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Drive A Person To Use His/her Creativity and

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LESSON 5 – MEANING and IMPORTANCE of - Entrepreneur the person who establishes a

BARTER – exchanging goods with other goods. - It involves an orderly process of organizing
ENTREPRENEURSHIP – it is a term used resources and efficient use of resources in
interchangeably with business. production of goods and services.
- It is the science and art of creating or producing
goods and services.
2 purposes of producing goods and services:
1.For CUSTOMERS to meet their needs in their day-
to-day living and improve their way of life.
2.For PRODUCERS to provide services to the
consumers and gain profit in return. - The need for products or services are known as
- It begins with an idea that grows out from: economic or business opportunities.
a. a problem or need of an individual, family or - When people need something, they are willing to
community pay someone who is able to provide these needs.
b. lack or scarcity of a resource in the community - It is important to the individual, the family the
c. abundance of resource in the surrounding community and to the nation because it is the key
The lack or abundance of resource can motivate or to progress.
drive a person to use his/her creativity and - Through creativity and innovativeness, the
innovativeness to find ways to fill up the scarcity or entrepreneur is able to transform his/her ideas into
to transform abundance resources into something marketable goods and services to meet market
useful by creating goods and services which can be demands and bring out robust economic activity in
sold to people and gaining profit out of it. a community.
- Science means orderly and systematic.
- Creativity is a talent to innovate things.
- Art means creative and artistic designing
- Idea how production of products begins
Entrepreneurship brings: work faster in industries and simplify and maximize
1. Self-employment – the importance of business the production of goods.
to its owner. The entrepreneur is the first person 8. More goods and services for the people – the
to be employed because he/she is in charge of the more industries built in a community, the more
business. goods become available for the people in the
2. Jobs for others – entrepreneur needs other to community.
help operate the business. He needs people with 9. More employment – more business
different skills and qualified for a specific type of establishments means more people are employed
work. by these businesses and the more income for the
3. Establishment of industries – There are many people and the better quality of life.
entrepreneurs who are willing to put up their own 10. Development of entrepreneurial skills and
business in the community. interest – comes with experience in managing a
4. Generation of income for the industry and the business. One who goes to business learns how
community – part of the income from doing to operate and manage the business.
business goes to the income of employees and
payment of taxes to the community. Rewards of Entrepreneurship
5. Livelihood for the family – businesses are 1. Make money
owned by families and become their source of 2. Be the boss
income. 3. Tap his or her creativity
6. Utilization of local materials – the abundance of 4. Overcome challenges and find fulfillment in
local materials in the community serves as raw running a business
materials in creating products 5. Help others
7. Invention of tools and equipment – facilitates 6. Build an entrepreneurial legacy.
the production of goods. With the advancement of
technology, there are now machines that that can
LESSON 6: Qualities of Successful Entrepreneur number, he/she sticks to that decision regardless of
1. Drive for achievement – the entrepreneur has a opposition.
great psychological drive to achieve. He is greatly 9. Adaptability – it is the ability to adjust to the
motivated to accomplish the goals he has set for changes and present demands of the times.
himself. 10. Foresight – this refers to thinking not only of
2. Desire for responsibility – a responsible the present but of the future as well. He can
entrepreneur is one who commits himself to the visualize the status of one’s business in the next 5
job. to 10 years.
3. Willingness to take risks – any business entails a lot 11. Adequate knowledge – the successful
of risk – the risk of failing, of losing business, in entrepreneur is knowledgeable. He has both
which case, losing one’s capital. They have general and technical knowledge about his
adventurous spirit. Faces dangers of failures. business.
4. Drive and dynamism – The successful entrepreneur General knowledge – allows him to carry a
is full of vigor and vitality. He is always on the go. conversation of any topic.
5. Persistence and hard work – key to success is hard Technical knowledge – shows his expertise in the
work and more hard work. He works relentlessly business he is in.
to realize his goals. 12. Persuasive ability - he/she is a fluent speaker.
6. Self-confidence and self-reliance – The successful He knows how to motivate people and get their
entrepreneur exudes confidence and competence. interest in the products he sells.
He is able to instill confidence in others. Believes 13. Creativity, resourcefulness and innovativeness
in himself and can be relied upon. – successful entrepreneur is in continuous search
7. Diplomacy – effective entrepreneur is one who can of new ideas. He thinks of ways of improving the
relate well with people from top to bottom product or introducing something new to his
positions in a business organization. customers.
8. Self-control – when an effective entrepreneur 14. Managerial ability – a successful entrepreneur is
makes a decision that is beneficial to the greater a systematic person. He plans well, implements
