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Experimental Study On Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate With Waste Foundry Sand in Concrete

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Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Waste

Foundry Sand in Concrete

Article · August 2019


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3 authors, including:

Tata Sravani
VIT University


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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology
p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 5, Issue 8; October-December, 2018, pp. 571-575
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Fine

Aggregate with Waste Foundry Sand in Concrete
T. Sravani1, G. Anusha2 and D. Mallika3
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,
Tirupati 51750, Chittoor, A.P

Abstract—Now–a-days, increasing in quantities of waste materials used as a filler material in the concrete and Cement is used for
and industrial by-products is a prime concern in the world. Disposal binding and strength parameter of the concrete. In Concrete,
of these by-products becoming major problem and also increasing Fine Aggregate plays a major role in construction. Now-a-
cost for disposal. Metal foundries use large amounts of Sand as a days, good quality natural river sand is not readily available. It
part of the metal casting process. Foundry Sand is basically a Fine
is to be transported from a large distance. These resources are
Aggregate and commonly used in hand and machine type moulds.
Foundry Sand is typically sub-granular to rounded in shape after also exhausting very rapidly. So, there is an urge to find some
being used in Foundry process. Foundry is most often collected and alternative to natural river sand. Natural River Sand takes
stockpiled outside of foundries, exposed to the environment. Prior to millions of years for its formation. So, to overcome this
use in an engineering application, the majority of Foundry Sand is problem, the material which has the properties almost similar
collected in closed trucks and transported to a central collection to that of the Fine Aggregate may be used as a replacement in
facility. There are two basic types of Foundry Sands available, Green Concrete.
Sand and Silica Sand. Since Silica Foundry Sand has nearly all the
properties of natural Sand, so it can be normally used as a Sand One of the waste materials generated from metal casting
replacement. This paper discuss about the partial replacement of the industry is Waste Foundry Sand. According to the different as
Fine Aggregate with Silica Waste Foundry Sand by varying different binders, Foundry Sand used for moulding can be divided into
percentages for M 30 mix. Waste Foundry Sand can be blended with Water Glass Sand (Sodium Silicate Sand), Resign Sand
them as a partial replacement to satisfy the specifications. Generally (Furan, Phenolic) and Green Sand (Clay sand). Water glass
the Waste Foundry Sand is too fine or to blend the spent Waste
sand is a kind of Foundry Sand made by sodium silicate as a
Foundry Sand with coarser Sands. Estimation is based on the design
mix by conducting varies experiments related to material.s Thus
binder. The sodium silicate added accounts for 6% to 8% of
Waste Foundry Sand usage in building materials, construction and in the sand quantity. Resign sand is a kind of Foundry Sand with
other fields is essential for the reduction of environmental problems. synthetic resign as a binder. The resign added is about 3% to
In this study, the maximum strength is attained at 40% replacement 6% of the sand quantity. Resign sand can harden fast when
of Waste Foundry Sand by weight of Fine Aggregate for both heated to 1 min to 2 min, and its dry strength is high, so the
Compression Strength and Split Tensile Strength for 7 days and 28 casting made are accurate in size and the surface is smooth.
days. But for Split Tensile Strength, the results obtained are less than Clay Sand is a mixture of natural silica sand, clay, additives
the target strength. Hence, it is not suitable for PCC works. It can be and water. The clay used to make wet clay sand is bentonite
used for RCC for in case of considering tensile forces. In case of clay. Air permeability is more than 80. It is commonly used in
Compressive Strength it can be used for both RCC and PCC works.
This research is carried out to produce an eco-friendly concrete.
machine molding and hand molding. The sand made should
be dried in the temperature of about 250°C - 400°C. Among
Keywords: Waste Foundry Sand (WFS), Fine Aggregate (FA), these Clay Sand or Waste Foundry Sand is used for this
Coarse Aggregate (CA), Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC), project. Waste Foundry Sand is high quality silica sand with
Plain Cement Concrete (PCC), Compressive Strength, Split uniform physical characteristics and hence it may be used a
Tensile Strength. replacement for Fine Aggregate. It is a by-product of ferrous
and non-ferrous metal casting industries, where Sand has been
1. INTRODUCTION used for centuries as a molding material because of its thermal
conductivity. The physical and chemical characteristics of
Concrete is a composite material composed of Cement, Fine
Waste Foundry Sand will depend in great part on the type of
Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate and Water. Fine Aggregate and
casting process and the industry sector from which it
Coarse Aggregate are available locally and naturally, these are
originates. In modern Foundry practice, Sand is typically
572 T. Sravani, G. Anusha and D. Mallika

