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Manual Softstarter 3rw44 en-US

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3RW44 soft starters 1

Important notes

Introduction 2

Configuration instructions 3
Industrial Controls
Installation, connection and
feeder configuration 4
Soft starters and solid-state
switching devices Display, controls and device
3RW44 soft starters
Commissioning 6
Equipment Manual

Device functions 7

Diagnostics and messages 8

communication module 9

Typical circuit diagrams 10

General technical data 11

Appendix A

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
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Siemens AG 3ZX1012-0RW44-1AC1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2005.

Smart Infrastructure Ⓟ 02/2020 Subject to change All rights reserved
Control Products
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 48-50
92224 AMBERG
Table of contents

1 Important notes ....................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Support Request .....................................................................................................................10
1.2 Security information ................................................................................................................11
2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor and operating
principle of the soft starter ......................................................................................................13
2.1.1 Three-phase asynchronous motor ..........................................................................................13
2.1.2 Principle of operation of the 3RW44 electronic soft starter ....................................................16
2.2 Application and use.................................................................................................................19
2.3 Marginal conditions for storage and operation .......................................................................20
3 Configuration instructions ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Configuration ...........................................................................................................................21
3.1.1 RS 232 serial PC interface and Soft Starter ES parameterizing and operating software ......21
3.1.2 Simulation Tool for Soft Starters (STS) ..................................................................................21
3.2 Startup class ...........................................................................................................................22
3.2.1 Application examples for normal starting (CLASS 10) ...........................................................23
3.2.2 Application examples for heavy starting (CLASS 20) .............................................................24
3.2.3 Application examples for very heavy starting (CLASS 30) .....................................................25
3.3 ON time and switching frequency ...........................................................................................26
3.4 Installation altitude and ambient temperature .........................................................................27
3.5 Factory settings .......................................................................................................................28
3.6 Article number system for SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters .........................................................29
4 Installation, connection and feeder configuration ................................................................................... 31
4.1 Installing the soft starter ..........................................................................................................31
4.1.1 Unpacking ...............................................................................................................................31
4.1.2 Mounting position ....................................................................................................................31
4.1.3 Installation requirements .........................................................................................................32
4.1.4 Mounting dimensions and clearances ....................................................................................33
4.2 Design of the feeder................................................................................................................34
4.2.1 General information ................................................................................................................34
4.2.2 Soft starters in standard circuits .............................................................................................35
4.2.3 Soft starters in inside-delta circuits .........................................................................................36
4.2.4 Soft starter with contactor disconnector (main contactor) ......................................................39
4.3 Protection of the soft starter against short-circuits (type of assignment 2) .............................41
4.4 Capacitors for improving the power factor ..............................................................................43
4.5 Generator operation with three-phase asynchronous motor ..................................................43

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Table of contents

4.6 Electrical connection .............................................................................................................. 44

4.6.1 Control and auxiliary circuit connection ................................................................................. 44
4.6.2 Main circuit connection .......................................................................................................... 44
4.6.3 Conductor cross-sections ...................................................................................................... 46
5 Display, controls and device interfaces .................................................................................................. 49
5.1 Display and controls ............................................................................................................... 49
5.2 Device interfaces.................................................................................................................... 51
5.2.1 Local device interface ............................................................................................................ 51
5.2.2 PROFIBUS/PROFINET interface (optional) .......................................................................... 51
5.3 External display and control module (optional) ...................................................................... 51
6 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 53
6.1 Menu structure, navigation, changing parameters................................................................. 53
6.1.1 Menu structure and navigation............................................................................................... 53
6.1.2 Changing parameters: for example motor data ..................................................................... 54
6.2 Switching on for the first time ................................................................................................. 55
6.2.1 Recommended procedure for commissioning 3RW44 .......................................................... 55
6.2.2 Quick start menu, when switching on for the first time .......................................................... 56
6.2.3 Problems that can occur ........................................................................................................ 58
6.2.4 Quick Start menu ................................................................................................................... 61
6.3 User-specific commissioning ................................................................................................. 63
6.3.1 Settings main menu item ....................................................................................................... 64
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set ...................................................................... 65
6.4.1 Selecting the parameter set ................................................................................................... 65
6.4.2 Entering the motor data ......................................................................................................... 66
6.4.3 Specifying the startup mode .................................................................................................. 68
6.4.4 Specifying the coasting method ............................................................................................. 80
6.4.5 Setting slow speed parameters.............................................................................................. 91
6.4.6 Specifying current limit values ............................................................................................... 93
6.4.7 Parameterizing the inputs ...................................................................................................... 94
6.4.8 Parameterizing the outputs .................................................................................................... 97
6.4.9 Selecting motor protection settings ........................................................................................ 99
6.4.10 Selecting display settings ..................................................................................................... 102
6.4.11 Specifying the behavior of the protective functions ............................................................. 103
6.4.12 Specifying the names on the device display ........................................................................ 105
6.4.13 Activating the fieldbus interface (PROFIBUS DP/PROFINET IO) ....................................... 106
6.4.14 Saving options...................................................................................................................... 107
6.5 Other device functions ......................................................................................................... 112
6.5.1 Measured values display ..................................................................................................... 112
6.5.2 Status display ....................................................................................................................... 114
6.5.3 Motor control (assigning control priority) .............................................................................. 115
6.5.4 Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 117
6.5.5 Safety (specifying the user level, parameterization protection) ........................................... 123

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Table of contents

7 Device functions.................................................................................................................................. 125

7.1 Various parameter sets .........................................................................................................125
7.1.1 Various parameter sets .........................................................................................................125
7.2 Startup modes .......................................................................................................................126
7.2.1 Voltage ramp .........................................................................................................................126
7.2.2 Torque control .......................................................................................................................128
7.2.3 Breakaway pulse in combination with the voltage ramp or torque control startup mode .....130
7.2.4 Current limitation in combination with the voltage ramp or torque control startup mode .....132
7.2.5 Direct startup mode...............................................................................................................134
7.2.6 Motor heating startup mode ..................................................................................................134
7.3 Coasting methods .................................................................................................................135
7.3.1 Coasting down ......................................................................................................................136
7.3.2 Torque control and pump stop ..............................................................................................136
7.3.3 DC braking/combined braking ..............................................................................................138
7.4 Slow speed function ..............................................................................................................141
7.5 Current limits for load monitoring ..........................................................................................143
7.6 Motor protection functions ....................................................................................................143
7.7 Intrinsic device protection .....................................................................................................147
7.7.1 Intrinsic device protection .....................................................................................................147
8 Diagnostics and messages ................................................................................................................. 149
8.1 Diagnostics and messages ...................................................................................................149
8.1.1 Status messages ..................................................................................................................149
8.1.2 Warnings and group faults ....................................................................................................150
8.1.3 Device fault ...........................................................................................................................156
9 PROFIBUS DP communication module ............................................................................................... 159
9.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................159
9.1.1 Definitions .............................................................................................................................161
9.2 Data transfer .........................................................................................................................162
9.2.1 Options for data transfer .......................................................................................................162
9.2.2 Communication principle ......................................................................................................163
9.3 Installing the PROFIBUS DP communication module ..........................................................164
9.3.1 Inserting the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) ............................164
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting
the station address................................................................................................................166
9.4.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................166
9.4.2 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module via the display, setting the
station address and saving the settings................................................................................167
9.4.3 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting
the station address via the device interface using the "Soft Starter ES Premium" or the
"Soft Starter ES Smart + SP1" software ...............................................................................170

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Table of contents

9.5 Configuring soft starters ....................................................................................................... 172

9.5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 172
9.5.2 Configuring with the GSD file ............................................................................................... 173
9.5.3 Configuring with the Soft Starter ES Professional software ................................................ 174
9.5.4 Diagnostics package ............................................................................................................ 174
9.5.5 Soft Starter ES parameterization software .......................................................................... 174
9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example) ........................... 175
9.6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 175
9.6.2 Configuration using the Device Master Data (GSD) in STEP 7 ........................................... 176
9.6.3 Integration into the user program ......................................................................................... 178
9.6.4 Switching on ......................................................................................................................... 179
9.6.5 Flow diagram: PROFIBUS DP starting the soft starter ........................................................ 180
9.7 Process data and process images ....................................................................................... 181
9.8 Diagnosis via LED display ................................................................................................... 182
9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7 ........................................................................................................ 183
9.9.1 Reading out the diagnostic data .......................................................................................... 183
9.9.2 Options for reading diagnostic data ..................................................................................... 183
9.9.3 Structure of the slave diagnostics ........................................................................................ 184
9.9.4 Station status 1 to 3 ............................................................................................................. 185
9.9.5 Master PROFIBUS address ................................................................................................. 187
9.9.6 Manufacturer ID ................................................................................................................... 187
9.9.7 ID-related diagnostics .......................................................................................................... 188
9.9.8 Module status ....................................................................................................................... 189
9.9.9 Channel-related diagnostics ................................................................................................ 190
9.10 Data formats and data sets .................................................................................................. 192
9.10.1 Properties ............................................................................................................................. 192
9.11 Identification number (ID No.), error codes .......................................................................... 196
9.11.1 Identification number (ID No.) .............................................................................................. 196
9.11.2 Error codes for negative data set acknowledgement........................................................... 196
9.12 Data sets (BS) ...................................................................................................................... 198
9.12.1 Data set 68 - Reading/writing the process image of the outputs ......................................... 199
9.12.2 Data set 69 - Reading the process image of the inputs ....................................................... 200
9.12.3 Data set 72 - Logbook - Reading device errors ................................................................... 201
9.12.4 Data set 73 - Logbook – Reading the trips .......................................................................... 202
9.12.5 Data set 75 - Logbook - Reading events ............................................................................. 204
9.12.6 Data set 81 - Reading the basic settings of data set 131 .................................................... 205
9.12.7 Data set 82 - Reading the basic settings of data set 132 .................................................... 205
9.12.8 Data set 83 - Reading the basic settings of data set 133 .................................................... 206
9.12.9 Data set 92 - Reading device diagnostics ........................................................................... 206
9.12.10 Data set 93 - Writing a command ........................................................................................ 212
9.12.11 Data set 94 - Reading measured values ............................................................................. 213
9.12.12 Data set 95 - Reading statistical data .................................................................................. 214
9.12.13 Data set 96 - Reading the maximum pointer ....................................................................... 215
9.12.14 Data set 100 - Reading the device identification ................................................................. 217
9.12.15 Data sets 131, 141, 151 - Technology parameters 2: Reading/writing sets 1, 2, 3 ............. 219
9.12.16 Data sets 132, 142, 152 - Technology parameters 3: Reading/writing sets 1, 2, 3 ............. 224
9.12.17 Data set 133 - Technology parameters 4: HMI module ....................................................... 225
9.12.18 Data set 160 - Reading/writing communication parameters ................................................ 226
9.12.19 Data set 165 - Reading/writing comments ........................................................................... 227

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Table of contents

10 Typical circuit diagrams ....................................................................................................................... 229

10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits ..............................................................229
10.1.1 3RW44 in a standard circuit with control via keys ................................................................229
10.1.2 3RW44 in a standard circuit with line contactor and control via PLC ...................................231
10.1.3 3RW44 in a standard circuit and DC braking stopping function for device types 3RW44
22 to 3RW44 25 ....................................................................................................................232
10.1.4 3RW44 in a standard circuit and DC braking stopping function for device types 3RW44
26 to 3RW44 66 ....................................................................................................................233
10.1.5 3RW44 in an inside-delta circuit ...........................................................................................234
10.1.6 3RW44 in a standard circuit and control like a contactor .....................................................236
10.1.7 3RW44 in a standard circuit with soft start/stop and additional slow speed function in
both directions of rotation with one parameter set ................................................................237
10.1.8 Control via @PROFIBUS with switchover to manual local operation (e.g. on the
control cabinet) .....................................................................................................................239
10.1.9 3RW44 in a standard circuit and reversing operation via main contactors with one
parameter set without soft stopping ......................................................................................240
10.1.10 Reversing operation with soft stopping .................................................................................242
10.1.11 Soft starter for pole-changing motor with separate windings and 2 parameter sets ............243
10.1.12 Soft starter for Dahlander motors with 2 parameter sets ......................................................245
10.1.13 Parallel starting of 3 motors ..................................................................................................247
10.1.14 Soft starter for serial starting with 3 parameter sets .............................................................249
10.1.15 Soft starter for serial starting with 3 parameter sets (deactivate soft stop and 3RW44
motor protection) ...................................................................................................................251
10.1.16 Soft starter for activation of a motor with a magnetic fixing brake ........................................252
10.1.17 Safe disconnection according to IEC 62061 (SIL) and/or ISO 13849-1 (PL) .......................253
10.1.18 Soft starter with direct-on-line starting (DOL) as emergency start .......................................254
10.1.19 Soft starter with star-delta starter as emergency start (3RW44 in a standard circuit) ..........255
10.1.20 Soft starter and frequency converter on one motor ..............................................................256
11 General technical data ........................................................................................................................ 257
11.1 Menu structure ......................................................................................................................257
11.2 Transport and storage conditions .........................................................................................267
11.3 Technical data .......................................................................................................................268
11.3.1 Selection and ordering data ..................................................................................................268
11.3.2 Technical data of the power unit ...........................................................................................274
11.3.3 Technical data of the control section ....................................................................................279
11.3.4 Conductor cross-sections .....................................................................................................283
11.3.5 Electromagnetic compatibility ...............................................................................................285
11.3.6 Feeder component layout (standard circuit) .........................................................................286
11.3.7 Feeder component layout (inside-delta circuit) .....................................................................291
11.3.8 Accessories ...........................................................................................................................293
11.3.9 Spare parts ...........................................................................................................................296
11.4 Tripping characteristics .........................................................................................................297
11.4.1 Motor protection tripping characteristics: 3RW44 with symmetry .........................................297
11.4.2 Motor protection tripping characteristics: 3RW44 with asymmetry .......................................298
11.5 Dimension drawings..............................................................................................................299
11.5.1 Dimension drawings..............................................................................................................299

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Table of contents

A Appendix .............................................................................................................................................305
Index ...................................................................................................................................................307

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8 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Important notes 1
Purpose of this manual
This manual contains fundamental information and practical tips for using SIRIUS 3RW44
soft starters. The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter is an electronic motor control device that
enables optimized starting and stopping of three-phase asynchronous motors.
This manual describes all the functions of the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter.

Target group
This manual is intended for any user involved in
● Commissioning
● Servicing and maintenance
● Planning and configuring systems

Basic knowledge required

A general knowledge of the field of electrical engineering is required to understand this

This manual is valid for SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters. It contains a description of the
components that are valid at the time of publication of this manual. SIEMENS reserves the
right to include updated information about new components or new versions of components
in a Product Information.

Where the short form 3RW44 is used in the text, it refers to the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter.

Standards and approvals

The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter is based on IEC/EN 60947-4-2.

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Important notes
1.1 Support Request

Disclaimer of liability
The manufacturer of the system or machine is responsible for ensuring the correct overall
functioning. SIEMENS AG, its regional offices, and associated companies (hereinafter
referred to as "SIEMENS") cannot guarantee all the properties of a system or machine not
designed by SIEMENS.
Nor can Siemens assume liability for recommendations given or implied by the following
description. No new guarantee, warranty, or liability claims beyond the scope of the
SIEMENS general terms and conditions of supply are to be derived or inferred from the
following description.

Access aids
To facilitate and speed up access to special information, the manual contains the following
● At the beginning of the manual you will find a table of contents.
● The individual chapters contain subheadings that provide an overview of the contents of
the section.
● At the end of the manual, there is an extensive index to enable you to quickly access the
required information.

Up-to-the-minute information at all times

Your regional contacts for communication-capable low-voltage controls will be pleased to
assist you with any queries you have regarding the motor starters. A list of contacts and the
latest version of the manual are available on the Internet

1.1 Support Request

Use the Support Request online form to send your question directly to Technical Support:

Support Request: Internet (

3RW44 soft starters

10 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Important notes
1.2 Security information

1.2 Security information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be
connected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is
necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network
segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more
secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are
available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no
longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure
to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under

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Important notes
1.2 Security information

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12 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Introduction 2
2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor
and operating principle of the soft starter

2.1.1 Three-phase asynchronous motor

Application areas of the three-phase asynchronous motor

Three-phase asynchronous motors are used in a wide range of applications in commerce,
industry and trade owing to their simple, rugged design and their low-maintenance operation.

If a three-phase asynchronous motor is started directly, its typical current and torque
characteristics can cause disturbances in the supply system and the load machine.

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2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor and operating principle of the soft starter

Starting current
Three-phase asynchronous motors have a high direct starting current I (startup). Depending on
the motor version it can amount to between three times and fifteen times the rated
operational current. Seven to eight times the rated motor current can be taken as a typical

This results in the following disadvantage:
● Higher load on the electrical supply system. This means that the supply system must be
dimensioned for this higher output during the motor startup.

Figure 2-1 Typical starting current characteristic of a three-phase asynchronous motor

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2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor and operating principle of the soft starter

Locked-rotor torque
The starting torque and the breakdown torque can usually be assumed to be between two
and four times the rated torque. For the load machine this means that the starting and
acceleration forces in relation to rated operation give rise to a higher mechanical load on the
machine and the conveyed material.

This results in the following disadvantages
● A higher load is placed on the machine's mechanical components
● Higher costs for replacing worn parts and maintaining the application

Figure 2-2 Typical starting torque characteristic of a three-phase asynchronous motor

The SIRIUS 3RW44 electronic soft starter allows the current and torque characteristics
during startup to be optimally adapted to the requirements of each application.

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2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor and operating principle of the soft starter

2.1.2 Principle of operation of the 3RW44 electronic soft starter

The 3RW44 soft starter features two antiparallel thyristors in each of the phases. There is
one thyristor for the positive and one thyristor for the negative half-wave.
The rms value of the motor voltage is increased (from an adjustable starting voltage or
starting torque) to the rated motor voltage within a definable starting time by means of the
leading-edge phase. This is achieved using various control methods.
The motor current changes in proportion to the voltage applied to the motor. The starting
current is thus reduced by the factor of the voltage applied to the motor.
The torque changes in squared proportion to the voltage applied to the motor. The starting
torque is thus reduced in squared proportion to the voltage applied to the motor.


SIEMENS 1LG4253AA motor (55 kW)

Rated data at 400 V
Pe: 55 kW
Ie: 100 A
Idirect starting: approx. 700 A
Me: 355 Nm

ne: 1480 rpm

Mdirect starting: approx. 700 Nm
Set starting voltage: 50 % (½ of line voltage)
=> Istarting ½ of direct-on-line starting switch-on current (approx. 350 A)
=> Mstarting ¼ of direct-on-line starting torque (approx. 175 Nm)

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2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor and operating principle of the soft starter

The diagrams below show the starting current and torque characteristics for a three-phase
asynchronous motor in combination with a soft starter:

Figure 2-3 Reduced current characteristic of a three-phase asynchronous motor during startup with
a SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter

Figure 2-4 Reduced torque characteristic of a three-phase asynchronous motor during startup with
a SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter

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2.1 Basic physical principles of the three-phase asynchronous motor and operating principle of the soft starter

This means that, since the motor voltage is controlled by the electronic soft starter during the
startup process, the consumed starting current and the starting torque generated in the
motor are also controlled.
The same principle is applied during the stopping process. This way the torque generated in
the motor is slowly reduced, thus enabling a smooth ramp-down of the application.
The frequency remains constant during this process and corresponds to the line frequency,
in contrast to frequency-controlled startup and stopping of a frequency converter.
Once the motor has started up correctly, the thyristors are fully utilized, meaning that the
complete line voltage is applied to the motor terminals. As the motor voltage does not have
to be controlled during operation, the thyristors are bridged by integrated bypass contacts.
This minimizes the waste heat generated during continuous operation (which is caused by
the thyristor's power loss). Therefore the area around the switching devices heats up less.
The diagram below shows the method of operation of the 3RW44 soft starter:

Figure 2-5 Phase angle control and schematic diagram of a soft starter with internal bypass contacts

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2.2 Application and use

2.2 Application and use

Applications and selection criteria

3RW44 soft starters can be used as an alternative to star-delta (wye-delta) starters and
frequency converters.
Their main benefits are their ability to perform soft starting, soft stops, and uninterrupted
changeover without current peaks that put a strain on the system, as well as their compact
Many drives that could previously only be operated with frequency converters can be
changed over to soft starter operation using the 3RW44 soft starter, provided no speed
control, no particularly high starting torque, or startup with close to rated current, is required.

Typical applications include:
● Conveyor belts
● Roller conveyors
● Compressor
● Ventilators, fans
● Pump
● Hydraulic pumps
● Stirrers
● Centrifuges
● Milling machines
● Mills
● Crushers
● Circular saws/bandsaws
● ...

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2.3 Marginal conditions for storage and operation

Conveyor belts, conveyor systems:
● Smooth starting
● Smooth braking
Rotary pumps, piston pumps:
● No pressure surges
● Increased service life of the pipe system
Agitators, mixers:
● Reduced starting current
● Reduced stress on gearbox and V belt

2.3 Marginal conditions for storage and operation

Permissible ambient temperature for

- Storage -25 °C ... +80 °C
- Operation 0 °C ... +60 °C, from 40 °C with derating
(refer to chapter Technical data (Page 268))
Permissible relative humidity 10 ... 95 %
Permissible maximum installation altitude 5000 m, from 1000 m with derating

Risk of property damage.
Make sure no liquids, dust, or conductive objects can get inside the soft starter.

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Configuration instructions 3
3.1 Configuration
The 3RW44 electronic soft starters are designed for normal starting. In case of heavy
starting or increased starting frequency, a larger unit may have to be selected.
For long starting times it is recommended to have a PTC sensor in the motor. This also
applies to soft stop, pump stop and DC braking coasting methods because, during the coast-
down time in these modes, an additional current loading applies in contrast to coasting
The motor feeder between the soft starter and motor must not contain any capacitive
elements (such as compensation systems). Active filters must not be operated in
combination with soft starters.
All elements of the main circuit (such as fuses and switching devices) should be
dimensioned for direct-on-line starting, following the local short-circuit conditions, and must
be ordered separately.
The harmonic component load for starting currents must be taken into consideration for the
selection of motor starter protectors (selection of trip unit).

3.1.1 RS 232 serial PC interface and Soft Starter ES parameterizing and operating
The electronic 3RW44 soft starters have a PC interface for communicating with the Soft
Starter ES smart software and an operating and monitoring module (display).

3.1.2 Simulation Tool for Soft Starters (STS)

With this software, you can simulate and select all Siemens soft starters, taking into account
various parameters such as line conditions, motor and load data, and special application
requirements, etc.
The Simulation Tool for Soft Starters (STS) can be downloaded from the Internet

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 21
Configuration instructions
3.2 Startup class

3.2 Startup class

To achieve the optimum soft starter design, it is important to know and take into account the
starting time (startup class) of the application. Long starting times mean a higher thermal
load on the thyristors of the soft starter. 3RW44 soft starters are designed for continuous
operation under normal starting conditions (CLASS 10), an ambient temperature of 40 °C,
and a fixed switching frequency. You will also find these values in chapter Technical data of
the power unit (Page 274). If deviations from this data occurs, the starters may need to be

Selection criteria

You must select the size of your SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters according to the rated motor
current (rated currentsoft starter ≥ rated motor current).

For the correct dimensioning of soft starters for motors with high starting current ratios
(typically I/Ie ≥ 8), we recommend our Simulation Tool for Soft Starters (STS).

3RW44 soft starters

22 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Configuration instructions
3.2 Startup class

3.2.1 Application examples for normal starting (CLASS 10)

Normal starting CLASS 10 (up to 20 s with 350 % In motor)
The soft starter rating can be selected to be as high as the rating of the motor implemented.

Application Conveyor belts Roller conveyors Compressor Small fans Pump Hydraulic
Starting parameters
Voltage ramp and
current limiting
• Starting voltage % 70 60 50 30 30 30

• Starting time s 10 10 10 10 10 10

• Current limiting Deactivated Deactivated 4 x IM 4 x IM Deactivated Deactivated

Torque ramp
• Starting torque 60 50 40 20 10 10

• End torque 150 150 150 150 150 150

• Starting time 10 10 10 10 10 10

Breakaway pulse Deactivated Deactivated Deactivated Deactivated Deactivated Deactivated

(0 ms) (0 ms) (0 ms) (0 ms) (0 ms) (0 ms)
Coasting method Soft stop Soft stop Coasting Coasting Pump stop Coasting
down down down

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Configuration instructions
3.2 Startup class

3.2.2 Application examples for heavy starting (CLASS 20)

Heavy starting CLASS 20 (up to 40 s with 350 % In motor)
The soft starter has to be selected one power class higher than that of the implemented

Application Stirrers Centrifuges Milling machines

Starting parameters
Voltage ramp and current
• Starting voltage % 30 30 30

• Starting time s 30 30 30

• Current limiting value 4 x IM 4 x IM 4 x IM

Torque ramp
• Starting torque 30 30 30

• End torque 150 150 150

• Starting time 30 30 30

Breakaway pulse Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms)

Coasting method Coasting down Coasting down Coasting down or DC

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24 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Configuration instructions
3.2 Startup class

3.2.3 Application examples for very heavy starting (CLASS 30)

Heavy starting CLASS 30 (up to 60 s with 350 % In motor)
The soft starter has to be selected two power classes higher than that of the implemented

Application Large fans Mills Crushers Circular

Starting parameters
Voltage ramp and current
• Starting voltage % 30 50 50 30

• Starting time s 60 60 60 60

• Current limiting value 4 x IM 4 x IM 4 x IM 4 x IM

Torque ramp
• Starting torque 20 50 50 20

• End torque 150 150 150 150

• Starting time 60 60 60 60

Breakaway pulse Deactivated (0 ms) 80 %; 300 ms 80 %; 300 ms Deactivated (0 ms)

Coasting method Coasting down Coasting down Coasting down Coasting down

The settings and device dimensions indicated in these tables are examples only; they are
merely provided for information purposes and are not binding. Set values depend on the
application in question and must be optimized during commissioning.

