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Analyzing Cockpit Communication: The Links Between Language, Performance, Error, and Workload

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J. Bryan Sexton & Robert L. Helmreich1

The University of Texas Team Research Project
Department of Psychology
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas USA

1995). In order for cockpit crewmembers to share a

Òmental model,Ó or common understanding of the
The importance of communication on the nature of events relevant to the safety and efficiency
flightdeck is discussed and an application of a new of the flight, communication is critical. This is not to
computer-based linguistic method of text analysis is say that effective communication can overcome
introduced. Preliminary results from a NASA B727 inadequate technical flying proficiency, but rather the
simulator study indicate that specific language contrary, that good Òstick & rudderÓ skills can not
variables are moderately to highly correlated with overcome the adverse effects of poor communication.
individual performance, individual error rates, and Ruffell Smith's (1979) landmark full-mission
individual communication ratings. Also, language simulator study showed that crew performance was
use was found to vary as a function of crew position more closely associated with the quality of crew
and level of workload during the flight. Use of the communication than with the technical proficiency of
first person plural (we, our, us) increases over the life individual pilots or increased physiological arousal as
of a flightcrew, and CA's speak more in the first a result of higher environmental workload. No
person plural than FO's or FE's. Language use in differences were found between the severity of the
initial flights was associated with performance and errors made by effective and ineffective crews,
error in subsequent flights. These are preliminary rather, it was the ability of the effective crews to
data, in that this method of linguistic analysis is communicate that kept their errors from snowballing
currently being developed and integrated with a into undesirable outcomes.
content-coding method of communication analysis
and models of threat and error.
The interdependent nature of the cockpit crew
requires language in order to issue commands,
acknowledge commands, conduct briefings, perform
Communication in Aviation
standard callouts, state intentions, ask questions, and
NASA researchers analyzed the causes of jet convey information (Kanki, 1995). The role of
transport accidents and incidents between 1968 and language use in communication processes has been
1976 (Cooper, White & Lauber, 1980; Murphy, neglected, and researchers have recognized the need
1980) and concluded that pilot error was more likely for a deeper understanding of language, its basic
to reflect failures in team communication and characteristics, and how it works (Orasanu & Fischer,
coordination than deficiencies in technical 1991; Cushing, 1997). There is a wealth of Cockpit
proficiency. Human factors issues related to Voice Recorder (CVR) data that provide recordings
interpersonal communication have been implicated in of crewmember interactions related to aviation
approximately 70% to 80% of all accidents over the accidents. Current methods of content-coding
past 20 years. Correspondingly, over 70% of the first utterances from accident and/or simulation transcripts
28,000 reports made to NASAÕs Aviation Safety have provided valuable (albeit labor intensive)
Reporting System (which allows pilots to insights into communication processes (e.g., Orasanu
confidentially report aviation incidents) were found & Fischer, 1991; Predmore, 1991).
to be related to communication problems (Connell,

1 1
Research reported here was conducted with the support of FAA Grants 92-G-017, 99-G-004, and a grant from the Daimler-Benz Stiftung,
Robert Helmreich, Principal Investigator. Acknowledgements go to James Klinect, John Wilhelm, Dave Musson, and Janel Seagal for reading
earlier drafts. Thanks are due to research assistants Kathrine Kirby, Anne-Marie Deville, Renee Mauldin, C.J. Winkler, and Dolly Dimke for their
many "less than exciting" hours of transcription.
An automated system of linguistic analysis that communication as a process variable moderating the
could quickly and efficiently identify patterns in relationship between input (e.g. team size, team
communication as well as provide a new level of structure, composition) and output factors (e.g.,
insight into language use in aviation, would be an quality, latency, errors). Furthermore, Foushee and
ideal tool to complement current methods of Helmreich (1989) have noted that closely examining
investigation2. To this end, the present research group member communications has often proven
examines the use of a computer-based linguistic fruitful in studies of the links between group
analysis of aviation communication. processes and outcomes. Unlike previous research
Research conducted in the language lab of however, the current study did not attempt to content-
Professor James W. Pennebaker at The University of code or classify communication in terms of its final
Texas at Austin has shown that linguistic styles can product, or meaning. Linguistic factors were utilized
be considered individual difference markers, i.e., to bypass the final product and instead investigate the
individuals appear to have a distinct Òlanguage use tools used to build it (i.e., not what the person is
fingerprintÓ which is relatively stable across time and talking about, but how the person is talking). To
situations (Pennebaker & King, 1999). His lab has expand upon this concept, LIWC language
identified language dimensions to be internally dimensions will be used to isolate patterns of
consistent, and modestly correlated to objective and language use in the current study.
self-reported health and performance measures at In a closer examination of the Ruffell Smith
rates comparable to or greater than traditional trait (1979) data, Foushee and Manos (1981) found that
markers of personality such as the Òbig fiveÓ better performing crews communicated more overall.
