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Lto Exam Set C

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SET C Written Exam Questionnaire

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: __________

DIRECTION: Multiple Choice. Incircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What should you do when ambulance comes up 10. What is the meaning of green traffic light?
behind you flashing red lights and/or sounding it’s a. Go signal for the vehicle
siren? b. Stop at the given line
a. Pull over to the right and slow down or even stop c. You are allowed to proceed by slowing down
if necessary
b. Speed up so that you don’t hold the ambulance 11. If you are approching a curve, what should you do?
c. Stop as soon as possible a. Speed up
b. Abruptly push the brake
2. There are incoming vehicles on the street of an c. Slow down
intersection with no traffic light, which vehicle has
the right of way? 12. What is the meaning of yellow traffic light?
a. The vehicle from the left side a. Stop
b. The vehicle that slows down first b. Prepare to stop, red traffic light is about to light up
c. The vehicle from the right side c. You can go, but slow down

3. A continous single yellow line on the road means? 13. While changing lanes, you should give signal, check
a. You can overtake on the left or right side your rear view mirror and?
b. It is prohibited to overtake on the right side a. Watch out for oncoming vehicles
c. It is prohibited to overtake on the left side b. Sound your horn
c. Turn on the vehicle’s headlight
4. You are not allowed to overtake at the foot bridge
because? 14. A driver is considered a Professional driver if?
a. People are crossing a. He/she is a driving expert
b. You cannot see on oncoming vehicles b. He/she can drive any vehicle
c. The bridge is narrow c. He/she is paid or earns money while driving a private
or public vehicle
5. What should you do before turning left right?
a. Immediately turm and sound your horn 15. If you are going to drive slow down on expressway,
b. Give signal not less than 30 meters before turning you should move on the?
c. Ignore giving a signal a. Middle lane
b. Left lane
6. Which of the following describes the picture: c. Right lane

a. Slippery road 16. A red flag or red light should be attached to any
b. Bumpy road vehicle cargo that exceeds?
c. Steep road a. Three meters from the back of the car
b. One meter from the back of the car
7. Which of the following describes the picture? c. Two meters from the back of the car

a. No parking 17. According to the law, you are not allowed to drive
b. Do not blow your horn fast, except when?
c. No entry a. All answers are correct
b. Speed is in accordance with the given speed light
8. Before leaving the parking area, you should? c. There is no danger in the road
a. Immediately go
b. Sound your horn 18. If the driver of a vehicle in front of you is giving a
c. Look around first hand signal by pointing his left hand upwards, he will
9. Before changing lanes on a highway, you must a. Turn right
give a signal for? b. Turn left
a. Five minutes before doing it c. Stop
b. One minute before doing it
c. Ten seconds before doing it
19. In a roundabout (rotunda), which has road 30. What is the maximum speed of a vehicle entering a
rights? school zone?
a. The vehicles approaching the roundabout a. A.35 kph
b. The vehicles in the roundabout b. B.20 kph
c. The vehicles facing the green light c. C.30 kph

20. What should you do if a policeman stops you? 31. What is the meaning of blinking red traffic light?
a. Stop and give the license and other papers for the a. Stop and proceed if there is no danger ahead
vehicle if the policeman ask for it b. Slow down and proceed if there is no danger ahead
b. Don’t mind the cop and drive faster c. Wait for the green signal
c. Stop and argue with the policeman
32. What are the white lines in the road for?
21. The necessary distance in between you and a. Divides lanes going in one direction
vehicle you are following should be? b. Separates traffic going in one direction
a. The same length as three full vehicles c. Sign that you can go left or right
b. The same length as a full vehicle
c. The same length as two full vehicles 33. What should you do to combat fatigue and
sleepiness during long road trip?
22. If you want to drive slower than other vehicles a. Drink alcohol before driving
on a highway you should stay on the? b. Stop every once in a while and rest
a. Right lane c. Drink medicine that prevent sleepiness
b. Left lane
c. Middle lane 34. What is the meaning of blinking red traffic light?
a. Stop the given line
23. What should you prepare for a long trip? b. Stop for awhile and continue if there is no danger
a. Plan your route and make sure the vehicle is c. Drive faster
running in good condition
b. All answers are correct 35. Obtaining a driver’s license is?
c. Prepare the necessary tools that can be used to a. An honor
repair the vehicle b. A privilege
c. A right
24. What should you bring before driving a vehicle?
a. Driver’s license and vehicle insurance paper 36. Which of the following decribes the picture?
b. Driver’s license a. Priority crossroads
c. Driver’s license, vehicle registration, and receipt of b. Sharp turn to the right
last LTO payment for the vehicle c. Sharp turn to the left

25. You can overtake in the right side of your

vehicle if: 37. Which of the following decribes the picture?
a. The sidewalk is wide
b. The road is two way a. Railroad crossing advance
c. The road has two or more lanes going in one warning
direction b. School zone/children crossing
26. The minimum age for the applicant of c. Hospital zone
Professional Driver’s License is:
a. 21 years old 38. Which of the following decribes the picture?
b. 18 years old a. No entry for car
c. 17 yrs old b. No entry for bus
c. No entry for jeepney
27. When should a driver make a decision?
a. While driving to anticipate other driver’s actions
b. If he is a good driver 39. Which of the following decribes the picture?
c. If there is a heavy traffic a. Dangerous bend
b. Dangerous curve to the left
28. You are not allowed to cross a lane with c. Dangerous curve to the right\
continuous yellow line on the road except if you are?
a. Changing lanes
b. Turning right
c. Turning left 40. Which of the following decribes the picture?
a. Do not enter
29. After overtaking, you want to safely go back to b. Do not enter if the vehicle is
the lane where you where you came from, you more than 2 meters wide
should? c. Do not enter if the vehicle is 2
a. Stop meters wide
b. Look at the vehicle you have overtaken by turning
your head
c. Use the rear view mirror to check the vehicle you
have overtaken

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