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Packer Retrievable GT Dual

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The document discusses a dual string retrievable packer system made by Baker Oil Tools that can be set and released hydraulically on either string and has features like compact size and modular components.

The main components are the ported and non-ported mandrels, shear rings of various strengths, and a packing element system. Key features include a compact size, simple makeup, tubing interlock, preset interlock, hydraulic setting, shear release, and a high performance packing element.

It is set by applying differential pressure to the ported mandrel and can be released by applying tension to either string to shear the rings. An internal bypass allows pressure equalization during retrieval. It does not require mandrel movement during setting.

Baker Oil Tools Unit No.

4512 Date: March 21, 2005

Rev. A Page: 1 of 24
PACKER SYSTEMS Dual String Retrievable

GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Product Family Nos. H78509 and H78510

The GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer is a
high performance dual string hydraulic set packer
that requires no mandrel movement during setting,
and can be released on either or both strings si-
multaneously. The packer is extremely compact
and provides maximum preset prevention while

The GT Dual String Retrievable Packer is uti-
lized for both production and injection applications.
The packer can be run as an upper packer where
the bottom packer is a single-bore packer, or as
the upper or intermediate packer in tandem or se-
lective-tandem dual completions. The simple and
reliable design incorporates a versatile packing el-
ement system that is ideally suited for high pres-
sure gas wells.

• Compact - Allows for convenient handling on
surface and makes negotiating tight hole
conditions easier
• Simple makeup - Both mandrels are one piece
and are free to rotate to facilitate easy makeup
or break-out of the tubing strings
• Tubing interlock - Both strings are
mechanically locked together while running in
the hole so that any load transmitted between
the strings does not load the shear release
• Preset interlock - Loads encountered by outer
components during run-in are transferred to
both mandrels to prevent preset
• No mandrel movement - Mandrel movement is
not required during the setting sequence,
making it ideal for tandem and ESP® packer
Drawing No. 337-209

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Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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• Internal fluid bypass - During the retrieving

WARNING sequence, an internal fluid bypass area is
Use of Baker equipment contrary to opened allowing pressure equalization above
manufacturer’s specification may result in and below the packer
property damage, serious injury or fatality.
• Modular - A scoop head or selective set
module can easily be added to standard packer
• Hydraulic set - The packer is set by applying without disassembly or part modification.
differential pressure to the ported mandrel. The Modular design also means minimized
ported mandrel can be designated as either the warehouse inventory
short or the long string • Millable - If milling becomes necessary, a
• Shear release - The packer can be shear special METAL MUNCHER® mill has been
released by applying tension on either the short designed and tested to minimize mill-up time
string or the long string, or both simultaneously Specifications
• High performance packing element system - • Packer is suitable for 6,000 psi unplugged
The packing element system incorporates a differential from below or above in standard
“zero gap” back-up system which prevents service. The NACE version of the packer,
elastomer extrusion at high temperatures and Product Family No. H78510, is rated for
pressures. Energizing loads due to pressure 5,000 psi from below or above.
cycles are trapped within the element system
creating a reliable gas tight seal • Packer may be set at and operated from 70° to
300°F in gas or liquid environments.

Specification Guide
Nominal Bore
Casing Casing Weight Packer Casing ID Max Gage Ring Thread Specification
Thru Packer
OD (lb/ft) Size Range OD
Non-Ported Ported Non-Ported
26-32 47C2 5.937
20-26 47C4 6.120
6.552 2-3/8" API-NU
6.510 Pin x Pin
33.7-39 47D2 6.470
26.4-33.7 47D4 6.625
47-53.5 51A 8.350
8.822 3-1/2" API-NU
9-5/8" 2.939
8.562 Pin x Pin
40-47 51B 8.500

Maximum Differential Actuation

Minimum PE Boost Area
Packer Pressure (psi) Temperature Pressure Per Setting Area
Setting From Above/
Size Range Shear Screw (sq in.)
STD NACE Pressure (psi) Below (sq in.)
47C 3.4/9.1
600 12.7
47D 6,000 5,000 70°-300°F 2,500 3.4/12.0
51 400 23.5 8.0/17.3

**Mandrel Tensile Max Set-Down Weight With Mandrel

Max Load
Maximum Test Rating (lbs) Packer Set (lbs) Sealing
Packer Between
Fixture Diameter For
Size Mandrels
Pressure (psi) Non-Ported Ported Non-Ported Ported TUBEMOVE
Running (psi)
125,700 Std 52,000 Std 52,000 Std
47 2.573
91,400 Nace 38,000 Nace 38,000 Nace
216,500 Std 106,000 Std 90,000 Std
51 3.598
157,500 Nace 77,000 Nace 65,000 Nace
**NOTE: Rating does not include joint yield strength. Mandrel ratings with API-NU 10Rd or other downrated threads will be equivalent to the
joint yield strength if less than above value.
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
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TUBEMOVE™ Instructions Product Family No. H78512, GT Dual Packer with