(McCrae & Costa, 1987). This positive correlation between performance and
communication was also documented in a Bell
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)
Aeronautics Company study in 1962 (Siskel and
In order to provide an efficient and practical Flexman) and replicated in Foushee, Lauber, Beatge,
method for studying the various emotional, cognitive, & Acomb, (1986). The quantity of verbal language
structural, and process components present in used in the cockpit is a pattern that has been
individuals' language use, Pennebaker and Francis identified and related to performance measures, and
developed and validated a computer-based text this pattern is readily captured by the LIWC category
analysis program called Linguistic Inquiry and Word WORDCOUNT (overall number of words spoken).
Count (LIWC: Francis & Pennebaker, 1993; Furthermore, in an analysis of simulator
Pennebaker & Francis, 1999). In essence, LIWC communication processes, Veinott and Irwin (1995)
analyzes written or transcribed verbal text files by reported that, in general, captains talked more than
looking for dictionary matches to words in the text first officers and there was more communication
file. LIWC does this on a word by word basis by during the abnormal phase than the normal phase.
calculating the percentage of words in the text that Accordingly, the current study will investigate
match each of up to 85 language dimensions. differences in language use as a function of position
Standard linguistic dimensions include categories and workload. Cannon-Bowers, Tannenbaum, Salas,
such as word count, sentence punctuation, percentage & Volpe (1995) identified a specific cockpit
of words longer than 6 letters, 1st person plural (we, communication skill: conveying information
our, us), negations (no, never, not), and assents (yes, concisely. This finding prompted the author to
OK, mmhmm). Dimensions of psychological consider a related linguistic dimension, the size of the
processes include categories such as positive words used by pilots (big vs. small words) when
emotions (happy, pretty, good), anger (hate, resent, examining language use. The LIWC category
pissed), and cognitive processes (cause, know, effect, SIXLTR is a tabulation of the percent of words
maybe, would, should). Other categories include greater than six letters long. In the past, the use of
swear words, nonfluencies (uh, er, um), and fillers the first person plural (we) has been interpreted as a
(you know, I mean). collective or team focus by the speaker (McGreevy,
1996; White and Lippitt, 1960). The first person
Identifiable Language Patterns & LIWC
plural is a linguistic dimension captured by the LIWC
category WE (e.g., we, our, us). Another linguistic
Foushee (1984) observed that most of the dimension which is theoretically related to a healthy
research studies of team performance have ignored teamwork orientation is the LIWC category
ACHIEVE (words indicative of working toward a
successful outcome: e.g., try, effort, goal).
Current work at our lab is integrating a micro-coding technique Prior research has demonstrated that shared
(Predmore, 1991) with the error model (Helmreich, Klinect &
Wilhelm, this volume).
mental models and predictable patterns of behavior
are imperative to laying the groundwork for effective fewer in number. Communication in the cockpit is
teamwork and communication in the cockpit. dynamic and interdependent, hence collapsing data
Ginnett (1987) has shown that initial crewmember across all positions when investigating language
interactions set the tone and can predict subsequent dilutes the effects of individuals - ergo the use of
team performance. Similarly, Hines (1998) individual language and flight outcome variables.
demonstrated that the best predictors of line
performance are captain leadership and pre-flight
briefing content. In this vein, one of the goals of the Language use data were analyzed using a doubly
current study was to investigate the extent to which multivariate within-subjects repeated measures
initial language use is related to subsequent ANOVA model 4 X 3 (level of workload4 X cockpit
performance and error ratings. position). The LIWC categories (WORDCOUNT,
SIXLTR, WE, and ACHIEVE) were used as repeated
Research Questions
This investigation explores the use of language The model6 yielded an omnibus main effect for
as an individual difference variable in the context of position F (8, 4) =38.9, p < .001, indicating that
studying communication processes in the highly across all crews, language is used differently as a
technical and task-oriented commercial aviation function of cockpit position. A within-subjects
cockpit. LIWC was used to conduct linguistic multivariate test main effect for level of flight
analyses conceptually similar to methods already in segment workload F (12, 96) =8.76, p < .001,
use by crew factors investigators. Is language use indicated that language is used differently as a
related to flight outcome measures, and how does function of workload. Another within-subjects
language use vary across position and or level of multivariate test main effect for cockpit position F (8,
workload? 40) = 12.94, p < .001, indicated that there are
differences in language use between members of the
same cockpit crew. A within-subjects interaction
The pilot language data for the present study between workload and position F (24, 264) = 4.30, p
were a study from NASA-Ames Research Center that < .001, showed that the overall differences in
investigated the effects of captain personality on crew language use by position were interdependent with
performance (see Chidester, Kanki, Foushee, differences in language use by workload.
