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Scavenger Hunt Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Slide #1 Student identifies Student identifies Student identifies Student identifies a
Identify rhombus/square rhombus and square rhombus or square another parallelogram quadrilateral or non-
quadrilateral or does not
Slide #2 Student finds a real-life Student finds an Student finds a shape Student finds a non-
Rectangle in real life example of a rectangle example of a square that has properties of quadrilateral or does not
a parallelogram but attempt
not rectangle
Slide #3 Student shows all work Student finds the Student has some Student has an incorrect
Solve for the and finds the average of average of the bases calculations but not answer with no work or does
midsegment of the the bases and does not show correct answer or work not attempt
trapezoid work

Slide #4 Student has correct shape Student has correct Student has incorrect Student has incorrect shape
Identify with all correct shape and some shape identified, but and incorrect measurements
square/rhombus/ measurements correct some measurements or does not attempt
parallelogram measurements are that of a
Slide #5 Student has 4 sides Student has ¾ Student has 2/4 Student has 1 property
Mark the properties of a congruent, opp sides properties marked properties marked marked or does not attempt
rhombus parallel, perpendicular
diagonals, and bisected
vertex angles
Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Slide #6 Student has work that Student has work to Student has both Student has incorrect work
Converse of the shows the numbers do show, but their partial work and or or does not attempt
Pythagorean Theorem not create a Pythagorean explanation is explanation
triple and therefore the lacking
shape does not make a
right angle, not creating a
Slide #7 Student finds a logo that Student finds a logo Student finds a logo Student does not attempt
Brand Logo uses quadrilaterals and that uses that does not use
transformations of quadrilaterals quadrilaterals

Google Form Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Score 13 – 15 points 10 – 12 points 6 – 9 points 0 – 5 points
Student has made 1 or 2 Minimal errors, Student is still learning Student needs to review
minimal mistakes. calculations or properties of some properties of all
Forgetting to substitute, conceptual quadrilaterals quadrilaterals in order to
or a calculation error. solve correctly

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