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Second Periodical Test in English 10

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San Antonio de Padua I, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
Directions: Answer the questions after each paragraph/sentence. From the given choices, choose the
letter of the best answer. Write them on your answer sheet

1.This nonlinear text is −−−−−−−−−−−−.

a. a table
b. a bar graph
c. a line graph
d. a Venn diagram
2.Based on this graph, how many hours a day on
average is the heater used on weekends?
a. 5
b. 8
c. 13
d. 14
3.Which appliances are used for an average of 5
hours a day more on weekends than on
a. Lights and television
Lights TV Compute Fridge Heater Other
b. Television and others r
c. Lights and heater
d. Heater and computer
4. What can you infer from the above illustration?
a. It shows home electricity use.
b. It shows an average hours used per day of home electricity.
c. The usage of each appliance per hour.
d. The average used of each appliance.

Distance From the Sun Volume Surface Gravity Number of Moons

(Astronomical Units) (Earth=1) (Earth=1) (Known in 2012)
Mercury .4 .056 0.38 0
Venus .7 0.87 0.9 0
Earth 1 1 1 1
Mars 1.5 0.15 0.38 2
Jupiter 5.2 1,300 2.36 67
Saturn 9.5 760 1.06 62
Uranus 19 63 0.89 27
Neptune 30 58 1.1 13

5.From the above table, which planet is closest to the sun?

a. Neptune c. Earth
b. Mercury d. Venus
6.From the above table, which planet is farthest from the Sun?
a. Neptune c. Mercury
b. Jupiter d. Venus
7.From the above table, which planet is the closest in size to Earth?

a. Venus c. Mars
b. Mercury d. Neptune

8.Marley is sending out invitations to a party at his house. He knows that not everyone who is invited is
familiar with how to get to his house.
Which of the following should he include in the invitation?

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a. map c. pie chart
b. flowchart d. diagram
9.Giselle has just read a text that compared and contrasted two things.
Which of the following should she do if she would like to express the information using nonlinear text?
a. use a Venn diagram c. make a bar graph
b. draw a pie chart d. create a line graph
10. Refer to the text written below.
Which of the following should be done in order to know who was imprisoned?
a. skimming the text c. scanning the text
b. carefully reading the text d. reading the whole text

Excerpt from Charles Derbyshire’s The Reign of Greed (English Translation of Jose Rizal’s El Filibusterismo)
The death of Capitan Tiago and Basilio’s imprisonment were soon reported in the province, and to
the honor of the simple inhabitants of San Diego, let it be recorded that the latter was the incident more
regretted and almost the only one discussed. As was to be expected, the report took on different forms, sad
and startling details were given, what could not be understood was explained, the gaps being filled by
conjectures, which soon passed for accomplished facts, and the phantoms thus created terrified their own

11. Identify the author’s purpose based on the given text.

Mr. Candelaria has a good track record as a public servant. He started as a humble office worker in the
Department of Agriculture, before he moved up the ranks through hard work. He is currently vying for a
position as chairman of the Commission on Grains and Seeds. If you are a farmer who wants to see
change in the industry, Mr. Candelaria is the change you are looking for.
a. entertain c. argue
b. inform d. persuade

12. Identify the author’s purpose based on the given text.

Go straight to First Avenue and walk for 100 meters. Once you reach the police station, turn
left. Walk for another 100 meters. You’ll find the clinic on the left side of the chapel.
c. to persuade c. to argue
d. to inform d. to entertain
13.Identify the author’s purpose based on the given text.
The teacher asked the students to write about the place they visited last summer. What would be the
purpose of the text?
1. to entertain c. to describe
2. to persuade d. to argue

14. After all the hard work Mario did throughout the day, all he wanted was just to go home and get a good
night's sleep.
Which of the following is implicit information that may be implied from the given sentence?
3. Mario is tired. c. Mario worked all day.
b. Mario wants to sleep. d. Mario wants to go home.
15. . Before his turn to make the speech, Oliver fidgeted with his hands and paced back and forth across the
backstage of the theater. Mark, his best friend, walked up to him and said, "Relax. You're going to do
Which of the following is implicit information that may be implied from the given text?
a.Oliver is nervous. c.Mark is Oliver's best friend.
b.Oliver paced across the backstage of the theater. d.Mark told Oliver to relax.

