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Activity: The Global Picture Song Composition

Direction: Identify the attributes of the global cities; Make a song wherein the lyrics will be part of the
attributes of the following cities indicated below:

 Hongkong
 Paris
 Singapore
 Tokyo

Hong Kong is where opportunity, creativity and entrepreneurship converge.

It is where the lines between failure and success diverge
It is a dynamic physical and cultural hub with world-class infrastructure,
It is a rich not just in economy but also in culture

In imagination and in fact, Paris is a quintessential global city.

It should not just be known for love but also to its booming economy
It has been one of the world’s most visited places for centuries,
Also a location for tourism, business services, and global niches in creative industries.

On Singapore's qualification as a global city, it has a diverse demographic.

With foreigners making up a third of its total workforce, it truly is not just purely aesthetic
as a wealthy city, Singapore plays a key role in the international financial sector.
It was chosen as the first offshore yuan hub outside China in $28 billion in yuan deposits to in store.

Tokyo remains a vibrant metropolis, a cultural hub in East Asia for art, technology, cuisine and fashion
City residents have comparatively very high levels of education
Over 11% of the city’s population is employed in the creative industries occupation.
Tokyo has redoubled its economic stimulus and is ready to show itself for the new millennium.


1. How did you find the activity?

 I find the activity rather challenging given the fact that I’m not fond and have never been
involved in any song writing activity but I still enjoyed it.

2. Do you have any idea about the places that part of Global City?

 Yes, because of globalization, social media, and internet news and information are now easily
accessible with a touch of a finger.

3. Can you give at least 2 characteristics of the Global City?

 Headquarters of several multinational corporations.

 The existence of financial headquarters, a stock exchange, and major financial institutions.

First tier Second tier Third tier

London Frankfruit Bangkok
Tokyo Paris Mexico city
New york Sao Paulo Madrid
Los Angeles Miami
Singapore Sydney
Zurich Seoul

I – Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer. Circle your answer.

1. It is also called world city or sometimes alpha city or world center, is a city which is primary node in
the global economic network.

a. Cosmopolitan b. City c. Global City d. Metropolitan

2. These are the characteristics of Global City except;

a. Headquarters of several multinational corporations.

b. Domination of the trade and economy of a large surrounding area.

c. Major manufacturing centers with port and container facilities.

d. Growing disconnection between city and its region.

3. It is detected on the surface as cosmopolitan feel.

a. cultural diversity b. cultural variety c. cultural variability d. cultural change

4. It is a phenomenon mostly associated with the global city.

a. Cosmopolitan b. City c. Global City d. Metropolitan

5. ―Truly Global Cities‖ As the most powerful global financial articulations.

a. First Tier Cities b. second Tier Cities c. Third Tier Cities d. Fourth Tier Cities

II. True or False.

TRUE 1. Global Cities provide spaces for industries that produce commodities and firms that provide
services such as accounting, banking, information processing, etc.
TRUE 2. Global Cities offer convenience through proximity and just-in-time production of products and

TRUE 3. The increase in global cities is linked to the globalization of economics and the centralization of
mass production within urban centers.

FALSE 4. Metropolitan is a phenomenon mostly associated with the global city.

FALSE 5. Cultural Diversity is detected on the surface as „cosmopolitan fee.



Words to know

Direction: Define the following terms according to your own understanding.

1. Demography – It is the study of human population statistics. Demography is most often used to
research dynamic (ever-changing) populations. It includes the analysis of these populations'
size, composition, and distribution, as well as shifts in these populations as a product of births,
deaths, migration, and emigration.

2. Mortality - The number of deaths in a population at a specific time or place.

3. Natality – birth rate or a crude birth rate or specific birth rate.

4. Population – It is the total number of people who live in the same region. The population of a city is
the number of people who live there. Residents or inhabitants are the terms used to describe these
people. The population is made up of everyone who lives in that particular location.

5. Global Demography- It is the study of human population statistics in the world. It includes the
analysis of the world populations' size, composition, and distribution, as well as shifts in these
populations as a product of births, deaths, migration, and emigration.

Answer the following questions. Answer thoroughly.