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Configuration instructions
3.3 ON time and switching frequency

3.3 ON time and switching frequency

Based on the rated motor current and the startup class, the 3RW44 soft starters are
dimensioned for a maximum permissible switching frequency in combination with a relative
ON time. See also Chapter Technical data of the power unit (Page 274). A larger soft starter
may have to be selected if these values are exceeded.

ON time motor OT
The relative ON time in % is the ratio between the load duration and the cycle duration for
loads that are frequently switched on and off.
The ON time OT can be calculated using the following formula:

Explanation of the formula:

OT = ON time [%]
ts = starting time [s]
tb = operating time [s]
tp = idle time [s]
The following diagram illustrates this process.

Figure 3-1 ON time motor OT

Switching frequency
The maximum permissible switching frequency must not be exceeded because the devices
could be damaged due to thermal overloading.

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26 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Configuration instructions
3.4 Installation altitude and ambient temperature

3.4 Installation altitude and ambient temperature

The permissible installation altitude must not exceed 5000 m above sea level (above 5000 m
on request).
If the installation altitude exceeds 1000 m, the rated operational current must be reduced for
thermal reasons.
If the installation altitude exceeds 2000 m, the rated voltage must also be reduced owing to
the limited dielectric strength. A maximum permissible rated voltage of ≤ 480 V applies at
installation altitudes between 2000 m and 5000 m above sea level.
The following diagram shows the reduction in the rated device current as a function of the
installation altitude:
The rated operational current Ie must be reduced at altitudes higher than 1000 m above sea

Figure 3-2 Reduction as a function of the installation altitude

Ambient temperature
3RW44 soft starters are designed for operation with rated current at an ambient temperature
of 40 °C. If this temperature is exceeded, e.g. owing to an impermissible temperature rise in
the control cabinet, other loads, or a general increase in the ambient temperature, the
resulting deterioration in the soft starter's performance must be taken into account when the
device is dimensioned (see chapter Technical data of the power unit (Page 274)).

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Configuration instructions
3.5 Factory settings

3.5 Factory settings

Reset to the factory settings (default)
● if parameter settings are incorrect
● if continued use is to be made of already parameterized SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters in
other systems.

Otherwise, drives could break away in certain circumstances due to existing parameter

Soft starters already parameterized by users can be reset to the factory settings without the
need for additional tools.
For details of how to reset a soft starter to the factory settings, see "Restoring the delivery
condition (factory settings)" in chapter Saving options (Page 107).

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28 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Configuration instructions
3.6 Article number system for SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters

3.6 Article number system for SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters

3RW4* 4* 22 - 6 B* C* 4 4

* Fields are not configurable

I Identifier of the basic unit

AC semiconductor motor control device (soft starter)
II Device version:
4 High-End soft starter
II Rated operational power Pe (at Ue 400 V)
I Rated operational current Ie (for utilization category AC-53a) (at 40°C ambient temperature)

Pe le Pe le
22 15 kW 29 A 45 160 kW 313 A
23 18.5 kW 36 A 46 200 kW 356 A
24 22 kW 47 A 47 250 kW 432 A
25 30 kW 57 A 53 315 kW 551 A
26 37 kW 77 A 54 355 kW 615 A
27 45 kW 93 A 55 400 kW 693 A
34 55 kW 113 A 56 450 kW 780 A
35 75 kW 134 A 57 500 kW 880 A
36 90 kW 162 A 58 560 kW 970 A
43 110 kW 203 A 65 630 kW 1076 A
44 132 kW 250 A 66 710 kW 1214 A

IV Type of connection
1 Standard screwed connection (main/auxiliary conductor connection)
(for units ≤ 3RW4427)
2 Main conductors: busbar connection/auxiliary conductors: Spring-loaded terminal
(for units > 3RW4427)
3 Main conductors: screwed connection/auxiliary conductors: Spring-loaded terminal
(for units ≤ 3RW4427)
6 Main conductors: busbar connection/auxiliary conductors: Screw terminal
(for units > 3RW4427)

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Configuration instructions
3.6 Article number system for SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters

V Special function
B With bypass
VI Number of controlled phases
C All 3 phases controlled
VII Rated control supply voltage Us:
3 115 V AC
4 230 V AC
VIII Rated control supply voltage Ue:
4 200 to 460 V
5 400 to 600 V
6 400 to 690 V

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30 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration 4
4.1 Installing the soft starter

4.1.1 Unpacking


Do not lift the device by the cover when unpacking it as this could lead to damage.

4.1.2 Mounting position

The soft starter is mounted vertically on vertical, level surfaces.

Figure 4-1 Mounting position

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Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.1 Installing the soft starter

4.1.3 Installation requirements

Degree of protection IP00

3RW44 soft starters conform to IP00 degree of protection.
The devices must be installed in control cabinets with IP54 degree of protection (pollution
degree 2), taking account of the ambient conditions.
Make sure no liquids, dust or conductive objects can get inside the soft starter. The soft
starter produces waste heat (power loss) while it is operating (refer to chapter General
technical data (Page 257)).

Overheating of the switching device
Provide adequate cooling at the place of installation to prevent the switching device from

Coated circuit boards
All 3RW44 soft starters with a production date G/150206 onwards are equipped as standard
with coated printed circuit boards to improve protection of the device against tough ambient
conditions such as dust, moisture or other harmful influences.

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32 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.1 Installing the soft starter

4.1.4 Mounting dimensions and clearances

The minimum clearances to other devices must be complied with to ensure unobstructed
cooling as well as the free supply and discharge of air to and from the heat sink.

Figure 4-2 Clearance to other devices


Allow sufficient clearances for the cooling air to circulate freely. The device is ventilated
from bottom to top.

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Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder

4.2 Design of the feeder

4.2.1 General information

Automatic restart
Can result in death, serious injury, or property damage.
The automatic reset mode must not be used in applications where there is a risk of serious
injury to persons or substantial damage to property if the motor starts up again
The start command (e.g. issued by the PLC) must be reset prior to issuing a reset
command, because the motor attempts to restart again automatically if a start command is
still active following this reset command. This particularly applies if the motor protection has
tripped. For safety reasons, you are advised to integrate the group fault output (terminals
95 and 96) in the controller.

General information
A motor feeder comprises at least a disconnector, a contact element, and a motor.
Line protection against short-circuits must be implemented, together with overload protection
for the line and motor.

The isolating function with line protection against overload and short-circuits can be achieved
with a motor starter protector or a fuse disconnector, for instance.
(For details of fuse and circuit breaker assignment, refer to chapter Feeder component
layout (standard circuit) (Page 286) and chapter Feeder component layout (inside-delta
circuit) (Page 291).

Contact element
The 3RW44 soft starter performs the functions of the contact element and motor protection.

Hazardous voltage.
Danger to life or risk of serious injury.
If line voltage is present at the input terminals of the soft starter, hazardous voltage may still
be present at the soft starter output even if a start command has not been issued. This
voltage must be isolated by means of a disconnector (open isolating distance, e.g. with an
open switch disconnector) whenever work is carried out on the feeder.

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34 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder

4.2.2 Soft starters in standard circuits

The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter is connected into the motor feeder between the disconnector
or motor starter protector and the motor.
The 3RW44 soft starter automatically detects the type of connection of the soft starter,
meaning that this does not have to be explicitly set on the device. The detected connection
type can be read on the starter in the "Status display/Type of connection" menu item. In this
case, the display reads "Star/delta". If the circuitry is faulty or the motor is not connected, the
display shows "Unknown".

Figure 4-3 Block diagram of 3RW44 soft starters in standard circuits

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Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder

Error message due to delayed switching of the contactor
If a main or line contactor is connected between the soft starter and the motor or in the
return line between the motor and the soft starter, steps must be taken to ensure that this
contactor is connected within 100 ms of activation of the start command for the 3RW44.
If the contactor is not connected within 100 ms of activation of the start command for the
3RW44, the soft starter no longer recognizes the current circuit variant (standard circuit or
inside-delta circuit). A "Missing load phase 1-3" error message is generated.

4.2.3 Soft starters in inside-delta circuits

A motor whose windings can be connected in a delta circuit where a line voltage prevails.


Line voltage: 400 V

Rated motor current: 40.5 A
Current via soft starter in inside-delta circuit: approx. 24 A
Selected soft starter in inside-delta circuit: 3RW44 22

Figure 4-4 Nameplate of a 22 kW motor

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36 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder

The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter can be dimensioned to match the current flowing in the
motor section (58 % of the conductor current) by connecting it to the delta winding of the
motor. This requires at least 6 motor lines.
The 3RW44 soft starter automatically detects how it is connected, meaning that the
connection type does not have to be explicitly set on the device. The detected connection
type can be read on the starter in the "Status display/Type of connection" menu item. In this
case, the display reads "Inside-delta circuit". If the circuitry is faulty or the motor is not
connected, the display shows "Unknown".


The rated motor current given on the nameplate must always be set in the quick start menu
or in the motor adjustment menu item. This setting is independent of the soft starter's type
of connection.
Value to be set in the above example for a line voltage of 400 V, e.g. 40.5 A.


The DC braking and combined braking device functions are no longer available for inside-
delta circuits.
To ensure proper functioning of the soft starter, the electrical connection of the main
voltage (line and motor side) must be made according to the given circuit examples (see
chapter Connection examples for main and control circuits (Page 229)).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 37
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder

Figure 4-5 Block diagram of 3RW44 soft starters in inside-delta circuits

Error message due to delayed switching of the contactor
If a main or line contactor is connected between the soft starter and the motor or in the
return line between the motor and the soft starter, steps must be taken to ensure that this
contactor is connected within 100 ms of activation of the start command for the 3RW44.
If the contactor is not connected within 100 ms of activation of the start command for the
3RW44, the soft starter no longer recognizes the current circuit variant (standard circuit or
inside-delta circuit). A "Missing load phase 1-3" error message is generated.

3RW44 soft starters

38 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder

4.2.4 Soft starter with contactor disconnector (main contactor)

If electrical isolation is specified, you can install a motor contactor between the soft starter
and the motor starter protector or you can use a fault output relay. (For contactor
assignments, refer to chapter Technical data (Page 268).

Figure 4-6 Block diagram of a feeder with an optional main contactor / contactor disconnector

Error message due to delayed switching of the contactor
If a main or line contactor is connected between the soft starter and the motor or in the
return line between the motor and the soft starter, steps must be taken to ensure that this
contactor is connected within 100 ms of activation of the start command for the 3RW44.
If the contactor is not connected within 100 ms of activation of the start command for the
3RW44, the soft starter no longer recognizes the current circuit variant (standard circuit or
inside-delta circuit). A "Missing load phase 1-3" error message is generated.

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Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder


In the case of 3RW44 product version *E08* (FWV 1.9.0) the simultaneous and/or
premature switch-off of the main contactor and removal of the ON command at the soft
starter may lead to direct-on-line starting behavior of the motor when restarting. Include a
tripping delay of 1 s for the main contactor or control the main contactor via an output with
parameterized "ON time" function as described in chapter 3RW44 in a standard circuit with
line contactor and control via PLC (Page 231).

3RW44 soft starters

40 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.3 Protection of the soft starter against short-circuits (type of assignment 2)

4.3 Protection of the soft starter against short-circuits (type of

assignment 2)
The soft starter has internal protection to prevent overloading of the thyristors. This internal
thyristor protection function is not sufficient in the event of a defect in the motor windings or a
short-circuit in the motor's power supply cable, for example. Special semiconductor fuses,
e.g. SITOR fuses from SIEMENS, must be used for this purpose.

Figure 4-7 Block diagram of a feeder with semiconductor fuses

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 41
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.3 Protection of the soft starter against short-circuits (type of assignment 2)

There are two possibilities of protecting against a short-circuit:
Protecting against short-circuits in accordance with type of coordination 1:
the device may be defective after a short-circuit and must be replaced. Chapter Feeder
component layout (standard circuit) (Page 286) contains details of fuses/circuit breakers for
short-circuit protection in accordance with type of coordination 1.
Protecting against short-circuits in accordance with type of coordination 2:
the device is not damaged by a short-circuit. Type of coordination 2 is recommended for high
plant availability. The soft starter has internal protection to prevent overloading of the
thyristors during normal operation. This internal thyristor protection function is not sufficient,
however, in the event of a defect in the motor windings or a short-circuit in the motor's power
supply cable, for example. Special semiconductor fuses, e.g. SITOR fuses from SIEMENS,
must be used for this purpose.

Risk of property damage
Type of coordination 1 in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1: The device is defective following
a short-circuit failure and therefore unsuitable for further use (personnel and equipment
must not be put at risk). Type of coordination 2 in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1: The
device is suitable for further use following a short-circuit failure (personnel and equipment
must not be put at risk). The type of coordination only refers to soft starters in conjunction
with the stipulated protective device (motor starter protector/fuse), not to additional
components in the feeder.

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42 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.4 Capacitors for improving the power factor

4.4 Capacitors for improving the power factor


Capacitors must not be connected to the output terminals of the soft starter. If so, the soft
starter will be damaged.
Active filters, e.g. for power factor correction, must not be operated parallel to the motor
control device.

If capacitors are to be used to correct the power factor, they must be connected on the
device's line side. If a contactor disconnector or main contactor are used together with the
electronic soft starter, the capacitors must be disconnected from the soft starter when the
contactor is open.

4.5 Generator operation with three-phase asynchronous motor

The 3RW44 soft starters are suitable for generator operation.

The direction of power flow is also irrelevant for the overload relay integrated in the 3RW44
soft starters. This means that motor protection is guaranteed in all cases, regardless of
whether motor or generator operation is concerned.

3RW44 soft starters

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Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.6 Electrical connection

4.6 Electrical connection

4.6.1 Control and auxiliary circuit connection

The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter is supplied with two different connection systems:
● Screw connections
● Spring-loaded connections

Two control voltage versions are available:

● 115 V AC
● 230 V AC

4.6.2 Main circuit connection

All soft starters have busbar connections for the main circuit connection.

Size 3RW44 2.
An additional box terminal for direct cable connection is supplied as standard with size
3RW44 2.

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44 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.6 Electrical connection

Sizes 3RW44 3. and 3RW44 4.

For size 3RW44 3. and 3RW44 4. devices, it is possible to retrofit box terminals as optional
accessories (see chapter Accessories (Page 293)).

Figure 4-8 Connections

1. A1, A2, PE, L+, L-, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, T1, T2, 13, 14, 23, 24, 33, 34, 95, 96, 98:
Control/auxiliary circuit
2. L1/L2/L3
Main circuit infeed
3. T1/T2/T3
Main circuit outgoing feeder load

Figure 3-8: Connections


It is not permitted to connect the 3-phase line infeed to terminals T1/T2/T3.

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Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.6 Electrical connection

4.6.3 Conductor cross-sections

A1, A2, PE, L+, L-, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, T1, T2, 13, 14, 23, 24, 33, 34, 95, 96, 98
3RW44..-1.... 3RW44..-2....
3RW44..-6.... 3RW44..-3....

0.8…1.2 Nm -
7 to 10.3
∅ 5…6 mm/PZ2
1 x 0.5…4.0 mm2 2 x 0.25…1.5 mm2
2 x 0.5…2.5 mm2

2 x 0.5…1.5 mm2 2 x 0.25…1.5 mm2

1 x 0.5…2.5 mm2
- 2 x 0.25…1.5 mm2

AWG 2 x 20...14 2 x 24...16

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46 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.6 Electrical connection

L1, L2, L3; T1, T2, T3

3RW44 2.-... 3RW44 3.-... 3RW44 4.-... 3RW44 5.-... / 3RW44 6.-...
4…6 Nm M8x25 10…14 Nm M10x30 14…24 Nm M12x40 20…35 Nm
36…53 89…124 124…210 177…310
2 x 10…70 mm2 2x 2 x 70…240 mm2 2 x 70…240 mm2
2 x AWG 7…1/0 25…120 mm2 2 x AWG 2 x AWG
2 x AWG 2/0…500 kcmil 2/0…500 kcmil
4…250 kcmil
2 x 10…50 mm2 2 x 16…95 mm2 2 x 50…240 mm2 2 x 50…240 mm2
2 x AWG 7…1/0 2 x AWG 6…3/0 2 x AWG 2 x AWG
2/0…500 kcmil 2/0…500 kcmil
min. 2 x 3 x 0.8 b ≤ 17 mm b ≤ 25 mm b ≤ 60 mm
max. 10 x 15.5 0.8
2 x 2.5…16 mm2 -- -- -- -- -- --

2 x 2.5…35 mm2 -- -- -- -- -- --
1 x 2.5…50 mm2
2 x 10…50 mm2 -- -- -- -- -- --
1 x 10…70 mm2
2 x AWG 10…1/0
1 x AWG 10…2/0

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 47
Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.6 Electrical connection

3RW44 soft starters

48 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Display, controls and device interfaces 5
5.1 Display and controls

Graphic display
There is a graphic display on the front of the device from which the functions and states of
the soft starter can be read in plain text and with the help of symbols when control voltage is

① Shows the operator panel that ② Indicates the user level setting ③ Indicates the current motor status
currently has control priority and is thus
issuing the control commands for the
Display with keys Customer read only No motor

Serial interface Customer write Startup

Control inputs Motor is running

PLC via Run down

PC via bus Motor ready to start

No control device

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Display, controls and device interfaces
5.1 Display and controls

Operator controls
There are four keys for operating and adjusting the soft starter:
The current function, depending on the menu item, is shown as text on the display above this
key (e.g. select menu, change value or save settings).
The current function, depending on the menu item, is shown as text on the display above this
key (e.g. select menu, change value or save settings).
The ESC key is used to quit the current menu item and to jump back to the higher-level
menu item.

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50 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Display, controls and device interfaces
5.2 Device interfaces

5.2 Device interfaces

5.2.1 Local device interface

A local device interface on the front side of the starter is provided as standard. This interface
can be used to connect either an optional external operating and display module, or the "Soft
Starter ES" operating, monitoring and parameterizing software (see chapter Accessories
(Page 293)) using a PC and a connecting cable.

5.2.2 PROFIBUS/PROFINET interface (optional)

The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter can be equipped with an optional PROFIBUS module (only
available for products delivered after 04/2006) or with an optional PROFINET module (only
available for products delivered after 06/2013). The soft starter can be connected to
PROFIBUS/PROFINET, operated and parameterized via the interface. The "Soft Starter ES"
operating, monitoring and parameterizing software (see chapter Accessories (Page 293))
can also be connected to this interface using a PC and a connecting cable.
Simultaneous operation of a 3RW44 with a PROFIBUS/PROFINET interface is not possible
in networks where one line conductor is grounded.

5.3 External display and control module (optional)

When de-energized, the external display and control module can be connected to the local
device interface via a special connecting cable.
After switching on, the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter automatically recognizes that the external
display and control module has been connected. The 3RW44 display will be inverted and the
display and control module's display will be shown normally.
The control keys of the 3RW44 will be inactive, meaning that normal handling is only
possible via the external display and control module.
Refer to chapter General technical data (Page 257) for ordering data.

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Display, controls and device interfaces
5.3 External display and control module (optional)

3RW44 soft starters

52 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Commissioning 6
6.1 Menu structure, navigation, changing parameters
The 3RW44 functions (parameterization, diagnostics and motor control) can be executed
using the four control keys. The menu has various sub-levels, which must be handled in
different ways but are self-explanatory.

6.1.1 Menu structure and navigation

Menu structure

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6.1 Menu structure, navigation, changing parameters

6.1.2 Changing parameters: for example motor data

Changing values, e.g. adjusting motor data

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54 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.2 Switching on for the first time

6.2 Switching on for the first time


Before switching the device on for the first time, verify that the main/control side is wired
properly. Make sure that the line and control voltages comply with the device-specific
requirements (refer to chapter Technical data (Page 268)).

6.2.1 Recommended procedure for commissioning 3RW44

Suggested setting Startup parameters Stopping parameters

Startup mode: voltage ramp and current limiting Coasting method Parameters
(U+ current limiting)
Starting Starting Current Breakaway pulse Coast- Stopping
voltage % time s limiting value down torque %
time s
Conveyor belts 70 10 Deactivated Deactivated (0 ms) Torque control 10 10
Roller conveyors 60 10 Deactivated Deactivated (0 ms) Torque control 10 10
Compressor 50 10 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Small fans 30 10 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Pump 30 10 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Pump stop 10 10
Hydraulic pumps 30 10 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Stirrers 30 30 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Centrifuges 30 30 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Milling machines 30 30 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Large fans 30 60 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
Mills 50 60 4 x Ie 80 %/300 ms Coasting down X X
Crushers 50 60 4 x Ie 80 %/300 ms Coasting down X X
Circular saws/ 30 60 4 x Ie Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down X X
band saws

This table provides example settings. They are intended for information purposes only and
are not binding. Set values depend on the application in question and must be optimized
during commissioning.

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6.2 Switching on for the first time

6.2.2 Quick start menu, when switching on for the first time

Quick commissioning of the soft starter

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56 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.2 Switching on for the first time

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6.2 Switching on for the first time

6.2.3 Problems that can occur

The motor does not directly start smoothly

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58 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.2 Switching on for the first time

The motor does not swiftly reach its nominal rotational speed in the desired time

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6.2 Switching on for the first time

The motor does not reach zero speed as desired

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60 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.2 Switching on for the first time

6.2.4 Quick Start menu

After applying the control supply voltage for the first time, you will automatically be in the
quick start menu, which you must go through once to commission the soft starter for the first

In the quick start menu, you need to enter the information needed to preset the most
important parameters of the soft starter for your application. Starting parameters for typical
types of applications are stored in the device parameters.
To achieve optimum motor starting, these parameters may need to be optimized on the
basis of the connected load using the "Settings" menu item, as described in chapter
Specifying the startup mode (Page 68).
If your particular load is not listed, select any load and optimize the defined parameters, if
necessary, using the "Settings" menu item as described in chapter Specifying the startup
mode (Page 68). The values of the basic factory settings of the parameters, and the
predefined assignment of the control inputs and outputs, are listed in chapter Technical data
(Page 268).

If you confirm the last item "Save settings - execute?" by entering "Yes" in the quick start
menu, you can only return to this menu by resetting the device to its basic factory settings
(refer to "Restoring the factory settings" in chapter Saving options (Page 107)). This
overwrites all settings made up to that point.

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6.2 Switching on for the first time

Quick Start menu

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62 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.3 User-specific commissioning

6.3 User-specific commissioning

If values are required that differ from the defined parameters in the Quick Start menu or in
the factory settings of the 3RW44, please proceed as follows:
Under the "Settings" menu item, select (refer to chapter Settings main menu item (Page 64)).
1. Selecting the parameter set
2. Set motor data
3. Set startup mode and parameters
4. Set coasting method and parameters
5. Set inputs and outputs
6. Check motor protection settings
7. Saving settings


The setting is buffered in a Flash EPROM memory as soon as you change a setting in
the menu and execute it using the "OK" button. It is then active in the soft starter as from
this moment onwards. When the control supply voltage is switched off, this value will be
canceled and the previous value restored. To permanently save the settings made in the
soft starter, you must save the data as described in chapter Settings main menu item
(Page 64) and chapter Saving options (Page 107).

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 63
6.3 User-specific commissioning

6.3.1 Settings main menu item

Settings main menu item

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64 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.1 Selecting the parameter set

Selecting the parameter set

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.2 Entering the motor data

Entering the motor data and nameplate

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66 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

Rated operational current Ie

Always set the rated operating current of the motor stated on the motor nameplate based on
the prevailing line voltage. This setting is independent of the type of connection of the soft
starter (soft starter in standard or inside-delta circuit). Value to be set in the above example
for a line voltage of 400 V, e.g. 40.5 A.
The motor current of the connected drive should be set to ensure proper functioning of the
soft starter during starting and stopping, as well as with regard to motor protection.

Rated torque
If the motor's rated torque is not indicated on the nameplate, it can be calculated using the
following formula:


If no value is specified, the value of the basic factory setting is active (0 Nm).
When the start command is given and the motor is connected, the soft starter automatically
calculates the required value once.

If a motor with rated data (current, speed, torque) that differs from the values already entered
is connected to the soft starter (e.g. for testing purposes), this rated data must be adapted to
the new motor. If 0 Nm is entered as the rated torque, the value is automatically calculated
once by the soft starter.

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.3 Specifying the startup mode

Specifying the startup mode

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68 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Voltage ramp" startup mode

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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70 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Voltage ramp with current limiting" startup mode

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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72 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Torque control" startup mode

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

Limiting torque


* The parameter value should be set to approx. 150 % to start the motor. It should be high
enough to ensure that the motor does not become stuck during run-up. This ensures that
enough acceleration torque is generated throughout the motor run-up phase.

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74 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Torque control with current limiting" startup mode

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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76 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Direct on-line starting" mode

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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78 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Motor heating" startup mode

Motor thermal capacity

May lead to damage to property.
The "Motor heating" startup mode is not a continuous operating mode. The motor must be
equipped with a temperature sensor (Thermoclick/PTC) to ensure motor protection. The
motor model with integrated electronic motor overload protection is not suitable for this kind
of operation.

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.4 Specifying the coasting method

Specifying the coasting method

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80 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Coasting down" coasting method

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82 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Torque control" coasting method (soft stop)

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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84 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Pump stop" coasting method

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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86 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"DC braking" coasting method

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set


The DC braking/combined braking stopping function is not possible in inside-delta circuits.

If the "DC braking" function is selected, the "DC braking contactor" function must be
assigned to one output of the soft starter. This output must be used to control an external
braking contactor.

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88 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

"Combined braking" coasting method

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set


The DC braking/combined braking stopping function is not possible in inside-delta circuits.

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90 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.5 Setting slow speed parameters

Setting slow speed parameters

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

Slow speed parameters

For operation of the motor with the specified slow speed parameters, the "Slow speed"
function must be assigned to one control input, and the "Motor CW PS1/2/3" or "Motor CCW
PS1/2/3" function must at the same time be assigned to the other. See also Chapter 3RW44
in a standard circuit with soft start/stop and additional slow speed function in both directions
of rotation with one parameter set (Page 237).

