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Manual: Absolute Rotary Encoders

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Absolute Rotary Encoders
Integration into PROFINET

Absolute Rotary Encoders

With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is ap-
plicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Indus-
try, published by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband
Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the
supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation of proprietorship"
Absolute Rotary Encoders

1 Introduction................................................................................. 5

2 Declaration of Conformity.......................................................... 6
2.1 CE Conformity ...................................................................................... 6

3 Safety ........................................................................................... 7
3.1 Symbols Relevant to Safety ................................................................ 7
3.2 Intended Use ........................................................................................ 7
3.3 General Safety Instructions ................................................................. 7

4 Introduction................................................................................. 8
4.1 Using This Manual ............................................................................... 8
4.2 Absolute Rotary Encoders .................................................................. 8
4.3 Communication via PROFINET ........................................................... 8
4.3.1 General Information on Communication via PROFINET ..................... 8
4.3.2 PROFINET IO Interface ..................................................................... 9
4.3.3 Project Planning Using Device Description ........................................ 9
4.3.4 PROFINET Address and Identifying a Device.................................... 9

5 Installation................................................................................. 10
5.1 Electrical Connection ........................................................................ 10
5.2 LED Indicators .................................................................................... 10
5.3 Instructions for Mechanical and Electrical Installation.................. 11

6 Data Model for the Device Configuration ............................... 14

6.1 Using Encoder Profile V4.0/V4.1....................................................... 14
6.2 Rotary Encoder Classes.................................................................... 14
6.3 Signal List for Cyclic Data Transmission ......................................... 14
6.4 Standard Telegrams and Manufacturer Telegrams ......................... 15
6.5 Format of Position Value (G1_XIST1...3).......................................... 17
6.6 Rotary Encoder Control Word 2 (STW2_ENC) ................................ 18
6.7 Rotary Encoder Status Word 2 (ZSW2_ENC) .................................. 18

Absolute Rotary Encoders

6.8 Rotary Encoder Control Word 1 (G1_STW) .....................................19

6.9 Rotary Encoder Status Word 1 (G1_ZSW)........................................20

7 Configuration Principle............................................................ 21
7.1 Rotary Encoder Function at a Glance ..............................................21
7.2 Rotary Encoder Functions — Data Links .........................................21
7.3 Parameters for Acyclic Data Transmission ......................................22
7.3.1 Standard Parameters........................................................................ 23
7.3.2 Device Parameters ........................................................................... 23
7.3.3 Manufacturer Parameters ................................................................. 23
7.3.4 Supported Parameters ..................................................................... 23
7.3.5 Rotary Encoder Function Description............................................... 24

8 Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7 ....................... 29

8.1 Introduction.........................................................................................29
8.2 Installing the GSDML File ..................................................................29
8.3 Selecting a Rotary Encoder...............................................................31
8.4 Assigning Device Names and IP Addresses....................................32
8.5 Setting Rotary Encoder Parameters .................................................35
8.6 Configuring Settings for Isochronous Real Time (IRT) ..................39
8.7 Resetting the Rotary Encoder to Factory Settings .........................45

Absolute Rotary Encoders

1 Introduction
You have chosen a device manufactured by Pepperl+Fuchs. Pepperl+Fuchs develops,
produces and distributes electronic sensors and interface modules for the market of
automation technology on a worldwide scale.

Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this manual:

This symbol draws your attention to important information.

Handling instructions
You will find handling instructions beside this symbol

If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or accessories, please contact us at:
Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH
Lilienthalstraße 200
68307 Mannheim
Telephone: +49 621 776-4411
Fax: +49 621 776-274411

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Declaration of Conformity

2 Declaration of Conformity
2.1 CE Conformity
This product was developed and manufactured under observance of the applicable European
standards and guidelines.

A declaration of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.


Absolute Rotary Encoders

3 Safety
3.1 Symbols Relevant to Safety
This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.

This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.

This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in
their complete failure.

3.2 Intended Use

Absolute rotary encoders detect the rotation angle—and, in the case of a multiturn absolute
rotary encoder, the revolutions of the rotary encoder shaft—with high precision and resolution.
The absolute position value derived from this is provided by the rotary encoder via the
PROFINET interface in accordance with the standard from the "PROFIBUS & PROFINET
International (PI)" organization. The rotary encoder is to be integrated into a PROFINET
network, and should be used only in this way. Typical applications include positioning tasks and
length measurement, for example, for cranes, construction machinery, elevators, and
packaging machines.
Read through these instructions thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with the device before
installing, mounting, or operating.
Always operate the device as described in these instructions to ensure that the device and
connected systems function correctly. The protection of operating personnel and plant is only
guaranteed if the device is operated in accordance with its intended use.

3.3 General Safety Instructions

Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and
dismounting lies with the plant operator.
Installation and commissioning of all devices must be performed by a trained professional only.
User modification and or repair are dangerous and will void the warranty and exclude the
manufacturer from any liability. If serious faults occur, stop using the device. Secure the device
against inadvertent operation. In the event of repairs, return the device to your local
Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales office.

Electronic waste is hazardous waste. When disposing of the equipment, observe the current
statutory requirements in the respective country of use, as well as local regulations.

