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March 2017 Science

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1.1 State the following prefix multipliers

a) 10-9 [1]
b) 109 [1]
c) 102 [1]
d) 10-6 [1]
e) 10-3 [1]

1.2 A cubical tank with side length 400 mm is filled with oil of relative density of 0.75. Calculate
the mass of oil. [5]

1.3 A mild steel bar of 40 mm in diameter has its temperature raised from 20 0C – 220 0C.
Calculate the change in diameter if coefficient of linear expansion of mild steel is given as to be
12 x 10-6/0C. [5]

1.4 a) State Newton’s three (3) laws of motion. [3]

b) Write down the formulas for Potential energy and Kinetic energy [2]

1.5 A motorbike accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 15 km/hr in 10 seconds.

Find the: a) Acceleration [3]

b) Distance covered [2]

1.6 Convert:

a) i) 730 rev/ min to rad/ sec [2]

ii) 150 mm2 to m2 [1]

iii) 5.2 litres to m3 [1]

b) State the law of conservation of energy. [1]

[MARCH 2017] Page 1
1.7 Find the heat required to raise the temperature of 15 litres of water from 10 0C to 80 0C,
given that the specific heat capacity of water is 4 200 J/ kg k. [5]

1.8 State any three (3) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of friction in the engineering field.



A uniform beam 4 m long is simply supported at two points A and B, point A being 0.5 m from
the left hand end and point B being 1.5 m from the right hand end. The beam carries point loads
of 600 N at the left hand end, 800 N at its centre and 400 N at the right hand end.
a) Determine the magnitude of support reactions at A and B. [8]
a. At what point should 800 N be placed to make the support reactions equal [7]

a) A simple machine has a velocity ratio of 24. On tests it is found than an effort of 80 N will
lift a load of 1200N while an effort of 120 N lifts 2 000N. Determine the law of the
machine. [6]
b) In a worm and worm-wheel lifting gear, the wheel has 30 teeth and the worm has two
starts. The load wheel is 36 cm in diameter and the effort is applied to the worm shaft at
the end of a lever 42 cm long. An effort of 100 N is needed to raise a load of 204 kg.
Calculate the efficiency of the machine. [9]


a) Define

i) Ultimate tensile strength [2]

ii) Maximum allowable stress [2]

b) Calculate the greatest thickness which can be punched in a mild steel plate if the punch
diameter is 50 mm, the greatest allowable compression stress in the steel punch is 620 N/mm 2
and the ultimate strength in shear of mild steel is 520 N/mm2 [11]

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a) A steel bar 600 mm in diameter and 1 050 mm in length was heated from 20 0C to 800 0C.
Calculate the increase in diameter and length. Take coefficient of linear expansion of steel as
0.000 012/ 0C. [9]

b) A small component having a mass of 2 kg is quenched in water from a temperature of 870 0C.
The temperature of water was 15 0C and its mass was 100 kg. Find the final temperature of
water and the component. Take specific heat capacity for steel as 460 j/ kg 0C and for water as
4187 j/ kg 0C [6]


a) A stone is throne vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 14 m/s. neglecting air
resistance find:

i) The maximum height the stone will reach. [3]

ii) The time taken before the stone reaches the ground [4]

b) A drum of goods hoist is 250 mm in diameter. When raising a load vertically, the drum is
accelerated uniformly from rest to a maximum speed of 84 rev/ min in 4 seconds. Calculate:

i) The maximum angular velocity in rad/ sec [2]

ii) The maximum linear velocity of the load [2]

iii) The angular acceleration in rad/s2 [2]

iv) The linear acceleration of the load. [2]


a) State any three (3) laws of friction [3]

b) A body of 4 kg rests on an inclined plane and it is found that in order to move the body up the
incline, a force of 15 N acting parallel to the plane is required. To move the body down the plane,
a force of 5 N acting parallel to the plane is required. Calculate the inclination of the plane. [12]

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