Dickinson & Bowles, 1990 for a detailed Pairwise comparisons using the Bonferroni
description). These data involved a three person correction for multiple comparisons at the .05 level
crew (captain-CA, first officer-FO, and flight revealed further insight into the nature of differences
engineer-FE) flying a simulated B-727 during a 5 identified by the multivariate F tests. Captains used a
segment flight over two days. Transcripts were made higher number of words per segment than FOÕs or
available for 12 crews3 across the last four flight FEÕs, and the number of words used during abnormal
segments, A, B, C, and D. Segments A and C were segments was higher than the number of words used
routine (low workload), and segments B and D were in routine segments - a replication of Veinott and
abnormal (high workload). As part of the data IrwinÕs (1995) findings. Individuals are likely to
collection process in the original simulator study, an communicate more during periods of high workload
expert pilot observer was present in the simulator due to the inherent multi-tasking involved in flight
cab. Flight outcome data regarding individual deck management.
performance, individual errors, and individual Captains also tended to use the first person plural
communication skill were collected by this observer (WE) more often than FOÕs and FEÕs, particularly
for each pilot by segment. These data were collected during the stressful segments. There was a linear
in the original study, and were in no way coded, or increase in the use of the first person plural across
summarized for use in the current study. Note that no time, i.e., the average rates of WE (collapsed across
crew level variables will be reported in the current
study, i.e., whenever performance, error, or 4
Recall that there were four segments, but only two levels of
communication skill is mentioned, it refers to workload (routine vs. abnormal).
individual pilots, not the cockpit crew. Previous This design accounts for the autocorrelations amongst members
research by our lab (unpublished data) has found that of the same crew, insuring that the MANOVA independence of
observations assumption was not violated.
the relationships between crew-level flight outcome 6
In a separate between-within MANOVA, no differences in
measures and LIWC categories are weaker and far language use were found between groups of crews led by captains
with a particular personality profile. The source of these data (an
investigation of the influence of captain personality) does not
Our lab is currently transcribing the remainder of the tapes from appear to have systematically compromised itsÕ use in a linguistic
this study. analysis.
position) increase with each flight. Perhaps this were strongest for the influence of CA language use
could be considered an indicator of increasing on the performance and error variables of the FO and
familiarity over time. Flight engineers use higher FE. Language use in earlier segments (particularly
rates of big words than captains and first officers flight A) appeared to be more highly related to
across all four segments (most likely due to technical outcome measures in subsequent flights, than the
communication and checklists). within segment language and performance / error
correlations. Along these lines, establishing
Links between Language Use, Performance,
predictable patterns of behavior during initial
Error, and Communication Skill
interactions is related to subsequent outcomes. For
Understanding variations in the way language is example, captain WORDCOUNT in segment A was
used (e.g., MANOVA results) is important to the positively correlated with flight engineer
extent that language use is related to flight safety. performance in B r(12) .84, p = .001, and C r(12) =
Examination of the correlation matrix for language .84, p = .001. Furthermore, captainÕs use of
and flight safety outcome measures (performance, achievement words in segment A was positively
error rates, and individual communication skills) correlated with flight engineer performance in B
revealed consistent and interpretable patterns7. r(12) = .74, p = .006, and negatively related to flight
Individual language use was moderately to highly engineer errors in segment B r(12) = -.73, p = .007.
correlated with individual performance, individual Such relationships between language use by one
error rates, and ratings of individual communication position and performance / errors in another position
skills. In sum, WE, ACHIEVE, and WORDCOUNT were not uncommon. Also, the relationships between
were positively related to performance and language use and flight outcome measures were
communication, but negatively related to rates of strongest between segment A language use, and
error. For example, flight engineer WORDCOUNT subsequent (B, C, and D) performance and error
in segment A (routine) was positively correlated with measures. This is conceptually similar to the
flight engineer performance in the high workload relationship between initial interpersonal interactions
flights B r(12) = .81, p < .001, and D r(12) = .65, p = and subsequent performance identified by Ginnett
.022, but negatively correlated with flight engineer (1987) and Hines (1998). In the current study, use of
error in B r(12) = -.63, p = .03. In other words, flight the first person plural in segment A was highly
engineers who used a high number of words to correlated with performance, and could be a marker
communicate during segment A had higher of familiarity or a more collective orientation towards
subsequent performance ratings8 and made fewer the crew. WE could be an important marker in that
subsequent errors. crew familiarity has been implicated as a moderating
In contrast to the relationships between WE / variable of aviation accident (NTSB, 1994).