Parallel Head - Long String Set Configuration
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209.
Product Family No. H78515, GT-S Dual Selective
Run a separate TUBEMOVE program for each Set Packer
string in an anchored condition. Use the charted
Product Family No. H70032, Parallel Head with
“Mandrel Sealing Diameter” as the packer seal
Seal Bore for GT Dual String Retrievable Packer
bore in the program. To determine how much ten-
sile load will exist on the shear ring due to setting,
first calculate the actuation pressure by multiplying
the number of Slotted Brass Shear Screws (54) by H785-09-4700, Size 47C2 (2-3/8" x 2-3/8") GT
the “Actuation Pressure Per Shear Screw.” Then Dual String Retrievable Packer. Non-Ported Man-
calculate the tubing stretch due to actuation pres- drel to have 2-3/8" 4.6# NU 10 Rd. Pin x Pin
sure and convert it to a tensile load. This assumes threads and 30,000# Shear Ring. Ported Mandrel
the packer is not locating against a lower packer to have 2-3/8" 4.6# NU 10 Rd. Pin x Pin threads
and is free to move before setting. Any set-down and 30,000# Shear Ring. Standard service materi-
weight on the packer is transferred directly into the als.
slips. H785-11-5100, Size 51B (3-1/2" x 3.25") GT Dual
Packer with Parallel Head - Short String Set. Long
Ordering Instructions string to have 3-1/2" 9.3# EU 8 Rd. Box x Pin
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209. threads and 40,000# Shear Ring. Short string to
have 3-1/2" 9.3# EU 8 Rd. Pin thread down and
The GT™ Dual Packer is modular in design, 90,000# Shear Ring. Standard service materials.
meaning it can be easily modified into different
configurations. This advantage allows the stan- Before Running the Packer
dard pin by pin packer and the Parallel Head As-
sembly to be ordered separately, in advance, 1. Verify Ported Mandrel (2) is ported and is
without knowing which string the customer will use hooked up to the proper completion string. This
to set the packer. With these two assemblies, a mandrel can be identified by its two grooves lo-
short string or long string set packer with a seal cated just above the Lock Nut Retainer (6).
bore receptacle can be supplied very quickly while Make sure sufficient stroking distance is avail-
keeping a minimal amount of inventory on hand. able between the mandrel couplings to accom-
modate packer retrieval. If a Scoop head was
The standard pin by pin packer has a Ported used, verify adequate clearance above the
Mandrel (2) and a Non-Ported Mandrel (1). When Scoop head for stabbing the seal assembly
ordering, there is no need to specify a setting string (Please refer to the Parallel Head for GT Dual
since the Ported Mandrel can be made up to either Packer, Unit No. 4512-1).
string of the completion without modification to the
packer. However, if the packer is ordered with a 2. Check Packing Element System (15-18) for
Parallel Head already assembled, a setting string damage. Place straight edge across the Upper
must be specified to indicate which mandrel is PE Gage Ring (13) and the top Gage Ring (22)
made up to the seal bore receptacle. Product fam- to make sure the packing element system does
ilies are described below for ordering. When the not extend beyond gage ring diameter.
nine digit material number is not known, please 3. Ensure there is no gap between the Seal Sep-
submit the completed GT Dual Packer Quote arators (17) and the Center Packing Element
Sheet included in this unit to help reduce order pro- (18). If a gap greater than .030" exists, work the
cessing delays. Center Packing Element underneath the Seal
Separators using a Dead-Blow Hammer.
Product Family No. H78509, GT Dual String Re-
trievable Packer for Standard Service 4. Inspect position of Body Lock Rings (33)
through inspection hole in Lower Cone (31).
Product Family No. H78510, GT Dual String Re-
There must be a gap between the top of the
trievable Packer for NACE Service
Body Lock Ring and the end of the thread relief
Product Family No. H78511, GT Dual Packer with in the Lower Cone. If a gap is not present, the
Parallel Head - Short String Set Configuration Body Lock Rings may not ratchet properly dur-
Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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ing operation. Also verify Body Lock Rings are 2. Run the packer down to the desired setting
oriented in the proper direction. depth. If running the tubing strings simulta-
5. Tighten the packer in a vise over the lower neously, even out the weight on both strings
Gage Ring (22). Making sure the jaws are not before setting the packer.
touching the Slip Cage (28), back off the Slot- CAUTION
ted Brass Shear Screw (57) and check for re- Avoid leaving excessive tensile and com-
sistance to rotational and axial movement. This pressive load differentials between the tubing
will indicate if the interlock system was assem- strings while setting the packer. An excessive
bled correctly. If it is possible to move the Slip load differential is defined as 15% of the lowest
shear ring value. Especially in deeper wells,
Cage in the axial direction more than .010" (to- this load could create an impact force during
wards the top or bottom of the packer), adjust- the setting process which could prematurely
ment is required in the interlock system. shear the Shear Ring (34). Since short string
Rotational movement within the hole for the mandrel movement is not necessary to pack
Slotted Brass Shear Screw is acceptable. off this packer, there is no need to apply set-
down weight on the short string. When a
6. Make sure Slips (29) do not extend beyond the Parallel Head is used, also avoid excessive
OD of the Slip Cage (28). Tighten Slotted Brass unsupported tail pipe loads below the short
Shear Screw (57) in the Slip Cage. string while setting the packer. This can have
the same type of effect as load differentials
7. Verify Gage Rings (22) and Setting Bar Retain- between the strings. Before the packer is set,
er (50) are tight and Hex Socket Set Screws (23 these loads are carried by the Interlock System
and 51) are installed. which can withstand much higher loads.
8. Verify correct number of Slotted Brass Shear Premature shearing is only a concern during
the setting process after the Interlock System
Screws (8, 26, 54, 57, and 58) were installed. is hydraulically released .
9. If adjustments are necessary, refer to the As- Maximum Safe Running Speed 5 ft/sec
sembly Inspection section of this Tech Unit.
Maximum Circulation Rate 3 bbl/min
Running the Packer Maximum Pressure Differential 65% of Nominal
1. The GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer is ac- at Tool to Avoid Preset Actuation Pressure
tuated by applying pressure in the Ported Man-
drel (2). This mandrel can be identified by its Setting Procedure
two grooves located just above the Lock Nut 1. Blank off setting string below the packer using
Retainer (6). If unable to locate the grooves, one of the above methods. The setting string
verify dimension “B” matches the actual man- should have been made up with the Ported
drel length. As the packer does not have a tub- Mandrel (2) which is identified by its two
ing plugging device incorporated into either grooves located just above the Lock Nut Re-
string, a means for temporarily plugging the tainer (6).
tubing must be provided. Some of the ways this
2. Especially in stacked completions, provide a
may be accomplished are:
means of communication for the annular fluid
a. Run a Seating Nipple below the packer(s) above and below each packer, even if the well
and land a plug or check valve using stan- is perforated. This can be accomplished by
dard wireline procedures. opening all the sliding sleeves on the non-port-
b. Run a Shear-Out Ball Seat Sub, Product ed string. The surface manifold valves for the
Family No. H79927. annulus and non-ported string must also re-
c. Run a E™ Hydro-Trip Pressure Sub, Product main open during setting to allow displaced flu-
Family No. H79928. id to escape the well. These precautions are to
NOTE: If using a Shear-Out Ball Seat Sub or E
ensure that the proper setting pressure differ-
Hydro-Trip Pressure Sub, be sure the minimum ential reaches the packer by eliminating the
tripping pressure for the blanking device is greater possibility of pressure buildup in the annulus
than 2,500 psi for adequate pack-off of the packer. below each packer.
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
Rev. A Page 5 of 24

3. Apply a minimum pressure of 2,500 psi in the This unsupports the Interlock C-ring (45) allow-
ported string and hold for 5 minutes. In stacked ing the packer to be set.
applications, a longer period of 15 minutes 2. As pressure is applied in the setting chamber
should be used to allow all packers to com- below the stationary Setting Piston (36), the
pletely set. Higher setting pressures up the Piston Housing (40) is hydraulically pumped
maximum differential pressure rating are not re- down over the mandrels, which stretches the
quired, but will help increase seal life in most Interlock C-ring (45) over the Interlock Pin (44).
conditions. Higher setting pressures may also This movement also pulls through the Setting
ensure proper setting in cases where gage Bar (10), Slotted Brass Shear Screws (26) and
readings are inaccurate. Upper Cone (27) which slides the bottom sec-
4. Slowly bleed off pressure. tion of the Slips (29) out against the casing.
5. Before tripping the blanking device, test the Once contact is made, the Slotted Brass Shear
packer to ensure the packing element is seal- Screws (57) shear allowing the Upper Cone to
ing. Be sure to look for returns in the tubing or move down and set the top section of the Slips.
annulus (in stacked applications) which might 3. Once the Slips (29) are set, the Slotted Brass
indicate the tubing is leaking from above or be- Shear Screws (26) in the Upper Cone (27) are
low the packer. If possible, check the packing sheared against the groove in the Tension and
element seal in both directions before assum- Setting Bar (9 and 10). Setting force is now
ing the packing element is leaking. The possi- transferred through the Setting Bar into the
bility of O-ring leaks in the setting chamber can Lock Nut (5), which is retained by the Lock Nut
be eliminated by testing the packer from below Retainer (6) and Upper PE Gage Ring (13),
on the ported string. If a leak is present, the fol- compressing the packing element system (15,
lowing procedures will increase the setting 16, 17 and 18). During this process, the Metal
force into the element. Back-up Rings (15) are expanded against the
a. If a seating nipple plug was used, increase casing wall before the element is packed off.
the setting pressure to 3,500 psi and hold for The final pack-off force, generated by the 2,500
10 minutes making sure sliding sleeves and psi setting pressure, is trapped between the
valves are open as described above. Test Lock Nuts and the Body Lock Rings (33) locat-
the packing element again. ed in the Lower Cone (31) around the Setting
and Tension Bars.
b. If using a hydraulically released plug, apply
the maximum allowable pressure on the
backside while maintaining 2,500 psi in the
Retrieving Procedure and Sequence
tubing. Bleed off tubing and test the packer. Described below is the normal procedure and
If the packer is still leaking, hold pressure on sequence for packer retrieval. If problems occur
the backside, then increase the tubing pres- during retrieval, it is recommended that the flow
sure until the plugging device has tripped. chart on the following page be followed. Milling
6. Increase pressure to trip blanking device. If us- procedures, if necessary, are also included.
ing a Seating Nipple and Landing Plug, a wire- 1. Equalize pressure above and below the packer
line run is necessary to remove the plug. by opening sliding sleeves or cutting holes in
the tubing. If a Scoop head was used, equaliza-
Setting Sequence tion can be accomplished by pulling the short
1. Applied pressure in the Ported Mandrel (2) acts string out of the Scoop head, assuming the
on the piston area of the Interlock Piston (46) short string is open below the packer.
against the Slotted Brass Shear Screws (54). 2. Pull tension on either string or both simulta-
At approximately 1,800 psi (depending on neously to shear the Shear Rings (34,61) locat-
packer size and shear screw configuration), the ed in Lower Cone (31).
Interlock Piston shears the shear screws and Note: Pulling both strings can sometimes increase
shifts down against the Interlock Retainer (49). the shear value even though the rings are staggered
for separate shearing.
Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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3. With upward movement, the beveled shoulder retracted, the packer is free to move up the well
on the Mandrel (1 or 2) contacts the Lock Nut bore.
Retainer (6) and shears a set of Slotted Brass
Shear Screws (8), unsupporting the Lock Nuts Milling Procedure
(5). Continued upward movement pulls through NOTE: Refer to Retrieving Instructions Flow Chart
the Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52) picking before completing the following steps.
up the Upper PE Gage Ring (13). This expands
1. Chemically cut long string about 15 ft from the
the Lock Nuts and releases the Tension and
top of the packer.
Setting Bars (9 and 10). At the same instance,
the packing element system is also stretched to 2. Run in hole with wash pipe and specified
its original position. Pressure from above will Millshoe and mill down to the Slips or until the
force the Tension and Setting Bars down until packer moves downhole. Pull out of hole with
they shoulder against the Lower Cone (31). In washpipe and Millshoe.
this position the secondary fluid bypass is 3. Run in hole with Overshot, Bumper Sub, Hy-
open. draulic Jars, Drill Collars and Drillpipe, and grab
4. As the packing element system is allowed to re- packer.
lax, the mandrel(s) shoulders on the Offset 4. Pull or jar packer out of hole.
Pickup Ring (24) which pulls the Upper Cone
(27) from under the Slips (29). When releasing METAL MUNCHER® Milling Shoes
on one string, the Shear Ring (34,61) on the op- Casing METAL MUNCHER® Shoe
posite mandrel is sheared at this time by trans- Packer Specification Specifications
ferring load through the Set-Down Ring/ Size Weight
OD OD ID Material No.
Segments (25). The retrieving string is now free (lb/ft)
to rotate allowing removal of a lower anchor 47C2 7" 26-29 6.00 4.50 H09-40626-75
NOTE: Other sizes available upon request.
seal assembly or any other rotationally re-
leased device.
5. Upward force pulls the Upper Cone (27) into the
Slip Cage (28) and pulls the Slips (29) down
from the Lower Cone (31). Once the Slips are
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
Rev. A Page 7 of 24

