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Purposive Communication-Final Modules

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


Name of Student: ____________________________________________________Year/Section: _______________

Subject: ______________________________________________________________ Instructor: _________________




Overview/ Introduction

Presentations are according to Duarte (2014), “considered one of the most

powerful mediums of communication.” Most of the public communications are done to
give a lecture, present a new product, persuade people to act, build goodwill, or inform
the public.

When doing presentations, you need to have the skills needed to make your
presentation effective. Presentation skills do not only include your stance on stage and
your public speaking ability but also the structure of your presentation that you are
going to use. If you plan to be an effective presenter, you should never let yourself be
a victim of poor technology, poor visual aids, or poor understanding of the audience,
instead, be able to connect your ability to speak, the audience needs, and the
communication aids you will use.

This chapter focuses on the use of communication aids using tools of technology
to help the presenter in delivering his message to an audience.

Learning Outcomes

1. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and/or web-based presentation for

different target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate registers.

2. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.

3. Accomplish varied tasks in designing communication aids and the use of

technology tools.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the chapter, learners will be able to:

a. convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and/or web-based presentation for

different target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate

1 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
b. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.

Learning Activities

I. Lecture/Keypoints:

Communication Aids- these are visual support that presenters use to make their
presentation interesting and effective. There are a number of applications available for
supporting presentations but one tool will fit all presentations. That is why, you need to
decide which communication aid to use to fit your audience and topic.

Examples of communication aids available which could help you enhance your






2 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prezi and Powerpoint are the popularly used communication aids.

Powerpoint presentation has been the most common type of communication

utilized by presenters. However, it is also the most abused and misused communication
aid to date.

How to Use Powerpoint Presentation as a Communication Aid

1. Make your template as simple as possible.

2. Consider light and color. When the venue is dark, you may use a dark
background with light-colored texts. But when the venue is well-lighted, use a
light background with dark-colored texts.
3. Check your font size and style from the perspective of your audience.
4. Check the pictures you use. Make sure, it is of high quality and look for
5. Use words or phrases, not sentences. Be sure to get the keywords or important
details only regarding the topic which you will present.
6. Do not kill your audience with bullets. Make sure that every bullet only consists
of six words.
7. Limit the use of animations in validating an important concept. Animations are
only used for entertainment, if overused, it may cause distraction on the part of
your audience..
8. Highlight to emphasize the important words on your presentation.
9. Slides and handouts are not one and the same. Slides are used to emphasize
your point while handouts are supposed to be the summary of your presentation
which the audience can take home.

Designing Posters, Billboards, and Tarpaulins

Print advertisement like posters, billboards, and tarpaulins are mediums of

communications which have the purpose of, more often than not, persuasion. You are
posting these mediums because more likely, you would want people to buy your
product. Since you wanted to persuade people, it is both challenging and interesting to
design messages for these mediums.
Here are guidelines to help you design your message:
1. Start with a good idea.
2. Use your life as a motivation.
3. Do good in using the medium.
4. Dirty your hands.
5. Remember the “rule of fives.”
6. Love the brand.
7. Use the magic of scales and proportion.
8. Forget conventions.

3 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Designing Product Packages
1. Make the packaging reusable. It serves as an added factor to push the sales on
your product.
2. Make sure the packaging does no harm to the product.
3. Use the “Special Edition” effect.
4. Think out of the box.
5. Use less to have more.
6. Integrate trends with the packaging design.
7. Study your market and design for them.
8. Make it fun. Make your packaging cute.
9. Your best competition is yourself, so compete with your products present
packaging and outdo it.
10.Easy carry makes money.
11.Strategically, use color to outdo competitions.
12.Let them see the product.


1. Come up with your own product. Using a sketch/drawing, design an
advertisement for your product. Use a short bond paper in accomplishing this

 Originality of Product 50%
 Impact to the Audience 40%
 Cleanliness of Piece 10%

2. On another sheet of short bond paper, create and design your product
packaging. You may use the draft provided below for your design.