Directions of rotation:
● Right (CW): rotation in line phase direction
● Left (CCW): rotation opposite to the line phase direction

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92 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.6 Specifying current limit values

Specifying current limit values

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.7 Parameterizing the inputs

Parameterizing the inputs

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

An input action can only be modified when the relevant input is not active.


If the same action is assigned to two different inputs, both of the inputs must also be
controlled to carry out the selected function (e.g. to obtain logical "AND" linking for a start
command, assign the "Motor CW PS1" function to both inputs 1 and 2. A start command is
accepted only if both inputs are active).


If the soft starter is switched off via a motor protection or inherent device protection tripping,
the action cannot be acknowledged using the "Trip Reset" function until the displayed
cooling time has expired.

Explanation of the possible parameters:

1) No action: Input has no function.
2)Manual mode local: During operation with PROFIBUS/PROFINET, control of the soft
starter can be transferred to the inputs by activating input control. The control function via
PROFIBUS/PROFINET is deactivated during this time.
3) Emergency start: Error: current unbalance exceeded, thermal motor model overload,

temperature sensor open circuit, temperature sensor short circuit, temperature sensor
overload, maximum starting time exceeded, Ie exceeded/undershot, ground fault detected,
inadmissible Ie class setting: In the case of these faults, the motor can be started via the
emergency start function despite a pending group fault. An emergency start action is
assigned to one input, and, for example, "Motor CW > parameter set 1" to another. The
emergency start is active as long as the input is activated. It can also be activated during
4) Slow speed: The motor starts with the values set in the "Slow speed parameters" menu
item when the "Slow speed" input and the "Motor CW/CCW parameter set 1/2/3" inputs are
activated at the same time.
5) Quick stop: If the input is activated, normal tripping with the currently set stopping function
is executed (no group fault appears). The quick stop is executed independently of the control
6) Trip reset: Pending faults can be acknowledged after rectification.
7) Motor CW parameter set 1/2/3: The motor starts (with rotation in line phase direction) and

stops with the values stored in the respective parameter set.

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

8) Motor
CCW parameter set 1/2/3: This function is active only when the "Slow speed"
parameter is active at the same time. The motor starts with the values stored in the "Slow
speed parameters" menu item (with rotation opposite to the line phase direction).

The "Trip Reset" input is edge-controlled. The level change from 0 to 24 V DC is evaluated
at the input. All other input functions are evaluated at the already pending 24 V DC level.

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96 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.8 Parameterizing the outputs

Parameterizing the outputs

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

State diagram of the outputs

1) For
possible group warnings/group faults, see chapter Warnings and group faults
(Page 150).

For switching delay times of the output functions, see chapter Technical data of the control
section (Page 279).

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98 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.9 Selecting motor protection settings

Selecting motor protection settings

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set


In the case of heavy starting and set values of tripping class ≥ CLASS 20, we recommend
setting the "Prewarning limit tripping reserve" parameter value to 0 s (deactivated) and
increasing the "Prewarning limit motor heating" parameter to 95 %. Otherwise, a motor
protection warning will be issued when starting.


If a CLASS setting other than 5(10a) or 10 is selected, it may be necessary to check and
adjust the set values for the rated operating current Ie of the motor (chapter Entering the
motor data (Page 66)) in all 3 parameter sets, since otherwise the "Impermissible Ie/CLASS
settings" error message may be issued.
For the maximum permissible set value for the rated operating current Ie of the motor based
on the CLASS settings, refer to chapter Technical data of the power unit (Page 274).


Use of the 3RW44 to operate motors in hazardous areas:

The 3RW44 does not have ATEX certification. When an ATEX-certified overload relay is
used (e.g. 3RB2 from Siemens) that affects an additional switching element (e.g.
contactor), the 3RW44 can be installed in series with this overload relay, meaning that the
ATEX requirements are met.


The internal motor overload protection of the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter must be
deactivated for this kind of installation! (Set value in the "Motor protection/Tripping class"
menu item: "None" and Motor protection/Temperature sensor: "Deactivated")

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.10 Selecting display settings

Selecting display settings

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102 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.11 Specifying the behavior of the protective functions

Specifying the behavior of the protective functions

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

* The ground fault function is only active after completion of run-up, not during startup.

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104 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.12 Specifying the names on the device display

Specifying the names on the device display

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.13 Activating the fieldbus interface (PROFIBUS DP/PROFINET IO)

For activation of the fieldbus interface, see chapter Activating the PROFIBUS DP
communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address (Page 166).
PROFIBUS DP is shown in the example:

If the "Parameters disabled CPU/Master" parameter is set to "Off" (factory setting), the
parameters set on the soft starter will be overwritten with the values stored in the GSD file or
in the OM when the bus is started. If this is not desired, the parameter must be set to "On".

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106 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

6.4.14 Saving options

Specifying the saving options

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set


As long as the connected drive is controlled by the soft starter, no parameter changes
carried out at the same time can be saved by means of the "Saving options" menu item.
This is only possible after the motor has been shut off by the soft starter.

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108 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

Saving settings

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6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

Restoring settings
Selected settings that have not been saved will be discarded and the previously saved
settings will be restored.

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110 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.4 Making settings in the selected parameter set

Restoring the factory settings

All settings made or saved so far will be discarded and the device will be reset to the basic
factory settings (master reset). The quick start menu must be executed once again.

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 111
6.5 Other device functions

6.5 Other device functions

6.5.1 Measured values display

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112 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.5 Other device functions

When using the 3RW44 soft starter in an IT system with ground fault monitoring: 3RW44,
product version < *E06* and the PROFIBUS DP communication module must not be used in
this network configuration. 3RW44 soft starters from product version *E07* onwards can be
used in combination with the PROFIBUS DP communication module. However, the phase
voltage values (UL-N) and phase-to-phase voltage values (UL-L) may be displayed
incorrectly on the measured value display of the 3RW44.

PROFINET communication modules can only be used with a product version of *E12* or

The "Phase currents" display always shows the currents in the supply cable. This means
that, if the soft starter is operated in the "Inside-delta circuit" circuit type, the currents
measured internally by the soft starter are extrapolated to the supply cable current (phase
current) by a factor of 1.73 and are displayed.
Due to unbalance, the phase currents displayed in the inside-delta circuit may deviate from
the currents that are actually running through the supply cables.

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6.5 Other device functions

6.5.2 Status display

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114 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.5 Other device functions

6.5.3 Motor control (assigning control priority)

Figure 6-1 Motor control


The "Standard control" menu item specifies which control device should be given control
priority when the control supply voltage is applied.
When the PROFIBUS/PROFINET communication module is activated, the setting is
changed to "Automatic/None".

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 115
6.5 Other device functions

Control device priority

Only a higher-priority control device can assume and hand over the control priority (0 =
● - 0: Automatic operation (input control through PLC via PROFIBUS/PROFINET)
● - 1: PC via PROFIBUS/PROFINET (Soft Starter ES professional software required)
● - 2: Inputs
● - 3: Via display keys
● - 4: PC via serial interface (Soft Starter ES smart software required)

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116 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.5 Other device functions

6.5.4 Statistics



The "Statistics" menu item is available for devices with firmware product version *E04* or
higher. The firmware product version is listed on the front of the device below the petrol-
colored labeling field. The "Logbooks" sub-item can only be used in combination with "Soft
Starter ES" parameterizing and diagnostics software. This menu item will be available in
the device display from 04/2006.

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 117
6.5 Other device functions


The "Statistics" menu item is available for devices with firmware product version *E04* or
higher. The firmware product version is listed on the front of the device below the petrol-
colored labeling field. The "Logbooks" sub-item can only be used in combination with "Soft
Starter ES" parameterizing and diagnostics software. This menu item will be available in the
device display from 04/2006.

Logbooks cannot be deleted while the motor is running.

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118 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.5 Other device functions

Maximum pointer (minimum and maximum measured values are stored and displayed)

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6.5 Other device functions


The "Statistics" menu item is available for devices with firmware product version *E04* or
higher. The firmware product version is listed on the front of the device below the petrol-
colored labeling field. The "Logbooks" sub-item can only be used in combination with "Soft
Starter ES" parameterizing and diagnostics software.

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120 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.5 Other device functions

Statistical data

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6.5 Other device functions


The "Statistics" menu item is available for devices with firmware product version *E04* or
higher. The firmware product version is listed on the front of the device below the petrol-
colored labeling field. The "Logbooks" sub-item can only be used in combination with "Soft
Starter ES" parameterizing and diagnostics software.

Number of starts motor CCW, only possible in combination with slow speed.

Number of stops with el. brake: The value is incremented by 1 when braking has been
chosen as the coasting method.

The value is incremented by 1 each time the output is set.

The operating hours counter is activated as soon as control voltage is applied to the soft
starter. Maximum value displayed: 99999:59:59 hours

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122 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
6.5 Other device functions

6.5.5 Safety (specifying the user level, parameterization protection)

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6.5 Other device functions

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124 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Device functions 7
7.1 Various parameter sets

7.1.1 Various parameter sets

The soft starter provides three individually adjustable parameter sets. One startup mode and
one coasting method can be selectively determined for each parameter set.

● Starting Dahlander motors (variable-speed drive).
● Starting an application with different load conditions (e.g. empty or full conveyor belt).
● Separate starting of up to three drives with different run-up behavior (e.g. compressor and

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 125
Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

7.2 Startup modes

Different starting functions can be selected thanks to the large number of applications for
which the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter can be used. The motor start can be optimally adapted
to each particular application.

7.2.1 Voltage ramp

The simplest type of soft start with the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter is achieved using a
voltage ramp. The motor's terminal voltage is raised during an adjustable starting time from a
parameterizable starting voltage to the line voltage. This startup mode is preset in the quick
start menu.

Starting voltage
The starting voltage determines the starting torque of the motor. A lower starting voltage
results in a lower tightening torque and a lower starting current. The starting voltage should
be selected such that the motor starts up immediately and smoothly once the start command
goes to the soft starter.

Starting time
The length of the starting time determines the time during which the motor voltage is
increased from the parameterized starting voltage to the supply voltage. This has an
influence on the motor's acceleration moment, which drives the load during the ramp-up
operation. A longer starting time has a smaller acceleration moment throughout the motor
ramp-up. The latter is therefore longer and smoother. The length of the starting time should
be selected so that the motor reaches its rated speed within this period. If the time selected
is too short, in other words if the starting time ends before the motor has started up
successfully, a very high starting current that equals the direct starting current at the same
speed occurs at this instant. The soft starter can, in this case, switch itself off via the internal
overload protection function and go into fault mode.

Maximum starting time

The "Maximum starting time" parameter can be used to determine the time after which the
drive must have completed its run-up. If the drive is not operating under rated service
conditions after the specified interval has expired, the startup procedure is interrupted and a
fault message is generated.

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126 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

Internal run-up recognition

The soft starter features internal run-up recognition. If the device recognizes a completed
motor run-up, the internal bypass contacts close and the thyristors are bridged. If this run-up
recognition is performed before the set starting time is completed, the ramp is canceled and
the motor voltage is immediately increased to 100 % of the line voltage before the internal
bypass contacts are closed.

Figure 7-1 Function principle of the voltage ramp

Figure 7-2 Principle of the voltage ramp for the torque characteristic

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

Typical applications for voltage ramps

The voltage ramp function principle is suitable for all types of application.
If test runs with the application are carried out using motors that are smaller than those to be
used in the actual system, we recommend using the "Voltage ramp" startup mode.
For machines requiring a breakaway pulse (inverse load response, e.g. in mills or crushers),
the breakaway pulse must be set as described in chapter Breakaway pulse in combination
with the voltage ramp or torque control startup mode (Page 130). The "Voltage ramp+current
limiting (U+current limiting)" startup mode is recommended for heavy starting.

7.2.2 Torque control

The motor speed and torque are calculated using the voltage and current rms values, as well
as the associated phase information between the line voltage and the motor current (= cos
ϕ) = sensorless control), and the motor voltage is controlled accordingly.
Torque control means that the torque generated in the motor is linearly increased from a
parameterizable starting torque up to a parameterizable end torque within an adjustable
starting time.
The advantage over the voltage ramp is the improved mechanical run-up behavior of the
The soft starter controls the torque generated at the motor continuously and linearly
according to the set parameters until the motor has completely run up.
For optimum torque control during the starting procedure, the motor data of the motor
connected to the soft starter should be entered in the selected parameter set using the
"Setting" menu item.

Starting torque
The starting torque determines the switch-on torque of the motor. A lower starting torque
results in a lower locked-rotor torque and a lower starting current. The starting torque
selected must be sufficiently high to ensure that the motor starts straight away and smoothly
when the start command is issued to the soft starter.

Limiting torque
The limiting torque value specifies the maximum torque to be generated in the motor during
startup. This value also functions as an adjustable torque limit, for example.
The parameter value should be set to approx. 150 % to start the motor. It should be high
enough to ensure that the motor does not become stuck during run-up. This ensures that
enough acceleration torque is generated throughout the motor run-up phase.

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

Starting time
The length of the starting time determines the time in which the starting torque is increased
to the end torque.
A longer starting time results in a smaller acceleration torque over the motor run-up. This
results in a longer and smoother motor run-up. The length of the starting time should be
selected in such a way that the motor accelerates softly until it reaches its nominal speed.
If the starting time ends before the motor has completely run up, the torque is limited to the
set limiting torque until the soft starter recognizes the run-up process and closes the internal
bypass contacts.

Maximum starting time

The "Maximum starting time" parameter can be used to determine the time after which the
drive must have completed its run-up. If the drive is not operating under rated service
conditions after the specified interval has expired, the startup procedure is interrupted and a
fault message is generated.

Internal run-up recognition

The soft starter features internal run-up recognition. If it detects a motor run-up within the set
starting time, the ramp is canceled and the motor voltage is immediately increased to 100%
of the line voltage. The internal bypass contacts close and the thyristors are bridged.


The torque generated in the motor and controlled by the soft starter can never be higher
than the value of a similar direct on-line starting operation at the associated speed.

Figure 7-3 Function principle of torque control

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

Typical applications for torque control

Torque control is suitable for all applications, especially in cases where uniform and smooth
startup is required. For machines requiring a breakaway pulse (inverse load response, e.g. in
mills or crushers), the breakaway pulse must be set as described in chapter Breakaway
pulse in combination with the voltage ramp or torque control startup mode (Page 130). The
"Torque control+current limiting (M+current limiting)" startup mode is recommended for
heavy starting (refer to chapter Current limitation in combination with the voltage ramp or
torque control startup mode (Page 132)).

7.2.3 Breakaway pulse in combination with the voltage ramp or torque control startup
This function is required for load machines with inverse torque behavior. Typical applications
are mills, crushers or drives with plain bearings. In such cases, it may be necessary to create
a breakaway pulse at the beginning of the machine's start process. The breakaway pulse is
set via the breakaway voltage and the breakaway time. Using the breakaway pulse, the high
limiting friction of the load can be overcome and the machine can be set into motion.
The breakaway pulse is used in conjunction with the start type of the voltage ramp, the
torque control, or the current limitation and overlays this during the set breakaway time.

Breakaway voltage
The breakaway voltage is used to set the breakaway torque to be generated. The breakaway
torque can be up to 100% of the locked-rotor torque generated during direct-on-line starting.
The pulse must be high enough to ensure that the motor starts rotating as soon as the start
command is issued to the soft starter.

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

Breakaway time
The breakaway time determines the period during which the breakaway voltage is to be
present. Once the breakaway time has expired, the soft starter ends its run-up procedure
with the selected startup mode, e.g. the voltage ramp or torque control. The selected
breakaway time should be at least long enough so that, after the set time has elapsed, the
motor does not remain stationary again but rather directly continues to accelerate in the
selected startup mode
If 0 ms is set as the breakaway time (default), the breakaway pulse function is deactivated.

Figure 7-4 Function principle of torque control breakaway pulse

Typical applications for breakaway pulses

Typical applications for breakaway pulses are load machines with inverse torque behavior,
e.g. crushers and mills.

A breakaway pulse that is set too high may lead to the "Current measurement range
exceeded" error message.
Remedy: use a larger starter dimension or a lower breakaway voltage.
Set the breakaway pulse only when it is really required (e.g. for mills and crushers).
A wrongly set breakaway pulse, e.g. for pumps, may lead to the "Incorrect start conditions"
error message.

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

7.2.4 Current limitation in combination with the voltage ramp or torque control startup
The starter measures the phase current (motor current) continuously with the help of
integrated current transformers.
A current limiting value can be set on the soft starter while the motor is starting up.
Current limiting can be activated when "voltage ramp + current limiting" or "torque control +
current limiting" has been selected as the startup mode and a value has been entered in the
applicable parameter.
During starting, the phase current is limited to the set value until this value is undershot. A
set breakaway pulse is superimposed on the current limitation during the breakaway time.

Current limiting value

The current limiting value is set as a factor of the rated motor current to the maximum current
required during startup. Once the selected current limiting value has been reached, the
motor voltage is reduced or controlled by the soft starter to prevent the current from
exceeding the set current limiting value. The set current limiting value must be high enough
to ensure that the torque generated in the motor is sufficient to accelerate the motor to
nominal speed. Three to four times the value of the motor's rated operational current (Ie) can
be assumed as typical here.

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

Ramp-up detection
The soft starter features internal run-up recognition. If it detects a motor ramp-up, the motor
voltage is immediately increased to 100% of the line voltage. The internal bypass contacts
close and the thyristors are bridged.

Figure 7-5 Current limiting with soft starter

Typical applications for current limiting

Current limiting is used for applications with a large centrifugal mass (mass inertia) and
therefore long starting times, e.g. large fans, to reduce the load on the power supply system.

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Device functions
7.2 Startup modes

7.2.5 Direct startup mode

If the "Direct" startup mode is set, the motor voltage is increased immediately to the level of
the supply voltage once the start command has been issued. This is equivalent to the start
behavior with a contactor, i.e. no limitation of the starting current and the starting torque.

Due to the motor's high starting current, the "current limit exceeded" fault can occur in the
case of the "direct" startup mode. It may be necessary to select a larger soft starter.

Ramp-up detection
The soft starter features internal ramp-up detection. If a completed motor ramp-up is
detected, the internal bypass contacts close and the thyristors are bridged.

7.2.6 Motor heating startup mode

If IP54 motors are used outdoors, condensation forms in the motor when it cools down (e.g.
overnight or in the winter). This can result in leakage currents or short-circuits when the
motor is switched on.
To heat the motor winding, a pulsating direct current is injected into it.
When the "motor heating" startup mode is selected, a heating power can be entered in the
settings. This should be selected so that the motor is not damaged. The heating power
setting range is from 10 - 100 %. This corresponds to a comparable motor current of about
5 - 30 % of the rated motor current.

Typical applications for motor heating

For example, used for drives outdoors to minimize condensation inside the motor.

May lead to damage to property.
The motor heating startup mode is not a continuous operating mode. The motor must be
equipped with a temperature sensor (Thermoclick/PTC) to ensure motor protection. The
motor model with integrated electronic motor overload protection is not suitable for this kind
of operation.

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Device functions
7.3 Coasting methods

7.3 Coasting methods

Different coasting methods can be selected thanks to the large number of applications for
which the SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter can be used. The motor stop can be optimally adapted
to each particular application.
If a start command is issued during the stop process, the process is interrupted and the
motor is started again with the set startup mode.

If you select a controlled stop (soft stop or pump stop or braking) as the coasting method, the
feeder (soft starter, cables, feeder protective devices, and motor) may need to be
dimensioned for higher values because the current exceeds the rated motor current during
the stop process.

Figure 7-6 Coasting methods (general)

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Device functions
7.3 Coasting methods

7.3.1 Coasting down

"Coasting down" means the power supplied to the motor via the soft starter is interrupted
when the ON command is removed from the starter. The motor will coast down freely, driven
only by the mass inertia (centrifugal mass) of the rotor and load. This is also referred to as a
natural run-down. A large centrifugal mass means a longer stop time without load.

Typical applications for coasting down

Costing down is used for loads that place no special demands on the stopping behavior, e.g.
large fans.

7.3.2 Torque control and pump stop

In the case of "torque-controlled stop" and "pump stop", coasting down or the natural run-
down of the load is decelerated. This function is set if there is a need to prevent the load
from being stopped abruptly. Applications involving small mass inertia values or high
counter-torques are typical examples.
For optimum torque control during the stopping procedure, enter the motor data of the motor
connected to the soft starter in the selected parameter set using the "Setting" menu item.

Coast-down time and stopping torque

The "Coast-down time" parameter on the soft starter allows you to specify how long power
should still be supplied to the motor after the ON command is removed. Within this coast-
down time, the torque produced in the motor is continuously and linearly reduced to the set
stopping torque, and the application is smoothly stopped.

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Device functions
7.3 Coasting methods

Pump stop
In pump applications, so-called water hammers can occur if the drive is stopped abruptly
without using pump stop. Water hammers are caused by the sudden stall and the
accompanying pressure deviations in the pump. They cause noise and mechanical impacts
on the piping system, as well as on any flaps and valves installed there.

Figure 7-7 Soft stop/pump stop

Typical applications for soft stop/pump stop

Use soft stop/pump stop
● in pumps to prevent water hammer.
● in conveyor belts to prevent the conveyed materials from toppling.

Risk of property damage
For optimum motor protection, use the combination of electronic motor overload
protection and evaluation of a temperature sensor installed in the motor.

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Device functions
7.3 Coasting methods

7.3.3 DC braking/combined braking

In the case of DC braking or combined braking, coasting down or the natural run-down of the
load is shortened.
The soft starter imposes a (pulsating) direct current in phases L1 and L3 on the motor stator.
This current generates a permanent magnetic field in the stator. Since the rotor is still
rotating due to its mass inertia, currents are induced in the short-circuited rotor winding that
generate a DC braking torque.

The DC braking/combined braking stopping function is not possible in inside-delta circuits.

The pulsating direct current loads the system asymmetrically and the motor and the feeder
must be designed for the higher current load during the stopping procedure. It may be
necessary to overdimension the soft starter.

Two braking variants are available:
Combined braking:
Use the combined braking function if applications with small mass inertias (centrifugal
masses) are to be stopped (Jload ≤ Jmotor). The real coast-down time can vary during braking
operations when the combined braking function is applied. Use the DC braking function if a
uniformly long braking time is to be achieved.
DC braking:
Use the DC braking function if applications with small mass inertias (centrifugal masses) are
to be stopped (Jload ≤ 5 x Jmotor). An external braking contactor is required for the DC
braking function.

Risk of property damage.
For optimum motor protection, the combination of electronic motor overload protection and
evaluation of a temperature sensor installed in the motor is recommended.

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Device functions
7.3 Coasting methods

Combined braking coasting method

When the combined braking coasting method is chosen, the dynamic braking torque, DC
braking torque and coast-down time can be set on the starter.

Dynamic braking torque

The dynamic braking torque determines the braking effect at the start of the braking process
to reduce the speed of the motor. The braking process is then continued automatically using
the DC braking function.

DC braking torque
The motor's brake force can be set with the amount of the DC braking torque. The dynamic
braking torque must be increased if the motor is to accelerate again during DC braking.

Coast-down time
The coast-down time specifies the period during which the DC braking torque is to be
generated on the motor. The chosen braking time should be long enough to bring the load to
a standstill. To achieve an adequate braking effect down to standstill, the centrifugal mass
(J) of the load should not exceed that of the motor. The length of the coast-down time should
be chosen so that the motor comes to a standstill. Standstill detection does not take place in
the soft starter and, if required, must be realized by means of external measures.

The real coast-down time can vary during braking operations when the combined braking
function is applied.

Figure 7-8 Combined braking

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Device functions
7.3 Coasting methods

DC braking coasting method

When the DC braking function is selected, the coast-down time and DC braking torque can
be set on the starter. In this braking variant, one output of the soft starter must be changed
over to DC braking, through which an external braking contactor is controlled. You will find
suggested circuits in chapter Typical circuit diagrams (Page 229).
The ideal parameters must be set on the machine under applicable load conditions.

DC braking torque
The motor's brake force can be set with the amount of the DC braking torque.

Coast-down time
The coast-down time specifies the period during which the DC braking torque is to be
generated on the motor. The chosen braking time should be long enough to bring the load to
a standstill.
To achieve an adequate braking effect down to standstill, the load's moment of inertia should
not exceed a maximum of 5 times that of the motor. (Jload ≤ 5 x Jmotor).
Standstill detection does not take place in the soft starter and, if required, must be realized
by means of external measures.

Figure 7-9 DC braking

Typical applications for DC braking

Use "DC braking" in lathes (e.g. for tool change) or circular saws.

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Device functions
7.4 Slow speed function

7.4 Slow speed function

This function enables an induction motor to be operated temporarily in both directions at a
lower speed than the rated speed.
The motor's rated speed nMotor is determined by means of the line frequency (f) and the
number of pole pairs (p) of the motor.

A resulting slow speed frequency is stipulated for the motor by a specific thyristor control.
However, it is necessary for this function that only a reduced torque can be generated in the
motor. Due to possible heat rise of the motor, this function is not suitable for continuous
The slow speed factor and the slow speed torque can be entered individually for both
directions of rotation.

Slow speed factor

When the slow speed factor is set, the motor can be controlled with a lower speed (nslow speed)
than the rated speed either in or against the line phase direction.

Slow speed torque

The torque generated in the motor can be influenced with the slow speed torque. The
maximum torque that can be generated depends on the selected slow speed. 100% slow
speed torque can be equivalent to approximately 30% of the rated motor torque.

Figure 7-10 Slow speed function

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Device functions
7.4 Slow speed function

Typical applications for the slow speed function

This function is suitable for applications with a low counter-torque, e.g. positioning of
machine tools.

In addition to the set parameters, motor-specific characteristics and the connected load
influence the speed resulting from the slow speed function and the slow speed torque
generated in the motor.