Retrieving Instructions Flow Chart

Pull maximum allowable
Kill Well and Equalize in
Tubing or Mandrel pull on
Tubing Strings and
either or both Strings and
Upper/Lower Annulus
hold for 15 minutes

Packer Has Yes Pull Short String from Packer Has Yes
Scoophead? Packer and reverse Scoophead?
circulate until clean
No No
Pull 25% over Shear Ring Chemically cut the Long String
Re-stab Short String into
rating on both Strings and below the Packer. Cut Short
Packer Scoophead
hold for 15 minutes String below Packer if necessary.

Pull maximum allowable Tubing

Is Packer Yes or Mandrel pull on either or both
POOH with Packer Strings and hold for 15 minutes.

Is Packer Yes
Pull 25% over Shear Ring
rating on Long String and Moving?
hold for 15 minutes
Retrieve Short String and
Yes chemically cut the Long String
Is Packer
POOH with Packer about 15 ft from the Packer top

No RIH with overshot, Drill Collars

and Pipe, Bumper Sub, and
Pull 25% over Shear Ring
Hydraulic Jars. Catch the Long
rating on Short String and
String and jar at maximum
hold for 15 minutes
allowable load for about 1 hour

Is Packer Yes
POOH with Packer Is Packer Yes
Moving? Moving?

No No
Slack off 20,000 lbs below Mill OD of Packer
neutral on either or both using specified shoe
Strings. Pick up 25% over
Shear Ring Rating and
hold for 15 minutes
POOH with Packer