16. You are being asked to read a story and to note down explicit and implicit information.
Which of the following are most likely to be explicit information?
a.the characters in the story c.the lesson of the story
b.the theme of the story d.the setting of the story

17.Which part of this definition states the word's category?

Nipa hut is a house constructed out of tied bamboo.
a. Nipa hut c. a house
b. constructed d. out of tied bamboo
18.Which among the following sentences has a correct formulation of technical definition of words?
a. Persona non grata is a Latin word.
b. Elation is derived from the verb elate.
c. Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-
researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.

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d. Inspiring means having an effect of inspiring someone.

19.Which part of the formal definition below is missing in the following definition:
Barong Tagalog is considered the national dress of the Philippines.
a. term being defined
b. verb
c. genus or classification
d. differentiae or characteristic that makes the word different from others in the group

20.Which among the following sentences has a correct formulation of technical definition of words?
a. Exiguous comes from the Latin exiguus meaning scanty in measure or number.
b. Jargon is the verbal sleight of hand that makes the old hat seem newly fashionable.
c. A supervisor is the one supervising.
d. Education is the key to success.

21. Which among the following sentences used operational definition?

a.Penguins, of the family Spheniscidae, are black-and-white flightless birds that use their
wings for swimming.
b.Rain is the substance formed by many drops of water falling from the clouds in the sky.
c. A pentagon is a polygon with five sides.
d. Rose is a flower that has thorns on its stem. It has different colors like white, red, pink and yellow. It
uses as decorations in some occasions like anniversaries and parties.

22. It is almost Christmas, and both Della and Jim do not have the money to get each other gifts. Della cuts
off and sells her hair to get Jim a chain for his watch, and Jim sells his watch to get her combs for her hair.
Which of the following may be the theme of the story?
a. love c. selflessness
b. greed d. materialism

23. Which of the following is an example of THEME? 

a. Carry your laptops with two hands at all times.
b. Life is short; make the most of it
c. Cereal is the healthiest food you can eat.
D. You can severely break your leg while crossing the street.

24. Lira does not know what a theme is and how to determine the theme of a short story.
Which of the following should you say to help her out?
a. The theme of a short story is its underlying idea or central message.
b. The theme is the struggle that the main character of the story must go through.
c. The theme refers to the feeling that the readers get from reading the story
d. The theme is the subject of the story.

25. Why can we say that imagery was used in the sentence below?
She felt her world was crashing down when she heard the news.
a. The phrase "world crashing down" creates a picture in the reader's mind.
b. The phrase "world crashing down" is compared to when she heard the news.
c. The news is the reason why her "world is crashing down".
d. She received great news.

Read the following lines from “The Garden of Proserpine” by Algernon Swinburne.

There go the loves that wither [dry up].

The old loves with wearier wings;
And all dead years draw thither [there].
And disastrous things;
Dead dreams of days forsaken,
Blind buds that snows have shaken,
Wild leaves that winds have taken,
Red strays of ruined springs. …
And love, grown faint and fretful with lips but half regretful sighs, and with eyes forgetful
Weeps that no loves endure [last].
26. In the first two lines, what images does the speaker use to describe love?
a. Love that goes away and has exhausted wings
b. Love that grows both wobbly and worrisome

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c. Love that dies
d. Love that is young and old
27.What sense is strongly implied in the following:
A host of golden daffodils,
a. sight c. smell
b. touch d. taste

28. Rick is thinking about events that he would like to happen in the story and how he is going to organize
their flow from one to the other.
Which of the following is he thinking about?
a. Plot c. theme
b. Setting d. conflict
29.Refer to the text written below.
The airy spirit is ______________.
a. Gonzalo c. Trinculo
b. Ariel d. Caliban

(Characters of the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare)

