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A Study On Partial Replacement of Cement With Ggbs in Concrete

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S.Revathy,M.E., 2Poovarasan.A, 3Prabhaharan.P.G, 4Prabhakaran.K.B, 5Sivaraj.O.R
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, Namakkal.
Bachelor Of Engineering. Civil Engineering
Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram -637408, Anna University: Chennai 600 025

Abstract aggregates with or without chemical

Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine admixtures.
aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. The most important part of concrete is the
Concrete plays a vital role in the cement. Use of cement alone as a binder
development of infrastructure Viz., material produces large heat of hydration. Since
buildings, industrial structures, bridges and the production of this raw material produces lot
highways etc., leading to utilization of large of CO2 emission. The carbon dioxide emission
quantity of concrete. On the other side, cost from the cement raw material is very harmful to
of concrete is attributed to the cost of its the environmental changes. Nowadays many
ingredients which is scarce and expensive, researchers have been carried out to reduce the
this leading to usage of economically CO2.
alternative materials in its production. This The effective way of reducing CO2 emission
requirement is drawn the attention of from the cement industry is to use the industrial
investigators to explore new replacements of by products or use of supplementary cementing
ingredients of concrete. The present technical material such as Ground Granulated Blast
report focuses on investigating Furnace Slag (GGBS), Fly Ash (FA), and Silica
characteristics of concrete with partial Fume (SF) and Meta kaolin (MK).
replacement of cement with Ground In this present experimental work an attempt is
Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS). The made to replace cement by GGBS to overcome
topic deals with the usage of GGBS and these problems. River sand has been used as a
advantages as well as disadvantages in using major building material component. Its well-
it in concrete. This usage of GGBS serves as graded and that all sizes grains are well
replacement to already depleting distributed in a given sample.
conventional building materials and the
recent years and also as being a byproduct it River sand is mainly used for all kinds of civil
serves as an Eco Friendly way of utilizing the engineering construction. River sand has been
product without dumping it on ground. the most important choice for the fine aggregate
component of concrete in the early periods.
I.INTRODUCTION Overuse of the material have been led to
1.1 GENERAL environmental concerns, the depleting of
Concrete has been the major instrument for securable river sand due to this the material cost
providing stable and reliable infrastructure since also increases. Nowadays the natural river sand
the days of Greek and roman civilization. becomes scarce and very costly.
Concrete is the most world widely used To overcome from this crisis, partial
construction material. The increase in demand replacement of natural sand with quarry sand is
of concrete more the new method and materials economic alternative. Use of quarry dust in
are being developed for production of concrete. concrete increases the strength characteristics.
Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, and

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace is a
byproduct from the blast furnace slag is a solid
waste discharged in large quantities by the iron
and steel industry in India. These operate at a
temperature of about 1500 degree centigrade
and are fed with a carefully controlled mixture
of iron – ore, coke and limestone. The iron ore
is reduced to iron and remaining materials from
slag that floats on top of the iron.
It is a granular material formed when molten
iron blast furnace slag is rapidly chilled by
immersion of water. This slag is periodically
tapped off as a molten liquid and if it is to be 1.3QUARRY SAND:
used for the manufacture of GGBS it has been Origin as the by-product which is formed in the
rapidly quenched in large volumes of water. processing of the granite stones which broken
The quenching optimizes the cementations downs into the coarse aggregate in different
properties and produces granules similar to size. Specific gravity depends on the nature of
coarse sand. This granulated slag is then dried rock from which it is processed. The fine
and ground to a fine powder. aggregates or sand used is usually obtained
The re-cycling of these slag’s will become an from natural sources specially river beds or
important measure for the environmental river banks.
protection. Iron and steel are basic materials Now-a days due to constant sand mining the
that underpin modern civilization, and due to natural sand is depleting at an alarming rate.
many years of research the slag that is generated Sand dragging from river beds has led to several
as a byproduct in iron and steel production is environmental issues.
now in use as a material in its own right in Due to various environmental issues
various sectors. The primary constituents of Government has banned the dragging of sand
slag are lime (CaO) and silica (SiO2). Portland from rivers. This has led to a scarcity and
cement also contains these constituents. significant increase in the cost of natural sand.
The primary constituent of slag is soluble in There is an urgent need to find an alternative to
water and exhibits an alkalinity like that of river sand. The only long term replacement for
cement or concrete. Meanwhile, with the sand is Quarry sand.
development of steel industry, the disposal of
such a material as a waste is definitely a Also it can’t be disposed of properly and its
problem and it may cause severe environmental disposal is not economically viable but it is
hazards. blended with other construction materials like
On its own, GGBS hardens very slowly and for clayey soil then it can be used best for various
use in concrete, it needs to be activated by construction purposes like sub grade,
combining it with Portland cement, but foundation base and embankments.
percentage of GGBS anywhere between 20 and Due to rapid industrialization there is scarcity of
80 percent are commonly used. The greater the land having desirable soil bearing capacities.
percentage of GGBS, the greater will be the Soil stabilization is the technique which
effort on concrete properties. improves the properties of expansive soil to
meet the engineering requirements. For a
successful stabilization, a laboratory tests
required to determine engineering properties.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

