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N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plugs and Wireline Adapter Kit: Technical Unit Remedial Systems

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Baker Oil Tools Unit No.

4413 Date: April 23, 2004

Rev. A Page: 1 of 16
REMEDIAL SYSTEMS Drillable Bridge Plugs

N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plugs and Wireline Adapter Kit

Product Family Nos. H40120, H40122, H40121, H40123, H43824, and H43825

The N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plugs are high
performance drillable bridge plugs, commonly
used for zonal isolation during stimulation or ce-
menting jobs, or for temporary and permanent
The N-1™ can easily be converted to a K-1™
Cement Retainer or a NC-1 Bridge Plug. The NC-
1 is a modified N-1 Bridge Plug for use primarily in
gas well applications. The design of the NC-1 al-
lows the upper portion of the body and the bridging
plug to be drilled out, permitting pressure equaliza-
tion across the tool before drilling out the upper
slips. A shear ring mechanism is used to minimize
the amount of material to be drilled out by the cen-
ter of the drill bit.

• Choice in setting - Wireline, mechanical, and
• High performance - 10,000 psi and 400°F in
most sizes (see Specification Guide)
• Superior running characteristics - Increased
clearance and locked construction for faster,
safer run-in with packing element locked
against swab-off forces
• Body lock ring - Traps setting force in element
to maintain pack-off during pressure reversals
• Adaptable - N-1 and NC-1 Bridge Plugs consist
of a basic unit which can easily be converted to
mechanical or wireline set or to a K-1 Cement
Retainer N-1™, NC-1™,
Sizes 1AA-5AA Sizes 1AA-5AA
Wireline Set Drawing No. 760-577 Drawing No. 760-579
N-1 Wireline Set Bridge Plug, H40120
NC-1 Wireline Set Bridge Plug, H40121
Mechanical Set
N-1 Mechanical Set Bridge Plug, H40122
NC-1 Mechanical Set Bridge Plug, H40123

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Unit No. 4413 4-23-04 N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plugs and
Rev. A Page 2 of 16 Wireline Adapter Kit

Use of Baker equipment contrary to
manufacturer’s specification may result in
property damage, serious injury or fatality.

Specification Guide
Preferred Casing Temperature
Casing/Tubing Tool Differential
ID Range Rating (°F)
OD Wt Max OD Min Max
Size (psi) 70 HD 90 HD
(in.) (lb/ft) (in.) (in.) (in.)
4-1/2 9.5-16.6 1AA 3.593 3.826 4.090
5 11.5-20.8
1BB 3.937 4.154 4.560
14-23 2AA 4.312 4.580 5.044
6 18-26
2BB 4.937 5.140 5.552
7 49.5
6-5/8 20-32
3AA 5.410 5.595 6.135 10,000
3BB 5.687 6.000 6.538
4AA 6.312 6.625 7.125
7-3/4 46.1
8-5/8 24-49
5AA 7.125 7.511 8.097
8-3/4 49.7 up 125
9-5/8 32.3-58.4 to to
9-3/4 59.2 6AA 8.125 8.435 9.063 8,000 225 400*
9-7/8 62.8
60.7-81 6BB 9.000 9.250 9.660
10-3/4 5,000
32.75-60.7 7AA 9.437 9.660 10.192
60.0-83.0 7BB 9.937 10.192 10.772
11-3/4 4,000
42-60 8AA 10.437 10.772 11.150
85-102 8BB 11.562 11.633 12.159
13-1/2 81.4 9AA 12.000 12.175 12.715
13-5/8 88.2
V150 2,500
109.0-146.0 11AA 13.915 14.000 14.750
P110 2,000
N80 1,450
55.0-84.0 11BB 14.585 14.700 15.400
J55 1,000
* For geothermal applications (no hydrocarbons present), a special “500°F Thermal Service” element is available for most
sizes of N-1 Bridge Plugs. It has been successfully run in steam wells up to 500°F.
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Rev. A Page 4 of 16 Wireline Adapter Kit