Absolute Rotary Encoders

4 Introduction
4.1 Using This Manual
This manual describes how Pepperl+Fuchs absolute rotary encoders equipped with a
PROFINET interface are integrated into a PROFINET network.
The manual is valid for the following absolute rotary encoder types:
■ Exx58N-...PN...
■ ENA58IL-...B17
The descriptions for the following topic areas cover all the important aspects for a simple
PROFINET integration:
■ Integration into the PROFINET master interface connection
■ Setting the physical parameters
■ Activating PROFINET communication
■ Communicating with the absolute rotary encoder

More information on technical data, mechanical data, pin assignments, and available
connection cables for the relevant absolute rotary encoder types "EVM5 8N-...PN..." and
"ENA58IL-...ProfiNET" can be found in the corresponding datasheet.

4.2 Absolute Rotary Encoders

Absolute rotary encoders output a uniquely coded numerical value at each shaft position.
Depending on the design type, the measured value is recorded via the optical scanning of a
transparent code disc (EVM58...) or via a magnetic sensing principle (ENA58IL...).
The maximum resolution per revolution is 65,536 steps (16 bits). The multiturn version can
detect up to 16,384 revolutions (14 bits). As such, the highest possible resolution is 30 bits.

4.3 Communication via PROFINET

4.3.1 General Information on Communication via PROFINET
PROFINET is an open standard for industrial automation based on industrial Ethernet.
PROFINET integrates information technology with established standards such as TCP/IP and
XML in automation technology.
The communication concept for setting up decentralized applications within PROFINET is
PROFINET IO, i.e. decentralized field devices are integrated by PROFINET IO. The familiar IO
view of PROFIBUS DP is used where the usable data of the field devices is transferred to the
controller process image in cycles. PROFINET IO is a device model consisting of slots and
channels, which is based on the main features of PROFIBUS DP. The field device properties
are written in a GSDML (generic station description markup language) based on XML.
PROFINET IO is engineered in the same way as has long been the case for system integrators
of PROFIBUS DP. The decentralized field devices are assigned in the design of a controller.
PROFINET IO draws a distinction between three device types: IO controller, IO device, and IO
IO controller: Controller that executes the automation program.
IO device: Decentrally assigned field device that is assigned to an IO controller.
IO supervisor: Programming unit/PC with commissioning and diagnostic functions.

Absolute Rotary Encoders

4.3.2 PROFINET IO Interface

The absolute rotary encoders are PROFINET IO devices that communicate cyclically with the
assigned PROFINET IO controller during operation.
The PROFINET interface of the absolute rotary encoder supports:
■ A transfer rate of 100 Mbit/s
■ The RT (Real Time) and IRT (Isochronous Real Time) real-time categories
■ The range of device functions in accordance with Conformance Class A, B (RT
Communication) and Conformance Class C (IRT Communication).

4.3.3 Project Planning Using Device Description

As with PROFIBUS DP, a field device is integrated into the project planning tool by way of a
device description. The properties of the field device are described in the device description
GSDML (Generic Station Description Markup Language) file. The GSDML file contains the field
device data (technical features and information for communication) that you need to operate
the device in a PROFINET network. The GSDML file is also referred to as a GSD file in some
project planning tools and other informational documents.
The GSDML file is imported into a project planning tool. Peripheral addresses are assigned to
the individual channels of the field devices. The peripheral input addresses incorporate the
received data. The user program evaluates and processes this data. The user program
generates the peripheral output values and sends them to the control interface.
Once project planning is complete, the IO controller receives the planning and configuration
data. The IO controller parameterizes and configures the field devices automatically.

Downloading the GSDML

You can find the relevant GSDML file in the Software section of the product detail page for the
To access the product detail page for the device, go to and type
information about the device (e.g., the product description or the item number) into the search

4.3.4 PROFINET Address and Identifying a Device

Every PROFINET IO device has a unique device identification in the PROFINET network. This
device identification consists of the following:
■ A unique MAC address. This MAC address is printed on the nameplate of the device.
■ A device name. This must be specified in the project planning software.
■ An IP address. This must be specified in the project planning software. On delivery, the
rotary encoder has the IP address "".

Absolute Rotary Encoders

5 Installation
5.1 Electrical Connection
The absolute rotary encoder is connected to the field environment via the "Power/PWR"
connector along with "Port 1" and "Port 2" for the PROFINET connection.
Connector and pin assignment
Power/PWR Port 1, port 2
Connector plug, M12 x 1, 4-pin, A- Connector socket, M12 x 1, 4-pin, D-
Connection coded coded
1 Operating voltage +U B Tx +
2 - Rx +
3 0V Tx-
4 - Rx -

1 1

2 4 4 2

3 3

5.2 LED Indicators

The absolute rotary encoder features 6 LED indicators for displaying the operating status and
diagnostic information in the event of a fault.
The LEDs indicate the following behavior, depending on their function:
■ On
■ Off
■ Flashing

Figure 5.1 LED display with ENA58IL-R*** ProfiNET as an example


Absolute Rotary Encoders

Description of LEDs
LED Color Description for LED = on
Active 1 Yellow Incoming and outgoing data traffic for port 1
Link Green ■ Connection to other Ethernet devices on port 1
■ Flashes at 2 Hz during an identification call during the
configuration with an existing link connection
Active 2 Yellow Incoming and outgoing data traffic for port 1
Link 2* Green Connection to other Ethernet devices on port 2
Stat 1 Green Status 1, see below for details
Stat 2 Red Status 2, see below for details