1. What does the audio-visual material tell us?

 The audio-visual material tell us about the demographic transition model and population growth
& decline. It is the animation and discussion on the comparison of the differing countries with
respect to average income, concern economic development, birth rate and the mortality rate.

2. What do you think is the relevance of the video?

 The relevance of this video is that I helps us undertand more about demography and the factors
affecting the development of countries. It is very in tuned with our current topic and helps me to
better understand about the subject matter.

3. What are the stages in demographic transition model? Kindly explain each stage in your own
understanding about the video.

1. Phase 1: Both the birth and death rates would be very high if a country is extremely poor and
underdeveloped. This is due to the fact that health care is still in its infancy.
2. Phase 2: As a nation develops, the efficiency of the health-care system improves. People are
getting vaccinated, and there are more physicians and hospitals available. The mortality rate is
reduced as a result of this. There is a large natural population increase since the birth rate is still
3. Phase 3: The death rate is already low, but the birth rate is also declining. Since there is still a
significant difference between the birth and death rates, the population continues to grow, but
at a slower pace.
4. Phase 4: The birth and mortality rates are both small. Natural population growth has returned
to a low level, resulting in a population that is barely increasing.
5. Phase 5: The death rate rises and eventually surpasses the birth rate. This occurs as the
population ages, resulting in an increase in the number of deaths.

4. In five stages of demographic transition model, what stage struck you the most and why?

 For me, the most shocking stage was stage 5. I really didn’t thought that it is possible to have
the mortality rate be larger than the natality rate at this time. In addition to that I didn’t know
that Germany is an aging country.

5. In your own idea, how does demographic transition affect global population?

 Demographic transition may result in a population that is slower to grow and is older. Around
the world, this change is likely to place downward pressure on the potential demand growth
rate, the natural rate of unemployment, and the long-term equilibrium interest rate.
Application and Assessment

Watch this documentary video about DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about
population. Link:

In a separate sheet of paper, make a reflection at least 300 words about the documentary video.
Determine what you have learned ( the knowledge that serve as your foundation to stand and keep);
the things you have realized and appreciated (attitude towards learning) and the things you
discovered (skills that you will cherish in life).

“We live in a world of relentless change. Huge migrations of people to new mega-cities filling soaring
skyscrapers and vast slums, ravenous appetites for fuel and food, unpredictable climate change… and all
this in a world where the population is still growing. Should we be worried, should we be scared, and
how to make sense of it all?”

Hans Rosling begins the documentary with these exact terms, preparing the audience for an
unforgettable journey. Important data on population growth, income distribution, family size, and future
predictions are addressed in a substantive and engaging way over the last 59 minutes.

As I watched the film, I realized that it makes a significant contribution to the creation of a more
important "macro" perspective on the world that affects consumers.

In this video, I understand how, as the world's health results equalize, population growth will eventually
reach a cap of about 11 billion people over the next hundred years. A ratio of two parents to two
children is common in developed countries, and developing countries are getting closer as their
childhood health outcomes improve.

As addressed by Hans Rosling.When billions of people are lifted out of poverty by changes in health,
education, and infrastructure, as is currently happening and expected to continue, their energy
consumption rises dramatically. Consider the stratas we discussed earlier: From motorcycles and
automobiles to planes and private jets. As hundreds of millions of people want to change their living
conditions and now have the means to do so, human power is being replaced by machine power, which
consumes a lot of energy. This assertion leads me to believe that as the world becomes more globalized
and the population grows, new technological innovations can flourish. Things we do in our everyday
lives would be different. Because of the emergence of a more globalized world, the life we imagined will
vanish. All of these variables have a significant effect on the environment, creating opportunities and
also posing severe global challenges.

Many of the solutions can and should come from the people themselves, with an emphasis on global
problems form health to nutrition and spiritual serenity that affect millions, if not billions, of people.

Direction: In a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions. Answer briefly.

1. Does Philippines undergone demographic transition model? Why or Why not?

 Yes, because through the years the Philippines have long developed from once a tribal
community when the Spaniards arrived to the developing country we are today. in addition to
that, I think all of the countries have or should have undergone demographic change.

