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Traffic Accident Investigation

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1. It refers to the marks left on the roadway by tires which are not free to
rotate, usually because brakes are applied strong and the wheels locked.
a. Skid Marks b. Scuff Marks c. groove marksd. gap marks
2. What is the standardization of shape exclusively for Stop Sign.
a. Octagon b. inverted triangle C. round/circle d. hexagon
3. It is a pavement marking separating lanes of traffic moving in the same
a. White lane line b. yellow lane line c. red lane line d. all of these
4. What things to be installed at the rear part of the load, when the load of any
vehicle extends more than one meter beyond the bed or body.
a. Red flag b. yellow flag c. white flag d. nothing
5. It refers to that place and time after or beyond which the accident cannot be prevented by
the traffic unit under consideration.
a. Point of no escape c. point of accident
b. perception of hazards d. none of these
6. What is the general rule for the movement of vehicular traffic in the Philippines?
a. keep to the left b. “keep to the right” c. none of these d. “watch out”
7. In the examination of the scene of accident, which of the following evidence will show how
the accident happened?
c. hole on the road pavement c. point of impact
d. the driver under the influence of liquor d. vehicle has break failure
8. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision course or otherwise avoid
e. state of evasive actionc. point of possible perception
f. point of no escape d. final position
9. The number one reason for traffic accident in the Philippines.
a. Pedestrian knowledgec. Attitude of the drivers
b. Conditions of the road d. all of these

10. In signaling aid with the use of whistle, one long blast of the traffic officer
indicate what?
a. Stop b. go c. get the attention of the Driver d. None of these

11. What is the appearance of the skid marks of the front wheels
c. darker on the outside
d. lighter on the outside but darker at the front
e. darker on the center
f. lighter on the center but darker at the side
12. The following are the uses of skid marks as evidence, except.
a. Used to show path of car
b. Can be used to show sliding of tires
c. Adequacy of brakes
d. Location of the car on the highway

13. The following requirements for headlights under the law.

a. Two headlight with white or yellowish light visible from the front.
b. One headlight with white or yellowish light visible from the front.
c. Two headlight with red or orange/tangerine light visible from the front.
d. four headlight with yellow or any color other than indented by driver light visible from the
14. One of the following is not a parking prohibited, except
(a) Within an intersection
(b) Within 10 meters of the intersection of curb lines.
(c) Within 14 meters of the driveway entrance to and fire station.
(d) Within 14 meters of fire hydrant

15. How should a driver approach an intersection?

a. Be at the right way c. Give a signal
b. Be at the full stop d. Overtake a vehicles
1. It refers to the marks left on the roadway by tires which are not free to
rotate, usually because brakes are applied strong and the wheels locked.
a. Skid Marks b. Scuff Marks c. groove marksd. gap marks 1.a
2. What is the standardization of shape exclusively for Stop Sign. 2. a
a. Octagon b. inverted triangle C. round/circle d. hexagon
3. It is a pavement marking separating lanes of traffic moving in the same
direction. 3. a
a. White lane line b. yellow lane line c. red lane line d. all of these
4. What things to be installed at the rear part of the load, when the load of any
vehicle extends more than one meter beyond the bed or body. 4. a
a. Red flag b. yellow flag c. white flag d. nothing
5. It refers to that place and time after or beyond which the accident cannot be prevented by
the traffic unit under consideration.
a. Point of no escape c. point of accident
5. a
b. perception of hazards d. none of these
6. What is the general rule for the movement of vehicular traffic in the Philippines?
6. b
a. keep to the left b. “keep to the right” c. none of these d. “watch out”
7. In the examination of the scene of accident, which of the following evidence will show how
the accident happened? 7. c
c. hole on the road pavement c. point of impact
d. the driver under the influence of liquor d. vehicle has break failure
8. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision course or otherwise avoid
8. a
e. state of evasive actionc. point of possible perception
f. point of no escape d. final position
9. The number one reason for traffic accident in the Philippines.
a. Pedestrian knowledgec. Attitude of the drivers 9. c
b. Conditions of the road d. all of these

