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A New Stray-Load Loss Formula For Small and Medium-Sized Induction Motors

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3, SEPTEMBER 2016 1221

A New Stray-Load Loss Formula for Small

and Medium-Sized Induction Motors
Pragasen Pillay, Fellow, IEEE, Maher Al-Badri, Student Member, IEEE, Pierre Angers, Member, IEEE,
and Chirag Desai, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a new stray-load loss (SLL) for- SLL has been an intriguing subject for many researchers since
mula for small and medium induction motors (IMs) based on tests the 1910’s [4]. In [5], test data of 817 IMs in the range of
data of a 182, 60 Hz IMs in the range of 1–500 hp (0.75–375 kW). 1–500 hp (50 and 60 Hz) were utilized in a comparative analy-
They are all tested in accordance with IEEE Std 112-Method B.
The proposed formula is validated by recalculating the efficiency of sis of the IEEE Std 112-B and the IEC 60034-2 standards using
the same number of motors by using the proposed formula, as well SLL as an index to quantify the discrepancy between the two
as the IEEE Std 112 and the IEC 60034-2-1 standards. Another standards. It was shown through the analysis that due to the
validation was done on testing 17 additional IMs that are indepen- discrepancy in the SLL evaluation, the IEC 60034-2 efficiency
dent of the 182-motor data. In both validations, the new formula overestimation is about 0.9 and 1.2% for 60 and 50 Hz mo-
demonstrates better accuracy. This formula shows the potential to
replace the existing SLL estimation formula for this horsepower tors, respectively. It was also demonstrated that the higher the
range. rated power, the lower the error of the IEC 60034-2 efficiency
calculations. The study concluded that efficiency determina-
Index Terms—BC Hydro, copper loss, core loss, efficiency, fric-
tion and windage losses, hydro-Québec, IEC 60034-2-1, IEEE Std
tion according to the IEC 60034-2 standard is less accurate
112-B, induction motor, stray-load loss. than IEEE Std 112-B. It was also stated that assigning a fixed
allowance to the SLL can lead to significant errors. To mini-
I. INTRODUCTION mize the discrepancy in IMs efficiency labeling due to different
TRAY-LOAD Loss (SLL) is of paramount importance in methodologies [6], the National Electric Manufacturers Asso-
S induction motor (IM) efficiency determination. It is de-
fined, according to Section 5.7 of IEEE Std 112, as that por-
ciation (NEMA) recommends that tests to determine IM perfor-
mance characteristics shall be made in accordance with the IEEE
tion of the total loss in an electric machine not accounted for Std-112 [7].
by the sum of the friction and windage loss, the stator cop- Another comparison study between the IEEE Std 112-B and
per loss, the rotor copper loss and the core loss [1]. On the the IEC 60034-2 standards with the addition of the JEC 37
other hand, in Section 3.4.5 of the international standard IEC standard was conducted in [8]. Although the study was based
60034-2-1, SLL is described as the sum of losses produced by on testing four three-phase IMs, it demonstrates the SLL mea-
the load current in active iron and other metal parts other than surement as critical for an accurate motor efficiency evalua-
stator and rotor conductors; eddy current losses in winding con- tion. Efficiencies obtained by using the JEC 37 methodology
ductors caused by load current-dependent flux pulsations and were generally higher when compared to those obtained by us-
additional brush losses caused by commutation [2]. Moreover, ing the IEEE Std 112-B and the IEC 60034-2 procedures applied
the Canadian Standards Association in Section 3.1 of CAN/CSA to the same motors and the obvious reason for that was that the
C390—ten defines SLL as the additional fundamental and high- JEC 37 neglects the SLL. A sensitivity analysis was also carried
frequency losses in the iron and strand, and circulating-current out in [8] which showed that it is imperative to have the input
losses in the stator winding, and harmonic losses in the rotor power, the load torque and the input current measured with very
conductors under load [3]. high accuracy to guarantee good approximation for the SLL.
SLL can have a large variation in value even within motors
of the same ratings. That what was found in analyzing the loss
Manuscript received December 08, 2015; revised February 22, 2016; accepted
March 07, 2016. Date of publication March 22, 2016; date of current version distribution of 998 IMs rated 1–200 hp and tested to the IEEE
August 18, 2016. This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Std 112-B in [9] where it was again prove that errors in the
Engineering Research Council of Canada/Hydro-Québec Chair entitled “Design SLL determination are caused by the measurement errors in the
and Performance of Special Electrical Machines.” TEC-00903-2015.
P. Pillay is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, stator winding resistance, load torque, speed and input power.
Concordia University, Montréal QC H3G 1M8, Canada, and also with the The study showed that the average SLL for the above mentioned
University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa (e-mail: pillay@ tested motors is about 1.2% of input power. In description of the
M. Al-Badri is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- proposed SLL curve in the IEC60032-2-1 standard, it is stated in
ing, Concordia University, Montréal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada (e-mail: albadri@ Section that “The curve does not represent an average but an upper envelope of a large number of measured values,
P. Angers is with the Laboratoire des Technologies de l’Énergie, Institut
de Recherche-Hydro-Québec, Shawinigan, QC G9N 7N5, Canada (e-mail: and may in most cases yield greater additional load losses”. In [9], it was demonstrated that the IEC curve does not literally
C. Desai is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- represent the upper envelope of SLL when 68% of the motor rat-
neering, Concordia University, Montréal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada (e-mail: ings represented were found to have at least one machine with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2016.2539959 its SLL value above the curve. The study concluded that the
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provision of SLL as a fixed percentage of the motor rating may