Is Packer Yes
POOH with Packer

Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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Disassembly Instructions 10.Using a brass bar, tap off the Piston Housing
(40) being careful not to damage the seal sur-
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209. face on the Setting Piston (36).
1. Hold the packer in a vise at the Slip Cage (28) 11.Remove and inspect Snap Ring (35) from each
over the center of Lower Cone (31). mandrel. Sometimes these rings are deformed
2. Remove Hex Socket Set Screws/Pipe Plugs during the retrieving process and should be re-
(53) and Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52), placed if damaged.
then slide off Lock Nut Retainer (6), Upper PE Size 47 Only - Remove Setting Bar Split Rings (39)
Gage Ring (13), and Stop Ring (14). Remove from Setting Bar (10).
the upper Metal Back-up Ring (15) from the Up- 12.Remove Hex Socket Set Screw (23) from Gage
per PE Gage Ring. Ring (22). Unscrew Gage Ring (RH Thread)
3. Open a gap between the Offset Body (19) and from Lower Cone (31).
Offset Pickup Ring (24) using a screwdriver. It 13.Tap on the top end of the mandrels to separate
may be necessary to move the Upper Cone the Setting Piston (36) from the Lower Cone
(27) down and partially set the Slips (29) to (31). Remove the Setting Piston off the bottom
open a wide enough gap. Remove Tru-Arc Re- of the mandrels.
taining Rings (21) from groove in Offset Body.
14.Remove Snap Ring (35) and the Shear Ring
The key to removing the Tru-Arc Retaining
(34 and 61) from each mandrel.
Rings is having a good set of pliers (see “As-
sembly Tools”) that will compress the rings 15.Tap Ported and Non-Ported Mandrels (1 and 2)
without slipping. out either end of the packer.
4. Remove packing element system (15, 16, 17, 16.Viewing the top of the packer, rotate the Ten-
and 18) from the Offset Body (19) being careful sion Bar (9) counter-clockwise until the slot in
not to damage the packing element seal sur- the Body Lock Ring (33) lines up with the sight
face. Tap the Offset Body up off the Tension hole in the Lower Cone (31). Wrench above the
and Setting Bars (9 and 10) and Mandrels thread on the top end of the Tension Bar during
(1 and 2). this process.
5. Remove Grip Rings and Tru-Arc Retaining Size 51 Only - Slotted Brass Shear Screw (58)
Rings (20 and 21) from Tension and Setting should already have Body Lock Ring (33) oriented
Bars (9 and 10). Grip Rings can be removed by
inserting screwdriver under ID and snapping off 17.Insert a screwdriver into the sight hole to hold
Bars. the Body Lock Ring (33) in place and continue
rotating the Tension Bar (9) until it is free from
6. Remove Hex Socket Head Cap Screws (56)
the Body Lock Ring. Remove Setting Bar (10)
from Offset Pickup Ring (24) and Hex Socket
in the same manner.
Set Screws (23) from Gage Ring (22). Unscrew
Gage Ring (RH Thread) from Upper Cone (27) Size 51 Only - Body Lock Ring is held in position
and remove Offset Pickup Ring and Set-Down with the Slotted Brass Shear Screw (58).
Ring/Segments (25). Be careful not to damage 18.Tap the Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10)
fine threads on Mandrels (1 and 2) and on in- out of the top of the packer. It is acceptable for
side diameter of Set-Down Ring/Segments. the Body Lock Ring (33) to slide off the bottom
Size 51 Only - Remove Wave Springs (59) and end of the Setting Bar.
Shims (60). 19.If the Slip Cage Subassembly is in good condi-
7. Remove Interlock Retainer (49), Interlock Pis- tion, the Slotted Brass Shear Screws (57) can
ton (46), and Interlock C-ring (45) from the Pis- be removed without complete disassembly by
ton Housing (40). rotating the Upper Cone (27) until the remains
of the screws fall out. Simply rotate the Upper
8. Remove the Hex Socket Set Screws (51) from
Cone back to avoid releasing the internal parts
the Setting Bar Retainer (50) and the Setting
of the Subassembly.
Bar Retainer from the Setting Bar (10).
9. Remove Interlock Retainer (49), Interlock Pis-
ton (46) and Interlock C-ring (45).
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
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20.For complete disassembly, first remove the Screws (58) through Lower Cone into the slot in
Low Socket Head Cap Screws (32) from the the Body Lock Rings. This screw functions to
Lower Cone (31). prevent rotation of the Body Lock Ring.
21.Remove Upper and Lower Cones (27 and 31) Note: Size 51 requires the screws to be kept
by rotating them 45° in either direction and then installed permanently and Size 47 only for assembly
sliding them out the end of Slip Cage (28). purposes.
22.Remove Slips (29) and Slip Springs (30). 4. Slide Tension Bar (9), wicker thread end first,
through the proper hole of Upper Cone (27).
Slip Cage Subassembly Instructions Start Tension Bar onto the thread of the Body
Lock Ring (33). Tap the top of the Tension Bar
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209. with a rubber mallet and listen for the Body
1. Place Upper Cone (27) on workbench with the Lock Ring click. If the Body Lock Ring system
thread down and slide the top end of the Slip does not click, contact Engineering. If Tension
Cage (28) over the Upper Cone. Align 1/4-20 Bar is tapped to far in, rotate Bar counter-clock-
tapped holes with blind holes in Upper Cone wise until flush with the face of the Upper Cone.
and install Slotted Brass Shear Screws (57). Note: After installation of the bars verify that Body
2. Place a large hose clamp or equivalent object Lock Rings are still in center or upper half of sight
around the lower section of the Slip Cage (28) hole. Remove assembly shear screw from size 47.
windows to help hold the Slips (29) in place dur- 5. Install the Setting Bar (10) in the same manner
ing assembly. through the opposite hole.
3. Install Slips (29) and Slip Springs (30) into win- 6. Install the Non-Ported Mandrel (1) into the
dow of Slip Cage (28). Be sure that the Slip proper hole of the Slip Cage Subassembly. The
Springs are installed with the ends touching the top end of the mandrel has the long threaded
inside of the Slip Cage. groove for the Offset Pickup Ring (24).
4. Slide Lower Cone (31) inside Slip Cage (28) 7. Orient the Shear Ring (34,61) properly, then in-
aligning the drilled and tapped holes in the Low- stall it in the appropriate groove on the Non-
er Cone with the slots on the Slip Cage. Install Ported Mandrel (1). Push mandrel up so that
Low Socket Head Cap Screws (32) through the the Shear Ring locates against the shoulder in
Slip Cage into the Lower Cone. counter-bore of Lower Cone (31).
8. Install (see Detail for correct orientation) one
Assembly Instructions Snap Ring (35) on the Non-Ported Mandrel (1)
groove with the top of the Snap Ring flush with
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209. the bottom of Lower Cone (31).
Lubricate all threads, O-rings, and seal surfaces 9. Install one [1] O-ring (3) and two [2] Back-up
during assembly. Rings (4) into each O-ring groove on the Non-
1. Hold the Slip Cage Subassembly in a vise at Ported Mandrel (1).
the Slip Cage (28) over the center of Lower 10.Repeat the last four steps using the Ported
Cone (31). Locate “S” and “P” inscriptions on Mandrel (2).
the bottom of the Lower Cone. The “S” identi- 11.Install O-ring (37) and Back-up Rings (38) in
fies the hole for the Setting Bar (10) and the “P” Setting Piston (36) groove.
identifies the hole for the Ported Mandrel (2).
12.Tap Setting Piston (36) onto mandrels making
These locations are critical for adapting the se-
sure the smaller hole passing completely
lective set module.
through the Setting Piston is lined up to accept
2. Install O-ring (11) and two [2] Back-up Rings the Setting Bar (10).
(12) on Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10).
13.Make up Gage Ring (22) to Lower Cone (31)
3. Install Body Lock Rings (33) into the Lower and install Hex Socket Set Screws (23).
Cone (31). Verify that the Body Lock Rings are
14.Install (see Detail for correct orientation) one
at the center or preferably positioned in the Up-
Snap Ring (35) on both Ported and Non-Ported
per Half of the sight hole. Secure Body Lock
Mandrels (1 and 2). It may be necessary to tap
Rings with appropriate Slotted Brass Shear
Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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on the top of each mandrel to completely ex- while holding the Body Lock Ring (33) station-
pose the Snap Ring groove. Rotate the split in ary through the inspection hole. Do not allow
the Snap Rings to the inside to prevent damage the Body Lock Ring to bottom out against the
to the Seal Stack (43) during assembly. relief in the Lower Cone (31).
15.Install the Interlock Pin (44) into the Setting Pis- 20.Install Set-Down Ring/Segments (25) on each
ton (36) and make up tight. mandrel next to Upper Cone (27). Make sure
Size 47 Only - Install Setting Bar Split Rings (39) the large OD bevel on the Set-Down Ring/Seg-
through side pocket of Setting Piston (36) onto ments faces the matching ID bevel in the Upper
groove of Setting Bar (10). Orient and grease the Cone.
Split Rings so they will not fall out during the next Size 51 Only - Install (see Detail for correct
steps. orientation) Wave Springs (59) and Shim (60).
16.Before installing O-rings in the Piston Housing 21.Align the Offset Pickup Ring (24) around the