GGBS gives the highest amount of compressive
strength. They suggested that the replacement
of cement with slag should be limited to 40% in
Latha K.S, Rao M.V.S and Reddy V.S have
concluded from their research that Strength
efficiency of GGBS increases by 89% in M20,
41% in M40 and 20% in M60 grade concrete
mixes when compared to M20, M40 and M60
grade concrete mixes without any mineral
admixture at 28 days respectively. The optimum
dosage of percentage of replacement of cement
1.4 OBJECTIVE: with GGBS was found to be 40%, 40%and 50%
• To determine the most optimized mix of in Ordinary (M20), Standard (M40) and High
GGBS- based concrete. strength grade (M60) grades of concrete
• To optimize strength characteristics of respectively. They also concluded that the
concrete by partially replacement of cement by partial replacement of cement with GGBS in
GGBS. concrete mixes has shown enhanced
• To determine the variation of performance in terms of strength and durability
workability of concrete by partially replacing in all grades. This is due to the presence of
the cement by GGBS. reactive silica in GGBS which offers good
• To investigate the structural behavior of compatibility. It is observed that there is an
concrete by adding replacing materials. increase in the compressive strength for
• To study the fresh properties of different concrete mixes made with GGBS
concrete. replacement mixes.
• To increase the compressive strength of Mohammed Moyunddin, Varnitha MS, Sathish
pavement by using GGBS. YA have concluded from their project that
• To improve resistance to attack from fire cement can be partially replaced with GGBS
by using GGBS. and natural sand by M sand gives high strength.
• To decreases the cost of concrete Compressive strength of concrete increases with
production by using Quarry sand. increase of percentage of manufactured sand
• To increases workability by using upto certain limit and also increases in dosage
GGBS and Quarry sand. of admixture.M30 grade concrete acquires
• To provide economical construction cost maximum compressive strength for 60%
• To increases the durability by using replacement of natural sand by quarry sand and
Quarry sand. 1.5 % dosage of mixture. Split tensile strength
of concrete, when cement is replaced with 40%
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW of GGBS & 60% of quarry dust for maximum
Pathan V.G, Ghutke V.S and Pathan G have dosage of mixture.Flexural strength will be
concluded in their project that ground max, if 30% of cement by GGBS & 60% of
granulated blast furnace slag is better quarry sand as constant replacement for fine
replacement of cement than various other aggregates. Split tensile strength of concrete is
alternatives. The rate of strength gain in slag 3.65 & 3.88 N/mm2after 28 days of curing for
replaced concrete is slow in early stages but 1.50% of admixture content.
with proper curing the strength goes on Chaithra.HL, pramod.K, Dr.Chandrashekar.A
increasing tremendously. The compressive from the experimental investigation observed
strength decreases when the cement that the workability of concrete was found to be
replacement is more than 50%. Use of slag or increased with the increase in GGBS in
slag cements usually improves workability and concrete. It further decreases as the percentage
decreases the water demand due to the increase of quarry Sand increases. Maximum
in paste volume caused by the lower relative compressive and flexural strength has been
density of slag. From their results they obtained for replacement of cement by 40%
concluded that 45% replacement of cement by GGBS. Maximum flexural strength obtained for

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

replacement of cement by 40% GGBS and 50% flexural tests, it was recommended that 35% of
GGBS and sand by 40% quarry sand. Maximum sand can be replaced by granite fines.
spilt tensile strength is achieved for cement
replacement by 50% GGBS and 50% of quarry PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS
sand. Maximum compressive strength obtained GENERAL:
for replacement of cement by GGBS 40% and The properties of materials depends on
natural sand by M sand 40%. Maximum the various physical and chemical properties
flexural strength achieved for cement such as particle size, specific gravity etc. Also,
replacement by GGBS 50% and sand by quarry the compatibility and performance in the
sand 50%.Increases workability and durability presence of materials need to be established
of concrete member. which may help in short listing of the materials
Dubey A., Chandak R and Yadav R.K from the when two or more types are available.
experimental investigations observed that the
optimum replacement of GGBS Powder to MATERIALS USED:
cement without changing much the compressive Materials that are used for making
strength is 15%. They observed that 7 days, 14 concrete for this study where tested before
days and 28 days compressive strength on 30% casting the specimen. The preliminary tests
replacement of cement reduces about 30% that used for making concrete for this study where
is from 21.03N/mm2 to 15N/mm2, 23.N/mm2 tested before casting the specimen. The
to 16.74N/mm2.and 26.9 N/mm2 to preliminary tests were conducted for the
18.81N/mm2 respectively. following materials.
The choice of quarry dust as replacement for 1. Cement
sand has been supported in the previous study 2. Fine aggregate
(Manassa, 2010) showing that up to 20% of 3. Coarse aggregate
sand has been effectively replaced by quarry 4. Quarry dust
dust in traditional concrete. Ilangovan et al. 5. Ground granulated blast furnace
(2008) reported that the strength of quarry rock slag(GGBS)
dust concrete was comparably 10-12% more 3.1 CEMENT
than that of similar mix of conventional 3.1.1SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST:
concrete. PPC cement is used for the laboratory
In another study conducted by Wakchaure et al, investigation. The cement for the whole work
(2012) using artificial sand in place of river was procured in a single consignment and
sand, it was found that for M30 mix using properly stored.
artificial sand, the compressive strength
increased by 3.98%, flexural strength by 2.81%
and split tensile strength by a marginal value
than concrete which used river sand. Seeni et al.
(2012) have made an attempt to partially
replace fine aggregates with waste material
obtained from China Clay industries. Out of the
replacement percentages of 10% to 50%, the
highest strength was achieved at 30% in
compressive, split and flexural strength.
Hameed and Sekar (2009) studied the effect of
crushed stone dust as fine dust and found that
flexural strength increases than the concrete Fig.3.1.1 Cement
with natural sand but the values decreases as the Dry the flask carefully and fill with
percentage of crusher dust increase Divakar et kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem
al. (2012) have experimented on the behavior of between zero and 1 ml. Record the level of the
M20 grade concrete with the use of granite fines liquid in the flask as initial reading. Put a
as a partial replacement for sand in 5%, 15%, weighted quantity of cement (about 60gm) into
25%, 35% and 50%; and based on the results the flask so that level of kerosene rise to about
obtained for compressive, split-tensile and 22ml mark , care being taken to avoid splashing