Status LEDs: Stat1, Stat2

Stat 1 Stat 2 (red)
(green) Bus error Description Possible cause
Off Off No power supply
On On ■ No connection to another ■ Bus not connected
node ■ Master is not available or
■ Criterion: no data switched off
On Flashes (0.5 Hz) ■ Parameterization error, no ■ Slave has not yet been
data exchange configured or is
configured incorrectly
■ Criterion: correct data
exchange, but the slave ■ Wrong address assigned,
has not switched to data but address is within the
exchange operating permitted address range
■ Current slave
■ Flashing frequency: configuration differs from
0.5 Hz for at least 3 s the target configuration
On Off ■ Data exchange
■ Slave and function OK

5.3 Instructions for Mechanical and Electrical Installation

More installation-relevant information on technical data, mechanical data, and available
connection cables for the relevant absolute rotary encoder types "Exx58N-...PN..." and
"ENA58IL-...B17" can be found in the corresponding datasheet.

Please observe the following instructions to ensure safe operation of the absolute rotary

Absolute Rotary Encoders

Work must only be performed by trained and qualified personnel.
Commissioning and operation of this electrical equipment must only be performed by trained
and qualified personnel. This means individuals who are qualified to commission (in
accordance with safety technology), connect to ground, and label devices, systems, and

Only perform work when the system is in a de-energized state.
De-energize your device before performing work on the electrical connections. Short circuits,
voltage peaks, and similar events can lead to faults and undefined statuses. This presents a
significant risk of personal injury and property damage.

Check electrical connections before switching on the plant!
Check all electrical connections before switching on the plant. Incorrect connections present a
significant risk of personal injury and property damage. Incorrect connections can lead to

Do not remove the rotary encoder housing!
Do not remove the rotary encoder housing under any circumstances, as damage and
contamination can occur as a result of taking improper action. It is, however, permitted to
remove connector covers.

Do not perform any electrical modifications!
It is not permitted to perform electrical modifications on the rotary encoders. If you open or
modify the device yourself, not only are you endangering yourself and others but you will void
any warranty and absolve the manufacturer from any liability.

Ensure that the data cable and power supply cable are physically separate.
Route the connection cable of the rotary encoder so that it is a suitable distance away from
power supply cables to avoid faults. Shielded cables must be used to ensure reliable data
transmission. A perfect ground connection must also be ensured.

Absolute Rotary Encoders

Do not allow the rotary encoder to fall or expose it to strong vibrations. The rotary
encoder is a precision instrument.

Rotary encoders from Pepperl+Fuchs are robust, however, they should nevertheless be
protected against damage from the environment by taking appropriate protective
measures. In particular, the devices must not be installed in a location where they could
be misused as a handle or climbing aid.

Do not make any alterations to the drive shaft or the housing on the rotary encoder.

The drive shaft on the rotary encoder must be connected to the drive shaft on the part to be
measured via a suitable coupling. The coupling is required to protect the drive shaft on the
rotary encoder against excessive levels of force, to compensate for shaft offset, and to reduce
the impact of vibrations. Suitable couplings are available as accessories from Pepperl+Fuchs.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

6 Data Model for the Device Configuration

6.1 Using Encoder Profile V4.0/V4.1
The current generation of PROFINET rotary encoders are based on encoder profile V4.1 (PNO
no. 3.162). This standardization makes it possible to use products that fulfill this specification
together or exchange them for compatible products.
The operational functions of rotary encoders are divided into two application classes (class 3
and 4) based on their profile. The figure below provides an overview of the profiles for
PROFIBUS and PROFINET in accordance with the standards.

6.2 Rotary Encoder Classes

PROFINET rotary encoders can be configured as class 3 or 4 PROFINET IO devices in
accordance with encoder profile V4.1 (PNO no. 3.162). If you configure the rotary encoder as a
class 4 device, all functions of the V4.1 measuring devices profile are supported.

Application class Description

3 Isochronous mode is not supported (IRT)
Device with "Base Mode Parameter Access" and limited
parameterization of the device functionality
4 Isochronous mode is supported (IRT)
Device with scaling and preset functions as well as "Base Mode
Parameter Access"

6.3 Signal List for Cyclic Data Transmission

The table below lists the standard signals that are used to configure IO data. The signals are
described in more detail in the following sections.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

Signal no. Description Abbreviation (bit) Sign
3 Rotary encoder control word 2 STW2_EWC 16 Unsigned
4 Rotary encoder status word 2 ZSW2_ENC 16 Unsigned
6 Velocity value A NIST_A 16 Signed
8 Velocity value B NIST_B 32 Signed
9 Rotary encoder control word 1 G1_STW 16 Unsigned
10 Rotary encoder status word 1 G1_ZSW 16 Unsigned
11 Format of position value 1 G1_XIST1 32 Unsigned
12 Format of position value 2 G1_XIST2 32 Unsigned
39 Format of position value 3 G1_XIST3 64 Unsigned

6.4 Standard Telegrams and Manufacturer Telegrams

The PROFINET rotary encoder is configured using various telegram structures. The telegrams
are used to specify the data length and type of data for data traffic with the IO controller. The
telegrams consist of different signals (e.g., STW2_ENC). These signals are described in more
detail in the following sections.

