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Intermediate: Unit Test 1

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3 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 Complete the conversation with the correct form of 1 Her sister is a very cautious / ambitious / likeable
the verbs in brackets. person and never does anything without thinking
A: What kind of friends 1 carefully about it.
(you / have)? 2 Jody is so moody / sensitive / reliable – one minute
B: Usually they are quite similar to me. she’s happy, the next she’s sad.
A: What 2 (you / do) at 3 David is very energetic / serious / bossy and is
the weekends? always giving everyone else orders.
B: I play tennis and go out to dinner with my friends. 4 He is really organised / adventurous / thoughtful. He
A: Where 3 (usually / you / will try anything for the experience.
spend) your holidays? 5 If you want people to listen to you, be more talkative /
B: We often go to a little cottage in Cornwall. assertive / stressed in the meetings.
A: Who 4 (you / think) is the /5
most important person in your life?
B: I think I’d have to say my mum. She’s amazing. 4 Complete the text with words formed from the
A: Who 5 (you / go) words in the box. Use prefixes. You don’t need all the
on holiday with? words.
B: My brother. We have great fun together.
A: What 6 (your brother / do)? perform rated comfort boss social understand
B: He’s a student.
Sarah is definitely an introvert and has always
been rather 1 , preferring her own
2 Complete the text with the present simple or company to that of others. Perhaps that’s why she
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. runs marathons. We always invite her to our parties,
but she thinks that parties are 2 and
At the moment we 1 (look) at ways of a complete waste of time. Once she came to a party
improving our job interview skills. We 2 and her 3 was so obvious – she went
(interview) around 1,000 each year. Unfortunately, the home after just half and hour. It’s a pity, really,
number of staff who 3 (leave) within the because she’s a lovely, intelligent woman. However,
first year 4 (increase) and we want to she hasn’t got a good sense of humour and tends
stop this. Currently, we 5 (put) a lot to 4 jokes and laugh in all the wrong
of resources into training our staff and we places. But when it comes to running marathons, she
(not want) to lose them. We can 5 all of us.
(understand) that the use of personality
tests 8 (become) more popular in
all businesses, so now we 9 (plan) to /5
employ these in future interviews.

5 Complete the compound adjectives in the

/9 sentences.
1 Gillian is a very easy- person and always
seems to be relaxed.
2 Her little boy is extremely -willed and
only does what he wants.
3 I think he’s very self- and would be able
to do the job well.
4 His new boss is very -minded and
welcomes new ideas from all his staff.
5 You can always rely on Jack not to do anything
stupid. He’s level- at all times.

New Language Leader Intermediate Unit Test 1 © Pearson Education Ltd. 2014 1


SECTION C: INTEGRATED SKILLS 7 Read the text and tick () five false statements.
6 Choose the correct words to complete the text.
Multiple Intelligence Theory
In 1983 Howard Gardner, a Harvard psychologist,
The importance of self-awareness published his Multiple Intelligence Theory in his
first book Frames of Mind. This theory has become a
It is believed that if you understand yourself better, model for understanding the many aspects of human
you will be more effective in both your personal and intelligence, learning styles and behaviour. Gardner
work lives. 1 By / For / In example, if you understand was one of the first people to say that we should not
yourself, you are also more likely to understand the judge others using a narrow definition of intelligence.
motivations of other people. In 2 addition / contrast / His original theory described seven different types of
particular, businesses benefit from employing many intelligence which are equally important: linguistic,
different types of people, so understanding other logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic,
people is an important skill. 3 However / Although / spatial-visual, interpersonal (awareness of other
Despite the fact that psychometric testing has been people’s feelings) and intrapersonal (self-awareness).
around for several years, many businesses still do Since the theory was first published, Gardner has
not use it. 4 Such as / However / Overall, the clashes added another three intelligences: naturalist, spiritual-
people have within organisations are often related to existential and moral. His theory has revolutionised
their personalities, so it is important for managers to the way people approach learning and teaching, as it
understand their staff better; in 5 particular / addition / challenged education systems that assumed everyone
contrast, they could consider how well different people learned in the same way.
work together.

/5 1 Gardner published his third book in 1983. 

2 He was a psychologist at Harvard University. 
3 His Multiple Intelligence Theory uses a
traditional model to explain his ideas. 
4 Gardner stated we should never judge other
people. 
5 Self awareness and awareness of other people
are the most important intelligences. 
6 In 1983 Gardner’s theory recognised fewer types
of intelligence than it does now. 
7 The theory has had little effect on learning
establishments. 
8 The theory shows that people learn in different
ways. 

Total: /400

New Language Leader Intermediate Unit Test 1 © Pearson Education Ltd. 2014 2

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