(40), make sure Piston Housing will freely slide Set-Down Ring/Segments (25) and install the
onto the Setting Piston (36) and over the Snap Hex Socket Head Cap Screws (56). Do not
Rings (35). Remove Piston Housing and install tighten the Cap Screws at this time.
(see Detail for correct orientation) Seal Stack
22.Make up Gage Ring (22) to Upper Cone (27),
(43) in groove.
then tighten the Hex Socket Head Cap Screws
17.Install three [3] O-rings (37 and 41) and six [6] (56). Retighten the Gage Ring, then install Hex
Back-up Rings (38 and 42) into corresponding Socket Set Screws (23).
grooves of Piston Housing (40). Temporarily
23.Back off Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10)
screw Interlock Retainer (49) into Piston Hous-
until they bottom out against the Offset Pickup
ing to prevent damaging the thread during the
Ring (24). Making sure the vise jaws are not in
next step.
contact with the Piston Housing (40), tap the
18.After checking proper orientation, tap Piston bottom of the Piston Housing again until it
Housing (40) onto Setting Piston (36) being shoulders against the Setting Bar Split Rings
careful not to cut the sealing components. To (39). On the 51 size, the Piston Housing shoul-
avoid damaging the Piston Housing, an Assem- ders on the Setting Bar instead of the Setting
bly Plug (see “Assembly Tools”) can be tempo- Bar Split Rings. The Slip Cage (28) should not
rarily screwed into the interlock hole. Make sure be able to move in an axial direction. Install
to completely make up the plug to prevent Slotted Brass Shear Screws (26) into Upper
thread damage during assembly. Once all the Cone (27).
seals are supported, drive Piston Housing on
24.Make up Interlock C-Ring (45) onto the Inter-
Setting Piston with a dead blow hammer until it
lock Pin (44) hand tight with assembly tool until
shoulders against Setting Bar Split Rings (39).
butts up against Piston housing (40) shoulder.
The gap between the lower Gage Ring (22) and
If pipe wrench is needed, screw C-Ring (45)
Piston Housing should be about 1/4" or less. If
moderately until butts up against Piston Hous-
the Piston Housing seems to bottom out with a
ing (40) shoulder. Make sure these interlock
gap larger than 1/4", the bottom Snap Rings
components are well lubricated on all surfaces.
(35) may have moved out of position. Try tap-
ping the top of both mandrels, then the bottom Note: If pipe wrench is needed do not over tighten
C-Ring. This could cause the C-Ring to be
of the Piston Housing again.
expanded open over a thread preventing the
19.Move the packer in the vise and clamp on the interlock piston (46) from being installed correctly.
lower Gage Ring (22) and off the Slip Cage 25.Install O-ring (47) and Back-up Rings (48) on
(28). Check the position of the Tension and groove of Interlock Piston (46).
Setting Bars (9 and 10) making certain the Slip
Cage Subassembly is completely stretched 26.Install Interlock Piston (46) into Piston Housing
out. The shoulder of the Tension and Setting (40) aligning the 1/2" holes in both parts. On the
Bars must be flush with the top of the Upper 51 size, the holes are 5/8" in diameter.
Cone (27). If adjustment is necessary, tap top 27.Make up Interlock Retainer (49) to Piston Hous-
of Setting Bar until properly aligned. For fine ad- ing (40) and install correct number (see Parts
justments, rotate Tension and Setting Bars List) of Slotted Brass Shear Screws (54).
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
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28.Make up Setting Bar Retainer (50) and install 33.Make up Metal Back-up Ring (15) to Offset
Hex Socket Set Screws (51). Body (19).
Complete Pressure Test I at this time. If dis- 34.Using a minimal amount of grease, install End
assembly is required after unsuccessful testing, Packing Element (16), Seal Separators (17),
be careful not to move the mandrels upward and Center Packing Element (18). The Seal
while reassembling the Piston Housing (40). Separators can be driven onto the Center
This may allow the Set-Down Ring/Segments Packing Element using the Packing Element
(25) to ratchet, making disassembly necessary. Test Fixture. It also helps to wrap the Packing
Element OD with a few rounds of Duct Tape to
29.Slide Tru-Arc Retaining Rings (21) and Grip
prevent it from buckling. Be careful not to ex-
Rings (20) over Tension and Setting Bars (9
pand the Metal Back-up Ring (15) and do not
and 10). On the 47 size, snap Grip Rings over
leave a gap between the Center Packing Ele-
the bottom groove relief on the Bars.
ment and the Seal Separators.
30.Install Offset Body (19) up to the undercut in the
35.Install Hex Socket Head Cap Screws (55) into
Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10). On the 47
bottom side of Upper PE Gage Ring (13). On
size, slide the Offset Body down further, leaving
the 47 size, the location for the screws is oppo-
just enough space above the Offset Pickup
site the drill marks. These drill marks on the top
Ring (24) to insert a pair of 90° retaining ring pli-
side, next to the tapped holes, identify the Hex
Socket Shoulder Screw (52) location.
31.With the Grip Rings (20) inside the Offset Body
36.Insert End Packing Element (16) into Metal
(19), snap both Tru-Arc Retaining Rings (21)
Back-up Ring (15) and make up to Upper PE
into the grooves inside the Offset Body. The
Gage Ring (13). Slide assembly onto Offset
key to installing the Tru-Arc Retaining Rings is
Body (19) until it shoulders on Tension and Set-
having a good set of pliers (see “Assembly
ting Bars (9 and 10).
Tools”) that will compress the rings without slip-
ping. 37.Install Lock Nuts (5) on the Tension and Setting
Bars (9 and 10). Tighten Lock Nuts with a set of
Size 51 Only - While referring to the Section pliers or a 6-8" pipe wrench until snug, then
Detail of the Grip Ring (20), thread two [2] Hex back off about 1/8 turn. Do not rotate the Ten-
Socket Cone Point Set Screws (A) into the Off- sion or Setting Bar more than 1/2 turn in either
set Body (19) until they make contact with the direction during this step.
Grip Ring. After initial contact, spread the Grip
38.Slide Lock Nut Retainer (6) over the Lock Nuts
Ring by alternating 1/4 turns to each screw until
(5) until it shoulders on the Upper PE Gage
it makes solid contact with the inside diameter
Ring (13). Install Slotted Brass Shear Screws
of the Offset Body. Depth of thread engage-
(8) into the Lock Nut Retainer.
ment for the two screws must be equal.
39.Install Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52) and
32.Tap Offset Body (19) down against Upper Cone
Hex Socket Set Screws/Pipe Plugs (53). Before
(27) and install Stop Ring (14) in the Ported
assembly, wrap Set Screws with a couple
Mandrel (2) groove. Be careful not to over ex-
rounds of Teflon tape to help keep them in
pand the Stop Ring as it is easily over stressed
place and ease disassembly. Top of Hex Sock-
and orientation is critical. The 90° shoulder of
et Set Screws/Pipe Plugs should be flush with
the Stop Ring must face upward and should sit
top surface Lock Nut Retainer (6).
firmly around the mandrel groove after assem-
bly. If it is loose, remove the ring and compress Pressure Test I
it slightly until a firm fit is achieved. On the 51 1. Install Test Pin (See Test Fixtures/Assembly
size, remove Hex Socket Cone Point Set Tools) into holes of Piston Housing (40) and In-
Screws (A) from the Offset Body. terlock Piston (46). Test Pin must pass through
Complete Pressure Test II at this time. After Interlock Piston into opposite hole of Piston
successful testing, complete applicable Assem- Housing.
bly Inspection instructions.
Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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2. Make up Bull Plugs to both ends of Ported Man- 5. Install Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52) and
drel (2) and pressure test to 3,000 psi with oil Hex Socket Set Screws/Pipe Plugs (53). Before
for five [5] minutes. No leakage acceptable. assembly, wrap Hex Socket Set Screws with a
3. Remove Bull Plugs from Ported Mandrel (2) couple rounds of Teflon tape to help keep them
and Test Pin from Piston Housing (40). in place and ease disassembly. Top of Hex
Socket Set Screws/Pipe Plugs should be flush
Pressure Test II with top surface Lock Nut Retainer (6).
1. Install O-rings in Packing Element Test Fixture 6. Lay a straight edge across the Upper PE Gage
(see Test Fixtures/Assembly Tools) and on end Ring (13) and the Gage Ring (22) to verify the
of Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10). Tap packing element system (15 - 18) is below the
onto Offset Body (19). OD of the Gage Rings.
2. Install Retaining Nuts (see Test Fixtures/As-
sembly Tools) onto Tension and Setting Bars (9 Body Lock Rings
and 10) and make up tight into Packing Ele- 1. Inspect position of Body Lock Rings (33)
ment Test Fixture. through inspection hole in Lower Cone (31).
There must be a gap between the top of the
3. Pressure test to 3,000 psi with oil for five [5]
Body Lock Ring and the end of the thread relief
minutes. No leakage acceptable.
in the Lower Cone. If a gap is not present, the
4. Before removing the Packing Element Test Fix- Body Lock Rings may not ratchet properly dur-
ture, fluid pressure may be used to partially ing operation. If a gap is present, skip to next
