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Cathie Lesson Plan Final

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AND TIME: JAN 04, 2021- 2:00- 3:00

B. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in defining word related to fish preservation.
C. Performance The learners consistently practices the different form and preservation of fish.
D. Learning
Competencies / Appreciate the importance of identifying the common body form of fish.
E. Specific Objectives Knowledge- 1.Identify and define words related to market forms and cuts of fish
Skills- 2. Show the proper way of market forms and cutting fish.

Attitudes- 3.Give the importance of the diff forms and cutting of fish.
Terminologies and Forms of fish
1. References AFA2 “Market Form and Cuts of Fish” pp 40-42
2. Teacher’s Guide pages
3. Learner’s Materials Technology and Livelihood Education (Market Form and Cuts of Fish)
4. Textbook pages
5. Additional Materials
from Learning projector, laptop
Resources (LR) portal
6. Other Learning Modules
Resources Electronic references:
I.Reviewing previous lesson Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
or presenting the new lesson 1. ELICIT
A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer
Before we start, Let everybody stand up for a short prayer.
Will you please lead the prayer?
(Everybody will stand for a short prayer)
“Dear Lord, Thank you for this day,
thank you for your guidance and for
giving us knowledge. Please keep us
always be safe and give us healthy body
and mind. This is what we pray in Jesus
Name .Amen…

Good morning Ma’am!

2. Greetings
Good Morning class!

3. Checking of Classroom Condition

Class, before you take your seat, please pick up all your mess and arrange your chairs properly. (Students will pick up all the mess and
arrange the chairs properly.)

Very good Student, now you may go back to your seat. Thank you ma’am

4. Checking of Attendance
As I call your name, please raise your hand and say present. (Student raise their hands and say
present individually)

Very good, We got a hundred percent of attendance today. Everybody give yourself a wow clap. student will clap their hands)

5. Checking of Assignments
Last meeting, I gave you an assignment, right?
Pass it and I will be the one to check it later. Students will pass the assignment

B. Recall
“Take a peek of the past”
Last, meeting we discussed about lesson 3 from AFA2, which is the Methods, Tools and Equipment.
Let us do some recaps.
What are the methods of Fish Preservation?

Yes! Gina. 1. Fish Curing- it include all the methods

of fish preservation except refrigeration
and canning.
Exactly! What else?
Yes Ruby. 2. Canning or Bottling- is the application
of heat to food in a hermetically sealed
container at a temperature and for a
period of time.
(students will do a wow clap)

Very good! Give them a wow clap.

Another question, What are the importance of tools and equipment in fish preservation? Ma’am the importance of tools and
Yes Andrea, equipment in fish preservation is…..

(student will clap their hands)

Very good Andrea. Let us clap are hand for Andrea.

Is there any clarification with regards to our topic yesterday? None, ma’am!

So, it seems that you really understand our past topic.

Let’s proceed to our next lesson.

1. Establishing a purpose for 2. ENGAGE

the lesson C. Motivation
I will play a video here, all you have to do is to watch and familiarized on what you have seen in this (students will arranges their group)

(video playing) (students will watch the video)


Class, what do you observe from the video that you have watched?
Yes Jay, In video, I saw a man cutting a fish

Yes, that is correct, What else?

Yes Aizon, From the video, it shows the diff. cutting
of fish.

Very Good!
You are right! Give a clap for Jay and Aizon.
(Student will do clap clap)
D. Presentation of the Lesson

Base on the video that you have watched, What do you think are topic for today? I think our topic for today is about fish
Anyone? Yes Anna.

Maybe it all about how to cut fish.

Very Good, What else? Another idea,
Yes Charm,

It shows how the proper cutting of fish.

Almost there, Nice try, Another one
Yes Ben
Excellent! Our topic for today is all about the Market forms and cuts of fish.
2. Presenting examples / Activity: “Watch and Learn”
instances of the new lesson Video presentation:
Teacher showing the power points slide
1. What was the video all about?
Anyone? Yes Ynnah The video shows the proper cutting of
Very good Clap your hands for Ynnah
Another one!Yes Joy Ma’am, the video shows the diff cutting
of fish.
Nice one! Clap your hands for Bryan What else.
Yes Bryan. The video shows the Market forms and
cuts of fish.
Very good, the video is all about the market forms and cuts of fish.

Another Question,
2. What are the importance of Market forms and cutting of fish? It helps prevent or inhibit the natural
process of breakdown or decomposition
of fish.
Very good!What else?
Yes Dina It is show quality of finish product in
terms of cooking fish.
Excellent! None Ma’am
Class, do you have any question?
“Match Me”
Directions: Know the different market forms and cuts of fish and identify the possible cuts that been able
to the kinds of fish in the picture provided.
1. Bangus
3. Tulingan

(all student participate)

2. Galunggong A. Whole or round

b. Dresses fish
c. Steaks
d. Splitte
3. Discussing new concepts e. Live fish
and practicing new skills
#1 POSSIBLE CUTS f. Fillet
g. Sgticks
“know more”
Directions: Know the different market forms and cuts of fish and identify the possible cuts that been able
to the kinds of fish in the picture provided. Get ¼ sheet of paper.
Kinds of fish

1. Tilapia 2. Salmon 1.Live fish, fillet,splitted

2. whole or round

Skills #2 3.. live fish

3. cow eye 4. Bangus
4. fillet. Splitted, steaks.