For operation of the motor with the specified slow speed parameters, the "slow speed"
function must be assigned to one control input, and the "Motor CW PS1/2/3" or "Motor CCW
PS1/2/3" function must at the same time be assigned to the other. See also the circuit
suggestion in chapter Typical circuit diagrams (Page 229).
Directions of rotation:
Right (CW): Rotation in line phase direction
Left (CCW): Rotation contrary to the line phase direction

Due to the reduced motor speed and the related reduced self-cooling of the motor, this mode
is not recommended for continuous operation.

Risk of property damage
For optimum motor protection, use the combination of electronic motor overload protection
and evaluation of a temperature sensor installed in the motor.

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Device functions
7.5 Current limits for load monitoring

7.5 Current limits for load monitoring

Low and high current limits can be set so that a message can be issued if they are exceeded
or undershot.

Lower current limit

The lower current limit could be used, for example, to indicate tearing of a V belt and the
associated no-load current of the motor or if the filter of the fan is clogged.

Upper current limit

The upper current limit can be used to determine increased power loss in the application, for
example caused by bearing damage.

7.6 Motor protection functions

The motor overload protection function is implemented on the basis of the winding
temperature. This indicates whether the motor is overloaded or is functioning in the normal
operating range.
The winding temperature can either be calculated with the help of the integrated, electronic
motor overload function or measured with a connected motor thermistor.
The two types of protection must be combined (= activated) to achieve full motor protection.
This combination is recommended for optimum motor protection.

Motor overload protection

The current flow during motor operation is measured by measuring the current with
transformers integrated in the soft starter. The temperature rise in the winding is calculated
based on the rated operational current set for the motor.
A warning or trip is generated by the soft starter when the characteristic curve is reached,
depending on the tripping class (CLASS setting) and protection parameters.

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Device functions
7.6 Motor protection functions

Tripping class (electronic overload protection)

The tripping class (CLASS) specifies the maximum time within which a protective device
must trip from a cold state at 7.2 x the rated operational current (motor protection to
IEC 60947). The tripping characteristics present this time as a function of the tripping current
(refer to chapter Tripping characteristics (Page 297)).
You can set different CLASS characteristics according to the startup class.

The rated data of the soft starters refers to normal starting (CLASS 10). The starters may
need to be calculated with a size allowance for heavy-duty starting (> CLASS 10).

Current asymmetry limit value

Three-phase asynchronous motors respond to slight asymmetries in the line voltage with a
higher asymmetrical current consumption. As a result, the temperature in the stator and rotor
windings increases.
The asymmetry limit is a percentage value by which the motor current is allowed to deviate
in each phase.
The maximum deviation from the mean value of the three phases is the reference value for
Asymmetry is considered to exist if the deviation from the mean value is greater than 40 %.

Prewarning limit - remaining time for tripping

A message can be issued when the set prewarning limit time, referred to the calculated time
up to tripping of the motor by the motor protection function, is reached.

Prewarning limit - motor heating

A message can be issued when the motor's set thermal prewarning limit is reached. Motor
protection is activated at 100%.

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Device functions
7.6 Motor protection functions

Idle time
The idle time is a time defined for cooling of the motor model following an operational
shutdown, i.e. not after overload trips.
After this time, the "thermal motor model" of the motor starter is set to 50 % when motor heat
rise is still > 50 %, otherwise it is set to 0 %. Frequent starts (inching mode) are also possible
as a result. These lead to tripping where motor protection in accordance with IEC 60947 is
used, depending on the CLASS setting.
The following schematic diagram shows the cooling behavior with and without idle time.

Figure 7-11 Idle time

The idle time can be set between 1 and 100 s.

Risk of property damage
Motor protection in accordance with IEC 60947 (CLASS 10A, 10, 15, 20, 30) is no longer
provided if the idle time is changed (0 = deactivated). This means that there will be no
system protection in such cases. Parallel protective measures are recommended.

Risk of property damage
The motor must be designed for such inching operation as otherwise permanent damage
may arise due to overload.

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Device functions
7.6 Motor protection functions

Recovery time
A recovery time, during which the motor cools down and cannot be restarted, starts if the
thermal motor model is tripped.

Protection against voltage failure

If protection against voltage failure is activated, and the control supply voltage fails during a
trip, the current tripping state of the thermal motor model and the current recovery time are
stored in the soft starter. When the control supply voltage is restored, the current tripping
state of the thermal motor model prior to the power failure is likewise automatically restored.

Temperature sensor
This motor protection function measures the motor's stator winding temperature directly with
the help of a sensor installed in the motor, in other words the motor must have a sensor
wound into the stator winding.
You can choose between two different sensor types for the evaluation.
1. PTC thermistors Type A ("type A sensors")
2. Thermoclick sensors
The wiring and the sensors are checked for wire breakage and short-circuits.

If the soft starter is switched off via a motor protection or inherent device protection tripping,
the action cannot be acknowledged using the "Trip Reset" function until the displayed
cooling time has expired.

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Device functions
7.7 Intrinsic device protection

7.7 Intrinsic device protection

7.7.1 Intrinsic device protection

The soft starter has integrated intrinsic device protection that prevents thermal overloading of
the thyristors.
This is realized on the one hand by current measurement using transformers in the three
phases and additionally by temperature measurement using thermal sensors on the thyristor
heat sink.
A message is generated on the soft starter if a permanently set warning threshold is
exceeded. If the internal permanently set switch-off value is exceeded, the soft starter will
switch off automatically.
After tripping, a fixed 30 s recovery time must be observed before the starter can be started
If protection against voltage failure is activated, and the control supply voltage fails during a
trip, the current tripping state of the thermal motor model and the current recovery time are
stored in the soft starter. When the control supply voltage is restored, the current tripping
state of the thermal intrinsic device protection prior to the power failure are likewise
automatically restored.
SITOR semiconductor fuses must be connected upstream to protect the thyristors against
short-circuits (e.g. in case of cable damage or an interturn fault in the motor). You will find
applicable selection tables in chapter Feeder component layout (standard circuit) (Page 286)
and in chapter Feeder component layout (inside-delta circuit) (Page 291).

If the soft starter is switched off via a motor protection or inherent device protection tripping,
the action cannot be acknowledged using the "Trip Reset" function until the displayed
cooling time has expired.

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Device functions
7.7 Intrinsic device protection

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Diagnostics and messages 8
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

8.1.1 Status messages

Message Cause/solution
Check voltage The main voltage is not yet applied.
Check the line phases Option 1: Main voltage is applied, but the motor is not yet connected or is not yet
connected correctly.
Option 2: The motor is connected correctly, but there is no phase voltage.
Ready to start Device is ready (main voltage is applied and motor is connected correctly).
The motor starts as soon as a start command is issued.
Starting active Motor is started with the selected startup mode.
Motor running Device is in bypass mode (bypass contactor). Start-up completed.
Coast down active Motor is stopped with the selected coasting method.
Motor cooling time active (for devices After an overload trip of the thermal motor model, starting of the motor is not
with product version < *E06*) possible for a certain period of time (parameter: recovery time), to ensure that the
motor can cool down.
Switching element cooling time After the device's intrinsic protection mechanism has tripped because of an
(for devices with product version overload, the motor cannot be started for 30 s to allow the device to cool down.
< *E06*)
Emergency start active The emergency start function is activated.
Quick stop active The quick stop function is activated.

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Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

8.1.2 Warnings and group faults

① Warning
② Fault without restart
③ Fault with restart

Message ① ② ③ Cause/solution
No supply voltage x 1. Start command has been issued although the main voltage is not
yet applied.
Remedy: Switch on the supply voltage.
2. If the message occurs in the bypass mode, it may have been
generated erroneously by a too frequently generated "Prewarning
limit - motor heating", "Remaining time for tripping" or "Ie limit
exceeded/undershot" warning (can also be traced via the entries in
the logbook/events).
Remedy: See description of applicable messages
3. Main voltage is removed simultaneously with the ON command,
although run down (not "Coasting down") is parameterized.
Remedy: Activate line contactor by means of output parameterized
to ON time or parameterize "Coasting down".
Incorrect starting conditions x 1. Fault occurs without motor starting.
(for devices with product version
< *E04*) Cause:
Phase angle control faults – Motor has not been connected correctly.
(for devices with product version – Inside-delta circuit is wrongly configured.
≥ *E04*) – There is a ground fault.
Remedy: Check and correct wiring (see circuit suggestions for
inside-delta circuit).
2. Fault occurs during starting.
– Chosen starting voltage too high
– Breakaway pulse (wrongly) set: Motor starting becomes
(set the breakaway pulse only when it is really required. In the case
of pumps, for example, a breakaway pulse often leads to misfiring.)
If there is an idle time < 5 s since the last start, the 3RW44 starts
with a higher starting voltage. In combination with a set breakaway
pulse, this can lead to "incorrect starting conditions".

Remedy: Adjust parameters or extend idle time.

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Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

Message ① ② ③ Cause/solution
Phase failure L1 x Option 1: Phase L1 is missing or fails or drops while the motor is
Tripped as a result of a dip in the permissible rated operational voltage
> 15 % for > 100 ms during the startup process or > 200 ms in bypass
Remedy: Connect L1 or rectify the voltage dip.
Option 2: The motor that is connected is too small and the fault occurs
as soon as it is switched to bypass mode.
Remedy: Set the correct rated operational current for the connected
motor or set it to the minimum value (if the motor current is less than
10 % of the set Ie, the motor cannot be operated with this starter).
Option 3: Starter used in IT system with ground-fault monitoring:
3RW44, product version < *E06* and the PROFIBUS DP
communication module must not be used in this network configuration.
Remedy: Replace starter with 3RW44, product version ≥ *E07*. Here,
use in combination with the PROFIBUS DP communication module is
admissible. However, the phase voltage values (UL-N) and phase-to-
phase voltage values (UL-L) may be displayed incorrectly on the
measured value display of the 3RW44.
Phase failure L2 x Option 1: Phase L2 is missing or fails or drops while the motor is
Tripped as a result of a dip in the permissible rated operational voltage
> 15 % for > 100 ms during the startup process or > 200 ms in bypass
Remedy: Connect L2 or rectify the voltage dip.
Option 2: A motor that is not powerful enough is connected and the
fault occurs as soon as a switchover is made to bypass mode.
Remedy: Set the correct rated operational current for the connected
motor or set it to the minimum value (if the motor current is less than
10 % of the set Ie, the motor cannot be operated with this starter).
Option 3: Starter used in IT system with ground-fault monitoring
3RW44, product version < *E06* and the PROFIBUS DP
communication module must not be used in this network configuration.
Remedy: Replace starter with 3RW44, product version ≥ *E07*. Here,
use in combination with the PROFIBUS DP communication module is
admissible. However, the phase voltage values (UL-N) and phase-to-
phase voltage values (UL-L) may be displayed incorrectly on the
measured value display of the 3RW44.

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Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

Message ① ② ③ Cause/solution
Phase failure L3 x Option 1: Phase L3 is missing or fails/collapses when the motor is in
Tripped as a result of a dip in the permissible rated operational voltage
> 15 % for > 100 ms during the startup process or > 200 ms in bypass
Remedy: Connect L3 or rectify the voltage dip.
Option 2: A motor that is not powerful enough is connected and the
fault occurs as soon as a switchover is made to bypass mode.
Remedy: Set the correct rated operational current for the connected
motor or set it to the minimum value (if the motor current is less than
10 % of the set Ie, the motor cannot be operated with this starter).
Option 3: Starter used in IT system with ground-fault monitoring
3RW44, product version < *E06* and the PROFIBUS DP
communication module must not be used in this network configuration.
Remedy: Replace starter with 3RW44, product version ≥ *E07*. Here,
use in combination with the PROFIBUS DP communication module is
admissible. However, the phase voltage values (UL-N) and phase-to-
phase voltage values (UL-L) may be displayed incorrectly on the
measured value display of the 3RW44.
Missing load phase T1 x Motor phase T1 is not connected.
Remedy: Connect the motor properly.
Missing load phase T2 x Motor phase T2 is not connected.
Remedy: Connect the motor properly.
Missing load phase T3 x Motor phase T3 is not connected.
Remedy: Connect the motor properly.
Supply voltage below 75 % x Control supply voltage is less than 75% of the required rated voltage for
more than 100 ms (voltage failure, voltage dip, incorrect control supply
Remedy: Check the control supply voltage.
Supply voltage below 85% x Control supply voltage is less than 85 % of the required rated voltage
for more than 2 s (voltage failure, voltage dip).
Remedy: Check the control supply voltage.
Supply voltage above 110% x Control supply voltage is more than 110 % of the required rated voltage
for more than 2 s (voltage peaks, incorrect control supply voltage).
Remedy: Check the control supply voltage.
Current unbalance exceeded x x The phase currents are asymmetrical (unbalanced load). Message is
output when the asymmetry is greater than the set limit (parameter:
Current asymmetry limit value).
Remedy: Check the load or modify the parameter value.

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152 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

Message ① ② ③ Cause/solution
Thermal motor model overload x x x The thermal motor model has tripped. After an overload trip, restarting
is inhibited until the recovery time has elapsed.
Remedy in the event of unwanted tripping:
• Check whether the motor's rated operational current Ie is set
correctly, or
• Change the CLASS setting, or
• Possibly reduce the switching frequency, or
• Deactivate the motor protection (CLASS OFF)
Prewarning limit - motor heating x Motor heating is greater than the set parameter value: Prewarning limit
- motor heating. The thermal motor model approaches an overload trip
depending on the set value. For heavy starting and set values of
tripping class ≥ CLASS 20, we recommend increasing the "Prewarning
limit motor heating" parameter to 95 %.
Remaining time for tripping x Time up to overload trip of the thermal motor model is shorter than the
undershot set "Prewarning limit - remaining time for tripping" parameter.
In the case of heavy starting and set values of tripping class ≥ CLASS
20, we recommend setting the "Prewarning limit - remaining time for
tripping" parameter value to 0 s (deactivated).
Line overvoltage x Applied 3-phase line voltage is not suitable for the device or prolonged
(for devices with product version voltage peaks arise.
< *E04*) Tripping is caused by exceeding of the permissible rated control supply
Line voltage too high voltage of >10 % >500 ms. As from product version *E02*, the internal
(for devices with product version threshold for tripping has been increased to >18 % >2000 ms.
≥ *E04*) Remedy: Apply the correct voltage.
Current measuring range overshot x 1. A very high current has occurred (above the measuring range of the
current transformers integrated in the soft starter). This can occur in
the event of: direct-on-line starting, breakaway pulse or combined
Remedy: In the case of the "Voltage ramp" start type, extend the
set ramp time and reduce the breakaway voltage or the braking
torque. The soft starter is possibly dimensioned too small for the
2. If the message occurs during starting, it may have been generated
erroneously by a too-frequently generated "Prewarning limit - motor
heating", "Remaining time for tripping" or "Ie limit
exceeded/undershot" warning (can also be traced via the entries in
the logbook/events).
Remedy: See description of applicable messages.
Trip - motor blocked x A very high current suddenly arises in bypass mode, e.g. if the motor
(devices with product version blocks (I > 4 x IeMotor over 100 ms).
<*E07* only) Remedy: Check the motor.
Current range exceeded x More than 6 times the device's rated operational current flowed for a
prolonged period.
Remedy: Activate current limiting or check dimensioning (device and

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Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

Message ① ② ③ Cause/solution
Power unit overheated x x Overload trip of the thermal model for the power unit
Remedy: Wait until the device has cooled down again, possibly set
lower current limiting for starting, or reduce the switching frequency
(too many consecutive starts).
Check whether the motor is blocked or whether the ambient
temperature in the soft starter's environment is too high (derating as
from 40 °C; see chapter Technical data (Page 268)).
Power unit overtemperature x Temperature of the thermal model for the power unit is above the
allowed continuous operating temperature.
Remedy: Check the motor's operational current or check whether the
ambient temperature in the soft starter's environment is too high
(derating as from 40 °C; see chapter Technical data (Page 268)).
Temperature sensor short-circuit x x x Temperature sensor at terminals T1/T2 has short-circuited.
Remedy: Check the temperature sensor.
Temperature sensor wire break x x x Temperature sensor at terminals T1/T2 is defective, a cable is not
connected or no sensor is connected.
Remedy: Check the temperature sensor or if no sensor is connected:
deactivate the temperature sensor.
Temperature sensor overload x x x Temperature sensor at terminals T1/T2 has tripped. The motor is
Remedy: Wait until the motor has cooled down and check the motor if
Maximum starting time exceeded x The set maximum starting time is shorter than the motor's actual
ramp-up time.
Remedy: Extend the "max. starting time" parameter, increase the
current limiting value or check the load connected to the motor to
determine whether there is a mechanical defect.
Ie limit value exceeded/undershot x x Set current limit has been exceeded or undershot, e.g. due to a
clogged fan filter or by the motor stalling.
Remedy: Check the cause of current limit violation on the motor/load
or adjust the limits according to the existing load conditions.
Ground fault detected x x One phase is connected to ground (only possible in bypass mode)
Remedy: Check connections and wiring.
Manual mode local connection x The connection to the PC has been interrupted (if control via PC) or no
break key has been pressed (if the motor is key-controlled) for a prolonged
time (see Settings > Display > Activity monitoring time in chapter
Selecting display settings (Page 102)).
Control is handed over to the inputs if these have requested control
Remedy: Connect the PC again or increase the activity monitoring time
and press a key at regular intervals.

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154 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

Message ① ② ③ Cause/solution
Impermissible Ie/CLASS setting x The rated operational current Ie set for the motor (chapter Entering the
motor data (Page 66)) in at least one of the three parameter sets
exceeds the associated, maximum permissible setting current referred
to the selected CLASS setting (chapter Selecting motor protection
settings (Page 99)). In the case of devices with product version
≥ *E07*, the corresponding parameter set (PS) in which the incorrect
value is to be found is displayed.
For the maximum permissible settings, see chapter Technical data
(Page 268).
If the soft starter is connected in an inside-delta circuit, the motor
feeder may have been incorrectly wired (chapter 3RW44 in an
inside-delta circuit (Page 234)); as a result, the "Status
display/Connection type" menu item (chapter Status display
(Page 114)) contains "Unkn./Fault".
Remedy: Check the rated operational current set for the motor in all
three parameter sets, select a lower CLASS setting, or calculate the
soft starter with a size allowance. In the case of an inside-delta circuit,
check that the wiring of the motor feeder corresponds to the specified
circuit diagrams.
As long as the motor is not activated, it is only a status message.
However, the message becomes a fault without restart if a start
command is issued.
No external starting parameters x Occurs only during operation with PROFIBUS DP. Incorrect or
received (devices with product impermissible parameter values have been sent by the PLC.
version ≥ *E06*) Remedy: The Soft Starter ES software can be used to read the
incorrect parameter and to change it to a permissible value.
PIO error (devices with product x PIO error (faulty process image of the outputs) appears
version ≥ *E06*)
• If Motor CW and Motor CCW have been selected simultaneously
(cause 1) or
• If Parameter set 4 has been selected via the PLC (cause 2).
• Automatically reset if Motor CW and Motor CCW are deactivated
again (in response to cause 1) or
• If a valid parameter set (PS 1 - 3) is set again (in response to
cause 2).
Bypass element protective tripping x A very high current occurs in bypass mode. The tripping operation
(devices with product version depends on the duration of the current and strength of the current.
≥ *E07*) Fault can only be reset after 30 s (for cooling down).
Remedy: Check the motor and check soft starter dimensioning.

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Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

8.1.3 Device fault

Message Cause/solution
Switching element defective At least one bypass element has welded and/or at least one thyristor has fused. This
(for devices with product version message is generated when the control supply voltage is applied and current flow is
≥ *E04*) being measured (via the soft starter) when no start command has been issued.1)
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Contact 1 failed Thyristor in phase L1 failed (This message is issued when the start command is
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Contact 2 failed Thyristor in phase L2 failed (This message is issued when the start command is
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Contact 3 failed Thyristor in phase L3 failed (This message is issued when the start command is
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Flash memory error The device memory is faulty.
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Device not named Device not named, still has to receive naming data.
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Incorrect name version The naming and firmware versions do not match.
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
Bypass element defective The bypass contactor is welded or defective.
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).

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156 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

Message Cause/solution
Heatsink temperature sensor wire Option 1: The temperature sensor on the heatsink of the starter is not connected or
break defective.
Option 2: 3RW4465 and 3RW4466 may have a defective fan on the front of the
Remedy: Only in the case of 3RW4465 and 3RW4466: After about 30 to 60 minutes
cooling time, try to rectify the fault by switching the control supply voltage off and
then on again. If this was successful, check whether the fan on the front of the soft
starter is running when the start command is issued. If not, it may be necessary to
replace the fan. (The fan on the front of the starter and also the fans on the bottom of
the unit both be running simultaneously in fault-free operation).
For all 3RW44 starters:
If it was not possible to reset the fault message by switching the control supply
voltage off and on again, contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request
(see Chapter Support Request (Page 10)).
Heatsink sensor short-circuit The temperature sensor on the heatsink of the starter is not connected or defective.
Remedy: Contact your SIEMENS partner or create a support request (see Chapter
Support Request (Page 10)).
1) Possible ohmic value for a defective thyristor: <2 kOhm (L-T).

In certain circumstances, some fault messages may be incorrect (e.g. phase failure L1
although L2 is missing).

When using the 3RW44 soft starter in an IT system with ground fault monitoring: 3RW44,
product version ≤ *E06* and the PROFIBUS DP communication module must not be used in
this network configuration. 3RW44 soft starters from product version *E07* onwards can be
used in combination with the PROFIBUS DP communication module. However, the phase
voltage values (UL-N) and phase-to-phase voltage values (UL-L) may be displayed
incorrectly on the measured value display of the 3RW44.

PROFINET communication modules can only be used with a product version of *E12* or

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Diagnostics and messages
8.1 Diagnostics and messages

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158 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module 9
9.1 Introduction
Using the communication module (PROFIBUS or PROFINET), the 3RW44 soft starter and
its all its functionality can be integrated in the automation level.
You will find the manual for the PROFINET communication module on the Internet

● You have configured an infeed module with integrated S7 station, e.g. with CPU315-2
● STEP 7 (V 5.1 or higher + hotfix 2) is fully installed on your PC or programming device.
● You are proficient in STEP 7.


The PROFIBUS DP communication module can only be operated on 3RW44 devices

with product version "E06" or higher, implemented on devices from production date
130601 onwards.


IT systems with ground-fault monitoring:

3RW44, product version ≤ *E06* and the PROFIBUS DP communication module must
not be used in this network configuration. 3RW44 soft starters from product version
*E07* onwards can be used in combination with the communication module. However,
the phase voltage values (UL-N) and phase-to-phase voltage values (UL-L) may be
displayed incorrectly on the measured value display of the 3RW44.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.1 Introduction


For 3RW44 PROFIBUS DP communication module with product version < *E03*:
use of the 3RW44 with PROFIBUS on redundant controllers and Y-Link:
The 3RW44 acts like a DPV0 slave on Y-link. Parameter assignment is only possible via
the GSD file and only cyclic data is transmitted, no data sets or alarms.
For 3RW44 PROFIBUS DP communication module, product version *E04* or higher:
As from this version, DPV1 operation (read/write data sets and alarms) is also possible
downstream from a Y-link.

Further documentation on the subject of PROFIBUS DP

SIRIUS PROFIBUS communication module for 3RW44 soft starter
( operating instructions with
the article number 3ZX1012-0RW44-0KA0.

Further documentation on the subject of PROFINET IO

SIRIUS PROFINET communication module for 3RW44 soft starter
( operating instructions with
the article number 3ZX1012-0RW40-0NA1.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.1 Introduction

9.1.1 Definitions

S7 slave
An S7 slave is a slave that is fully integrated into STEP 7. It is embedded via OM Soft Starter
ES Professional. It supports the S7 model (diagnostic interrupts).

Writing data
Writing data means that data is transmitted to the soft starter.

Reading data
Reading data means that data is transmitted from the soft starter.

Device master data (GSD) contains DP slave descriptions in a standardized format. The use
of device master data simplifies the configuration of the DP master and the DP slave. See
Chapter Configuring with the GSD file (Page 173).

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.2 Data transfer

9.2 Data transfer

9.2.1 Options for data transfer

The following figure shows the data transfer options:

Figure 9-1 Options for data transfer

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162 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.2 Data transfer

9.2.2 Communication principle

The following figure shows the communication principle and the way data is transmitted
depending on the master and slave operating modes:

Figure 9-2 Communication principle

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.3 Installing the PROFIBUS DP communication module

9.3 Installing the PROFIBUS DP communication module

Hazardous voltage!
Can cause electric shock and burns. Turn off and lock out all power supplying the system
and device before working on the device.

Read the information in the SIRIUS PROFIBUS communication module for 3RW44 soft
starter ( operating
instructions with the article number 3ZX1012-0RW44-0KA0.

9.3.1 Inserting the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface)

Risk of property damage.
Before inserting the PROFIBUS DP communication module, disconnect the power to the
3RW44 soft starter.

The PROFIBUS DP communication module can only be operated on 3RW44 devices with
product version "E06" or higher, implemented on devices from production date 060501

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164 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.3 Installing the PROFIBUS DP communication module

Proceed as follows:

Step Description
Slide a small screwdriver into the
opening of the cover of the
3RW44 soft starter (1). Gently
press the screwdriver downwards
(2) and remove the cover (3).

Insert the PROFIBUS DP

communication module into the
device (4).
communication module into place
using screws included in the
scope of supply (5).
Insert the PROFIBUS DP
connecting cable into the socket
of the communication module (6).
Screw the PROFIBUS connecting
cable firmly into place.
Switch on the power supply.
The "BUS" LED flashes yellow.
This means that the
communication module has been
inserted correctly, but has not yet
been activated.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address

9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus

interface) and setting the station address

9.4.1 Introduction
Activate the PROFIBUS DP communication module ("Fieldbus" device function) and set the
station address either via the display or the device interface using the "Soft Starter ES
Premium" or "Soft Starter ES + SP1" software.

After the communication module has been activated, the default control priority automatically
switches from the inputs to the PROFIBUS DP communication module.
If an input with the "Manual mode local" function is active, the control priority does not
change (refer to chapter Parameterizing the inputs (Page 94)).