recycled and reused through many production cycles. The Bakis,, [2] investigated the use of Waste Foundry Sand
automotive industries and its parts are the major generators of (WFS) in asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete mixtures were
Waste Foundry Sand. Foundries purchase high quality size- prepared with 0%, 4%, 7.5%, 10%, 14%, 17% and 20%
specific Silica Sands for use in their molding and casting replacement of fine aggregate with WFS. Grain size of the
operations. This sand is finer than Fine Aggregate. WFS ranged between 0.8 mm and 30 mm. Tests were
performed for the measurements of flow value and Marshall
Waste Foundry Sand is normally of a higher quality than the
stability. The results showed that (i) Addition of both foundry
typical bank run or natural sands used in fill construction sites.
sand gives low slump mainly due to the presence of very fine
The sands form the outer shape of the mould cavity. These
binders. (ii) Compressive Strength at 7 days, of both ferrous
sands normally rely upon a small amount of bentonite clay to
and non-ferrous mixtures increases and maximum increase
act as the binder material. Chemical binders are also used to
was observed with 20% WFS of both types of sand, at 28 days
create “Sand Cores”. Depending upon the geometry of the
30% addition of ferrous WFS & 10% addition of non-ferrous
casting, sands cores are inserted into the mould cavity to form
WFS gives same strength as ordinary concrete and goes on
internal passages for the molten metal. Once the metal has
decreasing for high percentage of replacement. (iii) Split
solidified, the casting is separated from the molding and core
Tensile Strength gives with 20% WFS for both types of sand.
sands in the shakeout process. In the casting process, molding
(iv) Water absorption is minimum with 20% ferrous WFS &
sands are recycled and reused multiple times. Eventually,
with 10% non-ferrous WFS. They also reported that both
however, the recycled sand degrades to the point that it can no
ferrous and non-ferrous WFS can be suitably used in making
longer be reused in the casting process. At that point, the old
structural grade concrete.
sand is displaced from the cycle as by-product, new sand is
introduced, and the cycle begins again. Although there are C.G. Konapure,, [3] research on effect of Industrial
other casting methods used, including die casting and waste foundry sand as fine aggregate on concrete. This
permanent mould casting, sand casting is by far most research is on M 20 and M 30 grade concrete having mix
prevalent mould casting technique. Sand is used in two proportion of 1:2.09:3.02 & 1:1.98:3.88 with respectively
different ways in metal castings as a molding material which water/cement ratio having 0.45 & 0.42 to basic fundamental
focuses the external shape of the cast part and as cores that properties of concrete, such as compressive strength, split
form internal void spaces in products such as engine blocks. tensile strength and flexural strength. And the data received
Since sand grains do not naturally adhere to each other, so from the research has analysed and comparative study is made
binders must be introduced to cause the sand to stick together in laboratory tested in controlled room temperature. In this
and holds its shape during the introduction of molten metal study, fine aggregate is replaced with foundry sand by varying
into mould and cooling of casting. The durability of Waste percentages (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) by weight for M 20 and M
Foundry Sand depending on the strength of the sand which is 30 grade concrete. (i) Compressive strength of M 20 is
used for casting. The sand can be weakened by successive increases upto 20% replacement grade concrete for age of 28
molding, but chemical composition of the foundry sand relates days, and increases in percentage decreases in strength. (ii)
directly to the metal molded at the foundry. In foundry Compressive strength of M 30 is increases upto 10%
process, sand distorted molds or cores can be domestic and replacement grade concrete for age of 28 days, and increases
reused. in percentage decreases in strength. (iii) Flexural strength for
M 20 is constant upto 20% replacement of foundry sand and
This project is done by referring some of the journals such as
decreases for 30% replacement. (iv) Flexural Strength for M
Amitkumar D. Raval,, [1] studied the utilization as
30 grade concrete decreases with increasing of foundry sand.
partial replacement of fine aggregate for establishing
(v) Split tensile strength for M 20 increases upto 20%
sustainable concrete. In this study, effect of foundry sand as a
replacement of foundry sand at the age of 28 days. (vi) Split
fine aggregate replacement on compressive strength of
tensile strength for M 30 grade concrete decreases with
concrete with an M 25 Mix proportion and investigated at
increasing percentage of foundry sand. (vii) In fresh state of
different limited curing periods (7 days, 14 days, 28 days).
concrete the effect of foundry sand will be less. Fresh
The percentage of foundry sand used for replacement were
properties like compaction factor, flow index are affected
10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% by weight of fine aggregate for
where the slump remains near about the same. (vii) 30%
imparting strength. The tests that are performed are only
replacement of foundry sand decreases the compressive
compressive strength of concrete. (i) Compressive strength of
strength of concrete. (vii) 20% replacement for M 20 and 10%
concrete for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days maximum strength
replacement for M 30 gives the better results. (viii) For
attains at 30% replacement of fine aggregate. Compressive
particular mix of certain ingredient volume of concrete
strength increases gradually upto 30% replacement of foundry
reduces due to the particles of foundry sand.
sand than conventional concrete (ii) They reported that
maximum strength attains at 30% replacement and it decreases
porous nature of concrete with fineness of foundry sand and
increases the density and strength of concrete.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 5, Issue 8; October-December, 2018
Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Waste Foundry Sand in Concrete 573

