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Initao College Criminal Justice Education Program

Jampason, Initao, Misamis Oriental A. Y 2023- 2024/ First Semester

CDI-4 Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Ms. Edjen G. Progella

NAME: _________________________________________________ SCORE: ____________________________

COURSE: _____________________________________ YR/ GROUP NO:_______________ DATE: ____________
DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully and write the correct answer before the number. Strictly no erasures.

1.Over speeding can cause traffic accident and we attribute D. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour which
the same to: will add at least then minutes to run
A. Unworthy vehicle B. Human error 7. When wheeled carts were invented, the next problem by
C. Traffic error D. Road deficiency man when travelling was?
2. While approaching an intersection, the green traffic light is A. Wider pathways which will accommodate the much wider
on, however, a police officer suddenly proceed to the center wheeled cart
and signals a motorist to stop. What should the motorist do? B. An engine which will power the wheeled carriages
A. Ignore the police officer and proceed with caution C. how to propel the vehicles
B. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop D. how to get rid the domesticated animal
C. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light and cross the 8. The three pillars of traffic management:
intersection A. Engineering, education, enforcement
D. Ignore the police officer and stop only when second signal B. Engineering, education, environment
is made C. Engineering, education, economics
3. What is the slang term used in referring a narrow portion D. Engineering, economics, environment
of the roadway due to traffic congestion or where "build up" 9. When approaching in an intersection where the flashing
usually occurs? yellow is on, the motorist should_________________.
A. Congestion B. Traffic Jam A. Stop and proceed with caution
C. Bottleneck D. Gridlock B. Slow down and proceed with caution
4. The privilege of immediate use of roadway in preference C. Reduce speed
to another vehicle or. D. Give way to motor vehicles coming from the opposite
A. Immunity B. Right of way direction
C. Leniency D. Giving way 10. It is painted on the pavement and placed at intersections
5. When two vehicles approach an intersection at and other places to provide pedestrians with safety zone
approximately the same time, which shall have the right of when crossing: A. Crosswalk B. Lane C. Stop lines D.
way? Center
A. The vehicle coming from the right 11. How do you call a person, with a valid driver’s license, on
B. The vehicle coming from the center board a motor vehicle?
C. The vehicle coming from the left A. DriverB. Passenger C. Motorist D. Pedestrian
D. The one which arrives there first 12. An occurrence in a sequence of events, which usually
6. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a parade has produces unintended injury, death or property damage.
been ordered by his superior to allow no cars to cross the A. traffic incidents B. traffic accidents
route. While the parade is in progress, an ambulance driver C. traffic hazards D. traffic events
on an emergency run attempts to drive his ambulance 13. What is the occurrence in a sequence of or a chain of
across the route while the parade is passing. Under these events which usually produce unintended injury, death, or
circumstances the traffic police officer should. damage to property?
A. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact A. Calamity B. crime
his superior and obtains decisions C. Accident D. Assault
B. stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to 14. This is the method used to determine whether a driver is
cross the street under the influence of alcoholic beverages or not.
C. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior's A. Counting B. Field sobriety test
order C. Walking thru straight line D. Balance
15. It is a theory, which asserts that man exhibits constant 25. Training Road users to avoid traffic-related accidents is a
variation of life energy and mood states. part of ______.
A. The biorhythm B. mood swing A. Traffic safety campaign B. Traffic safety education
C. Classical D. None of these C. Safety operation D. Safety consciousness
16. These are incidents or instances of one moving traffic 26. To which of the following do we attribute over speeding
unit or person striking violently against another. that causes traffic accidents?
A. Accident B. Collission A. Road deficiency B. Unworthy vehicle
C. Gridlock D. Traffic Congestions C. Traffic error D. Human error
17. The following are principles of rules of right of way, 27. What is the most common cause of road accidents in the
EXCEPT the driver of the vehicle Philippines?
A. upon a highway shall bring to a full stop before traversing A. Whether condition B. Reckless driving
any "through highway" or railroad crossing C. Pedestrian D. Road condition
B. upon a highway within a business or residential area shall 28. What should drivers do when an emergency vehicle
yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing such highway approaches displaying legally authorized red light and
within crosswalk sounding a siren?
C. in an express way shall not yield the right of way to the A. Continue driving slowly without regard of the emerging
police or fire department vehicles and ambulances vehicle
