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Unit Plan Grade 11 CH

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Unit Plan; Grade 8 Chapter 8

Proportional Reasoning 20-2

Title of Unit Grade Level
Mathematics 2 weeks (8 days)
Subject Time Frame
Daphne Yoner
Developed By

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(include all relevant GLO(s) & SLO(s))

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface areas and
volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects

Big Mathematical Ideas

Which big mathematical ideas (e.g. place value, algebraic reasoning, etc.) does this unit address? Consult Charles
(2005) and Hurst and Hurrell (2014)
- Solving proportional reasoning problems.

Essential Question(s)
What provocative question(s) will foster inquiry into the content?​ (​ open-ended questions that stimulate thought and
inquiry linked to the content of the enduring understanding)

- How to solve problems that involve proportional reasoning problems?

Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
This content knowledge may come from the indicators, or List the skills and/or behaviours that students will be able
might also address pre-requisite knowledge that students to exhibit as a result of their work in this unit. These will
will need for this unit. come from the indicators.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

- Determining the relationships among scale - Solving problems that involve rates.
factors, surface areas, and volumes of similar - Solving problems that involve scale
objects, and using these relationships to solve diagrams.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Unit Assessment Plan

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results
Desired Results
Established Goals –
- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas,
surface areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.

Understandings/Knowledge: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that… - How to solve problems that involve
- Determining the relationships proportional reasoning problems?
among scale factors, surface areas,
and volumes of similar objects, and
using these relationships to solve Big Ideas
problems. - Solving proportional reasoning
Prior understandings… Skills
- Apply proportional reasoning to Students will be able to…
problems that involve conversions - Solving problems that involve rates.
between SI and imperial units of - Solving problems that involve scale
measure. diagrams.
- Solve problems, using SI and
imperial units, that involve that
surface area and volume of 3-D
objects, including: right cones, right
cylinders, right prisms, right
pyramids, and spheres.

Where does this lead?

- Analyze puzzles and games that
involve numerical and logical
reasoning, using problem-solving
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Back-to Homework Find the Homework Homework True or
Title Quiz Sentence
-back #1 Error #2 #3 False
Learning Type
(Formative Formative Summative Formative Summative Summative Formative Summative Formative
Outcomes /Summativ
White- White-
Mode Activity Worksheet Centers Worksheet Quiz Worksheet
boards boards
0% 6% 0% 6% 15% 0% 6% 0%
1. Solve problems
that involve the
application of
2. Solve problems
that involve scale
diagrams, using
3. Demonstrate
an understanding
of the
among scale
factors, areas,
surface areas and
volumes of
similar 2-D
shapes and 3-D
Homework Homework Create Homework
Title Floor Plan Review Test
#4 #5 Object #6
Learning (Formative
Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative
Outcomes e)

