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Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Score Clearly Expresses Written Ideas

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Grading Rubric for Writing/Spelling – 1st Grade

Assignment: ____________________________________________________________Date:_________________________________

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Sentence(s) are not Can understand very Can understand Can understand Ideas are clear and
Clearly expresses decipherable. few words in the some words in the most words in the completely
sentence(s). sentence(s). sentence(s). decipherable.
written ideas

Writes random Writes phrases or Writes run-on Writes complete, Writes complete
Writes in words/letters. incomplete sentences or begins simple sentences. sentences with
sentences. with And/But often. subject, verb and a
complete detail or adjective.
No capitals or all Random use of Writes one sentence Consistently begins Uses capital letters
Capitalization capitals. capital & lower case beginning with a sentences with correctly throughout
letters capital letter. capital letters. text including proper
No punctuation. Uses at least one Uses one Uses one Uses various
Punctuation punctuation mark. punctuation mark punctuation mark punctuation marks
correctly. correctly multiple correctly.
Not legible. Poor letter Fair letter formation Good letter Excellent letter
Neatness formation and and spacing. formation and formation and
spacing. spacing. spacing.

May use drawing Attempts to use Some success in using Consistently uses correct Most words are
consonants to represent beginning, middle &
Spelling to represent letters in writing. beginning, middle & ending sounds to create conventionally
ending sounds of words. words throughout text.
application words/story. Inconsistent.

Follows Does not follow Follows at least Begins to follow Follows more than one Consistently
guidelines, but guideline throughout
assignment any guidelines one guideline inconsistent text follows ALL
guidelines throughout text guidelines
throughout text

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