Standard Telegram 81
Output data from the IO controller
IO data (word) 1 2
Octet 0, 1 2, 3
Target value STW2_ENC G1_STW

Input data to the IO controller

IO data
(word) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Octet 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 10, 11
Actual value ZSW2_ENC G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST2

Standard Telegram 82
Output data from the IO controller
IO data (word) 1 2
Octet 0, 1 2, 3
Target value STW2_ENC G1_STW

Input data to the IO controller

IO data
(word) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Octet 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 10, 11 12, 13

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

Standard Telegram 83
Output data from the IO controller
IO data (word) 1 2
Octet 0, 1 2, 3
Target value STW2_ENC G1_STW

Input data to the IO controller

IO data
(word) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Octet 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 10, 11 12, 13

Standard Telegram 84
Output data from the IO controller
IO data (word) 1 2
Octet 0, 1 2, 3
Target value STW2_ENC G1_STW

Input data to the IO controller

IO data
(word) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Octet 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 10, 11 12.13 14, 15 16, 17 18, 19

Manufacturer Telegram 860

With this telegram, it is not necessary to set specific bits for cyclic data transmission. The
telegram is based on PROFIBUS functionality and enables simple configuration of the preset
value during regular operation of the PLC. For the velocity value, the format defined in the
velocity measuring step is used.
The preset function is activated when bit 31 (most significant bit, MSB) is set to "1". After the
preset value has been transferred, reset bit 31 to "0".
Manufacturer telegram 860 has the following characteristics:
■ No control word
■ No status word
■ No status indicator
■ Output data: 32-bit unsigned preset value (preset value must be less than the total
resolution, bit 31 is the preset control bit)
■ Input data: 32-bit unsigned position value + 32-bit integer velocity value

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

Output data from the IO controller

IO data (word) 1 2
Octet 0 1 2 3
Bit 31 (MSB) 30–24 23–16 15–8 7–0 (LSB)
Description Preset control Preset value < total resolution

Input data to the IO controller

IO data (word) 1 2 3 4
Octet 0 (MSB), 1 2, 3 (LSB) 4 (MSB), 5 6, 7 (MSB)
Actual value Position value: 32 bits, unsigned Velocity value: 32 bits, signed

6.5 Format of Position Value (G1_XIST1...3)

The 32-bit signals G1_XIST1 and G2_XIST2 are the output position values in binary format.
G1_XIST3 is a 64-bit position value in binary format to support devices with a resolution greater
than 32 bits.
The alignment in the data frame (left-aligned or right-aligned) is taken into consideration for
each individual resolution. An example for absolute rotary encoders is given below.

The alignment of the output format (left-aligned or right-aligned) remains constant and affects
the actual resolution set. The number of transferred bits depends on the resolution.

25-bit multiturn absolute rotary encoder (8192 steps per revolution, 4096 revolutions)
■ All values are output in binary format.
■ If an error occurs, G1_XIST2 displays the error telegram instead of the right-aligned
position value.
■ The shifting factors in the P979 "Sensor Format" show the current format. P979, subindex
4 (shifting factor for G1_XIST2) = 0.
■ The settings in the rotary encoder parameters affect the position value in both G1_XIST1
and G1_XIST2.

■ The default setting for G1_XIST1 is right alignment.
■ A 32-bit counter starts with the current position value. When the maximum numerical
value is reached, the counter starts again at 0 and counts up to the maximum numerical
value or counts downward from the maximum numerical value to zero.
■ P979, subindex 3 (shifting factor for G1_XIST1) = 0
■ G1_XIST1 transmits values independent of bit 10 in stw2 and bit 13 in g1_stw1.

Bit 31...13 Bit 12...0

Number of revolutions (multiturn value) Steps (singleturn steps per revolution)

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

Bit 31...25 Bit 24...13 Bit 12...0
Number of revolutions (multiturn Steps (singleturn steps per
value) revolution)

The G1_XIST3 signal for resolutions greater than 32 bits is transmitted in binary format with
right alignment and without a shifting factor.

IO data (word) 1 2 3 4
Octet 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7
Format 64-bit position value

6.6 Rotary Encoder Control Word 2 (STW2_ENC)

Rotary encoder control word 2 is referred to as the "master sign of life" and is used to control
isochronous mode. The status word includes the "Control by PLC" mechanism and the
"Controller sign of life" mechanism.
■ 4-bit counter, left-aligned.
■ The master application starts the sign of life counter with any value between 1 and 15.
Only values between 1 and 15 are valid for the sign of life counter.
■ The master increases the sign of life counter in every cycle of the master application.
■ "0" indicates an error and is not possible in normal operation.