2. OBJECTIVES for moulding in which silica content is 93% - 99%. Since

Silica Foundry Sand has nearly all the properties of natural
 To investigate the utilization of Waste Foundry Sand as sand, so it can be normally used as a Sand replacement.
Fine Aggregate and influence Strength on concrete made
This study involves partial replacement of Fine Aggregate
with different replacement levels.
with Silica Waste Foundry Sand by varying different
 To check the effect of utilization of Waste Foundry Sand percentages as 0%, 20%, 40% and 60%, in concrete.
in concrete on properties of fresh concrete and Strength
3.4 Coarse Aggregate
 To check the suitability of Waste Foundry Sand as an Broken granite stones are generally used as a Coarse
alternative construction material. Aggregates. The nature of work decides the maximum size of
the Coarse Aggregate. Locally available Coarse Aggregate
 To reduce the problem of disposal of Foundry Waste. having the maximum size of 20 mm were used in our work.
The aggregates were washed to remove any dust and were
 To prove that the Foundry Waste from Foundries can be a dried. The aggregates were tested as per Indian Standard
replacement for Fine Aggregate. Specifications [4].
 To determine the Compressive Strength and Split Tensile 3.5 Water
Strength and compare the results with the Conventional
Concrete. Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it actually
participates in the chemical reaction with cement. Since it
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS helps to initiate chemical reaction of cement to give the
strength, the quantity and quality of water required are to be
The main title (on the first page) should begin 1-3/8 inches looked into very carefully. In practice, very often great control
(3.49 cm) from the top edge of the page, centered, and in on properties of cement and aggregates are exercised, but the
Times 14-point, boldface type. Capitalize the first letter of control on the quality of water is often neglected. So quality of
nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not water is checked to its purity.
capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions
(unless the title begins with such a word). Leave two blank 4. METHODOLOGY
lines after the title.
Cement used for the study was tested for the parameters,
3.1 Cement
Fineness, Consistency, Initial & Final Setting times, Specific
Cement is a binder, used for construction that hardens and Gravity and Soundness [5]. Fine Aggregate and Waste
adheres to other materials, binding them together. Cement Foundry Sand were tested for Specific Gravity, Water
used in construction is usually inorganic. Cement is used with Absorption, Bulking of Aggregate and Fineness Modulus [6].
Fine Aggregate to produce mortar for masonry, or with Fine Coarse Aggregate was tested for Specific Gravity, Water
Aggregate and Coarse Aggregates to produce Concrete. Absorption, Flakiness and Elongation test, Impact value,
Losangles Abrasión test as per IS codes [6]. Concrete was
In this present investigation Ordinary Portland Cement of 53 tested for Workability by Slump cone test and for
grade was used. Compressive strength and Split Tensile Strength tests under
3.2 Fine Aggregate four cases as per M 30 mix design. In CC mix, conventionally
used Cement, Fine Aggregate and Coarse Aggregate were
The sand used for the experimental procedure was locally mixed with Water and analyzed for strength parameters. In R-
procured and confirmed to Indian Standard Specifications 1 mix, only 20% of Waste Foundry Sand and 80% of Fine
[4]. It was passed through a 4.75 mm sieve, washed to remove Aggregates were used and the remaining other ingredients
any dust and then used as it was for further investigations. were the same as in CC mix. In R-2 mix, 40% of Waste
Foundry Sand and 60% of Fine Aggregates were used and the
3.3 Waste Foundry Sand
remaining other ingredients were the same as in CC mix. In R-
Waste Foundry Sand is clean, uniformly sized, high quality 3 mix, 60% of Waste Foundry Sand and 40% of Fine
silica sand used in foundry casting processes. The physical Aggregates were used and the remaining other ingredients
and chemical characteristics of foundry sand will depend in were the same as in CC mix.
great part on the type of casting process. Foundry Sand is used
for the centuries as a mould casting material because it’s high 5. MIX DESIGN
thermal conductivity. There are two basic types of Foundry
As per the code IS: 10262 –1979 [7], the mix design is
Sands available, Green Sand and Silica Sand. In Green Sand
adopted and the amount of materials is calculated. According
uses bentonite clay as a binder material in which silica content
to the mix ratio, the amount of materials (in weight) is given
is 85% - 95%. Silica Sand uses core oil as a binder material
below, in Table 1.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 5, Issue 8; October-December, 2018
574 T. Sravani, G. Anusha and D. Mallika