Product: ____________________________________
Description of the Product:

Target Audience: (specific description)

Packaging Description:

Packaging Design: (illustrate the packaging which you want to work on)

4 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
 Originality of Packaging Design 50%
 Product an Packaging Description 40%
 Cleanliness of Piece 10%



In this chapter, you will focus on the application of appropriate language

registers, facial expressions, and gestures in delivering the different types of speeches
according to purpose. You will also learn to assess audience and use proper context in
your presentations.
In the previous chapters, you have learned the importance of using language
registers and non-verbal communication to support the message you are sending. In
this chapter, you will write and deliver your message.

Learning Outcomes
1. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, facial
expressions, and gestures.
2. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.
3. Deliver different speeches according to purpose.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the chapter, the learners will be able to:
a. present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, facial
expressions, and gestures.
b. adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.
c. deliver different speeches according to purpose.

Learning Activities
I. Lecture/ Keypoints

Note: Review Language Registers, Facial Expressions, Gestures, and The Audience in
order for you to connect yourself on how the delivery of messages will be done in this

Understanding Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative Communication

5 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Informative Communication- it is done when you share something you know about
anything under the heat of the sun. This purpose of communication is factual, accurate, and
unbiased. Informative essay aims to educate readers.

Five structures to choose from when writing informative communication:

1. Cause and Effect
2. Comparison and Contrast
3. Order or Sequence
4. Problem-Solution
5. Definition

Persuasion- it is the process of convincing people to change their attitude towards an

issue and believe your ideas.
Three modes of Persuasion according to Aristotle:
1. Logos- it refers to the content and discussion.
2. Pathos- it refers to the emotional influence of the speaker to the audience.
3. Ethos- it refers to the personal character of the speaker.
Note: Be honest with the content and factual with the argumentation. Honesty and accuracy
are the keys to attain persuasive communication.
Empathy or being able o feel your audience is also important if you want them to
believe in you.
You also need to look credible to your audience in order for them to trust you.

Argumentative Communication- it is done when you choose a stand on a controversial

issue and attack or argue against the position or perspective of the other person.

Note: Always be reminded that in argumentation, you are attacking the perspective of the
person and not the person himself.

When presenting your arguments, you should be careful not include the following comments:
1. “Stop being stupid.” (It implies something is wrong with the person.)
2. “It is a common knowledge that your sister was a flop in acting, but I expected you to
be better.” (It is an attack on significant others.)
3. “Let’s check if you did it right this time.” (It implies a history of getting it wrong.)
4. “This task is easy for most people, but I understand that it is not easy for you.” (It
implies incompetence.)
5. “Oh well, you did it right this time! And I thought you were hopeless!” (It is a line for
mockery, and it also implies incompetence.”

Types of Speeches According to Purpose

In public speaking, the three major types of speech according to purpose are speech to
inform, speech to entertain, and speech to persuade.

Speech to Inform- it is the most common type of speech. As a speaker using this type of
speech, you need to educate or expose your audience to things or information they are not
aware of or they need to know more about.

6 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Speech to Entertain- it is usually short just to give the audience an enjoyable and
relaxing experience.

In order for you not to offend anybody while constructing a speech to entertain, you
should know who your audiences are. Remember that audience in a public speaking is
heterogeneous. Be sensitive and follow some steps provided in order for you to be guided:
1. Choose a light topic.
2. Enjoy the moment.
3. Visualize the story in your head.
4. Surprise your audience.

Speech to Persuade- it aims to influence the thinking or behavior of its audience. It is the
most challenging speech to write and deliver because you need to organize your speech in a
way that is acceptable to your audience without threatening or forcing them.


Choose one of the three types of speeches. Then, think of a topic which you want to
talk about. Be sure that you follow the key points and the guidelines provided. (Read the
rubrics below for you to be guided accordingly)


Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction is
does not somewhat engages the creative and
attempt to attempts to audience. The engages the
engage the engage the main idea of the audience. The
audience and audience but the speech is clear. main idea of the
the main idea of main idea of the speech is clear.
the speech is speech is
unclear. somewhat
Body- Ideas, -Topic has an -Topic is -Topic is -Topic is specific
details and unclear focus somewhat specific. and unique.
connection to and is not general. -Main idea is -Main idea is
the main topic effectively - Speech has supported. thoroughly
developed. little support for There is a good supported. Ideas
-Main idea is the main idea. sequencing of flow together
unsupported. Ideas are poorly ideas. well and engage
-Speech is developed. -There is an audience’s
described with -There is little effective use of interest.
limited detail. descriptive descriptive -There are many
detail. details. effective and
Conclusion Lacks an Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion is
adequate weak and good, provided clear, concise
conclusion. Main somewhat and effective and effective.
idea was not unrelated to the ending. Restated Reflects content
restated. main idea. the main idea of and the main
Audience was the speech. idea in an
unsure if the original and