lead to significant errors in efficiency determination, and in situ-
ations where SLL measurements are not available, a fixed value
of 1.2% of input power would be more consistent. In this paper,
a new SLL formula for small and medium 60 Hz IMs based on
test data of 182 IMs rated 0.75–375 kW is proposed. A total
of 122 motors were tested in the Laboratoire des Technologies
de l’Énergie, Institut de Recherche (LTEE)-Hydro-Québec. The
motors are tested in compliance with the IEEE Std 112-Method
B procedure using the recommended measuring devices to guar-
antee the required accuracy. Moreover, test data of another 60
motors were provided by BC Hydro which were also tested in
compliance with the IEEE Std 112-Method B in regards to the
procedure and measuring devices accuracy. In other words, the
accuracy of the SLL measurements are guaranteed by the cer-
tified laboratories of the two Canadian power companies. The
new formula is validated by recalculating the efficiency of the
182 motors by using the proposed formula, the IEEE Std 112
and IEC 60034-2-1 standards methodologies. It is also vali-
dated by testing an independent group of 17 motors. The level
of accuracy is demonstrated by a statistical analysis.
This paper is structured as follows: in Section II, the IM
segregated losses are evaluated. Section III is devoted to the
proposed SLL formula. The results and discussion are presented
in Section IV. Section V concludes the paper.