10. In signaling aid with the use of whistle, one long blast of the traffic officer
indicate what? 10. a
a. Stop b. go c. get the attention of the Driver d. None of these

11. What is the appearance of the skid marks of the front wheels
11. a
c. darker on the outside
d. lighter on the outside but darker at the front
e. darker on the center
f. lighter on the center but darker at the side
12. The following are the uses of skid marks as evidence, except.
a. Used to show path of car
b. Can be used to show sliding of tires
c. Adequacy of brakes
d. Location of the car on the highway

13. The following requirements for headlights under the law.

a. Two headlight with white or yellowish light visible from the front. 13.a
b. One headlight with white or yellowish light visible from the front.
c. Two headlight with red or orange/tangerine light visible from the front.
d. four headlight with yellow or any color other indented by driver light visible from the front.
14. One of the following is not a parking prohibited, except
(a) Within an intersection 14.a
(c) Within 10 meters of the intersection of curb lines.
(d) Within 14 meters of the driveway entrance to and fire station.
(e) Within 14 meters of fire hydrant

15. How should a driver approach an intersection? 15. b

a. Be at the right way c. Give a signal
b. Be at the full stop d. Overtake a vehicles



MOTOR VEHICLE –shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other than
muscular power using the public highways,
 but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers,
bulldozers, graders, fork-lifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public
highways, vehicles which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and
traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
 Trailers having any number of wheels, when propelled or intended to be propelled
by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be classified as separate motor vehicle
with no power rating. ( RA4136)

 TRAFFIC WAY – is the entire width between boundary lines of every way or place of which
any part is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of
right or custom.

 KEY EVENT – an event on the road which characterizes the manner of occurrence of a
motor vehicle traffic accident.

 SKID MARKS – are marks left on the roadway by tires which are not free to rotate, usually
because brakes are applied strong and the wheels locked.

 SCUFF MARKS – are signs left on the road by tires that are sliding or scrubbing while the
wheel is still turning.

 FLIP- rotation of the vehicle without touching the ground

 GAP SKID- a breaking skid mark which is interrupted by the release and the
reapplication of brakes or which terminates by the release of brakes before

 YAWMARKS – a scuffmark made while a vehicle is yawning the mark made

on the road by a rotating tire which slipping in a direction parallel to the axle
of the wheel.
1. Supposed you are the investigator of a road accident. You
saw a yaw marks at the road due to slippery of the pavement
which was also the reason of the accident. In this instance,
what happen to the vehicle’s tire?
a. The tires are not freely to rotate.
b. The tires are lock due to the brake applied.
c. The tires are sliding while it still turning.
d. The tires are off from the vehicle
Primary Objectives of Traffic Patrol
 Deterring Violators
 Detecting and apprehending violations
 Observing road conditions, including view obstruction, which
needs corrective measures and attention.
 Observing and reporting traffic conditions
 Providing certain services to the public
 Handling emergencies and keeping traffic moving smoothly

Kinds of Enforcement Actions 3 days or 72 hrs

 Traffic arrest-
 Traffic Citation- the most common means of bring the
violators to the actual physical custody
 TRAFFIC UNIT – is any person using a traffic way for travel, parking or other
purposes as a pedestrian or driver, including any vehicle, or animal, which
he is using. It applies not only to motor vehicle but also to:

 Pedestrians;
 Cyclists;
 Street cars;
 Horse-drawn (animal-drawn) vehicles;
 Farm tractors; and
 Other road users in almost any combination.
TRAFFIC CONTROL – It is to regulate, direct and manage by the use and
application of traffic devices
 No traffic sign or signal or support shall bear any commercial advertising.
Standardization of Designs:

 Octagon shape- exclusively for Stop Sign.

 Triangle Shape-warning sign which has yellow background

with black symbols.
 Rounded Shape- regulatory or prohibition ex. No entry
 Rectangular or Square Shape- information signs.