7 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
speech had interesting way.
Structure and Vocabulary and Vocabulary and Vocabulary and There is an
vocabulary sentence sentence sentence extensive use of
structure is structure lacks structure are vocabulary and
limited and originality and is original and sentence
repetitive. repetitive. effective. structure.
Vocabulary is
effective and


Module 3-Communication for Work Purposes


Globalization has brought changes in business, health, education, politics, and

even communication. The birth of cultural diversity within the workforce led companies
to be mindful of the importance of communication in the workplace.

The definition of what a workplace is has evolved. You just need to do a

teleconference and you can have the meeting in the comfort of your office. If you are a
businessman, you can stay at home and still easily promote your products in
international markets with the help of technology and new media. Corporate decisions
are faster because of so many aids in communication. Even doctors can assist during
surgery without being in the operating room. The teaching profession is not limited to
classrooms anymore. The workplace, at present, is not restricted to the four walls of a
room because of technology-assisted communication.

Media’s innovation has elicited different reactions from citizens all over the world.
Most consumers were overwhelmed by the evolution of media and technology that here
in the Philippines, the government and media practitioners deemed it important to
include media literacy in the curriculum of the basic education.

With all these changes that globalization brought, learners like you need
to be equipped with proper skills in communicating in multicultural workplace.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Practice a deliberate writing process with emphasis on inquiry, audience,
research and revision;
2. Demonstrate familiarity with different communication materials, including but not
limited to minutes, memo, business letters and incident report ; and
3. Employ a writing process and demonstrate the ability to write clear sentences
and construct paragraphs and essays that effectively make use of supporting
details, examples and evidences.

8 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to:
a. Create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials;
b. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial
expressions, and gestures; and
c. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting and communicating

I. Learning Activities

A. Lecture


Global communication has two forms: internal and external communication.

Internal communication would refer to the message within the company, while
external communication would refer to message sent to audience outside the


 Minutes
 Memo
 Business Letter
 Incident Report


Minutes are written records of meetings conducted by a group. Minutes may

include motions made during the meetings, plans discussed, actions done and what was
agreed upon. Templates of minutes may vary depending on the company or

If used during follow up meetings, it serves as a reminder of the tasks assigned to

particular participants. When distributed during the meeting, it serves as a source of
informantionh for participants who were not able to attend. Below is a list of minute’s

Minutes generally include the following:

1. Date and time of the meeting
2. Names of all meeting attendees
3. Names of those invited but were not able to attend
4. Distributed documents during the meeting
5. Decisions made for each item in the agenda
6. New business
7. Next meeting time and date

9 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Tips for note taking:
1. Start with an outline.
2. Have all attendees sign an attendance sheet.
3. Be sure to record decisions made for each agenda item.
4. You may clarify things if needed.
5. Do not try to write everything. Learn to weed out unnecessary things.
6. You may record the meetings, just make sure the body is amenable.

Now, try to check different templates of minutes from the internet. You do not
have to copy a particular template. Use them as patterns or inspiration for the design of
your minute’s template.


Memos are short, formal internal communications of an organization. They are

used to convey information regarding problems or solutions to problems (e.g. changes
in policy, price increases, etc.); call for action; (e.g. attending a meeting);
announcements ( e.g. upcoming seminars).

When writing your memo, remember the following:

1. Be familiar with the memo format utilized by your company.
2. Do not forget to label your memo for your recipients to easily identify that it is
not a letter.
3. Your memo must be conscise and direct to the point.
4. You should keep it one to two pages long.
5. Your memo should start with an introduction followed by the body. Observe the
use of single-spaced paragraphs and skip a line after each pagragraph.
6. Unlike letters , memos do not have a closing. The way to end your memo is by
using a summary or salutation like “thank you” or “sincerely” and your name.
7. You are not required to affix your signature at the bottom when you write
8. Do not forget to proofread your memo before sending it.
9. You may send your memo via- email or in paper.
Here is a pattern for your memo heading:

To: (this is/are your recipients and their titles if applicable )

From: ( your complete name with job title)

Subject: (in one word or a phrase, write the main idea of your memo)

Date : (write the complete date)


A business letter is a formal communication used by a company for internal or

external purposes. Business letter can be used for the following purposes: showing a
gesture of appreciation; making a complaint; suggesting solutions; applying for a

10 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
position; informing employees or clients; etc. Recipients of business letters can range
from employees (all ranks) to clients or other companies.