The soft starters are pre-set to station address 126 as the factory default.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address

9.4.2 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module via the display, setting
the station address and saving the settings
1. During first commissioning of the soft starter, you must run through the Quick Start menu
(refer to chapter Switching on for the first time (Page 55)). See also SIRIUS
3RW442/443/444/445/446 soft starter operating instructions
( (article number:
2. Press the designated button on the device.

3. The "BUS" LED flashes red.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address

4. The PROFIBUS DP communication module has been successfully activated if the

PROFIBUS icon appears on the display.
The next step is to assign the desired station address for the 3RW44 as a PROFIBUS
In this example, the station address "23" has been selected.

If the "Parameters disabled CPU/Master" parameter is set to "Off" (factory setting), the
parameters set on the soft starter will be overwritten with the values stored in the GSD file
or in the OM when the bus is started. If this is not desired, the parameter must be set to

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address

5. In order to permanently save the settings, proceed as follows:

If the "Parameters disabled CPU/Master" parameter is set to "Off" (factory setting) in the
"Fieldbus" menu, the parameters set on the soft starter will be overwritten with the values
stored in the GSD file or in the OM when the bus is started. If this is not desired, the
parameter must be set to "On".

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address

9.4.3 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and

setting the station address via the device interface using the "Soft Starter ES
Premium" or the "Soft Starter ES Smart + SP1" software
Perform the following steps in order to activate the communication module:
1. Connect the 3RW44 soft starter via the interface cable to a PC on which the "Soft Starter
ES Professional" or "Soft Starter ES Smart + Service Pack 1" software is installed.
2. Start the "Soft Starter ES Professional" or "Soft Starter ES Smart + Service Pack 1"
3. Select "Switching device > Open online" in the menu.
4. Select the "Local device interface" option in the "Open online" dialog and select the
desired COM port under "interface".
5. Click "OK".
6. Select "Device configuration" on the left side of the window.
7. Select the "Fieldbus interface" check box on the right side of the window.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.4 Activating the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address

8. Select "Device parameters > Fieldbus" on the left side of the window.
9. Select the "Load to switching device" icon in the toolbar.

10.Acknowledge the changed station address with "OK".

11.Acknowledge activation of the PROFIBUS DP communication module with "OK".
The PROFIBUS DP communication module is activated.
12.If the "BUS" LED on the communication module flashes red and the PROFIBUS icon
appears in the display, the communication module has been successfully activated.

The soft starter only reads the station address automatically and saves it permanently
when the soft starter's supply voltage is activated (see chapter Flow diagram: PROFIBUS
DP starting the soft starter (Page 180)) or when the "Restart" command is issued.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.5 Configuring soft starters

9.5 Configuring soft starters

9.5.1 Introduction

This section refers to the configuring and parameterization of soft starters

● Configuring: systematic arrangement of individual soft starters (configuration).
● Parameterization: assigning parameters using the configuring software.
You can find additional information on parameters in chapter Data formats and data sets
(Page 192).

● The "Diagnose hardware" function is possible with STEP 7 V5.1, correction K5.1.2.0 or
● Reading back the configuration is not supported by STEP 7 (Target system → Load to
● Reading out diagnostics via the CPU 315-2 DP (with the "Diagnose hardware" function in
STEP 7) is not possible up to Article No. 6ES7315–2AF02.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.5 Configuring soft starters

9.5.2 Configuring with the GSD file

Definition of the GSD

Device master data (GSD) contains DP slave descriptions in a standardized format. The use
of device master data simplifies the configuration of the DP master and the DP slave.

Configuring with the GSD file

You configure the soft starter using the GSD file. The soft starter is integrated into your
system as a standard slave by means of the GSD file.
You can download the GSD file from the Internet
The following GSD files are available:
● SIEM80DE.GSG (German)
● SIEM80DE.GSE (English)
● SIEM80DE.GSF (French)
● SIEM80DE.GSI (Italian)
● SIEM80DE.GSS (Spanish)


Your configuration tool must support GSD files - Rev.3, for example STEP 7 V5.1+Service
Pack 2 and higher.

Only the values for parameter set 1 (PS1) (and those that are independent of the parameter
set anyway, for example motor protection) can be set with the GSD file.
The default values are used for PS2 and PS3.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.5 Configuring soft starters

9.5.3 Configuring with the Soft Starter ES Professional software

You can also configure SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starters using the Soft Starter ES Premium
There are two possibilities when using PROFIBUS DP:
● Stand-alone program on PC or programming device with PROFIBUS DP connection
● Integration with the object manager (OM) in STEP 7
You can find detailed information about "Soft Starter ES" in the online help of the

9.5.4 Diagnostics package

Diagnostics package
A free diagnostics package is available for 3RW44 soft starters. It contains HMI diagnostics
screens for a touch panel. The diagnostics package is available in English and German. You
can download the diagnostics package
( from the Internet:

9.5.5 Soft Starter ES parameterization software

Soft Starter ES is the central software for commissioning, operating, and diagnostics of the
SIRIUS 3RW44 High Feature soft starter series. You can download the Soft Starter ES
parameterization software (
from the Internet. This is a free, 14-day test version.

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174 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example)

9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7


9.6.1 Introduction
The following example shows you how to commission the PROFIBUS DP communication
● Installation and activation of the PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus
● Configuration with STEP 7 using the GSD file
● Integration into the user program
● Switching on

Components needed
● 3RW44 soft starter
● 3RW49 00-0KC00 communication module

General requirements
● You have configured an infeed module with integrated S7 station,
● e. g. with CPU315-2 DP.
● You are proficient in STEP 7.
● The programming device is connected to the DP master.

Software requirements

Table 9- 1 Software requirements for commissioning

Configuration software used Version Explanations

STEP 7 From version V5.1+SP2 You have integrated the GSD file of
onwards the soft starter into STEP 7.
Configuration software for the You have integrated the GSD file of
other DP master used the soft starter into the applicable
configuration tool.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example)

Requirements for commissioning

Table 9- 2 Requirements for commissioning

Prior activity For more information, see ...

1. Soft starter has been installed Chapter Installation, connection and feeder
configuration (Page 31).
2. PROFIBUS DP communication module has Chapter Installing the PROFIBUS DP
been installed communication module (Page 164).
3. The station address has been set on the soft Chapter Activating the PROFIBUS DP
starter communication module (fieldbus interface) and
setting the station address via the device
interface using the "Soft Starter ES Premium" or
the "Soft Starter ES Smart + SP1" software
(Page 170).
4. The soft starter has been configured Chapter Configuring soft starters (Page 172).
(configured and parameterized)
5. The supply voltage for the DP master is DP master manual
switched on
6. The DP master is switched to the RUN DP master manual
operating state

9.6.2 Configuration using the Device Master Data (GSD) in STEP 7

Table 9- 3 Commissioning

Step Description
1 Activate the PROFIBUS DP communication module as described in chapter Activating the
PROFIBUS DP communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address
(Page 166).
2 Set the required station address as described in chapter Activating the PROFIBUS DP
communication module (fieldbus interface) and setting the station address (Page 166).
3 Switch on the supply voltage for the DP master CPU 315-2 DP at the infeed module.
4 Observe the status LEDs of the DP master CPU 315-2 DP on the infeed module:
5 V DC: Lights up
SF DP: Off
BUSF: Flashing
5 Start the SIMATIC Manager and create a new project with a DP master
(e.g. CPU315-2 DP with DI 16 x DC 24 V and DO 16 x DC 24 V). Generate OB1 and
OB82 for the project.

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9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example)

Step Description
6 In HW Config, call up the Extras > Install new GSD file menu command, and integrate the
GSD file of the soft starter into the configuration tool of the DP master used. For the
CPU315-2 used in the example, you can optionally install
• the German GSD file SIEM80DE.GSG,
• the English GSD file SIEM80DE.GSE,
• the French GSD file SIEM80DE.GSF,
• the Spanish GSD file SIEM80DE.GSS,
• the Italian GSD file SIEM80DE.GSI
in the STEP 7 SIMATIC Manager.
7 Generate the PROFIBUS DP subnet.
8 Add the soft starter from the hardware catalog to the PROFIBUS under PROFIBUS DP >
Additional field devices > Switching devices > Motor starters > Direct soft starters >
9 Set the station address for the soft starter to 3 (or higher).
10 Drag a module from the selection list of the drop-down menu to slot 1 of the SIRIUS

*) Depending on the structure

Double-click to open the "Properties DP slave" dialog.
11 Click on "Parameterize". Set the parameters, **), e.g.
Rated operational current
Click on OK. This completes the configuration.
12 Save the configuration.

During parameterization with the GSD file, it is possible to select values that are dependent
on each other, but are not permissible in combination. The respective parameter is reported
as an "Incorrect parameter value" in data set 92.

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9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example)

The following table shows which parameters are mutually dependent and how they must be

Table 9- 4 Interdependent parameter settings

Parameters Settings
Rated operational current Ie Depends on Tripping class CLASS (refer to chapter Technical
data of the power unit (Page 274))
Upper current limit Greater than Lower current limit, chapter Specifying current limit
values (Page 93)
Maximum starting time Greater than Starting time, chapter Specifying the startup mode
(Page 68)
Limiting torque Greater than Starting torque, chapter Specifying the startup
mode (Page 68), torque control and torque control
with current limiting.

9.6.3 Integration into the user program

Table 9- 5 Integration into the user program

Step Description
1 Create the user program in the LAD/STL/CSF editor in OB1.
Example: reading an input and controlling an output:

2 Save the project in SIMATIC Manager.

3 Load the configuration to the DP master.

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9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example)

9.6.4 Switching on

Table 9- 6 Switching on

Step Description
1 Switch on the voltage supply for the soft starter.
2 Observe the status LEDs on the DP master CPU315-2 DP:
5 V DC: Lights up
SF DP: Off
3 Observe the status LEDs on the PROFIBUS module:
LED BUS: Lights up green

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9.6 PROFIBUS DP commissioning using the GSD file in STEP 7 (example)

9.6.5 Flow diagram: PROFIBUS DP starting the soft starter

Figure 9-3 PROFIBUS DP starting of the soft starter

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9.7 Process data and process images

9.7 Process data and process images

Definition of process image

The process image is part of the system memory of the DP master. At the start of the cyclic
program, the signal states of the inputs are transferred to the process image of the inputs. At
the end of the cyclic program, the process image of the outputs is transferred to the DP slave
as a signal status.
For soft starters with PROFIBUS DP, the following process image is available:
● Process image with 2 bytes of outputs/2 bytes of inputs (16 O/16 I)

Table 9- 7 Process data and process images

Process data Process image:

(16 O, DO 0.0 to DO 1.7)
(16 I, DI 0.0 to DI 1.7)
DO-0. 0 Motor CW
1 Motor CCW
2 Not used
3 Trip reset
4 Emergency start
5 Available
6 Slow speed
7 Not used
DO-1. 0 Output 1
1 Output 2
2 Parameter set bit 0*)
3 Parameter set bit 1*)
4 Not used
5 Not used
6 Not used
7 Disable quick stop
DI-0. 0 Ready (automatic)
1 Motor ON
2 Group fault
3 Group warning
4 Input 1
5 Input 2
6 Input 3
7 Input 4

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9.8 Diagnosis via LED display

Process data Process image:

(16 O, DO 0.0 to DO 1.7)
(16 I, DI 0.0 to DI 1.7)
DI-1. 0 Motor current Iact-bit0
1 Motor current Iact-bit1
3 Motor current Iact-bit2
4 Motor current Iact-bit3
5 Motor current Iact-bit4
6 Manual mode local
7 Ramp operation
*) See the table below

Process image error Parameter set 3 Parameter set 2 Parameter set 1

1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0

9.8 Diagnosis via LED display

Table 9- 8 Diagnosis via LED display

LED Description
BUS Red Bus fault
Red blinking Parameterization error
Red flickering Basic factory settings restored (red flickering
for 5 sec)
Red-green toggling*) Parameter error while starting S7
Green Device exchanging data
Yellow Device not initialized and bus error! (Send in
Yellow-green blinking Device not initialized and parameter error!
(Send in device!)
Off Device not exchanging data!
Error: BF = bus fault
Frequency specifications: Blinking: 0.5 Hz
Flickering: 8 to 10 Hz
*) Toggling: 2 to 10 Hz

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.1 Reading out the diagnostic data

Length of the diagnostics message frame

The maximum message frame length is 32 bytes.

9.9.2 Options for reading diagnostic data

Table 9- 9 Reading out the diagnostics information with STEP 7

Automation system with Blocks or registers in Application See ...

DP master STEP 7
SIMATIC S7/M7 SFC 13 "DP NRM_DG" Reading slave Chapter Structure of
diagnostic data (stored the slave diagnostics
in the data area of the (Page 184);
user program) for SFC, see online
help in STEP 7

Example of reading out S7 diagnostics using SFC 13 "DP NRM_DG"

This is an example of how to use the SFC 13 to read out the slave diagnostics for a DP slave
in the STEP 7 user program.

The following assumptions apply for this STEP 7 user program:
● Diagnostics address is 1022 (3FEH).
● Slave diagnostic data must be stored in DB82: from address 0.0,
length 32 bytes.
● The slave diagnostic data has a length of 32 bytes.

STEP 7 user program

STL Explanation


REQ :=TRUE Read request

LADDR :=W#16#3FE Diagnostic address
RECORD :=P#DB82.DBX 0.0 BYTE 32 Mailbox for diagnostic data in DB82
BUSY :=M2.0 Read process runs over several OB1

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.3 Structure of the slave diagnostics

Figure 9-4 Structure of the slave diagnostics

The length of the diagnostics message frame varies between 13 and 32 bytes. The length of
the diagnostics message frame last received can be seen in STEP 7 from the RET_VAL
parameter of SFC 13.

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.4 Station status 1 to 3

The station status 1 to 3 provides an overview of the status of a DP slave.

Table 9- 10 Structure of station status 1 (byte 0)

Bit Meaning Cause/remedy

0 1: The DP master cannot address the DP slave. • Correct station address set on the DP slave?
• Is the bus connector in place?
• Voltage at the DP slave?
• Is the RS 485 repeater set correctly?
• Reset triggered on the DP Slave?
1 1: The DP slave is not yet ready for the data • Wait, the DP slave is currently starting up.
2 1: The configuration data transferred from the DP • Verify the station type or DP slave configuration in the
master to the DP slave does not match the DP slave configuration software.
3 1: External diagnostics information is pending • Evaluate the ID-specific and/or channel-specific
(group diagnostics indication) diagnostic information, and the module status. As soon
as all errors are remedied the bit 3 is reset. The bit will
be set again when there is a new diagnostics message
in the bytes of the aforementioned diagnostics.
4 1: The required function is not supported by the DP • Check the configuration.
slave (for example, changing the station address by
means of software).
5 1: The DP master cannot interpret the response of • Check the bus configuration.
the DP slave.
6 1: The DP slave type does not match the software • Has the correct station type been entered in the
configuration. configuration software?
7 1: The DP slave has been parameterized by another • The bit is always 1, for example, if you access the DP
DP master (not by the DP master that has access to slave with the PG or another DP master.
the DP slave at the moment). The "Master PROFIBUS address" diagnostic byte
contains the station address of the DP master that
assigned parameters to the DP slave.

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

Station status 2

Table 9- 11 Structure of station status 2 (byte 1)

Bit Meaning
0 1: The DP slave must be parameterized again.
1 1: A diagnostic message is pending. The DP slave will not work until the fault is rectified
(static diagnostic message).
2 1: The bit is always "1" when the DP slave with this station address is configured.
3 1: Response monitoring is enabled for this DP slave.
4 1: The DP slave has received the "FREEZE" control command. 1)
5 1: The DP slave has received the "SYNC" control command. 1)
6 0: Bit is always "0".
7 1: The DP slave is deactivated, i.e. it is decoupled from the current processing.
1) The bit is only updated if another diagnostics message also changes.

Station status 3

Table 9- 12 Structure of station status 3 (byte 2)

Bit Meaning
0 to 6 0: Bits are always "0".
7 1: • There are more diagnostics messages pending than the DP slave is able to store.
• The DP master cannot enter all the diagnostics messages sent by the DP slave in
its diagnostics buffer (channel-specific diagnostics).

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.5 Master PROFIBUS address

The master PROFIBUS address diagnostics byte contains the station address of the DP
● that has parameterized the DP slave and
● has read and write access to the DP slave.
The master PROFIBUS address is stored in byte 3 of the slave diagnostics.

9.9.6 Manufacturer ID

The manufacturer's ID contains a code specifying the DP slave type.

Table 9- 13 Structure of the manufacturer ID

Byte 4 Byte 5 Manufacturer ID for

80H DEH Soft starter

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.7 ID-related diagnostics

Identifier-related diagnostic data indicates whether soft starters are faulty or not. Identifier-
related diagnostics begins at byte 6 and is 2 bytes long.

ID-related diagnostics
Identifier-related diagnostics for soft starters is structured as follows:

Figure 9-5 Configuration of identifier-related diagnostics

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.8 Module status

The module status represents the status of the configured modules (in this case: soft
starters) and provides details of the identifier-related diagnostics. The module status starts
after the identifier-related diagnostics and consists of 5 bytes.

Structure of the module status

The module status is structured as follows:

Figure 9-6 Structure of the module status

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

9.9.9 Channel-related diagnostics

Channel-related diagnostics provides information about channel faults in modules (in this
case: soft starters) and provides details of the identifier-related diagnostics. Channel-related
diagnostics begins after the module status. The maximum length is limited by the maximum
total length of slave diagnostics amounting to 31 bytes. Channel-related diagnostics does not
affect the module status.
Up to 9 channel-related diagnostics messages are possible (see also station status 3, bit 7).

Channel-related diagnostics
Channel-related diagnostics is configured as follows:

Figure 9-7 Configuration of the channel-related diagnostics

Channel-related diagnostics is always updated up to the current diagnostics message in the
diagnostics message frame. Subsequent, older diagnostics messages are not deleted.
Remedy: Evaluate the valid, current length of the diagnostics message frame:
• STEP 7 from the parameter RET_VAL of SFC 13.

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9.9 Diagnosis with STEP 7

Fault types
The diagnostics alarm is signaled on channel 0.

Table 9- 14 Fault types

Fault Fault type Meaning/cause Delete alarm bit/acknowledgement

F1 00001: • Short-circuit of the temperature sensor Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the
Short-circuit cause of the fault has been removed and
acknowledged with "trip reset".
F4 00100: • Overload of the temperature sensor Alarm bit is updated continually.
• Overload of the thermal motor model
F5 00101: • Overload of the contact block Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the
Overtemperature cause of the fault has been removed and
acknowledged with "trip reset".
F6 00110: • Wire break of the temperature sensor Alarm bit is updated continually.
Wire break
F7 00111: • Ie limit value overshot
Maximum limit value
F8 01000: • Ie limit value undershot
Minimum limit value
F9 01001: • Internal error/device error Alarm bit can be deleted when the cause of
Error the error has been eliminated by
• Contact block defective
• Switching the supply voltage On and Off
• "Restart" command if possible
F16 10000: • Invalid parameter value Alarm bit is always deleted when
Parameterization acknowledged with "trip reset".
F17 10001: • Electronics supply voltage too low Alarm bit is deleted when the cause of
No sensor or load tripping has been eliminated or automatically
• No contact block supply voltage
voltage acknowledged.
• No supply voltage
F24 11000: • Tripping due to overload Alarm bit is always deleted when
Actuator tripping acknowledged with "trip reset".
• Tripping due to zero current
Additional acknowledgment in combination
• Tripping due to asymmetry with another error.
• Tripping due to ground fault
F26 11010: • Overload of the sensor supply Alarm bit is always deleted when
External fault acknowledged with "trip reset".
• Process image error

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9.10 Data formats and data sets

9.10 Data formats and data sets

9.10.1 Properties
The soft starter evaluates a large amount of operating, diagnostic, and statistical data.

Control data
Data that is transferred to the soft starter, e.g. motor CCW switching command, trip reset,
Data format: Bit

Data that is transferred from the soft starter and indicates the current operating status, e.g.,
Motor CCW, etc.
Data format: Bit

Data that is transferred from the soft starter and indicates the current operating status, e.g.,
Overload fault, etc.
Data format: Bit

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9.10 Data formats and data sets

Current values
Current values are coded in different current formats, namely in
● 6-bit current format,
● 8-bit current format, and
● 9-bit current format:

Figure 9-8 Current formats

Current values are

● Motor current Imax (6-bit current format)
● Phase currents IL1max, IL2max, IL3max (8-bit current format)
● Last trigger current (9-bit current format)
● Maximum tripping current (9-bit current format)

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9.10 Data formats and data sets

Statistical data on device service life

● Operating hours
The soft starter records 2 operating hour values:
– Motor operating hours
Specifies for how long the motor was switched on
– Operating hours of the device (soft starter)
This indicates how long the 115 V AC or 230 V AC voltage supply of the soft starter
was switched on.
Both operating hour values are recorded in data set 95 - "Read statistics". They are
entered in the "Operating hours" data field at 1-second intervals. The operating hours
are recorded in the range from 0 to 232 seconds in 1-second increments.
● Number of overload trips
The soft starter counts the number of overload trips in the range from 0 to 65535.
● Number of starts motor CW/CCW
The soft starter counts the number of starts in the range from 0 to 232
Example: if current flows in the main circuit after the "Motor ON" command, the value is
incremented by 1.
● Number of starts, outputs 1 to 4
● Motor current Imax
The soft starter measures the current in all 3 phases and displays the current of the
highest loaded phase as a percentage [%] of the set current Ie.
Data format: 1 byte, 8-bit current format
Example: Set current Ie = 60 A
Displayed motor current 110 %
then corresponds to 60 A x 1.1 = 66 A
All 3 phase currents are available in data block 94
● Last trip current
The soft starter measures the current in all 3 phases and displays the current that is
flowing in the highest loaded phase when tripping occurs as a percentage [%] of the set
current Ie and in amperes [A]
Data format: 2 byte, 9-bit current format
Example: Set current Ie = 60 A
Indicated motor current 455 % then corresponds to 60 A x 4.55 = 273 A

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9.10 Data formats and data sets

Statistics data of the maximum pointer

Maximum pointers are used for preventive diagnostics:
● The maximum measured value is stored in the device.
● The higher-level PLC can retrieve the measured value at any time.
● The higher-level PLC can reset the measured value at any time.

The following data is available as a maximum pointer:

● Number of overload trips.
● Phase current IL1max to IL3max and IL1min to IL3min. Maximum and minimum phase current as
a percentage [%] of set current Ie and in amperes [A]
Data format: 1 byte each, 8-bit current format
Both the measured maximum and minimum phase currents in bypass operation are
stored per phase.
● Minimum and maximum phase-to-phase voltages ULx - ULy as RMS values in 0.1 V.
Minimum and maximum line frequency in 0.5 Hz resolution.

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9.11 Identification number (ID No.), error codes

9.11 Identification number (ID No.), error codes

9.11.1 Identification number (ID No.)

The identification number (ID No.) is used for unique identification of all the information
available in the motor starter (parameters, control commands, diagnostics, commands, etc.).
It is located in the left-hand column of the data set tables.

9.11.2 Error codes for negative data set acknowledgement

If a data set is rejected, an error code is sent with the negative acknowledgment, both via the
device interface and via the bus interface. This provides information about the reason for the
negative acknowledgment.
The error codes comply with the PROFIBUS-DPV1 standard in as far as it applies to the soft

Evaluation via local device interface with Soft Starter ES

The error codes are evaluated by the Soft Starter ES parameterization and diagnostic
software and output in plain text. More information on this can be found in the online help of
Soft Starter ES.

Evaluation via PROFIBUS DP

The error codes are output via PROFIBUS DP Layer 2. More information can be found in the
relevant manuals for the PROFIBUS DP protocol description.

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9.11 Identification number (ID No.), error codes

Error codes
The following error codes are generated by the soft starter:

Table 9- 15 Error codes

Error codes Error message Cause

High Low
00H 00H No error
Communication interface
80H A0H Negative acknowledgement for "Read • Data set write-only
data set"
80H A1H Negative acknowledgement for "Write • Data set read-only
data set"
80H A2H Protocol error • Layer 2 (fieldbus)
• Device interface
• Incorrect coordination
80H A9H This function is not supported • DPV1 service does not support
Read/write data set
Access to technology
80H B0H Unknown data set number • Data set number not known in the
soft starter
80H B1H Incorrect data set length when writing • Data set length and specified data
set length different
80H B2H Incorrect slot number • Slot not 1 or 4
80H B6H Communication partner declined data • Incorrect operating mode (automatic,
acceptance! manual bus, manual mode local)
• Data set is read-only
• Parameters cannot be changed in
ON state
80H B8H Invalid parameter • Invalid parameter value
Device resources
80H C2H Temporary lack of resources in the • No free receive buffer
• The data set is currently being
• The data set request is currently
active on another interface.

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12 Data sets (BS)

Reading/writing data sets with STEP 7

You can access the data sets of the soft starter from the user program.
● Writing data sets:
S7-DPV1 master: By calling up SFB 53 "WR_REC" or SFC 58
S7 master: by calling up SFC 58
● Reading data sets:
S7-DPV1 master: by calling up SFB 52 "RD_REC" or SFC 59
S7 master: by calling up SFC 59

Further information
You can find additional information about the SFBs
● in the reference manual "System Software for S7-300/400, System and Standard
Functions" (
● in the STEP 7 online help

Byte arrangements

When data longer than one byte is stored, the bytes are arranged as follows ("big endian"):

Figure 9-9 Byte arrangement in "big endian" format

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.1 Data set 68 - Reading/writing the process image of the outputs

Note that data set 68 is overwritten by the cyclic process image in automatic mode!

