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New Business: I. Starting Up

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I. Starting up:
A. What conditions are important for people starting new businesses?
Những điều kiện nào là quan trọng đối với những người bắt đầu kinh doanh mới?
Choose the four most important from this list. Can you think of any others?
- low taxes : - thuế thấp
- good transport links
- skilled staff : - đội ngũ nhân viên có tay nghề cao
- training courses
- low interest rates : - lãi suất thấp
- high unemployment
- cheap rents
- a strong currency : - một loại tiền tệ mạnh
- stable economy :
- government grants : - trợ cấp của chính phủ
B. Many economies contain a mix of public- and private-sector businesses.
- (B. Nhiều nền kinh tế có sự kết hợp giữa các doanh nghiệp khu vực công và
khu vực tư nhân.)Think of companies you know in the areas below.( Hãy
nghĩ về các công ty bạn biết trong các lĩnh vực dưới đây.) Which are
public-sector companies and which are private-sector companies?
- post office : - Bưu điện
- rail
- TV / newspaper
- water
- cars
- telecoms : viễn thông
- airlines : các hãng hàng không
- energy
II. Vocabulary: Economic terms
A. Match the economic terms (1-10) ot their definitions (định nghĩa )(a –j)
1. interest rate (C) a) total value of goods and services produced in a
2. exchange rate ((tỷ giá )(b) general increase in prices (tăng giá chung)
3. inflation rate(tỷ lệ lạm phát) (B) c) cost of borrowing money(chi phí vay
4. labour force(lực lượng lao động) (F) d) price at which one currency can
buy another
5. tax incentives(ưu đãi thuế) (G) e) percentage of people without jobs(tỷ lệ
người không có việc làm)
6. government bureaucracy(bộ máy quan liêu của chính phủ) (I) f) people
7. GDP ( gross domestic product)(Tổng sản phẩm quốc nội) (A) g) low
taxes to encourage(khuyến khích) business activity (thuế thấp để khuyến
khích hoạt động kinh doanh)
8. unemployment rate (E) h) money from overseas
9. foreign investment(đầu tư nước ngoài) (H) i) official rules(quy tắc chính
thức) / regulations / paperwork
10. balance of trade (J) j) difference in value between a country‟s imports
and exports
B. Try to complete this economic profile without looking back at the terms
in Exercise A.
The economy is stable following the problems of the past two years. By
following a tight
monetary policy the interest rate to 2%. After
gorvernment has reduced the going up
dramatically, the inflation rate is
now down to 8%. The last six
month has seen a slight
against the dollar. The
improvement in the exchange rate GDP has grown to
Exports are increasing and the is starting to look much
balance of trade healthier.
continues to be a
The unployment rate problem as it is still
16%. In order to
stimulate the economy and foreign_investment the
attracts government is offering new
Tax incentives as well as making a renewed effort to reduce _ government bureaucracy.
10. balance of trade (J) j) difference in value between a country‟s imports and
1. tight monetary

2. dramatically
3. alight improvement
4. stimulate
5. attracts
6. attractive investment opportunities
 a young entrepreneur
 elements
 the advantages
 disadvantages
 the correct
 fully satisfied
 the original packaging
 refund
 despatched
 purchased
 storage
 warehouse
 generally
 bargain
 credit-card
 cooling off
 money back
 method of
 interest-free
 out of
 period
 payment
 stock
 details
 guarantee
 credit
 expiry

1. Compromise (c) a. a description of a possible event in the future.

2. Concession (j) b. a useful piece of information or advice.
c. an agreement that settles an argument
3. counter-
when people reduce
proposal (f)
their demands in order to agree.
4. deal point (e) d. an exchange involving giving up one thing to get something else
5. to leave
e. an individual item or element
in a negotiation.
hanging (h)
6. parameters (g) f. an offer responding to somebody else‟s offer
g. fixed limits within which something can or
7. scenario
must happen or be
(a) done

8. to set h. to delay making (or to forget to

something aside make) a decision about
(i) something
9. tip (b) i. to temporarily ignore or not think about a particular fact
j. something which is accepted or given up
10. trade-off
by one side in order
to end a disagreement.


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