pump the fixture off the Offset Body (19). This section - Interlock System.
will leave enough room to remove the fixture
2. Tighten the packer in a vise over the lower
without damaging the Offset Body thread. Re-
Gage Ring (22). Make sure the jaws are not
move fixture O-rings from Tension and Setting
touching the Slip Cage (28).
Bars (9 and 10).
3. Back off the Slotted Brass Shear Screw (57) in
Assembly Inspection the Slip Cage (28) and check for resistance to
rotational and axial movement. This will indi-
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209. cate if the interlock system was assembled cor-
rectly. If it is possible to move the Slip Cage in
Packing Element System
the axial direction more than .010" (towards the
1. Ensure there is no gap between the Seal Sep-
top or bottom of the packer), adjustment is re-
arators (17) and the Center Packing Element
quired in the interlock system. Refer to next
(18). If a gap greater than. 030" exists, work the
section after adjusting Body Lock Ring position.
Center Packing Element underneath the Seal
Separators using a dead-blow hammer. 4. Remove the Hex Socket Set Screws/Pipe
Plugs (53), Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52),
2. Remove Slotted Brass Shear Screws (8), Hex
and Slotted Brass Shear Screws (8) from the
Socket Set Screws/Pipe Plugs (53) and Hex
Lock Nut Retainer (6).
Socket Shoulder Screws (52), then slide off
Lock Nut Retainer (6). The inside square shoul- 5. Tap the Lock Nut Retainer (6) off the top of the
der of the Upper PE Gage Ring (13) should be packer, then remove Lock Nuts (5) from the
shouldered against the Tension and Setting Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10).
Bars (9 and 10). 6. Remove Hex Socket Set Screws (51), Setting
3. Retighten the Lock Nuts (5) with a set of pliers Bar Retainer (50), Slotted Brass Shear Screws
or a 6-8" pipe wrench until snug, then back off (54), Interlock Retainer (49), Interlock Piston
about 1/8 turn. Do not rotate the Tension or Set- (46), and Slotted Brass Shear Screws (58).
ting Bar (9 and 10) during this step. 7. To reposition the Body Lock Rings (33), rotate
4. Slide Lock Nut Retainer (6) over the Lock Nuts the Tension and Setting Bar (9 and 10) clock-
(5) until it shoulders on the Upper PE Gage wise (looking from the top of the packer) until a
Ring (13). Install Slotted Brass Shear Screws gap exists between the Body Lock Ring and the
(8) into the Lock Nut Retainer. end of the thread relief in the Lower Cone (31).
Light tapping on the top of the Tension and Set-
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
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ting Bars may help if the Body Lock Ring is not size, the Body Lock Ring can be held in place
rotating. Stop when the split in the Body Lock with a Slotted Brass Shear Screw (58). Rotat-
Ring is visible through the inspection hole. ing the Setting Bar will be difficult due to O-ring
8. Now a gap has also been opened between the friction. Stop when you feel the Tension and
Offset Pickup Ring (24) and the Tension and Setting Bars shoulder against the Offset Pickup
Setting Bar (9 and 10). To remove this, skip to Ring.
Step 7 of the next section - Interlock System. 8. Now hit the bottom of the Piston Housing (40)
with a large dead-blow hammer to remove the
gap between the Setting Bar Split Ring (39) and
Interlock System the Piston Housing on the 47 size, or between
1. Tighten the packer in a vise over the lower the Setting Bar (10) and the Piston Housing on
Gage Ring (22). Make sure the jaws are not the 51 size.
touching the Slip Cage (28). 9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 until the axial movement
2. Back off the Slotted Brass Shear Screw (57) in of the Slip Cage (28) is removed.
the Slip Cage (28) and check for resistance to
Size 51 Only - The Set-Down Segments (25)
rotational and axial movement. This will indi-
are already engaged with the Mandrels (1 and
cate if the interlock system was assembled cor-
2) in the assembled position which can prevent
the Slip Cage (28) from stretching out com-
3. If it is possible to move the Slip Cage (28) in the pletely. Therefore, it may be necessary to re-
axial direction more than .010" (towards the top move the Offset Pickup Ring (24) to reposition
or bottom of the packer), adjustment is re- the Set-Down Segments after stretching out the
quired. This movement indicates there is gap Slip Cage. Refer to Disassembly Instructions if
between the Setting Bar Split Ring (39) and the needed.
Piston Housing (40) and/or between the Offset
10.Tighten the Interlock C-ring (45) against the
Pickup Ring (24) and the Setting Bar (10). A
Piston Housing (40), then install Interlock Pis-
gap between the lower Gage Ring (22) and the
ton (46), Interlock Retainer (49), and Slotted
Piston Housing greater than 1/4" will also indi-
Brass Shear Screws (54).
cate the same condition. To correct this prob-
lem, perform Steps 4 - 14. If no movement is 11.Make up Setting Bar Retainer (50) and install
present, skip to Step 15. Rotational movement Hex Socket Set Screws (51).
within the shear screw hole in the Upper Cone 12.Install Lock Nuts (5) on the Tension and Setting
(27) is acceptable. Bars (9 and 10). Tighten Lock Nuts with a set of
4. Remove the Hex Socket Set Screws/Pipe pliers or a 6-8" pipe wrench until snug, then
Plugs (53), Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52), back off about 1/8 turn. Do not rotate the Ten-
and Slotted Brass Shear Screws (8) from the sion or Setting Bar more than 1/2 turn in either
Lock Nut Retainer (6). direction during this step.
5. Tap the Lock Nut Retainer (6) off the top of the 13.Slide Lock Nut Retainer (6) over the Lock Nuts
packer, then remove Lock Nuts (5) from the (5) until it shoulders on the Upper PE Gage
Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10). Ring (13). Install Slotted Brass Shear Screws
(8) into the Lock Nut Retainer.
6. Remove Hex Socket Set Screws (51), Setting
Bar Retainer (50), Slotted Brass Shear Screws 14.Install Hex Socket Shoulder Screws (52) and
(54), Interlock Retainer (49), and Interlock Pis- Hex Socket Set Screws/Pipe Plugs (53). Before
ton (46). assembly, wrap Set Screws with a couple
rounds of Teflon tape to help keep them in
7. To remove the gap between the Offset Pickup
place and ease disassembly. Top of Hex Sock-
Ring (24) and the Setting Bar (10), rotate the
et Set Screws/Pipe Plugs should be flush with
Tension and Setting Bars (9 and 10) counter-
top surface Lock Nut Retainer (6).
clockwise (looking from the top of the packer).
Hold the Body Lock Rings (33) from moving by 15.Make sure Slips (29) do not extend beyond the
inserting a screwdriver through hole in the Low- OD of the Slip Cage (28). Tighten Slotted Brass
er Cone (31) during this process. On the 51 Shear Screw (57) in the Slip Cage.
Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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Redress Considerations pared to the diameter in line with the Setting Bar
(10) and Interlock Pin (44) holes. Both should be
Although the GT™ Packer is a retrievable packer,
within print tolerances. If the difference is more
it does have limited redressability. Some parts will
than 0.010", the Piston Housing (40) should be re-
inevitably become worn or damaged from repeat-
placed. Also, the face of the Piston Housing (40)
ed use, which may affect the performance of the
that contacts the Interlock C-ring (45) should be
tool on successive runs.
checked to make sure that there is no deformation
Every part should be visually inspected during or indention left by the Interlock C-ring (45). An in-
redress, making sure that seal surfaces are not dentation will prevent the C-ring from expanding
scored or pitted and threads and wickers are sharp freely, increasing actuation pressures.
and clean. Wrench marks should be filed flush with During the second redress of a GT Packer, it is a
the surface. The following parts should be re- good idea to dry fit the Mandrels (1,2) Tension Bar
placed along with the usual redress parts after ev- (9), Setting Bar (10), Interlock Piston (46), and Set-
ery run: ting Piston (36) (all without O-rings) in their respec-
Interlock C-ring (45) tive bores. If there is any interference or tightness,
the parts should be checked dimensionally and re-
Lock Nuts (5) placed if they do not meet print specs.
Stop Ring (14) During re-assembly, it is critical that the Body Lock
Rings (33) do NOT bottom out on the Lower Cone
The Interlock Pin (44) will sometimes have the (31), which will cause the bars to bind. This can
crests worn off by the Interlock C-ring (45). The pin happen when the Tension Bar (9) and Setting Bar
is symmetric, and if necessary, can be threaded (10) are turned to stretch out the Slip Cage (28).
into the Setting Piston (36) the opposite way to ex- The Body Lock Rings (33) must be held in place
pose clean threads for the second run. All interlock any time the Setting or Tension Bars (9,10) are ro-
components should be well lubricated. tated. In addition, the packer should not be tested
During each redress, the Piston Housing (40) plugged above 3,000 psi on the Ported Mandrel
should be checked dimensionally at the ID just (2).
above the Seal Stack (43) gland. The diameter in-
line with the Mandrel (1,2) bores should be com-
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Assembly and Dimensional Data Drawing No. 337-209_1