2. How does demographic transition affect global population?

 Around the world, this change is likely to place downward pressure on the potential demand
growth rate, the natural rate of unemployment, and the long-term equilibrium interest rate.

3. What is the implication of world population growth this year/current year and years to come/future?
Is there an effect of this to our economy and to our situation right now that we are in a middle of
pandemic? Why?

 World population growth really has an impact on the current and future years. It may not be as
obvious but it will be visible as the effect becomes more felt by the countries around the world.
Yes, because of this pandemic the economy has totally stopped if not receded. The pandemic
will totally increase the world population due to couples having more time together at their
homes. Also, the already high 7 billion population was a factor on why the covid virus easily
spread throughout the world because of higher density of people in a given are.

4. The Philippines belongs to top 13 of the top 20 countries with the largest population. What can say
about this? Is there an effect to our economy? Cite some examples about this matter.

 All I can say is that we Filipinos are hardworking, even after a day of hard labor, Filipinos still find
strength to do manual work with their spouses. The sudden growth of the Philippines is due to
the years of no progress in the economy if not a decline in the economic growth. Poverty is one
of the main reasons on why we have such a large population. Another factor is lack of education
and our religious belief is one of them. The catholic church prohibits contraceptives, which is
pretty much a solution to our ever increasing population.

5. Differentiate global demography to global population?

 Global demography is the study of human population statistics in the world. It includes the
analysis of the world populations' size, composition, and distribution, as well as shifts in
these populations as a product of births, deaths, migration, and emigration. While global
population is the total inhabitants of the globe or earth.
Lesson 11:

ACTIVITY 1: Picture Splash

Direction: What are the key ideas you can see in the photos?

 Migration
 Global migration
 Population displacement


1. What are these people doing in the picture?

 The picture shows that the people are moving from one place to another. With this fact, I
have inferred that the collection of images depicts about migration.

2. Why do you think people move from one place to another?

 There are a lot of reason why people move or migrate. One of these reasons may be to find a
better job, to find refuge because of dispute or war, to attain better quality education, or for
some just for the ease of life in that particular country.

3. Is it beneficial to a receiving country to accommodate migrants? Justify your answer.

 Yes it can be beneficial because these migrants can become an increase in labor force and they
could open new companies which they left from their former country. On the other hand,
refugees can sometimes become a problem specially if they were not to be registered after



1. Find a former or current OFW to be interviewed.

2. His/her name may not be revealed to ensure s/he is protected.

3. Please do the following during the interview

A. Introduce yourself and state the purpose for an interview.

B. Assure your interviewee that you follow confidentiality.

C. You may use the following guide questions during the interview;

1. How long have you stayed abroad?

 10
2. What are her/his purposes of going abroad?
 To sustain her family and give a better future for her children
3. Do you have an unforgettable experience abroad? Please describe it.
 Her first time to set foot in a foreign country
4. What is your work abroad?
 Floor manager
5. What is your worst experience abroad?
 Being discriminated as a filipina
6. How will you compare our country with the country you have been to?
 Germany was a very clean and beautiful place, it has lots of nice people and sometimes mean
ones. All in all I can’t replace Cantilan because it is where my heart belongs

