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He11 Test Questonniare Midterm

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Republic of the Philippines


R.T. Lim Blvd., Baliwasan, Zamboanga City
991-3815 / 991-1502

Name: ___________________ Date: ___________
Year/Sec: _______________


Directions: Read and understand the statement carefully. Choose the best answer from the given
choices; write only the letter on the space provided before each number.

1. It is most commonly associated with pieces of work in gallery.

A. Art C. Color
B. Balance D. Dimension
2. Art can describe as.
A. Dance C. Sculpture
B. Fashion D. All of the above
3. A kind of art that connect student with their own culture as well as with the wider
A. Arts in Home C. Arts in Society
B. Arts in School D. The power of art
4. Art had the power to move people and offer new experiences. Be it painting, drama, song,
poem, and novel.
A. Arts in Home C. Arts in Society
B. Arts in School D. The power of art
5. The following are examples of importance of art, EXCEPT.
A. Improves your creativity skills
B. Helps you do well academically
C. Relieves stress
D. To make money
6. Role of an art that usually found in our home like as frames, interior design, and
arrangement of pillows.
A. Arts in Home C. Arts in Society
B. Arts in School D. The power of art
7. Is a diverse range of human activities involving the creation of visual, auditory or
performing artifacts, which express the creator’s imagination?
A. Art C. Colour
B. Balance D. Dimension
8. It motivates people to attribute new meaning to life and existence.
A. Arts in Home C. Arts in Society
B. Arts in School D. The power of art
9. By looking at art and exposing ourselves to other creative medium we’re inspire more to
think ideas, and help thinking differently.
A. Art helps you learn visually C. Art relieves stress
B. Art is a different language D. Art improves your creativity skills.
10. It is part of importance of life that can give us so much happiness.
A. Arts relieves stress C. Arts help you learn visually
B. Art is a different language D. Arts gives you joy.
11. Ms. Cherry use to sing to showcase her emotions, where she is happy or sad. What
important of art it is?
A. Art is a different language C. Art relieves stress
B. Art helps you to express your emotion D. Art improves your creativity skills
12. The following are the importance of art EXCEPT.
A. It stimulates our thoughts when creating the message of the artist
B. It makes the surrounding look better and incomplete
C. Art communicates feelings and emotions expressively and forcefully
D. It reminds us of people’s selfless actions and nationalism
13. A person engaged in an activity related to creating art.
A. Artist C. Composer
B. Musicians D. Song Writer