Mode Worksheet Worksheet Create Worksheet Worksheet Test
6% 10% 6% 0% 6% 5% 34%
1. Solve problems
that involve the
application of
2. Solve problems
that involve scale
diagrams, using
3. Demonstrate an
understanding of
the relationships
among scale
factors, areas,
surface areas and
volumes of similar
2-D shapes and
3-D objects.
Assessment Tool Overview
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR Learning AS Learning OF Learning
This activity will reinforce the knowledge the
students will learn from this class. The students
will be working on comparing and interpreting
rates. The students will be given a question on
the board to solve, one partner has their back
Back-to-Back *
to the board and the other student has to
describe the math question steps to the other
partner to solve the problem. The student will
have to use the proper terminology learned in
Homework will be worth 6% of the students
grade for this unit. This homework will pertain
Homework #1 to comparing and interpreting rates. Students *
will have a class to get work done, and the rest
will be done for homework.
The students will be split up into pairs and they
will move around the room to the different
centers set up. The students will analyze the
Find the Error question and then analyze the work that is *
given for that question. The students will
collaborate to find the error in the problems
Homework will be worth 6% of the students
grade for this unit. This homework will pertain
Homework #2 to solving problems that involve rates. Students *
will have a class to get work done, and the rest
will be done for homework.
This quiz will be worth 15% of the students
grade for this unit. This quiz will pertain to
Quiz *
comparing and interpreting rates as well as
solving problems that involve rates.
During the lesson on scale diagrams the
students will write on the whiteboards, a one
One Sentence
sentence summary of how we did each *
question. They will clearly show the steps they
took in order to solve these problems.
Homework will be worth 6% of the students
grade for this unit. This homework will pertain
Homework #3 to scale diagrams. Students will have a class to *
get work done, and the rest will be done for
After we have learned how to do scale factors
and areas of 2-D shapes then we will do some
examples as a class. These examples will have
true and false solutions, the students will
analyze the work done and determine if it is a
True or False *
true or false statement. Once they have
determined this then they will write true or
false on the whiteboard they were given and
raise it up for me to see. We will then discuss
the answer.
Homework will be worth 6% of the students
grade for this unit. This homework will pertain
Homework #4 to scale factors and areas of 2-D shapes. *
Students will have a class to get work done,
and the rest will be done for homework.
After the lesson on similar objects: scale
models and scale diagrams I will have the
Floor Plan students create a performance task. This *
performance task will be done in pairs if the
students wish. The students will create a floor
plan of a house they wish to make, it must be 3
rooms and they will have to determine the
scale for their blueprint and the actual size of
what the house would be.
Homework will be worth 6% of the students
grade for this unit. This homework will pertain
to similar objects: scale models and scale
Homework #5 diagrams. Students will have a class to get work *
done, and the rest will be done for homework.
This homework assignment will be shorter than
the others.
As a class the students will all work together to
create a gingerbread house from a picture of
the original house dimensions given/shown.
The students will have to understand how to
Create object *
create a scale factor to build the gingerbread
house and they will have to determine the
amount of gingerbread overall would have to
be used in order to make the house replica.
Homework will be worth 6% of the students
grade for this unit. This homework will pertain
to scale factors and 3-D objects. Students will
Homework #6 *
have a class to get work done, and the rest will
be done for homework. This homework
assignment will be shorter too.
This review will be from the textbook so that
the students can review the material from the
entire unit. This will be done in class so that the
Review *
students can ask questions if they are confused
about any of the content. This review will be
worth 5% of the grade for this unit.
This test will be worth 34% of the students
Test overall grade for this unit. This will test all the *
outcomes for this unit.
Stage 3
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.

- We will first start by asking the students if they know what a rate is; and can provide any examples. We
will make a list of examples.
- Then we will go over the definitions of rate, and unit rate. We will then do a couple of examples that
involve rates and unit rates.
1 - We will then do an activity. ​This activity will reinforce the knowledge the students will learn
g Rates from this class. The students will be working on comparing and interpreting rates. The
students will be given a question on the board to solve, one partner has their back to the
board and the other student has to describe the math question steps to the other partner to
solve the problem. The student will have to use the proper terminology learned in class.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Questioning, direct instruction, and activity with pairs.


Resources​: Worksheets, presentation/notes, whiteboards.

Solving - Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
2 SLO(s):
Interpreting - 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
Practice Overview​:
- The students will be given time to work on their textbook questions during this class time. This will be a
graded assignment about solving comparing and interpreting rates problems.
- Students can use this opportunity to ask for help or clarifications.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Student practice.


Resources​: Textbook questions.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- As a class we will do a couple of questions that involve doing rates, in word problem form.
- Then the students will be split up into pairs and they will move around the room to the
3 Solving Rates different centers set up. The students will analyze the question and then analyze the work
that is given for that question. The students will collaborate to find the error in the problems

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Direct instruction, class discussion, centers.


Resources​: Presentation/notes, center questions(and answers).

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
4 Solving Rate SLO(s):
problems - 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
Practice Overview​:
- The students will be given time to work on their textbook questions during this class time. This will be a
graded assignment about solving problems that involve rates.
- Students can use this opportunity to ask for help or clarifications.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Student Practice.