A sample of 19 motors was taken arbitrarily from the test
data of 182 motors of different power ratings, speed, insulation
class and NEMA design. The sample consists of motors in the
range of 0.75 to 375 kW. The five segregated losses (i.e., core
loss, friction and windage losses, SLL, stator copper loss, and
rotor copper loss) of each motor are calculated as a percentage
of input power. Each loss was calculated as a percentage of its
corresponding input power and it is represented in a bar chart as
shown in Fig. 1. By taking the 1 hp machine as an example, the
percentage of the stator copper losses shows the highest value
Fig. 1. Losses distribution of 19 IMs.
(2.8%) followed by the core losses (2.0%), rotor copper losses
(1.5%), SLL (1.3%), and 1.2% for the friction and windage
losses, and this is a well-known trend in induction machine
frequency components of the SLL are determined and the sum
losses. By just a visual check on the bar chart, it can be easily
of these two components is the total SLL. Alternatively, it is
noticed that each type of loss, excluding the SLLs, significantly
measured indirectly by determining total losses and the sum
deviates when compared to the last cluster of SLLs. This fact
of the friction and windage, core loss, stator, and rotor copper
is quantified in Table I where it can be seen that the standard
loss and then subtracting the sum of those losses from the total
deviation of the SLLs is the least (0.25) among the other types
losses and the remaining part is declared as the total SLL [1].
of losses. The maximum deviation is in the stator copper losses
In certain technical environments where the SLL measurement
(1.71). The low deviation in the SLLs, although the wide range
is not available, it is assumed as a fixed percentage value of
of power ratings of the 19 IMs, may justify the fixed allowance
the motor power rating according to the IEEE Std 112-2004
assigned to it in the IEC 60034-2-1 and the IEEE Std 112 E1/F1.
(see Section 5.7.4, Table II), or based on the assigned allowance
Still, assigning a fixed value for SLL is a debatable issue in the
of the IEC 60034-2-1 (see Section which relies on
literature and it can lead to significant errors in motor efficiency
the motor input power. In the CAN/CSA C390-10, the SLL is
as will be demonstrated in the following sections.
determined as follows: a six load point test is performed and the
SLL is calculated as a residual value at each of the six points by
A. SLL Determination
subtracting output power, stator copper loss, rotor copper loss,
SLL can be measured by direct and indirect methods. In core loss and friction and windage losses from total input power.
the direct procedure, the fundamental frequency and the high- The six residual values are then plotted against squared torque.

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Core Loss Friction and SLL [% Stator Copper Rotor

[% P i n ] Windage [% Pin ] Loss [% P i n ] Copper Loss
Pin ] [% P i n ]

Maximum 4.3 2.5 1.7 6.1 2.8

Minimum 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.9 0.6
Average 2.0 1.2 1.3 2.8 1.5
Standard 1.13 0.63 0.25 1.71 0.67

Fig. 2. Smoothing a SLL of a 112 kW IM.

IEEE Std 112 IEC 60034-2-1

Absolute Error [%] No. of Motors Percentage [%] No. of Motors Percentage [%]

0.000–0.005 1 1 0 0
0.005–0.010 1 1 0 0
0.010–0.020 3 2 1 1
0.020–0.030 3 2 0 0
0.030–0.040 1 1 3 2
0.040–0.050 2 1 1 1
0.050–0.060 1 1 1 1
0.060–0.070 4 2 0 0
0.070–0.080 3 2 5 3
0.080–0.090 1 1 2 1
0.090–0.100 4 2 3 2
0.100–0.200 22 12 13 7
0.200–0.300 15 8 14 8
0.300–0.400 22 12 15 8
0.400–0.500 17 9 15 8
Total 100 55 73 40

Fig. 3. SLL for 182 IMs.

The correlation coefficient is determined and if it is found to be

in SLL evaluation through assigning a fixed allowance to it es-
less than 0.95, the worst point is deleted and the SLL versus the
pecially with machines of high power ratings. Another set of
squared torque is plotted again and the correlation coefficient
data is plotted on the same chart which is the SLL calculated
is recalculated. If it is less than 0.95, then the whole test shall
as per IEEE Std 112 formula (see Section 5.7.4, Table II). It
be considered unsatisfactory due to error in the instrumentation,
is translated into a percentage of input power to be consistent
test readings, or both [3]. If the correlation coefficient is greater
with the SLL measured values. The trend of this data is repre-
than 0.95 then the linear regression will be applied to smooth the
sented by the dashed line. The SLLs are also calculated as per
SLL which will be determined by using the following equation:
IEC 60034-2 and represented as a percentage of input power
Psll i = mresidual × Ti2 (1) on the same chart. The grey bold line illustrates the trend of
the IEC 60034-2 data. The discrepancy between the three trend
where Psll i is the SLL at load point (i), mresidual is the estab-
lines is noticeable where the IEEE SLL values tends towards
lished slope and Ti is the torque at the load point (i). The process
the measured values on the small machines side, the IEC SLL
is illustrated in Fig. 2 for a 150 hp IM.
does approach the measured values on the large motors side. To
demonstrate a proper evaluation for the accuracy of both IEEE
B. Data Analysis Std 112 and IEC 60034-2 in terms of SLL estimation for the
Each measured value of SLL for the total 182 IMs is cal- 182 IMs, the absolute error is calculated between the estimated
culated as a percentage of its corresponding input power and SLL as per both standards and the measured SLL for the whole
the results are plotted in Fig. 3. The average of the SLL values group of motors and the results are illustrated in Fig. 4. Max-
of the whole group of motors is represented by the black bold imum error recorded is 1.8% which is made by using the IEC
horizontal line which exactly matches the 1.2% value proposed 60034-2 standard. The results are also quantified in Table II
in [9]. The dotted line illustrates the trend of SLL according to where it can be noticed that IEEE Std 112 gains better accuracy
the motor rating where it seems that the higher the power rating in comparison to the IEC 60034-2. The minimum error consid-
is, the lower is the SLL value, and this justifies the inaccuracy ered is in the range (0–0.005%) and the maximum allowable