Operating Instructions Suggested Rotary Operation

The N-1 Wireline Set Bridge Plug (Product 1. A Junk Basket (Product Family No. H42802)
Family No. H40120) is set using a E-4™ Wireline should be installed in the drilling string in order
Pressure Setting Assembly (Product Family No. to trap cuttings. This will serve two purposes.
H43702) and a Wireline Adapter Kit (Product Fam- a. It will help to eliminate the condition of con-
ily No. H43824). The N-1 Wireline Set Bridge Plug tinuing to drill on the same loose material.
may be set hydraulically using a CT™ Hydraulic b. It will trap cuttings that might cause trouble
Setting Tool, (Product Family No. H40062) a J™ during subsequent operations in the well.
Hydraulic Setting Assembly (Product Family No. 2. A new, high quality, medium hard formation
H41371) or using a combination hydraulic/tension rock bit with medium to short, regularly spaced
setting method using a Bridge Plug Hydro-Set Set- teeth such the Hughes WO should be used. Se-
ting Tool (Product Family No. H40174). Consult lect a bit that will not “track,” and of a size that
the appropriate setting tool tech unit for further in- will give minimum clearance between the bit
structions. and the casing. It is recommended that bits with
The N-1 Mechanical Set Bridge Plug (Product “wings” between the outer teeth not be used.
Family No. H40122) is set using a modified K-1 3. Circulating down the drillpipe or tubing will al-
Mechanical Setting Tool (Product Family No. low larger pieces of the tool to be circulated up
H40069). Consult the K-1 Tech Unit for further in- into the junk basket rather than reverse circulat-
structions. ing. This will usually result in faster drill out.
The NC-1 Wireline Set Bridge Plug (Product 4. When feeling for the tool, try to avoid any im-
Family No. H40121) is set using a E-4 Wireline pact which might break some of the teeth on the
Pressure Setting Assembly (Product Family No. bit. Experience has shown that rotary speeds
H43702) and a Wireline Adapter Kit (Product Fam- between 50 and 75 rpm will give the best re-
ily No. H43825). Alternatively, the NC-1 can be set sults under normal conditions.
using standard hydraulic setting tools. 5. Gradually set down 5,000 lb on the tool and drill
for 5-10 minutes. Drill up the mandrel which ex-
The NC-1 Mechanical Set Bridge Plug (Product
tends above the slips and allow the bit to seat
Family No. H40123) is set using a NC-1 Mechani-
on the full diameter. Gradually increase set
cal Setting Tool (Product Family No. H40066)
down weight to about 2,000 lb per inch of bit di-
which is a modified K-1 Mechanical Setting Tool
ameter. If the rate of penetration drops, in-
(Product Family No. H40069). Consult the NC-1
creased weight, or varying the speed should be
Tech Unit for further instructions.
tried until the rate of penetration picks up.
Recommended Drill Out Procedures Conversion Procedures
For N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plug
The “Basic Unit” Drawing Nos. 333-825 and
If conditions are normal and the instructions 333-826 must be obtained before conversion to
shown below are followed, N-1 Bridge Plugs are any one of the products listed in the following pag-
relatively easy to drill up. The materials used in this es can be accomplished. To obtain the “Basic
product must satisfy strict quality control specifica- Unit,” disassemble the parts from the tool to be
tions and are designed to break up into small piec- converted.
es during the drilling-out operation.
It is nearly impossible to cover all the problems How To Obtain A “Basic Unit” From:
that may arise under every condition; however, K-1™ Cement Retainer, Product Family
there are certain procedures that can be followed Nos. H40021, H40022, H40023, and H40024
in most instances. Thus the recommendations list- 1. Loosen Set Screw in Guide. Set Screw extends
ed below should be used as a guide only and, un- through Body into the Guide on Sizes 6AA and
der conditions other than normal past experience larger.
and common sense should govern the drilling-out
N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plugs and Unit No. 4413 4-23-04
Wireline Adapter Kit Rev. A Page 5 of 16

2. Remove Guide and Lower Slip (Sizes 1AA- N-1™ Bridge Plug,
5AA). DO NOT DROP LOWER SLIP. Product Family No. H40120
a. Use the appropriate Cement Retainer Ten- 1. Loosen Hex Soc Set Screw and remove Guide.
sion Mandrel. Insert the Tension Mandrel 2. Remove N™ Bridging Plug, and for Sizes 1AA-
into the Body. Strike the exposed end of the 5AA only, remove Belleville Washers.
Tension Mandrel with a hammer and block of
wood to push the Latch Sleeve, Seal Spacer NC-1™ Bridge Plug,
Product Family No. H40121
and Seal out of the Retainer.
1. Remove Hex Soc Set Screw and remove
b. For Cement Retainer with Flapper Valve: Re- NC-1 Type Bridging Plug.
move Guide Assembly with Flapper Valve.
2. Loosen Hex Socket Set Screw and remove
Guide and Belleville Washers.

“Basic Unit” Conversion

Drawing No. 333-825, Sizes 1AA-5AA

Drawing No. 333-826, Sizes 6AA-11BB

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To Convert to a NC-1™ Bridge Plug Mechanical Bridge Plug, Gas Well Type,
Product Family No. H40123
Assembly Drawing No. 999-602

Use “Basic Unit” and Parts Listed below.

NOTE: Be sure that the correct Mechanical Upper Slip (1) is used. Refer to Parts List for Material Number. A Shear
Ring is shipped with each NC-1 Plug.
1. Thread Guide on Body and tighten Set Screw. Lower Slip should be tight.
2. Install Model NC-1 type Bridging Plug with O-ring into the TOP END of body.
3. Align tapped hole in Body with a hole in the NC-1 Bridging Plug. Install Hex Soc Set Screw.