 Triangle Shape pointing down (inverted Triangle)- Yield Signs

2. Your driving your vehicle and you encounter an inverted
triangle with a red border in the intersection facing towards you,
this traffic sign means what?
a. it is a warning sign which remind you to be caution.
b. it is a yield sign which means you need to let other pass first
before you.
c. it is a prohibited sign which give you a penalty if you cross
without stopping.
d. it is exclusively designated for stop sign which will indicate you
need to stop before it is danger to cross directly.

 Whistle-
 One long blast – stop
 Two short blast- go
 Several short blast- get the attention of the drier or pedestrian

 Voice- seldom used in directing traffic

 Arm gestures

 Baton

 Flashlight- halt traffic in an emergency

Cause of Traffic Accident
 Driver- common reasons attitudes of driver/undisciplined.
 Vehicle
 roadway
 an accident may be usually defined as a series of an expected events leading to
damage or injury. One event usually leads to another so that the series can be
spoken of as a “chain of events”.

 Perception of hazard – is seeing, feeling, or hearing and understanding the usual or

unexpected movement or condition that could be taken as sign of the accident about to

 Start of evasive action – is the first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a
collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard.
 Initial Contact – is a first accidental touching of an object collision course or
otherwise avoid a hazard.

 Maximum Engagement – is greatest collapse or overlap in a collision the force

between the traffic unit and the object collided with.

 Stopping – is coming to rest. It usually stabilizes the accident situation.

 Injury – is receiving bodily harm.


 POINT OF NO ESCAPE – is that place and time after or beyond which the
accident cannot be prevented by the traffic unit under consideration.

 FINAL POSITION – is the place and time when objects involved in an

accident finally come to rest without application of power.
3. In a collision type of accident, what is the first thing a driver
should do?
a. Perception of hazard
b. Start of evasive action
c. Disengagement from accident
d. Point of no escape
4. As a traffic investigator, this should not to be offered as a skid
mark evidence.
a. The tire mark use to determine and show the speed of the
b. The tire mark use to determine the location of the car on the
c. The tire mark use to determine the path of vehicle before the
d. The tire mark use to determine the sliding of the vehicle in the
Hit and Run Case

 Evading responsibility is a term commonly applied to a traffic accident in

which a driver fails to comply with any of the duties required (Sec. 55 of RA

 Further, it states that no driver of a motor vehicle concerned in a vehicle

accident shall leave the scene of the accident without aiding the victim,

EXCEPT under any of the following circumstances:

 If the driver is imminent danger of being seriously harmed by any person or persons
by reason of the accident;
 If the driver reports the accident to the nearest officers of the law; or
 If the driver has to summon a physician or nurse to aid the victim.

 Drunk drivers
 Criminals fleeing from the scene of the crime.
 Improperly licensed drivers, or drivers with no
license or with revoked or expired license.
 Drivers who fear publicity and prosecution.
 Ignorance of the accident.
 Driver who flees in panic
 Drug addicts.
 Insurance or financial reasons.
 Juveniles.

Approved: June 20, 1964


Definition of Terms Under RA 4136
 Articulated vehicle - any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front axle and so
attached that part of the trailer rests upon motor vehicle and a substantial part of
the weight of the trailer and of its load is borne by the motor vehicle.

 Trailers- having any number of wheels, when propelled or intended to be propelled

by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be classified as separate motor vehicle with
no power rating.

 Passenger automobiles- all pneumatic-tire vehicles of types similar to those usually

known under the following terms: touring car, command car, speedster, sports car,
roadster, jeep, cycle, car (except motor wheel and similar small outfits which are
classified with motorcycles), coupe, closed car, limousine, cabriolet, and sedan.
 PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE- less than 9 passenger
 PASSENGER TRUCK- motor vehicle registered for more than 9 passengers
Section 5. All motor vehicles and other vehicles must be registered.

