emotional upset may occur
 Smoking and sexual activities are strictly prohibited
 (neglect of these two activities might lead to improper detoxification and other
 Observe any physical disturbance (nausea, heaviness etc.) and notify the
3. VAMAN - Instructions and Precautions

 Whole body massage and steam to be given in the morning

 No food or drink to be taken in the morning
 Only water may be taken
 After massage and steam, the main procedure of Vaman starts
(between 7 to 9 a.m.)
 Remain calm and quiet and consider the procedure as a betterment of
health, Sit properly on a chair
 After completion of Vaman, take rest for 45 minutes
 Dhoompan (herbal smoking) may be undertaken to clear throat,
mouth and nasal passage of obstruction by residual Kapha
 Do not speak loudly
 Do not sleep during the day
 Do not take lunch
 Do not be exposed to the sun and wind
 After 4 p.m. light tea with a light rice snack may be taken
 Dinner should be light (preferably PEYA )
 All seven days diet chart according to SANSARJAN KRAM Chart
 The entire process can lead to a feeling of complete exhaustion and
lack of energy, but should be considered as normal reactions
 Normal health is regained after couple of days
4. VIRECHAN - Instructions and Precautions-

 No food or drink to be taken in the morning

 Only water and herbal tea may be taken in the morning
 Do not take breakfast or lunch
 Drink warm water and try to balance the body if nausea is felt
 After one or two hours of taking the decoction, purgation may start.
The time span can vary with each person
 Drink warm water all the time – more than desired – after every visit
to the toilet, and until the purgation is complete
 Count the number of purgation and check the consistency of the
stools, particularly the last one
 Usually the purgation starts around 10:00/11:00 a.m. and should stop
by 4 p.m.
 The number of purgation may vary from 6 to 16, depending on
individual response and level of dosha
 After 4 p.m. light tea with a light rice snack may be taken
 Dinner should be according to Sansarjan Kram
 The next morning at breakfast, only liquid khichari (rice broth), but
no heavy breakfast may be taken
 During the entire process the high digestive fire might give rise to
intolerable hunger, but no solid or heavy food is to be taken that
evening at dinner or next morning at breakfast
 7 days diet should be according to Sansarjan Kram
5. BASTI - Instructions and Precautions

Three types of Ayurvedic Basti:-

1. Anuvasan Basti (oil enema)
2. Niruh Basti (decoction enema)
3. Matra Basti (low dose oil enema)

 1 & 2 are a set of Basti. Advisable to take them for 8 days, 16 days or
30 days (depending upon illness and Doshik condition)
 Anuvasan Basti (oil enema): administered after lunch
 Niruh Basti (decoction enema): administered in the morning on an
empty stomach
 Both enemas: administered after a whole-body/ Half massage and
steam every day (the patient should be mentally prepared for such
 Lie on the left side keeping the left leg stretched straight and right leg
folded in front during enema (either oil or decoction)
 Lie on the back for 5 minutes after enema
 Lie again on the back with legs bent for 15 to 30 minutes
 Discomfort may be felt during the administration of enema.
 (The amount of decoction enema ranges from 400 ml to 800 ml)
 After decoction enema visit the toilet immediately
 After oil enema hold as long as possible. If beyond toleration, visit
the toilet
 After completion of Basti, rest for at least 30 minutes.
 Avoid a bath after oil enema
6. NASYA- Instructions and Precautions-

 During treatment do not move head

 Inhale liquid through one nostril, and then through the other
 Do not talk or laugh during treatment
 Do not swallow the oil
 Spit it out in the container provided for the purpose
 The oil runs down the throat causing irritation, and burning sensation
all over the face
 These symptoms are usual and automatically subside after some time
without any adverse effect
 After the treatment is over, lie stretched out on the back and rest for
15 minutes in the resting area
 Do not blow the nose immediately following Nasya
 Do not wash hair during Nasya
 Avoid exposure to cold during the treatment
 Preferably keep the head and neck covered till the therapy is over
7. SHIRODHARA- Instructions and Precautions

 For maximum benefit it may be taken for 7 days but never less than 3
 The second or third day of the treatment may produce dizziness or
mild headache which will automatically subside on the 4th or 5th day
 Do not move head during therapy
 Maintain silence during and after the treatment
 Cover the head after treatment
 Take maximum rest after treatment
 Avoid exposure to excessive cold or heat after treatment
 Smoking and sexual activities are strictly prohibited
 Since the treatment works directly on the “agya chakra” (the subtle
center between the two eyebrows) any blockage in the channel or old
thoughts or past events deep seated in the sub-conscious mind, may
come up during treatment.
 Some people may experience emotional upsets and feel depressed.
Being aware of the elimination process will help in understanding the
feelings and creating a balance
8 SHIRO BASTI- Instructions and Precautions

