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End of Course Test Maksim Checked

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Intermediate Plus End of course test (Units 1–8)

Listening from options (A–H) what the speaker liked about

the experience. There are two letters you do not
1 The man says that customers occasionally A It’s important to follow dreams.
a) complain about products. B You can’t trust everybody.
b) complain about delivery. C People are very generous.
c) complain about both issues. D Hard work isn’t always a bad thing.
E It’s important to be wealthy.
2 According to the man it’s important to F Change is important.
a) deal with problems as soon as they happen. G Family is important.
b) ignore complaints if they are rude. H Having money isn’t that important.
c) automatically answer complaints.
1 Speaker 1 F
3 The man says that good customer service can 2 Speaker 2 H
a) help you be more competitive. 3 Speaker 3
b) encourage people to spend extra. 4 Speaker 4 A
c) make up for low quality products. 5 Speaker 5 D
6 Speaker 6 G
4 According to the man, you can regain client trust
a) by employing better staff in the future. 5
b) by always offering a refund.
c) by really paying attention to customer complaints. Grammar
5 The man says about 82% of people 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
a) have complained about a company. similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
b) stop using a company after making a complaint. 1 This kind of heat is normal for us.
c) will never complain about a company. USED
We ___________this
are used to kind of heat.
6 Complaints have more effect today because 2 One or two of our friends will come over later.
a) people have more experience of bad service. FEW
b) people share their bad experiences online. Afew of our friends coming over later.
c) people complain more now than in the past. 3 I can’t wait to see them.
5 I’m looking forward seeing them.
4 We didn’t know about the issue, so we didn’t help.
2 Recording 11 Listen again and complete the notes
IF would have helped if we had
with a word, number or short phrase from the
We known about the issue.
5 Clare’s nearly the same height as you.
Customer Services TALL
1 Clare’s almost as tallest as you.
40% of people say that they choose a brand because
6 It’s possible that you’ll have to take some money.
of its reputation for good customer service. Therefore,
NEED might need to take
customer service is very important for success in
You some money with you.
Approximately 2 of people say that customer
service is more important than price or product.
It is suggested that 3 85% of people would pay more 5 Correct the mistakes in each sentence.
for a product to guarantee good customer service.
Three rules of customer service are: the customer is 1 He went to the library for doing to do some research.
; offer refunds/replacements; listen to 2 If you would have told me, I would have come over. had
complaints. 3 It is likely rain in the next hour – the sky’s clear. unlikely to rain
Social media has a big impact: up to 5 82% of badly- 4 They don’t have to smoke there, it’s against the rules. mustn't
treated people take action on these sites. Around 85% 5 It was so sad story that I cried when I read it. such a
of these say they are going to 6 others about 6 They went to the same school where I had been to it. studied
their experience.

3 Recording 12 Listen to six shorts extracts where

people talk about things they have learned. Choose

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Intermediate Plus End of course test (Units 1–8)

6 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 8 Underline the correct alternative.
1 I suppose they lead quite an active/alternative
If you enjoy thrillers, or true-life crime stories, then
lifestyle – they start each morning with yoga and
you 1 will love this week’s recommendation.
Recently I’ve 2 beenreading The Father by Anton
2 He’s definitely a bit of a telly addict/junkie – once
Svensson. I’ve 3 been liked Nordic noir, and I’m
the football season starts he’s always on the sofa.
intrigued by stories about the bonds of family, but I
3 We make the furniture here, on site, then it goes to
think everyone will find something of interest in this
our factory/warehouse to be distributed.
story. The writing is well-paced and the characters are
such a 4 I know that they want to keep the business in the
really believable. But what makes it 4
family, but they should really do/make a deal with the
fascinating story is that it is written by the younger
bank to get extra funding.
brother of the main characters – a group of young men
5 5 Literally/Realistically thousands of students applied
who robbed banks during the 1990s in Sweden. It is
for a place on the course.
thought that the brothers were the 6 most effective
6 She’s on a decent income/salary in her current job so
bank robbers in Europe at that time. As the drama
she should think carefully before moving on.
unfolds, the police have a great 7 deal of footage of
7 I’ve never had such a hideous/terrifying experience
the robberies, but 8 no ideas about who they are
before – I was sure the plane was going to crash.
dealing with. Leading the investigation is a tough
8 The latest report proves/suggests conclusively that
detective who won’t give up, but this isn’t another
education standards are in decline.
stereotypical crime novel. Just when you are getting
9 in 9 Our project has been set up to measure/monitor
to the story taking a more formulaic route, it
changes in air pollution over a year and offer any
changes to become a very personal account of a family
in crisis. It’s this honest and sensitive approach which
10 Sadly, what he wrote was incredibly flawed/
makes an already exciting book all the more original.
misleading – I’m not sure I’ll be able to trust his
One word of warning – once you start you 10 will not
opinions in future.
be able to put it down! And with a sequel 11 to be
published soon, now is a good time to immerse
yourself in the drama.

