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Ipa Rubrics

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The document provides an assessment rubric to evaluate language proficiency across several categories: how language is used, how well the person is understood, how well they understand others, and how well their conversations flow.

The different levels of language proficiency being assessed are: Novice Mid, Novice High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate Mid, and Intermediate High.

Language proficiency is measured across the categories and a total score out of 100 is calculated. Scores are then graded on a scale where: 0-59=F, 60-69=D, 70-79=C, 80-89=B, 90-100=A. Extra points can be awarded.

Total score ________/100


Novice Mid (72+) Novice High (83+) Intermediate Low (90+) Intermediate Mid (95+) Intermediate High (98+)

❏ I can understand words, ❏ I can understand the main ❏ I can understand the ❏ I can understand the ❏ I can fully understand with
phrases and an occasional idea in short passages on main idea and some main ideas and ease main ideas and
short simple sentence to very familiar topics but supporting facts in supporting facts in short supporting facts in short
provide basic information. rarely the supporting short texts on very passages on familiar passages, simple narratives
❏ I may need to read or facts. familiar topics. topics. and descriptive passages on
listen to something more ❏ I can understand ❏ I rely on visual cues, ❏ Context clues or prior familiar topics.
than once to understand information from context cues, and prior knowledge may help me ❏ I can understand some more
the message. advertisements, knowledge to understand what I read. complex passages on less
❏ I need visual cues such as brochures, lists, menus, understand what I ❏ I may need to read/her familiar topics.
pictures, my own schedules, or other highly read. complex passages more ❏ I may need to read/hear
knowledge of a topic, predictable texts. ❏ My errors in grammar, than once. complex passages more than
familiarity with parts of ❏ I need visual cues such as word order, and word ❏ My errors in grammar, once.
words or words that are pictures, my own choice sometimes word order, and word ❏ Your knowledge of the
similar to English in order knowledge of a topic, prevent choice do not prevent language, your ability to tell
to understand what I read. familiarity with parts of communication. communication the difference between a main
❏ My errors in grammar, words or words that are idea and details, and your
word order, and word similar to English in order ability to use context clues and
choice prevent to understand what I inferencing may help you
communication. read. understand what you
❏ My errors in grammar, read/hear.
word order, and word ❏ I don’t make any errors in
choice often prevent grammar, word order or word
communication. choice that prevent

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Total Score _________/100
Novice Mid (72+) Novice High (83+) Intermediate Low (90+) Intermediate Mid (95+) Intermediate High (98+)

How do I use I can use phrases and short I can combine words and I consistently use simple I consistently use simple I communicate by understanding
language? simple sentences to provide phrases to create original sentences to express my sentences & some strings of and creating personal meaning, in
basic information. sentences and sometimes thoughts. sentences to express myself. present multiple tenses
use strings of sentences.
I can ask most formulaic I can combine words and I can ask and answer a variety I can ask and answer a variety of
questions I can ask formulaic phrases to create original of questions. questions.
questions. sentences. I can begin to
create my own questions. I can maintain a conversation I can begin, maintain and end a
to satisfy basic needs conversation to satisfy basic needs.

How well am I People who know I am a People who know I am a Native speakers who do not Native speakers who do not Native speakers who do not
understood? language learner can language learner can necessarily know I am a necessarily know I am a necessarily know I am a language
sometimes understand me. usually understand me. language learner can language learner can usually learner can understand me.
sometimes understand me. understand me.

How well do I I can often understand I begin to understand I can understand simple I can understand with I can understand questions and
understand? simple questions and simple questions and questions and statements confidence most questions and statements on familiar topics.
statements, but I statements with with confidence, but I statements, but I sometimes
sometimes need to hear confidence, but I sometimes need to hear need to hear things again.
things again. sometimes need to hear things again.
things again.

How well do my I can ask to clarify meaning I may attempt to I can inconsistently I can often paraphrase, ask I can paraphrase, ask questions,
conversations flow? by using facial expressions paraphrase, ask questions, paraphrase, ask questions, questions, circumlocute begin to circumlocute and
and gestures. begin to circumlocute and begin to circumlocute and and/or sometimes self-correct sometime self-correct to avoid
sometimes self-correct to sometimes self-correct to to avoid breakdown of breakdown of communication.
I can repeat words to avoid breakdown of avoid breakdown of communication.
clarify. communication. communication.

Grading scale (Extra points can be rewarded)
Novice mid: 72+
Novice high: 83+
Intermediate low: 90+
Intermediate mid: 95+
Intermediate high: 98+

*Scores from each category are averaged to calculate total score out of 100


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