Resources​: Textbook questions.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- This quiz will be worth 15% of the students grade for this unit. This quiz will pertain to
5 Quiz
comparing and interpreting rates as well as solving problems that involve rates.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:N/A


Resources​: Quiz.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
6 Overview​:
Diagrams - We will cover the definitions for this section such as scale diagram, scale and scale factor.
- I will ask the students if they could come up with any ideas of what a scale factor would be.
- Then as a class we will do some questions together. ​During the lesson on scale diagrams the
students will write on the whiteboards, a one sentence summary of how we did each
question. They will clearly show the steps they took in order to solve these problems.
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Direct instruction, Questioning, student work, class discussion.


Resources​: Presentation/notes, whiteboards.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
Scale - 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
Diagrams Overview​:
7 Practice - The students will be given time to work on their textbook questions during this class time. This will be a
graded assignment about solving scale diagrams problems.
- Students can use this opportunity to ask for help or clarifications.
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Student practice.


Resources​: Textbook questions.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
8 areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
Scale Factors
+ Areas Overview​:
- I will do some direct instruction so that students can be exposed to reasoning about scale factors and
areas. This will involve some think-pair-share.
- After we have learned how to do scale factors and areas of 2-D shapes then we will do some
examples as a class. These examples will have true and false solutions, the students will
analyze the work done and determine if it is a true or false statement. Once they have
determined this then they will write true or false on the whiteboard they were given and raise
it up for me to see. We will then discuss the answer.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Direct instruction, think-pair-share, reaffirming knowledge, class


Resources​: Presentation/notes, whiteboards.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
9 Scale factors - The students will be given time to work on their textbook questions during this class time. This will be a
+ Areas graded assignment about solving scale factors and areas.
Practice - Students can use this opportunity to ask for help or clarifications.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:Student Practice.


Resources​: Textbook questions.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
Similar SLO(s):
Objects - 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
- We will talk about scale models and scale diagrams. We will talk about if two objects are similar.
- After the lesson on similar objects: scale models and scale diagrams I will have the students
create a performance task. This performance task will be done in pairs if the students wish.
The students will create a floor plan of a house they wish to make, it must be 3 rooms and
they will have to determine the scale for their blueprint and the actual size of what the house
would be.
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Direct Instruction, creation, pair discussion.


Resources​: Presentation/notes, graph paper.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
11 Similar
Objects - ​The students will be given time to work on their textbook questions during this class time. This will be
Practice a graded assignment about solving similar objects problems.
- Students can use this opportunity to ask for help or clarifications.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:Student Practice.


Resources​: Textbook questions.

Create Object - Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
Project SLO(s):
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
- We will do a couple of examples in class to get the students to understand this topic.
- As a class the students will all work together to create a gingerbread house from a picture of
the original house dimensions given/shown. The students will have to understand how to
create a scale factor to build the gingerbread house and they will have to determine the
amount of gingerbread overall would have to be used in order to make the house replica.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:Direct Instruction, class discussion, creation, collaboration.


Resources​: Presentation/notes, graph paper, ginger bread, flour, butter knives, rulers, oven, oven tray,
parchment paper, rolling pin, decorating materials, icing.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
Scale Factors - 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
+ 3D Objects
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
13 Practice
- ​The students will be given time to work on their textbook questions during this class time. This will be
a graded assignment about solving scale factors and 3D objects problems.
- Students can use this opportunity to ask for help or clarifications.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Student Practice.

Resources​: Textbook questions.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
- 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
- 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
14 Review Day - This review will be from the textbook so that the students can review the material from the
entire unit. This will be done in class so that the students can ask questions if they are
confused about any of the content. This review will be worth 5% of the grade for this unit.
- This will give the students the opportunity to ask questions in class.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Student Practice.


Resources​: Textbook questions.

- Measurement : Developing spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
Proportional SLO(s):
15 Reasoning - 1. Solve problems that involve the application of rates.
Unit Test - 2. Solve problems that involve scale diagrams, using proportional reasoning.
- 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface
areas and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
- This test will be worth 34% of the students overall grade for this unit. This will test all the
outcomes for this unit.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: N/A


Resources​: Unit test.

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