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Granite Powder Concrete

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Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

Granite powder concrete

T. Felixkala1 and P. Partheeban2

Dept. of Civil Engg., Sathyabama University, Chennai-600 912, India
Principal, Sriram Engineering College, Chennai-600 054.;


This paper examines the possibility of using granite powder as replacement of sand and partial replacement of cement
with fly ash, silica fume, slag and superplasticiser in concrete. The percentage of granite powder added by weight was
0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5% silica fume, 10%
fly ash, 10% slag and 1% superplasticiser. The effects of water ponding temperatures at 26oC and 38oC with 0.4 water-
to-binder (w/b) ratios on mechanical properties, plastic and drying shrinkage strain of the concrete were studied and
compared with natural fine aggregate concrete. The test results obtained indicate that granite powder of marginal
quantity as partial sand replacement has beneficial effect on the mechanical properties such as compressive strength,
split tensile strength, modulus of elasticity. Furthermore, the test results indicated that the values of both plastic and
drying shrinkage of concrete in the granite powder concrete specimens were nominal than those of ordinary concrete

Keywords: Granite powder, fly ash, silica fume, superplasticiser, concrete, mechanical properties, shrinkage.

usually superplasticiser reduces the water content,

Introduction thereby reducing the porosity within the hydrated cement
Fine aggregate is an essential component of paste (Bharatkumar et al., 2001). Silica fume, fly ash and
concrete. The most commonly used fine aggregate is blast furnace slag are generally called as mineral
natural river sand. The global consumption of natural river admixtures and called as cement replacement materials.
sand is very high due to the extensive use of concrete. In These are pozzolanic in character and develop
particular, the demand of natural river sand is quite high cementing properties in a similar way as normal Portland
in developed countries owing to infrastructural growth. cement when they come in contact with free lime. Use of
The non-availability of sufficient quantity of ordinary river these materials individually or in combination with cement
sand for making cement concrete is affecting the growth and proper dosage of superplasticiser improves the
of construction industry in many parts of the country. strength and durability of products. The admixtures can
Recently, Tamil Nadu government (India) has imposed be added to cement concrete as a partial replacement of
restrictions on sand removal from the river beds due to cement along with superplasticiser as a water reducer to
unsafe impacts threatening many parts of the state. On get the high performance. It is well recognized that the
the other hand, the granite waste generated by the use of silica fume as a partial replacement for cement
industry has accumulated over years. Only insignificant provides a significant increase in strength of concrete
quantities have been utilized and the rest has been (Xiaofeng et al., 1992). The addition of silica fume to
dumped unscrupulously resulting in environment cement paste has been shown to give rise to high early
problem. With the enormous increase in the quantity of strengths (Mitchell et al., 1998). Silica fume is used in
waste needing disposal, acute shortage of dumping sites, concrete for increased strength development, reduced
sharp increase in the transportation and dumping costs permeability and economy (Francis, 1994). Mineral
affecting the environment, prevents the sustainable admixtures such as fly ash and slag have the inherent
development. The waste disposal problem is becoming ability to contribute to continued strength development
serious. In the present work, it is aimed at developing a and very high durability, the latter through pore
new building material from the granite scrap, an industrial refinement and reduced sorptivity. Kefeng and Xincheng
waste as a replacement material of fine aggregate in (1998) have reported that the compressive strength of
concrete. By doing so, the objective of reduction of cost of concrete incorporating the combination of fly ash and
construction can be met and it will help to overcome the finely ground granulated blast furnace slag is higher than
problem associated with its disposal including the that of individual concrete. Moreover, Swamy (1991)
environmental problems of the region. Substitutions of showed that of all the mineral admixtures, silica fume is a
alternate materials can result in changes in the class apart from fly ash and slag because its
performance characteristics that may be acceptable for mineralogical composition and particle size distribution.
high performance concrete. Use of chemical admixtures The mass of silica fume, when used, represents 5 to 15%
Research article “Granite powder concrete” Felix Kala & Partheeban
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