Alonso, king of Naples
Sebastian, his brother
Prospero, the right duke of Milan
Antonio, his brother, the usurping duke of Milan
Ferdinand, son of the king of Naples
Gonzalo, an honest old counselor
Lords: Adrian, Francisco
Caliban, a savage and deformed slave
Trinculo, a jester
Stephano, a drunken butler
Master of a ship
Miranda, daughter to Prospero
Ariel, an airy spirit
30. Mr. Cruz walked up to the teller and handed her a paper slip. She punched a few figures into the
computer and ran the slip through a machine. It printed some numbers on the back of the slip. She handed
the slip back to him along with five Php 1000 bills. Then she asked him, "Is there anything else that I can
help you with today?" Mr. Cruz grabbed the money off of the counter and tipped his hat to the woman, "Not
today, thank you."
  Where is the story taking place?
a. school c. bank
b. supermarket counter d. airport

31. Lea read a sentence that has a happy TONE. Which of the following could she have read?
a. Bright and cheery the flowers were, adding color to the already sunny day.
b. Blue and black were his bruises, still sore from the fight.
c. The kids were shouting at one another, and nobody could be heard clearly above the noise.
d. There is no space here for anything more; the place is so packed with stuff.

32.What is the MOOD of the following passage?

He threw his head back and howled, his eyes glazed, a trickle of saliva running from the corners of his
mouth and thinning the blood flowing over his chest. I shouted to him to shut up, but he did not hear me,
so I did the only thing I could to quiet him - I swung the back of my hand across his face.
a. disappointed c. suspenseful
b. joyful d. loving

33.Which tone is represented in the following passage? Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles
per hour, that car can almost fly!
b. calm c. scary
c. annoyed d. excited

34. What part of an argumentative essay mainly contains the reasons with the topic sentence and the
supporting details or materials?

a. Introduction c. Body
b. Conclusion d. Thesis statement

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35. What part of the argumentative essay presents the problem and gives the background information
needed for the argument and the thesis statement?

a. Introduction c. Body
b. Conclusion d. Thesis statement

36.It is a statement in an argumentative essay that contains the writer’s point of view on a particular issue.
4. Introduction c. Body
5. Conclusion d. Thesis statement

37. What type of claim is the following statement?

According to scientific research, watching too much TV equates to having low vision that impedes a
person from performing daily activities.
a.Claim of Fact c. Claim of Value
b.Claim of Policy d. All of the choices
38.What type of claim is the following statement?
As a national demand, we must eliminate all forms of violence from Television Programming.
1. Claim of Fact c. Claim of Value
2. Claim of Policy d. All of the choices
39.What type of claim is the following statement?
Experimental treatments should always be tested on animals before they are tested on humans.
a.Claim of Fact c. Claim of Value
b.Claim of Policy d. All of the choices

40. Which of the following follows the standard format and basic bibliographic information recommended by
America Psychological Association (APA)?
a. Bergman, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp 501-508).
Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.
b. (10th ed.). (1993). Merriam- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
c. In The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.
d. Boorstin, D. The creators: (1992). A history of the Heroes of the Imagination. New York: Random

41. Which of the following is a correct standard format for book?

a. Author’s last name, first initial. (Publication date). Book title. Additional information. City of Publication:
Publishing Company
b. Author’s last name, first initial. (Date). Title of Article. Title of Encyclopedia (Volume, pages). City of
publication: Publishing company.
c. Author’s last name, first initial (publication date). Article title. Periodical title, volume number (issue
number if available), inclusive pages.
d. All of the above.

42. Which of the following bibliography shows Modern Language Association (MLA) style?
a. “Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action. 8 May 2007.
b. GlobalWarming. org. Cooloer Heads Coalition, 2007. Web. 24 may 2009.
c. 2006. Web. 24 may 2009. Ebert, Roger. “An Inconvenient Truth”.
d. An Inconvenient Truth. Dir. Davis Guggenhim. 2006

43. Which among the following statements has a falling intonation?

b. Have you seen him? c. Do you like it?
c. Did you see them? d. What do you want?

44.Which among the following statements has a rising- falling intonation?

a. Marcial is obedient. c.Did you see him?
b. Do you like it? d.Will you go to the supermarket today?