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

and to see that cement does not adhere to the RESULT:
liquid to the sides of the above the liquid. Normal consistency of cement = 29%
After putting all the cement to the flask, 3.1.3INITIAL SETTING TIME
roll the flask gently in an inclined position to The initial setting time is found by vicat
expel air until no further air bubble rise 3s to the apparatus. The time elapsed between the
surface of the liquid. Note down the new liquid moments that the water is added to the cement
level as final reading. to the time that the paste starts losing its
𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 plasticity is called initial setting time usually 30
(𝑤𝑤2 − 𝑤𝑤1 ) minutes. About 400g of cement sample was
(𝑤𝑤2 − 𝑤𝑤1 ) − ((𝑤𝑤3 − 𝑤𝑤4 ) × 0.79 taken and added water to bring it to standard
consistency. The sample was placed in vicat
Where, w_1= weight of empty flask mould within 3-5 minutes. The needle was
w_2= weight of flask+ cement lowered gently and contact with surface of the
w_3= weight of flask+ cement+ rest block.
w_4= weight of flask+ kerosene
0.79 = specific gravity of kerosene
Specific gravity of cement = 3.1
1. Weigh about 400gm of cement
accurately and placed it in enamel trough.
2. To start with add about 25% of potable
water. Care should be taken that the gauging
time is not less than three minutes and not more
than 5 minutes.
3. Apply thin layer of oil to inner surface
of mould. Fill the vicat`s mould with this paste Fig.3.1.3 Vicat apparatus
in the mould resting on non-porous plate. Then quickly released it. Allow it to penetrate
4. Make the surface of cement paste in into the test block. In the beginning the needle
level with the top of mould with the trowel. The will completely pierce through the test block
mould should be slightly shaken to the expel .But after some time when the paste starts
air. losing its plasticity, the needle may penetrate
5. Place the mould together with the non- only to a depth of 33-35mm from top .The
porous plate under the rod bearing the plunger period elapsing between the time when water is
so that it touches the surface of the test block. added and the time at which needle penetrates
6. Release quickly the plunger allowing it to depth equal to 33-35mm is called initial
to sink in the cement paste in the mould. Note setting time.
down the penetration of the plunger in the paste,
when the penetration of plunger becomes stable RESULT:
in the mould. Initial setting time of cement = 30 minutes
7. If the penetration of the plunger in the
paste is less than the 33 to 35mm from the top 3.2 GROUND GRANULATED BLAST
of the mould, prepare the trail paste with FURNACE SLAG (GGBS)
increasing percentage of water and repeat the On its own , ground furnance
above mentioned procedure until the plunger slag(GGBS) harderns very slowly and , for use
penetrate to a depth of 33to35mm from the top in concrete, its needs to be activated by
or 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of mould. combining it with portland cement, but
8. Expressed this amount of water as a percentage of GGBS anywhere between 20 and
percentage by weight of dry cement. 80 percent are commomly used. The greater the
9. The percentage of water required for percentage of GGBS, the greater will be the
obtaining cement paste of standard consistency effect on concrete properties.
is = 29%

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

SETTING TIME GGBS), similar 28 days strength to Portland
The setting time of concrete is influenced cement will normally be achieved when using
by many factors, in particular temperature and upto percent GGBS. At higher GGBS
water/ cement ratio. With GGBS, the setting percentages the cementations content may need
time will be extended slightly, perhaps by about to be increased to achieve equivalent 28 day
30 minutes. The effect will be more pronounced strength.
at high levels of GGBS or low temperatures. An GGBS concrete gains strength more
extended setting time is advantages in that the steadily the equivalent concrete made with
concrete will remain workable longer and there Portlandcement. For the same 28 days strength,
will be less risk of cold joints. This is a GGBS concrete will have lower strength at
particularly useful in warm weather. early strength will be most noticeable at high
WATER DEMAND GGBS levels and lower temperatures.
The difference in rheological behavior Under normal circumstances, concrete
between GGBS and Portland cement by enable with up to 70 percent GGBS will achieve
a small reduction in water content to achieve sufficient strength within one day of casting to
equivalent consistence class. allow removal of vertical formwork without
CONSISTANCE mechanical damage. At high GGBS
While concretes containing GGBS have percentages, extra care should be taken with
a similar, or slightly improved consistence to thin sections poured during winter conditions
equivalent Portland cement concretes, fresh when the concrete hardening may been affected
concrete containing GGBS tends to required by the poured during winter conditions when
less energy for movement. This makes it easier the concrete hardening may have been affected
to place and compact, especially when pumping by the cold ambient air.
or using mechanical vibration. In addition, it 3.2.2 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
will retain its workability for longer. GGBS comprises mainly of CaO, SiO2,
Al2O3and Mgo.It contains less than 1%
EARLY AGE TEMPERATURE RISE crystalline silica and contains less than 1 ppm
The reaction involved in the setting and water soluble chromium .It has the same main
hardening of concrete generate significant heat chemical consistent as ordinary Portland
and can produce large temperature rises, cement, but in different proportions.
particularly in thick section pours. This can Chemical properties of GGBS and cement
result in thermal cracking.
There are a number of factors which determine Advantages of GGBS over cement
the rate of heat development and the maximum • Improved workability, compaction
temperature rise. These include the percentage Chemical Cement GGBS
of GGBS, the total cementations content, the constituent
dimensions of the structure, the type of
formwork and ambient weather conditions. CaO 65% 40%
The greater the percentage of GGBS, the
lower will be the rate at which heat is developed SiO 2 20% 35%
and the smaller the maximum temperature rise.
As well as depressing the peak
temperature, the time taken to reach the speak Al 2 O 3 5% 10%
will be extended. For mass concrete structure, it
is common to use 70 percent GGBS to control MgO 2% 8%
the temperature rise. With thinner sections,
significant saving in crack control
reinforcement can be achieved even with lower characteristics of concrete.
levels of GGBS of 50 percent or loss. • Reduced permeability
3.2.1 STRENGTH GAIN IN GGBS • More chemically stable
CONCRETE • High resistance to chloride penetration
With the same content of cementations • High resistance to sulphate attack
materials (total weight of Portland cement plus • Very low heat of hydration