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Fig. 4. Absolute error of SLLs estimated by IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2-1. Fig. 6. Measured versus estimated SLL es of small IMs.

opposite situation appears in Fig. 6 where the IEEE trendline

takes a closer position to the measured values line. This fact
was established in a previous research work [10] where it was
recommended to rely on the IEEE Std 112 in assuming SLL
for small machines, and the IEC 60034-2-1 for large motors.
The difference between the actual SLL and the assumed values
according to both standards are considerable, especially with
the large machines. For example, for a 500 hp motor, the IEC
60034-2 and IEEE Std 112 overestimates the measured SLL by
around 216 and 258% respectively, and such overestimated val-
ues of SLL will definitely lead to significant errors in efficiency
computation. The straight line equation of the measured SLLs
trendline is formulated as

Fig. 5. Measured versus estimated SLL es of 182 IMs. y = m.x + b (2)

where, m is the slope and b is the intercept with y axis.
To smooth the trendline, b shall be removed to establish the
error is set to be in the range of (0.4–0.5%). The chance of IEEE
fact that if there is no input power, there must be no SLL. Hence,
Std 112 to estimate SLL with minimum error (i.e., highest ac-
the proposed formula is as follows:
curacy) for the 182 IMs is 1%. While the IEC 60034-2 scores
0% for the same level of error. The IEEE Std 112 estimates SLL Psll = 0.011 Pin (3)
with the highest accuracy of (0–0.005%), while the IEC 60034-
2 would not achieve this level of accuracy. The IEEE Std 112 where, Psll is the SLL and Pin is the input power.
estimates 100 motors with the accuracy range (0–0.5%), while SLL increases due to voltage unbalance and/or harmonics
the IEC 60034-2 estimates only 73 motors for the same range of [11], [12]. Hence, having the SLL formula based on motor input
accuracy. Those results match the findings in [5] where it was power is more practical than an output power based formula as
shown that IEEE Std 112 is more accurate than IEC 60034-2-1 this can help consider the increase in the SLL in case of voltage
in terms of SLL evaluation. unbalance and/or harmonics.


The SLL of each motor within the 182 IMs group is com- The proposed formula is utilized to calculate the SLLs of
puted in kilowatt as per IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2-1 and the 182 IMs and the results are plotted with the measured SLL
they are plotted versus the input power in kilowatt on the same values on the same chart as shown in Fig. 7. To validate the pro-
graph alongside the measured SLLs as shown in Fig. 5. Linear posed formula and its level of accuracy when it is implemented
regression is used to demonstrate the trend of each group of in efficiency computation, the formula is used in efficiency re-
SLLs. As the status is not clear for motors of input power less calculation of the 182 IMs using the new formula. For compar-
than 50 kW; Fig. 6 is created to zoom into the status of this area. ison purposes, the assumed SLLs as per IEEE Std 112 and IEC
In the large motors zone, the IEC trendline is noticeably closer 60034-2-1 standards are also used separately to recalculate the
to the measured SLLs when compared to the IEEE’s, while an efficiency of the same mentioned motors.