10 9 Use a prefix or suffix to complete the sentences

with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS.
1 We were worried about the cleanliness of the place,
7 Match 1–6 with a)–f). SPOTTLESS
but our room was totally _________.
1 The last time I saw her she gave me the cold d SPOT
2 Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a rational f 2 I can’t believe how far he fell –
3 To be honest, you shouldn’t take c it’s AMAZING there were no bones broken.
4 If you want to be happier, try to live e AMAZE EQUIPMENT
5 I’ve read your complaint and I’ll look a 3 Make sure you’ve got the right for
6 She’s never seemed comfortable in her own b taking on a job like that.
a) into what can be done about it. 4 Looking through a microscope I was able to see one
b) skin – I don’t think she’s a very happy person. tinyORGANISM in close detail.
c) his support for granted. He may change his mind. ORGAN
d) shoulder – I don’t think we see eye to eye. 5 During the recent referendum various political parties
e) in the moment, instead of worrying about the future. were accused of media MANIPULATION .
f) explanation for this, although it may not seem like it. MANIPULATE
6 You really should consider getting a better computer
5 you know, this one is incredibly OVERDATING .
7 Try to be a bit more – there are probably
lots of different options you should consider.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2018

Intermediate Plus End of course test (Units 1–8)

Function 12 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the

box. There are two phrases you do not need.
10 Underline the correct response.
it’s about feeling that no doubt no good
1 If you ask me, it’s one of the best films ever. no way opinion on really not sure
a) That’s definitely one, isn’t it? the thing is
b) How interesting!
c) Personally, I’m not convinced.
2 It’s such a disappointment, isn’t it? 1 I’ve got this feeling that things are going to change
a) Tell me about it! around here.
b) It’s more or less. 2 I’m that we should be discussing this. really not sure
c) How awful! 3 What’s your the way the government opinion on
3 Is it something to do with the internet? has tried to control the media?
a) I feel that it is. 4 There’s that so many people can be no way
b) It could be. wrong.
c) I’d say the opposite. 5 Can I have a minute? I need you to do the thing is
4 I’d love to go there on holiday. something about this mess.
a) That’s not essential. 6 There’s about it – she’s going to get no doubt
b) That might work. elected this time.
c) Are you serious?
5 Do you like the idea?
a) Sorry, it’s a non-starter.
b) You’re so right.
c) Approximately.
6 How much do you think they’ll pay?
a) I think sort of …
b) It seems to me that …
c) At a rough guess, I’d say…

11 Match gaps 1–6 in the conversation with a)–f)

A: 1 f that in a few years people will be talking about
him as one of the most influential artists of the 21st
B: Really? 2 d is that he’s very good at getting the
publicity, but doesn’t really have any talent .
A: 3 a how can you even say that? He’s doing
things that nobody else has even thought about.
B: 4 e there are so many people who are far more
talented, but just don’t get the attention they deserve.
A: 5 c you aren’t interested in coming to his latest
exhibition, then. I got a couple of tickets for the
opening event.
6 b
B: I could give it a go.
You never know, I might change how I feel about him

a) No way!
b) Well, perhaps
c) I guess
d) The way I see it
e) In my opinion
f) You can take it from me