of the total mass of the cementitious material, the value of silica fume is considered (7.5% as a replacement of
10% being typical. Moreover, silica fume is very cement) as the most efficient micro filler for high
expensive. Wasting a very expensive material is not good performance concrete. The silica fume used in this study
engineering practice (Adam & Pierre-Claude, was in powder form and contained 95% SiO2,
1998). Table 1. Sieve 0.39% CaO, 0.21% MgO, 0.11% K2O, 0.15%
While considering the inclusion of fly ash analysis results Na2O, 0.13% Al2O3 and 40% Fe2O3. Fly ash
and slag in the mix, these materials are of coarse (Type F) from the thermal power plant Chennai,
generally cheaper than Portland cement. India was used. 10% fly ash was considered in
Secondly, they do not contribute to the slump % the present study as a replacement of cement. It
loss. On the other hand, mixes that have more Passing is a fine, glass powder recovered from the
fly ash or more slag develop a lower strength, 25 100 gases of burning coal during the production of
but this can be compensated by lowering the electricity. Fly ash improves considerably the
20 98
ratio of the mass of water to the total mass of performance of binder phase and increase the
cementitious material (Adam & Pierre-Claude, 16 87 bonding action with aggregate and
1998). The concrete with 10% fly ash exhibited 12.5 64 reinforcement. The properties of fly ash may
higher early strength followed by an excellent 10 26 vary considerably according to several factors
development of strength over time (Haque & 6.3 03 such as the geographical origin of the source
Kayali, 1998). Hence, it is expected that the 4.75 00 coal, conditions during combustion and
incorporation of silica fume in concrete Table 2. Sieve analysis results sampling position within the power plant.
with fly ash and slag as a partial of fine aggregates The major elemental constituents of fly
replacement of cement could contribute Sieve Sand %
Granite ash are Si, Al, Fe, Ca, C, Mg, K, Na, S,
the high strength concrete. Accordingly, Powder % Ti, P and Mn. In the present study, 10%
Size Passing
this paper will examine the properties of Passing ground granulated blast furnace slag was
concrete by varying the granite powder 4.75mm 98 100 used along with other admixtures as a
as a replacement of sand in the concrete 2.36mm 96 98 replacement of cement. Superplasticiser
that have originated from granite crushed 1.18mm 78 93 was added 1% of cement mass
unites along with admixtures such as 600µm 51 62 according to supplier prescription. With
silica fume, fly ash, ground granulated 300µm 26 47 higher dosage, some delay in hydration
blast-furnace slag and superplasticiser 150µm 7 26 and hardening may occur together with
as a partial replacement of cement. apparent early setting of the fresh mix.
Ordinary blue metal was used as a coarse aggregate in
Research objectives concrete. Stones are generally coarse to medium
The present study involves addition of fly ash, silica grained, holocrystalline and equigranular rocks. Optimum
fume, slag, superplasticizer and granite powder for size of the coarse aggregate in most situations was about
conventional concrete. Therefore, the study had several 1.9 cm. They generally posses all the essential qualities
typical objectives. of a good building stone showing very high crushing
• The first aim was to estimate an optimal composition of strength, low absorption value and least porosity. Sieve
concrete mixtures with respect to all operating analysis of the course aggregates was done and
conditions. percentages passing at different sieves are furnished in
• The other objective of this work was to determine Table 1. In the present study, the concrete mixes were
under what conditions the granite powder in prepared using river sand and granite powder. The
conjunction with silica fume, fly-ash and ground percentage of granite powder by weight ranging from 0 to
granulated blast-furnace slag and superplasticiser 100% as a replacement of sand was used in concrete.
increasing the strength of concrete when these are Granite powder is obtained from the crusher units are the
used as partial replacement materials. finer fraction collected from the crushing and sieving
• Further, to determine the degree of strength equipment and its properties were tested. Fineness
improvement in concrete obtained with the addition of modulus and specific gravity of the granite powder are
granite powder with admixtures. 2.43 and 2.58 respectively. Sand from seashores, dunes
• The last objective of this study was to estimate the or riverbanks are usually too fine for normal mixes. In the
plastic and drying shrinkage characteristics. present study locally available river sand was adopted.
Its range is size from less than 0.25 mm to 6.3 mm.
Materials and methods Fineness modulus and specific gravity of the sand are
Materials used 2.33 and 2.63 respectively. Sieve analysis was carried
The most commonly available Portland cement of 43- out for the sand and granite powder at different sieve
grade was selected for the investigations. It was dry, sizes and the results are presented in Table 2. It is shown
powdery and free of lumps. While storing cement, all that the amount of fine particles present in granite powder
possible contact with moisture was avoided. Condensed is considerably higher when compared to the river sand.
Research article “Granite powder concrete” Felix Kala & Partheeban
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846
Table 3. Details of concrete mix
Weight in kg per m3 of concrete Preparation of test
Ce Fly Silica Super Fine Aggregate specimens
Design Slag Coarse
me ash fume plasticizer Water Granite The granite powder was
ation (10%) Aggregate Sand
nt (10%) (7.5%) (1%) Powder
collected from different
GP0 343 48 36 48 5 192 1086 0 533
crusher units and its
GP25 343 48 36 48 5 192 1086 133 340
GP50 343 48 36 48 5 192 1086 266.5
were tested. The
GP75 343 48 36 48 5 192 1086 340
aggregates were soaked in
part of the mixing water for
GP100 343 48 36 48 5 192 1086 533 0
about 5 min, prior to the start
NA100 480 - - - - 192 1086 533 0
of the mixing operations.
CC 480 - - - - 192 1086 - 533
Coarse aggregate was
placed in the drum first and batch water was increased to
In general, water fit for drinking is suitable for mixing
account for the adsorption of the aggregates during
concrete. Impurities in the water may affect concrete,
rotation. After mixing for 10 to 15 sec, the fine aggregates
setting time, strength, shrinkage or promote corrosion of
with correct proportions was introduced and mixed in for
reinforcement. Hence locally available purified drinking
the period of 15 to 20 sec. This was followed by the final
water was used in the present work.
20% of the water and all the cement were added with fly
ash, silica fume and slag which were mixed in until a total
Details of concrete mix
mixing time of 60 sec was achieved. Cube and cylinder
The mixes were designated with the grade of
specimens were cast and tested for studying the variation
concrete and the fine aggregate type used. ACI mix
in strength properties due to replacement of cement,
design method (Shetty, 1986) was used to achieve a mix
admixtures and fine aggregates. The superplasticiser was
with cube strength of 30 MPa. Based on the literature
added 30 s after addition of all the other materials during
survey, the mix proportions of the control mix M30 was
the mixing. After 1 day the demoulded specimens were
considered in the initial stage. The details of mix o o o
cured at water temperature of 26 C (±2 C) and 38 C
proportions are given in Table 3. In this study, the o
(±2 C). Different batches were adopted for 1 day, 7 days,
percentage of granite powder added by weight was 0, 25,
14 days, 28 days, 56 days and 90 days of ages. The
50, 75 and 100% as a replacement of sand (fine
various strength properties studied were compressive
aggregates) used in concrete. Mixes incorporating 0%
strength, split tensile strength, modulus of elasticity,
granite powder (100% river sand), 25% granite powder
plastic and drying shrinkage strains. The dimensions and
(75% river sand), 50% granite powder (50% river sand),
the number of specimens used
75% granite powder (25% river Table 4. Details of test specimens for the present study are listed in
sand), 100% granite powder (0% Shape and No: of
Material Table 4. The various specimens
river sand), no admixtures but Dimensions of the Specimens
Specimens Tested such as cube, cylinder and slab
with 100% granite powder and
Compressive Cube : 150 mm X were cast and tested for
conventional concrete were 72
Strength 150 mm X 150 mm studying the variation in strength
designated as GP0, GP25,
Split Tensile Cylinder : 100 mm X properties due to the
GP50, GP75, GP100, NA100 36
Strength 200 mm replacement of sand with granite
and CC respectively. Water
Modulus of Cylinder : 100 mm X powder after curing for required
curing is the most effective Elasticity 300 mm
method of curing. It produced Plastic Slab : 1000 mm X
the highest level of compressive 06
Shrinkage 1000 mm X 100 mm Experimental procedures
strength and modulus of Drying Slab : 1000 mm X
12 Detailed study was carried
elasticity. If a concrete is not well Shrinkage 1000 mm X 100 mm
out on concrete as per the
cured, it cannot gain the
specifications prescribed in ASTM C 596-89 and IS: 516
properties and durability for its long service life. A proper
(1959) to ascertain the properties. Compressive strength
curing greatly contributes to reduce the porosity and
and split tensile strength were determined using
drying shrinkage of concrete and thus to achieve higher
compression testing machine (CTM) of 3000 kN capacity
strength and greater resistance to physical or chemical
and universal testing machine (UTM) of capacity 600 kN.
attacks in aggressive environments. Therefore, a suitable
Modulus of elasticity was determined at initial stages of
curing regime is essential in order to produce strong and
loading. The study of shrinkage is of great importance to
durable concrete (Zain & Matsufuji, 1997). This study
concrete engineers, especially when dealing with
presents the effect of 2 curing temperatures at different
o o o o admixtures. Plastic shrinkage and drying shrinkage are of
climates of 26 C (±2 C) and 38 C (±2 C) with 0.40 water-
great value owing to the application of high performance
to-binder (w/b) ratio for 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days on
concrete (HPC) in construction. Hence, plastic and drying
compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of
shrinkage strain characteristics were also studied and the
elasticity and shrinkage strains of concrete.
Research article “Granite powder concrete” Felix Kala & Partheeban
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