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Fig. 7. Measured versus estimated SLLs using the proposed formula.

IEC 60034-2-1

Proposed Formula IEEE Std 112 IEC 60034-2-1

Absolute No. of Percentage No. of Percentage No. of Percentage

Error [%] Motors [%] Motors [%] Motors [%]

0.000–0.005 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.005–0.010 1 1 2 1 0 0
0.010–0.020 2 1 2 1 1 1
0.020–0.030 0 0 4 2 0 0
0.030–0.040 2 1 1 1 3 2
0.040–0.050 3 2 2 1 1 1
0.050–0.060 4 2 2 1 1 1
0.060–0.070 0 0 4 2 0 0
0.070–0.080 6 3 2 1 3 2
0.080–0.090 4 2 0 0 5 3
0.090–0.100 9 5 5 3 1 1
0.100–0.200 25 14 23 13 15 8
0.200–0.300 38 21 15 8 14 8
0.300–0.400 21 12 23 13 15 8
0.400–0.500 20 11 16 9 15 8
0.500–0.600 4 2 17 9 17 9
0.600–0.700 12 7 14 8 20 11
0.700–0.800 7 4 19 10 17 9
0.800–0.900 5 3 16 9 14 8
0.900–1.000 7 4 1 1 12 7
Fig. 8. New formula accuracy evaluation.
Total 170 93 168 92 154 85

threshold of 1% are considered. By a thorough check upon the

The formula is used to calculate the SLL for each motor results of Table III the following points are worth mentioning:
within the 182 motors by replacing the measured SLL with the 1) The proposed formula secured efficiencies within errors
calculated value and observing the change in efficiency. The of the range (0–1%) of 93% of the total number of tested
same is done with the SLLs calculated as per the IEEE Std 112 motors (182 IMs). The IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2
and the IEC 60034-2-1. So, the only component that has been scored 92 and 85%, respectively.
changed within the efficiency calculations is the SLL. Hence, 2) The proposed formula guaranteed efficiencies within
practically, the comparison pertaining to accuracy is achieved the accuracy range of (0.09–0.1%) of 5% of the motors.
between the measured SLL and the other calculated values. The IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2 scored 3 and 1% for
The results of the three formulas are tabulated in Table III the same accuracy, respectively.
and illustrated in Fig. 8. The following observations in regards 3) The proposed formula estimated efficiencies within
to the obtained results is based on the fact that any efficiency the accuracy range of (0.1–0.2%) of 14% of the motors.
calculation with an error that exceeds 1% will be disregarded. The IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2 scored 13 and 8% for
Hence, only errors within the range from 0% up to the set the same accuracy, respectively.

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Proposed Formula IEEE Std 112 IEC 60034-2-1

Absolute No. of Percentage No. of Percentage No. of Percentage

Error [%] Motors [%] Motors [%] Motors [%]

0.000–0.005 0 0 0 0 1 6
0.005–0.010 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.010–0.020 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.020–0.030 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.030–0.040 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.040–0.050 2 12 1 6 0 0
0.050–0.060 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.060–0.070 0 0 2 12 0 0
0.070–0.080 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.080–0.090 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.090–0.100 1 6 0 0 0 0
0.100–0.200 4 24 0 0 0 0
0.200–0.300 5 29 4 24 3 18
0.300–0.400 2 12 1 6 1 6
0.400–0.500 2 12 2 12 0 0
0.500–0.600 0 0 1 6 0 0
0.600–0.700 0 0 2 12 2 12
0.700–0.800 0 0 2 12 0 0
0.800–0.900 0 0 1 6 1 6
0.900–1.000 0 0 0 0 1 6
Total 16 94 16 94 9 53