Byte Meaning
0 Writing coordination 0x20 via channel C1 (PLC)
Writing 0x30 via channel C2 (PC)
Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1-3 Reserved = 0
Process image of the outputs
4 Process data DO-0.0 to DO-0.7, table below
5 Process data DO-1.0 to DO-1.7, table below
6 Reserved = 0
7 Reserved = 0

Table 9- 16 Data set 68 - Reading/writing the process image of the outputs

ID No. Process data Process image

(16 O (outputs), DO 0.0 to DO 1.7)
1001 DO-0. 0 Motor CW
1002 1 Motor CCW
1003 2 Not used
1004 3 Trip reset
1005 4 Emergency start
1006 5 Not used
1007 6 Slow speed
1008 7 Not used
1009 DO-1. 0 Output 1
1010 1 Output 2
1011 2 Parameter set bit 0
1012 3 Parameter set bit 1
1013 4 Not used
1014 5 Not used
1015 6 Not used
1016 7 Disable quick stop

In the "Automatic mode", the PLC specifies the process image of the outputs. In this case,
reading of data set 68 at the local device interface returns the process image of the outputs
as transmitted by the PLC.

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.2 Data set 69 - Reading the process image of the inputs

Byte Meaning
Process image of the inputs
0 Process data DI-0.0 to DI-0.7, table below
1 Process data DI-1.0 to DI-1.7, table below
2 Reserved = 0
3 Reserved = 0

Table 9- 17 Data set 69 - Reading the process image of the inputs

ID No. Process data Process image:

(16 I (inputs), DI 0.0 to DI 1.7)
1101 DI-0. 0 Ready (automatic)
1102 1 Motor ON
1103 2 Group fault
1104 3 Group warning
1105 4 Input 1
1106 5 Input 2
1107 6 Input 3
1108 7 Input 4
1109 DI-1. 0 Motor current Iact-bit0
1110 1 Motor current Iact-bit1
1111 2 Motor current Iact-bit2
1112 3 Motor current Iact-bit3
1113 4 Motor current Iact-bit4
1114 5 Motor current Iact-bit5
1115 6 Manual mode local
1116 7 Ramp operation

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.3 Data set 72 - Logbook - Reading device errors

Table 9- 18 Data set 72 - Logbook - Reading device errors

Byte Meaning Value range Increment Note

0-3 Operating hours - device 1… 232 s 1 second Oldest entry
4-5 ID number of the device error 0 … ±32767 s 1
6-9 Operating hours - device 1 … 232 s 1 second Second oldest
10 - 11 ID number of the device error 0 … ±32767 s 1 entry
120 - 123 Operating hours - device 1 … 232 s 1 second Last, newest entry
124 - 125 ID number of tripping operation 0 … ±32767 s 1

This data set can accommodate 21 entries. When all locations have been written, the first
entry is overwritten again.

The newest entry is entered at the end of the data set. The remaining entries are moved up
one entry.

The following messages can be entered:

ID No. Device fault - messages

452 Heatsink - thermistor defective
1466 Contact 1 failed
1467 Contact 2 failed
1468 Contact 3 failed
1417 Bypass element defective

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.4 Data set 73 - Logbook – Reading the trips

Table 9- 19 Data set 73 - Logbook – Reading the trips

Byte Meaning Value range Increment Note

0-3 Operating hours - device 1 ... 232 s 1 second Oldest entry
4-5 ID number of the device error 0 ... ± 32767 1
6-9 Operating hours - device 1 ... 232 s 1 second Second oldest
10 - 11 ID number of the device error 0 ... ± 32767 1 entry
120 - 123 Operating hours - device 1 ... 232 s 1 second Last, newest entry
124 - 125 ID number of tripping operation 0 ... ± 32767 1

This data set can accommodate 21 entries. When all locations have been written, the first
entry is overwritten again.

The newest entry is entered at the end of the data set. The remaining entries are moved up
one entry.

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

The following messages can be entered:

Table 9- 20 Messages in the logbook - Reading the trips

ID No. Trips - messages

309 Contact block overload
317 Electronics supply voltage too low
319 No supply voltage
324 Temperature sensor overload
325 Temperature sensor wire break
326 Temperature sensor short-circuit
327 Thermal motor model overload
334 Ie limit value overshot
335 Ie limit value undershot
339 Motor stalled - switched off
341 Asymmetry tripping
343 Ground fault tripping
355 Process image error
365 Invalid parameter value
ID No. of incorrect parameter
1407 Electronics supply voltage too high
1408 No load
1409 Phase failure L1
1410 Phase failure L2
1411 Phase failure L3
1421 Impermissible Ie/CLASS setting
1479 Phase angle control failure
1481 System voltage too high
1482 Current measuring range overshot

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.5 Data set 75 - Logbook - Reading events

Table 9- 21 Data set 75 - Logbook - Reading events

Byte Meaning Value range Increment Note

0-3 Operating hours - device 1 ... 232 s 1 second Oldest entry
4-5 ID number of the device error 0 ... ± 32767*) 1
6-9 Operating hours - device 1 ... 232 s 1 second Second oldest
10 - 11 ID number of the device error 0 ... ± 32767*) 1 entry
120 - 123 Operating hours - device 1 ... 232 s 1 second Last, newest entry
124 - 125 ID number of tripping operation 0 ... ± 32767*) 1
*) + incoming event, - outgoing event

This data set can accommodate 21 entries. When all locations have been written, the first
entry is overwritten again.

The newest entry is entered at the end of the data set. The remaining entries are moved up
one entry.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

The following messages can be entered:

Table 9- 22 Messages in the logbook - Reading events

ID No. Events - messages Note

324 Temperature sensor overload ± (coming/going event)
325 Temperature sensor wire break ± (coming/going event)
326 Temperature sensor short-circuit ± (coming/going event)
327 Thermal motor model overload ± (coming/going event)
334 Ie current limit exceeded ± (coming/going event)
335 Ie current limit undershot ± (coming/going event)
340 Asymmetry detected ± (coming/going event)
342 Ground fault detected ± (coming/going event)
310 Emergency start active ± (coming/going event)
357 Automatic mode + (coming event only)
358 Manual bus mode + (coming event only)
359 Manual mode local + (coming event only)
360 Connection abort in manual mode + (coming event only)
363 Maximum pointer deleted + (coming event only)
365 Invalid parameter value + (coming event only)
ID No. of incorrect parameter
366 Parameters cannot be changed in ON state + (coming event only)
ID No. of incorrect parameter
368 Parameters disabled CPU/master active ± (coming/going event)
369 Factory settings restored + (coming event only)
1302 Logbook - trips deleted + (coming event only)
1303 Logbook - events deleted + (coming event only)

9.12.6 Data set 81 - Reading the basic settings of data set 131
Data set 81 corresponds in structure and content to data set 131. Data set 81 supplies the
default values for all parameters of data set 131.

9.12.7 Data set 82 - Reading the basic settings of data set 132
Data set 82 corresponds in structure and content to data set 132. Data set 82 supplies the
default values for all parameters of data set 132.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.8 Data set 83 - Reading the basic settings of data set 133
Data set 83 corresponds in structure and content to data set 133. Data set 83 supplies the
default values for all parameters of data set 133.

9.12.9 Data set 92 - Reading device diagnostics

Table 9- 23 Data set 92 - Reading device diagnostics

ID No. ByteBit Alarm bit Error No.*) Meaning/acknowledgment

301 00 Ready (automatic) - Device is ready for operation via host (e.g. PLC), alarm
bit is updated continually.
306 01 Motor CW - Contact block 1 is switched on, alarm bit is updated
307 02 Motor CCW - Contact block 2 is switched on, alarm bit is updated
309 03 Contact block overload F5, F24 e.g. power semiconductor too hot, causing motor to trip.
Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
308 04 Contact block defective F9 e.g. contactor is fusion-welded/jammed or power
semiconductor has fused.
Alarm bit can only be deleted by switching the supply
voltage on and off once the cause of the error has been
310 05 Emergency start active - Alarm bit is deleted when emergency start is
302 06 Group fault - At least 1 error that generates an E No. is set.
Alarm bit is deleted when the cause of tripping has
been eliminated and acknowledged with "trip reset,
auto reset, OFF command"
304 07 Group warning - At least 1 warning is pending, alarm bit is updated
10 Reserved = 0 -
319 11 No supply voltage F17, F24 Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
12 Reserved = 0 -
312 13 Starting active - Alarm bit is updated continually.
313 14 Coast down active -
15 Reserved = 0 -
316 16 Electrical braking active - Brake output is switched on by the soft starter, alarm bit
is updated continually.
314 17 Slow speed active - Alarm bit is updated continually.

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Alarm bit Error No.*) Meaning/acknowledgment

Protective function: Motor/cable/ short-circuit
324 20 Temperature sensor overload F4 Overload detected, alarm bit is updated continually.
325 21 Temperature sensor F6 Thermistor circuit interrupted, alarm bit is updated
wire break continually.
326 22 Temperature sensor F1 Short-circuit in thermistor circuit, alarm bit is updated
short-circuit continually.
327 23 Thermal motor model F4 Overload detected, alarm bit is updated continually.
328 24 Overload tripping F24 Motor is tripped due to a detected overload.
Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
reset"/"auto reset".
329 25 Idle time active - Alarm bit is updated continually.
330 26 Cooling time active - Alarm bit is updated continually.
27 Reserved = 0 -
30-6 Reserved = 0 -
352 37 Input control - Device receives control commands via the inputs, alarm
bit is updated continually.
340 40 Asymmetry detected - Asymmetry is present, alarm bit is updated continually.
341 41 Asymmetry tripping F24 Tripping of the motor due to asymmetry.
Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
334 42 Ie limit value overshot F7 Limit exceeded, alarm bit is updated continually.
335 43 Ie limit value undershot F8 Limit undershot, alarm bit is updated continually.
336 44 Ie current limit tripping F24 Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
45 Reserved = 0 -
46 Reserved = 0 -
339 47 Motor stalled - switched off F24 Trip, stalling current detected for longer than the
permitted stalling time.
Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
344 50 Input 1 - States of the inputs
345 51 Input 2 - "1" = active, HIGH level is present
346 52 Input 3 - "0" = inactive, LOW level is present
347 53 Input 4 - Alarm bit is updated continually.
54-7 Reserved = 0 -
342 60 Ground fault detected - Ground fault is present, alarm bit is updated continually.
343 61 Ground fault tripping F24 Tripping of the motor due to ground fault.
Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Alarm bit Error No.*) Meaning/acknowledgment

353 62 Quick stop active F26, F24 Tripping of the motor due to quick stop.
Alarm bit is automatically deleted when the cause of the
fault has been removed and acknowledged with "trip
63 Reserved = 0 -
361 64 Trip reset successful - Alarm bit is deleted by an update or by a "Trip Reset" in
ready for operation status.
362 65 Trip reset not possible - Tripping cause is still present.
Alarm bit is deleted by an update (new "Trip Reset") or
by a "Trip Reset" in ready for operation status.
363 66 Maximum pointer deleted - Alarm bit is always deleted when acknowledged with
"trip reset".
317 67 Electronics supply - Alarm bit is deleted automatically when the cause of
voltage too low tripping has been eliminated.
303 70 Bus fault - Watchdog timer of DP interface has elapsed, alarm bit
is updated continually.
356 71 CPU/Master STOP - PLC program is no longer being executed, alarm bit is
updated continually.
357 72 Automatic mode - Automatic (PLC controlled), alarm bit is updated
358 73 Manual bus mode - Manual mode via fieldbus (HMI controls), alarm bit is
updated continually.
359 74 Manual mode local - Manual mode via local device interface, (HMI
controls), alarm bit is updated continually.
75 Reserved = 0 -
360 76 Connection abort in - During manual mode, the related communication
manual mode local connection was interrupted, alarm bit is updated
355 77 Process image error F26, F24 Process image of the outputs contains an impermissible
bit combination.
Alarm bit is deleted automatically when the cause of
tripping has been eliminated.
364 80 Parameter assignment - Alarm bit is updated continually.
365 81 Invalid parameter value F16 Alarm bit is always deleted when acknowledged with
"Trip Reset" or valid parameters have been received.
366 82 Parameters cannot be changed - Attempted parameter change while motor is running or
in ON state during relevant device function, which has caused the
Alarm bit is always deleted when acknowledged with
"Trip Reset" or valid parameters have been received.
368 83 Parameters disabled - Alarm bit is updated continually, soft starter ignores
CPU/master active parameters from the PLC.
84-7 Reserved = 0 -

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Alarm bit Error No.*) Meaning/acknowledgment

Device functions
90-2 Reserved = 0 -
369 93 Factory settings restored - Alarm bit is always deleted when acknowledged with
"trip reset".
94-7 Reserved = 0 -
367 10 Incorrect parameter - In conjunction with bytes 81 and 82, specifies the ID
number (low byte) No. of the first parameter not accepted.
11 Incorrect parameter - Alarm bit is always deleted when acknowledged with
number (high byte) "trip reset".
120-1 Reserved = 0 -
1421 122 Impermissible Ie/CLASS -
123-7 Reserved = 0 -
1449 130 Parameter set 1 active -
1450 131 Parameter set 2 active -
1451 132 Parameter set 3 active -
133 Reserved = 0 -
1453 134 Parameter set change -
135-7 Reserved = 0 -
140-1 Reserved = 0 -
1404 142 Motor heating active -
1402 143 DC braking active -
1403 144 Dynamic DC braking active -
1471 145 Star/delta motor connection -
1472 146 Inside-delta motor connection -
1473 147 Motor connection type unknown -
1408 150 No load -
151 Reserved = 0 -
1409 152 Phase failure L1 -
1410 153 Phase failure L2 -
1411 154 Phase failure L3 -
1412 155 Rotational direction of line -
frequency right
1413 156 Rotational direction of line -
frequency left
157 Reserved = 0 -
16 Reserved = 0 -
1435 170 Output 1 active -
1436 171 Output 2 active -
1437 172 Output 3 active -
1438 173 Output 4 active -
174-7 Reserved = 0 -
18 Reserved = 0 -

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Alarm bit Error No.*) Meaning/acknowledgment

1407 190 Electronics supply voltage too
1470 191 Ready to start ON for motor
1414 192 Contact block short-circuited
1417 193 Bypass element defective
1418 194 Reserved = 0
1466 195 Contact 1 failed
1467 196 Contact 2 failed
1468 197 Contact 3 failed
Protection function
1422 200 Thermal motor model
201-2 Reserved = 0
1479 203 Phase angle control failure
204-7 Reserved = 0
1415 210 Contact block cooling time
1416 211 Contact block too hot for start
1482 212 Current measuring range
213-7 Reserved = 0
357 220 Automatic mode (redundant to
bit 7.2)
358 221 Manual bus mode (redundant to
bit 7.3)
1443 222 Manual bus - PC controls
359 223 Manual mode local (redundant
to bit 7.4)
1444 224 Manual mode local - input
1445 225 Manual mode local - HMI
1446 226 Manual mode local - PC
227 Reserved = 0
23 Reserved = 0

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Alarm bit Error No.*) Meaning/acknowledgment

240-1 Reserved = 0
1419 242 Prewarning limit - remaining
time for tripping undershot
1420 243 Prewarning limit - motor heating
244-7 Reserved = 0
25 Reserved = 0
26 Reserved = 0
27 Reserved = 0
28 Reserved = 0
29 Reserved = 0
*) PROFIBUS DP error numbers

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.10 Data set 93 - Writing a command

Structure of the command data set

Byte Meaning Note

0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1-3 Reserved
4 Number of commands Value range 1 ... 5
Number of subsequent valid commands
5 Command 1 Sequential No., see table below
6 Command 2 Optional (see table below for coding)
7 Command 3 Optional (see table below for coding)
8 Command 4 Optional (see table below for coding)
9 Command 5 Optional (see table below for coding)

Table 9- 24 Data set 93 - Writing a command

ID No. Coding Command Meaning

1-byte commands
0 0 Reserved No function
703 1 Trip reset Resetting and acknowledging of error messages
713 2 Emergency start ON Switch on emergency start
714 3 Emergency start OFF Switch off emergency start
701 6 Factory settings Restore the basic factory settings of the parameters.
704 7 Reset maximum pointer The measured values for preventive diagnostics are deleted (= 0).
705 13 Logbook - delete trips Delete logbook of recorded error causes.
706 14 Logbook - delete events Delete logbook of recorded alarms and specific actions.
702 9 Restart Initiate a restart (same as after power ON), e.g., after reassignment
of the station address.
707 10 Parameters disabled Parameterization by parameterizing master not possible, or its
CPU/master ON parameters are ignored.
708 11 Parameters disabled Parameterization by parameterizing master is possible.
CPU/master OFF

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9.12.11 Data set 94 - Reading measured values

Table 9- 25 Data set 94 - Reading measured values

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Value range/[coding] Increment Note

Measured values
504 0 Phase current IL1 (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125% 8-bit current
505 1 Phase current IL2 (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125% format

506 2 Phase current IL3 (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125%
507 3 Reserved = 0
501 4-5 Remaining motor cooling time 0 ... 1 800 s / [0 ... 18 000] 0.1 s
502 60-6 Motor heating 0 ... 200 % / [0 ... 100] 2%
67 Asymmetry ≥ 40% No asymmetry [0]
Asymmetry (≥ 40%) [1]
503 7 Asymmetry 0 ... 100 % / [0 ...100] 1%
8 Reserved = 0
10 Reserved = 0
11 Reserved = 0
12 - 13 Reserved = 0
14 Reserved = 0
508 16 Output frequency 0 ... 100 Hz / [0 ... 200] 0.5 Hz
17 Reserved = 0
18 Reserved = 0
19 Reserved = 0
509 20 Line frequency 0 ... 100 Hz / [0 ... 200] 0.5 Hz
21 Reserved = 0
510 22 - 23 Line-to-line voltage UL1-L2 (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15000] 0.1 V
511 24 - 25 Line-to-line voltage UL2-L3 (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15000] 0.1 V
512 26 - 27 Line-to-line voltage UL3-L1 (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15000] 0.1 V
513 28 - 31 Phase current IL1 (rms) 0 ... 20000 A / [0 ... 2000000] 0.01 A
514 32 - 35 Phase current IL2 (rms) 0 ... 20000 A / [0 ... 2000000] 0.01 A
515 36 - 39 Phase current IL3 (rms) 0 ... 20000 A / [0 ... 2000000] 0.01 A
516 40 - 41 Electronics supply voltage 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15000] 0.1 V
517 42 Heatsink temperature -40 ... 127 °C / [-40 ... 127] 1 °C
518 43 Contact block heating 0 ... 250 °C / [0 ... 250] 1 °C
519 44 - 45 Remaining cooling time of contact 0 ... 1800 s/ [0 ... 18000] 0.1 s
520 46 - 47 Remaining time for tripping of 0 ... 10000 s / [0 ... 10000] 1s
thermal motor model
521 48 - 51 Output power 0 ... 2147483 W / [0 ... 21474830] 0.1 W
522 52 - 63 Reserved = 0

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.12 Data set 95 - Reading statistical data

Table 9- 26 Data set 95 - Reading statistical data

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Value range/[coding] Increment Note

609 0 Motor current Imax 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125% 8-bit current
1 Reserved = 0
608 2 Last tripping current IA (%) 0 ... 1 000 % / [0 ... 320] 3.125%
4 Operating hours - device 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1s
603 8 - 11 Number of starts - motor CW 0 ... 232-1 / [0 ... 232-1] 1
604 12 - 15 Number of starts - motor CCW 0 ... 232-1 / [0 ... 232-1] 1
605 16 - 17 Number of overload trips 0 ... 65 535 / [0 ... 65 535] 1
18 Reserved = 0
19 Reserved = 0
607 20 Motor current Imax (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A
606 24 Last tripping current IA (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A
602 28 Operating hours - motor 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1s
611 32 Operating hours - motor current 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1s
18 ... 49.9 % x Ie (max)
612 36 Operating hours - motor current 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1s
50 ... 89.9 % x Ie(max)
613 40 Operating hours - motor current 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1s
90 ... 119.9 % x Ie(max)
614 44 Operating hours - motor current 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1s
120 ... 1000 % x Ie (max)
615 48 Reserved = 0
616 50 Number of contact block overload 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1
617 52 Reserved = 0
618 54 Reserved = 0
619 56 Reserved = 0
620 60 Number of electrical braking stops 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1
621 64 Number of starts - output 1 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1
622 68 Number of starts - output 2 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1
623 72 Number of starts - output 3 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1
624 76 Number of starts - output 4 0 ... 232-1 s / [0 ... 232-1] 1
80 Reserved = 0
84 Reserved = 0
88 Reserved = 0
89 Reserved = 0

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.13 Data set 96 - Reading the maximum pointer

Table 9- 27 Data set 96 - Reading the maximum pointer

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Value range/[coding] Increment Note

Maximum pointer
656 4 Phase current IL1 min (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125% In bypass
657 5 Phase current IL2 min (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125% operation

658 6 Phase current IL3 min (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125%
7 Reserved = 0
653 8 Phase current IL1 max (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125%
654 9 Phase current IL2 max (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125%
655 10 Phase current IL3 max (%) 0 ... 797 % / [0 ... 255] 3.125%
11 Reserved = 0
652 12 Maximum tripping current IA max (%) 0 ... 1000 % / [0 ... 320] 3.125% Current during
switch-off due
to error
651 14 Number of motor overload trips 0 ... 65 535 / [0 ... 65 535] 1 Motor
sensor, stalling
659 16 Maximum tripping current IA max (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A Current during
switch-off due to
660 20 Phase current IL1 min (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A In bypass
661 24 Phase current IL2 min (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A operation

662 28 Phase current IL3 min (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A
663 32 Phase current IL1 max (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A
664 36 Phase current IL2 max (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A
665 40 Phase current IL3 max (rms) 0 ... 20 000 A / [0 ... 2 000 000] 0.01 A
666 44 Line-to-line voltage UL1 - L2min (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V Reset to 0 in the
667 46 Line-to-line voltage UL2 - L3min (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V event of phase
failure or
668 48 Line-to-line voltage UL3 - L1min (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V switch-off of
669 50 Line-to-line voltage UL1 - L2max (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V main voltage.
670 52 Line-to-line voltage UL2 - L3max (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V
671 54 Line-to-line voltage UL3 - L1max (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V
672 56 Electronics supply voltage 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V Reset to zero at
UNS min (rms) "Power on"
673 58 Electronics supply voltage UNS max (rms) 0 ... 1500 V / [0 ... 15 000] 0.1 V
674 60 Maximum heatsink temperature 1 ... -40 °C/ [-40 ... 127] 1 °C
675 61 Maximum contact block heating 0 ... 250 % / [0 ... 250] 1%
676 62 Minimum line frequency 0 ... 100 Hz / [0 ... 200] 0.5 Hz During line
failure or phase
failure = 0
677 63 Maximum line frequency 0 ... 100 Hz / [0 ... 200] 0.5 Hz

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Value range/[coding] Increment Note

678 64 Operating hours - motor current = 0 ... 232-1 s/ [0 ... 232-1] 1s
18 ... 49.9 x le
679 68 Operating hours - motor current = 0 ... 232-1 s [0 ... 232-1] 1s
50 ... 89.9 x le
680 72 Operating hours - motor current = 0 ... 232-1 s [0 ... 232-1] 1s
90 ... 119.9 x le
681 76 Operating hours - motor current = 1s
120 ... 1000 % x le
682 80 Operating hours - device 0 ... 232-1 s/ [0 ... 232-1] 1s
84 Reserved = 0
85 Reserved = 0

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.14 Data set 100 - Reading the device identification

Table 9- 28 Data set 100 - Reading the device identification

ID No. ByteBit Value Note

0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1-3 Reserved = 0
Device identification (TF)
901 4 - 11 … Time stamp*)
902 12 - 31 Siemens AG Vendor
903 32 - 55 MLFB number
904 56 0x01 Device family: Load feeder
905 57 0x01 Device subfamily: Soft starter
906 58 0x01 Device class: e.g. direct-on-line starter
907 59 0x03 System: SIRIUS 3RW44
908 60 0x46 Function group
909 61 0x00 Reserved = 0
910 62 - 77 Product order code
911 78 - 81 e.g. E001 Hardware version (byte 0 ... byte 3)
82 0x00 Ident number (byte 0) (3RW44)
83 0x00 Ident number (byte 1) (3RW44)
912 84 0x80 Ident number (byte 2) (3RW44)
85 0xDE Ident number (byte 3) (3RW44)
915 86 - 87 0x00 Reserved = 0
88 - 95 … Service number:
96 0x00 Reserved = 0
97 0x00 Reserved = 0
98 0x00 Reserved = 0
99 0x00 Reserved = 0
*) Time stamp: Time of initialization to factory settings

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Table 9- 29 Coding for time stamp

Object name Id_date

Object length 8 bytes
Bits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 0 to 59999 milliseconds
2 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
3 Res Res 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 to 59 minutes
4 SU Res Res 24 23 22 21 20 0 to 23 hours
SU: 0: Normal time; 1: Daylight
saving time
5 22 21 20 1 to 7; 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday
24 23 22 21 20 1 to 31 days
6 Res Res 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 to 12 months
7 Res 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 to 99 years; 0 = 2000
8 Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Reserved

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9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.15 Data sets 131, 141, 151 - Technology parameters 2: Reading/writing

sets 1, 2, 3

ByteBit Value Note

0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1 ... 3 Reserved = 0

Table 9- 30 Data sets 131, 141, 151 - Technology parameters 2: Reading/writing sets 1, 2, 3

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Only in Value range/[coding] Factor

data set
120 4 ... 7 Device functions_2 X
1 8 ... 11 Device functions_1 X
130 12 Rated operational current Ie 0 ... 2 000 A [0 ... 200 000] 0.01 A
3 160 Load type X 3-phase [0]
4 161 Protection against voltage X • No [0]
• Yes [1]
162...7 Reserved = 0
136 17 Prewarning limit - motor heating X 0 ... 95 % [0 ... 19] 5%
5 180...2 Response to overload - thermal X • Tripping without restart [0]
motor model • Tripping with restart [1]
• Warning [2]
183...7 Reserved = 0
6 190...4 Tripping class X • CLASS 5 (10a) [3]
• CLASS 10 [0]
• CLASS 15 [4]
• CLASS 20 [1]
• CLASS 30 [2]
• CLASS OFF [15]
195...7 Reserved = 0
7 20 Recovery time X 60 ... 1 800 s [2 ... 60] 30 s
8 21 Idle time X 0 ... 255 s [0 ... 255] 1s
137 22...23 Prewarning limit - remaining X 0 ... 500 s [0 ... 500] 1s
time for tripping
10 240...1 Response to overload - X • Tripping without restart [0]
temperature sensor • Tripping with restart [1]
• Warning [2]
242...3 Reserved = 0