test procedures adopted are described here. Plastic Table 5 and illustrated in Fig.1 and Fig. 2. The data
shrinkage measurements were conducted for 24 hrs after presented show that the compressive strength of all the
casting while drying shrinkage measurements were granite powder concrete was closer to that of reference
conducted after the completion of the curing period. mix (GP0) for all the days of curing. In the present study,
Immediately significant increase was observed in the concrete mixture
Table 5. Compressive strength of various mixes with 25% granite powder
Compressive strength in MPa (GP25). The compressive
26 o
C Curing Temperature 38 o
C Curing Temperature strength of granite powder
ation 1 7 14 28 56 90 1 7 14 28 56 90 concrete was increased
day days days days days days day days days days days days when admixtures were
GP0 7 21 26 35 44 47 5.6 15 22 30 36 43 used. The compressive
GP25 7.5 22 28 36 46 48 6.4 18 24 34 38 45 strength of GP25 is 2 to
GP50 7 20.5 26 34 44 46.5 6 16 22 31 36 44.2 9% higher than that of
GP75 6.6 20 25 33 42 46 5.6 15 23 31 36 44 GP0 for all the days of
o o
curing at 26 C and 38 C
GP100 6.4 18 24 32.5 39 46 5.8 17 22 31 35 44
temperatures. The other
NA100 6 17 24 32.5 39 45 5.8 14 20 29 34 42
mixes with higher than
after casting, the slab specimens 25% granite powder showed
were kept in open atmospheres at Fig.1 Variation of compressive lesser compressive strength
different stages of 26oC (±2oC) and strength (MPa)with days of curing
o than the mix with river sand
38oC (±2oC) with the mould. Plastic at 26 C curing temperature
(GP0). This can be explained in
shrinkage strain was measured by terms of voids present in the
embedding aluminium strips GP0 GP25
Co mpressive Strength (MPa)