4) The proposed formula secured efficiencies within the ac-

curacy range of (0.2–0.3%) of 21% of the motors. The
IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2 scored 8 and 8% for the
same accuracy, respectively.
5) The proposed formula estimated efficiencies within
the accuracy range of (0.4–0.5%) of 11% of the motors.
The IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2 scored 9 and 8% for
the same accuracy, respectively.
The above mentioned points show that the proposed formula
could estimate the majority of the motors (i.e., 117 of 170
Fig. 9. New formula accuracy evaluation on 17 motors.
motors) within the level of accuracy (0.09–0.5%) while the
IEEE Std 112 and the IEC 60034-2 have 82 of 168 motors and
65 of 154 motors in the same range of accuracy respectively.
For the IEC 60034-2, the majority of its 154 motors are located the IEEE std 112 results. This double-validation provides cred-
in the range of (0.1–1.0%). This clearly indicates the ability of ibility to the proposed formula. The proposed formula can be
the proposed formula to provide a higher accuracy of efficiency improved by adding additional data of motors to the data used.
estimation if it is used in replacement of the existing formulas This study is based on only 60 Hz IMs. By having data of
of the IEEE Std 112 and IEC 60034-2-1. 50 Hz motors, another formula can be created for SLL estimation
The proposed formula is applied to 17 motors in the range with higher accuracy or a global formula may be proposed.
(1–125 hp) that are independent of the 182-motor data.
The results are as tabulated in Table IV and illustrated in Fig. 9.
The highest accuracy (in the range 0.000–0.005%) is scored by V. CONCLUSION
the IEC 60034-2-1. However, the standard showed poor results A novel formula for IMs SLL is proposed. Test data of 182
for the whole set of motors when it was able to have only 53% of IMs of 60 Hz which includes SLL measurements issued by two
the motors within the set range of accuracy (i.e., 0.000–1000%). Canadian power companies where the accuracy of measurement
It is clear that the competition is between the proposed formula is given paramount care are utilized to analyze the segregated
and the IEEE std 112. A percentage of 94% is scored by both losses and showed that there is a solid justification beyond as-
formulas. But, by taking a careful look at the results, it can be signing a fixed percentage for the SLL as per IEEE Std 112 and
easily observed that the results pattern is consistent with those IEC 60034-2-1 standards. The test data were also utilized to
of Table III. It is obvious that the proposed formula shows better create an accuracy comparison between the IEEE Std 112 and
accuracy with the majority of the motors when it is compared to the IEC 60034-2-1 standards and the results showed that the

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IEEE Std 112 is more accurate than the IEC 60034-2-1 in SLL Pragasen Pillay (F’05) received the bachelor’s mas-
evaluation for the machines tested. The proposed formula was ter’s degrees in electrical engineering from the Uni-
versity of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa, in
created based on practical analysis on the test data by showing 1981 and 1983, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in
the difference between the measured SLL and the assumed val- electrical engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic
ues based on the two standards. The difference is considerable Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA,
in 1987.
in larger motors. An extensive validation was made by using the He is currently a Professor with the Department
182 IM data set to investigate the level of accuracy of the pro- of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia
posed formula compared to the other two mentioned standards. University, Montréal, QC, Canada, where he is cur-
rently the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
The results showed that the proposed formula can provide better Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada/Hydro-Québec Industrial Research
accuracy in efficiency estimation if it is used instead of the ex- Chair, Montréal.
isting formulas. The formula was again validated on a set of 17
motors which are not included in the 182-motor data that were
used to build up the formula. Once again, the proposed formula
surpassed the two standards. The outcome of this study is a new
formula of SLL for small and medium three-phase IMs. Maher Al-Badri (S’07) received the Bachelor’s de-
gree in electrical engineering from the University of
Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq, in 1984, and the Master’s
degree in electrical engineering from the University
ACKNOWLEDGMENT of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2009. He re-
ceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
The authors would like to thank the support of the Natural Sci- the Concordia University, Montréal, QC, Canada, in
ences & Engineering Research Council of Canada. The authors He is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the
also would like to thank the support of Hydro-Québec and BC PEER (Power Electronics and Energy Research)
Hydro by providing extremely valuable data that significantly Group in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Concordia University. His research interests include electrical ma-
helped improve the outcome and the feasibility of the research. chine, energy efficiency, power systems, and renewable energy systems.
Dr. Al-Badri is a licensed Canadian Professional Engineer.