'B' 'C'




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GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

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Unit No. 4512
Assembly and Dimensional Data Drawing No. 337-209_2

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GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Dimensional Data
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209.
47C2 47C4 47D2 47D4 51A 51B
A 42.41 8.88
B 5.45 23.21
C 2.69 3.38
D 6.88 7.99
E 6.29 6.79
F 18.90 21.18
G 3.25 4.94
H 26.68 31.47
J 37.42 43.51
K 15.16 43.61
L 35.88 16.78
M 115.71 110.33 *
N 5.92 6.38 8.30
P 5.937 6.120 6.468 6.625 8.350 8.500
Q 5.906 6.080 6.380 6.588 8.270 8.416
R 5.937 6.100 6.430 6.600 8.305 8.450
S 5.937 6.100 8.320 8.440
T 2-3/8" API-NU 10Rd Pin 3-1/2" API-NU 10Rd Pin
1.914 2.911
1.901 Drift 2.867 Drift
V 1.375 1.935
*On the 51 size ONLY, dimension “M” is from the top of the Ported Mandrel (2) to the bottom of the Non-Ported Mandrel (1).
Unit No. 4512 3-21-05 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
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GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Parts List
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209.
Item No. Size and Material No.
No. Req’d 47C2 47C4 47D2 47D4 51A 51B
1 Non-Ported Mandrel 1 H03-41057-00 H03-42117-00
2 Ported Mandrel 1 H03-41058-00 H03-42116-00
*3 O-ring (200 series) 4 HWW-B228-P40 HWW-B236-P40
Back-up for
*4 ** H03-36883-00 [8] H03-42104-00 [4]
200 Series O-rings
5 Lock Nut 2 H03-36528-00 H03-41519-00
6 Lock Nut Retainer 1 H03-41053-00 H03-42015-00 H03-42990-00
*7 O-ring (200 series) 2 HWW-B229-H40 HWW-B238-H40
Slotted Brass Shear HWW-GE18-06B HWW-GE18-0BB HWW-GE1B-08B
*8 6
Screw (1/4-20 x 3/16 lg) (1/4-20 x 5/16 lg) (5/16-18 x 1/4 lg)
9 Tension Bar 1 H03-41243-00 H03-41521-00
10 Setting Bar 1 H03-41244-00 H03-41522-00
*11 O-ring (200 series) 2 HWW-B217-P40 HWW-B328-P40
Back-up for
*12 4 H03-36882-00 H03-41075-00
200 Series O-rings
13 Upper PE Gage Ring 1 H03-41272-00 H03-41196-00 H03-42016-00 H03-43655-00 H03-41523-00 H03-41524-00
14 Stop Ring 1 H03-41102-00 H03-47310-00
*15 Metal Back-up Ring 2 H03-41273-00 H03-41197-00 H03-42606-00 H03-43459-00 H03-41526-00 H03-41527-00
*16 End Packing Element 2 H03-35969-00 H03-36537-00 H03-42961-00 H03-43543-00 H03-36552-00 H03-36553-00
17 Seal Separator 2 H03-41332-00 H03-41333-00 H03-42987-00 H03-43544-00 H03-36110-00 H03-36557-00
*18 Center Packing Element 1 H03-35724-02 H03-36539-02 H03-42988-00 H03-43545-00 H03-36111-00 H03-36558-00
19 Offset Body 1 H03-41198-00 H03-42026-00 H03-41528-00
20 Grip Ring 2 H03-40048-00 H03-41529-00
21 Tru-Arc Retaining Ring 2 HWW-C500-175 HWW-C500-256
22 Gage Ring 2 H03-33223-00 H03-36540-00 H03-42027-00 H03-42028-00 H03-41530-00 H03-41531-00
HWW-G50B-042 HWW-G50B-060 HWW-G518-080 HWW-G51B-080
23 Hex Socket Set Screw 4
(10-24 x 1/8 lg) (10-24 x 3/16 lg) (1/4-20 x 1/4 lg) (5/16-18 x 1/4 lg)
24 Offset Pickup Ring 1 H03-41194-00 H03-42320-00
Set-Down Ring (Size 47)
25 Set-Down Segments ** H03-41195-00 [2] H03-42321-00 [12]
(Size 51)
Slotted Brass HWW-GE18-08B HWW-GE18-0DB HWW-GE18-0BB
*26 4
Shear Screw (1/4-20 x 1/4 lg) (1/4-20 x 3/8 lg) (1/4-20 x 5/16 lg)
27 Upper Cone 1 H03-41245-00 H03-42029-00 H03-41534-00
28 Slip Gage 1 H03-36261-00 H03-36535-00 H03-42030-00 H03-42031-00 H03-41535-00 H03-41536-00
29 Slip 4 H03-36031-00 H03-36534-00 H03-42032-00 H03-43477-00 H03-41537-00 H03-41538-00
30 Slip Spring 4 H03-34236-00 H03-35599-00
31 Lower Cone 1 H03-41246-00 H03-42034-00 H03-41539-00
Low Socket HWW-G0D1-60S HWW-G11D-0B6
32 2
Head Cap Screw (3/8-16 x 3/16 lg) (3/8-16 x 5/16 lg)
33 Body Lock Ring 2 H03-36501-00 H03-41540-00
H03-34230-00 H03-41541-00
*34 Shear Ring 2
(30,000 lb) (40,000 lb)
35 Snap Ring 4 H03-41274-00 H03-34833-00
36 Setting Piston 1 H03-41199-00 H03-41545-00
*37 O-ring (200 Series) 2 HWW-B219-P40 HWW-B226-P40
Back-up for
*38 4 H03-41324-00 H03-41076-00
200 Series O-ring
39 Setting Bar Split Ring 2 H03-36829-00 Not Required
40 Piston Housing 1 H03-40982-00 H03-41247-00 H03-41546-00 H03-41547-00
*Refer to the Redress Kit list.
**Number in brackets [ ] indicates the number required.
Note: With the exceptions of Items 4 and 12, one O-ring may be substituted for two Back-up Rings on appropriate Product Assemblies.
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
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GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Parts List (Continued)
Refer to Drawing No. 337-209.
Item No. Size and Material No.
No. Req’d 47C2 47C4 47D2 47D4 51A 51B
*41 O-ring (200 Series) 2 HWW-B230-P40 HWW-B239-P40
Back-up for
*42 4 H03-34270-00 H03-36671-00
200 Series O-ring
H03-55230-00 (Viton) H03-51126-01 (Viton)
*43 Seal Stack 1
H03-55230-01 (Aflas) H03-51126-03 (Aflas)
44 Interlock Pin 1 H03-41322-00 H03-41548-00
45 Interlock C-ring 1 H03-41323-00 H03-41549-00
46 Interlock Piston 1 H03-40983-00 H03-41550-00
*47 O-ring (200 Series) 1 HWW-B222-P40 HWW-B227-P40
Back-up for
*48 2 H03-41325-00 H03-36672-00
200 Series O-ring
49 Interlock Retainer 1 H03-40984-00 H03-36678-00
50 Setting Bar Retainer 1 H03-36740-00 H03-41551-00
HWW-G518-060 HWW-G51B-0D0
51 Hex Socket Set Screw 2
(1/4-20 x 3/16 lg) (5/16-18 x 3/8 lg)
Hex Socket HWW-GX1H-1H0 [2] HWW-GX1M-140 [4]
52 **
Shoulder Screw (1/2 x 3/8-16 x 1-1/2) (3/4 x 5/8-11 x 1-1/2)
Hex Socket Set Screw
(Size 47) HWW-GV01-1SE HWW-S141-0CS [4]
53 **
Hex Socket Set Screw (1" 8 NC 3/4) (1" NPT, 3/4 T.P.F.)
(Size 51)
Slotted Brass HWW-GE18-0DB [3] HWW-GE18-0DB [4]
*54 **
Shear Screw (1/4-20 x 3/8 lg) (1/4-20 x 3/8 lg)
Hex Socket Head HWW-G11D-0M0
55 2
Cap Screw (3/8-16 x 5/8 lg)
Hex Socket Head HWW-D11D-180 HWW-G11H-200
56 4
Cap Screw (3/8-16 x 1-1/4 lg) (1/2-13 x 2 lg)
Slotted Brass HWW-GE18-06B HWW-GE18-08B HWW-GE18-0BB HWW-GE18-06B HWW-GE18-08B
*57 2
Shear Screw (1/4-20 x 3/16 lg) (1/4-20 x 1/4 lg) (1/4-20 x 5/16 lg) (1/4-20 x 3/16 lg) (1/4-20 x 1/4 lg)
Slotted Brass HWW-GE1B-08B
*58 2
Shear Screw (5/16-18 x 1/7 lg)
59 Wave Spring 4 HWV-S900-387
Not Required
60 Shim 4 H03-42322-00
Back-up for
*62 4 H03-36670-00
200 Series O-ring
Redress Kit
* - Refer to list of Redress Kits
(Indicated by *)
*Refer to the Redress Kit list.
**Number in brackets [ ] indicates the number required.
Note: With the exceptions of Items 4 and 12, one O-ring may be substituted for two Back-up Rings on appropriate Product Assemblies.