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

• Improved resistance to attack from fire If the penetration of plunger in the paste
• Improved surface finish is less than the 33to35mm from the top of the
• Enhance reflectively for greater mould, prepare the trail paste with increasing
visibility and safely percentage of water and repeat the above
• Eliminate efflorescence mentioned procedure until the plunger penetrate
• No emission of SO2,NOX and CO to a depth of 33to35mm from the top or
• Extends life cycle of concrete structures 5to7mm from the bottom of the mould.
• Reduces life time construction cost Expressed this amount of water as a percentage
• Lower maintenance cost by weight of dry GGBS.
3.2.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST The percentage of water required for
Dry the flask carefully and fill with obtaining cement paste of standard consistency
kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem is = 34%
between zero and 1 ml. Record the level of the RESULT:
liquid in the flask as initial reading. Put a Normal consistency of GGBS = 34%
weighted quantity of GGBS (about 60gm) into 3.2.5 INITIAL SETTIG TIME:
the flask so that level of kerosene rise to about The initial setting time is found by vicat
22 ml mark, care being taken to avoid splashing apparatus. The time elapsedbetween the
and see that GGBS does not adhere to the liquid moments that the water is added to the paste
to sides of the above the liquid. Position to starts losing its plasticity is called initial setting
expel air until no futher air bubble rise 3s to the time usually 30 minutes. About 400gm of
surface of the liquid. Note down the new liquid GGBS taken and added water to bring in to
level as final reading. standard consistency. The sample was placed in
Specific gravity= (w 2 - w 1 )/ ((w 2 – w 1 ) – ((w 3 - vicat mould within 3-5 minutes. The needle was
w 4 ) x o.79))) lowered gently contact and with surface of the
Where, rest block.
W 1 = weight of empty flask Then quickly released it. Allow it to
W 2 = weight of flask + GGBS penetrate into the rest block. In the beginning
W 3 = weight of flask + GGBS + kerosene the needle will completely through the test
W 4 = weight of flask +kerosene block. But after some time when the paste starts
0.79 = specific gravity of kerosene losing its plasticity, the needle will penetrate
only to a depth of 33-35mm from top. The
RESULT period elapsing between the time when water is
Specific gravity of GGBS = 2.84 added and the time at which needle penetrates
3.2.4CONSISTENCY TEST: to depth equal to 33-35 mm is called initial
Weigh about 400gm of GGBS accurately setting time.
and plaid it in enamel through. RESULT:
To start with add about 25% of portable water. Initial setting time of GGBS = 2 hours
Care should be taken that the gauging not less
than 3 minutes and not more than 5 minutes. 3.3 FINE AGGREGATE
Apply thin layer of oil to inner surface of A loose granular material that results
mould. Fill the vicat’s mould with this paste in from the disintegration of rocks, mortar, glass,
the mould resting on non-porous plate. abrasives, and foundry mould soil containing 85
Make the surface of GGBS paste in level percent or more of sand and a maximum of 10
with the top of mould with the trowel. The percent of clay, broadly sandy soil.
mould should be slightly shaken to the expel
Place the mould together with the non-
porous plate under the rod bearing the plunger
so that it touches the surface of the test block.
Release quickly the plunger allowing it
to sink in the cement paste in the mould. When
the penetration of plunger becomes stable in the
Fig.3.3. Fine aggregate

