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Question Pre Board English Language

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Question paper for Pre – ICSE Examination 2022-23

Std -X Full marks- 80

Subject- English Language Time- 2 hours

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all five questions.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []
You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in
answering Question 2.

Question 1

Write a composition (300-350 words) in any one of the following: [20]

i. Write an original story beginning with, “There is no use crying over spilt milk”.
ii. “ Guests are a nuisance.” Narrate incident when you had an unwelcome guest to your
iii. ‘Printed books are better than e-books’. Express your views either for or against this
iv. Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a
park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds and smells that you would typically see,
hear and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view?
Early in the morning, in the evening or late at night?
v. Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what
the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or
you may take suggestions from it; however, your composition must have a clear
connection with the picture.
Question 2

Select any one of the following: [10]

i. You have left behind your cell phone in a shopping mall. Write a letter to the Manager to
inquire if it has been found. You will have to describe the phone, the time, the place and
other relevant details to help the Manager trace your phone.
ii. Your class had gone to visit an Old Age Home where you spent some time with the
inmates. Write a letter to your cousin telling him/her what you saw, and how you felt.
Tell him/her what impact the visit made on you.

Question 3

i. Your school is organising an Inter-School Poetry Competition on the occasion of

Independence Day. Write a notice to be put up in your school, asking the students of
Classes IX and X to submit their names for the Competition. [5]
ii. Write an email to a famous poet requesting him/her to judge the Inter-School Poetry
Competition to be held in your school. [5]
Question 4
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Theophil Eshley was an artist by profession, a cattle painter by circumstances. On one side of his
garden there was a small green meadow in which an enterprising neighbour reared some small
dairy cows. One fine afternoon in late autumn, his neighbour, Adela Pingsford, banged at the
outer door of his studio with a loud unwelcome sound. “There is an ox in my garden,”
She announced, in explanation for her rude intrusion. She continued, “Please help! I am all alone
in the house. All I could think of was that you were a cattle painter, probably more or less
familiar with the subjects that you paint, and that you might be of some assistance.” “Madam, I
paint dairy cows, certainly,” admitted Eshley, “but I cannot claim to have had any experience in
rounding up stray oxen.” Adela said nothing, but led the way to her garden. Eshley stood near the
gate while he studied the animal’s appearance and behaviour.

It had started eating the chrysanthemums. The necessity of doing something was becoming
imperative. Eshley took a step or two in the direction of the animal, clapped his hands, and made
noises of the ‘Hish’ and ‘Shoo’ variety. If the ox heard them it gave no outward indication of the
Adela supported Eshley’s initiative and forced him a few feet nearer to the ox. He picked up a
pea-stick and flung it with some determination against the animal’s colourful body. The ox gazed
with concentrated inquiry at the stick-thrower. It neither lowered its head nor stamped its feet; so
Eshley ventured on another javelin exercise with another pea-stick .The ox now strode swiftly up
the garden. With an air of inquiry, but with no real hesitation, it crossed the turf and pushed its
way through the open French window into the dining room. Some chrysanthemums stood about
the room in vases, and the animal resumed its browsing operations. Eshley began striding away.
“Mr Eshley,” said Adela, “Where are you going?”

To fetch implements,” was the answer.

The artist came back with sketching-stool and painting materials. Adela was furious, Eshley
threw some bunches of leaves to the ox as an inducement to stay put. The remarkable picture he
painted became a rage at his next exhibition but reconciliation with Adela seemed almost

i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the
options provided: [3]

1. imperative (line 15)

a) optional b) essential c) dispensable d) insignificant
2. ventured (line 21)
a) protected b) saved c) undertook d) calmed
3. resumed (line 26)
a) stopped b) suspended c) abandoned d) recommenced

ii) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

a) What was the reason for Adela’s rude intrusion? [2]
b) Why did Adela want help especially from Eshley? [2]
c) What was Eshley’s reaction to Adela’s request? [1]
d) What attempts did Eshley make to drive the ox away? [2]
e) What did Eshley finally do? [2]

iii) In not more than 50 words, describe Eshley’s encounter with the ox. [8]

Question 5

i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.
Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to
the blank space. [4]
Example: (0) decided