Parts List, Sizes 1AA - 11BB

Refer to Drawing No. 999-602.
Item No. Size and Material No.
No. Req’d 1AA 1BB 2AA 2BB 3AA 3BB 4AA 5AA
1 Mechanical Upper Slip 1 H03-55519-04 H03-55519-05 H03-55519-06 H03-55519-07 H03-55519-03 H03-55519-00 H03-55519-08 H03-55519-09
2 NC-1 Bridging Plug 1 H07-53754-00 H07-53755-00 H07-57490-00
3 O-ring (For Item 2) 1 Ref HWW-B215-H40 HWW-B224-H40
H03-44260-00 H03-44250-00 H03-44256-00 H03-44258-00 H03-44262-00 H03-44259-00
4 Bridge Plug Guide ∆ 1 H01-74802-01♦ H01-75862-01♦
H01-74796-01♦ H01-74797-01♦ H01-74798-01♦ H01-74799-01♦ H03-44261-00♦ H01-74801-01♦
Hex Soc Set Screw HWW-G51B-0D0 HWW-G51B-0S0
5 1
(For Item 4) (5/16 - 18 X 3/8 lg) (5/16-18 x 3/4 lg)

Item No.
Description 6AA 6BB 7AA 7BB 8AA 8BB 9AA 11AA 11BB
No. Req’d
1 Mechanical Upper Slip 1 H03-55519-01 H03-55519-10 H03-55519-11 H03-55519-12 H03-55519-13 H03-55519-14 H03-55519-02 H07-58903-00 H07-58904-00
2 NC-1Bridging Plug 1 H07-57491-00
3 O-ring (For Item 2) 1 Ref HWW-B224-H40
H02-07892-00 H01-75852-00 H01-75852-00
4 Bridge Plug Guide ∆ 1
H02-07830-01♦ H01-74804-01♦ H01-74804-01♦
Hex Soc Set Screw HWW-G51H-1H0 HWW-G51H-100
5 1
(For Item 4) (1/2-13 X 1-1/2 lg) (1/2-13 X 1 lg)
∆ If Bridge Plug Guide is not available, a Cement Retainer Guide may be used.
♦ Cement Retainer Guide.
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N-1™ and NC-1™ Bridge Plugs

Dimensional Data Drawing No. 333-828, Sizes 1AA - 5AA

Dimensional Data Drawing No. 760-578, Sizes 6AA - 11BB

Dimensional Data, Sizes 1AA - 11BB

Refer to Drawing Nos. 333-828, Sizes 1AA - 5AA and 760-578, Sizes 6AA - 11BB.
1AA 1BB 2AA 2BB 3AA 3BB 4AA 5AA 6AA 6BB 7AA 7BB 8AA 8BB 9AA 11AA 11BB
A 3.593 3.937 4.312 4.937 5.410 5.687 6.312 7.125 8.125 9.000 9.438 9.937 10.437 11.562 12.000 13.900 14.570
B 3.500 3.812 4.265 4.812 5.370 5.625 6.187 7.062 8.000 8.880 9.312 9.812 10.317 11.500 11.875 13.775 14.462
C 3.515 3.812 4.218 4.812 5.250 5.625 6.187 7.062 8.000 8.875 9.312 9.810 10.312 11.500 11.875 13.770 14.460
D 3.593 3.937 4.312 4.937 5.410 5.687 6.312 7.125 8.125 9.000 9.438 9.937 10.437 11.562 12.000 13.900 14.570
E 3.484 3.812 4.250 4.812 5.250 5.625 6.187 7.062 8.000 8.875 9.312 9.804 10.312 11.500 11.875 13.775 14.462
F 3.594 3.937 4.312 4.937 5.410 5.687 6.312 7.125 8.129 9.000 9.437 9.937 10.437 11.562 12.000 13.900 14.570
G 1.345 2.000
H 2.500 2.625 2.875 3.750 4.375 6.248 7.375 8.250 9.625 12.000
J 2.625 2.750 3.000 3.937 4.625 6.375 7.500 8.375 9.750 12.250
K 0.59 0.47 0.760 1.270 1.230 1.531 1.300 1.250 1.375
L 3.630 3.310 4.125 4.656 4.375 4.656 4.625 4.687 4.720
M 9.190 9.280 10.093 10.625 10.670
N 12.590 13.660 16.187 16.343 16.250 16.937 17.280
P 17.340 17.470 17.153 17.590 18.535 21.466 21.191 21.062 21.218 21.125 21.812 22.155
P♦ 19.562 19.644 19.546 21.422 21.406 21.296 22.350 22.860 22.850 22.875
♦ Overall Length with Cement Retainer Guide Non-Threaded. (Not Shown)

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