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Media Release - COVID-19

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Libertarian Party Statement on COVID-19 Outbreak

Across the United States, COVID-19 testing supplies are being rationed, resulting in
patients being refused testing or experiencing long delays for test results. The result is that
we have a diminished understanding of the extent and characteristics of the current
pandemic, an impaired ability to slow the spread of the disease with contact tracing, and
delayed diagnosis of the disease.
Because the CDC declared coronavirus to be a public health emergency, regulations
were triggered that prevented hospitals and private lab companies from developing their
own tests. Then, the CDC botched the rollout of the test that they developed, leaving doctors
unable to properly diagnose and treat their patients.
“As a practicing hospitalist, I’m furious that my ability to test patients for this disease
is curtailed due to CDC-imposed red tape,” said Dr. Kyle Varner, a physician from the state of
Washington. “The result is that patients are waiting for extended periods of time for their
testing results and experiencing isolation and discomfort, while doctors can only guess at
the true extent of the pandemic in their communities.”
Public health authorities in the United States soak up billions of tax dollars per year,
run entire federal and state agencies, and regularly lobby congress for more power and tax
money. Yet, when the time comes for them to respond to a global pandemic that threatens
hundreds of thousands of American lives, they let America down. The result will be that this
pandemic will be far more deadly and disruptive than it could have otherwise been.
We may pay taxes to support these agencies and their bureaucrats, but that doesn’t
mean we can rely on them to keep us safe or healthy. In fact, during this pandemic, they have
been the single biggest obstacle to an effective and life-saving response to the crisis.
“South Korea is able to test 15,000 patients per day, and are even adding
drive-through testing, all while American doctors have to ration tests and can't even know
they are infected because there are not enough working tests here,” said Nicholas Sarwark,
chairman of the Libertarian National Committee. “Instead of allowing medical professionals
to get working tests from wherever they can, government regulations stop healers from
getting the tools they need to save American lives."
The lesson for America is simple — while regulations are sold by big government
politicians as a way to protect the public, they end up having unintended
consequences that hurt the very people they’re meant to help.

“Libertarians want the government to do fewer things,” Sarwark said. “Not everyone
agrees. However, we should all agree that the government needs to stop getting in the way of
doctors and scientists who want to help and heal. First, do no harm.”
We cannot rely on the government or the CDC to protect us during this crisis —
they’ve already proven they are incapable. Luckily, we don’t have to.
At least 12 pharmaceutical companies are developing treatments for COVID-19
infection. Multiple private companies are developing COVID-19 vaccines. Community groups
across the country are mobilizing to provide support to their neighbors who may need to
isolate themselves in response to the pandemic. Bill Gates is funding a home testing program
in the Seattle area. Companies in affected areas are deploying telecommuting technology to
facilitate physical distancing while minimizing the economic impact.
The Libertarian Party calls upon the CDC and FDA to stop obstructing the private
sector’s response to the crisis, and upon the president to remove all import restrictions on
coronavirus tests and to stop putting political considerations ahead of the American people.
This is an emergency that bureaucrats are ill-equipped to address. Instead of drowning the
private sector in red tape, the federal government should get out of the way and free the
creative genius of America’s scientists and business people to tackle this emergency


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