A business letter is composed of the following parts:

Heading You can find the complete address of the sender in the heading
Date You must spell out the name of the month, followed by the day and
the year.
The date the letter is written.
e.g. April 28, 2020
Inside Address On this part you have three to four lines about the addressee:
1st Line- Title and name Esther Susan N. Perez- Mari,MSc-Fm,MD, PhD.
2nd line- Position President
3rd Line- Company Name University of Cagayan Valley
4th Line -Company Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
Salutation You are going to address the recipient in this line. You start by
writing the abbreviation for the appropriate designation of the
person by his/her surname. End with a colon.
Introduction This is to indicate the purpose of the letter.
Body All the supporting details for the purpose of your letter should be
written in the body.
Conclusion This is the part where you write your appeal or the action that you
would like your recipient to do.
Complimentary Close You should end your letter according to your relationship to the
e.g. Respectfully,
Signature Line Write your name on the first line.
Indicate your designation on the next line.


An incident report is a form that discloses details of an unpremeditated event

that happened in the workplace. This report is done to document unusual events that
happened in the workplace. This report is done to document unusual events that might
happen in the workplace, examples of unsual events are: a chemical spillage in a
factory, an accident resulting to injury, an event that exposed an employee to a certain
risk, etc.

1. Find the facts and be specific in narrating everything that happened.

Facts may be include date, time ,location, names, job titles, department,
immediate supervisor, name of witnesses, events leading to accident,
environmental conditions, etc.

E.g. Vehicle theft

At about 10 AM on April 20, 2020, I met with Mr. George Pangilinan (a public
servant) in front of the University of Cagayan Valley, Balzain Campus regarding
vehicle theft. Mr. George said that he parked his car outside the building of the

11 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
university and went into a nearby shop (NOVO Jeans and Shirt bldg.).

2. Determine the sequence.

Find the events leading up to the incident; are involved in the incident; are
immediately following the incident.
She went to NOVO to return a faulty torch she had purchased the previous
day. After returning from the shop, she discovered that her car was missing.

3. Analyze.
Make a thorough investigation of the causes of the accident. Include factors that
contributed to the accident.

Mr. Pangilinan told me that he locked his car, but he did not have the key. He
now believed that he may have left the keys in the boot lock after removing the
faulty torch from the boot. Mr. Pangilinan said he had not given permission to
anyone to take his car.
After conducting investigation of the crime scene, we found no items of
evidence. There were no broken glass, no items to retrieve or photograph.

4. Recommend.
Endorse corrective actions.

With the advent of vehicle theft that is happening in the area, we recommend
that car owners should park in parking areas with CCTV camera, to lock their cars
before leaving and to make sure that the car keys are safe and secure with them.



7.1. Write a memo up to three paragraphs long for one (1) of the following
scenarios. Decide who the memo should be sent to and what the subject of the
message is. Use the template on the next page of this module or you may use the
given template on your book, page 160.

Situation 1
You are the office manager and want to remind everyone to clean up after
themselves in the lunchroom. There was recently an infestation of cockroaches. The
building has since been fumigated but you still require the cooperation of staff to
prevent a re-infestation.