40 GP50 GP75 concrete mixes with increase of

(measuring 25x150x6 mm) to a GP100 NA100 granite powder. It is also shown
depth of 100 mm in the slab 30 that the compressive strength
concrete specimens. The strips increases with the increase in
were placed at the mid-section of 20 days of curing and decreases
each of the 4 sides of the specimen. with increases in curing
The movement of the strips was 10
temperatures for all the
monitored using liner variable 0 mixtures. The reduction in
differential transducers (LVDTs) that 1 day 7 days 14 days 28 days 56 days 90 days
strength may be due to the
were connected to a data Age (Days)
acquisition system for a period of 24 Fig.2. Variation of compressive effect of higher evaporation
hrs. Shrinkage readings were strength (MPa) with days of curing rates from the concrete
recorded every 10 mins during the at 38oC curing temperature specimens during higher curing
first 400 mins and every 30 mins temperature. It is to be noted
Compressive Strength (MPa)

GP0 GP25
thereafter. The drying shrinkage GP50 GP75 from the figs. that for all the
strain was measured after the 30 GP100 NA100 mixtures at the ages of 1 and 7
completion of the curing and days the difference in
readings were taken at 1, 7, 14, 28, 20 compressive strength is higher
56 and 90 days of drying for 26 C 10 than that of all other ages (7 to
o o o
(±2 C) and 38 C (±2 C) curing 90 days). This could be
temperatures. This was done by 0 endorsed that the lower curing
1 day 7 days 14 days 28 days 56 days 90 days
embedding demec gauges on the age is not sufficient to resist the
surface of the specimens. 2 pairs of Age (Days)
power. Further it could be
demec gauges were fixed on each Fig.3. Variation of split tensile strength observed that no significant
specimen. Drying shrinkage was (MPa) with days of curing at 26oC curing deviation in compressive
measured by measuring the length temperature strength was observed for 26 C
between the demec gauges with the
Split Tensile Strength (MPa)