Bit Function Class 3 Class 4
0 ... 9 Reserved, currently not used
10 Control by PLC Yes Yes
11 Reserved, currently not used
12 ... 15 Controller sign of life Yes

Bit Value Description Note

10 1 Control by PLC Control via interface, EO/IO data is valid
0 No control by PLC EO/IO data is not valid, except sign of life
12 ... 15 Controller sign of life Continuously sends numerical values
from 1 15

6.7 Rotary Encoder Status Word 2 (ZSW2_ENC)

Rotary encoder status word 2 is referred to as a "slave sign of life" and is used to control
isochronous mode. The status word includes the "Control by PLC" mechanism and the "Slave
sign of life" mechanism.
■ 4-bit counter, left-aligned.
■ The slave application starts the sign of life counter with any value between 1 and 15 after
successfully synchronizing with the clock pulse. Only values between 1 and 15 are valid
for the slave sign of life counter.
■ The sign of life counter is increased by the slave application in every DP cycle.

■ "0" indicates an error and is not possible in normal operation.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

Bit Function Class 3 Class 4
0 ... 8 Reserved, currently not used
9 Control requested Mandatory Mandatory
10, 11 Reserved, currently not used
12 ... 15 Rotary encoder sign of life Mandatory

Bit Value Description Note

9 1 Control requested The automation system is requested to
assume control.
0 No control by PLC EO/IO data is not valid, except sign of life
12 ... 15 Rotary encoder sign of life Continuously returns rotary encoder sign
of life (numerical values from 1 15)

6.8 Rotary Encoder Control Word 1 (G1_STW)

The control word determines the functionality of key rotary encoder functions.

Bit Value Function Note

0 ... 10 Reserved, currently not used
11 0/1 Home position mode Defines whether the position value is set
to the previously programmed preset
value or whether it is shifted by the preset
■ 0: Set home position to preset value
■ 1: Shift home position by preset value
(relative = offset)
12 1 Request to set/shift home The home position is set absolutely if bit
position 12 is changed to "1" (rising edge).
Default setting of bit 12 (shift) is 0.
Warning! After this function has been
triggered, the new offset is stored in
nonvolatile memory. During these 5 ms
... 10 ms, the rotary encoder does not
send any position values.
13 1 Request absolute value Request for additional, cyclic
cyclically transmission of the absolute current
position in G1_XIST2. If no other data
needs to be transmitted due to
commands or errors, the absolute
position value is transmitted
14 1 Activate "Sensor parking" If the "Sensor parking" bit is activated,
the rotary encoder does not send any
diagnostic messages or error messages.
15 1 Acknowledge sensor fault Request to acknowledge/reset a sensor

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Data Model for the Device Configuration

6.9 Rotary Encoder Status Word 1 (G1_ZSW)

The status word defines the encoder statuses, confirmations, and error messages for key rotary
encoder functions.

Bit Value Function Note

0 ... 10 Reserved, currently not used
11 Acknowledgement of a sensor This is set when the reset of a sensor
fault during operation fault takes longer than one bus cycle.
12 1 Set home position/reference Confirmation of "Set home
point shift carried out (preset) position/reference point shift carried out"
13 1 Cyclical transmission of the Confirmation of request for cyclical
absolute value transmission of the absolute value.
14 1 "Sensor parking" activated Confirmation that "Sensor parking" is
activated. The rotary encoder does not
send error messages.
15 1 Sensor fault Indicates a sensor fault. The rotary
encoder transmits a device-specific error
code in G1_XIST2.


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

7 Configuration Principle
The absolute rotary encoder for PROFINET can be programmed to meet your specific user
requirements. To do this, you must download the appropriate GSDML file from the product
detail page for the device from the Pepperl+Fuchs Internet portal and import this into your
project planning tool to configure it there.
To access the product detail page for the device, go to and type
information about the device (e.g., the product marking or the item number) into the search
function. You can find the GSDML file in the Software area of the product detail page.

7.1 Rotary Encoder Function at a Glance

Function Communication channel
Position value Cyclic input (IO device >> IO controller)
Preset Cyclic output (IO controller >> IO device)
Counting direction Acyclic input/output
Scaling function Acyclic input/output

7.2 Rotary Encoder Functions — Data Links

PROFINET IO devices are set up in modules. These modules can be inserted into physical
and/or logical slots. The slots are divided into subslots that contain additional information in a
hierarchical structure. A subslot can contain several cyclic input/output channels as well as
acyclic record channels (required for parameters).
Different controllers (PLCs) are available from different manufacturers. Some PLCs support
only one subslot. Others, such as the SIMATIC 400, support multiple subslots. To facilitate
operation with all controllers, 2 directories are available in the GSDML file: "Standard" (with
PDEV, supports IRT) and "Standard, no PDEV" (does not support IRT).
For older controllers that do not support multiple subslots, Pepperl+Fuchs rotary encoders
feature a slot 0 with a subslot 1 for the "Standard, no PDEV" version.
The device parameters are compiled in the PROFINET interface as records. The tables on the
following pages provide an overview of the addresses of the data channels of Pepperl+Fuchs
rotary encoders.

GSDML file Encoder

noncyclical cyclical
data transmission data transmission
(parameters) process data

PLC project tool PLC


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

7.3 Parameters for Acyclic Data Transmission

In the startup phase, the user parameters are sent to the rotary encoder as a dataset object
with the dataset 0xBF00 to map the different rotary encoder functions in the user data section.
In addition to the "Data configuration" parameter, the rotary encoder supports a wide range of
PROFIdrive parameters as well as rotary-encoder-specific parameters that can be called up via
the acyclic data exchange service.
With the current GSDML file version, which can be downloaded from the product detail page
for the rotary encoder (, it is possible to change the telegram
type without changing the MAP parameters.