4. Write a narrative report of that interview.

Before I started the interview, I prepared my self and practiced a few time in reading the
questions so that it wouldn’t sound offensive to her. Next is I called her and introduced myself then talk
a little bit for an ice breaker to loosen up the tension between us. After that I started to ask her
questions in which she gladly and happily answered. My first question was how long did she stayed
abroad and she replied that “ di man ako kun didto ra sige, muuli man ako kada duha ka tuig pero kun
sumahon tanan, 10 ako ka tuig nag trabaho sa Germany” which translates to “I didn’t stay mostly in
Germany because I always get to return home every two years, but to sum up all the years I’ve work
their it would be 10 years”. She answered the question politely and happily which made me also feel
comfortable. Next question was what was her purpose of going abroad and she answered joyously “ nag
abroad ako para maka sustenar ako sa kinahaglan nan ako pamilya sanan para mahatagan ko nan
marajaw na kaugmaon ako mga bata” which translates to “ I went abroad to sustain my family’s needs
and to provide a better future for my children. Third question I ask which made her pause a little bit and
smiled was her unforgettable experience abroad which she answered “ an pinaka dile nak makalimtan
kay adto pinaka una nak pag tung tung sa Germany, tag tagawan ak gjud adto na panahon kay kagan
baja nalugar” which translates to “ the most unforgettable moment was when I first set foot on
Germany, I felt new to the surroundings and appreciated its beauty. Fourth question I asked was what
was her job in Germany and she replied hastily, “ an ako trabaho kay isa ka floor manager sa isa ka
companya na mag himoay nan sigarilyo” which translates to “ my work their was a floor manager for a
cigarette making company”. Fifth question I ask was more personal and I was almost afraid to ask it but I
still did in a polite manner about what was her worst experience in Germany which she answered “ an
ako pinaka lainan kay halos mga german kay man discriminate kun isa kaw ka asiano isan na an mga baji
hampan langon kaw sahay na ajar a man hanap nan yaki na german na puydi banahon sanan
pangwartahan” which translates to “ the worst experience I have is that germans or german women
discriminate Asians in particular because they think that we all just want to find a German man and get
all his money”. That statement made me feel emotional and I can feel her pain through her voice as she
was speaking. Lastly I ask her the final question which was How will you compare our country with the
country you have been to which she answered happily and sincerely “ gana man ngadto sa Germany kay
mahinlo sanan hamok lugar na gana nim kasurujan hampan dabo mga boutan pero jay gihap mga
tampayasan pero di ko gyap ikabaylo an Cantilan kay jadto man didto an ako kasing kasing sanan
pamilya” which translates to “ Germany is a beautiful and clean place and it has lots of nice people and
sometimes mean ones. All in all I can’t replace Cantilan because it is where my heart and family belongs.


A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. If Anny moves from Philippines to USA, this is considered what type of migration?

a. Internal migration c. Illegal immigration

b. International migration d. global migration

2. These are the factors that drive people away from a place and drew people to a new location.

a. Push factor c. pull factor

b. Drive factor d. immigration factor

3. The following are pull factors except;

a. Better work condition c. good compensation

b. Good standard of living d. political crises

4. Global migration is ― siphoning ...qualified personnel, (and) removing dynamic young workers. This
process had been referred to as?

a. Overpopulation c. underemployment

b. Brain drain d. globalization

5. This refers to those people who are ―unwilling to return home because of a well-founded fear of

prosecution on race, religion, or nationality.

a. Refugee c. illegal immigrants

b. Immigrant d. internal migrant

B. Enumeration. Give what is asked.

1-4 Give the 4 reasons why people migrate and give a 1 sentence definition using your own words.
 Better working conditions- people migrate because they want to have better salary and much
more productive jobs to feed their family
 High standard of living – people want to go away or run away from the hazards in their previous
country and political crisis and war.

 Minimum wages- every country, depending on the economic status, have differing minimum
wage. For example the minimum wage in Philippines is P7,385 per month while in the US it is
7.25 dollars per hour or a total of around 60,00 pesos per month
 Better education- not all countries of the same standard of education. Students and other
professionals want to attain their degree at well-known institutions like Harvard.

5-10 List at least 5 push factors in migration and give a 1 sentence definition using your own words.

 Unemployment- the lack of employment is one of the main reason why people want to migrate.
It just happens that other countries have better jobs and better salary
 Social unrest- Social unrest may drive people to migrate due to the fear of being caught in the
middle of the crisis
 Political crisis – a coup d’état is a form of political crisis an can drive people away due to the
uncertainty of what will happen and the fear of being killed by the opposing regime.
 Poor living condition – poor living conditions such as the over populated and polluted streets in
india may want you to think twice about staying. Like why would you stay if there are much
fresher air to breath in other countries
 Lack of employment facilities – it is a push factor because even though you have a proper
degree such as in rocket science but your country doesn’t have an opportunity for to work in or
it may be currently occupied, your only choice is to migrate to better pastures.

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