14. A painting, a frame photograph, a table center piece, and the main laying out and design of
house. What roles of art it is?
A. Arts in Home C. Arts in Society
B. Arts in School D. The power of art
15. Roles of art in society that history can be recorded visually.
A. Giving form to intangibles C. Revealing the hidden
B. Keep a historical record D. Showing the world in a new way
16. Emotions such as fear and love are familiar to everyone, but can’t be seen.
A. Give form to intangibles C. Reveal the hidden
B. Keep a historical record D. Show the world in a new way
17. An artist’s sees the same thing as others but interprets them in an innovative way.
A. Give form to intangibles C. Reveal the hidden
B. Keeping a historical record D. Show the world in a new way
18. Roles of art in our society where in skilled artists can bring out hidden or obscure truths.
A. Give form to intangibles C. Reveal the hidden
B. Keep a historical record D. Show the world in a new way
19. Picasso once said that “art is a lie that reveals the truth.”
A. Reveal the hidden C. Keep a historical record
B. Show the world in a new world D. Give form to intangibles
20. Sir James is a skilled artist’s that he can reveal the truth through his art, what roles of art
in society it is?
A. Reveal the hidden C. Give form to intangibles
B. Keep a historical record D. Show the world in a new world
21. A roles of art in our society that the viewer can see human experiences.
A. Show the world in a new way C. Reveal the hidden
B. Keep historical record D. Give form to intangibles
22. Roles of art in our society where in seeing the world through the eyes of the artist can help
people see the world in a new ways.
A. Keep historical record C. Show the world in a new way
B. Give form to intangibles D. Reveal the hidden
23. Using forms and symbols to visualize represent things where in have no form.
Example: Jackson Pollock paintings.
A. Give visible or tangible form to ideas, feelings, or philosophies
B. Helps us see the world in a new or innovative way
C. Record the world
D. Reveal hidden or universal truths.
24. The ______ cannot be seen with human eyes. Religious images help to give concrete form
to abstract ideas.
A. Looking outward C. Stories and Histories
B. Looking inward D. The sacred realm
25. This theme addresses what it is like to be human and questions where in many humans ask
like “Who Am I?”
A. Looking outward C. Art and Art
B. Looking inward D. The sacred realm
26. Themes of art that involves societies for freedom, rulers and citizens.
A. Stories and Histories C. Politics and the social order
B. The natural world D. Invention and fantasy
27. This theme explores the use of art being pursued for its own sake.
A. Art and art C. Invention and fantasy
B. The sacred realm D. Looking outward
28. Theme that deals with our relationship to nature and the artist use of it as subject matter.
A. Politics and the social order C. Looking inward
B. The natural world D. Stories and histories
29. A theme of art illustrates art work dealing with the everyday, here and now and often
makes use of images where in are part of the artist’s everyday lives.
A. Looking outward C. The natural world
B. Looking inward D. The sacred realm
30. Art that springs from the imagination is represented through the theme of invention
A. Invention fantasy C. Art and art
B. Looking outward D. All of the above
31. Artist’s sometimes use stories as subject matter to express cultural history or shared
A. Art and art C. The sacred realm
B. The natural world D. Stories and histories
32. All of these are example of art except:
A. Art and colour C. Politics and the social order
B. Art and Art D. Looking inward
33. The principles of good design are _____.
A. colour, depth, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value
B. balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, proportion, repetition, simplicity, space,
and unity
C. movement, proportion, repetition, simplicity
D. none of the above
34. The elements of design are _____.
A. colour, depth, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value
B. balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, proportion, repetition, simplicity, space,
and unity
C. all of the above
D. none of the above
35. A type of balance in which both sides of a composition are balanced yet different is
A. asymmetrical C. symmetrical
B. radial D. geometric

36. Formal balance is another word for _____ balance.

A. asymmetrical C. symmetrical
B. radial D. geometric
37. Another word for “center of interest” is _____.
A. focal point C. dominance
B. emphasis D. all of the above
38. The choice of colours used in a design plan is called a _____.
A. colour spectrum C. colour scheme
B. colour wheel D. colour mix
39. A circular chart used to show colour relationships is called a _____.
A. colour scheme C. colour ray
B. colour wheel D. colour circle
40. Colours that are different in lightness and darkness are said to be _____.
A. contrasting C. dark in value
B. light in value D. bright and intense
41. Which of the following can be used to create contrast in a composition?
A. Smooth and rough textures
B. Large and small shapes
C. Plain areas against areas of patterns
D. All of the above
42. _____ is another word for the brightness of a colour.
A. Value C. Hue
B. Intensity D. Complementary
43. _____ is an element of art that refers to the sense of touch.
A. Value C. Texture
B. Pattern D. Shape

44. Blue and orange are _____ colours.

A. primary C. secondary
B. related or analogous D. complementary
45. Red, yellow, and blue are _____ colours.
A. primary C. secondary colours
B. related or analogous colours D. complementary colours
46. Visual _____ is achieved when all parts of a composition have equal weight and appear to
be stable.
A. focal point C. balance
B. unity D. pattern

47. _____ is a three-dimensional geometrical figure showing height, width and depth.
A. Space C. Balance
B. Form D. Line
48. Various art elements like lines, colours, or shapes that are repeated over and over in a
planned way create a _____.
A. focal point C. balance
B. unity D. pattern
49. The lightness or darkness of a colour is referred to as the _____.
A. shape C. intensity
B. value D. texture
50. _____ may be geometric or organic.
A. Shape C. Intensity
B. Value D. Texture

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