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English Class 8 Term 3

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SESSION: 2019-2020 T-3/VIII/ENG/2020

Name: _____________________________________ Sec:__________ Roll No.__________
General Instruction:
 All questions are compulsory.
 Marks are indicated in front of each question.
TIME: 3 HOURS [M.M:80]

Q1. Read the passage and complete the sentences given below the passage by choosing the most
appropriate option from those given. (4 marks)

Travelling is a pleasure. Particularly for the young, the desire to see new places and get the feel of a new
environment makes travel a wonderful experience. But do we make it trouble-free for others?
Don't start a conversation with the co-passenger without first knowing his willingness to converse with you.
He/ she might like to read or have a nap and not necessarily be in a mood to talk.
Place your baggage in the rack above your seat. Don't encroach upon another's space. Also wait till the plane/
bus/ train comes to a stop to pull your luggage out.
Be eco-friendly— remember that the place where you stand had been visited and has to be visited by thousands
more. Carry a plastic bag for waste on sight seeing trips; you can empty it later in a dustbin. "Sustainable
Tourism" is the only way to protect the resource and beauty of the earth.
If you want to enjoy the hospitality of friends or relatives residing in the place you visit, inform them in
advance. Don't drop in like a bolt from the blue.
Be considerate towards your hosts. Help your host/ hostess in domestic chores. Go on sight seeing trips without
troubling them to come to your help. Use your own toiletries and towels. Use the telephone of your host
sparingly and only when necessary. Don't interfere in their domestic affairs unless you are asked to join. Don't
expect your host to attend to your needs all the time.
 1. Travelling gives us happiness because ……………………………………
a. we see hills
b. we see oceans
c. we see new places
d. of better weather conditions

2. We should not bother our fellow passengers by…………………..

a. talking needlessly
b. taking their reading material
c. taking their sleeping space
d. not pulling their luggage out

3. Being eco-friendly in the passage implies…………………..

a. planting trees
b. not wasting things
c. not littering the place
d. being kind to your hosts
5. The antonym for ‘sparingly’ is………………
a. liberally
b. carefully
c. necessary
d. needful

Q2. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: (6 marks)
One day Gandhiji and Vallabhbhai Patel were talking when Gandhiji remarked, ‘At times even a dead snake can
be useful.’ And he narrated the following story to illustrate his point. Once, a snake trespassed into the house of
an old woman. She was frightened and cried out for help. Hearing her loud cries, the neighbours rushed in and
killed the snake. Then they went back to their homes. Instead of throwing the dead snake far away, the old
woman flung it on to her roof.
Sometime later, a kite was flying overhead when it spotted the dead snake. The kite was holding a pearl
necklace in its beak. When it saw the dead snake, it dropped the necklace on the roof and flew away with the
dead snake. When the old woman saw a bright, shining object on her roof, she pulled it down with the help of a
pole. When she found that it was a pearl necklace, she danced with immense joy.

One day a trader found a snake in his house. He couldn’t find anyone to kill it for him and hadn’t the courage to
kill it himself. Besides, he hated killing any living creatures. So he covered the snake with a pot and left it there.
As luck would have it, that night some thieves broke into the trader’s house. They entered the kitchen and saw
the overturned pot. ‘Ah’, they thought, ‘the trader has hidden something valuable here.’ As they lifted the pot,
the snake hissed and the thieves ran for their life.

Read the given questions and write the answer in a sentence. (1x4)
1. Why did the woman cry out for help?
2. What did the kite do when it saw the dead snake on the roof?
3. How did the live snake help the trader?
4. Why was the old woman happy?
5. Find the word from the passage which means (1x2)
(a) to make the meaning of something clear
(b) a long thin straight piece of wood / metal


Q3. You are Vineet/Veena, the head girl/boy of JMPS, Burari. Design a poster to highlight the importance of
“Saving Girl Child” (5)
Indian Summers are really unbearable. One day the maximum temperature shot up to 47 degree Celsius.
It was the most miserable day of the year for you. Record the experience in your dairy. (5)