programs with adequate controls and evaluates - Disaster struck when Mt. Pinatubo erupted and
programs based on his criteria. he almost lost everything.
15. Optimistic attitude toward life and business – - With sheer determination, persistence and hard
the successful entrepreneur always sees the bright work he was able to rebuild the business.
side of life and business regardless of risks or - How did they become successful? Through
failure. determination, persistence and hard work to
rebuild the business and being innovative in
thinking ways on how to make the business
Some Successful Stories of Filipino Entrepreneurs profitable made it successful.
These are some of the successful entrepreneurs 2. ROSANNA LLENADO – Ahead Learning Systems
features in the special edition of Entrepreneur - Rosanna Llenado was a full-time housewife and
Magazine. mother when she decided to put up a tutorial
1. FELIZ GARCIA and Family – Mekeni Food service at home.
Corporation - She started the business in 1995 and saw
- It started as a small backyard poultry and piggery difficulty of parents providing extra help to their
business before it became a big meat processing children with school assignments and lessons.
company. - She saw this opportunity and the demand for
- It has to overcome a lot of difficulties and pain the kind of service. She had to find the best
before it became a successful business. location for her services.
- It started selling livestock, its market was limited - To be more accessible to clients, she put up the
and chance of success and growth is not review clinics inside the malls, unlike other
promising. tutorial centers that are located near the school.
- Felix Garcia has to think of ways to save the - One effective way of learning they implemented
business and make it profitable. is the simulated exams to prepare the students
- Instead of selling live meat, he thought about for the entire test they needed to pass in school.
idea of producing processed meat products that - How did it become successful? Seeing an
are ready to cook and appealing to consumers. opportunity and demand for the service and
offering a much needed service which is the LESSON 7: DIFFERENT TYPES OF BUSINESSES
simulated exams made the business successful.
3 Major Types of Business:
3. ALEJANDRO FAMILY – Papemelroti Major Type Descriptions, Examples, Types
- How did it become successful? The business 1. Manufacturin - It is the process whereby
raw materials
became successful because of persistence. g undergo processing until converted to
finished products.
Turning a hobby into a business.
- It was the couple’s hobby to make new things - Different products or goods are produced in
bulk or large scale by large manufacturing
out of what people would usually through away.
companies and small scale by cottage
- They started in business with the wife having the industries.
penchant of sewing dresses for her daughters,
- Examples:
making toys from toilet paper rolls and
piggybanks from empty bottles. The husband  Cars and heavy equipment produced by
big companies
enjoys woodworks and making furniture.
 Handicrafts and food preserves produced
by cottage industries
 Micro and small businesses like
handicraft, furniture, ceramics,
garments, processed food and metal
2. Services - Offeredby persons who are skilled in trade
or craft.
- A person or organization makes use of skill
or expertise in specific field or area.
- The
services are provided with the help of
machine or tools and equipment.
- Examples or types of services
1. Health Care – services provided in vocational courses.
hospitals, health clinics, nursing home, 5. Communication – services offered by
orphanages, health insurance, fitness telephone and mobile companies,
centers, massage clinics, rehab clinics, television and radio, internet,
dental services. computers, post office, magazines,
2. Trade – services offered by trading newspapers and other print media.
companies that buy on wholesale and 6. Household Services – services given by
sell it to the retailers. carpenters, plumbers, electricians,
Traders – are middlemen who make the mason, painters, gardeners, housemaids
transfer of goods from manufacturers to and different repair shops.
retailers easy. 7. Utilities – services provided in every
Involved in retail trading are sari-sari household which include water,
stores, grocery stores and general electricity and garbage collection.
merchandising stores. 8. Professional Services – services
3. Transportation – services offered by provided by accountants, engineers,
public transport vehicles that transport interior designers and professional
people in different places. reviewers in review classes for board
and licensure examinations.
9. Food Services – include catering
- Travel agencies that book reservations services in hotels, restaurants, canteens,
for land, sea and air travel cafeterias and other food outlets.
- Car rental agencies 10. Legal Services – services provided
lawyers in court cases, notary public,
- School bus services preparation of legal documents and
- Tour services legal consultation.
11. Beauty Care – services offered by
- Rentals of delivery trucks and
beauty parlors, cosmetic and surgery
container vans to transport people
clinics, massage and spa clinics,
and goods.
barbershops and facial centers.
4. Education – services offered by schools
12. Real Estate – services provided by real
for preschool, elementary, secondary
estate agents in the sale of house, lots
and college courses, technical and
or house and lot.
13. Medical Services – services provided by
doctors, nurses, physical therapists and
other medical practitioners.
3. Retailing - All forms of selling directly to the consumer.
- Theseller sells his goods or merchandise or
service to the buyer to earn profit.
- The buyer buys the goods or avails the
services to meet his needs or satisfy a want
or desire for him or his family.
- Examples:

 Sari-sari stores
 Specialty stores
 Groceries
 Supermarkets
 Stalls in wet and dry markets
 Stores on wheels or traveling stores
 Online selling via internet and television
 House-to-house selling

Consumers – people who buy products or avail the

services like you, me and the families in the
3. It is an enjoyable hobby for those who are really
interested in plants and gardens.
4. It can be a therapeutic activity


GARDEN is a piece of land or plot where flowers, fruits

and vegetables are planted.

Ornamental Garden – the plants raised here are those

which are mainly used to decorate or beautify a place.

Basics in Ornamental Gardening

To start an ornamental garden, some basic knowledge
LESSON 8: PLANNING AN ORNAMENTAL GARDEN about the following is needed:
1. Garden tools and their uses
Types of Outdoor Gardening: 2. Health and safety practices in gardening
1. Ornamental Gardening – includes raising different 3. Plan or layout of the garden
plants for decorative purposes. 4. Planting ornamental plants
2. Vegetable Gardening – includes raising different 5. Taking care of the plants and soil
vegetables, fruits and other crops. 6. Making compost or fertilizer
7. Marketing of the plants
Importance of Ornamental Gardening:
1. It can be a livelihood and an occupation in itself. Garden Tools and Their Uses
2. It is an interesting and enjoyable activity, especially Garden Tools Uses Proper Use
when planting an array of plants with beautiful
flowers, leaves, colors textures and sizes.
used for mixing - Hold the handle with two hands trenching
and cutting the spread apart.
soil - Make a forward thrust holding
7. TROWEL used for - Hold with one hand in an
1. Spade the spade in inclined position
inclined position and thrust
toward the ground. planting
into the soil when planting
seedlings and seedlings.
- To cut the soil, hold in upright
position and thrust directly cultivating small
towards the soil. plants
8. WHEELBARRO Used for - Hold the handle firmly then lift
2. SHOVEL - used for - Hold the shovel similar to the wheelbarrow slightly off
holding the spade. W carrying tools
removing and garden soil
the ground.
gravel and - In an inclined position, move it from one place - Push to move the wheels.
digging toward the ground or soil.
to another.
- Spade has a flat
tip, a shovel 9. MEASURING used for - can also use measuring tape,
has a pointed measuring the meter stick or rolling meter
tip. size of plots - Pull out one end of the meter
3. SPADING FORK used for mixing - Hold with one hand toward the and stretch it out to measure
manure end of the other and the other
hand toward the middle. 10.WATER used for - Hold firmly and sprinkle on
watering plants plants in an inclined position.
- Used in inclined position when SPRINKLER
mixing manure. - Sprinkler Irrigation uses lawn
sprinklers. This is a method of
4. RAKE used for leveling - Hold firmly with two hands applying water in a controlled
the surface of spread apart on the handle. manner similar to rainfall.
seedbeds for - In an inclined position, move the
gathering rake in a forward and back
manure and motion. 11.SPRAYER used for - Hold the neck of the bottle with
spraying plants one hand, with the index finger
dried leaves. holding and pushing the push
5. HOE used for digging - Hold tightly with two hands with disease button or lever.
and cutting close to each other. and/or attacked
trenches - Raise the hoe far back and with by pests.
one swift motion, strike on the - Hold the knife or bolo on one
12.GRINDSTONE used for
location where you are going to
dig. sharpening tools hand and slide the sharp edge
of the knife or bolo in the
- Used similarly as the HOE grindstone in inclined position.
6. PICK MATTOCK used for
chopping roots 13.SHEARS used for cutting - Hold the handle with both
when digging or tall grasses, hands, position the shears close
dried branches to the bottom part of the
ground, then move the handle
PLAN OR LAYOUT is a drawn plan showing the
and leaves
sideward and inward like location, measurement and placement of garden plot.