Once there was a swallow who…0… (decide) not to fly south for the winter. However, when the
weather. …1 ….(turn) cold, he reluctantly started…2 (fly) southwards. In a short time ice began
to form on its wings and it fell to earth frozen still.
A cow passed by and…3… (drop) its dung on the little swallow. The dung warmed it and
defrosted its wings. Warm and happy, able….4… (breathe), it started to chirp. Just then a large
cat came by and ….5.…(hear) the chirping, found out where it was coming from, clawed away
the dung and….6…. (swallowed) the swallow.
The story shows that everyone who….7… (drop) dung on you is not necessarily your enemy;
everyone who gets you out of the dung is not necessarily your friend; and if you are warm and
happy in a pile of dung, ….8… (keep) your mouth shut.

ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. [4]

a) I came …….an article about my school in a magazine.

b) She takes…… her father in her external appearance.
c) I dispensed …..the services of my maid.
d) She quarrelled with her sister……. a trifle.
e) They discussed the issue….. a cup of tea.
f) The river is flowing ….the bridge.
g) A committee has been set … examine the question.
h) The general commanded his men to carry…… his orders.

iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
Choose the correct option. [4]
1.) I met the student. He organised the function.
a) I met the student who organised the function.
b) I met the student as he organised the function.
c) Since the student organised the function, I met him.
d) The student organised the function when I met him.

2.) We must educate them. We must make them independent.

a) While educating them, we must made them in dependent.
b) We must educate them then make them in dependent.
c) We should educate them as well as make them independent.
d) We shall educate them as well as make them independent.

3.) This is the small town. My son was born here.

a) This is the small town where my son was born in.
b) This was the small town in which my son was born.
c) This is the small town where my son was born.
d) This is the small town where my son is born.

4.) The road was very bumpy. We had to pass through it.
a) Although the road was very bumpy we had to pass through it.
b) Inspite of the road was very bumpy we had to pass through it.
c) The road was bumpy yet we were to pass through it.
d)The road was very bumpy, however, we will have to pass through it.

iv) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other
changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. Choose the
correct options. [8]

1. Nobody in our school is as smart as Uma. (Use: smarter)

a) Uma is smarter than any other girl in our school.
b) Nobody in our school is smarter to Uma
c) Nobody in our school was smarter than Uma.
d) Nobody in our school is smart as Uma.

2. More mobile phones were sold this year than last year. (Begin: The number….)
a) The number of mobile phones sold this year are more than last year.
b) The number of mobile phones sold this year is much more than last year.
c) The number of mobile phones sold this year is more than that of last year.
d) The number of mobile phones sold this year is more than to last year.
3. He is not only a good debator, but also an excellent politician.(Begin: Besides being…..)
(a) Besides being a good debator he is also an excellent politician.
(b) Besides being an excellent politician he is only a good debator.
(c) Besides being a good debator he is an excellent politician.
(d) Besides being only a good debator he is also an excellent politician.

4. The children saw a movie, as well as had dinner at the club. (Begin: Not only…..)
(a) Not only did the children saw a movie, but they also had dinner at the club.
(b) Not only did the children saw a movie, but also have dinner in the club.
(c) Not only did the children see a movie, but they also had dinner at the club.
(d) Not only did the children see a movie, but also had dinner at the club.

5. The team consisted of eleven players. (Use: comprised)

(a) The team comprised of eleven players.
(b)The team comprised with eleven players.
(c) The team comprised eleven players.
(d)Eleven players comprised in a team.

6. I cannot bear it any longer. (Begin: How…)

(a) How can I bear it for long?
(b) How long can I bear it!
(c) How long can I bear it for?
(d) How can I bear it any longer?

7. Give him some more time and he will complete this work by tomorrow. (Begin: If…)
(a) If he is given some more time, he will complete the work by tomorrow.
(b) If given more time he will complete this work till tomorrow.
(c)If we give him some more time he will be able to complete this work tomorrow.
(d) If he is given some more time he would complete this work tomorrow.

8. “Please teach me how to play the guitar,” she said to her brother. (Begin: She asked her
(a) She asked her brother to teach her how to play the guitar.
(b) She asked her brother please teach me how to play the guitar.
(c) She asked her brother to please teach her how to play the guitar.
(d) She asked her brother to teach her on how to play the guitar.

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