State the purpose of the memo, your reason(s) for sending it (i.e. the kind of
behaviour you have noticed) and what actions you want taken.
Situation 2
You are an administrative assistant. You want to tell people about an upcoming
computer training seminar. You are attaching a brochure about the seminar from
the presenter, but you also need to inform them of the following:
 What the training is for

12 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
 Who the presenter is, including a brief statement about his/her background
 Where the training will be held, including date and time
 How much is the registration fee for the the upcoming training/seminar
 Whether or not lunch and/or any refreshment will be served
Situation 3
Write a memo about a topic of your choice. Tell recipients the purpose of the memo,
your reason(s) for sending it and what action you want taken. Provide suggestions
in your memo is appropriate


 correct date and consistent format, subject line is brief and precise
 coherence and clarity of the message
 correct sentence structure and correct punctuation
TONE 10%
 reader centered language and use of corteous and professional

Total Score 50%


To: ________________________

From: ________________________

Subject: ________________________

Date: ________________________



13 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n


7.2. JOB APPLICATION LETTER. Write a letter applying for a specific job for which
you are qualified, thinking that you already graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Use the
following format (Times New Roman, Size 12, Letter Size, Full Block Style)

Address your application letter to:

Esther Susan N. Perez- Mari, MSc-Fm, MD, PhD.

University of Cagayan Valley
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


Format 10%
Related Qualifications to the job applying for 10%
Parts of the Letter (Complete) 10%
Clarity and Cohesiveness of the Introduction to 10%
Grammar and Punctuation 10%
Total 50 %

7.3. Choose one among the following scenario and write an incident report about it.
Use the template provided on the next page or you may use the template on your book
on pp. 171-172.

Vehicle Theft
Drunk Driving
Loss of personal belonging in the company
Identity Theft
Sexual harassment


Accuracy 10 %

14 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Content 20 %
Coherence/Organization 10 %
Mechanics/Grammar 10 %

Total 50%


Job: ________________________ Date of Incident: ______________________ Time

1. What was the incident?

2. Were there any injuries? (Any injuries requires an Accident Report Form)

3. Was there any damage to property or plant?

4. What caused the accident?

5. What actions will be taken to eliminate future repeats of the incident?

6. Management comments

Signed off by management when corrective actions have been adopted and monitored.

15 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Management signature __________________ Date of sign off___________________

Module 4-Communication for Academic Purposes

Writing research has been introduced to you during your senior high school
years. Maybe you were asked to write something related to your track and you may not
have realized the relevance of the course yet that time.
Research related writing may take the form of a report, feasibility study,
development plans, etc. All workplace utilize research. Doctors always update
themselves on the trends of medicine via research. The television shows and films you
watch went through audience studies before they conceptualized. The workplace
cannot survive without research.
Learning Outcomes
And the end of the lesson students will:
 Develop a research topic with a manageable focus: and
 Demonstrate and apply proper study skills for college success in coming up with
a research topic.

Learning Objectives
 Write research topics with appropriate tone, conventions and styles;
 Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas; and
 Convey ideas accurately and clearly through written presentation for different
target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate registers.

Learning Activities
How do you start? You determine first what you already know and what your interest
are. The first few ideas that would come to your mind can become your list of choices.
To trim it down you need to answer the following questions:
1. What particular aspect of that topic would you like to study?
2. What will be the purpose of your study?
3. How large would be your study in terms of participants and locations?
4. Who would be the beneficiaries of your study?
5. How do you plan to make your studies?

After answering all those questions, it will be easier for you to choose what possible
research topics you will propose.

16 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Possible Topics Remarks

Now, you may highlight or put remarks on the topics that you have listed. Remarks
could be about the level of difficulty, the possibility to conduct the research on the time
frame provided, the level of interest that you have about the topic, etc.
Trim down the list to three topics and answer the following questions.


What particular aspect of that topic would you like to study?

What will be the purpose of the study?

How large would be your study in terms of participants and location?

Who would be the beneficiaries of the study?

17 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
How do you plan to make the study?


Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Develop a Student Student Student Student
research topic identifies a identifies a identifies a identifies a
Associated topic that is topic that topic that they topic that is
outcome: something they needs to be can find little not
Students will can find scaled more information something
develop a information about they can
research topic about reasonably
with a find
manageable information
focus about
Writing Report has no It has few to Report has Report is
Mechanics and errors in several errors many errors in unreadable.
Readability spelling, in spelling, spelling,
punctuation punctuation punctuation
and/or and/or and/or
grammar. grammar. grammar.
Report is easy Report is Report is
to read. readable. difficult to
Content and Content is very Content is Content is not Content is not
details informative. It informative. always related relevant or
has supporting Report has to the topic. accurate. No
details and adequate Many details.
interesting to details. inaccuracies,
read. few supporting

Score: __________________________________

Prepared by: English Instructors

Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers Co.,Inc.

18 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n

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