 Oil will be poured in a special cap on top of your head

 There might be a little burning of the eyes and tears
 After the treatment a mild heaviness might be felt
 Do not move the head from side to side during treatment
 Cover the head afterwards
 Avoid exposure to cold
 Do not wash hair during the treatment

9 NETRA TARPAN- Eye treatment Instructions and Precautions

Tension may be felt in the eyes during treatment

 Do not look at bright glowing objects
 Do not look at the sky, Wear sunglasses on the day of treatment
 Some people may feel irritation in eyes after treatment. (Although rare and usually
harmless, the symptom should be brought to the notice of the doctor)

 Do not wash eyes with cold water immediately following the treatment
 Do not face cold and harsh winds
 Do not read and write for a period of time
 Do not go out into direct sunlight after treatment
10. PATTRAPOTTALI SWED- Instructions and Precautions-

 Inform the Doctor if you are suffering from high blood pressure
before start of treatment
 Inform the therapist about tolerance to heat and pressure during the
 Do not take a shower within two hours of the treatment
 Do not get exposed to cold after the treatment
 Take minimum 30-minute rest after treatment

11 UDWARTANAM- Instructions and Precautions

 Do not take treatment if there is lot of hair on the body
 Inform the therapist about tolerance of pressure during the treatment
 Do not get exposed to cold after the treatment
 Sometimes skin becomes so sensitive that even a soft touch may not be
 Stop the treatment and inform to the doctor
 In case of any bruise, hyper pigmentation, erythematic plaques or abscess
appears on the skin, inform immediately
 Benefits of the treatment is based on individual response
 Take minimum 30-minute rest after treatment
12 PIZHICHIL - Instructions and Precautions

 Inform the Doctor if there is history of allergy to oil

 During procedure the treatment tub becomes very slippery so be careful while
changing posture
 Inform the therapist about your tolerance to the oil’s temperature during
 Keep your muscles relaxed during the procedure
 Tiredness is a common symptom after treatment
 Light diet should be taken during the treatment
 Heavy exercise and brisk walks should be avoided
 Body becomes very soft if treatment is given for a longer duration, in such
cases even simple and mild physical work should be avoided.
 For the maximum benefit of the treatment avoid showering as much as
 After the treatment take rest at least for 30 minutes
 Sometimes consistency of stool becomes soft and the frequency of passing
stools and
 urine may increase

13 KATI BASTI- Instructions and Precautions-

 Take light breakfast or meal before treatment because you will have to lay
down in prone position (face down) for 45 minutes
 therapist not to give any pressure over the sensitive area of the spine
 Inform to the Doctor regarding any hypersensitivity after the procedure
 This treatment should be continue for minimum 3 days
 Back of your body should not be exposed with cold after the treatment
 It is always better to take rest minimum for 30 minute after this procedure
What may be felt during and after Panchakarma?

 Elimination of physical and mental toxins might give rise to various physical and
mental symptoms, like weakness, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, dryness,
irritation, digestive upsets, sneezing, restlessness, excitability, anger, emotional
upsets, mood swings, recalling old thoughts, actions and events, heightened
sexual desire, craving for different tastes, etc. These symptoms disappear

 Energy levels may vary from day to day since Panchakarma besides being a
cleansing process also works at very subtle energy levels

 The energy levels begin to normalize once the entire procedure is complete. It
may however take a week or more
 The real benefit from Panchakarma can be perceived after 7 to 15 days.
 Benefits may vary at a personal level depending upon the body’s individual
response and the post-Panchakarma routine advised by the physician

Post-Panchakarma Instructions and Precautions -

 After completion of Panchakarma treatment the diet regime should be

adhered to for at least 7 days, and thereafter as often as possible
 It is advisable to rest the body for a couple of days before embarking upon a
journey after completion of Panchakarma. Do not go trekking or undertake
similar strenuous activities too soon

 If a Panchakarma diet advised by the physician is not possible, then a diet

with plenty of fruit included is desirable
 Avoid mental stress as much as possible after finishing the Panchakarma
Dr.GARJE’S Ayurved Clinic& Panchakarma Centre
Address: Om Shivam Bldg. A203, A Wing 2nd Floor Sector 20A, Opp. To Bus Stop & Railway Station Nerul West
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra India Pin code – 400706

+91 8652100501 +91 8652100506 02227720507 /

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