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Editable Descriptive and Narrative Writing Mark Scheme

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Descriptive and Narrative Writing - Mark Scheme

(Insert your
system here)
1 2 3 4
Narrative/ I can sometimes I can include I can include I can use
Descriptive include ideas that some interesting, appropriate ideas. appropriate ideas.
Writing are interesting exciting ideas.
I can attempt I can develop ideas
and exciting.
I can share to create in places.
I can share mostly appropriate ideas. some interest.
I can mostly use a
appropriate ideas.
I can write with an I can make some single viewpoint.
I can sometimes occasional sense attempt to use a
I can create a
write with of character. clear viewpoint
sustained sense of
occasional sense in places.
I can structure my suitable character.
of character.
writing with an I can create
I can shape
I can sometimes opening some sense of
and develop
structure my and closing. character.
my writing.
writing with
I can shape and
an opening
develop my
and closing.
writing at times.
Spelling, I can understand I can use mostly I can use some I can use a variety
Punctuation with support simple sentences, variety of of sentence types
and where full stops using ‘and’, sentence types in and a wider range
Grammar should be placed ‘but’, ‘so’. my work. of connectives and
and attempt to sentence openers.
I can use full stops I can use some
use them in my
and capital letters linking phrases I can use basic
correctly in many such as ‘as’, ‘if’, punctuation accurately
I can use capital places, speech ‘because’, etc. and my comma use is
letters for some marks correctly accurate in
Tense is
proper nouns. in places and most cases.
generally correct.
I can share brief commas correctly
I can use paragraphs
in some places. I can use full stops
ideas in my work. clearly and use
and question
I can suggest I can attempt to connectives to link
marks accurately,
some word use paragraphs in ideas in and between
speech marks
choices and use my work. paragraphs.
accurately in
words if prompted I can use most places and I can choose
using a word vocabulary commas correctly vocabulary that is
bank. with one or two in places e.g. lists. reasonably wide for
I can spell some selected for effect. effect in
I can begin to
words, often many cases.
I can correctly use paragraphs
phonetically. spell some well- to organise my My spelling is mostly
known words. work with simple correct with some
links e.g. firstly, understandable
secondly. mistakes.

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