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

7.3.1 Standard Parameters

Function Slot Subslot x Offset Length IO
Counting direction 1 1 0xBF00 0.0 1 bit -
Class 4 functionality 1 1 0xBF00 0.1 1 bit -
G1_XIST1 preset 1 1 0xBF00 0.2 1 bit -
Scaling function control 1 1 0xBF00 0.3 1 bit -
Alarm channel control 1 1 0xBF00 0.4 1 bit -
Compatibility mode 1 1 0xBF00 0.5 1 bit -
Measuring steps per 1 1 0xBF00 1 8 octet -
Total resolution 1 1 0xBF00 9 8 octet -
Maximum master sign 1 1 0xBF00 17 1 bit -
of life faults
Velocity measuring unit 1 1 0xBF00 18 1 bit -

7.3.2 Device Parameters

Function Slot Subslot x Offset Length IO
Preset Value 1 1 0xB02E Via parameter no. -

7.3.3 Manufacturer Parameters

Function Slot Subslot x Offset Length IO
Preset value 1 1 0x1000 0 1 octet -

7.3.4 Supported Parameters

Number Parameter Read access Read/write access
922 Telegram selection X
925 Number of tolerated sign of life faults X
964 Device identification X
965 Profile identification number X
971 Transfer into nonvolatile memory X
975 DO identification X
979 Sensor format X
980 List of supported parameters X
65000 Preset X
65001 Operating status X

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

7.3.5 Rotary Encoder Function Description

The table below provides an overview of the available rotary encoder functions that are
enabled or disabled depending on the "Class 4 functionality" setting. Detailed descriptions of
these parameters can be found in the following sections.

Class 4 functionality is Class 4 functionality is

Function disabled enabled
Counting direction – X
Class 4 functionality X
G1_XIST1 preset control – X
Scaling function control – X
Alarm channel control X X
Preset value – X
Preset value (64 bits) – –
Measuring steps per revolution (32 – X
Total measuring range (32 bits) – X
Measuring steps per revolution (64 – X
Total measuring range (64 bits) – X
Maximum master sign of life faults – X
Velocity measuring unit X X
Offset value (32 bits) – –
Offset value (64 bits) – X
Rotary axis functionality Always active Always active
Velocity filter X X

Counting Direction
The "Code sequence" parameter defines the direction of rotation in which the absolute position
value of the rotary encoder shaft should increase. When looking down onto the encoder shaft,
the value increases when the shaft is rotating clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW).

Counting direction Direction of rotation Counting direction

922 Clockwise (CW) Increasing
925 Counterclockwise (CCW) Decreasing

Class 4 Functionality
The "Class 4 functionality" parameter specifies that scaling, preset, and code sequence
influence the "Format of position value 1...3" signals G1_XIST1 to G1_XIST3.

Class 4 control Class 4 function

0 (standard) Deactivated (disable)
1 Activated (enable)

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

Preset Control for G1_XIST1

The "Preset control" parameter defines the preset functionality. If "Class 4 functionality" is
enabled and "Preset control" is disabled, the preset value in G1_XIST1 is not affected.

Preset control Preset function

0 (standard) Preset does not affect G1_XIST1
1 Preset affects G1_XIST1

Scaling Function Control

The "Scaling function control" parameter is used to enable or disable the scaling function. If this
function is not enabled, the physical position value of the rotary encoder is returned. The
scaling function is available only if "Class 4 functionality" is enabled.

Preset control Preset function

0 (standard) Deactivated
1 Activated

Scaling Parameter
The "Scaling" parameter is used to change the resolution. This parameter affects the output
values only when the scaling function is enabled.

Parameters Description Data type

Measuring steps per Singleturn resolution in steps Unsigned 32
Total measuring range in Total measuring range Unsigned 32
measuring steps

Alarm Channel Control

The "Alarm channel control" parameter defines the length of the diagnostic telegram. If alarm
channel control is disabled, only the first 6 octets of the diagnostics control telegram are

Preset control Preset function

0 (standard) Deactivated
1 Activated

Compatibility Mode
The "Compatibility Mode" parameter defines whether the rotary encoder is able to function in
an operating mode that is compatible with version 3.1 of the encoder profiles.
The tables below provide an overview of the functions affected if compatibility mode is

Compatibility mode Compatibility function Description

0 Activated Compatible with encoder profile
1 (standard) Deactivated No backward compatibility

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

Compatibility mode is active

Function Compatibility mode is active (=0) (=1)
Control by PLC ■ Ignored; the rotary encoder Supported
(STW2_ENC) control word 1 (G1_STW1)
and the setpoint are always
■ A control request
(ZSW2_ENC) is not
supported and is set to 0.
User parameter Supported Not supported, one sign of life
"Maximum master sign of fault is tolerated, P925 can
life faults" optionally monitor the sign of life
User parameter "Alarm Supported Not supported, one sign of life
channel control" fault is tolerated, P925 can
optionally monitor the sign of life
P965 profile version 31 (V3.1) 41 (V4.1)

Preset Value
The preset value is used to set the rotary encoder zero point to the zero point of the application
or to a previously desired value. When using this function, the current rotary encoder position is
set as the preset value. The integrated microcontroller calculates the internal zero point shift
and saves this information in the nonvolatile memory (this takes around 10 ms).