D. entering a highway from a private road or drive shall yield B. Yield the right of way and wait for the passage of the
the right of way to all vehicles approaching on such highway vehicle C. Pull aside and stop the car abruptly
18. When there are two or more vehicles approaching the D. Disregard the red light and siren
intersection almost at the same time, one is travelling along 29. Which of the following is the best reason why the
the national road and the other is in the secondary road. concept of TRAFFIC ECONOMY is included as one of the
Who has the right of way? pillars of traffic management?
A. vehicle on the left A. Because traffic is a national daily problem which affect
B. vehicle on the right the Filipino people
C. Vehicle on the national road B. Because traffic directly and indirectly affects our national
D. Vehicle on the secondary vehicle economy
19. Bonafide tourist and transients who are duly licensed to C. Because traffic influences the transport and delivery of
operate motor vehicles in their respective countries may be goods and services
allowed to operate motor vehicles during their stay but not D. Because traffic is expensive for those actually caught in it
beyond? A.12 months B.90 days C.60 days D.3 years 30. What is the entire width between boundary lines of every
20. If the plate number of a motor vehicle is TGP 984, what way or place of which any part is open to the use of the
month should it be registered? public for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or
A. April B. May C. June D. July custom? A. Street B. Road-way C. Traffic way D.
21. New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016. Subway
A. Republic Act No. 10883 B. Republic Act No. 7924 31. Two vehicles approach an intersection at approximately
C. Republic Act No. 6539 D. Republic Act No. 10586 the same time, the vehicle ________ should give the right of
22. In an intersection not controlled by lights or peace way?
officers, pedestrian have the right of way the moment he A. coming from the left B. coming from the center
starts to cross: C. coming from the right C. one which arrives first
A. Absolutely false B .Absolutely true 32. Conveyance of persons and goods from one place to
C. Partly true D. Partly false another is _____________.?
23. Professional and non-professional driver’s license is valid A. vehicle B. transportation C. carrier D. traffic
for _________ from the date of issuance and renewable 33. The first and most important step in enforcing traffic rules
every birth month.* is ________.
A. 60 Months B. 24 Months C. 36 Months D. 12 Months A. Planning B. Planning and enforcement
24. Human errors as one cause of traffic congestion is best C. Enforcement D. Organizing
characterized by, EXCEPT: 34. The taillight of the motor vehicle should be lighted and
A. Poor legislation activities visible at least how many meters?
B. Lack of foresight on the part of pedestrians A. 50 meters from the rear of the vehicle
C. Effective and efficient traffic officers B. 100 meters from the rear of the vehicle
D. Slow drivers or bad driving habit C. 30 meters from the rear of the vehicle
D. 60 meters from the rear of the vehicle
35. The BEST thing that a cautions drivers should do when B. stop immediately
approaching an intersection is to? C. take measures to protect belongings of passengers
A. Be at the right of way B. Be at full stop D.assist injured persons e. show his drivers license to
C. Give a signal D. Overtake other vehicles inspecting traffic law enforcer
36. In traffic operations and accident investigation, what term f. give his true name and address, including that of the
is used to describe the action of people, goods, or vehicles – owner of the vehicle.
whether propelled by combustion engines or pulled by A. a,b,d B. a,b,c,d,e f C. a,b,c,d,e
animals – moving between different locations for the specific D. a,b,d,e,f E. none of the above
purpose of travel? 45. A driver can leave the area of accident under the
A. Trafigo B. Trafica C. Traffic accident D. Traffic following circumstances, except when the driver:
37. Any licensed operator of a motor vehicle. A. is in imminent danger of being harmed by the other
A. Operator B. Owner C. Rigger D. Driver persons by reason of the accident
38. This executive function encompasses tasks such as B. surrenders to proper authority
planning, organizing, supervising, directing, coordinating, C. summons the assistance of a physician or nurse to aid
recording, budgeting, and overseeing traffic-related matters. the victim
These responsibilities involve aspects like managing traffic D. hides in the custody of the police for his protection
flow demands, maintaining and constructing public 46. A document issued to a qualified driver who possess the
infrastructure, and regulating the licensing and utilization of statutory qualification as provided thereof.
these facilities. A. professional drivers license B. license to operate
A. Traffic Administration B. Traffic Management C. drivers license D. non professional drivers
C. Traffic Governance D. Traffic Organization license
39. Shall mean every and any driver hired or paid for driving 47.In overtaking another vehicle, a driver should pass at a
or operating a motor vehicle, whether for private use or for safe distance to the left of the vehicle being overtaken and
hire to the public. shall resume driving on the right side of the road only after
A. professional driver B. non professional driver passing clear of the overtaken vehicle.