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PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Only in Value range/[coding] Factor

data set
9 244...6 Temperature sensor X • Deactivated [0]
• Thermoclick [1]
• PTC type A [2]
12 247 Temperature sensor monitoring X • No [0]
• Yes [1]
25...26 Reserved = 0
15 28 Lower current limit 18.75 ... 100 % [6 ... 32] 3.125%
16 29 Upper current limit 50 ... 150 % [16 ... 48] 3.125%
30...31 Reserved = 0
320...5 Reserved = 0
14 326 Response to current limit X • Warning [0]
• Tripping [1]
327 Reserved = 0
330...1 Reserved = 0
140 332 Response to overload - contact X • Tripping without restart [0]
• Tripping with restart [1]
334...7 Reserved = 0
21 340...2 Asymmetry limit value X 30 ... 60 % [3 ... 6] 10 %
343...5 Reserved = 0
20 346 Response to asymmetry X • Warning [0]
• Tripping [1]
22 347 Response to ground fault X • Warning [0]
• Tripping [1]
35...44 Reserved = 0
47 45 Braking torque 20 ... 100 % [4 ... 20] 5%
46...47 Reserved = 0
40 48 Starting voltage 20 ... 100 % [4 ... 20] 5%
49 Reserved = 0
42 50 Current limiting value • 3RW44 2, 3, 4: 125 ... 550 % [4 ... 176] 3.125 %
• 3RW44 5: 125 ... 500 % [40 ... 160]
• 3RW44 6: 125 ... 450 % [40 ... 144]
167 510...3 Startup mode • Direct [0]
• Voltage ramp [1]
• Torque control [2]
• Motor heating [3]
• Voltage ramp + current limiting [5]
• Torque control + current limiting [6]

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220 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Only in Value range/[coding] Factor

data set
168 514...7 Coasting method • Coasting down [0]
• Voltage ramp [1]
• Torque control [2]
• Pump stop [3]
• DC braking [4]
• Combined braking [5]
35 52...53 Substitute value X The "Substitute value" parameter is only
relevant if the "Response to CPU/master
STOP" parameter has been set to "Switch
substitute value", see Process data and
process images (Page 181)
• Motor CW 52 [0]
• Motor CCW (only if 52 [6] active) 52 [1]
• Trip reset 52 [3]
• Emergency start 52 [4]
• Slow speed 52 [6]
• Output 1 53 [0]
• Output 2 53 [1]
• Parameter set bit 0 53 [2]
• Parameter set bit 1 53 [3]
54...55 Reserved = 0
560...5 Reserved = 0
36 566 Group diagnostics X • Disable [0]
• Enable [1]
34 567 Response to CPU/master X • Switch substitute value [0]
• Hold last value [1]
57...75 Reserved = 0
26 76 Input 1 - action X • No action (default) [0]
• Manual mode local [6]
• Emergency start [7]
• Slow speed [10]
• Quick stop [11]
• Trip reset [12]
• Motor CW with PS1 [16]
• Motor CCW with PS1 [17]
• Motor CW with PS2 [18]
• Motor CCW with PS2 [19]
• Motor CW with PS3 [20]
• Motor CCW with PS3 [21]

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 221
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Only in Value range/[coding] Factor

data set
28 77 Input 2 - (see Input 1 - action) X
30 78 Input 3 - (see Input 1 - action) X
32 79 Input 4 - (see Input 1 - action) X
80...95 Reserved = 0
163 96 Output 1 - action X • No action (default) [0]
• Control source PIO DO 1.0 output 1 [1]
• Control source PAA-DO 1.1 output 2 [2]
• Control source input 1 [6]
• Control source input 2 [7]
• Control source input 3 [8]
• Control source input 4 [9]
• Run-up [10]
• Operation/bypass [11]
• Coasting down [12]
• ON time motor [13]
• Control command motor ON [14]
• Fan [15]
• DC brake contactor [16]
• Device ON [18]
• Group warning [31]
• Group fault [32]
• Bus fault [33]
• Device fault [34]
• Ready to start ON for motor [38]
164 97 Output 2 - action (see X
Output 1 - action)
165 98 Output 3 - action (see X
Output 1 - action)
166 99 Output 4 - action
100...111 Reserved = 0
116 112 Breakaway time 0 ... 2 s [0 ... 200] 0.01 s
117 113 Breakaway voltage 40 ... 100 % [8 ... 20] 5%
169 114...115 Maximum starting time 0 ... 1 000 s [0 ... 10 000] 0.1 s
170 116...117 Starting time 0 ... 360 s [0 ... 3 600] 0.1 s
171 118...119 Coast-down time 0 ... 360 s [0 ... 3 600] 0.1 s
172 120 Starting torque 10 ... 100 % [2 ... 20] 5%
118 121 Limiting torque 20 ... 200 % [4 ... 40] 5%
173 122 Stopping torque 10 ... 100 % [2 ... 20] 5%
123 Reserved = 0
124 Reserved = 0

3RW44 soft starters

222 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Only in Value range/[coding] Factor

data set
119 125 Motor thermal capacity 1 ... 100 % [1 ... 100] 1%
126...129 Reserved = 0
178 130 Dynamic braking torque 20 ... 100 % [4 ... 20] 5%
43 131 Slow speed rotation factor: CW 3 ... 21 [3 ... 21] 1
198 132 Slow speed rotation factor: 3 ... 21 [3 ... 21] 1
44 133 Slow speed torque CW 20 ... 100 % [4 ... 20] 5%
199 134 Slow speed torque CCW 20 ... 100 % [4 ... 20] 5%
135...137 Reserved = 0

● Upper current limit > lower current limit
● DC braking can only be selected when the "DC braking contactor" function is assigned to
an output.
● Maximum starting time ≥ starting time
● Limiting torque > starting torque

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 223
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.16 Data sets 132, 142, 152 - Technology parameters 3: Reading/writing

sets 1, 2, 3

ByteBit Value Note

0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1-3 Reserved = 0

Table 9- 31 Data sets 132, 142, 152 - Technology parameters 3: Reading/writing sets 1, 2, 3

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Value range [coding] Factor

4-9 Reserved = 0
104 10 - 11 Rated speed 500 ... 3 600 rpm [500 ... 3 600] 1 rpm
12 - 18 Reserved = 0
113 19 - 20 Rated torque 0 ... 65 535 Nm [0 ... 65 535] 1 Nm
21 - 63 Reserved = 0

3RW44 soft starters

224 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.17 Data set 133 - Technology parameters 4: HMI module

ByteBit Value Note

0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1-3 Reserved = 0

Table 9- 32 Data set 133 - Technology parameters 4: HMI module

ID No. ByteBit Meaning Value range [coding] Factor

4 Reserved = 0
179 80-3 Language • English [0]
• German [1]
• French [2]
• Spanish [3]
• Italian [4]
• Portuguese [5]
181 84-7 Lighting brightness • Normal [0]
• Delay off [4]
• Off [5]
180 9 Contrast display 0 ... 100 % [0 ... 20] 5%
182 100-3 Response of LEDs to fault • Unchanged [0]
• On (1)
• Flashing [2]
• Flickering [3]
183 104-7 Response of LEDs to warning • Unchanged [0]
• On (1)
• Flashing [2]
• Flickering [3]
11 Reserved = 0
184 12 Reaction time keys 10 ... 100 % [2 ... 20] 5%
185 13 Auto repeat speed 10 ... 100 % [2 ... 20] 5%
186 14 Auto repeat time 10 ... 250 ms [2 ... 20] 5 ms
187 15 HMI keys - activity monitoring time 0 ... 1800 s [0 ... 60] 30 s
16 - 19 Reserved = 0

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 225
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.18 Data set 160 - Reading/writing communication parameters

This data set is meant only for devices with direct access to the fieldbus (e.g. PROFIBUS
DP) for assignment of communication parameters.

Table 9- 33 Data set 160 - Reading/writing communication parameters

ID ByteBit Communication Value range [coding] Increment Default setting

No. parameters
200 0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1 Reserved1
2-3 Reserved2
210 4 Station address 1 … 126 1 126
211 5 Baud rate 12 000 kBd [0]
6 000 kBd [1]
3 000 kBd [2]
1 500 kBd [3]
500 kBd [4]
187.5 kBd [5]
93.75 kBd [6]
45.45 kBd [7]
19.2 kBd [8]
9.6 kBd [9]
Not used [10..14]
Automatic baud rate
detection [15]
6-11 Reserved = 0

3RW44 soft starters signal the current baud rate while reading. During writing, the value
entered is ignored, as the baud rate is always automatically detected by the soft starter.

3RW44 soft starters

226 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

9.12.19 Data set 165 - Reading/writing comments

You can save any text containing up to 121 characters (max. 121 bytes) in the soft starter,
e.g. for system documentation.

Table 9- 34 Data set 165 - Reading/writing comments

ByteBit Communication Value range [coding]

0 Coordination 0x20 Writing via C1 channel (PLC)
0x30 Writing via C2 channel (PC)
0x40 Writing 0x40 via device interface (PC)
1 Reserved1
2-3 Reserved2
4 - 124 Comment data

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 227
PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.12 Data sets (BS)

3RW44 soft starters

228 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams 10
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.1 3RW44 in a standard circuit with control via keys

3RW44 in a standard circuit with control via keys

Main circuit Control circuit

Option 1a: Standard circuit with circuit breaker
and SITOR fuse (purely semiconductor

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 229
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

Alternative feeder configuration in the standard circuit

Main circuit Option 1c:

Option 1b: standard circuit with full-range fuse standard circuit with line fuse and SITOR fuse (purely semiconductor
(conductor protection and semiconductor protection).

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

230 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.2 3RW44 in a standard circuit with line contactor and control via PLC

Main circuit Control circuit

Standard circuit with optional main Control of an optional main contactor and control via PLC

*(Optional line contactor if motor is to be switched potential-free)

* SITOR (optional) (optional line contactor
if motor is to be switched potential-free)
1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

2) Risk of restart
The start command (e.g. issued by the PLC) must be reset when a group fault occurs,
because the motor attempts to restart again automatically if a start command is still active
following this reset command. This particularly applies to motor protection tripping.
For safety reasons, you are advised to integrate the group fault output (terminals 95 and 96)
in the controller.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 231
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.3 3RW44 in a standard circuit and DC braking stopping function for device types
3RW44 22 to 3RW44 25

Main circuit Control circuit

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

2) Risk of restart
The start command (e.g. issued by the PLC) must be reset prior to issuing a reset command,
because the motor attempts to restart again automatically if a start command is still active
following this reset command. This particularly applies if the motor protection has tripped.
For safety reasons, you are advised to integrate the group fault output (terminals 95 and 96)
in the controller.

3) Ifthe "combined braking" stopping function is selected, a braking contactor is not required.
A braking contactor must be additionally used if the "DC braking" function is selected.
◆For types, refer to the "Feeder component layout (standard circuit)" table in chapter Feeder
component layout (standard circuit) (Page 286).
The "DC braking" function is recommended for applications with larger centrifugal masses
(Jload > Jmotor).
Output 2 must be set to "DC braking contactor".

3RW44 soft starters

232 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.4 3RW44 in a standard circuit and DC braking stopping function for device types
3RW44 26 to 3RW44 66

Main circuit Control circuit

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

2) Risk of restart
The start command (e.g. issued by the PLC) must be reset prior to issuing a reset command,
because the motor attempts to restart again automatically if a start command is still active
following this reset command. This particularly applies if the motor protection has tripped.
For safety reasons, you are advised to integrate the group fault output (terminals 95 and 96)
in the controller.

3) Ifthe "combined braking" stopping function is selected, a braking contactor is not required.
A braking contactor must be additionally used if the "DC braking" function is selected. For
types, refer to the "Feeder component layout (standard circuit)" table in chapter Feeder
component layout (standard circuit) (Page 286).
The "DC braking" function is recommended for applications with larger centrifugal masses
(Jload > Jmotor).
Output 2 must be set to "DC braking contactor".
Auxiliary relay K4, e.g.:

LZS:RT4A4T30 (230 V AC rated control supply voltage),

LZS:RT4A4S15 (115 V AC rated control supply voltage).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 233
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.5 3RW44 in an inside-delta circuit

Main circuit Control circuit

Option 1a Option 1: control by PLC

*(Optional line contactor if motor is to be switched potential-free)

3RW44 soft starters

234 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

Direction of rotation change in inside-delta circuit

Main circuit
Option 1b

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

Please note the wiring suggestions for the inside-delta circuit on the main circuit side.
Incorrect connection can result in faults.

Risk of restart
The start command (e.g. issued by the PLC) must be reset prior to issuing a reset command,
because the motor attempts to restart again automatically if a start command is still active
following this reset command. This particularly applies if the motor protection has tripped.
For safety reasons, you are advised to integrate the group fault output (terminals 95 and 96)
in the controller.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 235
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.6 3RW44 in a standard circuit and control like a contactor

Control circuit Main circuit

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

With this circuit type, motor starting may be delayed by up to 5 s after the start command,
due to the internal run times of the soft starter. Coasting down is the only possible coasting

After the control supply voltage has been switched off and before restarting, the device must
be allowed to cool down for at least 30 s, as this influences the effectiveness of the inherent
protection of the soft starter.
This type of circuit is not recommended for higher switching frequencies as the integrated
fan cannot idle after the soft starter has been switched off, thus reducing the switching
frequency specified in the technical data.

3RW44 soft starters

236 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.7 3RW44 in a standard circuit with soft start/stop and additional slow speed
function in both directions of rotation with one parameter set

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 237
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

Parameter assignment
Set the control input functions to::
IN1: Motor CW PS1
IN2: Motor CCW PS1
IN3: Slow-speed mode
IN4: Trip/reset (factory default)
The slow-speed parameters in parameter set 1 must be set. Motor CW means rotation in line
phase direction, motor CCW means rotation against the line phase direction.

The slow-speed function is not suitable for continuous operation. The motor can heat up to
an inadmissible extent during continuous operation at slow speed.

Risk of restart
The start command must be reset prior to issuing a reset command, because the motor
attempts to restart again automatically if a start command is still active following this reset
command. This particularly applies if the motor protection has tripped.
K1, K2, K3 = relays for contact multiplication, e.g. for 230 V AC operation: 3RS 1800-1BP00

3RW44 soft starters

238 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.8 Control via @PROFIBUS with switchover to manual local operation (e.g. on the
control cabinet)

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 239
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.9 3RW44 in a standard circuit and reversing operation via main contactors with
one parameter set without soft stopping

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

240 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

The "Coasting down" coasting method must be set on the 3RW44.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 241
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.10 Reversing operation with soft stopping

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

242 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.11 Soft starter for pole-changing motor with separate windings and 2 parameter

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data
(Page 268).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 243
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

The "Coasting down" coasting method must be set on the 3RW44.

3RW44 soft starters

244 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.12 Soft starter for Dahlander motors with 2 parameter sets

1) For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 245
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

The "Coasting down" coasting method must be set on the 3RW44.

3RW44 soft starters

246 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.13 Parallel starting of 3 motors

Control circuit

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

The rated output of the 3RW44 to be configured must be at least as high as the sum of the
motor's rated outputs.
The loads should have similar mass moments of inertia and torque curves.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 247
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

Parallel starting of 3 motors

Main circuit

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

The rated output of the 3RW44 to be configured must be at least as high as the sum of the
motor's rated outputs.
The loads should have similar mass moments of inertia and torque curves.

3RW44 soft starters

248 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.14 Soft starter for serial starting with 3 parameter sets

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 249
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

The "Coasting down" coasting method must be set on the 3RW44.

In the case of increased operating sequences, the 3RW44 should be dimensioned at least
one capacity level higher than the highest connected motor output.

3RW44 soft starters

250 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.15 Soft starter for serial starting with 3 parameter sets (deactivate soft stop and
3RW44 motor protection)

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

In the case of increased operating sequences, the 3RW44 should be dimensioned at least
one capacity level higher than the highest connected motor output.

The "Coasting down" coasting method must be set on the 3RW44.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 251
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.16 Soft starter for activation of a motor with a magnetic fixing brake

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

252 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.17 Safe disconnection according to IEC 62061 (SIL) and/or ISO 13849-1 (PL)
The 3RW soft starter is used for functional switching. Safe disconnection can also be
realized, for example, with a 3SK1 safety relay and power contactors.
The examples given in the FAQ
( describe possible
configurations based on various safety requirements.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 253
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.18 Soft starter with direct-on-line starting (DOL) as emergency start

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

254 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.19 Soft starter with star-delta starter as emergency start (3RW44 in a standard

1) For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 255
Typical circuit diagrams
10.1 Connection examples for main and control circuits

10.1.20 Soft starter and frequency converter on one motor

1)For permissible main and control voltage values, refer to chapter Technical data of the
power unit (Page 274).

3RW44 soft starters

256 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data 11
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: measured values display

Phase voltages UL1N
Line-to-line voltages UL1-L2
Blocking voltages ULT1
Phase currents IL1
Line frequency
Supply voltage
Heatsink temperature
Motor heating
Remaining time for tripping
Standard display off

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 257
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: status display

Device status
Active parameter set Parameter set 1
Parameter set 2
Parameter set 3
Type of connection Unknown/defective
Wye / delta
Direction of rotation Unknown
Inputs Status - inputs
Input 1 - action No action
Manual mode local
Emergency start
Slow speed
Quick stop
Trip reset
Motor CW PS1
Motor CCW PS1*)
Motor CW PS2
Motor CCW PS2*)
Motor CW PS3
Motor CCW PS3*)
Input 2 - action [...]
Input 3 - action [...]
Input 4 - action [...]

3RW44 soft starters

258 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: status display

Device status
Outputs Status - outputs
Output 1 - action No action
PIQ output 1
PIQ output 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Input 4
Run down
ON time
Command motor On
DC braking contactor
Group warning
Group fault
Bus fault
Device fault
Power on
Ready to start
Output 2 - action [...]
Output 3 - action [...]
Output 4 - action [...]
Article number
Firmware information Version
*) Only possible in combination with slow speed

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 259
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Settings Factory settings Customer settings

Parameter set 1
Motor 1 Rated operational MLFB-dependent
current Ie
Rated torque 0
Rated speed 1500
Copy motor data to
PS2 + 3
Starting settings Startup mode Voltage ramp
U + current limiting x
Torque control
M + current limiting
Motor heating
Starting voltage 30 %
Starting torque 10 %
Limiting torque 150 %
Starting time 10 s
Maximum starting time 0/deactivated
Current limiting value 400 %
Breakaway voltage 40 %
Breakaway time 0 ms
Motor thermal capacity 20 %
Coasting settings Coasting method Coasting down x
Torque control
Pump stop
DC braking
Combined braking
Coast-down time 10 s
Stopping torque 10 %
Dynamic braking 50 %
DC braking torque 50 %
Slow speed Slow speed factor CW 7
parameters Slow torque CW 50 %
Slow speed factor
Slow torque CCW 50 %
Current limits Lower current limit 18.75 %
Upper current limit 112.50 %

3RW44 soft starters

260 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Settings Factory settings Customer settings

Parameter set 2 [...]
Parameter set 3 [...]
No action
Input 1 - action Manual mode local
Emergency start
Slow speed
Quick Stop
Trip reset
Motor CW PS1 x
Motor CCW PS1*)
Motor CW PS2
Motor CCW PS2*)
Motor CW PS3
Motor CCW PS3*)
Input 2 - action [...] No action
Input 3 - action [...] No action
Input 4 - action [...] Trip reset
Output 1 - action No action
PIQ output 1
PIQ output 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Input 4
Run down
ON time x
Command motor On
DC braking contactor
Group warning
Group fault
Bus fault
Device fault
Power on
Ready to start
Output 2 - action [...] No action
Output 3 - action [...] No action

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 261
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Settings Factory settings Customer settings

Motor protection
Tripping class None
CLASS 5 (10a)
CLASS 10 x
Current asymmetry 40 %
limit value
Prewarning limit - 0s
remaining time for
Prewarning limit - 80 %
motor heating
Idle time 0s
Recovery time 60 s
Protection against No
voltage failure Yes x
Temperature sensor Deactivated x
PTC type A
Language English x
Contrast 50 %
Lighting Brightness Lighting on x
Time delayed off
Lighting off
Response to fault Unchanged
Flicker x
Response to warning Unchanged
Flashing x

3RW44 soft starters

262 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Settings Factory settings Customer settings

Reaction time keys 60 %
Autorepeat Time 80 ms
Velocity 80 %
Activity monitoring 30 s
Response to ...
Overload - therm. Tripping without restart x
motor model Tripping with restart
Overload - Tripping without restart x
temperature sensor Tripping with restart
Current limit violation Warning x
Overload - contact Tripping without restart x
block Tripping with restart
Asymmetry Warning
Tripping x
Ground fault Warning x
Fieldbus interface Off x
Group diagnostics Disable x
Response to Substitute value x
CPU/master STOP Last value
Station address 126
Baud rate

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 263
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Settings Factory settings Customer settings

Substitute value Motor CW
Motor CCW
Slow speed
Emergency start
Output 1
Output 2
Parameter set 1
Parameter set 2
Parameter set 3
Disable quick stop
Parameters disabled Off x
CPU/Master On
Saving options
Save settings
Restoring settings
Factory settings
*) Only possible in combination with slow speed

Menu: Motor control

Keys control motor Key control Activate
Selecting the parameter set Parameter set 1
Parameter set 2
Parameter set 3
Execute control function Motor CW
Motor CCW*)
Slow speed
Emergency start
Output 1
Output 2
Control via inputs Control inputs Activate
Standard control Automatic/None
*) Only possible in combination with slow speed

3RW44 soft starters

264 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Statistics
Logbooks Device fault
Maximum pointer Currents (%) Phase current L1 min
Phase current L2 min
Phase current L3 min
Phase current L1 max
Phase current L2 max
Phase current L3 max
Currents (rms) Phase current L1 min
Phase current L2 min
Phase current L3 min
Phase current L1 max
Phase current L2 max
Phase current L3 max
Line-to-line voltages UL1 - L2 min (rms)
UL2 - L3 min (rms)
UL3 - L1 min (rms)
UL1 - L2 max (rms)
UL2 - L3 max (rms)
UL3 - L1 max (rms)
Maximum operating current IA (%)
Maximum operating current IA (rms)
Number of overload trips
Minimum line frequency
Maximum line frequency
Max. heat sink temperature
Max. contact block heating
Reset maximum pointer

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 265
General technical data
11.1 Menu structure

Menu: Statistics
Statistical data Motor current Imax (%)
Motor current Imax (rms)
Last tripping current IA (%)
Last tripping current IA (rms)
Operating hours - device
Operating hours - motor
Number of starts motor CW
Number of starts motor CCW
Number of overload trips
Number of stops with electrical braking
Number of starts output 1
Number of starts output 2
Number of starts output 3
Number of starts output 4

Menu: Safety
Factory settings Customer settings
Enter user code 1000
User level Customer read only (> 1000)
Customer write (1000)

3RW44 soft starters

266 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.2 Transport and storage conditions

11.2 Transport and storage conditions

Transport and storage conditions

The soft starters comply with the requirements of DIN IEC 721-3-1/HD478.3.1 S1 for
transport and storage conditions. The following information applies to modules transported
and stored in the original packaging.