45.Which among of the following words has an accent on the first syllable?
a. edible b. sixteen c. academic d. education
46. In a beauty contest, one of the judges asked a question to the contestant and immediately waits for a
definite answer. What kind of speaking is applied in the situation?
d. Impromptu c. Memorized
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e. Extemporaneous d. Manuscript

47.In delivering impromptu or extemporaneous speech, which should be avoided?

a. apologize b. ramble c invent d. apologizes, ramble and invent
48. In order to have a successful impromptu or extemporaneous speech, which key points should be
a. listen and pause c. listen, pause, confirm, tell and end.
b. listen and confirm d. listen, pause, tell and end
49.Which among of the following statements observed correct used of grammar in making definitions?
a. A tongue depressor is what medical personnel use to hold down a patient’s tongue during a throat
b. A pump is a machine or device that pumps gas or liquid to a new level or position.
c. An odometer is a measuring instrument that measures the distance travelled by a vehicle.
d. A tongue depressor is a flat, thin, wooden stick used by medical personnel to hold down a patient’s
tongue during a throat examination.
50. Which among of the following statements observed correct used of grammar in making definitions?
a. A cellphone is an electronic device that is useful in communications.
b. Tabasco is made from peppers.
c. Papergirl delivers newspapers to people’s home.
d. A paper use to write on wrap things with.
51. Which among of the following statements observed correct used of grammar in making definitions?
a. A tongue depressor is what medical personnel use to hold down a patient’s tongue during a throat
b. A tableau is a scene, for example from the Bible, history or mythology, that consist of a group of
people in costumes who do not speak or move.
c. A tent is a portable shelter made of beige canvas in the shape of a pyramid, supported by poles.
d. Rugby is a sport that involves rough contact among players as they try to send a ball across the
opponent’s goal lines.
52. Which among of the following statements observed correct used of grammar in making definitions?
a. A technique is used to accomplish or scientific task
b. A hexagon is polygon.
c. Penguins, of the family Spheniscidae, are black-and-white flightless birds that use their wings for
d. Rose has rose on its stem.
53. Which of the following is a statement of negation?
a. You are certainly right. c. I am not going.
b. He is a fool indeed. d. She will definitely deny it.
54. Which of the following is a statement of affirmation?
a. I would be happy to go with you. c. I'm sorry, but I cannot make it.
b. I'm afraid I would not be able to do that. d. You should not say that about yourself.
55. Which of the following is a statement of negation?
a. I know what you are trying to imply but I will never do that way.
b. That is absolutely right.
c. I have nothing against it.
d. That is indeed great!
56. Which of the following expresses a statement of affirmation?
a. I am sorry but I strongly disagree to your idea. c. She is dedicated.
b. Maybe you’re right but its rarely happen d. That’s absolutely correct.
57. Which of the following uses an adverb of negation?
a. Undoubtedly, she is intelligent. c. I understand that however it’s not affordable.
b. Exactly, he is handsome. d. I clearly set the appointment meeting.
58. What type of bias is this?
Ana, a Filipina, is an industrious housemaid abroad.
a. Linguistic bias c. Stereotyping
b. Cosmetics bias d. Unreality
59. What type of bias is this?
After almost two years, Yolanda victims are still homeless.
a.Linguistic bias c. Invisibility
b. Imbalance and Selectivity d. Isolation
60. What type of bias is this?
“What You Don’t See Make a Lasting Impression.”
a. Unreality c. Invisibility

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b. Imbalance and Selectivity d. Cosmetic Bias


1. C 39. B
2. C 40. A
3. D 41. A
4. B 42. A
5. B 43. A
6. C 44. C
7. D 45. C
8. A 46. A
9. D 47. D
10. C 48. A
11. A 49. B
12. A 50. C
13. A 51. B
14. C 52. B
15. B 53. C
16. C 54. B
17. A 55. B
18. B 56. C
19. D 57. A
20. A 58. C
21. C 59. A
22. A 60. A
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. A
33. A
34. B
35. C
36. C
37. C
38. A
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