C. driver D. motorist A. partially true B. true C partially false D. false.
40. Shall mean every public thoroughfare, public boulevard, 48. It refers to procedures, devices and communication
driveway, avenue, park, alley and callejon, but shall not systems that help vehicles and vessels safely, share the
include roadway upon grounds owned by private persons, same roads, rails, waterways, or airspace.
colleges, universities, or other similar institutions. A. Traffic Management B. Traffic Control
A. traffic way B. roadway C. highway D. motorway C. Traffic Flow D.Traffic Engineering
41. The following are required motor vehicle accessories 49. These are the most extensively used form of traffic
except: control.
A.taillights B. use of green flags A. traffic control B. Traffic Management
C. lights when parked or disabled D. brakes. C. Traffic Signs D. pavement markings
42. The construction of devices for carrying cargo at the rear 50. This refers to the proper positioning of the motor vehicle
or sides of trucks may be allowed, subject to the approval of while traversing on a traffic way or while on parked.
the commissioner, but the total net weight of the device, A. Traffic Signs B. Parking
including cargo must not exceed: C. Lateral Placement D. Garage
A. 50 kilos B. 100 kilos 51.On the highways, with two or more lanes where traffic
C. 200 kilos D 250 kilos. goes in one direction another vehicle may be overtaken on
43.The following practices are prohibited while hitching on to what side of the road?
a vehicle except: A. Left B. Right C. Center
A.hanging on to or riding on the outside or rear D. The vehicle should stay on its lane.
B. holding on to any moving vehicle whether on foot or 52. The driver of a motor vehicle about to be overtaken must
otherwise. give way to the overtaking vehicle and shall not increase his
C hanging on to or riding on the inside of the vehicle. speed until the overtaking vehicle has fully passed by.
D. driver allowing any person to hang on to or ride outside of A. true B. partially true
or at the rear end of the vehicle. C. False D. Partially False
44. In any event that any accident should occur as a result of 53. To avoid accident or any unusual incidents, overtaking
the operation of motor vehicle upon a highway the driver and passing on the following places are restricted except.
shall observe the following. A. in any “no passing or overtaking”
A, report the accident
B. between any points indicated by the placing of official A.October B. September C. August D.July
temporary or caution signs indicating that men are working in 62. what week of the month should it be registered?
the highways. A. 1st week B. 2nd week C. 3rd week D. 4th week
C. when approaching the crest of a grade, nor upon a curve 63.the vehicle was registered on what region?
in the highway, where the driver’s view along the highway is A. Region 2 B. region 7
obstructed within a distance of five hundred feet ahead, C. Region 3 D. CARAGA
except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement 64. It is the oldest method of traffic control.
of vehicles in one direction. A. Traffic Signs B. Restraints
D.None of the above C. Traffic Signals D. Priority Control
54. The following are the rules to be observed in making a 65. It is the most easily recognized traffic control device.
correct turning to the right from a four-lane street except: A. Traffic Signs B. Restraints
A. signal your intention to turn right with your turning right C. Traffic Signals D. Priority Control
signal light or a hand signal atleast 200 ft. 66.These Signs are also known as “Caution Signs”.
B. stay on the right lane of the road A. Regulatory Signs B. Informative Signs
C. never make a right turn from left lane C. Danger Warning Signs D. Priority Signs
D. None of the Above 66.These signs are also known as “guide signs” or “direction
55. Motor vehicles intending to turn left from a four-lane signs”.
street to four-lane street should observe the following A. Regulatory Signs B. Informative Signs
procedures except: C. Danger Warning Signs D. Priority Signs
A. Signal Your intention to turn left with your turning signal 67.These signs have an equilateral triangular shape with one
or a hand signal atleast 100 feet before you intend to make horizontal and having red borders.
your turn. A. Regulatory Signs B. Informative Signs
B. Stay on the right lane of the road C. Danger Warning Signs D. Priority Signs
C. Never make a left turn from the right lane. 68.What is the size of pole of the triangular and inverted
D. None of the above traffic signs?
56. No driver shall park a vehicle, or permit it to stand, A. 2ft-5f B. 3ft-6ft C. 3ft-8ft D.2ft-8ft
whether attended or unattended, upon a highway in any of 69. What is the size of the triangular and inverted traffic
the following places and at any place where official signs signs?
have been erected prohibiting parking. A.300mm-750mm B. 300mm-600mm
A. In front of a private driveway C.200mm-900mm D.600mm-900mm
B. within an intersection 70. What is the size of the circular traffic signs?
C. on cross walk A.300mm-750mm B. 300mm-600mm
D. within 10 meters of the driveway entrance to any fire C.200mm-900mm D.600mm-900mm
station. 71.This sign is used to ensure caution before entering an
57.When parking at the side street of a downhill with or intersection and shall be used where a complete stop is
without curb the wheels should be turned to – required by law for safety.
A. Right B. left C. either left or right D. none of these A. Give way sign B. Stop sign