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

3.3.1. SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST: 10 minutes to ensure all air bubbles are
Obtain approximately 1000g of the fine eliminated.
aggregate from the sample by use of sample Dry of pycnometer and weight. Record
splitter or by quartering. Dry it in a suitable pan this and all other weights to the nearest 0.1g.
or vessel to constant weight at a temperature of Remove the fine aggregate from the
100 to 1100 𝑐𝑐 . Wash the sample thoroughly on pycnometer, dry to constant weight at a
a 71mm sieve. temperature 100 to〖 110〗^0C, cool in air at
room temperature for ½ to 1½ hours and
Weight of pycnometer
W1 = 0.605 Kg
Weight of pycnometer+ Sand
W2 = 1.790 Kg
Weight of pycnometer+ Sand + Water
Fig.3.3.1. Specific gravity test W3 = 2.205 Kg
The process of quartering and the correct Weight of pycnometer+ Water
use of a sample splitter are discussed in the W4 = 1.440 Kg
manual of concrete testing (Annual Book of Specific gravity
(𝒘𝒘𝟐𝟐 −𝒘𝒘𝟏𝟏 )
ASTM Standards, part 14). Allow the sample to G = )−(𝒘𝒘
((𝒘𝒘𝟒𝟒 −𝒘𝒘𝟏𝟏 ))
𝟑𝟑 −𝒘𝒘𝟐𝟐
cool comfortable handling temperature, cover
with water and permit to stand for 24 ± 4 hours.
= 2.820
where the absorption and specific gravity values
are to be used in proportioning concrete mixtures
with aggregates used in their naturally moist
Specific gravity of sand =2.820
condition, the requirement for initial drying to
constant weight may be eliminated. Decant excess
water with care to avoid loss of fines, spread the
Sieve analysis test aims at grading or
sample on a flat surface exposed to a gently
separating sand particles into different ranges of
moving current of warm air, and stir frequently to
size. In practice this is done by passing the
secure uniform drying.
materials through a set of sieves. Prepare a
Continue this operation until the test
stack of sieves. Sieves having larger opening
specimen approaches a free – flowing condition.
sizes (i.e. lower numbers) are placed above the
then ,place a portion of the partially dried fine
ones having smaller opening sizes (i.e. higher
aggregate loosely in to the mould , held firmly on
a smooth non-absorbent surface with the large
The very fast sieve is 200 mm dia and a pan is
diameter down ,lightly tamp the surface 25 times
placed under it to collect the portion of soil
with the tamper and lift the mould vertically. If
passing 200 mm dia sieve. Here is a set of
surface moisture is still present, the fine aggregate
sieves. (Dia of 4 and 200 mm are
will retain the mould shape.
included)Make sure sieves are clean, if many
Continue drying with constant stirring and
soil particles are stuck in the openings try to
test at frequent intervals until the tamped fine
poke them out using brush.
aggregate slumps slightly up on removal of the
mould. This indicate that it has reaches a surface –
dry condition.
Roll, invert and agitate the pycnometer
to eliminate all air bubbles. Adjust its
temperature to 23±1.70 C, if necessary by
immersion in circulating water and bring the
water level in the pycnometer to its calibrated
capacity. Leave pycnometer in circulating water
or water bath for 30±5 minutes to ensure
constant temperature. Continue to agitate every

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019


1 4.75 mm 0.020 2% 2%
2 2.36 mm 0.040 4% 6%
3S 1.7 mm 0.070 7% 13%
4 1.18 mm 0.130 13% 26%
5 600micron 0.300 30% 56%
6 300micron 0.260 26% 82%
7 150micron 0.100 10% 92%
8 Pan 0.080 8% 100%

Weigh all sieves and the pan separately. Pour fraction retained on the sieve is also weighed
the soil into the stack of sieves from the top and (mass C). If {A-(B+C)}>1 gram, the result shall
place the cover, put the stack in the sieve shaker be discarded and a fresh test made. The
and fix the clamps, adjust the time on 10 to 15 aggregate impact value (AIV) is
minutes and get the shaker going. AIV = (B/A) x100
Fineness modulus = 4.23 CALCULATION
3.4COARSE AGGREGATE Aggregate impact value= (B/A) x100
Usually the aggregates occupy 70% to Weight of fraction passing 2.36mm sieve B =
80% of the volume of concrete and have an 115 gm.
important influence on its properties. They are Total weight of sample A= 640 gm.
granular materials, derived generally from Aggregate impact value= 17.9%
natural rock and sands.
The apparatus consists of a steel test Obtain approximately 1000g of the
mould with a falling hammer. The hammer coarse aggregate from the sample by use of
slides freely between vertical guides so sample splitter or by quartering. Dry it in a
arranged that the lower part of the hammer is suitable pan or vessel to constant weight at a
above and concentric with the mould. The temperature of 100 to 〖110〗^0 c . Wash the
material used is aggregate passing a 12.70 mm sample thoroughly on a 71mm sieve. The
sieve and retained on a 9.52 mm sieve. It shall process of quartering and the correct use of a
be clean and dry (washed if necessary) but it sample splitter are discussed in the manual of
must not be dried for longer than 4 hours nor at concrete testing (Annual Book of ASTM
a temperature higher than 110OC may Standards, part 14). Allow the sample to cool
otherwise certain aggregates be damaged. The comfortable handling temperature, cover with
whole of the test sample (mass A) is placed in water and permit to stand for 24 ± 4 hours.
the steel mould and compacted by a single Where the absorption and specific gravity
tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod.. The values are to be used in proportioning concrete
test sample is subjected to 15 blows of the mixtures with aggregates used in their naturally
hammer dropping 381 mm, each being moist condition, the requirement for initial
delivered at an interval not less than one drying to constant weight may be eliminated.
second.. The crushed aggregate is sieved over a Decant excess water with care to avoid
2.36 mm sieve. The fraction passing 2.36 mm is loss of fines, spread the sample on a flat surface
weighed to the nearest 0.1 g (mass B). The exposed to a gently moving current of warm air,