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Intermediate Plus End of course test (Units 1–8)

Reading 6 a
The final category is known as episodic imagination.
13 Read the article below and complete the gaps This is a process where people visualise alternatives –
with headings a)–f). for example, thinking about how they could have
a) Looking back and forward learned from past experiences. This information is then
b) Creative dreamers used to make the future a more positive one. This kind
c) Multiple imaginations of imagination is what psychologists focus on when
d) The process of imaginative thinking encouraging positive thought and visualisation. So next
e) Is imagination the answer? time you want to be more creative, why not just sit
f) Learning how to imagine down and imagine that you already are?

How to be creative 5

1 e 14 Read the article again. Decide if the statements

Most people would agree that the one thing which are true (T) or false (F).
keeps us moving forward as a species is imagination. 1 Imagination is key to the development of the
The more we imagine, the more we create new ideas, human race T_
develop new inventions, and make ground-breaking 2 People tend to imagine things in the same
discoveries. But why is it that people differ so much in ways. F
the way that they imagine? Is there a way to train 3 Creative individuals have a mix of types of
ourselves to be more imaginative and as a result more T
creative? 4 Divergent thinking requires a lot of time. F
2 c 5 Convergent thinking is when people decide if T
Recent psychological studies have revealed that there an idea is practical.
are three broad categories when it comes imagination, 6 It’s impossible to teach someone to be F
and possessing a combination of these can help you to imaginative.
achieve an element of creativity in different fields. 7 Children benefit from watching creative T
Each type has different characteristics which assist in behaviour.
the development of ideas. The categories are as 8 Fantastical imagination focuses on fast T
follows: creative imagination, fantastical imagination, thinking to find solutions.
and episodic imagination. 9 Daydreaming might be something we should T
3 d do more of.
Creative imagination is perhaps what most people 10 Episodic imagination involves thinking F
think of when they talk about people being ‘creative’ – about only one option.
it’s the way of thinking associated with composing 11 Positive thinking and imagination are T
music, or discovering something novel. This kind of related ideas.
imagination has two different stages. During the first
people think divergently, connecting a wide variety of 10
ideas to address a problem or topic. Then there’s a
stage known as convergent thinking, when you
evaluate all these ideas in terms of usefulness. In the
first stage thinking is fast and automatic, in the second
it’s slower and more reflective.
4 f
Interestingly, studies have shown that creative
imagination can be acquired. When children observe
others being creative, or engage in creative play, their
own creativity grows. So one way to improve this is
immerse yourself and learn from an environment that
encourages and supports new ideas.
5 b
Fantastical imagination describes a person’s ability to
become absorbed by creativity. Critics might suggest
that encouraging people to daydream is a waste of
time, but there is some evidence that allowing yourself
space to do this can lead to moments of realisation
where ideas or discoveries are reached. So the
occasional flight of fantasy isn’t always a bad thing.

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Intermediate Plus End of course test (Units 1–8)

Writing 16 Write an essay using the title below. Write 150–

200 words. Remember to include a clear
15 Underline the correct alternative. introduction and conclusion. Use parallelism
1 According to/With recent studies, the level of (repeating structures/language) in the main
happiness has increased in this country. paragraphs to reinforce your ideas.
2 My parents saw that I was a talented runner. ‘We live in a world where people have more________
Consequently/Furthermore, they encouraged me to opportunities than ever before, but are not happy.’___
join an athletics club. Do you agree with this statement?________________
3 While the story is quite entertaining, it’s fairly ___
persuasive/unconvincing in parts – it’s quite outdated ___
too. ___
4 The object/objective is to provide data on the ___
population density in the city. ___
5 Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience ___
caused. All the best/Yours sincerely, T.R. Jones. ___
6 This story is placed/takes place in a small village ___
high in the mountains. ___
5 ___


Total: 100

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