6 GP0 GP25 GP50 and 38 C curing temperature,

help of an extensometer. 5 GP75 GP100 NA100 particularly at higher age of
4 curing (28 days to 90 days).
Results and discussion 3
Compressive strength 2 Split tensile strength
The compressive strength of 1 The tensile strength
different concrete mixtures at 26oC 0 characteristics of HPC are of
and 38oC curing temperatures at 1 day 28 days 90 days considerable importance and
different testing ages is presented in Testing Age Interval (Days) the split tensile test is a simple

Research article “Granite powder concrete” Felix Kala & Partheeban

©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

and reliable method of measuring Fig.4. Variation of split tensile strength (MPa) curing temperature enhances
the tensile strength. The variation of with days of curing at 38oC curing temperature the strength. It can also be
split tensile strength with age of seen from the figs. that the
curing at 26oC and 38oC curing 6 significant improvement in the
GP0 GP25 GP50
temperature is shown in Fig. 3-4. modulus of elasticity has been

Sp lit T e n sile S tren g th

Specimens of 100 mm diameter 5 GP75 GP100 NA100
observed due to the inclusion
cylinder have been tested at the age of admixtures in the concrete

(M P a )
of 1, 28 and 90 days. It is observed 3 mixes at both 26oC and 38oC
from figs. that the tensile strengths 2
curing temperatures. It is to be
decreased with increase of granite noted from the numerical
powder in the mix and the results 1 results that the modulus of
indicate that the optimum 0 elasticity decreases with
replacement is 25%. The reduction 1 day 28 days 90 days increase in curing
in strength may be due to the Testing Age Interval (Days) temperatures for all the
presence of unfilled micro-voids in mixtures. Hence it can be
the concrete mixes with increase of granite powder. concluded that the higher curing temperature may be
These micro-voids might have acted as the weak zones avoided during construction of any buildings.
for the initiation and propagation of tensile cracks offering
a lower ultimate tensile strength for the hardened Plastic shrinkage strain
composites (Job, 2005). The figures reveal that the split Of all the 6 mixtures considered, concrete with 25% of
tensile strength of concerned mixes is nearly constant for granite powder (GP25) was found to be superior to other
o o
the 90 days of curing at both 26 C and 38 C curing mixtures as well as GP0 and NA100 for all operating
temperature. This is due to the reason that the increase conditions. Hence for shrinkage measurements, 25% of
of days of curing may not have significant effect for granite powder (GP25) was considered and compared
different curing temperatures. However test results with GP0 and conventional concrete (CC). Figs. 7-8 are a
demonstrate the effect of admixtures in all the concrete typical presentation of the plastic shrinkage strain of
mixes. The experimental results of split tensile strength different concrete mixtures GP0, GP25 and CC in the
for different concrete mixtures are presented in Table 6. specimen (1x1 m). The data presented in the figures.
indicate that the plastic shrinkage
Table 6. Split tensile strength and Modulus of elasticity of various mixes
26 C Curing Temperature o
38 C Curing Temperature
increased with the increase of period of
Split tensile Split tensile exposure to the curing temperatures at
Modulus Modulus o o
strength strength 26 C and 38 C. It can be seen from the
Mix of Elasticity of Elasticity figs. that the plastic shrinkage strain in the
in MPa in MPa
Design admixtures concrete (GP0 & GP25)
ation 28
1 90 7 90 1 28 90 7 90
day specimens was more than that in the
day days days days day days days days days
s conventional concrete. The increase in
GP0 2.6 4.2 5.8 33 41 2.4 4 5.6 32 39 plastic shrinkage strain of GP25 up to
GP25 2.9 4.4 6.2 34 43 2.7 4.2 5.8 33 42 about 900 min of casting is about 638 µm
GP50 2.9 4 6 33 42 2.4 3.8 5.4 30 39 and 630 µm respectively for 32oC and
GP75 2.5 3.8 5.4 30 40 2.2 3.5 5.2 30 36 38oC curing temperatures. After about 900
GP100 2.2 3.5 5.2 29 40 2 3.2 5 30 38 min of casting, the plastic shrinkage strain
NA100 2 3.2 5 25 35 1.9 3 4.8 24 34
in the conventional concrete specimens
are 282 µm and 275 µm respectively for 26oC and 38oC
Modulus of elasticity curing temperatures. The increased plastic shrinkage
The Modulus of elasticity of various mixes at 26oC strain in the granite powder concrete, GP25 specimens
and 38 C curing temperatures can be seen in the Fig.5-6. may be attributed to the low bleeding. Even though the
The measurements were performed at the age of 7 and plastic strain in the GP25 specimens was more than that
90 days. The experimental results of modulus of elasticity in the CC and GP0 specimens, they were not high
for different concrete mixtures are also presented in Table enough to cause cracking. A threshold value of plastic
6.The tests results show that the modulus of elasticity of shrinkage strain that could result in cracking was reported
all the concrete mixtures is almost similar or higher than to be around 1100 µm (Al-Amoudi et al., 2004).
that of GP0 and NA100 both for 7 and 90 days at 26oC
and 38oC curing temperatures. Similar to the strength Drying shrinkage strain
properties, it is also shown that the modulus of elasticity The drying shrinkage measurements were taken after
of concrete mixture with a 25% granite powder (GP25) is the completion of curing at the ages of 1, 7, 14, 28, 56
about 2% higher than that of GP0 at 90 days of curing at and 90 days of drying for 26oC (±2oC) and 32oC (±2oC)
26oC curing temperatures. This may be the reason that curing temperatures. Fig. 9-10 are a typical presentation
the combination of higher age of curing and the lower
Research article “Granite powder concrete” Felix Kala & Partheeban
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