 Any registration of motor vehicles not renewed on or before the date fixed for different classifications, as
provided hereunder shall become delinquent and invalid:

 1. For hire motor vehicles - on or before the last working day of February.

 2. Privately-owned motor vehicles - from March one to the last working day of May.

 3. All other motor vehicles - from June one to the last working day of June;

No person shall be allowed to register as private truck any truck not actually and
reasonably necessary to carry out his duly licensed business or legitimate occupation or
industry regularly paying taxes.
5. If happen you hit an innocent person in the road. When is the
proper time to report the accident.
a. Within 24 hrs
b. After 24 hrs
c. Immediately
d. Any time because it is not specified in the law.
 PRIVATE – Green with white background (recently- black and White background

 PUBLIC UTILITY VEHICLES (PUVs) – Black with yellow background

 GOVERNMENT – Red (Maroon) with white background

 DIPLOMAT – Blue with white background

The current series of Philippine registration plates measure 390mm (39cm) X

Protocol/High-ranking government plates
 1 - President  9 - Associate Justices of the Supreme
 2 - Vice President Court
 3 - Senate President  10 - Presiding Justice and other
Justices of the Court of Appeals
 4 - Speaker of the House of
Representatives  11 - Chairman of the Commission
on Elections
 5 - Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court  12 - Cabinet Undersecretary
 6 - Cabinet Secretaries  13 - Solicitor General
 7 - Senators  14 - Chief of Staff, Armed Forces
of the Philippines and Chief,
 8 - Congressmen Philippine National Police
 16 - Regional Trial Court Judges
Accessories of Motor Vehicles
Section 34.
 Tires of motor vehicles
 Brakes - Every motor vehicle with four or more wheels shall be provided
with dual hydraulic brake system.
 Horns. -no horn or signaling device emitting an exceptionally loud, or
disagreeable sound used on any motor vehicle.
 Headlights. - two headlights, one on each side,
 white or yellowish light visible from the front,
6. You saw a vehicle with plate of black letters/numbers and
yellow background. This vehicle is classified as what?
a. Public utility vehicle
b. Private vehicle
c. Government vehicle
d. Foreign diplomat vehicle
Speed Limit and Keeping to the Right
Section 35. Restriction as to speed. -
Cars and Motor trucks and buses
1. On open country roads, with no "blinds corners" not closely 80 km. per hour 50 km. per hour
bordered by habitations.
2. On "through streets" or boulevards, clear of traffic, with no " 40 km. per hour 30 km. per hour
blind corners," when so designated.
3. On city and municipal streets, with light traffic, when not 30 km. per hour 30 km. per hour
designated "through streets".
4. Through crowded streets, approaching intersections at "blind 20 km. per hour 20 km. per hour
corners," passing school zones, passing other vehicles which are
stationery, or for similar dangerous circumstances.
Section 40. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle. - The driver of a vehicle about to be
overtaken and passed by another vehicle approaching from the rear
 shall give way to the overtaking vehicle on suitable and
 audible signal being given by the driver of the
 overtaking vehicle,
 and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until
 completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

Section 41. Restrictions on overtaking and passing.

shall not overtake or pass another vehicle
 when approaching the crest of a grade, not upon a curve in the highway,
 at any railway grade crossing, not at any intersection of highways
 any points indicated by the placing of official temporary warning or caution signs indicating
that men are working on the highway.
 any "no-passing or overtaking zone."


Passing other vehicle:
The law places the responsibility on the driver of the passing car. If the driver
makes mistakes in passing, the driver is held liable:

 It is illegal to speed up when being passed. Continue at the same speed, or

reduce your speed.

 Help other driver to pass safely, move to the right side of your lane to give
the other driver more room and a better view ahead.

 Show the passing driver the same courtesy that you would expect from
other driver
ARTICLE III Right of Way and Signals
Section 42. Right of way.
 When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same time, the
driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right.

 The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall bring to a full stop such vehicle before
traversing any "through highway" or railroad crossing.

Section 43. Exception to the right of way rule.

 The driver of a vehicle entering a highway from a private road or drive shall yield the right
of way to all vehicles approaching on such highway.

