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HR 6666

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From: Lee Norman [KDHE] Lee.Norman@ks.

Subject: Re: H.R. 6666
Date: May 16, 2020 at 7:02 PM
To: Sean PA

Dear Patrick, thank you for your insightful review and alert to me. I greatly appreciate it. This bill has not been on my radar screen. I and my
legislative affairs people will look into it more deeply. I am a staunch believer in supporting peoples privacy. I also believe in respectful and
helpful contact tracing. We have always done this and have for centuries, really. Whether it’s for food poisoning in a restaurant or outbreaks of
whooping cough or syphilis, the intent is to help people protect themselves, of course. That said, privacy protection is important. The balance
is a delicate one and I will review what you have sent me with that in mind. Again, thank you for your thoughtful review of this issue. Stay safe,
with warm regards, Lee

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On May 16, 2020, at 1:20 AM, Sean PA <> wrote:

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Dr. Norman,
As you are likely aware, on May 1, 2020 H.R. 6666 was introduced
to the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Bobby Rush.

I have read the entire bill, but just the 'Official Title As Introduced'
states the Bill is for the following:

"To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19,
and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other

Later on, the bill goes into what seem to appropriate funding, for individuals
without any medical acumen, to participate in a complex, automated system, involving technologies, both revealed and, likely not yet
revealed, to participate
in 'contact tracing'.

Our country is facing a virus (SARS-CoV2) and it's manifestation as the disease, referred to as Covid-19.

There is grave danger to citizens of our state if any part of this Bill is implemented.
The obvious violation to the Civil Liberties of all Americans, most specifically the 4th Amendment of our Constitution.

We have been besieged with a number of tests, that claim to diagnose the aforementioned virus. Most of the public are simply unable to
keep up with the ongoing problems with these tests. Most recently, Roche Laboratories sold
tens of thousands of p.o.c. units, which the administration now have discovered induce a large amount of 'false positives'. Antibody tests
and newly released Antigen tests are also far to new to have established any legitimate track record.

The public are constantly misinformed and 'facts', largely introduced by Dr. Tony Fauci, change. The very idea that 50% of those who are
infected are 'asymptomatic', becomes very dangerous, when one discovers that term refers to
a. Someone who is carrying the disease, without any symptoms
b. Someone who had Covid-19, but symptoms were too mild for them to know
c. Someone who had the disease, has recovered, but never knew.

You possess multiple post-graduate degrees and a resume of service to

your country and your community.

This bill is so draconian, it will frighten an entire populace who are already
working with very short fuses.

Given the above informed commentary about test accuracy and the danger
of inaccurate technology being utilized to diagnosis a disease that manifests
in very questionable variations, most Americans will never consent to this
type of thing that could result in removal of their children or family.

This bill is absolutely unacceptable. Financing regular citizens to police

and report neighbors, is absolutely straight out of Nazi Germany.

We have 89,000 dead Americans. Now, that is tragic, but there are 330,000,000
citizens in this country. These numbers absolutely do not justify these measures
and this Congressman should be ashamed of himself.

I implore you to reach out to the Governor of this state. Make her aware of
this. We all ask for your support in these difficult times.

God Bless You,

Patrick S. Quinn

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