WORDCOUNT / ACHIEVE, and flight outcome
measures, the use of large words (SIXLTR) was
negatively related to performance variables and The performance and error outcomes of cockpit
communication skill, but positively related to rates of crews are multiply determined, and language use is
error9. The percentage of large words flight just one of the many group process factors which can
engineers used during segment A was also impact flight outcomes. The results of this
consistently negatively related to performance in exploratory study indicate that the language use of
segments B r(12) = -.71, p = .009, C r(12) = -.84, p = pilots varies as a function of who is talking (captain,
.001, and D r(12) = -.69, p = .013. Flight engineers first officer, or flight engineer) and as a function of
who used relatively low rates of large words tended workload. The correlations between the LIWC
to receive higher subsequent performance ratings. categories and flight outcome measures of safety
There were also intra-cockpit relationships such as performance, error, and communication skill
between language use and flight outcome data, and serve as a form of convergent validity for the utility
these differences spanned across flights. The effects of linguistic analyses.
Perhaps the fact that flight engineers used bigger
Although the Bonferroni correction was not met for many of the words than captains and first officers is due to the
correlations, the magnitude of the correlations suggests a strong role of the flight engineer. Mosier (1991) has noted
linear relationship between language use and the outcome that the flight engineer, can have tremendous control
Interestingly, it was possible to estimate the performance of the
over information disseminated in the cockpit. They
individual by simply looking at the kilobytes of disk space required are responsible for checklists and procedures as a
for each file on my computer. Òkeeper of the information.Ó Part of the reason why
WORDCOUNT and SIXLTR were moderately negatively flight engineers use larger words could be due to the
correlated. Also, CA, FO, and FE WORDCOUNT within the same
segment were not related.
highly technical nature of their communication, and
the large number of checklists they must perform. whereas personality interventions (aside from
This of course does not account for why the use of selection) are generally futile. The findings of Siegel
bigger words was negatively correlated with & Federman (1973), indicate that it is possible to
performance. It could be the case that the ability to isolate aspects of effective communication and to
communicate concisely includes the ability to apply a train those aspects successfully (in this case using
short and succinct vocabulary. Conceivably, those anti-submarine helicopter crews). Chidester,
individuals who expend the cognitive resources Helmreich, Gregorich, & Geis, 1990) have assessed
necessary to speak more elaborately (using bigger the trainability of specific behaviors and have found
words) do so at the expense of decreased situational that human factors training produces measurable
awareness. improvements in communication skills.
Evidence was found for the positive correlation A possible limitation of this study is that these
between the number of words used and performance results should not be generalized to two-person
(as in Foushee & Manos, 1981), and a negative crews, where the social structure is conceptually
relationship was found between WORDCOUNT and different from the more hierarchical, more formal
error. This may be due to the increasing three-person crews. Small sample size is a limiting
predictability of behavior patterns as the amount of factor in this study, but current work at our lab is
verbal communication increases. adding an additional six crews to the dataset, as well
The use of the first person plural was more as a growing list of commercial aviation accident
common for captains relative to first officers and CVR's. In addition, we are integrating an error
flight engineers. This could be due to the status and taxonomy with the micro-coding and LIWC
role of the captain. This role requires more active techniques to systematically investigate the
team building, and the status of the captain affords relationship between what is said (micro-coding),
the right to use the first person plural ("we need to..," how it is said (LIWC), and how it relates to error
Òour problemÉ,Ó "let's get out the before landing rates, error responses, and undesired state responses
checklist," etc.) when briefing, planning, or simply (Helmreich, Klinect and Wilhelm, this volume).
addressing the crew in conversation. LIWC is not intended to replace current methods
of communication analyses such as content coding,
but rather to complement any study already using
transcripts of pilot communication. LIWC required 6
Why should language use be considered as a seconds to generate the language data used for the
variable of interest in crew factors? Language is a current study. Furthermore, this study used only 4 of
coping mechanism in that it helps individuals lessen the possible 85 LIWC categories. LIWC is a fast,
and manage both the causes and the effects of stress. easy, and practical addition to any investigation of
Just as there are links between pilot personality and communication, in that it can quickly identify aspects
performance, there appear to be links between pilot of communication to be explored in-depth using other
language use and flight outcome measures. methodologies.
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both workload and position, and varies systematically
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