Alternative Shear Ring Selection

Refer to Drawing No. 337-209_1.
Size and Material No.
Item No.
Description 47C 47D 51A 51B
No. Req’d
(2-3/8 x 2-3/8) (2-3/8 x 2-3/8) (3-1/2 x 3-1/2) (3-1/2 x 3-1/2)
H03-41340-00 (40,000 lb) H03-42240-00 (30,000 lb)
34 Shear Ring -
- H03-41542-00 (60,000 lb)
61 Shear Ring - H03-41112-00 (60,000 lb) H03-41544-00 (90,000 lb)
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Redress Kits
Redress Kit Packing Shear Back-up Rings Back-up Rings
Size O-rings
Material No. Element (lbs) (Upper - PE) (Lower-Piston)
H03-41306-00 30,000
H03-42233-00 40,000
H03-41308-00 30,000
47C4 Nitrile Nitrile
H03-41797-00 47C2
H03-41798-00 47C4 30,000 Teflon
H03-41878-00 47C2 Aflas 40,000 Viton
H03-43206-00 Nitrile Nitrile None
47D2 30K and 60K
H03-43206-01 Aflas Aflas Teflon
H03-43273-00 Nitrile 30,000 Nitrile None
H03-43274-00 47D4 Aflas Aflas Teflon
H03-43275-00 30K and 60K
H03-41755-00 40,000
H03-42239-00 30,000
Nitrile None
H03-42315-00 51A 40,000
H03-42593-00 51B 60,000
H03-42737-00 60K and 90K
40,000 Viton Teflon
H03-42984-00 51B

Test Fixtures/Assembly Tools

Refer to Drawing No. 337-209-1.
Size and Material No.
Item No.
Description 47C 47D 51A 51B
No. Req’d
2-3/8 x 2-3/8 2-3/8 x 2-3/8 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 3-1/2 x 3-1/2
A Hex Soc Cone Pt Set Screw 4 Not Required
(3/8-16 x 1 lg)
B Packing Element Test Fixture 1 H03-41346-00 H03-43207-00 H03-41756-00
C O-ring for PE Test Fixture 1 HWW-B357-H40 HWW-B359-H40 HWW-B368-H40
D O-ring for PE Test Fixture 2 HWW-B333-H40 HWW-B341-H40
E O-ring for PE Test Fixture 2 HWW-B217-H40 HWW-B328-H40
F Retaining Nut 2 H03-41981-00 H03-41757-00
H03-40401-00 H03-41838-00
G Setting Chamber Test Pin 1
(1/2" Diameter) (5/8" Diameter)
Assembly Plug 1 H03-43738-00 N/A
Piston Housing Push Sleeve 1 H03-52747-00 H03-42665-01
HWV-PB00-376 HWV-PB00-379
- Retaining Ring Pliers 1
376 Proto 379 Proto
- Offset Body Remover 1 H03-44885-00 H03-44886-00 H03-44887-00
- Interlock Ring Tool 1 H03-45772-00 H03-45773-00
- Snap Ring Pliers 1 Snap-On Catalog No. SRP4
- 6-1/2 lb Dead Blow Hammer 1 McMaster-Carr Catalog No. 5877A67
- Replacement Hammer Face 2 McMaster-Carr Catalog No. 5877A85
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Rating Envelopes
Size 47 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
Product Family No. H78509, 2-3/8" 4.7 lb/ft - Unplugged
Standard Service - 4140 STEEL, 30-36 Rc
NOTE: Use 80% of Tensile Limitations to Avoid Shear Ring Failure

FORCE (lbs.)

30,000 lb Shear Ring
-10000 40,000 lb Shear Ring
60,000 lb Shear Ring

-8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
(Above) PRESSURE (psi) (Below)

Size 47 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Product Family No. H78510, 2-3/8" 4.7 lb/ft Tubing- Unplugged
NACE Service - 4140 STEEL,
, 22 Rc Max
NOTE: Use 80% of Tensile Limitations to Avoid Shear Ring Failure




FORCE (lbs.)


30,000 lb. Shear Ring

40,000 lb. Shear Ring
60,000 lb. Shear Ring



-7500 -5000 -2500 0 2500 5000 7500
(Above) (Below)
PRESSURE (p.s.i.)
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Rating Envelopes
Size 51 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer
Product Family No. H78509, 3-1/2" 9.3 lb/ft - Unplugged
Standard Service - 4140 STEEL, 30-36 Rc
NOTE: Use 80% of Tensile Limitations to Avoid Shear Ring Failure




FORCE (lbs.)

30,000 lb. Shear Ring

40,000 lb. Shear Ring
60,000 lb. Shear Ring
90,000 lb. Shear Ring



-8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
(Above) (Below)
PRESSURE (p.s.i.)

Size 51 GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer

Product Family No. H78510, 3-1/2" 9.3 lb/ft - Unplugged
NACE Service - 4140 STEEL, 22 Rc MAX
NOTE: Use 80% of Tensile Limitations to Avoid Shear Ring Failure



FORCE (lbs.)

30,000 lb. Shear Ring

40,000 lb. Shear Ring
60,000 lb. Shear Ring
90,000 lb. Shear Ring



-6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
(Above) (Below)
PRESSURE (p.s.i.)
GT™ Dual String Retrievable Packer Unit No. 4512 3-21-05
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GT™ Dual Packer Quote Sheet

Size (Check One)
______47C2 (2-3/8 x 2-3/8) for 7" 26-32 lb/ft Casing
______47C4 (2-3/8 x 2-3/8) for 7" 20-26 lb/ft Casing
______47D2 (2-3/8 x 2-3/8) for 7-5/8" 33.7-39 lb/ft Casing
______47D4 (2-3/8 x 2-3/8) for 7-5/8" 26.4-33.7 lb/ft Casing
______51A (3-1/2 x 3-1/2) for 9-5/8" 47-53.5 lb/ft Casing
______51B (3-1/2 x 3-1/2) for 9-5/8" 40-47 lb/ft Casing

Ported Mandrel Specifications

Thread Description (Check One - Standard versions listed)
______2-3/8" 4.6 lb/ft API-NU 10 Rd Pin x Pin
______2-3/8" 4.6 lb/ft NEW VAM Pin x Pin
______3-1/2" 9.2 lb/ft API-NU 10 Rd Pin x Pin
______3-1/2" 9.2 lb/ft NEW VAM Pin x Pin

Shear Ring (Check One - Standard versions listed)

______30,000 lb
______40,000 lb
______60,000 lb
______90,000 lb

Non-Ported Mandrel Specifications

Thread Description (Check One - Standard versions listed)
______2-3/8" 4.6 lb/ft API-NU 10 Rd Pin x Pin
______2-3/8" 4.6 lb/ft NEW VAM Pin x Pin
______3-1/2" 9.2 lb/ft API-NU 10 Rd Pin x Pin
______3-1/2" 9.2 lb/ft NEW VAM Pin x Pin

Shear Ring (Check One - Standard versions listed)

______30,000 lb
______40,000 lb
______60,000 lb
______90,000 lb
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Packer (Check One - Standard versions listed)
______4130-4145 Low Alloy Steel for Standard Service (30-36 Rc) - 6,000 psi rating
______4130-4145 Low Alloy Steel for NACE Service (22 Rc Max) - 5,000 psi rating

Additional Description (Check One if Applicable and add Material Description)

______Flow Wetted - Material Description:____________________________________
______Internally Wetted - Material Description:_________________________________
______Exposed - Material Description: _______________________________________

Packing Element (Check One)

______Nitrile (70°-300°F)______Aflas (70°-300°F)

Lower O-ring Seals (Check One)

______Nitrile double O-rings (Standard)
______Nitrile O-rings with Teflon Back-ups
______Viton O-rings with Teflon Back-ups
______Aflas O-rings with Teflon Back-ups

Optional Parallel Head Assembly (Product Family No. H70032)

______Assemble directly onto the packer
______Ship separately

Seal Bore Size (Check One - Standard versions listed)

______47 (2-3/8 x 2.28)______51 (3-1/2 x 3.25)
______47 (2-3/8 x 2.68)______51 (3-1/2 x 3.75)

Setting String Configuration (Check One)

______Short String Set (Seal Bore Receptacle is madeup to Ported Mandrel)
______Long String Set (Seal Bore Receptacle is madeup to Non-Ported Mandrel)

Optional Box x Pin Configuration (Includes Coupling and Cross-Overs)

______2-3/8" 4.7 lb/ft API-EU 8 Rd Box x Pin
______3-1/2" 9.3 lb/ft API-EU 8 Rd Box x Pin

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