of the drying shrinkage strain of different concrete mixes strength, modulus of elasticity, plastic and drying
GP0, GP25 and CC in the specimen (1x1 m) cured by shrinkage strains of concrete mixtures at 26oC (±2oC) and
water ponding. The data presented in the figs. indicate 38oC (±2oC) for 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days of curing for
that increasing the curing age, increase the drying
Fig.5. Variation of modulus of elasticity (GPa) with days Fig.7. Variation of plastic shrinkage in 1 x 1 m with
of curing at 26oC curing temperature days of curing at 26oC water ponding

Shrinkage Strain (µm)

45 GP0 GP25 GP50 600 GP0
Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)

40 GP75 GP100 NA100 500 GP25

35 CC
20 200
15 100
10 0
5 0 200 400 600 800
Time After Casting (Minutes)
7 days 90 days
Te sting Age Inte rval (Days)
Fig.8. Variation of plastic shrinkage in 1 x 1 m with days
Fig.6. Variation of modulus of elasticity (gpa) with of curing at 38oC water ponding
days of curing at 38oC curing temperature
Shrinkage Strain (µm)

GP0 GP25 GP50 600 GP0

M o dulus o f Ela sticity (G P a )

GP75 GP100 NA100 500 GP25

400 CC
10 0 200 400 600 800
Time After Casting (Minutes)
0 0.40 water-cement ratio. The test results show clearly that
7 days 90 days granite powder as a partial sand replacement has
Testing Age Interval (Days) beneficial effects of the mechanical properties of high
shrinkage both at curing temperatures 26oC and 38oC. performance concrete. Of all the 6 mixtures considered,
Further it can be seen from the figs. that the drying concrete with 25% of granite powder (GP25) was found to
shrinkage strain in the admixtures concrete (GP0 & be superior to other mixtures as well as GP0 and NA100
GP25) specimens were more than that in the for all operating conditions. Therefore the conclusions are
conventional concrete. The drying shrinkage strain after made based on a comparison of GP25 with the
90 days of exposure to the curing temperatures at 26oC conventional concrete with 0% of granite powder, GP0.
and 38oC was 298 µm and 282 µm respectively in the Mechanical properties such as compressive strength,
conventional concrete, while it was 397 µm and 385 µm split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, particularly
respectively in the granite powder concrete (GP25). It is in all the ages at both curing temperature of 26oC and
to be noted that the values for drying shrinkage of 38oC higher than that of the reference mix, GP0. There
admixture concretes are very close because of the effect was an increase in strength as the days of curing
of combination of normal water cement ratio of 0.40 and increases and decreases as the curing temperature
different admixtures in the concrete mixture. increases. The plastic shrinkage strain was primarily
affected by the type of admixtures or other cementitious
Conclusion material used. Plastic shrinkage strain in the GP25
A study on the performance concrete made with specimens was more than that in the CC specimens. The
granite powder as fine aggregate and partial replacement plastic shrinkage strain in the GP25 specimens was on an
of cement with 7.5% Silica fume, 10% fly ash, 10% slag average 60% more than that in the CC specimens. The
and 1% superplasticiser subjected to water curing is drying shrinkage strain in the granite powder concrete
conducted for finding the characteristic mechanical specimens was more than those in the CC specimens. In
properties such as compressive strength, split tensile general, the behavior of granite aggregates with
Research article “Granite powder concrete” Felix Kala & Partheeban
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

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©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

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