5. whole or round

5. Galunggong 6. Tulingan 6. whole or round, steaks

4. Developing mastery 4. EXPLAIN

*What is market forms and cuts of fish? Ma’am, they are usually from fish that
Yes Danica, has been minced and shape breeded and

Very good Danica! Give Danica a wow clap! (student will do a clap)

Another question,
What Are the common Body Form of Fish?
(the teacher will shows sample pictures of fish and its body form and the students will explain)

1. Fusiform
Galunggong -is the Torpedo like physique

2. Compressiform
Slipmouth -is the flat and compress laterally

3. Depressiform -Is the depressed dorsal vertically.


4. Taenaform -is the ribbon like body shape.


5. Anguilliform
Eel -is serpentine like physique shape.

6. Globiform
Puffer fish -is the round globular like physique
5. Finding practical 5. ELABORATE
application of concepts and GROUP ACTIVITY:
skills in daily living The teacher will divide the learners into 3 groups.
TASK: Cut the fish according to the market demands and its form.
Ok class, since you have your group everyone will participate for your actual demonstration.
Prepare all your materials that you should use on your demo.

(Students start their actual demo)

Rubric for Assessment

CATEGORIES Novice0,1 point Emerging:2 points Proficient:3 points
Superior:4 points
Frequently failed Sometimes failed Was responsible Exceeded our
to complete task to complete task and completed
expectations on
Responsibility on time on time most task on time
timely completion
of tasks and
follow up.
Quality of work Quality of work Quality of work Quality of work
Quality of work often failed to sometimes failed met our frequently
meet our to meet our expectation exceeded our
expectations expectations expectations
Uncooperative to Cooperative, but Consistently listen Consistently
Cooperation support others to occasionally to others ideas and
willing to
achieve group unwilling to listen works sacrifice personal
goals or support cooperatively to interest to achieve
colleagues. achieve goals our goal.
Passive in respect Was supportive Showed initiative Was a positive
to goal setting, but display little in helping helping force in looking
Leadership initiating task and initiative in the team solve ahead and
resolving problem moving the team problems and
supporting the
achieve its goal other team
member to
achieve it goals.
I’d refuse to work I’d be reluctant to I’d be pleasant to I’d actively seek
Overall with this member work with this work with this to work with this
Assessments again member again member again member again.

(Teacher: All groups are done)

Teacher: Class are you excited for the result of your activity?
Yes Ma’am

(Teacher: Giving the result of the activity)

Teacher: Group 3 got the highest score, they got 9/10. The group 2 they got 7/10 and group 1 got the
lowest score, 5/10
Give yourself a very good clap.. (Student will do clap)

6. Making generalizations I. Valuing

and abstractions about the
lesson Summarize the diff market forms and cuts of Fish
*What are the diff Market Forms and Cuts of Fish? Yes Ma’am, The diff Market Forms and
Anyone? Yes Anna, Cuts of Fish are:
1. Whole or round fish
2. Drawn Fish
3. Dressed Fish
4. Steaks
5. Splitted
6. Live Fish
7. Fillet
8. Sticks
Excellent! .
Another Question,
*What are the Common Body Form of Fish?
Yes kate, Yes Ma’am, The diff. Common Body
Form of Fish are:
1. Fusiform
2. Compressiform
3. Depressiform
4. Anguilliform
6. Globiform

Very good! Another question,

How important market forms and cuts of fish?
Yes Rafael, It is important because it use to design
fish that you can apply to your business.

Verry good, What else.

Yes Almira
It is also help to preserve fish in market

Nice answer! Class, Is there any questions? None, Ma’am!

7. Evaluating learning 5. EVALUATE
“Test Your Self” Multiple choice
Directions: Identify the ff. given statements. Write your answer in 1/4 sheet of paper.
1. It is a market forms and cuts of fish whose internal organs are removed by making a slit along 1. E
the belly wall and the entrails pulled out. 2. D
2. It is a market forms and cuts of fish that is cuts on along the dorsal side from head to tail. 3. C
3. It is a market forms and cuts of fish from fillet or steaks. They are usually from fish that has 4. B
been minced and shaped, breaded and frozen. 5. A
4. It is a kind of fillets that are joined together on the ventral sides by the underside of skin.
5. It is a market forms and cuts of fish that are cross sections of a cleaned fish which are around 1-
2 cm thick.
a. steaks b. Butterfly fillet c. Sticks

d. Splitted e. Dressed fish

8. Additional activities for

application or remediation 7. EXTEND
1. Bring the ff.
Each group will bring fresh fish and tools that used in preserving or cutting fish.

2. Search the diff. Methods of Fish Preservation.

Prepared by: CATHERINE F RIBON Observed by:

Teacher , Date Observed:

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