58. When parking at the side street of an uphill curb with C.Pedestrian Crossing D. Priority Signs
curb the wheels should be turned to – 72. The following are classification of regulatory signs
A. Right B. left C. either left or right D. none of these except:
59. This is known as the “anti-carnapping act of 1972” A. Priority Signs B. Stop Signs
A. R.A 10883 B. Act 6539 C. Direction signs D. Speed Signs
C. R.A 6539 D. R.A 8750 73.R2 -2 is known as?
60. Safety campaign is an important aspect of traffic safety A. two way B. One way C. All traffic D. Keep right
education because it: 74.R2-7 is known as?
A. can prevent accident A. two way B. One way C. All traffic D. Keep right
B. focuses on the strict compliance to traffic signs 75.What is the code for Miscellaneous Signs?
C. is designed to make road users behave in traffic A. R4 B. R5 C. R6 D. R2
D. informs the public of any updates in traffic 76.What is the code for speed signs?
For items 61-63 based your answer from the following: A. R4 B. R5 C. R6 D. R2
MV Plate Number: GTA 8778 77.These signs are usually made of disc with black
61. The month of the renewal of registration of the given MV numerals, reflectorized white background., and reflectorized
plate number is done every- red annular symbol.
A. Speed signs B. Speed Restriction A.Upon a highway shall bring to a full stop before traversing
C.Speed De-restriction D.Parking Signs any "through highway" or railroad crossing.
78.This is known as the “seat belt law” B.Upon a highway within a business or residential area shall
A. R.A 10883 B. Act 6539 yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing such highway
C. R.A 6539 D. R.A 8750 within crosswalk.
79.What is the code for reverse curve? C.In an express way shall not yield the right of way to the
A.W1-2 B.W1-3 C. W1-4 D.W1-6 police or fire department vehicles and ambulances.
D.Entering a highway from a private road or drive shall yield
80.W1-5 Is known as______. the right of way to all vehicles approaching on such highway
A. Reverse turn B. Curve 90. When there are two or more vehicles approaching the
C. Winding Road D.Reverse Curve intersection almost at the same time, one is travelling along
81. These are signs which impose legal restrictions the national road and the other is in the secondary road.
applicable at particular location usually enforceable in the Who has the right of way?
absence of such signs.
A.Vehicle on the left C. Vehicle on the right
A. Danger warning signs B. Regulatory signs
C. Informative Signs D. Priority signs B.Vehicle on the national road D. Vehicle on the
82. This law extends the validity period of all driver’s licenses secondary vehicle
from five to 10 years from the previous three years for
drivers with no violations. 91. What does this traffic sign mean?
A.P.D No. 1729 B. P.D No. 1605 A. Warning for a
C. R.A No. 4136 D. R.A No. 10930 curve to the
83. What is the proof that one is given permission by the right.
Land Transportation Office (LTO) to operate a vehicle on B. Dead end street.
C. Turning right prohibited.
public highways?
D. Entry prohibited
A.driver’s ID B. franchise
C. driver’s license D. operator’s license 92. What does this traffic sign mean?
84. On the old driver’s license, when the driver’s condition A. Warning for a curve to the left.
indicated in the driver’s license is E, it means the driver C. Turning right mandatory.
should? B. Turning left prohibited. D.
A.wear eye glasses Warning for a curve to the right. only with special equipment for lower limbs. 93. What does this traffic sign mean? only with special equipment for upper limbs. accompanied by a person with normal hearing A. Turning right prohibited.
85. A Protocol plate number of 3 is designated for:
A.Congressmen B. Senate President B. Warning for an
uncontrolled crossroad.
C. Senators D. House Speaker
C. Turning around
86.When two vehicles approach an intersection at
mandatory (U-turn
approximately the same time, which shall have the right of
D. Warning for a roundabout.
A.The vehicle coming from the right 94. What does this sign mean?
B. The vehicle coming from the left A. Mandatory Lane for cars.
C.The vehicle coming from the center B. Warning for two-way traffic.
D. The one which arrives there first C. Overtaking prohibited.
87. It is the privilege of immediate use of roadway in D. End of a lane.
preference to another vehicle or pedestrian.
A.Immunity B. Right of way 95. What does this sign mean?
C. Leniency D. Giving way A. Road with two-way traffic.
88. An elevated structure built for the safety of the B. All vehicles no entry
pedestrians in crossing busy highways. C. Turning left or right mandatory
A.Flyover B. Skyway
C. Underpass D. Overpass D. Warning for a danger w/ no specific
89. The following are principles of rules of right of way, traffic sign
EXCEPT the driver of the vehicle
96. What does this sign mean?
A. Vehicles wider than indicated
B. Vehicles higher than indicated
C. Warning for a movable bridge.
D. Vehicles heavier than indicated

97. What does this sign mean?

A. Overtaking prohibited for
B. Vehicles wider than indicated
C. Vehicles heavier than indicated
D. Trucks and buses prohibited
98. What does this sign mean?
A. Keep left
B. Reverse Curve
C. Curve
D.No U-turn

99. What does this sign mean?

A. Keep in line
B.Keep right
C. Keep Left
D. Merge to the left

100. What does this sign mean?

A.Crossing of cattle
B. Animal crossing
C. No animal Crossing
D. cattle crossing

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