 The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall yield the right of way to police or fire
department vehicles and ambulances
Yield the Right
of Way

Given the Right

of Way


Yield the Right

of Way
Given the Right

of Way

Main Highway

Private Driveway

Yield the Right

Given the Right
of Way

of Way

7. In case of two vehicles approaching an intersection at
the same time, which one should give the right of ways.
a. The vehicle coming from the right
b. the vehicle approaching from the left
c. the vehicle which is turning right at the moment
d. Vehicle is about to turn at the moment
Section 46. Parking prohibited in specified places
(a) Within an intersection
(b) On a crosswalk
(c) Within six meters of the intersection of curb lines.
(d) Within four meters of the driveway entrance to and fire station.
(e) Within four meters of fire hydrant
(f) In front of a private driveway
(g) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or
edge of the highway
(h) At any place where official signs have been erected prohibiting parking.
Pavement Marking
 Single white dotted line- indicates:
 Two-lane road- it separates traffic moving in the same direction.
 One-way street- separates traffic moving in one direction
 Overtaking is permitted when other lane is clear ahead

 Single white Continues Line in a two-lane traffic way

 Separates traffic moving in opposite direction
 Passing and overtaking can be made but only under circumstances when there
is no oncoming traffic.
Pavement Marking
 Single Continues Line on a four-lane road
 Where there are slow and fast lanes, never overtake by passing over the solid
white line.

 Double solid Yellow Line

 Absolutely no overtaking, overtaking is extremely dangerous.

 Single Yellow/white line.

 That you cannot overtake if the solid line is on your side
Pavement Marking
 White lane lines- separating lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

 Solid broken white lines - passing to left or right is allowed provide the way is clear

 Yellow lane line-separating traffic traveling opposite directions

 Solid yellow line -it is not safe to pass.

 Broken yellow lines - passing is allowed, if the way ahead and rear is clear

 Solid double yellow lines –no overtaking in any circumstances

8. Two continuous parallel yellow lines on the road
a. You can overtake on the left side
b. It is dangerous to overtake
c. You can overtake on the right side
d. It is caution to overtake another vehicle
Type of License Minimum Age Validity Other Information

Student’s Permit 16 yrs old 12 months Not allowed to driver w/o the assistance of prof.

Non-professional 17 yrs old 3 yrs Two kinds of Non-professional:

1. Holder of students permit for 4-5 months
2. Applicant for renewal of the expired non-
professional driver’s license

Professional 18 yrs old 3 yrs 5 mos old SP/4 mos old NP

Military 18 yrs old 3 yrs Same with Professional license

All licenses so issued shall bear the words "For Government
Vehicles Only" plainly marked or stamped in red ink across

International for 18 yrs old 90 days License from country of origin

Restriction codes based on gross vehicle Driver’s Conditions:
weight (GVW):  During the application process, the
 1 – Motorcycles/ Motorized Tricycles applicant will be assessed for certain
 2 – Vehicle up to 4500 KGS GVW conditions that would deem the driver
capable of operating a vehicle safely.
 3 – Vehicle above 4500 KGS GVW
 A – wear eyeglasses
 4 – Automatic clutch up to 4500 KGS GVW
 B – drive only special equipment for
 5 – Automatic clutch above 4500 KGS GVW upper limbs
 6 – Articulated vehicle 1600 KGS GVW and  C – drive only with special equipment
below for lower limbs
 7 – Articulated vehicle 1601 up to 4500  D – daylight driving only
 E – accompanied by a person with
 8 – Articulated vehicle 4501 kgs and above normal hearing
9. Having a license either driver or any professional
license, this is:
a. An honor
b. A right
c. A privilege
d. A waiver
 Tourists bringing their own motor vehicles to the Philippines may, without
registering such motor vehicles, use the same during but not after 90 days of
their sojourn:
 the DOTr-LTO has issued Administrative Order No. 2016-34, which
became effective 08 October 2016, extending the validity of Driver's
Licenses and Conductor's Licenses to five (5) years.
Other legal basis for the exercise of authority
 C.A 146- Public Service Law( hire MVs)
 RA6539- Anti- Carnapping Law
 RA 8749- Clean air act of 1990
 RA8750- Seat belt law
 RA8794- Act imposing a motor vehicle user’s change on owners
of all types of motor vehicles.
10. The minimum age to get a non-professional
license is:
a. 16 years old
b. 18 years old
c. 17 years old
d. 21 years old
1. It refers to the marks left on the road by tires that are sliding or scrubbing
while the wheel is still turning.
a. Skid marks b. scuff marks c. groove marksd. land marks
2. What is the standardization of shape for regulatory or prohibition
a. Octagon b. inverted triangle C. round/circle d. hexagon
3. It is a pavement marking separating lanes of traffic moving in the opposite
a. White lane line b. yellow lane line c. red lane line d. all of these
4. It refers to any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front axle and so
attached that part of the trailer rests upon motor vehicle and a substantial part
of the weight of the trailer and of its load is borne by the motor vehicle.
a. Articulated vehicle b. trailer c. cart d. non-motor
5. It refers to an first accidental touching of an object collision course of otherwise avoid a
a. Perception of hazard c. maximum engagement
b. initial contact d. first touching