Only set the preset value when at a standstill!
If the controller sends the preset value to the rotary encoder, no preset is activated. The bits in
rotary encoder control word 1 (G1_STW1) and rotary encoder status word 1 (G1_ZSW) control
the preset function. The preset value is used when a preset is requested by bit 12 in rotary
encoder control word 1 (G1_STW1).

Class 4 functionality must be enabled!
If the preset value is greater than the total measuring range, error message 0x02 appears in the
parameter response in base mode.

Parameters Description Data type

Preset Value The preset value is defined via asynchronous data Integer 32
Default value = 0

Maximum Master Sign of Life Faults

The "Scaling" parameter is used to change the resolution. This parameter affects the output
values only when the scaling function is enabled.

Parameters Description Data type

Maximum master sign Number of permissible faults from the master sign of life 1 ... 255
of life faults counter

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

Velocity Measuring Unit

The "Velocity measuring unit" parameter is used to define the unit that is used to transmit the
velocity to telegrams 82, 83, and 84 via signals NIST_A and NIST_B. Telegram 81 contains no
velocity values.
The velocity is calculated from the position value with each cycle. A short cycle time is required
to achieve a high level of accuracy for the velocity measurement.

Velocity measuring unit Value

Steps/s 0
Steps/100 ms 1
Steps/10 ms 2
Revolutions per minute 3

Offset Value
The "Offset value" parameter is calculated in the preset function and shifts the position value by
the calculated value.

Rotary Axis Functionality

Normally, dividing the "Total measuring range" (as a decimal number) by "Measuring steps per
revolution" must result in an integer. The total measuring range must also fit into an integer
multiple of 4096 for a rotary encoder with 12 bits per revolution. This means that 100 or 325
revolutions, for example, could result in faults.
Therefore, the following equation must be observed:
(4096 x measuring steps per revolution)/total measuring range = integer value
However, this PROFINET rotary encoder manages this task automatically using an internal
software routine, meaning that any deviation from this equation does not result in faults. The
rotary encoder checks whether the parameters require rotary axis functionality and then
activates this function independently.

Operate the rotary encoder with a power supply connected!
The internal software routine is active only when the rotary encoder is connected to the power
supply. If it is necessary to turn the rotary encoder shaft by more than 1024 revolutions without
a power supply, this can result in faults. This is because the software does not work without a
power supply connected. Additional values are stored in the nonvolatile memory with rotary
axis functionality. If it is absolutely necessary to rotate the rotary encoder shaft without a power
supply, e.g., for service purposes, the equation mentioned above must be observed.

Velocity Filter
The velocity value can be set using 3 different filter types that draw on the exponential moving

Parameters Description Data type

Velocity filter Parameter selection: fine, normal, coarse Integer 32
The default setting is "Fine".

Relationship between the old and the current velocity value

Fine: 7:3
Normal: 96:4

Coarse: 996:4

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuration Principle

Rotary Encoder Profile Version

The "Rotary encoder profile version" parameter is the version of the rotary encoder profile
document used in the rotary encoder. This parameter is not affected by the compatibility mode

Bits Description
0...7 Profile version, least significant bit (LSB), value range 0...99, decimal code
8...15 Profile version, most significant bit (MSB), value range 0...99, decimal
16...31 Reserved


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

8 Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

8.1 Introduction
The following pages provide an example of how to configure a Pepperl+Fuchs absolute rotary
encoder using the SIMATIC Manager Step7 (Version 5.5 SP4) project planning tool from
The following hardware components are used:
■ ENA58IL-...B17... absolute rotary encoder (PROFINET)
■ SIMATIC S7-400 CPU 412-1
■ Communication processor CP443-1 as PROFINET IO controller

Before starting configuration with the project planning tool, the relevant GSDML file must be
downloaded from Pepperl+Fuchs and imported into the project planning tool.

Steps for Integrating the Rotary Encoder

To ensure correct installation, configuration, and parameterization of the rotary encoder, you
must carry out the steps described on the following pages in the specified order:
■ Install the GSDML file
■ Select a rotary encoder
■ Assign a device name and IP address
■ Set the encoder parameters
■ Configure the settings for isochronous real time (IRT communication)

If you want to use more than one rotary encoder in this PROFINET network, you must assign
each rotary encoder with its own name and carry out the steps listed for each rotary encoder

Resetting the Rotary Encoder to Factory Settings

If, for any reason, you wish to reset the rotary encoder settings back to the factory settings, you
can find a description of how to do this at the end of the configuration chapter.

8.2 Installing the GSDML File

Downloading the GSDML
You can find the relevant GSDML file in the Software section of the product detail page for the
To access the product detail page for the device, go to and type
information about the device (e.g., the product description or the item number) into the search

1. Download the appropriate GSDML file for your absolute rotary encoder and store this in any
2. Start the SIMATIC Manager

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.1

3. Select "Options >> Install GSD File..." (1). Proceed through the following relevant menus
and install the required GSDML file.