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

and stir frequently to secure uniform drying. W2 = 1.890 Kg
Continue this operation until the test specimen
approaches a free – flowing condition. then Weight of pycnometer+ aggregate + Water
,place a portion of the partially dried fine W3 = 2.230 Kg
aggregate loosely in to the mould , held firmly Weight of pycnometer+ Water
on a smooth non-absorbent surface with the W4 = 1.440 Kg
large diameter down ,lightly tamp the surface Specific gravity of Aggregate
25 times with the tamper and lift the mould (𝒘𝒘𝟐𝟐 −𝒘𝒘𝟏𝟏 )
vertically. G =
((𝒘𝒘𝟒𝟒 −𝒘𝒘𝟏𝟏 )−(𝒘𝒘𝟑𝟑 −𝒘𝒘𝟐𝟐 ))
If surface moisture is still present, the
fine aggregate will retain the mould shape. G = 2.59
Continue drying with constant stirring and test
at frequent intervals until the tamped fine 3.4.3. SIEVE ANALYSIS TEST:
aggregate slumps slightly up on removal of the Sieve analysis test aims at grading or separating
mould. This indicate that it has reaches a sand particles into different ranges of size. In
surface – dry condition. practice this is done by passing the materials
Roll, invert and agitate the pycnometer to through a set of sieves. Prepare a stack of
eliminate all air bubbles. Adjust its temperature sieves. Sieves having larger opening sizes (i.e.
to 23±〖1.7〗^0C, if necessary by immersion lower numbers) are placed above the ones
in circulating water and bring the water level in having smaller opening sizes (i.e. higher
the pycnometer to its calibrated capacity. numbers). The very fast sieve is 200 mm dia
Leave pycnometer in circulating water or and a pan is placed under it to collect the
water bath for 30±5 minutes to ensure constant portion of soil passing 200 mm dia sieve. Here
temperature. Continue to agitate every 10 is a set of sieves. (Dia of 4 and 200 mm are
minutes to ensure all air bubbles are eliminated. included).Make sure sieves are clean, if many
Dry of pycnometer and weight. Record soil particles are stuck in the openings try to
this and all other weights to the nearest 0.1g. poke them out using brush. Weigh all sieves
Remove the fine aggregate from the and the pan separately. Pour the soil into the
pycnometer, dry to constant weight at a stack of sieves from the top and place the cover,
temperature 100 to〖 110〗^0C, cool in air at put the stack in the sieve shaker and fix the
room temperature for ½ to 1½ hours and clamps, adjust the time on 10 to 15 minutes and
weight. get the shaker going.
Fineness modulus = 3.85
Weight of pycnometer W 1 =0.605 Kg
Weight of pycnometer+ aggregate



1 19 mm Nil 0% 0%
2 12.5 mm Nil 0% 0%
3 9.5 mm 0.240 24% 24%
4 4.75 mm 0.600 60% 84%
5 2.36 mm 0.060 6% 90%
6 1.18 mm 0.040 4% 94%
7 0.6 mm 0.050 5% 99%
8 0.3 mm 0.010 1% 100%
9 Pan Nil nil 100%

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

3.5 QUARRY DUST valuable waste material after the extraction and
The most widely used fine aggregate for progressive of rocks to form fine particles less
making of concrete is the natural sand mined then 4.75mm. Use of quarry rock dust as a fine
from the riverbeds. However, the availability of aggregate in concrete draws serious attention of
river sand for the preparation of concrete is researches and investigators.
becoming scarce due to the excessive non- The dust is selected from the nearest
scientific methods of mining from the riverbeds, sources as raw materials without any processing
lowering of water table, sinking of bridges of the dust from quarry.
piers, etc. Are becoming common problems. 3.5.1. ORIGIN OF QUARRY DUST
The present scenario demands identification of The quarry dust is the by-product which
substitute materials for the river sand for is formed in the processing of the granite stones
making concrete. which broken downs into the coarse aggregate
Quarry dust as a by-product from crushing of different size. Quarry dust is crusher,
process during quarrying actives is one of those kundrathur (near Chennai), Tamil Nadu, India
materials that have recently gained attention to was made of use. Quarry dust is collected from
be used as concreting aggregates, especially as local stone crushing units of chowdavaram
fine aggregate. In concrete production it could village, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. It was initially
be used as a partial or full replacement of drying condition when collected and was sieved
natural sand. Besides, the utilization of quarry by IS: 90 micron sieve before mixing in
waste, which itself is a waste material, will concrete.
reduce the cost of concrete production. 3.5.2 PROPERTIES OF QUARRY DUST
The dust is black glassy particle and granular
materials in nature and has a similar particle
size range like sand. The specific gravity of the
quarry dust is 3.02 and specific gravity of fine
aggregate is 2.69. The bulk density of
granulated quarry dust is 1.358g/cc which is
almost similar to bulk density of conventional
fine aggregate.
Fig.3.5 Quarry dust The fineness modulus of quarry dust is 4.09
Common river sand is expensive due to and fineness modulus quarry dust is 4.46. The
excessive cost of transportation from natural hardness of the slag lies is almost equal to the
sources. Also large-scale depletion of these hardness of gypsum. The PH of aqueous
sources creates environmental problems. As solution of aqueous extract as per IS: 11127
environmental transportation and other vary from 6.6 to 7.2. The free moisture content
constraints make the availability and use of presenting quarry dust was found to less than
river sand less attractive, a substitute or 0.5%. The following table 1 and table 2 show
replacement product for concrete industry needs the physical and chemical properties of quarry
to be found. dust.
In such a situation the quarry rock dust
can be defined as residue, tailing or other non-
Table 3.5.2 Physical Properties of Quarry Dust
Physical Properties Quarry Dust
Particle shape Irregular
Appearance Grey
Type Air cooled
Specific gravity 2.24
Percentage of voids 43.20%
Bulk density 1.358%
Fineness modulus of copper slag 4.46

