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CDI 2 - Semi-Final Exam

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St Therese College Foundation

Department of Criminology
M. Soriano St., San Carlos City, Pangasinan (2420)

CDI 2 – Traffic Management and Accident Investigation

(Semi-final Exam)

Name ___________________________________ Score _____________

Instructor ________________________________
Direction: Read carefully each question and encircle the correct answer.
1. When approaching an intersection with directional arrows, you should;
A. Ignore the traffic lights and wait for the signals of traffic officers.
B. Ignore the directional arrows and follow the instruction of the traffic
C. Follow the lane as directed by the directional arrow.
D. Ignore everything including the directional arrows.
2. Pedestrians When crossing on the road should use only the:
A. Pedestrian walk C. Sidewalk
B. Crosswalk D. All of the above
3. When traversing on a solid yellow or white line, you can overtake only when:
A. The solid line is in your lane.
B. The dotted line is in your lane.
C. Oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is free from any hazard.
D. The oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle or whatsoever is coming
from the opposite direction.
4. In mountainous areas with passing lane, the overtaking vehicle should:
A. Use the outer lane in passing.
B. Use the inner lane when passing.
C. Use either the inner lane or the other lane for oncoming vehicles when the
latter is clear.
D. Blow its horn or give an audible signal to inform the other vehicle its
intention to overtake.
5. When traversing on a highway with double yellow line with dotted line in
between, you can:
A. Not overtake under any circumstances.
B. Overtake when the other direction is clear of oncoming vehicles.
C. Overtake as long as there are no traffic enforcers around.
D. Not overtake when there are oncoming vehicles on the opposite lane.
6. On a four-lane two-way road, when there are slow and fast lanes, never
by passing over the solid white line. This statement is:
A. True under any circumstances
B. True only when the other direction is loaded with oncoming vehicles.
C. False under all circumstances
D. False, depending on the traffic and weather condition
7. On a four-lane two-way road, the outer lanes are:
A. For overtaking restrictions C. For fast moving vehicles
B. For overtaking purposes D. For slow moving vehicles
8. Pavement markings and markers indicate;
A. Traffic flow regulation C. Traffic laws for vehicles only
B. Prohibitions to motorists only D. Information for defensive driving
9. Lines indicating parking stalls or spaces on the edges of highways are
examples of:
A. Pavement markings C. Object markings
B. Curb marking for restrictions D. Reflectorized markings or markers
10. Inner lanes of four-lane two-way roads are designed for:
A. Overtaking purposes
B. Slow moving vehicles
C. Fast moving vehicles
D. Overtaking and fast moving vehicles
11. The chronological arrangement of the color of the traffic lights from the
top is:
A. Yellow, Red, Green C. Red, Yellow, Green
B. Green, Red, Yellow D. Green, Yellow, Red
12. If present, the left or right arrow is usually placed:
A. Beneath the red, yellow, and green lights.
B. Over the red, yellow, and green lights.
C. At the right of the red, yellow and green lights.
D. At the left of the red, yellow and green lights.
13. While approaching an intersection, the green traffic light is on, however, a
police officer suddenly proceed to the center and signals you to stop.
What you should do?
A. Ignore the police officer and proceed with caution.
B. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop.
C. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light and cross the intersection.
D. Ignore the police officer and stop only when he will signal you again to
14. When approaching an intersection where the flashing yellow is on, you
A. Stop and proceed with caution.
B. Slow down and proceed with caution.
C. Reduce your speed to 5 mph and proceed slowly.
D. Give way to motor vehicles coming from the opposite direction.
15. The arrangement of the traffic lights from the bottom is:
A. Red, green, yellow C. Yellow, red, green
B. Red, yellow, green D. green, yellow, red
16. Traffic signal lights which are designed to regulate and control traffic along
traffic ways are referred to as:
A. Traffic control signal C. Train approach signal
B. Special pedestrian signal D. Road and traffic way signal light
17. The following should be observed when you are approaching an intersection
and you are facing a flashing yellow, except:
A. This is the same as a YIELD SIGN.
B. Proceed through the intersection with CAUTION.
C. You have the right of way over a flashing RED LIGHT.
D. Slow down in crossing the intersection.
18. Which of the following is used to regulate and inform motorists on what to do
along train-road intersections:
A. Traffic control signal
B. Special pedestrian signal
C. Train approach signal
D. Road and traffic way signal light
19. A traffic control signal by which traffic is alternately commanded to stop and
permitted to proceed in accordance with predetermined time schedule is
an example of:
A. Fixed-time signal C. Computerized traffic signal system
B. Progressive system D. Traffic signal light
20. When the red light is on, motorists should observe the following, except:
A. STOP at the designated line.
B. Vehicles will be crossing from the “other side”.
C. Expect pedestrians to cross at the pedestrian lane.
D. Unless specified, you can TURN LEFT after a FULL STOP to clear
traffic coming from the left.

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