Q4. Write a letter to your cousin inviting him/her to spend winter break with you. (5)
Q5. You are Alok/Anisha. You stay in a hostel and share a room with your friend. You have been detected
with Typhoid fever and some other complications. For this reason you have been admitted to a hospital
immediately. Draft a message telling your roommate why and where you are going and that you will be
back in 7 days. Also request him/her to submit your maths notebook for checking. (5)

Q6. You are Atul/Alka living at H.NO-17/A Mansarover Garden in Delhi. Write a letter to the Police
Commissioner, complaining against the rising incidents of chain snatching and pick pocketing in your
area. (5)

You are Ravi/Rashmi, a resident of Shakti Enclave. You feel strongly about the odd/even formula which
the Delhi govt. had recently initiated to reduce pollution in Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of
Hindustan Times about your views on this initiative. (5)


Q6. Join each pair of following sentences and rewrite them by using the conjunctions given in the
brackets: (5)
1. It was raining. The sun was shining.(although)
2. He took careful aim with his pistol. He missed the target.(but)
3. John stood first in the examination. He is my brother.(who)
4. I will return. Do not leave till then.(until)
5. He did not work hard. He failed.(therefore)
Q7. Fill in the blanks by forming adverbs from the words in the bracket: (3)
` 1. We waited ____________ for them.(patient)
2. She spilled the milk_______.(accident)
3. The mother was looking _________ to speak to her daughter.(back)
Q8. Fill in the blanks with correct modal for the box: (5)

Will, would, shall, should, may, might,

1. ________ do the homework for you?
2. I _________ attend the party, if I was invited.
3. She ______ drive a car.
4. We hoped that she __________ succeed.
5. He __________ not quarrel with his brother.
Q9. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech. (5)
1. The commander said to his men, “Attack the enemy”.
2. Bina said, “Our brother arrived yesterday”.
3. The man said, “This is the most beautiful picture I have painted”.
4. Joy said, “Sunil was reading a novel”.
5. She said, “Tina have worked hard for the competition”.

Q10. Rewrite the sentences by inserting the adverbs correctly (2)

1. I have seen that film.(never/before)
2. She listens to classical music.(rarely)
Q11. Fill in the blanks with correct tense of the verb. (5)

1. He said the all men ______ mortal(are/were)

2. The found that she________ dishonest.(was/is)
3. We were afraid lest they _________get hurt.(might/should)
4. We returned home as soon as it ___________ to rain.(begun/began)
5. She likes you better than she _____me. (liked/likes)

Q10. Answer the following questions.

1. In spite the initial shock, the three men lose their fear of the apparition. Why? (2)
2. What values are learnt by you after reading the poem “The Busy Bee” (2)
3. Where did the boys dig first for the hidden treasure? Which remark of Tom made Huck Finn’s eye shine
with pleasure? (2)
4. “Come on, Sir go after him”
a. Who is the speaker? (0.5)
b. Who is referred as ‘Sir’ and ‘Him’? (1)
c. What is the setting of the scene (1)
5. ‘Contentment is a state of being satisfied’. How does it prove true in case of Diana McGill. (2)
6. Give two reasons as why Portia asks Shylock to be merciful? (2)
7. What were Diana’s fantasies and how did she fulfill them? (2)
8. Which law of Venice had Shylock broken in his bond? (1)
9. What were the two immediate results of the teacher knocking out Denham? (1.5)
Q11. Answer the questions with Reference to context:
A. In works of labour or of skill
I would be busy too
For satan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do
1. Name the poem (0.5)

2. What does the poet wants to be busy like bee? (2)

3. Give the meaning of the word “Satan’. 0.5)
B. So Boldly he enter’d the Netherby hall
Among bride’smen &Kinsmen, &brother & all;
Then spoke the bride’s father, his hand on his sword
1. Name the poem and the poet. (1)
2. Where did he come and why? (2)
3. What was the bride’s father reaction on his arrival? (2)

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