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

8.3 Selecting a Rotary Encoder

Prerequisite: An Ethernet PROFINET IO system has already been created for the project.

Figure 8.2

1. In the area to the right, select the desired rotary encoder type (1).
2. Click on this rotary encoder type and drag it to the left into the existing Ethernet PROFINET
IO system (1) while holding down the mouse button.
3. In the area to the right, select the desired telegram, in this example "Telegram 83" (2).
4. Click on this telegram and drag it to the left into a free subslot (2) on the assembly while
holding down the mouse button.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

8.4 Assigning Device Names and IP Addresses

Setting the Device Name in the Rotary Encoder
1. Double-click the encoder icon see Figure 8.2 on page 31 to set the communication pa-
rameters used by the PLC.

Figure 8.3

2. In the Properties... menu, enter a device name (1) for the rotary encoder: e.g., "Encoder 1".
3. Click the check box Assign IP address via IO controller (2).
4. Confirm the settings made by clicking the OK button (3).

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Assigning the IP Address and Device Names on the PLC

Prerequisite: The rotary encoder is connected to the PLC via Ethernet and supplied with
1. Select "PLC >> Ethernet >>> Assign Device Name..." (1).

Figure 8.4

The system automatically searches the Ethernet network for nodes without an assigned
device name. If a rotary encoder is detected, it is displayed in the Assign device name
menu under Available devices.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7


Figure 8.5

2. Select the rotary encoder (1) and click the Assign name button (2).
3. After successfully assigning the name, exit the menu by clicking Close (3)
Verifying Assignments
The following steps describe how to verify the success of the previously made assignments.
You can perform these steps if required.
Select "PLC >> Ethernet >> Verify Device Name..." (1).

Figure 8.6

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

If the rotary encoder is correctly assigned, the device is shown by the SIMATIC Manager
with a green tick in the Available devices area.

Figure 8.7

8.5 Setting Rotary Encoder Parameters

Making Changes in the Parameters Menu
1. Double-click the Module Access Point (1) row for the desired rotary encoder.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

The Properties - Module Access Point menu is displayed.


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.8

2. Configure the required parameters, e.g., the code sequence, in the Parameters tab.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.9

3. Once all parameters have been set, select "Station >> Save and Compile" (1).
Transferring the Project to the Controller
Select "PLC >> Download" (1).

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.10

This action transfers all of the information from the rotary encoder to the controller. The
rotary encoder is now integrated into SIMATIC Manager and the Ethernet network.

8.6 Configuring Settings for Isochronous Real Time (IRT)

Configuring Object Properties
Prerequisite: As a prerequisite for configuring the following settings, the PROFINET IO
controller in use must support the "Sync master" synchronization role with the "high
performance" IRT option for isochronous real time (RT class 3).
1. In the table below, click the row with PN-IO (1) to display the menu for configuring the object

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.11

2. Click on the Synchronization tab (1) and then click on the IRT Option parameter.

Figure 8.12

3. Set the values as "Sync slave" (2) and "High performance" (3).
4. Click on the Application tab (1).

Figure 8.13

5. Click the checkbox for "Operate IO device/application in isochronous mode" (2).

6. Click on the IO Cycle tab (1).

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.14

7. Set the mode to "Fixed factor" (2).

8. Confirm all settings made by clicking the OK button (3).
Setting Up Ports for the Encoder, IO Controller
1. In the table below, double-click in the row showing Port 1 (1), to set up a port on the rotary
encoder for the network connection.

Figure 8.15

2. Click the Topology tab (1) and in the Partners area, enter the partner port displayed in the
menu (2).

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.16

3. Confirm all settings made by clicking the OK button (3).

Checking the Configuration for IRT Communication
1. Select "Edit >> PROFINET IO >> Domain Management..." (1).


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.17

2. Check that the IRT option "high performance" is set for IRT communication.
In the Sync Domain area (1) the "syncdomain-default" setting should be set. The "IRT" and
"high performance" settings should be set for the RT Class.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.18

If the settings detailed above are displayed, the Pepperl+Fuchs PROFINET absolute
rotary encoder is parameterized for IRT operation.
The rotary encoder has now been properly installed in the project, configured, and
parameterized and is ready for operation in the system.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

8.7 Resetting the Rotary Encoder to Factory Settings

1. Select "PLC >> Ethernet >> Edit Ethernet Node (1).

Figure 8.19

2. Click the Browse button (1).

Figure 8.20

The SIMATIC Manager searches the Ethernet network for the current nodes. These
nodes are then displayed in the Browse Network x Nodes menu.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.21

3. Select the rotary encoder (1).

4. If you have installed multiple rotary encoders in the Ethernet network, you can make the
LEDs on the relevant rotary encoder flash briefly to aid identification. To do this, click the
Flash button (2).
5. Confirm the rotary encoder selection by clicking the OK button (3).
6. Click the Reset button (1).


Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.22

7. Confirm the security prompt by clicking Yes (1). Keep in mind that you can now only
communicate with the rotary encoder via the network using the MAC address.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.23

SIMATIC Manager will display a confirmation message when the device has been
successfully reset to the factory settings.

Absolute Rotary Encoders
Configuring the Rotary Encoder Using Step7

Figure 8.24


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