[1] IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Gen-
erators, IEEE Standard 112-2004 (Revision of IEEE Std 112-1996),
Nov. 4, 2004.
[2] International Standard, IEC 60034-2-1, 1st ed., Sep. 2007. Pierre Angers received the bachelor’s degree in elec-
[3] Test Methods, Marking Requirements, and Energy Efficiency Levels trical engineering from the Université du Québec à
for Three-Phase Induction Motors, Canadian Standards Association, Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, in 1986.
CAN/CSA C390-10, 2010. Since 1988, he has been the Manager of the Motors
[4] E. I. Chute and W. Bradsaw, “Sources of error in the efficiency determina- and Drives Testing Facility with the Hydro-Québec’s
tion of rotating electric machines,” Proc. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng., vol. 32, Research Institute, accredited by the Canadian Stan-
no. 3, pp. 649–657, Feb. 1913. dards Association. Over the years, he has been in-
[5] A. I. de Almeida, F. J. T. E. Ferreira, J. F. Busch, and P. Angers, “Compar- volved in the field of motors and drives for efficiency
ative analysis of IEEE 112-B and IEC 34–2 efficiency testing standards classification, compliance and certification, labora-
using stray load losses in low-voltage three-phase, cage induction motors,” tory accreditation, and proficiency testing, and has
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 608–614, Mar./Apr. 2002. performed several studies related to it.
[6] M. Aoulkadi and A. Binder, “When loads stray: Evaluation of different Mr. Angers is an Active Member of international committees IEC TC2/WG28
measurement methods to determine stray load losses in induction ma- on rotating electrical machines and IEC TC22/SG22G on adjustable speed elec-
chines,” IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 21–30, Mar. 2008. tric drive systems, IEEE WG112 committee on Standard IEEE 112 for Motors
[7] “American National Standard Motors and Generators,” American Na- and Generators and Canadian national committees on efficiency of three-phase
tional Standards Institute, Inc., ANSI/NEMA MG 1-2011, (Revision of induction motors (CSA 390), small motors (CSA 747), and variable speed drives
ANSI/NEMA MG 1–2010), New York, NY, USA, 2011. (CSA 838).
[8] A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, M. Lazzari, and M. Pastorelli, “International
standards for the induction motor efficiency evaluation: A critical analysis
of the stray-load loss determination,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 40,
no. 5, pp. 1294–1301, Sept./Oct. 2004.
[9] E. B. Agamloh, “An evaluation of induction machine stray load loss from
collated test results,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 2311–2318,
Nov./Dec. 2010. Chirag Desai (S’08–M’11) received the B.E degree
[10] M. Al-Badri, P. Pillay, and P. Angers, “A novel algorithm for estimat- in electrical engineering from South Gujarat Univer-
ing refurbished three-phase induction motors efficiency using only no- sity, Surat, India, in 2003, and the M.A.Sc. degree
load tests,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 615–625, in electrical engineering from Concordia University,
Jun. 2015. Montréal, QC, Canada, in 2010.
[11] A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, L. Ferraris, and M. Lazzari, “Impact of the He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree
supply voltage on the stray-load losses in induction motors,” IEEE Trans. in electrical engineering with the Power Electron-
Ind. Appl., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1374–1380, Jul./Aug. 2010. ics and Energy Research (PEER) Group, Department
[12] K. Yamazaki, A. Suzuki, M. Ohto, and T. Takakura, “Circuit parameters of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia
determination involving stray load loss and harmonic torques for high- University. His research interests include electrical
speed induction motors fed by inverters,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., machine design for industrial applications, energy ef-
vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 154–163, Mar. 2013. ficiency, motor drives, and renewable energy systems.

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