Table 1. Mix Proportion Table 5. Results of Compressive Strength of Concrete

Coarse Compressive strength, MPa

Water Cement Fine Aggregate Type of Concrete
Aggregate 7 days 28 days
Weight CC mix 40.02 48.96
Density 197.16 428.60 705.41 987.50 R – 1 mix 27.73 37.43
(kg/m3) R – 2 mix 29.09 48.94
Volume 0.46 1.00 1.65 2.30 R – 3 mix 25.24 34.91


The various results of tests done for Cement are presented in
Table 2. All the parameters were observed to be within the
permissible limits.
Table 2: Results of tests done on Cement

Type of tests Results

Fineness 6%
Consistency 27.5%
Initial Setting Time 225 min
Final Setting Time 305 min
Specific Gravity 3.17
Soundness 1 mm Figure 1: Compressive Strength of Concrete for 7 and 28 days

The results of tests done on Fine Aggregate and Waste A graphical comparison of 7 days and 28 days compressive
Foundry Sand are presented in Table 3, and all the parameters strengths of all the four cases of mix designs is presented in
were within the permissible limits. figure 1. It can be observed that R – 1 mix exhibited a
compressive strength of 29.09 MPa, which is higher than other
Table 3: Results of tests done on Fine Aggregate and Waste mixes. This is almost near to the replacement of fine aggregate
Foundry Sand with 20% of replacement of Waste Foundry Sand according to
Amit Kumar.D Raval,, [1]. R – 2 mix obtained a
Waste Foundry compressive strength of 48.94 MPa for 28 days which is
Type of Tests Fine Aggregate
higher than 30% replacement of foundry sand for 28days
Specific Gravity 2.6 2.36
according to Pendhari Ankush.R,, [8]
Water Absorption 0.6% 0.68%
Bulking of Aggregate 20% 30% The results of Split Tensile Strength test on four cases are
Fineness Modulus 2.58 1 presented in Table 6. It was observed that concrete of all the
three cases exhibited very near Split Tensile Strength
The results of tests done on Coarse Aggregate are presented in compared with Conventional Concrete mix.
Table 4, and all the parameters were within the permissible Table 6: Results of Split Tensile Strength of Concrete
Table 4. Results of tests done on Coarse Aggregate Split Tensile Strength, MPa
Type of Concrete
7 days 28 days
Type of Tests Coarse Aggregate CC mix 2.32 2.58
Specific Gravity 2.64 R – 1 mix 2.35 2.73
Water Absorption 0.14% R – 2 mix 2.40 2.79
Flakiness Index 5.76% R – 3 mix 2.19 2.58
Elongation Index 14.26%
Impact test 24.10%
Abrasion test 27.48
The results of Compressive strength test on four cases are
presented in Table 5. It was observed that concrete of all the
three cases exhibited good compressive strength compared
with Conventional Concrete mix.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 5, Issue 8; October-December, 2018
Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Waste Foundry Sand in Concrete 575


