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ENGLISH Grammer Test

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DATE:05/07/2021 MARKS: 80
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all five questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20
minutes in answering Question 2.
Question 1
(Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.)
Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on any one of the following:- [20]
(a) Reflect a time when you faced disappointment and describe how you were helped
to cope with the situation.
(b) If you are given an opportunity of going abroad, which country will you visit and
(c) „Be gentle with the Earth.‟ How can you follow this advice?
(d) Music
(e) Study the picture given below. Write a short story or a description or an account
of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the
picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear
connection between the picture and your composition.
Question 2
(Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.)
Select any one of the following:- [10]
(a) Write a letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times about the disregard shown by the
industries near the rivers towards the environment, causing water pollution by
discharging their chemical waste in the nearby water bodies in your locality.
(b) Write a letter to your cousin who has recently recovered from high fever,
advising him on how to stay healthy during the pandemic.

Question 3. [5+5=10]
(a) While walking in a park in your neighbourhood you lost your bag containing
some documents and some cash. Write a notice to be put up on the park notice
board asking the assistance of people to find your lost bag. You are Amar/Amrita.
(b) Write an email to the head of the park seeking assistance to find your lost bag.

Question 4
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:-

(The passage is about Mrs. and Mr. Robert Quick, and their daughters, Jenny and Kate).
Kate and Jenny were sent to wash and change their dirty frocks. The committee was
coming to tea. And, at tea, the two girls, dressed in smart clean frocks, handed round
cakes, bread and butter with demure and reserved looks. They knew how to behave at
the tea party. They were enjoying the dignity of their own performance. Their eyes
passed over their father as if he existed only as another guest, to be waited on.
And now, seeking as it were a new, if lower, level of security, of resignation, he said to
himself, "Heavens, but what did I expect ? In a year or two more, I can't count all.
Young men will come prowling, like the dogs after Snort. I shall be an old buffer,
useful only to pay bills."
The ladies were talking about a case, -the case of a boy of fourteen, a nice respectable
boy, most regular at Sunday school, who had suddenly robbed his mother's till and gone
off in a stolen car. Jenny seated at her mother's feet, was listening intently. Kate was
feeding chocolate roll to Snort, and tickling her chin.
Quick felt at once a sense of stuffiness. He wanted urgently to get away, to escape. Yes,
he needed some male society. He wanted to go to the club. Probably no one would be
there but the card-room crowd, and he could not bear cards. But he might find old
Wilkins in the billiard room. Wilkins, at seventy, was a crashing dreary bore who spent
half his life at the club, who was always telling you how he had foreseen the slump, and
how clever he was at investing his money. But what good was money to old Wilkins?
But Quick thought, he could get up a game with Wilkins, pass an hour or two with him,
till dinner time, even dine with him. He could phone his wife. She would not mind. She
rather liked a free evening for her various accounts. And he need not go till the children
were in bed.
And when, after tea, the committee members pulled their agenda, he stole away.
Suddenly, as he turned by the corner house, skirting its front garden wall, he heard
running steps and breathless call. He turned, it was Jenny. She arrived panting, holding
herself by the chest, “Oh, I couldn't catch you.”
“What is it now, Jenny?"
“I wanted to look-at the cut.”
Robert began to stoop. But she cried, No, “I'll get on the wall. Put me up.”
He lifted her on the garden wall which made her about a foot taller than himself.
Having reached this superior position, she poked the plaster.
“I just wanted to make sure it was sticking. Yes, it's all right.”
She looked down at him with an expression he did not recognize. What was the game-
medical….material? Was she going to laugh? But the child frowned. She was also
struck by something new and unexpected.
Then he tossed back her hair. “Good bye”.She jumped down and ran off. The man
walked slowly towards the club."No", he thought,"not quite a game-not for half a
second. She's growing up, and so am I."

Adapted from Growing Up byJoyce Carry

(a) Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage. One word
answers or short phrases will be accepted. [3]
(i) Respectable
(ii) Foreseen
(iii) Panting

(b) Answer the following questions briefly, in your own words:

1. What did Kate and Jenny wear? How did they behave at the party? [2]
2. How did the two girls treat their father at the tea party? [1]
3. After seeing the two girls, what did Quick say to himself, seeking a new
level of security? [2]
4. In the last paragraph after Jenny‟s run off, what did Quick do? [2]
5. What did he think? [2]

(c) In not more than 50 words, of your own, write about Quick‟s desire to escape, and
his encounters with Jenny. [8]

Question 5
Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.
Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order, the word or phrase
appropriate to the blank space. [4]
Sam tied to sort out what.…..(1)(take) place. The trouble was that everything …….(2)
(happen) so quickly that it……..(3) (be) difficult to know in what order things …….(4)
(occur). Was Edgar to blame? Was Rebecca? Was Olive?
The saucer of milk……...(5) (be) on the table; Roddy's bone on the mat in front of the
stove. He……..(6) (place) them there himself just as Olive had told him to. He
was …….. (7) (frighten) of Olive.
Olive was his wife. He tried to please her by doing everything she told him to do.
Animals first came with her so he made sure that orders concerning the welfare of the
cat and dog…… (8) (carry out) instantly.

(b) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:- [4]

1. We have to abide ……. what the court says.
2. They're aiming ……….. reducing costs by ten percent.
3. I asked ……. the menu.
4. He broke …….. in tears.
5. My parents brought me ……. strictly.
6. The Opposition party called …… the minister's resignation after the scandal broke.
7. She took ……… the task of indexing the book.
8. He's taken ……… wearing a baseball cap since his hair started thinning more

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but
or so. [4]
(1) He did not succeed in his plan. Can you tell me the reason?
(2) This is an anthill. A snake lives here.
(3) She has a huge property. She must look after it.
(4) The principal will be back in the office. It will not be long.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make
other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of the sentence. [8]
EXAMPLE: Mahinder is too ill to play cricket. (Use: so.... ill)
ANSWER: Mahinder is so ill that he cannot play cricket.

1. He is not only a cheat but also a thief. (Begin: Besides…………………)

2. Though he is very intelligent, he is not diligent. (Begin: In ……………)
3. He was too tired to move any more. ( Use: so………..that)
4. Immediately after Deepa entered the room, I asked her the question. (Begin:
5. John said, “How fortunate I am to have such a warm, considerate close friend!”
( Change the narration)
6. Jennifer asked me to give her my book. (Begin: I……………)
7. Unless he is fit, he won‟t play next month. ( Use: If)
8. John apologised for keeping me waiting. (Begin: John said to

Kindly send your answer scripts in the given e-mail ID
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