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SUMMATIVE TEST IN Eapp For Signature Tomam Din

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The following are the things to consider in constructing

BOLO NORTE HIGH SCHOOL a graphic organizer except….
Bolo Norte, Sipocot, Camarines Sur
a. the right information b. the right size
EAPP c. the right shapes and colors d. the time
(For Q1: Module 8,9,10) 4. Which academic text provides an overview of a
Name: a. Research Paper b. Concept Paper
Grade & Section: c. Position Paper d. Reaction Paper

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Encircle the letter of the correct 5. Which is not a function of a concept paper?
a. It serves as a foundation of the full proposal
1. b. It gives the opinion of the writer about a certain
Sonnet and Elegy are both lyric poems. concept
They both express deep emotions and are c. It helps determine whether a certain project is
intended to be sung. Yet the former is known for feasible or not
its fixed meter following iambic pentameter lines. d. It is used to pique the interest of potential funding
On the other hand, the latter is known for working agencies.
on the themes of grief and lamentation for lost or
deceased loved ones.
6. What is the method of identifying a given term and
making its meaning clearer?
You were tasked to transcode the information in
the paragraph above. Which of the following graphic
a. Definition b. Explication
organizers can be used to indicate comparison and
c. Clarification d. Enumeration
contrast between sonnet and elegy?
7. What is a method of explanation in which the points
are organized from general abstract ideas to specific
and concrete examples?
a. Definition b. Explication
c. Clarification d. Enumeration

a. a concept map b. a table 8.What is a method of explanation in which sentences,

verses, quotes or passages are taken from a literary or
academic work and then interpreted and explained in a
detailed way?
a. Definition b. Explication
c. Clarification d. Enumeration

c. a bar graph d. a Venn diagram A family is socially defined as a set of
relationships between at least two people who are
2. related by birth, marriage or adoption. We can think
There are many reasons why aggressive of a family as including several possible
driving should be avoided. First, 100 % of relationships, the most common between husbands
aggressive driving cases cause crashes. Second, it and wife, between parents and children, and
increases the percentage of road injuries. And between people who are related to each other by
finally, “overtaking on the left appears to be the birth or by marriage. Family relationships are often
most contributing factor in traffic fatalities as it defined by custom, such as the relationship
relates to aggressive driving. between an infant and godparents, or by law, such
as the adoption of a child.
(From:Scarry and Scarry, 2011)
Which graphic organizers can graphically represent the
information above? How is the concept of family elucidated in the paragraph
a. concept map b. table
b. bar graph d. venn diagram a. by definition b. by explication
c. by clarification d. by persuasion
10. In which part of the concept paper can you find these? Description
Needs and Cost
Research title
Name and School
Date of Publication III. AGREE OR DISAGREE: Write the word AGREE
before each item if the statement is correct and
a. Title Page b. Cover Page DISAGREE if it is not.
c. Introduction d. Background of the study
16. Before starting to write a concept
II. IDENTIFICATION. paper, one must learn first the different means of
elucidating a concept.
Part A. In which part of the concept paper can you find
the following entries? Choose from the pool of words 17. It is reasonable to add so many
below. Write your answer on the space provided before photos in presenting a graphical presentation of reports.
each item.
18. The concept below is an example of
Introduction Timeline Rationale/Background
“A mirror is a tool which reflects our physical being.”
Project Needs and Cost Project Description
19. The basic and simplest way of
elucidating a concept is through definition.
Abridged Methodology
20. The principal purpose of chartsis to
show ranks, levels, classifications, and orders
Name of the funding agency
Mission of the funding agency Prepared by:
Other partner agencies
Reason for funding your project
12. Subject Teacher

Gap in knowledge to be address by the project

Problems to be solved Noted:
Project’s significance

Context and participant of the study Secondary School Principal I
Instruments to be used
Data collection procedure
Data analysis scheme


Background of the Study
Preliminary Literature Review
Statement of the Problem
Abridged Methodology

Part B. What type of concept paper has the following



Cover Page
Rationale or Background
8. Fallacies do not actually invalidate an
9. In terms of authenticity of information,
those evidences taken from older publications may no
BOLO NORTE HIGH SCHOOL longer be valid.
Bolo Norte, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 10. All published online articles are
considered always valid.
2 SUMMATIVE TEST (SECOND QUARTER) III. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what type of fallacy is used
(For Q2: Module 1&2) in each of the following statements. Write your answer on
the space provided before each item.
Grade & Section: Hasty generalization False Dilemma Slippery
I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Encircle the letter of the correct False Analogy Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Pity
1. An argument can also be called a .
a. an opinion b. a claim
c. topic c. an issue 11. Either we go to war, or we appear
2. ________is the proof from credible sources used to 12. “But, you have to let me go to the party!
support the writer's claims.  If I don’t go to the party, I’ll be a loser with no friends. Next
a. Claim b. Argument thing you know I’ll end up alone and jobless living in your
c. Counter-claim d. Evidence basement when I’m 30!”
13. “People nowadays only vote with their
3. Identify which sentence contains the claim in the emotions instead of their brains.”
following paragraph.  14. “One day robots will enslave us all. It’s
true. My computer science teacher says so.”
At first, in junior high everything feels difficult. 2However, 15. Professor, have some pity, my
once students have the time to adjust to the new routine, grandmother’s last wish was that I’d get an A in this class.”
they begin to look forward to senior high. 3Though junior
high prepares students for high school, the change from IV. FILL IN THE GAP. Fill in the blanks with the most
9th to 10th grade can be a challenge. 4High school is appropriate word/phrase to complete each statement
more difficult than junior high because there are more below.
people, the teachers are stricter, and the work is much
harder.  1. As much as possible, the date of publication of the
source of information should be at most years
a. Sentence 2 b. Sentence 3 earlier.
c. Sentence 4 d. none of these 2. Logical fallacies reasoning.
3. is a document publicly declaring the position
4.Which among the following statements is not true about of a group or program of its user.
manifestoes? 4. A statement can only be considered an argument if it
presents .
a. It is usually written to convince the public using a well- 5. Appeal to pity occurs when the element of
stated argument. is used instead of logical reasoning.
b. It is logical.
c. It simply states the writer’s opinion.
d. It often educates the public. Prepared by:

5. To what category does a manifesto belong if it portrays

a new world, trying to present a vision for the future? MELISA MARIE N. CLORES
a. list b. rules Subject Teacher
c. goal d. world

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct Noted:

and F if it is not.
6. A strong argument should provide a
clear route to connect its claims and evidence
7. In a “world” manifesto, a declaration is GERALDINE B. ABERGOS Ed.D.
done by an authority or authorized group to do the Secondary School Principal I

 Write a brief yet concise (approximately at least 150 words but not exceeding 300 words) position paper effectively articulating
your stand on the proposed limited face to face class exclusive for senior high school students of DepEd.
 Support your stand with evidences.
Paper Type: Short-sized bond paper
Font: Cursive, if handwritten.
Tahoma 12, if encoded
Paper Margins: 1 inch

Scoring Rubrics:


Prepared by: Secondary School Principal I


Subject Teacher

Bolo Norte, Sipocot, Camarines Sur
Part I: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each item.
(For Q2: Module 3&4) ______1. Each of the following defines the position paper
a. expresses one’s ideas to give explanation to IV. FILL IN THE GAP. Supply the missing word/phrase in each
existing problems of the statement below.
b. convince that a policy or action must or must not be
adopted with the intent of improving the organization 16. appeal evokes feelings to strengthen the
c. used to advocate the reader on an argument or argument in a position paper.
17. A key feature of report is that it is formally in
d. serves as a foundation of the full proposal sections.
______2. This part of a position paper presents the issue while
grabbing the attention of the readers. 18. is the most common and easiest way of
a. Introduction c. Conclusion recording observations necessary in preparing technical
b. Body d. Main Idea reports.
______3. This is where the author restates the position and the
19. is a form of writing technical
main argument. communication or documentation in science and technology or
a. Introduction c. Conclusion applied science that helps people understand a product or a
b. Body d. Main Idea service.
______4. This is where the author provides counter-
arguments against the possible weaknesses of his/her 20. The four introductory elements of a research report include:
arguments. title, , list of contents, and introduction.
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
Prepared by:
b. Body d. Main Idea
______5. This weakens your stand in your position paper
a. criticism c. The use of passive voice Subject Teacher
b. fallacy d. Plagiarism

Part II: Match column A with column by writing the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before each item. Noted:

A. Description B. Part of the Research Paper

.________6. This contains the research a. Conclusion GERALDINE B. ABERGOS Ed.D.

instruments as well as the data and Secondary School Principal I
gathering procedure used in the study. Recommendation
________7. It contains the summary b. Review of
and synthesis of all the available Related
sources that are directly Literature/Studies
related/relevant to the study. c. Methodology
________8. This is where the author d. List of
restates the major findings, the Contents
limitations, recommendations and e. Abstract
implications of the study.
________9. This is a 100-250 words
summary of the research paper. PERFORMANCE TASKS.
_______10. This part serves as the
reader’s guide to find their way through Performance Task/Output No. 2: Analyze and identify the
the different parts of the report. type of logical fallacy in the conversation below. Write a
100-word essay to justify your answer. Follow same
Part III: AGREE OR DISAGREE: Write the word AGREE format and mechanics with performance task/output no.
before each item if the statement is correct and DISAGREE if it 1
is not.

_______11. Field reports are common for disciplines with an

applied focus such as Engineering, Information Technology,
Commerce, Accounting and Finance.
_______12. Good reports are documents that are accurate,
objective and complete.
_______13. Counter-argument refute the counter-claim in your
position paper.
_______14. A single paragraph is enough in writing a position
_______15. In writing your position paper, you should support
your opinion with citations and references.
Performance Task/Output No. 3

 Think of a topic, a researchable topic (either

quantitative or qualitative).
 Write your research title.
 After writing your research title, think of at least three
research problems that you want to be answered as
you go through with your research.
 Write also the scope as well as the limitations of your
study. Prepared by:
 (As simple as this, no need to craft a research output.
I just want to determine whether you have at least the
grasp on how a research should be done.) MELISA MARIE N. CLORES
Format: Same with previous outputs. Subject Teacher

Note: These outputs will be rated using the same rubric utilized
for the first performance task/output.


Secondary School Principal I

D. Review of Related Literature/Studies

Performance Task/Output No.4

PORTFOLIO. It is either your notebook or a

compilation of all of your accomplishments in the

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