[1] Amitkumar D. Raval, Arti Pamnani, Alefiya I. Kachwala,

“Foundry Sand: Utilisation as a partial replacement of Fine
Aggregate for establishing Sustainable Concrete”, International
Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
(IJESRT), PP: 308 – 311, 4(1), January (2015).
[2] Bakis R, Koyuncu H, Demirbas A, “An Investigation of Waste
foundry sand in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures”, Waste Management
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274, (2006).
[3] C.G. Konapure and D. J. Ghanate, “Effect of Industrial Waste
Foundry Sand as Fine Aggregate on Concrete”, International
Figure 2: Split Tensile Strength of Concrete for 7 and 28 days Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET), E-
ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347-5161, Issue: 4, Volume-5, PP:
A graphical comparison of 7 days and 28 days split tensile 2782-2786, August (2015).
strengths of all the four cases of mix designs is presented in [4] “Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources
for concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, IS: 383-
figure 2. It can be observed that R – 1 mix exhibited a Split 1970.
tensile strength of 2.40 MPa for 7 days, which is higher than [5] “Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 grade- specification”, Bureau of
other mixes. This is nearer to the replacement of fine Indian Standards, New Delhi, IS: 12269-1987.
aggregate with 35% of replacement of Foundry Sand for 7 [6] “Methods of test for Aggregates for concrete, Part-III specific
days according to Jayachandra,, [9]. R – 2 mix obtained gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking”, Bureau of Indian
a Split tensile strength of 2.79 MPa for 28 days which is less Standards, New Delhi, IS: 2386(P-III)-1963.
than to 60% replacement of Waste Foundry Sand according to [7] “IS Method of mix design”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Pathariya Saraswati.C, [10]. Delhi, IS: 10262-1981.
[8] Pendhari Ankush R, Demse Dhananjay G, Nikam Madhuri E,
7. CONCLUSIONS Karpe Balraj E, Khairnar Pramod R and Suryawanshi Priyanka R,
“Partial replacement of sand by Waste Foundry Sand”,
The following conclusions were drawn from the experimental International Journal of Research in Engineering and
Technology (IJRET), e-ISSN: 2395-0056, P-ISSN: 2395-0072,
Issue: 05, Volume-04, PP: 2771-2776, May (2017).
1. A maximum compressive strength of 48.94 MPa was [9] Jayachandra, Shashi Kumar.A, Sanjith and DG. Narayana,
obtained with 40% replacement of Waste Foundry Sand “Strength Behaviour of Foundry Sand on Modified High Strength
for 28 days. Concrete”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and
Technology (IJRET), eISSN: 2319–1163, pISSN: 2321-7308,
2. A maximum Split Tensile strength of 2.79 MPa was Issue: 05, Volume: 04, PP: 127-130, May (2015).
obtained with 40% replacement of Waste Foundry Sand [10] Pathariya Saraswati, Rana JayKrushna, Shah Palas, Mehatha Jay
for 28 days. and Patel Ankith, “Application of waste Foundry Sand for
evolution of Low Cost Concrete”, International Journal of
3. It was observed that 40% replacement of Waste Foundry Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), ISSN: 2231-5381,
Sand gave a satisfactory result when compared with Issue: 10, Volume-4, PP: 4281 – 4286, October (2013).
conventional concrete for 28 days.
4. Partial replacement of Fine Aggregate with Waste
Foundry Sand showed encouraging results in terms of
Compressive Strength and Split Tensile strength.
5. Environmental wastes which poses a difficult problem in
its disposal can be efficiently addressed through the
results of this research.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 5, Issue 8; October-December, 2018

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