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

Bulking of quarry dust 41.17%
Hardness 6-7mohs
Water absorption 0.4% to 0.6%
Unit weight 1695kg/m3
Clay & cement 4.34%
Table 3.5.2 Chemical Properties of Quarry Dust
Parameters Quarry dust
Loss of ignition 0.28
Sand and silica 88.22
Calcium oxide(CaO) 0.12
Magnesium oxide (MgO) Nil
Iron oxide (𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹2 𝑂𝑂3 ) 3.46
Aluminum oxide (𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴2 𝑂𝑂3 ) 2.59
Advantages of Quarry dust over natural dried fine aggregate loosely in to the mould ,
sand held firmly on a smooth non-absorbent surface
 Decreases the cost of concrete with the large diameter down ,lightly tamp the
production surface 25 times with the tamper and lift the
 It will solve the problem of disposal of mould vertically. If surface moisture is still
the dust present, the fine aggregate will retain the mould
 Increases workability shape.
 Making more flexible Continue drying with constant stirring
 Easy to use and test at frequent intervals until the tamped
 Increase the reuse of materials fine aggregate slumps slightly up on removal of
 Increases durability the mould. This indicate that it has reaches a
 Increases compressive test surface – dry condition. Roll, invert and agitate
3.5.3. Specific gravity test the pycnometer to eliminate all air bubbles.
Obtain approximately 1000g of the Adjust its temperature to 23±〖1.7〗^0C, if
quarry dust from the sample by use of sample necessary by immersion in circulating water and
splitter or by quartering. Dry it in a suitable pan bring the water level in the pycnometer to its
or vessel to constant weight at a temperature of calibrated capacity.Leave pycnometer in
100 to 〖110〗^0 c . Wash the sample circulating water or water bath for 30±5 minutes
thoroughly on a 71mm sieve. The process of to ensure constant temperature. Continue to
quartering and the correct use of a sample agitate every 10 minutes to ensure all air
splitter are discussed in the manual of concrete bubbles are eliminated.
testing (Annual Book of ASTM Standards, part Dry of pycnometer and weight. Record
14). Allow the sample to cool comfortable this and all other weights to the nearest 0.1g.
handling temperature, cover with water and Remove the quarry dust from the pycnometer,
permit to stand for 24 ± 4 hours. dry to constant weight at a temperature 100 to〖
Where the absorption and specific 110〗^0C, cool in air at room temperature for
gravity values are to be used in proportioning ½ to 1½ hours and weight.
concrete mixtures with aggregates used in their CALCULATION
naturally moist condition, the requirement for Weight of pycnometerW 1 = 0.605 Kg
initial drying to constant weight may be Weight of pycnometer + quarry dust
eliminated. W 2 = 1.990 Kg
Decant excess water with care to avoid Weight of pycnometer + quarry dust + Water
loss of fines, spread the sample on a flat surface W 3 = 2.430 Kg
exposed to a gently moving current of warm air,
and stir frequently to secure uniform drying. Weight of pycnometer+ Water
Continue this operation until the test W 4 = 1.440 Kg
specimen approaches a free – flowing
condition. then ,place a portion of the partially

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

Specific gravity of Aggregate 6. Adjustment in sand percentage and
water content are made as per
(𝒘𝒘𝟐𝟐 −𝒘𝒘𝟏𝟏 )
G = IS: 456-2000.
((𝒘𝒘𝟒𝟒 −𝒘𝒘𝟏𝟏 )−(𝒘𝒘𝟑𝟑 −𝒘𝒘𝟐𝟐 ))
7. Collected water quality is computed and
hence from W/C ratio.
G = 2.69 8. The quantity of fine aggregate and
coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete
MIX DESIGN can be calculated from the following equations
4.1 GENERAL: V = [Ww s +(Wc/Sc)+(1/P){W fa /S fa } s] 1/1000
Mix design is the process of selecting The mix proportions by weight are computed by
suitable ingredients if concrete and determines keeping the cement as one unit.
their relative proportions with the object of 4.2 MIX DESIGN CALCULATION
certain minimum strength and durability as Grade = M20
economically possible. Type = OPC 43 grade
 The first objective is to achieve the Size of aggregate= 20mm
stipulated minimum strength Maximum water cement ratio =0.5(by IS456)
 The second objective is to make the Type of aggregate=crushed angular aggregate
concrete in the most economical Degree of workability =0.8(100mm)
manner. Cost wise all concrete’s depend Specific gravity of cement=3.10
primarily on two factors, batching, Specific gravity of GGBS=2.90
mixing transporting and curing is Specific gravity of C.A= 2.60
namely same for good concrete. Specific gravity of F.A= 2.82
 The attention is mainly directed to the Specific gravity of quarry dust= 2.58
cost of materials. Since cost of cement is Exposure condition = severe
many times more than the cost of their Minimum cement content = 250
ingredients, optimum usage of cement is kg/m3.
sought for by designing the mix. Step1: Target mean strength
F ck = f ck + (t.s)
4.1 MIX DESIGN AS PER IS: 10262-1982 = 20+ (1.65x4)
1. The following basic data are required of = 20+ 6.6
a concrete mix: = 27.6 N/mm2.
a. Characteristics compressive strength of Step2: To find w/c ratio:
concrete From IS456
b. Degree of workability desired Max w/c ratio = 0.5
c. Max water cement ratio of coarse Step3: Selection of water content:
aggregate From IS10262
d. Type and max size of coarse aggregate Maximum water content =
e. Standard deviation – based on concrete 186 lit (for 25-30mm slump range)
control =
f. Statistical constant – accepted 186+ ((3/100) x200)
g. Grade of cement used =
192 liters
2. Target mean strength is determined as Step4: Calculation of cement content:
F ck = f ck + (t x s) Water cement ratio = 0.5
3. The water/cement ratio for the target Cement content = 192/0.5
mean strength is obtained from IS: 10262-1982 = 384kg/m3
and is limited as per IS: 456-2000. From IS456
4. The air content is estimated as per
IS10262-1982. Minimum cement content = 240kg/m3
5. Approximate quarry dust water content 384kg/m3 > 240 kg/m3
per m3 of concrete are selected as per IS:456- Hence ok.
2000 Step5: Volume of aggregate:
From 0.5 of w/c= 0.62+0.01(added)
= 0.64(from IS10262)