6. What is the minimum age requirement to file a professional driver license?

a. 16 years old c. 18years old
b. 17 years old d. All of them

7. In case of confiscation of driver license, the traffic enforcer may issue TOP to the driver
which is good only for _________.
a. 24 hours c.42 hours
b. 36 hours d. 72 hours

8. A driving lane which prohibits all motorists to pass/overtake from other vehicles is ____.
a. Broken White Line c. Broken Yellow Line
b. Solid Yellow Line d. None of them
9. The bonafide tourist and transients who are duly license to operate motor
vehicles in their respective countries may be allowed to operate motor vehicles
during their stay in our country but not beyond _____.
 a. 60 days b. 80 days c. 100 days d. 90 days

10. When traversing on a highway with double solid yellow line with dotted
white line in between, means you can ____.
a. Overtake when the other direction is clear of oncoming vehicles
b. Not overtake under any circumstances
c. Overtake as long as there are no traffic enforcers around
d. Not overtake when there are oncoming vehicles on the opposite lane.
11. What will you do if there is a vehicle about to overtake with your vehicle while
you are traversing in the same direction?
 a. Make a full stop and give the right of way
 b. Maintain your speed and give way
 c. Make a full speed and maintain the speed
 d. None of them

12. Maximum allowable speeds for Truck and Buses in city and municipal streets, with
light traffic.
a. 80 km/h b. 50 km/h c. 30 km/h d. 20 km/h

13. A Type public utility vehicle able to carry less than 9 passenger.
b. passenger automobile c. passenger truck
c. passenger vehicle d. public vehicle
14. It refers to a scuffmark made while a vehicle is yawning the mark made on
the road by a rotating tire which slipping in a direction parallel to the axle of the
a. Flip c. Skip skid
b. Yawmark d. Gap skid
15. The movement of a vehicle without touching the ground from a place where
its forward velocity is suddenly stopped by an object such as a curb or furrow-in
below its center of mass with the result that the ensuring rotation lifts vehicle off
the ground.
c. Flip c. Skip skid
d. Yawmark d. Gap skid
1. It refers to the marks left on the road by tires that are sliding or scrubbing
while the wheel is still turning.
a. Skid marks b. scuff marks c. groove marksd. land marks 1.b
2. What is the standardization of shape for regulatory or prohibition 2. c
a. Octagon b. inverted triangle C. round/circle d. hexagon
3. It is a pavement marking separating lanes of traffic moving in the opposite
a. White lane line b. yellow lane line c. red lane line d. all of these
4. It refers to any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front axle and so
attached that part of the trailer rests upon motor vehicle and a substantial part
of the weight of the trailer and of its load is borne by the motor vehicle.
a. Articulated vehicle b. trailer c. cart d. non-motor 4. a
5. It refers to an first accidental touching of an object collision course of otherwise avoid a
a. Perception of hazard c. maximum engagement
5. b
b. initial contact d. first touching

6. What is the minimum age requirement to file a professional driver license?

a. 16 years old c. 18years old
6. c
b. 17 years old d. All of them

7. In case of confiscation of driver license, the traffic enforcer may issue TOP to the driver
which is good only for _________.
a. 24 hours c.42 hours
b. 36 hours d. 72 hours
7. d
8. A driving lane which prohibits all motorists to pass/overtake from other vehicles is ____.
a. Broken White Line c. Broken Yellow Line 8. b
b. Solid Yellow Line d. None of them
9. The bonafide tourist and transients who are duly license to operate motor
vehicles in their respective countries may be allowed to operate motor vehicles
during their stay in our country but not beyond _____.
 a. 60 days b. 80 days c. 100 days d. 90 days 9. d