14.CROWBAR used as a lever - Hold the end of the bar with Considerations in choosing the location for ideal site
either to force both hands while curved end is
inserted between the objects to
of the garden:
apart two be separated or between nail to 1. Water Supply – should be accessible to the source
objects or to be pulled out. Use force to pull
remove nails out the nail or to separate
of water to ensure enough supply of this. Plants
them. will die without water.
15.LIGHT HOE used for - Used like a hoe but with a 2. Sun – garden must receive sunshine to allow the
weeding loose lighter stroke
growth of plants.
paths and beds
Sunlight is important in the manufacture of food in
plants (photosynthesis).
Health and Safety Practices in Gardening 3. Soil Fertility – soil should be rich to make the plants
It is very important to observe safety precautions in healthy.
gardening. LOAM SOIL is the best soil for ornamental plants.
1. Wear proper attire before starting to work.
2. Know how to use each tool properly. MAKING A GARDEN PLAN
3. Clean tools after using. Wash and dry them GARDEN PLAN is a drawing of the garden plots
properly. Oil those that need to be oiled. complete with measurement and placements.
4. Keep tools in their proper place. Do not allow Example:
children to play with them.
5. Change shirts once wet. Let the body rest after
6. Use gloves when handling soil and fertilizers
especially the inorganic type.


Before planting, prepare the garden plots by doing the TAKING CARE OF THE PLANT AND SOIL
following: 1. CULTIVATING – loosening the soil around the plant
1. Remove all unwanted matters like stone, wood enables the roots to expand and develop fully.
branches, twigs, leaves, roots, wild grass etc.
2. Dig the soil to loosen it. Remove more stone and
unwanted matters under. 2. WATERING – water plants with water sprinkler.
3. Pulverize the soil. Spread garden soil on top to WATERING is done early in the morning or late in
fertilize the soil. the afternoon.

3 WAYS OF PLANTING 3. FENCING – fences keeps away stray animals.

1. DIRECT PLANTING – healthy and mature seeds are
planted directly into the soil.

4. CONTROL OF PESTS – this means combating plant

enemies such as insects, parasitic fungi and germs
2. INDIRECT PLANTING or Asexual Method – a part of
which cause diseases.
the plant like a stem or branch is planted into the

3. TRANSPLANTING – the young plant with the roots 5. WEEDING

intact is removed carefully from the soil and Weed is a plant that tends to grow where not
transferred to a bigger pot or plastic bags. wanted and prevents the growth of more desirable
plants by taking their space.
2. The compost is spread evenly on the field and
plowed immediately to avoid much loss of
6. KEEPING THE SOIL FERTILE – the soil in garden Harrowing is the process of mixing the soil
affects how the plants will grow. thoroughly.

FERTILIZERS are enriching materials used on the soil

MAKING THE COMPOST to increase its productivity.
COMPOST – a form of well-decayed vegetable matter TYPES of Fertilizer:
such as leaves, straw, cogon grass, weeds, rice hull, ORGANIC FERTILIZERS comes in the form of animal
corn stalks, vines and animal manure. manures and humus which are the product of
GOOD COMPOST is characterized by rich, dark brown composting and decompositions of plant residues and
and crumbly soil and often referred as food for the legumes.
hungry soil.
COMPOST will be of value if used in the garden,
seedbeds and rice cornfields.

Use and Care of Compost

INORGANIC FERTILIZERS or Commercial Fertilizer
To use the compost, farmers usually do the following:
comes from nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia,
1. The compost is put into the soil below the rows or
ammonium nitrate, urea and others.
hills where the seed of plant are to be places.
Nutrients in inorganic fertilizers are not always Recording Expenses and Profit
properly balanced and therefore, the organic is  Have a record of all your expenses on a day-to-day
needed to make up deficiencies. or weekly basis. This is to keep track of how much
money is going out.
 In the record book, write the date and the details of
expenses such as quantities, specifications, unit
cost and total costs.
 Have a separate record of sale of plants, with the
It will take 4-6 months to know if the compost is date, quantity, amount of sale.
good to be used.  You can compute your expenses and profit at the
end of the day, week and month.

MARKETING OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS Planting for Continuous Growing of Ornamental

Observe the following in marketing your plants: Plants
1. Sell the plants at the right time. When the plants 1. How much more space do you need for expansion?
are grown with several leaves on their stem and 2. How many helpers do you need in propagating and
with the roots deeply attached to the soil. taking care of the plants?
2. Arrange the plants according to kind and size. This 3. How much money will you need for labor, utilities
makes it easier for prospective buyer to choose (water and electricity), soil, fertilizer, containers,
well. pots etc.?
3. Hire a gardener to assist you in marketing. 4. What other ornamental plants will you grow based
The gardener can answer the inquiries about the on customer demand and on the volume of sales of
plant, its needs and how it is raised. different plants?
4. Be honest in dealing with the customer. Give the 5. Do you have sufficient time and know-how to carry
right information to allow customer to make the out the plan?
right decisions.

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