Type of condition Permissible range

Temperature -25°C to +80°C
Atmospheric pressure 700 to 1060 hPa
Relative humidity 10 to 95 %

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 267
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3 Technical data

11.3.1 Selection and ordering data

Table 11- 1 Normal starting (CLASS 10) in inline circuit - Part 1/3

Ambient temperature 40 ℃ Ambient temperature 50 ℃

Rated Rated Rated power of three-phase Rated Rated power of three-phase Article No.
operational opera- motors at rated operational opera- motors at rated operational
voltage Ue tional voltage Ue tional voltage Ue
current Ie current Ie
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 200 V 230 V 460 V 575 V
200 ... 460 29 5.5 15 - - 26 7.5 7.5 15 - 3RW44 22-x1BCx24
36 7.5 18.5 - - 32 10 10 20 - 3RW44 23-x1BCx24
47 11 22 - - 42 10 15 25 - 3RW44 24-x1BCx24
57 15 30 - - 51 15 15 30 - 3RW44 25-x1BCx24
77 18.5 37 - - 68 20 20 50 - 3RW44 26-x1BCx24
93 22 45 - - 82 25 25 60 - 3RW44 27-x1BCx24
400 ... 600 29 - 15 18.5 - 26 - - 15 20 3RW44 22-x1BCx25
36 - 18.5 22 - 32 - - 20 25 3RW44 23-x1BCx25
47 - 22 30 - 42 - - 25 30 3RW44 24-x1BCx25
57 - 30 37 - 51 - - 30 40 3RW44 25-x1BCx25
77 - 37 45 - 68 - - 50 50 3RW44 26-x1BCx25
93 - 45 55 - 82 - 60 75 3RW44 27-x1BCx25
400 ... 690 29 - 15 18.5 30 26 - - 15 20 3RW44 22-x1BCx26
36 - 18.5 22 37 32 - - 20 25 3RW44 23-x1BCx26
47 - 22 30 45 42 - - 25 30 3RW44 24-x1BCx26
57 - 30 37 55 51 - - 30 40 3RW44 25-x1BCx26
77 - 37 45 75 68 - - 50 50 3RW44 26-x1BCx26
93 - 45 55 90 82 - - 60 75 3RW44 27-x1BCx26

x1 1 = screw-type terminals, 3 = spring-loaded terminals

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268 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Table 11- 2 Normal starting (CLASS 10) in inline circuit - Part 2/3

Ambient temperature 40 ℃ Ambient temperature 50 ℃

Rated Rated Rated power of three-phase Rated Rated power of three-phase Article No.
operational opera- motors at rated operational opera- motors at rated operational
voltage Ue tional voltage Ue tional voltage Ue
current Ie current Ie
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 200 V 230 V 460 V 575 V
200 ... 460 113 30 55 - - 100 30 30 75 - 3RW44 34-x1BCx24
134 37 75 - - 117 30 40 75 - 3RW44 35-x1BCx24
162 45 90 - - 145 40 50 100 - 3RW44 36-x1BCx24
203 55 110 - - 180 50 60 125 - 3RW44 43-x1BCx24
250 75 132 - - 215 60 75 150 - 3RW44 44-x1BCx24
313 90 160 - - 280 75 100 200 - 3RW44 45-x1BCx24
356 110 200 - - 315 100 125 250 - 3RW44 46-x1BCx24
432 132 250 - - 385 125 150 300 - 3RW44 47-x1BCx24
551 160 315 - - 494 150 200 400 - 3RW44 53-x1BCx24
615 200 355 - - 551 150 200 450 - 3RW44 54-x1BCx24
693 200 400 - - 615 200 250 500 - 3RW44 55-x1BCx24
780 250 450 - - 693 200 250 600 - 3RW44 56-x1BCx24
880 250 500 - - 780 250 300 700 - 3RW44 57-x1BCx24
970 315 560 - - 850 300 350 750 - 3RW44 58-x1BCx24
1076 355 630 - - 970 350 400 850 - 3RW44 65-x1BCx24
1214 400 710 - - 1076 350 450 950 - 3RW44 66-x1BCx24
400 ... 600 113 - 55 75 - 100 - - 75 75 3RW44 34-x1BCx25
134 - 75 90 - 117 - - 75 100 3RW44 35-x1BCx25
162 - 90 110 - 145 - - 100 125 3RW44 36-x1BCx25
203 - 110 132 - 180 - - 125 150 3RW44 43-x1BCx25
250 - 132 160 - 215 - - 150 200 3RW44 44-x1BCx25
313 - 160 200 - 280 - - 200 250 3RW44 45-x1BCx25
356 - 200 250 - 315 - - 250 300 3RW44 46-x1BCx25
432 - 250 315 - 385 - - 300 400 3RW44 47-x1BCx25
551 - 315 355 - 494 - - 400 500 3RW44 53-x1BCx25
615 - 355 400 - 551 - - 450 600 3RW44 54-x1BCx25
693 - 400 500 - 615 - - 500 700 3RW44 55-x1BCx25
780 - 450 560 - 693 - - 600 750 3RW44 56-x1BCx25
880 - 500 630 - 780 - - 700 850 3RW44 57-x1BCx25
970 - 560 710 - 850 - - 750 900 3RW44 58-x1BCx25
1076 - 630 800 - 970 - - 850 1100 3RW44 65-x1BCx25
1214 710 900 1076 - - 950 1200 3RW44 66-x1BCx25

x1 2 = screw-type terminals, 6 = spring-loaded terminals

x2 3 = 115 V AC, 4 = 230 V AC

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 269
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Table 11- 3 Normal starting (CLASS 10) in inline circuit - Part 3/3

Ambient temperature 40 ℃ Ambient temperature 50 ℃

Rated Rated Rated power of three-phase Rated Rated power of three-phase Article No.
operational opera- motors at rated operational opera- motors at rated operational
voltage Ue tional voltage Ue tional voltage Ue
current Ie current Ie
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 200 V 230 V 460 V 575 V
400 ... 690 113 - 55 75 110 100 - - 75 75 3RW44 34-x1BCx26
134 - 75 90 132 117 - - 75 100 3RW44 35-x1BCx26
162 - 90 110 160 145 - - 100 125 3RW44 36-x1BCx26
203 - 110 132 200 180 - - 125 150 3RW44 43-x1BCx26
250 - 132 160 250 215 - - 150 200 3RW44 44-x1BCx26
313 - 160 200 315 280 - - 200 250 3RW44 45-x1BCx26
356 - 200 250 355 315 - - 250 300 3RW44 46-x1BCx26
432 - 250 315 400 385 - - 300 400 3RW44 47-x1BCx26
551 - 315 355 560 494 - - 400 500 3RW44 53-x1BCx26
615 - 355 400 630 551 - - 450 600 3RW44 54-x1BCx26
693 - 400 500 710 615 - - 500 700 3RW44 55-x1BCx26
780 - 450 560 800 693 - - 600 750 3RW44 56-x1BCx26
880 - 500 630 900 780 - - 700 850 3RW44 57-x1BCx26
970 - 560 710 1000 850 - - 750 900 3RW44 58-x1BCx26
1076 - 630 800 1100 970 - - 850 1100 3RW44 65-x1BCx26
1214 - 710 900 1200 1076 - - 950 1200 3RW44 66-x1BCx26

x1 2 = screw-type terminals, 6 = spring-loaded terminals

x2 3 = 115 V AC, 4 = 230 V AC

3RW44 soft starters

270 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Table 11- 4 Normal starting (CLASS 10) in inside-delta circuit - Part 1/2

Ambient temperature 40 ℃ Ambient temperature 50 ℃

Rated Rated Rated power of three-phase Rated Rated power of three-phase Article No.
operational opera- motors at rated operational opera- motors at rated operational
voltage Ue tional voltage Ue tional voltage Ue
current Ie current Ie
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 200 V 230 V 460 V 575 V
200 ... 460 50 15 22 - - 45 10 15 30 - 3RW44 22-x1BCx24
62 18.5 30 - - 55 15 20 40 - 3RW44 23-x1BCx24
81 22 45 - - 73 20 25 50 - 3RW44 24-x1BCx24
99 30 55 - - 88 25 30 60 - 3RW44 25-x1BCx24
133 37 75 - - 118 30 40 75 - 3RW44 26-x1BCx24
161 45 90 - - 142 40 50 100 - 3RW44 27-x1BCx24
400 ... 600 50 - 22 30 - 45 - - 30 40 3RW44 22-x1BCx25
62 - 30 37 - 55 - - 40 50 3RW44 23-x1BCx25
81 - 45 45 - 73 - - 50 60 3RW44 24-x1BCx25
99 - 55 55 - 88 - - 60 75 3RW44 25-x1BCx25
133 - 75 90 - 118 - - 75 100 3RW44 26-x1BCx25
161 - 90 110 - 142 - - 100 125 3RW44 27-x1BCx25

x1 1 = screw-type terminals, 3 = spring-loaded terminals

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 271
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Table 11- 5 Normal starting (CLASS 10) in inside-delta circuit - Part 2/2

Ambient temperature 40 ℃ Ambient temperature 50 ℃

Rated Rated Rated power of three-phase Rated Rated power of three-phase Article No.
operational opera- motors at rated operational opera- motors at rated operational
voltage Ue tional voltage Ue tional voltage Ue
current Ie current Ie
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V 200 V 230 V 460 V 575 V
200 ... 460 196 55 110 - - 173 50 60 125 - 3RW44 34-x1BCx24
232 75 132 - - 203 60 75 150 - 3RW44 35-x1BCx24
281 90 160 - - 251 75 100 200 - 3RW44 36-x1BCx24
352 110 200 - - 312 100 125 250 - 3RW44 43-x1BCx24
433 132 250 - - 372 125 150 300 - 3RW44 44-x1BCx24
542 160 315 - - 485 150 200 400 - 3RW44 45-x1BCx24
617 200 355 - - 546 150 200 450 - 3RW44 46-x1BCx24
748 250 400 - - 667 200 250 600 - 3RW44 47-x1BCx24
954 315 560 - - 856 300 350 750 - 3RW44 53-x1BCx24
1065 355 630 - - 954 350 400 850 - 3RW44 54-x1BCx24
1200 400 710 - - 1065 350 450 950 - 3RW44 55-x1BCx24
1351 450 800 - - 1200 450 500 1050 - 3RW44 56-x1BCx24
1524 500 900 - - 1351 450 600 1200 - 3RW44 57-x1BCx24
1680 560 1000 - - 1472 550 650 1300 - 3RW44 58-x1BCx24
1864 630 1100 - - 1680 650 750 1500 - 3RW44 65-x1BCx24
2103 710 1200 - - 1864 700 850 1700 - 3RW44 66-x1BCx24
400 ... 600 196 - 110 132 - 173 - - 125 150 3RW44 34-x1BCx25
232 - 132 160 - 203 - - 150 200 3RW44 35-x1BCx25
281 - 160 200 - 251 - - 200 250 3RW44 36-x1BCx25
352 - 200 250 - 312 - - 250 300 3RW44 43-x1BCx25
433 - 250 315 - 372 - - 300 350 3RW44 44-x1BCx25
542 - 315 355 - 485 - - 400 500 3RW44 45-x1BCx25
617 - 355 450 - 546 - - 450 600 3RW44 46-x1BCx25
748 - 400 500 - 667 - - 600 750 3RW44 47-x1BCx25
954 - 560 630 - 856 - - 750 950 3RW44 53-x1BCx25
1065 - 630 710 - 954 - - 850 1050 3RW44 54-x1BCx25
1200 - 710 800 - 1065 - - 950 1200 3RW44 55-x1BCx25
1351 - 800 900 - 1200 - - 1050 1350 3RW44 56-x1BCx25
1524 - 900 1000 - 1351 - - 1200 1500 3RW44 57-x1BCx25
1680 - 1000 1200 - 1472 - - 1300 1650 3RW44 58-x1BCx25
1864 - 1100 1350 - 1680 - - 1500 1900 3RW44 65-x1BCx25
2103 - 1200 1500 - 1864 - - 1700 2100 3RW44 66-x1BCx25

x1 2 = screw-type terminals, 6 = spring-loaded terminals

x2 3 = 115 V AC, 4 = 230 V AC

3RW44 soft starters

272 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

General supplementary conditions

Maximum starting time: 10 s
Current limiting 300 %
Starts/hour 5
ON time 30%
Assembly type Stand-alone installation
Installation altitude Max. 1000 m/3280 ft
Ambient temperature • kW: 40 °C/104 °F
• hp: 50 °C/122 °F

The listed motor ratings are only approximate values. The soft starter should always be
designed on the basis of the motor current (rated operational current). A larger model may
need to be selected for different conditions.
Motor output ratings are based on DIN 42973 (kW) and NEC 96/UL508 (hp).

Design with Simulation Tool for Soft Starters (STS)

For dimensioning soft starters under other supplementary conditions, also for heavy starting
up to CLASS 30, we recommend our Simulation Tool for Soft Starters (STS

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 273
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.2 Technical data of the power unit

3RW44..-.BC.4 3RW44..-.BC.5 3RW44..-.BC.6

Rated insulation voltage Ui 460 V 600 V 690 V
Rate impulse voltage Uimp 6 kV

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274 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
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11.3 Technical data

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11.3 Technical data

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276 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
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11.3 Technical data

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General technical data
11.3 Technical data

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278 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.3 Technical data of the control section

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General technical data
11.3 Technical data

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280 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
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11.3 Technical data

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General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Thermistor motor protection (PTC binary)

Summation cold resistance ≤ 1.5 kOhm
Response value 3.4 kOhm to 3.8 kOhm
Return value 1.5 kOhm - 1.65 kOhm
Cable lengths (single), conductor cross sections: Cross section: Length:
2.5 mm2 250 m
1.5 mm2 150 m
0.5 mm2 50 m

3RW44 soft starters

282 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.4 Conductor cross-sections

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General technical data
11.3 Technical data

3RW44 soft starters

284 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.5 Electromagnetic compatibility

Types of coordination
The DIN EN 60947-4-1 (VDE 0660 Part 102) or IEC 60947-4-1 standard distinguishes
between two types of coordination, referred to as coordination type "1" and coordination type
"2". The short circuit that needs to be dealt with is cleared reliably and safely with both types
of coordination; the only differences are in the extent of the damage sustained by the device
following a short circuit.

Type of coordination 1 Type of coordination 2

The fuseless load feeder may be non-operational after a There must be no damage to the overload release or to any
short circuit has been cleared. Damage to the contactor or other components after a short circuit has been cleared. The
to the overload release is permissible. For 3RA1 load 3RA1 fuseless load feeder can resume operation without
feeders, the circuit breaker itself always achieves type 2 needing to be renewed. At most, welding of the contactor
coordination. contacts is permissible if they can be disconnected easily
without any significant deformation.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 285
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.6 Feeder component layout (standard circuit)

Fuse assignment
The type of coordination according to which the motor feeder with soft starter is mounted
depends on the application-specific requirements. Normally, fuseless mounting (combination
of motor starter protector and soft starter) is sufficient. If type of coordination 2 is to be
fulfilled, semiconductor fuses must be fitted in the motor feeder.

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286 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
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11.3 Technical data

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General technical data
11.3 Technical data

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288 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
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11.3 Technical data

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11.3 Technical data

3RW44 soft starters

290 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.7 Feeder component layout (inside-delta circuit)

If the F3 semiconductor fuse is not used, the type of coordination "2" is reduced to type of
coordination "1" for soft starters in combination with the stipulated protective device.

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 291
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

3RW44 soft starters

292 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.8 Accessories

Version DT Article No.

Soft Starter ES 2007 Basic 3ZS1313-4CC10-0YA5 Floating
Floating License for one user
Engineering software in limited-function version for
diagnostics purposes, software and documentation
on CD, 3 languages (German/English/French),
communication through system interface
• License key on USB stick, Class A, including CD B 3ZS1313-4CC10-0YA5
• License key download, Class A, without CD 3ZS1313-4CE10-0YB5

Soft Starter ES 2007 Standard

Floating License for one user
Engineering software, software and documentation
on CD, 3 languages (German/English/French),
communication through system interface
• License key on USB stick, Class A, including CD B 3ZS1313-5CC10-0YA5

• License key download, Class A, without CD 3ZS1313-5CE10-0YB5

Upgrade for Soft Starter ES 2006 B 3ZS1313-5CC10-0YE5
Floating license for one user, engineering software,
software and documentation on CD, license key on
USB stick, Class A, 3 languages
(German/English/French), communication through
the system interface
Powerpack for Soft Starter ES 2007 Basic B 3ZS1313-5CC10-0YD5
Floating license for one user, engineering software,
license key on USB stick, Class A, 3 languages
(German/English/French), communication through
the system interface
Software Update Service 3ZS1313-5CC10-0YL5
For 1 year with automatic extension, assuming the
current software version is in use, engineering
software, software and documentation on CD,
communication through the system interface
Optional accessories
USB PC cable 3UF7941-0AA00-0
For connecting to the USB interface of a PC/PG, for
communication with Soft Starter ES through the
system interface
Optional communication module for SIRIUS 3RW44
• PROFIBUS 3RW4900-0KC00

• PROFINET 3RW4900-0NC00

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 293
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Version DT Article No.

Communication modules
PROFIBUS communication module 3RW4900-0KC00
For 3RW44 soft starter integration in the PROFIBUS
network with DPV1 slave functionality. With firmware
version E04 and higher (or date of manufacture May
1, 2009 and later) of the module, DPV1 operation of
the soft starter on a Y-link is also possible (only
DPV0 operation possible with < E04).


PROFINET communication module 3RW4900-0NC00

For 3RW44 soft starter integration in the PROFINET
network, suitable for devices with firmware version
E12 or higher


External display and operator module

For indicating and operating the functions provided
by the soft starter using an externally mounted
display and operator module in IP54 degree of
protection (e.g. in the control cabinet door)
Connecting cable
From the device interface (serial) of the 3RW44 soft
starter to the external display and operator module
Length 0.5 m, flat 3UF7932-0AA00-0
Length 0.5 m, round 3UF7932-0BA00-0
Length 1.0 m, round 3UF7937-0BA00-0
Length 2.5 m, round 3UF7933-0BA00-0
Box terminal block for soft starters
Box terminal block
(2 units required per device)
3RW442. Included in the scope of supply
3RW443. • Max. 70 mm2 3RT1955-4G

• Up to 120 mm2 3RT1956-4G

Auxiliary conductor connection for B 3TX7500-0A
box terminals
3RW444. • Max. 240 mm2 (with auxiliary 3RT1966-4G
conductor connection)

3RW44 soft starters

294 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

Version DT Article No.

Covers for soft starters
Terminal covers for box terminals
Additional touch protection to be fitted at the box
terminals (2 units required per device)
3RW442. and 3RT1956-4EA2
3RW444. 3RT1966-4EA2
Terminal covers for cable lugs and busbar
3RW442. and For complying with the voltage 3RT1956-4EA1
3RW443. clearances and as touch
protection (2 units required per
3RW444. Also fits on mounted box 3RT1966-4EA1
SIRIUS 3RW44 Soft Starter Manual
The SIRIUS 3RW44 Soft Starter Manual
/21772518) is available at the Industry Online
Support portal as a free PDF download.

The SIRIUS 3RW442/443/444/445/446 soft starter operating instructions

( (article number
3ZX1012-0RW44-0AA0) are included in the scope of supply of the soft starter, or are
available (like the manual) as a PDF download at the Industry Online Support Portal.

3RW44 soft starters

Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 295
General technical data
11.3 Technical data

11.3.9 Spare parts

3RW4422 and 3RW4423
The 3RW4422 and 3RW4423 soft starters do not need fans. These devices are adequately
designed for natural convection.

3RW44 soft starters

296 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.4 Tripping characteristics

11.4 Tripping characteristics

11.4.1 Motor protection tripping characteristics: 3RW44 with symmetry

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Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009 297
General technical data
11.4 Tripping characteristics

11.4.2 Motor protection tripping characteristics: 3RW44 with asymmetry

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298 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.5 Dimension drawings

11.5 Dimension drawings

11.5.1 Dimension drawings

Figure 11-1 3RW44 2, 3RW44 3, 3RW44 4

3RW44 2 3RW44 3 3RW44 4

a 180 mm (7.09 in) 180 mm (7.09 in) 210 mm (8.27 in)
b 170 mm (6.69 in) 170 mm (6.69 in) 210 mm (8.27 in)
c 37 mm (1.46 in) 37 mm (1.46 in) 48 mm (1.89 in)
d 11 mm (0.43 in) 17 mm (0.67 in) 25 mm (0.98 in)
e 167 mm (6.57 in) 167 mm (6.57 in) 190 mm (7.48 in)
f 100 mm (3.94 in) 100 mm (3.94 in) 140 mm (5.51 in)
g 240 mm (9.45 in) 240 mm (9.45 in) 269 mm (10.59 in)
h 270 mm (10.63 in) 270 mm (10.63 in) 298 mm (11.73 in)
i 174 mm (6.85 in) 174 mm (6.85 in) 205 mm (8.07 in)
k 148 mm (5.83 in) 148 mm (5.83 in) 166 mm (6.54 in)
l 7.5 mm (0.30 in) 7.5 mm (0.30 in) 16 mm (0.63 in)
m 153 mm (6.02 in) 153 mm (6.02 in) 166 mm (6.54 in)
n 7 mm (0.28 in) 7 mm (0.28 in) 9 mm (0.35 in)
o 184 mm (7.24 in) 198 mm (7.80 in) 230 mm (9.06 in)
p 6.6 mm (0.26 in) 9 mm (0.35 in) 11 mm (0.43 in)
q M6 10 Nm (89 M6 10 Nm (89 M8 15 Nm (134
r 10 mm (0.39 in) 10 mm (0.39 in) 10 mm (0.39 in)
Weight 6.5 kg 7.9 kg 11.5 kg

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General technical data
11.5 Dimension drawings

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300 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.5 Dimension drawings

Figure 11-2 3RW44 5/3RW44 6

3RW44 5 3RW44 6
a 76 mm (3 in) 85 mm (3.35 in)
b 40 mm (1.6 in) 50 mm (1.97 in)
c 14 mm (0.6 in) 14 mm (0.6 in)
d 20 mm (0.8 in) -
e 15.5 mm (0.7 in) -
f 638.5 mm (25.2 in) 667 mm (26.3 in)
g 590 mm (9.45 in) 660 mm (26 in)
h - 160 mm (6.3 in)
i 44 mm (1.8 in) 37.5 mm (1.48 in)
k 470mm (18 in) 535 mm (21 in)
l 510 mm (20 in) 576 mm (22.7 in)
m 16.5 mm (0.7 in) 16.5 mm (0.7 in)
n 105 mm (4.1 in) 103 mm (4.06 in)
o 253 mm (10 in) 251 mm (9.88 in)
p 623 mm (24.6 in) 693 mm (27.3 in)
q - 43.5 mm (1.71 in)
r - 40 mm (1.6 in)
s - 20 mm (0.78 in)
t 249 mm (9.8 in) 249 mm (9.8 in)
u 162 mm (6.4 in) 162 mm (6.4 in)
v 152 mm (5.9 in) 151.4 mm (5.96 in)
w - 123 mm (4.84 in)
ad 290 mm 290 mm
Weight 50.0 kg 78.0 kg

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General technical data
11.5 Dimension drawings

Figure 11-3 3RW44 6

3RW44 5 3RW44 6
x 290 mm (11.4 in) 289.5 mm (11.4 in)
y 147 mm (5.7 in) 175 mm (6.9 in)
z 173 mm (6.9 in) 173 mm (6.8 in)
aa 195 mm (7.7 in) -
ab 118 mm (4.6 in) 118 mm (4.65 in)
ac 261 mm (10.2 in) 261 mm (10.28 in)
ad 290 mm (11.5 in) 290 mm (11.42 in)

3RW44 soft starters

302 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
General technical data
11.5 Dimension drawings

Figure 11-4 External display and operator module 3RW49 00-0AC00

3RW44 soft starters

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General technical data
11.5 Dimension drawings

3RW44 soft starters

304 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009
Appendix A
Configuration data
1. Motor data

Siemens motor?
Rated power: kW
Rated voltage: V
Line frequency: Hz
Rated current: A
Starting current: A
Rated speed: rpm
Rated torque: Nm
Breakdown torque: Nm
Mass moment of inertia: kg*m2

Speed/torque characteristic curve

(The speed increments of the value pairs do not have to be equal)

nM 1/m "nsyn"
MM %

Speed/current characteristic curve

(The speed increments of the value pairs do not have to be equal)

nM 1/m "nsyn"
IM %

2. Load data

Load type (e.g. pump, mill, etc.):

Rated speed: rpm
Rated torque or rated output Nm or kW
Mass moment of inertia (load-specific) kg*m2
Mass moment of inertia (motor-specific) kg*m2

Speed/torque characteristic curve

(The speed increments of the value pairs do not have to be equal)

nL 1/m "nsyn"
ML %

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3. Start conditions

Starting frequency Starts

Switching Ramp-up time
Operating time
Idle time
Coast-down time
Ambient temperature °C

Yes Value
Starting current limitation? ❑ ...............
Acceleration torque limitation? ❑ ...............
Maximum starting time? ❑ ...............

4. Personal details
Last name, first name:..........................................................................................................
Company: ............................................................................................................................
Department: ........................................................................................................................
Street: .................................................................................................................................
Zip code, town/city: .............................................................................................................
Country: ..............................................................................................................................
Phone: ................................................................................................................................
Fax: .....................................................................................................................................
E-mail: .................................................................................................................................

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306 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009

Ambient temperature, 27 Factory settings, 28
Application examples, 22
Applications, 19, 125, 130
Asymmetry, 144 G
Asymmetry limit value, 144
Ground fault, 154
GSD file, 173
Breakaway pulse, 130 I
Breakaway time, 131
Idle time, 145, 145
Breakaway voltage, 130
Inchnig, 145
Byte arrangements, 198
Installation altitude, 27
Internal run-up recognition, 127, 129
Intrinsic device protection, 147
Capacitor, 43
CLASS 10, 22, 145 L
CLASS 10A, 145
Limiting torque, 128
CLASS setting, 143, 145, 155
Locked-rotor torque, 15, 126, 128, 130
Coast-down time, 136, 139, 140, 140
Coasting down, 136
Coasting methods, 135
Combined braking, 139
Configuration, 21 Maximum pointer, 195
Configuring with GSD, 173 Maximum starting time, 126
Contact element, 34 Messages, 149
Control voltage versions, 44 Motor heating, 134, 144
Current asymmetry limit value, 144 Motor overload protection, 143
Current limiting, 133 Motor protection function, 143
Current limiting value, 132
Current limits, 143
ON time motor, 26
Overtemperature, 154
Data sets, 198
DC braking, 138, 140
DC braking torque, 139, 140 P
Degree of protection, 32
Parameter sets, 125
Diagnostics, 149
PC Interface, 21
Disconnector, 34
Phase failure, 151
Dynamic braking torque, 139
PLC, 34, 155, 155, 195, 199, 199, 208
Prewarning limit, 144
Profibus, 51

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PROFIBUS DP communication V
module, 151, 152, 157, 160, 160, 164, 165, 166, 168,
Very heavy starting, 25
171, 175, 176, 176
Voltage ramp, 126, 128
Protection against voltage failure, 146
PTC thermistors, 146
Pump stop, 136, 137
Water hammer, 137
Ramp-up detection, 133, 134
Rated speed, 141
Reduced starting current, 15
Run-up recognition, 127, 129

Screw connections, 44
See display for details of the operating and monitoring
module, 21
See operating and monitoring module for details of the
display, 21
Selection criteria, 19
Semiconductor fuse, 41, 147
SITOR, 41, 147
SITOR fuses, 41
SITOR semiconductor fuse, 147
3RW44 2., 44
3RW44 3., 45
3RW44 4., 45
Slow speed factor, 141
Slow speed torque, 141
Software, 21, 51
Spring-loaded connections, 44
Starting current, 14
Starting time, 126, 129
Starting torque, 128
Starting voltage, 126
Startup, 18, 19
Startup class, 22
Stopping torque, 136
Supply voltage, 152
Switching frequency, 26

Temperature sensor, 146
Thermoclick sensors, 146
Three-phase asynchronous motors, 144
Torque control, 128
Tripping class, 143, 144

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308 Equipment Manual, 02/2020, NEB535219502000/RS-AC/009

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