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Assessment Plan: Multiplication and Division Unit

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Assessment Plan
Multiplication and Division Unit
MacKenzie Sherry

Learning Targets for Each Assessment Format Action Taken

Lesson Planned Pre/Formative/Post(Summative)

Lesson #1 – Introduction to Multiplication

(Arrays with Playdough)

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative) Class discussion Teacher will observe and record
Represent and solve students’ responses during the
problems involving class discussion to ensure that the
multiplication and teacher can properly hit the
division. learning targets when the lesson
CC.2.2.3.A.2 begins. This discussion will show
Understand properties of the students strengths, weakness,
and knowledge students already
multiplication and the have on the subject.
relationship between Post – assessment (Summative) Array Worksheet Teacher will observe, record, and
multiplication and (worksheet) grade these worksheets. This
division. summative assessment is worth
22 points. Each question is worth
*** TLWBAT use play 2
dough as a hands-on points (1 point for correct answer
manipulative to create an and 1 point for the correct array).
array that directly ***
represents the answer to Array worksheet (homework)
the multiplication (22 points)
problem displayed on the

TLWBAB participate in a
class discussion that
answers the prompt,
“What are some ways
that we can figure out
multiplication problems?”

Lesson #2 – Multiplying Dominoes

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative) Domino Activity Teacher will observe the students’
Represent and solve recorded responses and answers
problems involving to the domino equation that was
multiplication and division. on the board that they must solve
CC.2.2.3.A.2 on their own. After completing,
Understand properties of we will go over their answers as a
multiplication and the class and create an array on the
relationship between board to visually show their
multiplication and division. answer.
*** Post – assessment (Summative) Solve the Domino Teacher will observe, record, and
TLWBAT use dominoes to (homework) grade these worksheets. This
create multiplication summative assessment
problems on their is worth 16 points.
whiteboards. Each domino is worth 2 points (1
point for the correct equation, 1 point
TLWBAT solve the for solving the correct answer).
multiplication problems ***
they have created using a Solve the Domino homework
variety of strategies, such as (16 points)
creating an array on their
board or making an addition
problem to solve.
Lesson #3 – Pancake Multiplication

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative) Journal Entry Teacher will give the students the
Represent and solve multiplication problems with 3 and
problems involving 4 within them. The students will
multiplication and division. copy these equations in their
CC.1.5.3.C journals, and then solve. Students
Ask and answer questions may use arrays if they wish. The
about information from a teacher will then look over each
speaker, offering appropriate students journal to see if they have
detail. solved correctly. Teacher will then
*** go over equations and their
TLWBAT work on their solutions on the board together as a
fluency in solving class.
multiplication problems by
avoiding “burning” the Post – assessment (Summative) N/A
multiplication pancakes.

TLWBAT participate in a class

workshop/discussion when
creating their pancake
multiplication cards. The
students will each make their
own pancakes with
multiplication problems and
answers on each.

Lesson #4 – Egg Carton Math

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative) Dice Activity The students will roll two dice and
Represent and solve use the two numbers to create a
problems involving multiplication equation. The
multiplication and division. students will work together to
CC.1.4.3.R create the equation, use an array to
Demonstrate a grade- solve the equation, and then write
appropriate command of the the correct answer on the board.
conventions of standard The teacher will record and observe
English grammar, usage, students responses.
capitalization, punctuation, Post – assessment (Summative) Roll and Write Teacher will observe, record, and
and spelling. (worksheet) grade this worksheet. This
summative assessment is worth 20
points. The student will receive 10

*** points for filling in both numbers

TLWBAT roll a dice and create they rolled on the dice in the boxes,
a multiplication sentence and receive another 10 points for
with the two numbers that filling in the correct equation and
they roll, while completing a answer.
worksheet with their ***
numbers they find. Roll and Write worksheet (20 points)

TLWBAT solve for the answer

that the multiplication
problem equals.

Lesson #5 - Shooting Hoops

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative) Shooting Hoops Teacher will separate the students
Represent and solve problems Multiplication into two teams. The teacher will say
involving multiplication and Competition a multiplication problem to the
division. students at the front of both lines.
C.C.10.4.3.A The first student to answer the
Identify and engage in equation correctly will receive on
physical activities that point for their team. They will then
promote physical fitness and be able to attempt to shoot a hoop
health. with a basketball, if making the hoop
*** they will receive one extra point for
TLWBAT solve and answer their team.
multiplication problems on a Post – assessment (Summative) N/A
flashcard that I am holding

TLWBAT participate in a
physical activity that involves
answering a multiplication
problem correctly before
their opponent.

Lesson #6 – Family Fun Fact

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative ) Family Fact Triangle Students will review family fact
Represent and solve problems Worksheet triangles and they will complete this
involving multiplication and worksheet in the beginning of the
division. class as a review of the fact families.
CC.2.4.3.A.4 The teacher will record their
Represent and interpret data answers to see what knowledge the
using tally charts, tables, students have retained and what
pictographs, line plots, and concepts and facts the students
bar graphs. need more attention and focus on.

TLWBAT construct division
and multiplication number

TLWBAT determine the

answer to a multiplication Post – assessment (Summative) Multiplication and Teacher will observe, record, and
and division sentence by Division Fact grade this assessment. This
constructing a “Family Fact Families Worksheet summative assessment is worth 32
Triangle” with numbers in points. The student will receive one
each corner of the triangle point for creating the correct
that compliment each other equation, and one point for writing
and are in the same “family the correct answer.
fact”. ***
Word Problems worksheet (32

Lesson #7 – Division Star Puzzles

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre – assessment (Formative) N/A N/A

Represent and solve
problems involving
multiplication and division.
CC.1.4.3.D Post – assessment (Summative) Division Star Puzzle Teachers will observe, record, and
Create an organizational (worksheet) grade this puzzle. The completed
structure that includes star is worth a total of ten points.
information grouped and Students will receive two points for
connected logically with a putting the star puzzle together
correctly, and eight points for
concluding statement or
solving the equations with the
correct answers.
TLWBAT solve for the answer
Division Star Puzzle (10
of division problems by using
multiplication to determine
the answer.

TLWBAT construct a division

star by connecting answers
with their corresponding
division equation.
Lesson #8 – Roll and Divide

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Pre-assessment (Formative) N/A

Represent and solve
problems involving
multiplication and division.
Understand properties of
multiplication and the
relationship between
multiplication and division.
TLWBAT use a dice and
complete division problems
in which the row the dice
number lands on.

TLWBAT complete division

problems by using an array of
strategies they have
previously learned.

Post – assessment (Summative) Roll the Dice Teachers will observe, record, and
worksheet grade this activity. This summative
assessment is worth 42 points.
Students will receive one point for
each correctly answers equation in
each category.
Roll the Dice worksheet
(42 points)

Assessment plan conclusion Total formative assessment: 6 Total summative Total Points for Unit: 142 points
assessments: 6

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