10. When traversing on a highway with double solid yellow line with dotted
white line in between, means you can ____.
a. Overtake when the other direction is clear of oncoming vehicles 10. b
b. Not overtake under any circumstances
c. Overtake as long as there are no traffic enforcers around
d. Not overtake when there are oncoming vehicles on the opposite lane.
11. What will you do if there is a vehicle about to overtake with your vehicle while
you are traversing in the same direction?
 a. Make a full stop and give the right of way
 b. Maintain your speed and give way 11. b
 c. Make a full speed and maintain the speed
 d. None of them

12. Maximum allowable speeds for Truck and Buses in city and municipal streets, with
light traffic.
a. 80 km/h b. 50 km/h c. 30 km/h d. 20 km/h 12. c
13. A Type public utility vehicle able to carry less than 9 passenger.
b. passenger automobile c. passenger truck
13. a
c. passenger vehicle d. public vehicle
14. It refers to a scuffmark made while a vehicle is yawning the mark made on
the road by a rotating tire which slipping in a direction parallel to the axle of the
a. Flip c. Skip skid 14.b
b. Yawmark d. Gap skid
15. The movement of a vehicle without touching the ground from a place where
its forward velocity is suddenly stopped by an object such as a curb or furrow-in
below its center of mass with the result that the ensuring rotation lifts vehicle off
the ground.
c. Flip c. Skip skid 15. a
d. Yawmark d. Gap skid
Answer from
Discussion Quiz
1. Supposed you are the investigator of a road accident. You
saw a yaw marks at the road due to slippery of the pavement
which was also the reason of the accident. In this instance,
what happen to the vehicle’s tire?
a. The tires are not freely to rotate.
b. The tires are lock due to the brake applied.
c. The tires are sliding while it still turning.
d. The tires are off from the vehicle
2. Your driving your vehicle and you encounter an inverted
triangle with a red border in the intersection facing towards you,
this traffic sign means what?
a. it is a warning sign which remind you to be caution.
b. it is a yield sign which means you need to let other pass first
before you.
c. it is a prohibited sign which give you a penalty if you cross
without stopping.
d. it is exclusively designated for stop sign which will indicate you
need to stop before it is danger to cross directly.
3. In a collision type of accident, what is the first thing a driver
should do?
a. Perception of hazard
b. Start of evasive action
c. Disengagement from accident
d. Point of no escape

4. As a traffic investigator, this should not to be offered as a skid
mark evidence.
a. The tire mark use to determine and show the speed of the
b. The tire mark use to determine the location of the car on the
c. The tire mark use to determine the path of vehicle before the
d. The tire mark use to determine the sliding of the vehicle in the
5. If happen you hit an innocent person in the road. When is the
proper time to report the accident.
a. Within 24 hrs
b. After 24 hrs
c. Immediately
d. Any time because it is not specified in the law.

6. You saw a vehicle with plate of black letters/numbers and
yellow background. This vehicle is classified as what?
a. Public utility vehicle
b. Private vehicle
c. Government vehicle
d. Foreign diplomat vehicle

7. In case of two vehicles approaching an intersection at
the same time, which one should give the right of ways.
a. The vehicle coming from the right
b. the vehicle approaching from the left
c. the vehicle which is turning right at the moment
d. Vehicle is about to turn at the moment

8. Two continuous parallel yellow lines on the road means:
a. You can overtake on the left side
b. It is dangerous to overtake
c. You can overtake on the right side
d. It is caution to overtake another vehicle

9. Having a license either driver or any professional license, this
a. An honor
b. A right
c. A privilege
d. A waiver


10. The minimum age to get a non-professional license is:

a. 16 years old
b. 18 years old
c. 17 years old
d. 21 years old


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