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

Volume of coarse aggregate = 0.64 5.1 HARDEN CONCRETE TESTINGS
Volume of fine aggregate = 1-0.64 5.1.1 Compressive strength test
= 0.36 The test was carried out for finding the
Step6: Mix calculation: percentage of replacement of GGBS. Cubes of
a) Volume of concrete= 1m3 size 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 mm are to be
b) Volume of cement = Mass of selected for casting as per the recommendations
cement/S.G of cement x (1/1000) of IS: 0516 (1959). The concrete cubes casted
= 384/3.1x (1/1000) with different GGBS percentages. The samples
=0.123 m3 are taken out at the end of 7 days, 14 days and
a) Volume of water =Mass of water/ S.G 28 days kept outside and wiped of surface
of water x (1/1000) moisture. Three numbers of samples in each of
= 192/1 x (1/1000) the concrete were subjected to compression test
= 0.192 m3 using the compression testing machine is shown
c) Volume of all in aggregate= in fig. 5.2.1.
1 (0.123+0.192)= 0.685 m3
Mass of coarse aggregate=Volume of all
aggregate x Volume of C.A x S.G of C.A x
= 0.685 x 0.64 x 2.60 x 1000
= 1139.84 Kg
a) Mass of fine aggregate = Volume of
all aggregate x Volume of F.A x S.G of
F.A x 1000
= 0.685 x 0.34 x 2.82 x 1000
= 656.78 Kg
Step7: Mix proportions: Fig.5.2.1 compressive strength test
Water = 192 lit GENERAL
F.A = 656.78 Kg In present study compressive strength of
C.A = 1139.84 Kg M20 grade concrete was to be found out and
W/c ratio = 0.5 cubes are to be used for compressive strength.
Step8: Mix ratio: The physical properties of cement, coarse
Cement F.A C.A Water aggregate, fine aggregate and concrete are to be
384 Kg 656.78 1139.84Kg 192 lit given in appendix.
1 1.71 2.97 0.5 6.1 OPTIMUM VALUE STUDY
GENERAL Cubes are used for the optimum value
The main experimental investigation of study. In that cubes were used to find out the
this project was to study the strength compressive strength of M20 grade of concrete.
characteristics of GGBS and quarry dust and Three different curing periods are selected for
compare into normal concrete mixers. A total of cubes for testing of specimens such as 7 days,
36 concrete mould (cubes) of size 14 days and 28 days.
(150mmX150mmX150mm) are tested. In that 9 6.1.2. Compressive Strength of Concrete
moulds are casted for conventional concrete and As per recommendations of IS: 0516 (1959).
27 moulds are casted for GGBS of different Standard dimensions of cubes 150 mm X 150
percentages. mm X 150 mm (4 nos) in each of the concrete
For finding the partial replacement cubes casted with different cocktail fiber
percentage in the concrete was fixed based on percentages. The samples are taken at the end of
the optimum value study results. Compressive 7 days, 14 days and 28 days kept outside and
test is to be selected for this study. Cubes are to wiped of surface moisture. Four numbers of
be used for Compressive test. samples in each of the concrete were subjected
to compression test using the Compression

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

testing machine. The result of the average strength of the cubes is reported in table 6.1.2
S.NO MIX ID 7 days 14 days 28 days

1 Conventional 16.24 19.68 26.64

2 30% 16.64 20.21 27.36

3 40% 17.26 20.84 28.08

4 50% 16.36 19.92 26.96

Table 6.1.2 Compressive strength values

Conventional = Cement + fine aggregate + coarse aggregate
30% = 70% Cement+ 30% GGBS + fine aggregate+ coarse aggregate
40% = 60% Cement+ 40% GGBS + fine aggregate + coarse aggregate
50% = 50% Cement+ 50% GGBS + fine aggregate+ coarse aggregate
In compressive strength of cubes 40% of curing specimen has achieve only 70% strength
replacement gives higher strength. Three and for 14 days 90% strength has achieved and
different curing periods are selected. In 7 days for 28 days full design strength.
The compressive test results for GGBS 30%, 40%, 50% represented in the graph as follows:

30 28.08
26.64 27.36 26.96


20.21 20.84
19.68 19.92
16.64 17.26
16.24 16.36




ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019

Based on the experimental investigation the
following conclusion are drawn:
 Maximum compressive strength
obtained for replacement of cement by
40% GGBS.
 Maximum flexural strength achieved for
cement replacement by 40% GGBS.
 Maximum split tensile strength is
achieved for cement replacement by
50% GGBS.
 From experimental results it has been
observed that the Compression Strength
is improved.
 By replacing the GGBS by cement as
40% and increases the compressive
strength of concrete.
 Due to increase in compressive strength
this replacement is used in the
construction of prefabrication structures
 It is economical when compared to
normal concrete mixtures.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-6, ISSUE-3, 2019


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